Changeset 08e8851 for doc

Sep 29, 2020, 1:51:01 PM (4 years ago)
Fangren Yu <f37yu@…>
ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, master, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum
1526e86, 87b9332, 9dc3eb21
2ff78aae (diff), d13dd6b (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' of into master

4 added
4 edited
23 moved


  • doc/papers/concurrency/Paper.tex

    r2ff78aae r08e8851  
    451451stateful                        & thread        & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{No} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Yes} \\
    452 \hline   
    453 \hline   
    454454No                                      & No            & \textbf{1}\ \ \ @struct@                              & \textbf{2}\ \ \ @mutex@ @struct@              \\
    455 \hline   
    456456Yes (stackless)         & No            & \textbf{3}\ \ \ @generator@                   & \textbf{4}\ \ \ @mutex@ @generator@   \\
    457 \hline   
    458458Yes (stackful)          & No            & \textbf{5}\ \ \ @coroutine@                   & \textbf{6}\ \ \ @mutex@ @coroutine@   \\
    459 \hline   
    460460No                                      & Yes           & \textbf{7}\ \ \ {\color{red}rejected} & \textbf{8}\ \ \ {\color{red}rejected} \\
    461 \hline   
    462462Yes (stackless)         & Yes           & \textbf{9}\ \ \ {\color{red}rejected} & \textbf{10}\ \ \ {\color{red}rejected} \\
    463 \hline   
    464464Yes (stackful)          & Yes           & \textbf{11}\ \ \ @thread@                             & \textbf{12}\ \ @mutex@ @thread@               \\
    30423042Rust tokio thread               & 1860.0        & 1881.1        & 37.6          \\
    30433043Rust thread                             & 53801.0       & 53896.8       & 274.9         \\
    3044 Java thread                             & 120274.0      & 120722.9      & 2356.7        \\
     3044Java thread (   10 000)         & 119256.0      & 119679.2      & 2244.0        \\
     3045Java thread (1 000 000)         & 123100.0      & 123052.5      & 751.6         \\
    30453046Pthreads thread                 & 31465.5       & 31419.5       & 140.4
    30973098\uC @signal@ monitor            & 328.3         & 327.4         & 2.4           \\
    30983099Rust cond. variable                     & 7514.0        & 7437.4        & 397.2         \\
    3099 Java @notify@ monitor           & 9623.0        & 9654.6        & 236.2         \\
     3100Java @notify@ monitor (  1 000 000)             & 8717.0        & 8774.1        & 471.8         \\
     3101Java @notify@ monitor (100 000 000)             & 8634.0        & 8683.5        & 330.5         \\
    31003102Pthreads cond. variable         & 5553.7        & 5576.1        & 345.6
    31813183Goroutine mutex lock                    & 34.0  & 34.0  & 0.0   \\
    31823184Rust mutex lock                                 & 33.0  & 33.2  & 0.8   \\
    3183 Java synchronized method                & 31.0  & 31.0  & 0.0   \\
     3185Java synchronized method (   100 000 000)               & 31.0  & 30.9  & 0.5   \\
     3186Java synchronized method (10 000 000 000)               & 31.0 & 30.2 & 0.9 \\
    31843187Pthreads mutex Lock                             & 31.0  & 31.1  & 0.4
    32013204% To: "Peter A. Buhr" <>
    32023205% Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 13:49:18 -0500
    3203 % 
    32043207% I can also verify that the previous version, which just tied a bunch of promises together, *does not* go back to the
    32053208% event loop at all in the current version of Node. Presumably they're taking advantage of the fact that the ordering of
    32483251Rust tokio thread       & 143.0         & 143.0         & 1.7   \\
    32493252Rust thread                     & 332.0         & 331.4         & 2.4   \\
    3250 Java thread                     & 405.0         & 415.0         & 17.6  \\
     3253Java thread     (      100 000)         & 405.0         & 415.0         & 17.6  \\
     3254Java thread (  100 000 000)                     & 413.0 & 414.2 & 6.2 \\
     3255Java thread (5 000 000 000)                     & 415.0 & 415.2 & 6.1 \\
    32513256Pthreads thread         & 334.3         & 335.2         & 3.9
  • doc/refrat/refrat.tex

    r2ff78aae r08e8851  
    1111%% Created On       : Wed Apr  6 14:52:25 2016
    1212%% Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    13 %% Last Modified On : Wed Jan 31 17:30:23 2018
    14 %% Update Count     : 108
     13%% Last Modified On : Thu Sep 24 16:34:51 2020
     14%% Update Count     : 109
    3030\usepackage{upquote}                                                                    % switch curled `'" to straight
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    75 \newcommand{\Version}{\input{../../version}}
  • doc/theses/andrew_beach_MMath/thesis.tex

    r2ff78aae r08e8851  
    36 % Main glossary entries -- definitions of relevant terminology
    37 \newglossaryentry{computer}
    38 {
    39 name=computer,
    40 description={A programmable machine that receives input data,
    41                stores and manipulates the data, and provides
    42                formatted output}
    43 }
    45 % Nomenclature glossary entries -- New definitions, or unusual terminology
    46 \newglossary*{nomenclature}{Nomenclature}
    47 \newglossaryentry{dingledorf}
    48 {
    49 type=nomenclature,
    50 name=dingledorf,
    51 description={A person of supposed average intelligence who makes incredibly
    52                brainless misjudgments}
    53 }
    55 % List of Abbreviations (abbreviations are from the glossaries-extra package)
    56 \newabbreviation{aaaaz}{AAAAZ}{American Association of Amature Astronomers
    57                and Zoologists}
    59 % List of Symbols
    60 \newglossary*{symbols}{List of Symbols}
    61 \newglossaryentry{rvec}
    62 {
    63 name={$\mathbf{v}$},
    64 sort={label},
    65 type=symbols,
    66 description={Random vector: a location in n-dimensional Cartesian space, where
    67                each dimensional component is determined by a random process}
    68 }
     36% Define all the glossaries.
    7039% Generate the glossaries defined above.
  • doc/user/user.tex

    r2ff78aae r08e8851  
    1111%% Created On       : Wed Apr  6 14:53:29 2016
    1212%% Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    13 %% Last Modified On : Fri Mar  6 13:34:52 2020
    14 %% Update Count     : 3924
     13%% Last Modified On : Thu Sep 24 16:34:52 2020
     14%% Update Count     : 3997
    3030\usepackage{upquote}                                                                    % switch curled `'" to straight
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    6441% red highlighting ®...® (registered trademark symbol) emacs: C-q M-.
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     59% removes it as a variable-name character so keywords in variables are highlighted. MUST APPEAR
     63\setlength{\topmargin}{-0.45in}                                                 % move running title into header
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    254257The signature feature of \CFA is \emph{\Index{overload}able} \Index{parametric-polymorphic} functions~\cite{forceone:impl,Cormack90,Duggan96} with functions generalized using a ©forall© clause (giving the language its name):
    255 \begin{lstlisting}
    256259®forall( otype T )® T identity( T val ) { return val; }
    257260int forty_two = identity( 42 ); §\C{// T is bound to int, forty\_two == 42}§
    258 \end{lstlisting}
    259262% extending the C type system with parametric polymorphism and overloading, as opposed to the \Index*[C++]{\CC{}} approach of object-oriented extensions.
    260263\CFA{}\hspace{1pt}'s polymorphism was originally formalized by \Index*{Glen Ditchfield}\index{Ditchfield, Glen}~\cite{Ditchfield92}, and first implemented by \Index*{Richard Bilson}\index{Bilson, Richard}~\cite{Bilson03}.
    276279A simple example is leveraging the existing type-unsafe (©void *©) C ©bsearch© to binary search a sorted floating array:
    277 \begin{lstlisting}
    278281void * bsearch( const void * key, const void * base, size_t dim, size_t size,
    279282                                int (* compar)( const void *, const void * ));
    284287double key = 5.0, vals[10] = { /* 10 sorted floating values */ };
    285288double * val = (double *)bsearch( &key, vals, 10, sizeof(vals[0]), comp ); §\C{// search sorted array}§
    286 \end{lstlisting}
    287290which can be augmented simply with a polymorphic, type-safe, \CFA-overloaded wrappers:
    288 \begin{lstlisting}
    289292forall( otype T | { int ?<?( T, T ); } ) T * bsearch( T key, const T * arr, size_t size ) {
    290293        int comp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) { /* as above with double changed to T */ }
    297300double * val = bsearch( 5.0, vals, 10 ); §\C{// selection based on return type}§
    298301int posn = bsearch( 5.0, vals, 10 );
    299 \end{lstlisting}
    300303The nested function ©comp© provides the hidden interface from typed \CFA to untyped (©void *©) C, plus the cast of the result.
    301304Providing a hidden ©comp© function in \CC is awkward as lambdas do not use C calling-conventions and template declarations cannot appear at block scope.
    305308\CFA has replacement libraries condensing hundreds of existing C functions into tens of \CFA overloaded functions, all without rewriting the actual computations.
    306309For example, it is possible to write a type-safe \CFA wrapper ©malloc© based on the C ©malloc©:
    307 \begin{lstlisting}
    308311forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * malloc( void ) { return (T *)malloc( sizeof(T) ); }
    309312int * ip = malloc(); §\C{// select type and size from left-hand side}§
    310313double * dp = malloc();
    311314struct S {...} * sp = malloc();
    312 \end{lstlisting}
    313316where the return type supplies the type/size of the allocation, which is impossible in most type systems.
    943946the same level as a ©case© clause; the target label may be case ©default©, but only associated
    944947with the current ©switch©/©choose© statement.
    947 \subsection{Loop Control}
    949 The ©for©/©while©/©do-while© loop-control allows empty or simplified ranges (see Figure~\ref{f:LoopControlExamples}).
    950 \begin{itemize}
    951 \item
    952 The loop index is polymorphic in the type of the comparison value N (when the start value is implicit) or the start value M.
    953 \item
    954 An empty conditional implies comparison value of ©1© (true).
    955 \item
    956 A comparison N is implicit up-to exclusive range [0,N©®)®©.
    957 \item
    958 A comparison ©=© N is implicit up-to inclusive range [0,N©®]®©.
    959 \item
    960 The up-to range M ©~©\index{~@©~©} N means exclusive range [M,N©®)®©.
    961 \item
    962 The up-to range M ©~=©\index{~=@©~=©} N means inclusive range [M,N©®]®©.
    963 \item
    964 The down-to range M ©-~©\index{-~@©-~©} N means exclusive range [N,M©®)®©.
    965 \item
    966 The down-to range M ©-~=©\index{-~=@©-~=©} N means inclusive range [N,M©®]®©.
    967 \item
    968 ©0© is the implicit start value;
    969 \item
    970 ©1© is the implicit increment value.
    971 \item
    972 The up-to range uses operator ©+=© for increment;
    973 \item
    974 The down-to range uses operator ©-=© for decrement.
    975 \item
    976 ©@© means put nothing in this field.
    977 \item
    978 ©:© means start another index.
    979 \end{itemize}
     1056\subsection{Loop Control}
     1058The ©for©/©while©/©do-while© loop-control allows empty or simplified ranges (see Figure~\ref{f:LoopControlExamples}).
     1061The loop index is polymorphic in the type of the comparison value N (when the start value is implicit) or the start value M.
     1063An empty conditional implies comparison value of ©1© (true).
     1065A comparison N is implicit up-to exclusive range [0,N©®)®©.
     1067A comparison ©=© N is implicit up-to inclusive range [0,N©®]®©.
     1069The up-to range M ©~©\index{~@©~©} N means exclusive range [M,N©®)®©.
     1071The up-to range M ©~=©\index{~=@©~=©} N means inclusive range [M,N©®]®©.
     1073The down-to range M ©-~©\index{-~@©-~©} N means exclusive range [N,M©®)®©.
     1075The down-to range M ©-~=©\index{-~=@©-~=©} N means inclusive range [N,M©®]®©.
     1077©0© is the implicit start value;
     1079©1© is the implicit increment value.
     1081The up-to range uses operator ©+=© for increment;
     1083The down-to range uses operator ©-=© for decrement.
     1085©@© means put nothing in this field.
     1087©:© means start another index.
    10881091%\subsection{\texorpdfstring{Labelled \protect\lstinline@continue@ / \protect\lstinline@break@}{Labelled continue / break}}
    10891092\subsection{\texorpdfstring{Labelled \LstKeywordStyle{continue} / \LstKeywordStyle{break} Statement}{Labelled continue / break Statement}}
    10951098for ©break©, the target label can also be associated with a ©switch©, ©if© or compound (©{}©) statement.
    10961099\VRef[Figure]{f:MultiLevelExit} shows ©continue© and ©break© indicating the specific control structure, and the corresponding C program using only ©goto© and labels.
    1097 The innermost loop has 7 exit points, which cause continuation or termination of one or more of the 7 \Index{nested control-structure}s.
     1100The innermost loop has 8 exit points, which cause continuation or termination of one or more of the 7 \Index{nested control-structure}s.
    1100 \begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{}}
    1101 \multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}c@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}   & \multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}c}{\textbf{C}}      \\
    1102 \begin{cfa}
    1103 ®LC:® {
    1104         ... §declarations§ ...
    1105         ®LS:® switch ( ... ) {
    1106           case 3:
    1107                 ®LIF:® if ( ... ) {
    1108                         ®LF:® for ( ... ) {
    1109                                 ®LW:® while ( ... ) {
    1110                                         ... break ®LC®; ...
    1111                                         ... break ®LS®; ...
    1112                                         ... break ®LIF®; ...
    1113                                         ... continue ®LF;® ...
    1114                                         ... break ®LF®; ...
    1115                                         ... continue ®LW®; ...
    1116                                         ... break ®LW®; ...
    1117                                 } // while
    1118                         } // for
    1119                 } else {
    1120                         ... break ®LIF®; ...
    1121                 } // if
    1122         } // switch
     1106®Compound:® {
     1107        ®Try:® try {
     1108                ®For:® for ( ... ) {
     1109                        ®While:® while ( ... ) {
     1110                                ®Do:® do {
     1111                                        ®If:® if ( ... ) {
     1112                                                ®Switch:® switch ( ... ) {
     1113                                                        case 3:
     1114                                                                ®break Compound®;
     1115                                                                ®break Try®;
     1116                                                                ®break For®;      /* or */  ®continue For®;
     1117                                                                ®break While®;  /* or */  ®continue While®;
     1118                                                                ®break Do®;      /* or */  ®continue Do®;
     1119                                                                ®break If®;
     1120                                                                ®break Switch®;
     1121                                                        } // switch
     1122                                                } else {
     1123                                                        ... ®break If®; ...     // terminate if
     1124                                                } // if
     1125                                } while ( ... ); // do
     1126                        } // while
     1127                } // for
     1128        } ®finally® { // always executed
     1129        } // try
    11231130} // compound
    1125 &
    1126 \begin{cfa}
    1128         ... §declarations§ ...
    1129         switch ( ... ) {
    1130           case 3:
    1131                 if ( ... ) {
    1132                         for ( ... ) {
    1133                                 while ( ... ) {
    1134                                         ... goto ®LC®; ...
    1135                                         ... goto ®LS®; ...
    1136                                         ... goto ®LIF®; ...
    1137                                         ... goto ®LFC®; ...
    1138                                         ... goto ®LFB®; ...
    1139                                         ... goto ®LWC®; ...
    1140                                         ... goto ®LWB®; ...
    1141                                   ®LWC®: ; } ®LWB:® ;
    1142                           ®LFC:® ; } ®LFB:® ;
    1143                 } else {
    1144                         ... goto ®LIF®; ...
    1145                 } ®L3:® ;
    1146         } ®LS:® ;
    1147 } ®LC:® ;
    1148 \end{cfa}
    1149 &
    1150 \begin{cfa}
    1158 // terminate compound
    1159 // terminate switch
    1160 // terminate if
    1161 // continue loop
    1162 // terminate loop
    1163 // continue loop
    1164 // terminate loop
    1168 // terminate if
    1172 \end{cfa}
    1173 \end{tabular}
     1138                ®ForC:® for ( ... ) {
     1139                        ®WhileC:® while ( ... ) {
     1140                                ®DoC:® do {
     1141                                        if ( ... ) {
     1142                                                switch ( ... ) {
     1143                                                        case 3:
     1144                                                                ®goto Compound®;
     1145                                                                ®goto Try®;
     1146                                                                ®goto ForB®;      /* or */  ®goto ForC®;
     1147                                                                ®goto WhileB®;  /* or */  ®goto WhileC®;
     1148                                                                ®goto DoB®;      /* or */  ®goto DoC®;
     1149                                                                ®goto If®;
     1150                                                                ®goto Switch®;
     1151                                                        } ®Switch:® ;
     1152                                                } else {
     1153                                                        ... ®goto If®; ...      // terminate if
     1154                                                } ®If:®;
     1155                                } while ( ... ); ®DoB:® ;
     1156                        } ®WhileB:® ;
     1157                } ®ForB:® ;
     1160} ®Compound:® ;
    11741169\caption{Multi-level Exit}
    14261421try {
    14271422        f(...);
    1428 } catch( E e ; §boolean-predicate§ ) {          §\C[8cm]{// termination handler}§
     1423} catch( E e ; §boolean-predicate§ ) {          §\C{// termination handler}§
    14291424        // recover and continue
    1430 } catchResume( E e ; §boolean-predicate§ ) { §\C{// resumption handler}\CRT§
     1425} catchResume( E e ; §boolean-predicate§ ) { §\C{// resumption handler}§
    14311426        // repair and return
    14321427} finally {
    34913486For implicit formatted input, the common case is reading a sequence of values separated by whitespace, where the type of an input constant must match with the type of the input variable.
    3493 \begin{lrbox}{\LstBox}
    34953490int x;   double y   char z;
    3499 \multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{\usebox\LstBox} \\
     3494\multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{\usebox\myboxA} \\
    35003495\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{2em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{2em}}}{\textbf{\CC}}       & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Python}}   \\
    66726667For example, an initial alignment and fill capability are preserved during a resize copy so the copy has the same alignment and extended storage is filled.
    66736668Without sticky properties it is dangerous to use ©realloc©, resulting in an idiom of manually performing the reallocation to maintain correctness.
    66756673\CFA memory management extends allocation to support constructors for initialization of allocated storage, \eg in
    67226720        // §\CFA§ safe general allocation, fill, resize, alignment, array
    6723         T * alloc( void );§\indexc{alloc}§
    6724         T * alloc( size_t dim );
    6725         T * alloc( T ptr[], size_t dim );
    6726         T * alloc_set( char fill );§\indexc{alloc_set}§
    6727         T * alloc_set( T fill );
    6728         T * alloc_set( size_t dim, char fill );
    6729         T * alloc_set( size_t dim, T fill );
    6730         T * alloc_set( size_t dim, const T fill[] );
    6731         T * alloc_set( T ptr[], size_t dim, char fill );
    6733         T * alloc_align( size_t align );
    6734         T * alloc_align( size_t align, size_t dim );
    6735         T * alloc_align( T ptr[], size_t align ); // aligned realloc array
    6736         T * alloc_align( T ptr[], size_t align, size_t dim ); // aligned realloc array
    6737         T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, char fill );
    6738         T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, T fill );
    6739         T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, char fill );
    6740         T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, T fill );
    6741         T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, const T fill[] );
    6742         T * alloc_align_set( T ptr[], size_t align, size_t dim, char fill );
     6721        T * alloc( void );§\indexc{alloc}§                                      §\C[3.5in]{// variable, T size}§
     6722        T * alloc( size_t dim );                                                        §\C{// array[dim], T size elements}§
     6723        T * alloc( T ptr[], size_t dim );                                       §\C{// realloc array[dim], T size elements}§
     6725        T * alloc_set( char fill );§\indexc{alloc_set}§         §\C{// variable, T size, fill bytes with value}§
     6726        T * alloc_set( T fill );                                                        §\C{// variable, T size, fill with value}§
     6727        T * alloc_set( size_t dim, char fill );                         §\C{// array[dim], T size elements, fill bytes with value}§
     6728        T * alloc_set( size_t dim, T fill );                            §\C{// array[dim], T size elements, fill elements with value}§
     6729        T * alloc_set( size_t dim, const T fill[] );            §\C{// array[dim], T size elements, fill elements with array}§
     6730        T * alloc_set( T ptr[], size_t dim, char fill );        §\C{// realloc array[dim], T size elements, fill bytes with value}§
     6732        T * alloc_align( size_t align );                                        §\C{// aligned variable, T size}§
     6733        T * alloc_align( size_t align, size_t dim );            §\C{// aligned array[dim], T size elements}§
     6734        T * alloc_align( T ptr[], size_t align );                       §\C{// realloc new aligned array}§
     6735        T * alloc_align( T ptr[], size_t align, size_t dim ); §\C{// realloc new aligned array[dim]}§
     6737        T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, char fill );         §\C{// aligned variable, T size, fill bytes with value}§
     6738        T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, T fill );            §\C{// aligned variable, T size, fill with value}§
     6739        T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, char fill ); §\C{// aligned array[dim], T size elements, fill bytes with value}§
     6740        T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, T fill ); §\C{// aligned array[dim], T size elements, fill elements with value}§
     6741        T * alloc_align_set( size_t align, size_t dim, const T fill[] ); §\C{// aligned array[dim], T size elements, fill elements with array}§
     6742        T * alloc_align_set( T ptr[], size_t align, size_t dim, char fill ); §\C{// realloc new aligned array[dim], fill new bytes with value}§
    67446744        // §\CFA§ safe initialization/copy, i.e., implicit size specification
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