Opened 5 years ago

#148 new defect

Incorrect "Initializer is too deep" error

Reported by: Thierry Delisle Owned by:
Priority: minor Component: cfa-cc
Version: 1.0 Keywords:


The code :

struct Global {
	int * a;
	struct {
		int a;
	} c;
	int d;

Global g1 = { 0p, {6}, 6 };

Should not lead to the error :

error: Managed object's initializer is too deep g1: instance of struct Global with body 1 with initializer (maybe constructed)
  Compound initializer: 
    Simple Initializer: Applying untyped:
      Name: intptr
      Explicit Cast of:
        constant expression (0 0: signed int)
      ... to:
        unsigned long int

    Compound initializer: 
      Simple Initializer: constant expression (6 6: signed int)

    Simple Initializer: constant expression (6 6: signed int)

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