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I need this to work for external scheduling :

extern void save( void (*func)() );

void foo( int a ) {
	save( &foo );

Given the following code. The handling of destructors is broken unless the 'sized' assertion is removed.

trait trt(L & | sized(L)) {};

forall(L & | trt(L))
struct object {
	L * f2;

forall(L & | trt(L))
void bar(L * ) {
	object(L) obj;

Without the size assertion, the generated code is fairly simple since the compiler correctly detects that the layout of the object is indenpendent of 'L'.

void _X3barQ1_0_0_0__Fv_PBD0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *__anonymous_object2142){
    void __cleanup_dtor17(struct object *_dst){

    __attribute__ ((cleanup(__cleanup_dtor17))) struct object _X3objS6object_Y1L__2;

Note the use of __attribute__((cleanup())).

When adding the 'sized' assertion the code generations changes to use a char array rather than a static struct:

void _X3barQ1_0_0_0__Fv_PBD0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_Y1L, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_Y1L, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *__anonymous_object2142){
    void __cleanup_dtor17(void *_dst){
            ((void)_X11_destructorQ1_0_0_0__Fv_S6object_BD0__autogen___1(_sizeof_Y1L, _alignof_Y1L, ((void *)_dst)));

    unsigned long int _sizeof_S6object_Y1L_;
    unsigned long int _alignof_S6object_Y1L_;
    unsigned long int _offsetof_S6object_Y1L_[1];
    ((void)_layoutof_object((&_sizeof_S6object_Y1L_), (&_alignof_S6object_Y1L_), _offsetof_S6object_Y1L_, _sizeof_Y1L, _alignof_Y1L));
    __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) char _buf32[_sizeof_S6object_Y1L_];
    __attribute__ ((cleanup(__cleanup_dtor17))) void *_X3objS6object_Y1L__2 = _buf32;
        ((void)_X12_constructorQ1_0_0_0__Fv_S6object_BD0__autogen___1(_sizeof_Y1L, _alignof_Y1L, ((void *)_X3objS6object_Y1L__2)));


Note that the cleanup is on the pointer rather than the buffer therefore the correct address is the value of _X3objS6object_Y1L__2 not its address.

This is incorrect because __cleanup_dtor17 will be passed the address of _X3objS6object_Y1L__2 and it does not dereference it.

const int fred[1] = { -2 }; // fails for const and negative value

test.c:8 error: No reasonable alternatives for expression Cast of:
  Applying untyped: 
    Name: ?[?] 
    Variable Expression: fred: array of const signed int with dimension of Cast of:
          constant expression (1 1: one_t)
          long unsigned int
        with environment:

    Variable Expression: _index0: signed int

  reference to signed int

error: No reasonable alternatives for expression Cast of:
  Applying untyped: 
    Name: ?[?] 
    Variable Expression: fred: array of const signed int with dimension of Cast of:
          constant expression (1 1: one_t)
          long unsigned int
        with environment:

    Variable Expression: _index0: signed int

  reference to signed int
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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