Opened 6 years ago

#139 new task

Unification with less cloning

Reported by: a3moss Owned by:
Priority: minor Component: cfa-cc
Version: 1.0 Keywords:


I have selectively re-introduced deeper clones in the new AST port to handle mutation of forall-parameterized types in a way that keeps the TypeInstType instances pointing to the correct TypeDecl. This was done as an attempt to get the new AST working without making deeper changes to the compiler architecture, but Thierry's profiling results suggest these deeper clones are actually a performance hot spot.

The core reason for these clones is to support distinct type variables per function call instance. Consider the following:

forall(otype T) T * foo( T );

foo( foo( 42 ) );

The inner foo has T => int, the outer foo has T => int * -- since this is legal Cforall, both T variables need to exist within the same type environment and be able to be disambiguated.

The current solution is to clone the type of foo and rename the type variables, which is effective, but has undesirable memory-management implications. An alternate approach which avoids this cloning would be to give each ApplicationExpr a unique identifier (the pointer may work, but would introduce memory-management complications), and store type variables in an environment or unification calculation as the pair (<variable identifier>, <application identifier>). This change should be investigated if cloning types continues to be a performance bottleneck.

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