Changeset c6c682cf for src

Oct 29, 2020, 4:46:04 PM (4 years ago)
Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…>
ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, master, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum

This should make the value of Pass[Visitor]::inFunction match the expected value.

4 edited


  • TabularUnified src/AST/Pass.hpp

    r93068e53 rc6c682cf  
    297297        bool inFunction = false;
     298        bool atFunctionTop = false;
  • TabularUnified src/AST/Pass.impl.hpp

    r93068e53 rc6c682cf  
    502502                                // foralls are still in function type
    503503                                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionDecl::type );
    504                                 // function body needs to have the same scope as parameters - CompoundStmt will not enter
    505                                 // a new scope if inFunction is true
     504                                // First remember that we are now within a function.
    506505                                ValueGuard< bool > oldInFunction( inFunction );
    507506                                inFunction = true;
     507                                // The function body needs to have the same scope as parameters.
     508                                // A CompoundStmt will not enter a new scope if atFunctionTop is true.
     509                                ValueGuard< bool > oldAtFunctionTop( atFunctionTop );
     510                                atFunctionTop = true;
    508511                                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionDecl::stmts );
    509512                                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionDecl::attributes );
    672675        VISIT_START( node );
    673676        VISIT({
    674                 // do not enter a new scope if inFunction is true - needs to check old state before the assignment
    675                 auto guard1 = makeFuncGuard( [this, inFunctionCpy = this->inFunction]() {
    676                         if ( ! inFunctionCpy ) __pass::symtab::enter(core, 0);
    677                 }, [this, inFunctionCpy = this->inFunction]() {
    678                         if ( ! inFunctionCpy ) __pass::symtab::leave(core, 0);
     677                // Do not enter (or leave) a new scope if atFunctionTop. Remember to save the result.
     678                auto guard1 = makeFuncGuard( [this, enterScope = !this->atFunctionTop]() {
     679                        if ( enterScope ) __pass::symtab::enter(core, 0);
     680                }, [this, leaveScope = !this->atFunctionTop]() {
     681                        if ( leaveScope ) __pass::symtab::leave(core, 0);
    679682                });
    680683                ValueGuard< bool > guard2( inFunction );
  • TabularUnified src/Common/PassVisitor.h

    r93068e53 rc6c682cf  
    361361        bool inFunction = false;
     362        bool atFunctionTop = false;
    363364        template<typename pass_t> friend void acceptAll( std::list< Declaration* > &decls, PassVisitor< pass_t >& visitor );
    533534        bool isInFunction() const {
    534                 return visitor->inFunction;
     535                return visitor->isInFunction();
    535536        }
  • TabularUnified src/Common/PassVisitor.impl.h

    r93068e53 rc6c682cf  
    532532                        indexerAddId( &func );
    533533                        maybeAccept_impl( node->type, *this );
    534                         // function body needs to have the same scope as parameters - CompoundStmt will not enter
    535                         // a new scope if inFunction is true
     534                        // First remember that we are now within a function.
    536535                        ValueGuard< bool > oldInFunction( inFunction );
    537536                        inFunction = true;
     537                        // The function body needs to have the same scope as parameters.
     538                        // A CompoundStmt will not enter a new scope if atFunctionTop is true.
     539                        ValueGuard< bool > oldAtFunctionTop( atFunctionTop );
     540                        atFunctionTop = true;
    538541                        maybeAccept_impl( node->statements, *this );
    539542                        maybeAccept_impl( node->attributes, *this );
    567570                        indexerAddId( &func );
    568571                        maybeAccept_impl( node->type, *this );
    569                         // function body needs to have the same scope as parameters - CompoundStmt will not enter
    570                         // a new scope if inFunction is true
     572                        // First remember that we are now within a function.
    571573                        ValueGuard< bool > oldInFunction( inFunction );
    572574                        inFunction = true;
     575                        // The function body needs to have the same scope as parameters.
     576                        // A CompoundStmt will not enter a new scope if atFunctionTop is true.
     577                        ValueGuard< bool > oldAtFunctionTop( atFunctionTop );
     578                        atFunctionTop = true;
    573579                        maybeAccept_impl( node->statements, *this );
    574580                        maybeAccept_impl( node->attributes, *this );
    601607                        indexerAddId( &func );
    602608                        maybeMutate_impl( node->type, *this );
    603                         // function body needs to have the same scope as parameters - CompoundStmt will not enter
    604                         // a new scope if inFunction is true
     609                        // First remember that we are now within a function.
    605610                        ValueGuard< bool > oldInFunction( inFunction );
    606611                        inFunction = true;
     612                        // The function body needs to have the same scope as parameters.
     613                        // A CompoundStmt will not enter a new scope if atFunctionTop is true.
     614                        ValueGuard< bool > oldAtFunctionTop( atFunctionTop );
     615                        atFunctionTop = true;
    607616                        maybeMutate_impl( node->statements, *this );
    608617                        maybeMutate_impl( node->attributes, *this );
    10071016        VISIT_START( node );
    10081017        {
    1009                 // do not enter a new scope if inFunction is true - needs to check old state before the assignment
    1010                 ValueGuard< bool > oldInFunction( inFunction );
    1011                 auto guard1 = makeFuncGuard( [this, &oldInFunction]() { if ( ! oldInFunction.old ) indexerScopeEnter(); }, [this, &oldInFunction]() { if ( ! oldInFunction.old ) indexerScopeLeave(); } );
     1018                // Do not enter a new scope if atFunctionTop is true, don't leave one either.
     1019                ValueGuard< bool > oldAtFunctionTop( atFunctionTop );
     1020                auto guard1 = makeFuncGuard( [this, go = !atFunctionTop]() { if ( go ) indexerScopeEnter(); }, [this, go = !atFunctionTop]() { if ( go ) indexerScopeLeave(); } );
    10121021                auto guard2 = makeFuncGuard( [this]() { call_beginScope();   }, [this]() { call_endScope();     } );
    1013                 inFunction = false;
     1022                atFunctionTop = false;
    10141023                visitStatementList( node->kids );
    10151024        }
    10211030        VISIT_START( node );
    10221031        {
    1023                 // do not enter a new scope if inFunction is true - needs to check old state before the assignment
    1024                 ValueGuard< bool > oldInFunction( inFunction );
    1025                 auto guard1 = makeFuncGuard( [this, &oldInFunction]() { if ( ! oldInFunction.old ) indexerScopeEnter(); }, [this, &oldInFunction]() { if ( ! oldInFunction.old ) indexerScopeLeave(); } );
     1032                // Do not enter a new scope if atFunctionTop is true, don't leave one either.
     1033                ValueGuard< bool > oldAtFunctionTop( atFunctionTop );
     1034                auto guard1 = makeFuncGuard( [this, go = !atFunctionTop]() { if ( go ) indexerScopeEnter(); }, [this, go = !atFunctionTop]() { if ( go ) indexerScopeLeave(); } );
    10261035                auto guard2 = makeFuncGuard( [this]() { call_beginScope();   }, [this]() { call_endScope();     } );
    1027                 inFunction = false;
     1036                atFunctionTop = false;
    10281037                visitStatementList( node->kids );
    10291038        }
    10351044        MUTATE_START( node );
    10361045        {
    1037                 // do not enter a new scope if inFunction is true - needs to check old state before the assignment
    1038                 ValueGuard< bool > oldInFunction( inFunction );
    1039                 auto guard1 = makeFuncGuard( [this, &oldInFunction]() { if ( ! oldInFunction.old ) indexerScopeEnter(); }, [this, &oldInFunction]() { if ( ! oldInFunction.old ) indexerScopeLeave(); } );
     1046                // Do not enter a new scope if atFunctionTop is true, don't leave one either.
     1047                ValueGuard< bool > oldAtFunctionTop( atFunctionTop );
     1048                auto guard1 = makeFuncGuard( [this, go = !atFunctionTop]() { if ( go ) indexerScopeEnter(); }, [this, go = !atFunctionTop]() { if ( go ) indexerScopeLeave(); } );
    10401049                auto guard2 = makeFuncGuard( [this]() { call_beginScope();   }, [this]() { call_endScope();     } );
    1041                 inFunction = false;
     1050                atFunctionTop = false;
    10421051                mutateStatementList( node->kids );
    10431052        }
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