Opened 4 years ago

#238 new defect

Function new incorrectly creates temporary objects

Reported by: Thierry Delisle Owned by:
Priority: critical Component: cfa-cc
Version: 1.0 Keywords: new


This code leads to a call to a copy constructor that is incorrect.

#include <stdlib.hfa>
#include <fstream.hfa>

struct cluster {};
void ?{}(cluster & this) { sout | "Cluster Ctor"; }
void ?{}(cluster & this, cluster ) { sout | "Cluster CopyCtor"; }

struct inner {
	cluster * cl;
void ?{}(inner & this, cluster & ) { sout | "Inner Ctor"; }

struct outer {
	inner * in;
void ?{}(outer & this, cluster & cl ) { = new(cl);
void ^?{}(outer & this) { delete(; }

int main() {
	cluster cl;
	outer o = { cl };

The output is:

Cluster Ctor
Cluster CopyCtor
Inner Ctor

but the CopyCtor? should not be called.

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