4 weeks |
pabuhr |
proofreading on string chapter
4 weeks |
mlbrooks |
Thesis, string: add missing figure
5 weeks |
pabuhr |
change how latex code generated from sharing-demo.cfa
5 weeks |
pabuhr |
more string changes
5 weeks |
pabuhr |
work on starting chapter, fix spelling
5 weeks |
pabuhr |
add label
6 weeks |
mlbrooks |
Thesis, string, intro: provide missing facts
6 weeks |
mlbrooks |
Array, lifecycle: more proofreading
6 weeks |
pabuhr |
proofread section Array lifecycle
6 weeks |
pabuhr |
add starting section 5.1 for strings
6 weeks |
pabuhr |
generalize cfa-code indentation (xleftmargin)
6 weeks |
mlbrooks |
Thesis, array: add section on lifecycle
6 weeks |
mlbrooks |
Thesis, background, array: clarify C laxed inner dimension checking
6 weeks |
pabuhr |
proofread new material in background and array chapters
7 weeks |
mlbrooks |
Thesis, background, array: flesh out and rework section Array …
7 weeks |
mlbrooks |
Thesis, array: Add section Dimension Parameter Implementation
7 weeks |
pabuhr |
proofread background chapter, and other small changes
7 weeks |
pabuhr |
Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc
7 weeks |
pabuhr |
finish proofreading the array section of the background chapter
7 weeks |
mlbrooks |
Thesis, array, upgrade accordion demo to use data in all arrays
7 weeks |
mlbrooks |
Merge branch 'master' of plg.uwaterloo.ca:software/cfa/cfa-cc
8 weeks |
pabuhr |
proofread introduction chapter
8 weeks |
mlbrooks |
Thesis, array, proofread intro sections.
8 weeks |
mlbrooks |
Thesis, array, C typing rules, add old C rules and case-comparison table.
2 months |
mlbrooks |
Thesis, array, C typing rules, add discussion dimension hoisting.
2 months |
mlbrooks |
Thesis, array, add content on C typing changes.
2 months |
mlbrooks |
Thesis introduction contributions, first try.
2 months |
pabuhr |
more proofreading of intro chapter
4 months |
pabuhr |
added a few sentences and corrected spelling mistakes
4 months |
pabuhr |
update accordion program, small changes
4 months |
pabuhr |
move section from into to background
4 months |
pabuhr |
proofread intro chapter and add citation
5 months |
pabuhr |
add Huawei acknowledgement
5 months |
pabuhr |
add lstlisting for java
5 months |
pabuhr |
proofread array chapter and update example programs
5 months |
pabuhr |
update example programs
5 months |
pabuhr |
proofreading array chapter
5 months |
pabuhr |
harmonize format of section titles
5 months |
pabuhr |
add lstlisting for Pascal
6 months |
mlbrooks |
Linked-list background additions for identity model and end treatment.
6 months |
mlbrooks |
Elaborate the description and context of the md-array subscripting figure.
6 months |
mlbrooks |
Add soft copy of existing thesis diagram
7 months |
pabuhr |
add iterator paper
7 months |
pabuhr |
small proofreading changes
7 months |
pabuhr |
change xleftmargin spacing for lstinput, add code formatting macro for C++
7 months |
pabuhr |
add Elliott18 citation
7 months |
pabuhr |
program updates to match text
7 months |
pabuhr |
proofreading changes
7 months |
pabuhr |
remove Grothoff14 paper
7 months |
pabuhr |
add Elliott18 paper
7 months |
pabuhr |
proofread string section of background chapter
8 months |
pabuhr |
update thesis front page from 2020 to 2022 macros
8 months |
pabuhr |
formatting changes to programs
8 months |
pabuhr |
move background material from list chapter to background chapter
8 months |
pabuhr |
proofreading background section Linked Lists
8 months |
pabuhr |
add pl.bib to file dependencies
8 months |
pabuhr |
more work on background chapter
8 months |
pabuhr |
finish current proofreading of background chapter
8 months |
pabuhr |
more work on Figure 2.1 and surrounding text
8 months |
pabuhr |
work on Figure 2.1
9 months |
mlbrooks |
clear out draft content and link syntactic reference figures
9 months |
pabuhr |
start proofreading of Section 2.1
9 months |
pabuhr |
fix CFA citation
9 months |
pabuhr |
add sorting key to web-site citations
9 months |
pabuhr |
word smithing
9 months |
pabuhr |
more work on introduction
9 months |
pabuhr |
add material from background
9 months |
pabuhr |
move material from background to intro
9 months |
pabuhr |
start introduction
9 months |
pabuhr |
interchange chapters list and array
9 months |
pabuhr |
update compile commands
9 months |
pabuhr |
more switch to tabs
9 months |
pabuhr |
second attempt changing program-input style
9 months |
pabuhr |
switch to tabs, first attempt changing program-input style
10 months |
mlbrooks |
Fix thesis demo program build isssue: handle substring API switch to …
12 months |
pabuhr |
small proofreading changes
12 months |
pabuhr |
add papers directory and start populating it
12 months |
pabuhr |
comment back in lstinputlisting files after missing files pushed
12 months |
mlbrooks |
Missing files from last thesis push
12 months |
pabuhr |
comment out missing lstinputlisting files, fix missing @'s for …
12 months |
pabuhr |
comment out assert( s1_mid == fc ) bug
12 months |
pabuhr |
change containers/list.hfa to collections/list.hfa in thesis test files
12 months |
mlbrooks |
Recent thesis writing
12 months |
mlbrooks |
Accept Peter's proofreading and adjustment of examples to current syntax
20 months |
caparson |
resolved merge conflicts
21 months |
mlbrooks |
Adjust LL perf to use a random layout of nodes in memory
21 months |
mlbrooks |
Run LL perf with more stable compile flags and run context.
21 months |
mlbrooks |
Extend LL perf experiment to run on many dataset sizes.
21 months |
mlbrooks |
Apply volatile variable frequency reduction (of fa6ca1ac779b4) to …
21 months |
mlbrooks |
Fix Makefile noise on LL perf rebuild.
21 months |
mlbrooks |
Remove mistakenly committed diagnostic output from LL prf.
21 months |
mlbrooks |
Tweak LL perf compilation--CLI to support a fixed-work mode that does …
21 months |
mlbrooks |
LL perf: reduce frequency of using volatile variables.
Significantly …
21 months |
mlbrooks |
LL perf: Add comments for rerunning tests
21 months |
mlbrooks |
LL perf: Upgrade the results' dataset to have more runs of longer …
21 months |
mlbrooks |
Add linked list performance experiment
21 months |
pabuhr |
proofread Mike's list chapter
21 months |
mlbrooks |
Start of the linked-list chapter.
2 years |
mlbrooks |
Improve new-array subscripting to cover missing cases.
Missing cases …
2 years |
pabuhr |
fix typo that prevented make