Apr 30, 2024, 12:08:24 PM (2 months ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>

remove glossary macros, switch back to newterm marco from Newterm, update Planet example

1 edited


  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/intro.tex

    rf632117 rcaaf424  
    3 All types in a programming language must have a set of constants, and these constants have \Newterm{primary names}, \eg integral types have constants @-1@, @17@, @0xff@, floating-point types have constants @5.3@, @2.3E-5@, @0xff.ffp0@, character types have constants @'a'@, @"abc\n"@, \mbox{\lstinline{u8"}\texttt{\guillemotleft{na\"{i}ve}\guillemotright}\lstinline{"}}, \etc.
     3All types in a programming language must have a set of constants, and these constants have \newterm{primary names}, \eg integral types have constants @-1@, @17@, @0xff@, floating-point types have constants @5.3@, @2.3E-5@, @0xff.ffp0@, character types have constants @'a'@, @"abc\n"@, \mbox{\lstinline{u8"}\texttt{\guillemotleft{na\"{i}ve}\guillemotright}\lstinline{"}}, \etc.
    44Con\-stants can be overloaded among types, \eg @0@ is a null pointer for all pointer types, and the value zero for integral and floating-point types.
    55(In \CFA, the primary constants @0@ and @1@ can be overloaded for any type.)
    77In theory, there are an infinite set of primary constant names per type.
    9 \Newterm{Secondary naming} is a common practice in mathematics, engineering and computer science, \eg $\pi$, $\tau$ (2$\pi$), $\phi$ (golden ratio), MB (megabyte, 1E6), and in general situations, \eg specific times (noon, New Years), cities (Big Apple), flowers (Lily), \etc.
    10 Many programming languages capture this important software-engineering capability through a mechanism called \Newterm{constant} or \Newterm{literal} naming, where a secondary name is aliased to a primary name.
     9\newterm{Secondary naming} is a common practice in mathematics, engineering and computer science, \eg $\pi$, $\tau$ (2$\pi$), $\phi$ (golden ratio), MB (megabyte, 1E6), and in general situations, \eg specific times (noon, New Years), cities (Big Apple), flowers (Lily), \etc.
     10Many programming languages capture this important software-engineering capability through a mechanism called \newterm{constant} or \newterm{literal} naming, where a secondary name is aliased to a primary name.
    1111Its purpose is for readability and to eliminate duplication of the primary constant throughout a program.
    1212For example, a meaningful secondary name replaces a primary name throughout a program;
    1313thereafter, changing the binding of the secondary to primary name automatically distributes the rebinding, preventing errors.
    14 In some cases, secondary naming is \Newterm{opaque}, where the matching internal representation can be chosen arbitrarily, and only equality operations are available, \eg @O_RDONLY@, @O_WRONLY@, @O_CREAT@, @O_TRUNC@, @O_APPEND@.
    15 Because a secondary name is a constant, it cannot appear in a mutable context, \eg \mbox{$\pi$ \lstinline{= 42}} is meaningless, and a constant has no address, \ie it is an \Newterm{rvalue}\footnote{
     14In some cases, secondary naming is \newterm{opaque}, where the matching internal representation can be chosen arbitrarily, and only equality operations are available, \eg @O_RDONLY@, @O_WRONLY@, @O_CREAT@, @O_TRUNC@, @O_APPEND@.
     15Because a secondary name is a constant, it cannot appear in a mutable context, \eg \mbox{$\pi$ \lstinline{= 42}} is meaningless, and a constant has no address, \ie it is an \newterm{rvalue}\footnote{
    1616The term rvalue defines an expression that can only appear on the right-hand side of an assignment expression.}.
    1818Secondary names can form an (ordered) set, \eg days of a week, months of a year, floors of a building (basement, ground, 1st), colours in a rainbow, \etc.
    19 Many programming languages capture these groupings through a mechanism called an \Newterm{enumeration}.
     19Many programming languages capture these groupings through a mechanism called an \newterm{enumeration}.
    2121enumerate (verb, transitive).
    65 The term \Newterm{enumeration} defines a type with a set of secondary names, and the term \Newterm{enumerator} represents an arbitrary secondary name \see{\VRef{s:CEnumeration} for the name derivation}.
    66 As well, an enumerated type can have three fundamental properties, \Newterm{label}, \Newterm{order}, and \Newterm{value}.
     65The term \newterm{enumeration} defines a type with a set of secondary names, and the term \newterm{enumerator} represents an arbitrary secondary name \see{\VRef{s:CEnumeration} for the name derivation}.
     66As well, an enumerated type can have three fundamental properties, \newterm{label}, \newterm{order}, and \newterm{value}.
    116116foo( Size ); // take the address of (reference) Size
    118 Taking the address of an immutable variable makes it an \Newterm{lvalue}, which implies it has storage.
     118Taking the address of an immutable variable makes it an \newterm{lvalue}, which implies it has storage.
    119119With separate compilation, it is necessary to choose one translation unit to perform the initialization.
    120120If aliasing does require storage, its address and initialization are opaque (compiler only), similar to \CC rvalue reference @&&@.
    185185Here, the constructor name gives different meaning to the values in the common \lstinline[language=Haskell]{Int} type, \eg the value @3@ has different interpretations depending on the constructor name in the pattern matching.
    187 Note, the term \Newterm{variant} is often associated with ADTs.
     187Note, the term \newterm{variant} is often associated with ADTs.
    188188However, there are multiple languages with a @variant@ type that is not an ADT \see{Algol68~\cite{Algol68} or \CC \lstinline{variant}}.
    189189In these languages, the variant is often a union using RTTI tags, which cannot be used to simulate an enumeration.
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