Custom Query (146 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 146)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#151 pabuhr Thierry Delisle fixed Input crashes CC1

The following input crashes CC1

enum {
	A = (64 - sizeof(size_t)) / sizeof(unsigned long long),
	B = A * 8 * sizeof(unsigned long long)

struct C {
	size_t count;
	unsigned long long mask[ A ];

result :

CFA Version 1.0.0 (debug)
CC1 Translator error: stage 2, child failed 8
#154 Thierry Delisle pabuhr fixed linking problem

Programs that do not include anything from concurrency or stdlib, do not get important modules loaded, such as "startup" or signal handlers.

#161 pabuhr Thierry Delisle fixed Parsing doesn't handle attributes on new style declaration

This doesn't parse :

[int, int] bar(int a) __attribute__((const));
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