Custom Query (147 matches)


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union fred {
  forall(otype T) struct george {
    int i;
    T j;

Results in:

CFA Version 1.0.0 (debug)
test.c:5:1 error: Too few type arguments in generic type instance of struct george with body 1

Notice that this error is on line 5 (the end of the struct definition). Even if you declare a field of type "george(int)" afterwards, the same error will occur:

union fred {
  forall(otype T) struct george {
    int i;
    T j;
  george(int) g;

This will result in the same error.

(posted by Sunjay (s5varma) on behalf of pabuhr)

#include <thread>
forall( otype T )
thread cons {
    T i;
cfa test.c
CFA Version 1.0.0 (debug)
test.c:6:1 error: Attempt to provide non-type parameter: nullptr for type parameter __T_generic_: sized object type
... with assertions
  ?=?: function
  ... with parameters
    reference to instance of type __T_generic_ (not function type) 
    instance of type __T_generic_ (not function type) 
  ... returning 
    _retval__operator_assign: instance of type __T_generic_ (not function type) 
    ... with attributes: 
      Attribute with name: unused

  ?{}: function
  ... with parameters
    reference to instance of type __T_generic_ (not function type) 
  ... returning nothing 

  ?{}: function
  ... with parameters
    reference to instance of type __T_generic_ (not function type) 
    instance of type __T_generic_ (not function type) 
  ... returning nothing 

  ^?{}: function
  ... with parameters
    reference to instance of type __T_generic_ (not function type) 
  ... returning nothing 

Selects wrong routine to call.

forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * foo( void ) {
	printf( "foo1\n" );
	return (T *)0;
forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T & foo( void ) {
	printf( "foo2\n" );
	return (T &)*(T *)0;
int main( void ) {
    int * i = foo(); // correctly calls foo1
    int & j = foo(); // correctly calls foo2

    i = foo();  // correctly calls foo1
    &j = foo();  // incorrectly calls foo1 instead of foo2
@plg2[1]% a.out
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.