Custom Query (147 matches)


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void ?{}( int & c, zero_t ) { c = 0; }

trait sumable( otype T ) {
    void ?{}( T &, zero_t );				// constructor from 0 literal
    T ?+?( T, T );					// assortment of additions
    T ?+=?( T &, T );
    T ++?( T & );
    T ?++( T & );
}; // sumable
forall( otype T | sumable( T ) )			// use trait
T sum( unsigned int size, T * a ) {
    T total = 0;					// instantiate T from 0 by calling its constructor
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < size; i += 1 )
	total += a[i];					// select appropriate +
    return total;
forall( otype Impl | sumable( Impl ) )
struct Foo {
    Impl * x, * y;
int foo() {
    int sa[ 5 ];
    int i /* = sum( 5, sa ) */;				// DOES NOT RESOLVE
    i = sum( 5, sa );					// RESOLVES
    Foo(int) foo;
    int j /* = sum( 5, foo.x ) */;			// DOES NOT RESOLVE
    j = sum( 5, foo.x );				// RESOLVES

Tuple costs are not computed correctly. For example:

[long, long] f() {
  return [0, -1];

The difference between the two alternatives being that 1 is converted to signed int or to signed long, and both expressions are given the same cost.

test.c:34:1 error: Cannot choose between 2 alternatives for expression
Applying untyped: 
  Name: ?{} 
  Cast of:
    Variable Expression: _retval_f: tuple of types
      signed long int
      signed long int

  ... to:
    reference to tuple of types
      signed long int
      signed long int

  Untyped Tuple:
    constant expression (0 0: zero_t)
    Applying untyped: 
      Name: -? 
      constant expression (1 1: one_t)

Alternatives are:
Cost ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ): Tuple Assignment Expression, with stmt expr:
     Statement Expression: 
         Declaration of __multassign_L6: reference to lvalue signed long int with initializer (not constructed)
           Simple Initializer: Cast of:
             Tuple Index Expression, with tuple:
               Variable Expression: _retval_f: tuple of types
                 signed long int
                 signed long int
               with index: 0

           ... to:
             reference to lvalue signed long int

         Declaration of __multassign_L7: reference to lvalue signed long int with initializer (not constructed)
           Simple Initializer: Cast of:
             Tuple Index Expression, with tuple:
               Variable Expression: _retval_f: tuple of types
                 signed long int
                 signed long int
               with index: 1

           ... to:
             reference to lvalue signed long int

         Declaration of __multassign_R6: zero_t with initializer (maybe constructed)
           Constructor initializer: 
           ... initially constructed with Implicit Ctor Dtor Statement
             ... with Ctor/Dtor: Expression Statement:
                 Application of
                   Variable Expression: ?{}: function
                   ... with parameters
                     intrinsic reference to zero_t
                     intrinsic zero_t
                   ... returning nothing 

                 ... to arguments
                   Cast of:
                     Variable Expression: __multassign_R6: zero_t
                   ... to:
                     reference to zero_t
                   constant expression (0 0: zero_t)

         Declaration of __multassign_R7: signed int with initializer (maybe constructed)
           Constructor initializer: 
           ... initially constructed with Implicit Ctor Dtor Statement
             ... with Ctor/Dtor: Expression Statement:
                 Application of
                   Variable Expression: ?{}: function
                   ... with parameters
                     intrinsic reference to signed int
                     intrinsic signed int
                   ... returning nothing 

                 ... to arguments
                   Cast of:
                     Variable Expression: __multassign_R7: signed int
                   ... to:
                     reference to signed int
                   Application of
                     Variable Expression: -?: function
                     ... with parameters
                       intrinsic signed int
                     ... returning 
                       _retval__operator_unaryminus: signed int
                       ... with attributes: 
                         Attribute with name: unused

                   ... to arguments
                     Cast of:
                       constant expression (1 1: one_t)
                     ... to:
                       signed int

         Expression Statement:
             Application of
               Variable Expression: ?{}: function
               ... with parameters
                 intrinsic reference to signed long int
                 intrinsic signed long int
               ... returning nothing 

             ... to arguments
               Variable Expression: __multassign_L6: reference to lvalue signed long int
               Cast of:
                 Variable Expression: __multassign_R6: zero_t
               ... to:
                 signed long int

             Application of
               Variable Expression: ?{}: function
               ... with parameters
                 intrinsic reference to signed long int
                 intrinsic signed long int
               ... returning nothing 

             ... to arguments
               Variable Expression: __multassign_L7: reference to lvalue signed long int
               Cast of:
                 Variable Expression: __multassign_R7: signed int
               ... to:
                 signed long int


Cost ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ): Tuple Assignment Expression, with stmt expr:
     Statement Expression: 
         Declaration of __multassign_L4: reference to lvalue signed long int with initializer (not constructed)
           Simple Initializer: Cast of:
             Tuple Index Expression, with tuple:
               Variable Expression: _retval_f: tuple of types
                 signed long int
                 signed long int
               with index: 0

           ... to:
             reference to lvalue signed long int

         Declaration of __multassign_L5: reference to lvalue signed long int with initializer (not constructed)
           Simple Initializer: Cast of:
             Tuple Index Expression, with tuple:
               Variable Expression: _retval_f: tuple of types
                 signed long int
                 signed long int
               with index: 1

           ... to:
             reference to lvalue signed long int

         Declaration of __multassign_R4: zero_t with initializer (maybe constructed)
           Constructor initializer: 
           ... initially constructed with Implicit Ctor Dtor Statement
             ... with Ctor/Dtor: Expression Statement:
                 Application of
                   Variable Expression: ?{}: function
                   ... with parameters
                     intrinsic reference to zero_t
                     intrinsic zero_t
                   ... returning nothing 

                 ... to arguments
                   Cast of:
                     Variable Expression: __multassign_R4: zero_t
                   ... to:
                     reference to zero_t
                   constant expression (0 0: zero_t)

         Declaration of __multassign_R5: signed long int with initializer (maybe constructed)
           Constructor initializer: 
           ... initially constructed with Implicit Ctor Dtor Statement
             ... with Ctor/Dtor: Expression Statement:
                 Application of
                   Variable Expression: ?{}: function
                   ... with parameters
                     intrinsic reference to signed long int
                     intrinsic signed long int
                   ... returning nothing 

                 ... to arguments
                   Cast of:
                     Variable Expression: __multassign_R5: signed long int
                   ... to:
                     reference to signed long int
                   Application of
                     Variable Expression: -?: function
                     ... with parameters
                       intrinsic signed long int
                     ... returning 
                       _retval__operator_unaryminus: signed long int
                       ... with attributes: 
                         Attribute with name: unused

                   ... to arguments
                     Cast of:
                       constant expression (1 1: one_t)
                     ... to:
                       signed long int

         Expression Statement:
             Application of
               Variable Expression: ?{}: function
               ... with parameters
                 intrinsic reference to signed long int
                 intrinsic signed long int
               ... returning nothing 

             ... to arguments
               Variable Expression: __multassign_L4: reference to lvalue signed long int
               Cast of:
                 Variable Expression: __multassign_R4: zero_t
               ... to:
                 signed long int

             Application of
               Variable Expression: ?{}: function
               ... with parameters
                 intrinsic reference to signed long int
                 intrinsic signed long int
               ... returning nothing 

             ... to arguments
               Variable Expression: __multassign_L5: reference to lvalue signed long int
               Variable Expression: __multassign_R5: signed long int


This code crashes the compiler because of "typet_t" instead of "type_t"

forall(dtype T | sized(T))
struct wrapper{
	T * ptr;
	int size;
typedef long long int type_t;
struct outer {
	wrapper(typet_t) w;
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.