Custom Query (137 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#35 Function pointer casts are broken Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect blocker cfa-cc 1.0
#250 Incorrect address calculation of polymorphc object on clean-up Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> defect blocker cfa-cc 1.0
#39 Global const array initialization broke with references Rob Schluntz defect critical cfa-cc 1.0
#43 Anonymous generics ctor Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect critical cfa-cc 1.0
#1 Self-referential generic types require forward declarations pabuhr defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#8 No reasonable alternative defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#9 Unconstrained dtype return values are closed in unification Rob Schluntz defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#14 Parsing error with multiple generic forward declarations pabuhr defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#16 Trac not sending emails Rob Schluntz defect major other 1.0
#19 Functions taking array types and taking pointer types are conflicting overloads Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#22 Basic types in forall/trait allowed pabuhr defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#23 Function call syntax not working Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#24 Non-compatible safety conversion (like C++), prevent void * to T * Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> enhancement major cfa-cc 1.0
#26 Implicit conversion from zero_t do not work. defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#27 Thunks are not generated for polymorphic-to-monomorphic function casts. Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#29 sizeof(foo) does not work, where foo is a variable of polymorphic type. defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#31 Glen's new prelude enhancement major prelude 1.0
#32 assert.h fails to compile in non __STRICT_ANSI__ mode Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#40 Full coroutine Thierry Delisle defect major libcfa 1.0
#41 Duplicate function on generic specialisation Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#42 Generic index Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#47 Constructors are not generated when struct has union or enum member Rob Schluntz defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#48 ttype assertion resolution is too strict Rob Schluntz defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#49 Tuple construction generates the wrong code for references Rob Schluntz defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#51 Reference assignment allows pointer conversions Rob Schluntz defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#54 return not detected Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#55 intrusive stack crash Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#56 Overloading for GCC atomic builtins is broken defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#59 Unsized generics have incorrect pointer arithmetic Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#64 LValue assignment incorrect error Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#65 Member expression qualifiers are wrong Rob Schluntz defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#67 LValue assignment incorrect error : the return Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#69 With statement and anonymous fields Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#73 Infinite loop with generics and new Rob Schluntz defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#74 Generic reference member generates incorrect code Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#78 Generic array element dereference Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#80 With statement and function parameters. Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#86 Parsing Error tuples access with spaces defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#90 Crash on complex nesting Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#92 Field with deleted copy constructors don't work defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#99 Crash on made-up generic parameters Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#100 Ternary operator lost of const or some other cost Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#105 Compiler crash deleted expression Thierry Delisle defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#112 Dump a better core on time-out Thierry Delisle task major libcfa 1.0
#118 Incorrect bit shift warning a3moss defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#121 Comparison failure defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#122 Reference assignment defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#126 Pointer assignment with incorrect type not correctly rejected defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#142 constant expression problem defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#151 Input crashes CC1 pabuhr defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#154 linking problem Thierry Delisle defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#161 Parsing doesn't handle attributes on new style declaration pabuhr defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#165 Exceptions in the Exceptions File defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#173 Catch Declaration not Seen by Condition (New AST only) defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#182 Static Const Global variable segfault in generated code Michael Brooks <mlbrooks@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#189 Reference and pointer types allow unsound initialization defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#192 Can't catch exception raised by default resumption handler of another exception defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#196 Forward Declaring Generic Types Crash with Dtypes defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#198 Forward Declaration Leads to Bad Function Pointer Types defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#204 Conversion cost ignores type parameters defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#212 Revert InferUnion change in new-ast defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#214 Assertion with sized generic parameter breaks the declaring function's body defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#217 Typedef Attributes Not Expanded In Functions defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#223 Cannot Convert Function Pointer to Bool defect major prelude 1.0
#235 Wrong disambiguation in the presence of extra type variables Michael Brooks <mlbrooks@…> defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#241 Parser doesn't handle pragmas correctly pabuhr defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#256 New Clause Node for Statements enhancement major cfa-cc 1.0
#266 Increment hoisted outside the loop defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#286 typeof Decays Array Types defect major cfa-cc 1.0
#2 Variable Trait Requirements Cannot be Solved with Globals defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#3 No constructors in prelude from zero_t, one_t a3moss defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#4 User-generated constructors for basic types overload non-matching prelude constructors Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#6 Vector as Field of Generic Type Fails to Compile defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#12 Excess elements in struct initializer Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#13 Default type arguments for generic types Rob Schluntz enhancement minor cfa-cc 1.0
#15 Error Generating result Condition (!=zero_t) Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#17 Can't assign 0 to function pointer Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#18 Allow sizeof On Generic Type Parameters Aaron Moss <a3moss@…> enhancement minor cfa-cc 1.0
#21 Destructors do not run on Stack Unwinding defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#36 constructor call, assertion failure Rob defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#37 Missing generated code Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#38 Resolver error with strdup from string.h defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#45 Const ref error in tuple defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#52 Resolution fails for initialization Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#53 Tuple costs are incorrect Rob Schluntz defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#58 typo in generic type instantiation crashes the compiler Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#60 typo in generic type constraint crashes the compiler Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#61 Polymorphic type disallowed in structure definition Rob defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#63 Generic Struct Inside Declaration Results in "Too few type arguments" defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#68 Generic thread Rob defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#71 CFA segment fault Thierry defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#75 Assertion failure in initialization of array with non-constant dimension Rob Schluntz defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#76 VLA array and operator ?<? Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#79 Statement expression as a sub-expression fails resolution Rob Schluntz defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#83 Missing semantic checks defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#84 tuple pointer assignment Rob Schluntz defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#89 forall distribution order is wrong defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#97 Missing polymorphic type has no line number Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#98 Duplicate function has no line number Rob Schluntz <rschlunt@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#102 typeof confuses constructor generation Rob Schluntz defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#103 typeof allows duplicate variables Rob Schluntz defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#106 waitfor problem Thierry defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#107 tuple depth problem defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#109 Python build Thierry Delisle task minor jenkins 1.0
#110 Borken benchmarks don't fail the build Thierry Delisle defect minor jenkins 1.0
#114 ARM architecture unavailable Thierry task minor jenkins 1.0
#115 No zero_t constructor for int defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#119 Automatic ticket closing Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> defect minor other 1.0
#123 Reference failure Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#124 Configure doesn't seem to catch CFAFLAGS properly Thierry Delisle defect minor other 1.0
#127 Anonymous parameters should have attribute((unused)) implicitly enhancement minor cfa-cc 1.0
#128 Rearchitect TupleType enhancement minor cfa-cc 1.0
#129 Infinite Recursion in TypeSubstitution::Substituter::postmutate defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#131 The -n option wants an argument. Peter defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#137 Better lvalue handling task minor cfa-cc 1.0
#144 break target on try fails defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#149 Incorrectly resolving asm statement operand names defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#150 Incorrect Scoping when using continue Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#152 Incorrect Lvalue conversion when using inline assembly Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#158 Missing constructor reference parameter Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#160 Constant 0p (NULL) does not work at the global declaration level defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#164 Resumption Re-Throw Error After Another Throw defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#170 unpark new thread Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> enhancement minor libcfa 1.0
#190 Re-throw-resume incorrectly depends on enclosing function return type defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#224 Cannot initialize static local constant Michael Brooks <mlbrooks@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#228 To define behaviour of new-delete on empty structs Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…> enhancement minor libcfa 1.0
#230 Deleted declaration (=void) is available via assertion defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#237 Various container includes cannot be in the same compile unit Michael Brooks <mlbrooks@…> defect minor libcfa 1.0
#253 Plan-9 with dynamic layout gives wrong field offsets Michael Brooks <mlbrooks@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#255 Better Linkage Default enhancement minor cfa-cc 1.0
#261 Assignment for flexible array member Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> defect minor cfa-cc 1.0
#72 starting main Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…> defect trivial cfa-cc 1.0
#77 Assertion failure in initialization of enum Rob Schluntz defect trivial cfa-cc 1.0
#94 waitfor error message inconsistent Thierry defect trivial cfa-cc 1.0
#116 Expected Files not matched exactly for tests defect trivial cfa-cc 1.0
#117 Rational constructor from 0 is declared but undefined pabuhr defect trivial libcfa 1.0
#242 blocking_lock waiter count is wrong caparsons defect trivial libcfa 1.0
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