Changeset ec71a50

Sep 21, 2018, 11:26:31 PM (6 years ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum
3b1825b, fcc57ba
031a88a9 (diff), 371ef1d (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

fix conflicit

2 added
1 deleted
14 edited


  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/Makefile

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    1 LATEX = pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode
    2 BIBTEX = bibtex
     1BUILD = build
     2BIBDIR = ../../../bibliography
     3TEXLIB = .:${BUILD}:${BIBDIR}:
     5LATEX = TEXINPUTS=${TEXLIB} && export TEXINPUTS && pdflatex -interaction= -output-directory=${BUILD}
     6BIBTEX = BIBINPUTS=${TEXLIB} && export BIBINPUTS && bibtex
    48BASE = thesis
    59DOCUMENT = ${BASE}.pdf
    6 AUX = ${BASE}.aux ${BASE}.bbl ${BASE}.blg ${BASE}.log ${BASE}.out ${BASE}.toc
     10BIBFILE = ${BIBDIR}/pl.bib
    812SOURCES = ${addsuffix .tex, \
    2428clean :
    25         @rm -frv ${DOCUMENT} ${AUX}
     29        @rm -fv ${BUILD}/*
    2731wc :
    2832        wc ${SOURCES}
    30 ${DOCUMENT} : ${SOURCES}
     34${DOCUMENT} : ${SOURCES} ${BUILD}
    3135        ${LATEX} ${BASE}
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     38rebuild-refs : ${SOURCES} ${BIBFILE} ${BUILD}
    3539        ${LATEX} ${BASE}
    36         ${BIBTEX} ${BASE}
     40        ${BIBTEX} ${BUILD}/${BASE}
    3741        ${LATEX} ${BASE}
    3842        ${LATEX} ${BASE}
     45        mkdir -p ${BUILD}
  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/background.tex

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    1 \chapter{Background}
    33\CFA{} adds a number of features to C, some of them providing significant increases to the expressive power of the language, but all designed to maintain the existing procedural programming paradigm of C and to be as orthogonal as possible to each other.
    2121It is important to note that \CFA{} is not an object-oriented language.
    2222This is a deliberate choice intended to maintain the applicability of the mental model and language idioms already possessed by C programmers.
    23 This choice is in marked contrast to \CC{}, which, though it has backward-compatibility with C on the source code level, is a much larger and more complex language, and requires extensive developer re-training before they can write idiomatic, efficient code in \CC{}'s object-oriented paradigm.
     23This choice is in marked contrast to \CC{}, which, though it has backward-compatibility with C on the source code level, is a much larger and more complex language, and requires extensive developer re-training to write idiomatic, efficient code in \CC{}'s object-oriented paradigm.
    2525\CFA{} does have a system of implicit type conversions derived from C's ``usual arithmetic conversions''; while these conversions may be thought of as something like an inheritance hierarchy, the underlying semantics are significantly different and such an analogy is loose at best.
    6262struct counter { int x; };
    64 counter& `++?`(counter& c) { ++c.x; return c; }  $\C{// pre-increment}$
    65 counter `?++`(counter& c) {  $\C{// post-increment}$
     64counter& `++?`(counter& c) { ++c.x; return c; }  $\C[2in]{// pre-increment}$
     65counter `?++`(counter& c) {  $\C[2in]{// post-increment}$
    6666        counter tmp = c; ++c; return tmp;
    68 bool `?<?`(const counter& a, const counter& b) {  $\C{// comparison}$
     68bool `?<?`(const counter& a, const counter& b) {  $\C[2in]{// comparison}$
    6969        return a.x < b.x;
    7373Together, \CFA{}'s backward-compatibility with C and the inclusion of this operator overloading feature imply that \CFA{} must select among function overloads using a method compatible with C's ``usual arithmetic conversions''\cit{}, so as to present user programmers with only a single set of overloading rules.
    75 \subsection{Polymorphic Functions}
     75\subsubsection{Special Literal Types}
     77Literal !0! is also used polymorphically in C; it may be either integer zero or the null value of any pointer type.
     78\CFA{} provides a special type for the !0! literal, !zero_t!, so that users can define a zero value for their own types without being forced to create a conversion from an integer or pointer type (though \CFA{} also includes implicit conversions from !zero_t! to the integer and pointer types for backward compatibility).
     80According to the C standard\cit{}, !0! is the only false value; any value that compares equal to zero is false, while any value that does not is true.
     81By this rule, boolean contexts such as !if ( x )! can always be equivalently rewritten as \lstinline{if ( (x) != 0 )}.
     82\CFACC{} applies this rewriting in all boolean contexts, so any type !T! can be made ``truthy'' (that is, given a boolean interpretation) in \CFA{} by defining an operator overload \lstinline{int ?!=?(T, zero_t)}; unlike \CC{} prior to the addition of explicit casts in \CCeleven{}, this design does not add comparability or convertablity to arbitrary integer types.
     84\CFA{} also includes a special type for !1!, !one_t!; like !zero_t!, !one_t! has built-in implicit conversions to the various integral types so that !1! maintains its expected semantics in legacy code.
     85The addition of !one_t! allows generic algorithms to handle the unit value uniformly for types where it is meaningful; a simple example of this is that polymorphic functions\footnote{discussed in Section~\ref{poly-func-sec}} in the \CFA{} prelude define !++x! and !x++! in terms of !x += 1!, allowing users to idiomatically define all forms of increment for a type !T! by defining the single function !T& ?+=?(T&, one_t)!; analogous overloads for the decrement operators are also present, and programmers can override any of these functions for a particular type if desired.
     87\CFA{} previously allowed !0! and !1! to be the names of polymorphic variables, with separate overloads for !int 0!, !int 1!, and !forall(dtype T) T* 0!.
     88As revealed in my own work on generic types (Chapter~\ref{generic-chap}), the parameteric polymorphic zero variable was not generalizable to other types; though all null pointers have the same in-memory representation, the same cannot be said of the zero values of arbitrary types.
     89As such, variables that could represent !0! and !1! were phased out in favour of functions that could generate those values for a given type as appropriate.
     91\subsection{Polymorphic Functions} \label{poly-func-sec}
    7793The most significant feature \CFA{} adds is parametric-polymorphic functions.
    91107One benefit of this design is that it allows polymorphic functions to be separately compiled.
    92108The forward declaration !forall(otype T) T identity(T);! uniquely defines a single callable function, which may be implemented in a different file.
    93 The fact that there is only one implementation of each polymorphic function also reduces compile times relative to the template-expansion approach taken by \CC{}, as well as reducing binary sizes and runtime pressure on instruction cache at by re-using a single version of each function.
     109The fact that there is only one implementation of each polymorphic function also reduces compile times relative to the template-expansion approach taken by \CC{}, as well as reducing binary sizes and runtime pressure on instruction cache by re-using a single version of each function.
    95111\subsubsection{Type Assertions}
    118134This version of !twice! works for any type !S! that has an addition operator defined for it, and it could be used to satisfy the type assertion on !four_times!.
    119 \CFACC{} accomplishes this by creating a wrapper function calling !twice // (2)! with !S! bound to !double!, then providing this wrapper function to !four_times!\footnote{\lstinline{twice // (2)} could also have had a type parameter named \lstinline{T}; \CFA{} specifies renaming of the type parameters, which would avoid the name conflict with the type variable \lstinline{T} of \lstinline{four_times}}.
    121 Finding appropriate functions to satisfy type assertions is essentially a recursive case of expression resolution, as it takes a name (that of the type assertion) and attempts to match it to a suitable declaration \emph{in the current scope}.
    122 If a polymorphic function can be used to satisfy one of its own type assertions, this recursion may not terminate, as it is possible that that function is examined as a candidate for its own type assertion unboundedly repeatedly.
     135\CFACC{} accomplishes this by creating a wrapper function calling !twice//(2)! with !S! bound to !double!, then providing this wrapper function to !four_times!\footnote{\lstinline{twice // (2)} could also have had a type parameter named \lstinline{T}; \CFA{} specifies renaming of the type parameters, which would avoid the name conflict with the type variable \lstinline{T} of \lstinline{four_times}}.
     137Finding appropriate functions to satisfy type assertions is essentially a recursive case of expression resolution, as it takes a name (that of the type assertion) and attempts to match it to a suitable declaration in the current scope.
     138If a polymorphic function can be used to satisfy one of its own type assertions, this recursion may not terminate, as it is possible that that function is examined as a candidate for its own assertion unboundedly repeatedly.
    123139To avoid such infinite loops, \CFACC{} imposes a fixed limit on the possible depth of recursion, similar to that employed by most \CC{} compilers for template expansion; this restriction means that there are some semantically well-typed expressions that cannot be resolved by \CFACC{}.
    124 \TODO{Update this with final state} One contribution made in the course of this thesis was modifying \CFACC{} to use the more flexible expression resolution algorithm for assertion matching, rather than the previous simpler approach of unification on the types of the functions.
     140\TODO{Update this with final state} One contribution made in the course of this thesis was modifying \CFACC{} to use the more flexible expression resolution algorithm for assertion matching, rather than the simpler but limited previous approach of unification on the types of the functions.
    126142\subsubsection{Deleted Declarations}
    176192trait pointer_like(`otype Ptr, otype El`) {
    177         El& *?(Ptr);  $\C{Ptr can be dereferenced to El}$
     193        El& *?(Ptr);  $\C{// Ptr can be dereferenced to El}$
    180196struct list {
    181197        int value;
    182         list* next; $\C{may omit struct on type names}$
     198        list* next; $\C{// may omit struct on type names}$
    201217In addition to the multiple interpretations of an expression produced by name overloading and polymorphic functions, for backward compatibility \CFA{} must support all of the implicit conversions present in C, producing further candidate interpretations for expressions.
    202 As mentioned above, C does not have an inheritance hierarchy of types, but the C standard's rules for the ``usual arithmetic conversions''\cit{} define which of the built-in tyhpes are implicitly convertable to which other types, and the relative cost of any pair of such conversions from a single source type.
    203 \CFA{} adds to the usual arithmetic conversions rules defining the cost of binding a polymorphic type variable in a function call; such bindings are cheaper than any \emph{unsafe} (narrowing) conversion, \eg{} !int! to !char!, but more expensive than any \emph{safe} (widening) conversion, \eg{} !int! to !double!.
     218As mentioned above, C does not have an inheritance hierarchy of types, but the C standard's rules for the ``usual arithmetic conversions'\cit{} define which of the built-in types are implicitly convertible to which other types, and the relative cost of any pair of such conversions from a single source type.
     219\CFA{} adds rules to the usual arithmetic conversions defining the cost of binding a polymorphic type variable in a function call; such bindings are cheaper than any \emph{unsafe} (narrowing) conversion, \eg{} !int! to !char!, but more expensive than any \emph{safe} (widening) conversion, \eg{} !int! to !double!.
    204220One contribution of this thesis, discussed in Section \TODO{add to resolution chapter}, is a number of refinements to this cost model to more efficiently resolve polymorphic function calls.
    208224Note that which subexpression interpretation is minimal-cost may require contextual information to disambiguate.
    209225For instance, in the example in Section~\ref{overloading-sec}, !max(max, -max)! cannot be unambiguously resolved, but !int m = max(max, -max)! has a single minimal-cost resolution.
    210 While the interpretation !int m = (int)max((double)max, -(double)max)! is also a valid interpretation, it is not minimal-cost due to the unsafe cast from the !double! result of !max! to the !int!\footnote{The two \lstinline{double} casts function as type ascriptions selecting \lstinline{double max} rather than casts from \lstinline{int max} to \lstinline{double}, and as such are zero-cost.}.
    211 These contextual effects make the expression resolution problem for \CFA{} both theoretically and practically difficult, but the observation driving the work in Chapter~\ref{resolution-chap} is that of the many top-level expressions in a given program, most will likely be straightforward and idiomatic so that programmers writing and maintaining the code can easily understand them; it follows that effective heuristics for common cases can bring down compiler runtime enough that a small proportion of harder-to-resolve expressions should not increase compiler runtime or memory usage inordinately.
     226While the interpretation !int m = (int)max((double)max, -(double)max)! is also a valid interpretation, it is not minimal-cost due to the unsafe cast from the !double! result of !max! to !int!\footnote{The two \lstinline{double} casts function as type ascriptions selecting \lstinline{double max} rather than casts from \lstinline{int max} to \lstinline{double}, and as such are zero-cost.}.
     227These contextual effects make the expression resolution problem for \CFA{} both theoretically and practically difficult, but the observation driving the work in Chapter~\ref{resolution-chap} is that of the many top-level expressions in a given program, most are straightforward and idiomatic so that programmers writing and maintaining the code can easily understand them; it follows that effective heuristics for common cases can bring down compiler runtime enough that a small proportion of harder-to-resolve expressions does not inordinately increase overall compiler runtime or memory usage.
    213229\subsection{Type Features} \label{type-features-sec}
     231The name overloading and polymorphism features of \CFA{} have the greatest effect on language design and compiler runtime, but there are a number of other features in the type system which have a smaller effect but are useful for code examples.
     232These features are described here.
    215234\subsubsection{Reference Types}
    217 % TODO mention contribution on reference rebind
    219 \subsubsection{Lifetime Management}
    221 \subsubsection{0 and 1 Literals}
     236One of the key ergonomic improvements in \CFA{} is reference types, designed and implemented by Robert Schluntz\cite{Schluntz17}.
     237Given some type !T!, a !T&! (``reference to !T!'') is essentially an automatically dereferenced pointer.
     238These types allow seamless pass-by-reference for function parameters, without the extraneous dereferencing syntax present in C; they also allow easy easy aliasing of nested values with a similarly convenient syntax.
     239A particular improvement is removing syntactic special cases for operators which take or return mutable values; for example, the use !a += b! of a compound assignment operator now matches its signature, !int& ?+=?(int&, int)!, as opposed to the previous syntactic special cases to automatically take the address of the first argument to !+=! and to mark its return value as mutable.
     241The C standard makes heavy use of the concept of \emph{lvalue}, an expression with a memory address; its complement, \emph{rvalue} (a non-addressable expression) is not explicitly named.
     242In \CFA{}, the distinction between lvalue and rvalue can be reframed in terms of reference and non-reference types, with the benefit of being able to express the difference in user code.
     243\CFA{} references preserve the existing qualifier-dropping implicit lvalue-to-rvalue conversion from C (\eg{} a !const volatile int&! can be implicitly copied to a bare !int!)
     244To make reference types more easily usable in legacy pass-by-value code, \CFA{} also adds an implicit rvalue-to-lvalue conversion, implemented by storing the value in a fresh compiler-generated temporary variable and passing a reference to that temporary.
     245To mitigate the ``!const! hell'' problem present in \CC{}, there is also a qualifier-dropping lvalue-to-lvalue conversion, also implemented by copying into a temporary:
     248const int magic = 42;
     250void inc_print( int& x ) { printf("%d\n", ++x); }
     252print_inc( magic ); $\C{// legal; implicitly generated code in red below:}$
     254`int tmp = magic;` $\C{// to safely strip const-qualifier}$
     255`print_inc( tmp );` $\C{// tmp is incremented, magic is unchanged}$
     258Despite the similar syntax, \CFA{} references are significantly more flexible than \CC{} references.
     259The primary issue with \CC{} references is that it is impossible to extract the address of the reference variable rather than the address of the referred-to variable.
     260This breaks a number of the usual compositional properties of the \CC{} type system, \eg{} a reference cannot be re-bound to another variable, nor is it possible to take a pointer to, array of, or reference to a reference.
     261\CFA{} supports all of these use cases \TODO{test array} without further added syntax.
     262The key to this syntax-free feature support is an observation made by the author that the address of a reference is a lvalue.
     263In C, the address-of operator !&x! can only be applied to lvalue expressions, and always produces an immutable rvalue; \CFA{} supports reference re-binding by assignment to the address of a reference, and pointers to references by repeating the address-of operator:
     266int x = 2, y = 3;
     267int& r = x;  $\C{// r aliases x}$
     268&r = &y; $\C{// r now aliases y}$
     269int** p = &&r; $\C{// p points to r}$
     272For better compatibility with C, the \CFA{} team has chosen not to differentiate function overloads based on top-level reference types, and as such their contribution to the difficulty of \CFA{} expression resolution is largely restricted to the implementation details of normalization conversions and adapters.
     274\subsubsection{Resource Management}
     276\CFA{} also supports the RAII (``Resource Acquisition is Initialization'') idiom originated by \CC{}, thanks to the object lifetime work of Robert Schluntz\cite{Schluntz17}.
     277This idiom allows a safer and more principled approach to resource management by tying acquisition of a resource to object initialization, with the corresponding resource release executed automatically at object finalization.
     278A wide variety of conceptual resources may be conveniently managed by this scheme, including heap memory, file handles, and software locks.
     280\CFA{}'s implementation of RAII is based on special constructor and destructor operators, available via the !x{ ... }! constructor syntax and !^x{ ... }! destructor syntax.
     281Each type has an overridable compiler-generated zero-argument constructor, copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor, as well as a field-wise constructor for each appropriate prefix of the member fields of !struct! types.
     282For !struct! types the default versions of these operators call their equivalents on each field of the !struct!.
     283The main implication of these object lifetime functions for expression resolution is that they are all included as implicit type assertions for !otype! type variables, with a secondary effect being an increase in code size due to the compiler-generated operators.
     284Due to these implicit type assertions, assertion resolution is pervasive in \CFA{} polymorphic functions, even those without explicit type assertions.
     285Implicitly-generated code is shown in red in the following example:
     288struct kv {
     289        int key;
     290        char* value;
     293`void ?{} (kv& this) {` $\C[3in]{// default constructor}$
     294`       this.key{};` $\C[3in]{// call recursively on members}$
     295`       this.value{};
     298void ?{} (kv& this, int key) {` $\C[3in]{// partial field constructor}$
     299`       this.key{ key };
     300        this.value{};` $\C[3in]{// default-construct missing fields}$
     303void ?{} (kv& this, int key, char* value) {` $\C[3in]{// complete field constructor}$
     304`       this.key{ key };
     305        this.value{ value };
     308void ?{} (kv& this, kv that) {` $\C[3in]{// copy constructor}$
     309`       this.key{ that.key };
     310        this.value{ that.value };
     313kv ?=? (kv& this, kv that) {` $\C[3in]{// assignment operator}$
     314`       this.key = that.key;
     315        this.value = that.value;
     318void ^?{} (kv& this) {` $\C[3in]{// destructor}$
     319`       ^this.key{};
     320        ^this.value{};
     323forall(otype T `| { void ?{}(T&); void ?{}(T&, T); T ?=?(T&, T); void ^?{}(T&); }`)
     324void foo(T);
     327\subsubsection{Tuple Types}
     329\CFA{} adds \emph{tuple types} to C, a syntactic facility for referring to lists of values anonymously or with a single identifier.
     330An identifier may name a tuple, a function may return one, and a tuple may be implicitly \emph{destructured} into its component values.
     331The implementation of tuples in \CFACC{}'s code generation is based on the generic types introduced in Chapter~\ref{generic-chap}, with one compiler-generated generic type for each tuple arity.
     332This allows tuples to take advantage of the same runtime optimizations available to generic types, while reducing code bloat.
     333An extended presentation of the tuple features of \CFA{} can be found in \cite{Moss18}, but the following example shows the basics:
     336[char, char] x = ['!', '?']; $\C{// (1); tuple type and expression syntax}$
     337int x = 2; $\C{// (2)}$
     339forall(otype T)
     340[T, T] swap( T a, T b ) { $\C{// (3)}$
     341        return [b, a]; $\C{// one-line swap syntax}$
     344x = swap( x ); $\C{// destructure [char, char] x into two elements}$
     345$\C{// cannot use int x, not enough arguments}$
     347void swap( int, char, char ); $\C{// (4)}$
     349swap( x, x ); $\C{// (4) on (2), (1)}$
     350$\C{// not (3) on (2), (2) due to polymorphism cost}$
     353Tuple destructuring breaks the one-to-one relationship between identifiers and values.
     354This precludes some argument-parameter matching strategies for expression resolution, as well as cheap interpretation filters based on comparing number of parameters and arguments.
     355As an example, in the call to !swap( x, x )! above, the second !x! can be resolved starting at the second or third parameter of !swap!, depending which interpretation of !x! was chosen for the first argument.
  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/cfa-macros.tex

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    22 \newcommand{\C}[2][2in]{\hfill\makebox[#1][l]{\LstCommentStyle{#2}}}
    2424% CFA programming language, based on ANSI C (with some gcc additions)
  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/generic-types.tex

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    44Talk about generic types. Pull from Moss~\etal\cite{Moss18}.
     6% TODO discuss layout function algorithm, application to separate compilation
     7% TODO put a static const field in for _n_fields for each generic, describe utility for separate compilation
    69% TODO mention impetus for zero_t design
    811% TODO mention use in tuple-type implementation
     13% TODO pull benchmarks from Moss et al.
  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/thesis.tex

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    143 \bibliography{aaron-thesis}
    144144% Tip 5: You can create multiple .bib files to organize your references.
    145145% Just list them all in the \bibliogaphy command, separated by commas (no spaces).
  • libcfa/configure

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
  • src/CodeTools/

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    1717SRC += CodeTools/ \
     18        CodeTools/ \
    1819        CodeTools/
  • src/

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    3030        parsep = false,
    3131        resolvep = false,
     32        resolvprotop = false,
    3233        symtabp = false,
    3334        treep = false,
  • src/CompilationState.h

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    3131        parsep,
    3232        resolvep,
     33        resolvprotop,
    3334        symtabp,
    3435        treep,
  • src/

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    221221        CodeGen/FixNames.$(OBJEXT) CodeGen/FixMain.$(OBJEXT) \
    222222        CodeGen/OperatorTable.$(OBJEXT) CodeTools/DeclStats.$(OBJEXT) \
     223        CodeTools/ResolvProtoDump.$(OBJEXT) \
    223224        CodeTools/TrackLoc.$(OBJEXT) Concurrency/Keywords.$(OBJEXT) \
    224225        Concurrency/Waitfor.$(OBJEXT) Common/SemanticError.$(OBJEXT) \
    520521        CodeGen/ CodeGen/ \
    521522        CodeGen/ CodeTools/ \
    522         CodeTools/ Concurrency/ \
    523         Concurrency/ Common/ \
    524         Common/ Common/ Common/ \
    525         Common/ Common/ ControlStruct/ \
     523        CodeTools/ CodeTools/ \
     524        Concurrency/ Concurrency/ \
     525        Common/ Common/ \
     526        Common/ Common/ Common/ \
     527        Common/ ControlStruct/ \
    526528        ControlStruct/ ControlStruct/ \
    527529        ControlStruct/ ControlStruct/ \
    9991001CodeTools/DeclStats.$(OBJEXT): CodeTools/$(am__dirstamp) \
    10001002        CodeTools/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
     1003CodeTools/ResolvProtoDump.$(OBJEXT): CodeTools/$(am__dirstamp) \
     1004        CodeTools/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
    10011005CodeTools/TrackLoc.$(OBJEXT): CodeTools/$(am__dirstamp) \
    10021006        CodeTools/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
    11011105@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@CodeGen/$(DEPDIR)/OperatorTable.Po@am__quote@
    11021106@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@CodeTools/$(DEPDIR)/DeclStats.Po@am__quote@
     1107@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@CodeTools/$(DEPDIR)/ResolvProtoDump.Po@am__quote@
    11031108@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@CodeTools/$(DEPDIR)/TrackLoc.Po@am__quote@
    11041109@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@Common/$(DEPDIR)/Assert.Po@am__quote@
  • src/Parser/

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    1010// Created On       : Sat May 16 13:22:09 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Andrew Beach
    12 // Last Modified On : Fri Jul  7 11:11:00 2017
    13 // Update Count     : 25
     12// Last Modified On : Thr Spt 12 15:59:00 2018
     13// Update Count     : 26
    2424namespace LinkageSpec {
    26 Spec linkageCheck( CodeLocation location, const string * spec ) {
    27         assert( spec );
    28         unique_ptr<const string> guard( spec ); // allocated by lexer
    29         if ( *spec == "\"Cforall\"" ) {
    30                 return Cforall;
    31         } else if ( *spec == "\"C\"" ) {
    32                 return C;
    33         } else if ( *spec == "\"BuiltinC\"" ) {
    34                 return BuiltinC;
    35         } else {
    36                 SemanticError( location, "Invalid linkage specifier " + *spec );
    37         } // if
    38 }
    4026Spec linkageUpdate( CodeLocation location, Spec old_spec, const string * cmd ) {
  • src/Parser/LinkageSpec.h

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    99// Author           : Rodolfo G. Esteves
    1010// Created On       : Sat May 16 13:24:28 2015
    11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Mon Jul  2 07:46:49 2018
    13 // Update Count     : 16
     11// Last Modified By : Andrew Beach
     12// Last Modified On : Thr Spt 13 15:59:00 2018
     13// Update Count     : 17
    43         Spec linkageCheck( CodeLocation location, const std::string * );
    44         // Returns the Spec with the given name (limited to C, Cforall & BuiltinC)
    4543        Spec linkageUpdate( CodeLocation location, Spec old_spec, const std::string * cmd );
    4644        /* If cmd = "C" returns a Spec that is old_spec with is_mangled = false
  • src/

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    3434#include "CodeGen/Generate.h"               // for generate
    3535#include "CodeTools/DeclStats.h"            // for printDeclStats
     36#include "CodeTools/ResolvProtoDump.h"      // for dumpAsResolvProto
    3637#include "CodeTools/TrackLoc.h"             // for fillLocations
    3738#include "Common/CompilerError.h"           // for CompilerError
    271272                CodeTools::fillLocations( translationUnit );
     274                if ( resolvprotop ) {
     275                        CodeTools::dumpAsResolvProto( translationUnit );
     276                        return 0;
     277                }
    273279                PASS( "resolve", ResolvExpr::resolve( translationUnit ) );
    274280                if ( exprp ) {
    377383void parse_cmdline( int argc, char * argv[], const char *& filename ) {
    378         enum { Ast, Bbox, Bresolver, CtorInitFix, DeclStats, Expr, ExprAlt, Grammar, LibCFA, Linemarks, Nolinemarks, Nopreamble, Parse, PreludeDir, Prototypes, Resolver, Symbol, Tree, TupleExpansion, Validate, };
     384        enum { Ast, Bbox, Bresolver, CtorInitFix, DeclStats, Expr, ExprAlt, Grammar, LibCFA, Linemarks, Nolinemarks, Nopreamble, Parse, PreludeDir, Prototypes, Resolver, ResolvProto, Symbol, Tree, TupleExpansion, Validate, };
    380386        static struct option long_opts[] = {
    395401                { "no-prototypes", no_argument, 0, Prototypes },
    396402                { "resolver", no_argument, 0, Resolver },
     403                { "resolv-proto", no_argument, 0, ResolvProto },
    397404                { "symbol", no_argument, 0, Symbol },
    398405                { "tree", no_argument, 0, Tree },
    407414        bool Wsuppress = false, Werror = false;
    408415        int c;
    409         while ( (c = getopt_long( argc, argv, "abBcCdefgGlLmnNpqrstTvwW:yzZD:F:", long_opts, &long_index )) != -1 ) {
     416        while ( (c = getopt_long( argc, argv, "abBcCdefgGlLmnNpqrRstTvwW:yzZD:F:", long_opts, &long_index )) != -1 ) {
    410417                switch ( c ) {
    411418                  case Ast:
    479486                  case 'r':                                                                             // print resolver steps
    480487                        resolvep = true;
     488                        break;
     489                        case 'R':                                                                               // dump resolv-proto instance
     490                        resolvprotop = true;
    481491                        break;
    482492                  case Symbol:
  • tools/cfa.nanorc

    r031a88a9 rec71a50  
    22## WIP
    4 syntax "cfa" "\.cfa"
     4syntax "cfa" "\.(c|h)fa"
    66# Macros
    99# Types
    1010color green "\<(forall|trait|(o|d|f|t)type|mutex|_Bool|volatile|virtual)\>"
    11 color green "\<(float|double|bool|char|int|short|long|sizeof|enum|void|auto)\>"
    12 color green "\<(static|const|struct|union|typedef|extern|(un)?signed|inline)\>"
     11color green "\<(float|double|bool|char|int|short|long|enum|void|auto)\>"
     12color green "\<(static|const|extern|(un)?signed|inline)\>" "\<(sizeof)\>"
    1313color green "\<((s?size)|one|zero|((u_?)?int(8|16|32|64|ptr)))_t\>"
    1919# Control Flow Structures
    2020color brightyellow "\<(if|else|while|do|for|switch|choose|case|default)\>"
     21color brightyellow "\<(disable|enable|waitfor|when|timeout)\>"
    2122color brightyellow "\<(try|catch(Resume)?|finally)\>"
    2324# Control Flow Statements
    2425color magenta "\<(goto|return|break|continue|fallthr(u|ough)|throw(Resume)?)\>"
     27# Escaped Keywords, now Identifiers.
     28color white "`\w+`"
    2630# Operator Names
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