Opened 4 years ago

#168 new defect

Plan-9 inheritance is not considered for satisfying a trait's assertion

Reported by: mlbrooks Owned by:
Priority: major Component: cfa-cc
Version: 1.0 Keywords:


This code should be valid:

struct club {
    int membercount;

struct finalclub {
    inline club;
    float endowment;

void showmembers( club & c ) {

forall( dtype T | { void showmembers( T & ); } )
void show_fancy_members(T & x) {

int main() {
    finalclub phoenix;
    showmembers( phoenix );

    #ifdef THE_ERROR
    show_fancy_members( phoenix );

But cfa-cc gives the error:

No alternatives with satisfiable assertions for Applying untyped:
  Name: show_fancy_members
  Name: phoenix
      Unsatisfiable alternative:
        Environment:( _111_0_T ) -> instance of struct finalclub with body 1

      Could not satisfy assertion:
showmembers: pointer to function
        ... with parameters
          reference to instance of type _111_0_T (not function type)
        ... returning nothing

The error is saying it needs, but cannot find, a function matching

    void showmembers( [type of phoenix] & );

while the previous line has the successful call

    showmembers( phoenix );

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