Nov 8, 2023, 2:01:11 PM (8 months ago)
Andrew Beach <ajbeach@…>
3e4bf0d, f5ec35a

Remove BaseSyntaxNode? and clean-up.

1 edited


  • src/InitTweak/GenInit.cc

    r790d835 rc6b4432  
    2929#include "CompilationState.h"
    3030#include "CodeGen/OperatorTable.h"
    31 #include "Common/PassVisitor.h"        // for PassVisitor, WithGuards, WithShort...
    3231#include "Common/SemanticError.h"      // for SemanticError
    3332#include "Common/ToString.hpp"         // for toCString
    3837#include "InitTweak.h"                 // for isConstExpr, InitExpander, checkIn...
    3938#include "ResolvExpr/Resolver.h"
    40 #include "SymTab/Autogen.h"            // for genImplicitCall
    4139#include "SymTab/GenImplicitCall.hpp"  // for genImplicitCall
    4240#include "SymTab/Mangler.h"            // for Mangler
    43 #include "SynTree/LinkageSpec.h"       // for isOverridable, C
    44 #include "SynTree/Declaration.h"       // for ObjectDecl, DeclarationWithType
    45 #include "SynTree/Expression.h"        // for VariableExpr, UntypedExpr, Address...
    46 #include "SynTree/Initializer.h"       // for ConstructorInit, SingleInit, Initi...
    47 #include "SynTree/Label.h"             // for Label
    48 #include "SynTree/Mutator.h"           // for mutateAll
    49 #include "SynTree/Statement.h"         // for CompoundStmt, ImplicitCtorDtorStmt
    50 #include "SynTree/Type.h"              // for Type, ArrayType, Type::Qualifiers
    51 #include "SynTree/Visitor.h"           // for acceptAll, maybeAccept
    5241#include "Tuples/Tuples.h"             // for maybeImpure
    5342#include "Validate/FindSpecialDecls.h" // for SizeType
    5544namespace InitTweak {
    56         namespace {
    57                 const std::list<Label> noLabels;
    58                 const std::list<Expression *> noDesignators;
    59         }
    61         struct ReturnFixer : public WithStmtsToAdd, public WithGuards {
    62                 /// consistently allocates a temporary variable for the return value
    63                 /// of a function so that anything which the resolver decides can be constructed
    64                 /// into the return type of a function can be returned.
    65                 static void makeReturnTemp( std::list< Declaration * > &translationUnit );
    67                 void premutate( FunctionDecl *functionDecl );
    68                 void premutate( ReturnStmt * returnStmt );
    70           protected:
    71                 FunctionType * ftype = nullptr;
    72                 std::string funcName;
    73         };
    75         struct CtorDtor : public WithGuards, public WithShortCircuiting, public WithVisitorRef<CtorDtor>  {
    76                 /// create constructor and destructor statements for object declarations.
    77                 /// the actual call statements will be added in after the resolver has run
    78                 /// so that the initializer expression is only removed if a constructor is found
    79                 /// and the same destructor call is inserted in all of the appropriate locations.
    80                 static void generateCtorDtor( std::list< Declaration * > &translationUnit );
    82                 void previsit( ObjectDecl * );
    83                 void previsit( FunctionDecl *functionDecl );
    85                 // should not traverse into any of these declarations to find objects
    86                 // that need to be constructed or destructed
    87                 void previsit( StructDecl *aggregateDecl );
    88                 void previsit( AggregateDecl * ) { visit_children = false; }
    89                 void previsit( NamedTypeDecl * ) { visit_children = false; }
    90                 void previsit( FunctionType * ) { visit_children = false; }
    92                 void previsit( CompoundStmt * compoundStmt );
    94           private:
    95                 // set of mangled type names for which a constructor or destructor exists in the current scope.
    96                 // these types require a ConstructorInit node to be generated, anything else is a POD type and thus
    97                 // should not have a ConstructorInit generated.
    99                 ManagedTypes managedTypes;
    100                 bool inFunction = false;
    101         };
    103         struct HoistArrayDimension final : public WithDeclsToAdd, public WithShortCircuiting, public WithGuards, public WithIndexer {
    104                 /// hoist dimension from array types in object declaration so that it uses a single
    105                 /// const variable of type size_t, so that side effecting array dimensions are only
    106                 /// computed once.
    107                 static void hoistArrayDimension( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit );
    109                 void premutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl );
    110                 DeclarationWithType * postmutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl );
    111                 void premutate( FunctionDecl *functionDecl );
    112                 // should not traverse into any of these declarations to find objects
    113                 // that need to be constructed or destructed
    114                 void premutate( AggregateDecl * ) { visit_children = false; }
    115                 void premutate( NamedTypeDecl * ) { visit_children = false; }
    116                 void premutate( FunctionType * ) { visit_children = false; }
    118                 // need this so that enumerators are added to the indexer, due to premutate(AggregateDecl *)
    119                 void premutate( EnumDecl * ) {}
    121                 void hoist( Type * type );
    123                 Type::StorageClasses storageClasses;
    124                 bool inFunction = false;
    125         };
    127         struct HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve final : public WithDeclsToAdd, public WithShortCircuiting, public WithGuards {
    128                 /// hoist dimension from array types in object declaration so that it uses a single
    129                 /// const variable of type size_t, so that side effecting array dimensions are only
    130                 /// computed once.
    131                 static void hoistArrayDimension( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit );
    133                 void premutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl );
    134                 DeclarationWithType * postmutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl );
    135                 void premutate( FunctionDecl *functionDecl );
    136                 // should not traverse into any of these declarations to find objects
    137                 // that need to be constructed or destructed
    138                 void premutate( AggregateDecl * ) { visit_children = false; }
    139                 void premutate( NamedTypeDecl * ) { visit_children = false; }
    140                 void premutate( FunctionType * ) { visit_children = false; }
    142                 void hoist( Type * type );
    144                 Type::StorageClasses storageClasses;
    145                 bool inFunction = false;
    146         };
    148         void genInit( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) {
    149                 if (!useNewAST) {
    150                         HoistArrayDimension::hoistArrayDimension( translationUnit );
    151                 }
    152                 else {
    153                         HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::hoistArrayDimension( translationUnit );
    154                 }
    155                 fixReturnStatements( translationUnit );
    157                 if (!useNewAST) {
    158                         CtorDtor::generateCtorDtor( translationUnit );
    159                 }
    160         }
    162         void fixReturnStatements( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) {
    163                 PassVisitor<ReturnFixer> fixer;
    164                 mutateAll( translationUnit, fixer );
    165         }
    167         void ReturnFixer::premutate( ReturnStmt *returnStmt ) {
    168                 std::list< DeclarationWithType * > & returnVals = ftype->get_returnVals();
    169                 assert( returnVals.size() == 0 || returnVals.size() == 1 );
    170                 // hands off if the function returns a reference - we don't want to allocate a temporary if a variable's address
    171                 // is being returned
    172                 if ( returnStmt->expr && returnVals.size() == 1 && isConstructable( returnVals.front()->get_type() ) ) {
    173                         // explicitly construct the return value using the return expression and the retVal object
    174                         assertf( returnVals.front()->name != "", "Function %s has unnamed return value\n", funcName.c_str() );
    176                         ObjectDecl * retVal = strict_dynamic_cast< ObjectDecl * >( returnVals.front() );
    177                         if ( VariableExpr * varExpr = dynamic_cast< VariableExpr * >( returnStmt->expr ) ) {
    178                                 // return statement has already been mutated - don't need to do it again
    179                                 if ( varExpr->var == retVal ) return;
    180                         }
    181                         Statement * stmt = genCtorDtor( "?{}", retVal, returnStmt->expr );
    182                         assertf( stmt, "ReturnFixer: genCtorDtor returned nullptr: %s / %s", toString( retVal ).c_str(), toString( returnStmt->expr ).c_str() );
    183                         stmtsToAddBefore.push_back( stmt );
    185                         // return the retVal object
    186                         returnStmt->expr = new VariableExpr( returnVals.front() );
    187                 } // if
    188         }
    190         void ReturnFixer::premutate( FunctionDecl *functionDecl ) {
    191                 GuardValue( ftype );
    192                 GuardValue( funcName );
    194                 ftype = functionDecl->type;
    195                 funcName = functionDecl->name;
    196         }
    198         // precompute array dimension expression, because constructor generation may duplicate it,
    199         // which would be incorrect if it is a side-effecting computation.
    200         void HoistArrayDimension::hoistArrayDimension( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) {
    201                 PassVisitor<HoistArrayDimension> hoister;
    202                 mutateAll( translationUnit, hoister );
    203         }
    205         void HoistArrayDimension::premutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl ) {
    206                 GuardValue( storageClasses );
    207                 storageClasses = objectDecl->get_storageClasses();
    208         }
    210         DeclarationWithType * HoistArrayDimension::postmutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl ) {
    211                 hoist( objectDecl->get_type() );
    212                 return objectDecl;
    213         }
    215         void HoistArrayDimension::hoist( Type * type ) {
    216                 // if in function, generate const size_t var
    217                 static UniqueName dimensionName( "_array_dim" );
    219                 // C doesn't allow variable sized arrays at global scope or for static variables, so don't hoist dimension.
    220                 if ( ! inFunction ) return;
    221                 if ( storageClasses.is_static ) return;
    223                 if ( ArrayType * arrayType = dynamic_cast< ArrayType * >( type ) ) {
    224                         if ( ! arrayType->get_dimension() ) return; // xxx - recursive call to hoist?
    226                         // need to resolve array dimensions in order to accurately determine if constexpr
    227                         ResolvExpr::findSingleExpression( arrayType->dimension, Validate::SizeType->clone(), indexer );
    228                         // array is variable-length when the dimension is not constexpr
    229                         arrayType->isVarLen = ! isConstExpr( arrayType->dimension );
    230                         // don't need to hoist dimension if it's definitely pure - only need to if there's potential for side effects.
    231                         // xxx - hoisting has no side effects anyways, so don't skip since we delay resolve
    232                         // still try to detect constant expressions
    233                         if ( ! Tuples::maybeImpure( arrayType->dimension ) ) return;
    235                         ObjectDecl * arrayDimension = new ObjectDecl( dimensionName.newName(), storageClasses, LinkageSpec::C, 0, Validate::SizeType->clone(), new SingleInit( arrayType->get_dimension() ) );
    236                         arrayDimension->get_type()->set_const( true );
    238                         arrayType->set_dimension( new VariableExpr( arrayDimension ) );
    239                         declsToAddBefore.push_back( arrayDimension );
    241                         hoist( arrayType->get_base() );
    242                         return;
    243                 }
    244         }
    246         void HoistArrayDimension::premutate( FunctionDecl * ) {
    247                 GuardValue( inFunction );
    248                 inFunction = true;
    249         }
    251         // precompute array dimension expression, because constructor generation may duplicate it,
    252         // which would be incorrect if it is a side-effecting computation.
    253         void HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::hoistArrayDimension( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) {
    254                 PassVisitor<HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve> hoister;
    255                 mutateAll( translationUnit, hoister );
    256         }
    258         void HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::premutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl ) {
    259                 GuardValue( storageClasses );
    260                 storageClasses = objectDecl->get_storageClasses();
    261         }
    263         DeclarationWithType * HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::postmutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl ) {
    264                 hoist( objectDecl->get_type() );
    265                 return objectDecl;
    266         }
    268         void HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::hoist( Type * type ) {
    269                 // if in function, generate const size_t var
    270                 static UniqueName dimensionName( "_array_dim" );
    272                 // C doesn't allow variable sized arrays at global scope or for static variables, so don't hoist dimension.
    273                 if ( ! inFunction ) return;
    274                 if ( storageClasses.is_static ) return;
    276                 if ( ArrayType * arrayType = dynamic_cast< ArrayType * >( type ) ) {
    277                         if ( ! arrayType->get_dimension() ) return; // xxx - recursive call to hoist?
    278                         // don't need to hoist dimension if it's definitely pure - only need to if there's potential for side effects.
    279                         // xxx - hoisting has no side effects anyways, so don't skip since we delay resolve
    280                         // still try to detect constant expressions
    281                         if ( ! Tuples::maybeImpure( arrayType->dimension ) ) return;
    283                         ObjectDecl * arrayDimension = new ObjectDecl( dimensionName.newName(), storageClasses, LinkageSpec::C, 0, Validate::SizeType->clone(), new SingleInit( arrayType->get_dimension() ) );
    284                         arrayDimension->get_type()->set_const( true );
    286                         arrayType->set_dimension( new VariableExpr( arrayDimension ) );
    287                         declsToAddBefore.push_back( arrayDimension );
    289                         hoist( arrayType->get_base() );
    290                         return;
    291                 }
    292         }
    294         void HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::premutate( FunctionDecl * ) {
    295                 GuardValue( inFunction );
    296                 inFunction = true;
    297         }
    29946namespace {
    526273        }
    528         void CtorDtor::generateCtorDtor( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) {
    529                 PassVisitor<CtorDtor> ctordtor;
    530                 acceptAll( translationUnit, ctordtor );
    531         }
    533         bool ManagedTypes::isManaged( Type * type ) const {
    534                 // references are never constructed
    535                 if ( dynamic_cast< ReferenceType * >( type ) ) return false;
    536                 // need to clear and reset qualifiers when determining if a type is managed
    537                 ValueGuard< Type::Qualifiers > qualifiers( type->get_qualifiers() );
    538                 type->get_qualifiers() = Type::Qualifiers();
    539                 if ( TupleType * tupleType = dynamic_cast< TupleType * > ( type ) ) {
    540                         // tuple is also managed if any of its components are managed
    541                         if ( std::any_of( tupleType->types.begin(), tupleType->types.end(), [&](Type * type) { return isManaged( type ); }) ) {
    542                                 return true;
    543                         }
    544                 }
    545                 // a type is managed if it appears in the map of known managed types, or if it contains any polymorphism (is a type variable or generic type containing a type variable)
    546                 return managedTypes.find( SymTab::Mangler::mangleConcrete( type ) ) != managedTypes.end() || GenPoly::isPolyType( type );
    547         }
    549         bool ManagedTypes::isManaged( ObjectDecl * objDecl ) const {
    550                 Type * type = objDecl->get_type();
    551                 while ( ArrayType * at = dynamic_cast< ArrayType * >( type ) ) {
    552                         // must always construct VLAs with an initializer, since this is an error in C
    553                         if ( at->isVarLen && objDecl->init ) return true;
    554                         type = at->get_base();
    555                 }
    556                 return isManaged( type );
    557         }
    559         // why is this not just on FunctionDecl?
    560         void ManagedTypes::handleDWT( DeclarationWithType * dwt ) {
    561                 // if this function is a user-defined constructor or destructor, mark down the type as "managed"
    562                 if ( ! LinkageSpec::isOverridable( dwt->get_linkage() ) && CodeGen::isCtorDtor( dwt->get_name() ) ) {
    563                         std::list< DeclarationWithType * > & params = GenPoly::getFunctionType( dwt->get_type() )->get_parameters();
    564                         assert( ! params.empty() );
    565                         Type * type = InitTweak::getPointerBase( params.front()->get_type() );
    566                         assert( type );
    567                         managedTypes.insert( SymTab::Mangler::mangleConcrete( type ) );
    568                 }
    569         }
    571         void ManagedTypes::handleStruct( StructDecl * aggregateDecl ) {
    572                 // don't construct members, but need to take note if there is a managed member,
    573                 // because that means that this type is also managed
    574                 for ( Declaration * member : aggregateDecl->get_members() ) {
    575                         if ( ObjectDecl * field = dynamic_cast< ObjectDecl * >( member ) ) {
    576                                 if ( isManaged( field ) ) {
    577                                         // generic parameters should not play a role in determining whether a generic type is constructed - construct all generic types, so that
    578                                         // polymorphic constructors make generic types managed types
    579                                         StructInstType inst( Type::Qualifiers(), aggregateDecl );
    580                                         managedTypes.insert( SymTab::Mangler::mangleConcrete( &inst ) );
    581                                         break;
    582                                 }
    583                         }
    584                 }
    585         }
    587         void ManagedTypes::beginScope() { managedTypes.beginScope(); }
    588         void ManagedTypes::endScope() { managedTypes.endScope(); }
    590275        bool ManagedTypes_new::isManaged( const ast::Type * type ) const {
    591276                // references are never constructed
    647332        void ManagedTypes_new::endScope() { managedTypes.endScope(); }
    649         ImplicitCtorDtorStmt * genCtorDtor( const std::string & fname, ObjectDecl * objDecl, Expression * arg ) {
    650                 // call into genImplicitCall from Autogen.h to generate calls to ctor/dtor
    651                 assertf( objDecl, "genCtorDtor passed null objDecl" );
    652                 std::list< Statement * > stmts;
    653                 InitExpander_old srcParam( maybeClone( arg ) );
    654                 SymTab::genImplicitCall( srcParam, new VariableExpr( objDecl ), fname, back_inserter( stmts ), objDecl );
    655                 assert( stmts.size() <= 1 );
    656                 return stmts.size() == 1 ? strict_dynamic_cast< ImplicitCtorDtorStmt * >( stmts.front() ) : nullptr;
    658         }
    660334        ast::ptr<ast::Stmt> genCtorDtor (const CodeLocation & loc, const std::string & fname, const ast::ObjectDecl * objDecl, const ast::Expr * arg) {
    661335                assertf(objDecl, "genCtorDtor passed null objDecl");
    662336                InitExpander_new srcParam(arg);
    663337                return SymTab::genImplicitCall(srcParam, new ast::VariableExpr(loc, objDecl), loc, fname, objDecl);
    664         }
    666         ConstructorInit * genCtorInit( ObjectDecl * objDecl ) {
    667                 // call into genImplicitCall from Autogen.h to generate calls to ctor/dtor
    668                 // for each constructable object
    669                 std::list< Statement * > ctor;
    670                 std::list< Statement * > dtor;
    672                 InitExpander_old srcParam( objDecl->get_init() );
    673                 InitExpander_old nullParam( (Initializer *)NULL );
    674                 SymTab::genImplicitCall( srcParam, new VariableExpr( objDecl ), "?{}", back_inserter( ctor ), objDecl );
    675                 SymTab::genImplicitCall( nullParam, new VariableExpr( objDecl ), "^?{}", front_inserter( dtor ), objDecl, false );
    677                 // Currently genImplicitCall produces a single Statement - a CompoundStmt
    678                 // which  wraps everything that needs to happen. As such, it's technically
    679                 // possible to use a Statement ** in the above calls, but this is inherently
    680                 // unsafe, so instead we take the slightly less efficient route, but will be
    681                 // immediately informed if somehow the above assumption is broken. In this case,
    682                 // we could always wrap the list of statements at this point with a CompoundStmt,
    683                 // but it seems reasonable at the moment for this to be done by genImplicitCall
    684                 // itself. It is possible that genImplicitCall produces no statements (e.g. if
    685                 // an array type does not have a dimension). In this case, it's fine to ignore
    686                 // the object for the purposes of construction.
    687                 assert( ctor.size() == dtor.size() && ctor.size() <= 1 );
    688                 if ( ctor.size() == 1 ) {
    689                         // need to remember init expression, in case no ctors exist
    690                         // if ctor does exist, want to use ctor expression instead of init
    691                         // push this decision to the resolver
    692                         assert( dynamic_cast< ImplicitCtorDtorStmt * > ( ctor.front() ) && dynamic_cast< ImplicitCtorDtorStmt * > ( dtor.front() ) );
    693                         return new ConstructorInit( ctor.front(), dtor.front(), objDecl->get_init() );
    694                 }
    695                 return nullptr;
    696         }
    698         void CtorDtor::previsit( ObjectDecl * objDecl ) {
    699                 managedTypes.handleDWT( objDecl );
    700                 // hands off if @=, extern, builtin, etc.
    701                 // even if unmanaged, try to construct global or static if initializer is not constexpr, since this is not legal C
    702                 if ( tryConstruct( objDecl ) && ( managedTypes.isManaged( objDecl ) || ((! inFunction || objDecl->get_storageClasses().is_static ) && ! isConstExpr( objDecl->get_init() ) ) ) ) {
    703                         // constructed objects cannot be designated
    704                         if ( isDesignated( objDecl->get_init() ) ) SemanticError( objDecl, "Cannot include designations in the initializer for a managed Object. If this is really what you want, then initialize with @=.\n" );
    705                         // constructed objects should not have initializers nested too deeply
    706                         if ( ! checkInitDepth( objDecl ) ) SemanticError( objDecl, "Managed object's initializer is too deep " );
    708                         objDecl->set_init( genCtorInit( objDecl ) );
    709                 }
    710         }
    712         void CtorDtor::previsit( FunctionDecl *functionDecl ) {
    713                 visit_children = false;  // do not try and construct parameters or forall parameters
    714                 GuardValue( inFunction );
    715                 inFunction = true;
    717                 managedTypes.handleDWT( functionDecl );
    719                 GuardScope( managedTypes );
    720                 // go through assertions and recursively add seen ctor/dtors
    721                 for ( auto & tyDecl : functionDecl->get_functionType()->get_forall() ) {
    722                         for ( DeclarationWithType *& assertion : tyDecl->get_assertions() ) {
    723                                 managedTypes.handleDWT( assertion );
    724                         }
    725                 }
    727                 maybeAccept( functionDecl->get_statements(), *visitor );
    728         }
    730         void CtorDtor::previsit( StructDecl *aggregateDecl ) {
    731                 visit_children = false; // do not try to construct and destruct aggregate members
    733                 managedTypes.handleStruct( aggregateDecl );
    734         }
    736         void CtorDtor::previsit( CompoundStmt * ) {
    737                 GuardScope( managedTypes );
    738338        }
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