Mar 24, 2024, 9:51:57 PM (6 months ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>

move material from background to intro

1 edited


  • doc/theses/mike_brooks_MMath/background.tex

    rbdc8591 rf5fbcad  
    3 This chapter states facts about the prior work, upon which my contributions build.
    4 Each receives a justification of the extent to which its statement is phrased to provoke controversy or surprise.
    6 \section{C}
    8 \subsection{Common knowledge}
    10 The reader is assumed to have used C or \CC for the coursework of at least four university-level courses, or have equivalent experience.
    11 The current discussion introduces facts, unaware of which, such a functioning novice may be operating.
    13 % TODO: decide if I'm also claiming this collection of facts, and test-oriented presentation is a contribution; if so, deal with (not) arguing for its originality
    15 \subsection{Convention: C is more touchable than its standard}
    17 When it comes to explaining how C works, I like illustrating definite program semantics.
    18 I prefer doing so, over a quoting manual's suggested programmer's intuition, or showing how some compiler writers chose to model their problem.
    19 To illustrate definite program semantics, I devise a program, whose behaviour exercises the point at issue, and I show its behaviour.
    21 This behaviour is typically one of
    22 \begin{itemize}
    23         \item my statement that the compiler accepts or rejects the program
    24         \item the program's printed output, which I show
    25         \item my implied assurance that its assertions do not fail when run
    26 \end{itemize}
    28 The compiler whose program semantics is shown is
    29 \begin{cfa}
    30 $ gcc --version
    31 gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0
    32 \end{cfa}
    33 running on Architecture @x86_64@, with the same environment targeted.
    35 Unless explicit discussion ensues about differences among compilers or with (versions of) the standard, it is further implied that there exists a second version of GCC and some version of Clang, running on and for the same platform, that give substantially similar behaviour.
    36 In this case, I do not argue that my sample of major Linux compilers is doing the right thing with respect to the C standard.
    39 \subsection{C reports many ill-typed expressions as warnings}
    41 These attempts to assign @y@ to @x@ and vice-versa are obviously ill-typed.
    42 \lstinput{12-15}{bkgd-c-tyerr.c}
    43 with warnings:
    44 \begin{cfa}
    45 warning: assignment to 'float *' from incompatible pointer type 'void (*)(void)'
    46 warning: assignment to 'void (*)(void)' from incompatible pointer type 'float *'
    47 \end{cfa}
    48 Similarly,
    49 \lstinput{17-19}{bkgd-c-tyerr.c}
    50 with warning:
    51 \begin{cfa}
    52 warning: passing argument 1 of 'f' from incompatible pointer type
    53 note: expected 'void (*)(void)' but argument is of type 'float *'
    54 \end{cfa}
    55 with a segmentation fault at runtime.
    57 That @f@'s attempt to call @g@ fails is not due to 3.14 being a particularly unlucky choice of value to put in the variable @pi@.
    58 Rather, it is because obtaining a program that includes this essential fragment, yet exhibits a behaviour other than "doomed to crash," is a matter for an obfuscated coding competition.
    60 A "tractable syntactic method for proving the absence of certain program behaviours by classifying phrases according to the kinds of values they compute"*1 rejected the program.
    61 The behaviour (whose absence is unprovable) is neither minor nor unlikely.
    62 The rejection shows that the program is ill-typed.
    64 Yet, the rejection presents as a GCC warning.
    66 In the discussion following, ``ill-typed'' means giving a nonzero @gcc -Werror@ exit condition with a message that discusses typing.
    68 *1  TAPL-pg1 definition of a type system
    71 \section{C Arrays}
    73 \subsection{C has an array type (!)}
     3Since this work builds on C, it is necessary to explain the C mechanisms and their shortcomings for array, linked list, and string,
    758When a programmer works with an array, C semantics provide access to a type that is different in every way from ``pointer to its first element.''
    513 \section{\CFA}
    515 Traditionally, fixing C meant leaving the C-ism alone, while providing a better alternative beside it.
    516 (For later:  That's what I offer with array.hfa, but in the future-work vision for arrays, the fix includes helping programmers stop accidentally using a broken C-ism.)
    518 \subsection{\CFA features interacting with arrays}
    520 Prior work on \CFA included making C arrays, as used in C code from the wild,
    521 work, if this code is fed into @cfacc@.
    522 The quality of this this treatment was fine, with no more or fewer bugs than is typical.
    524 More mixed results arose with feeding these ``C'' arrays into preexisting \CFA features.
    526 A notable success was with the \CFA @alloc@ function,
    527 which type information associated with a polymorphic return type
    528 replaces @malloc@'s use of programmer-supplied size information.
    529 \begin{cfa}
    530 // C, library
    531 void * malloc( size_t );
    532 // C, user
    533 struct tm * el1 = malloc(      sizeof(struct tm) );
    534 struct tm * ar1 = malloc( 10 * sizeof(struct tm) );
    536 // CFA, library
    537 forall( T * ) T * alloc();
    538 // CFA, user
    539 tm * el2 = alloc();
    540 tm (*ar2)[10] = alloc();
    541 \end{cfa}
    542 The alloc polymorphic return compiles into a hidden parameter, which receives a compiler-generated argument.
    543 This compiler's argument generation uses type information from the left-hand side of the initialization to obtain the intended type.
    544 Using a compiler-produced value eliminates an opportunity for user error.
    546 TODO: fix in following: even the alloc call gives bad code gen: verify it was always this way; walk back the wording about things just working here; assignment (rebind) seems to offer workaround, as in bkgd-cfa-arrayinteract.cfa
    548 Bringing in another \CFA feature, reference types, both resolves a sore spot of the last example, and gives a first example of an array-interaction bug.
    549 In the last example, the choice of ``pointer to array'' @ar2@ breaks a parallel with @ar1@.
    550 They are not subscripted in the same way.
    551 \begin{cfa}
    552 ar1[5];
    553 (*ar2)[5];
    554 \end{cfa}
    555 Using ``reference to array'' works at resolving this issue.  TODO: discuss connection with Doug-Lea \CC proposal.
    556 \begin{cfa}
    557 tm (&ar3)[10] = *alloc();
    558 ar3[5];
    559 \end{cfa}
    560 The implicit size communication to @alloc@ still works in the same ways as for @ar2@.
    562 Using proper array types (@ar2@ and @ar3@) addresses a concern about using raw element pointers (@ar1@), albeit a theoretical one.
    563 TODO xref C standard does not claim that @ar1@ may be subscripted,
    564 because no stage of interpreting the construction of @ar1@ has it be that ``there is an \emph{array object} here.''
    565 But both @*ar2@ and the referent of @ar3@ are the results of \emph{typed} @alloc@ calls,
    566 where the type requested is an array, making the result, much more obviously, an array object.
    568 The ``reference to array'' type has its sore spots too.
    569 TODO see also @dimexpr-match-c/REFPARAM_CALL@ (under @TRY_BUG_1@)
    571 TODO: I fixed a bug associated with using an array as a T.  I think.  Did I really?  What was the bug?
     446\section{Linked List}
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