May 13, 2024, 10:26:52 AM (5 months ago)
JiadaL <j82liang@…>

Change enum conversion steps

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  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/CFAenum.tex

    r41c8312 racb33f15  
    7070As in Section~\ref{s:EnumeratorUnscoping}, opening multiple scoped enumerations in a @with@ can result in duplicate enumeration names, but \CFA implicit type resolution and explicit qualification/casting handles ambiguities.
    73 \section{Enumeration Pseudo-functions}
    75 Pseudo-functions are function-like operators that do not result in any run-time computations, \ie like @sizeof@, @alignof@, @typeof@.
    76 A pseudo-function call is often substituted with information extracted from the compilation symbol-table, like storage size or alignment associated with the underlying architecture.
    78 The attributes of an enumerator are accessed by pseudo-functions @posE@, @valueE@, and @labelE@.
    79 \begin{cfa}
    80 int jane_pos = @posE@( Names.Jane );   $\C{// 2}$
    81 char * jane_value = @valueE@( Names.Jane ); $\C{// "JANE"}$
    82 char * jane_label = @labelE@( Names.Jane ); $\C{// "Jane"}$
    83 sout | posE( Names.Jane) | labelE( Names.Jane ) | valueE( Names.Jane );
    84 \end{cfa}
    85 Note the ability to print all of an enumerator's properties.
     72\section{Enumeration Trait}
     74The header file \lstinline[deletekeywords=enum]{<enum.hfa>} defines the set of traits containing operators and helper functions for @enum@.
     75A \CFA enumeration satisfies all of these traits allowing it to interact with runtime features in \CFA.
     76Each trait is discussed in detail.
     78The trait @Bounded@:
     80forall( E ) trait Bounded {
     81        E first();
     82        E last();
     85defines the bounds of the enumeration, where @first()@ returns the first enumerator and @last()@ returns the last, \eg:
     87Workday day = first();                                  $\C{// Mon}$
     88Planet outermost = last();                              $\C{// NEPTUNE}$
     90@first()@ and @last()@ are overloaded with return types only, so in the example, the enumeration type is found on the left-hand side of the assignment.
     91Calling either functions without a context results in a type ambiguity, except in the rare case where the type environment has only one enumeration.
     93@first();@                                                              $\C{// ambiguous Workday and Planet implement Bounded}$
     94sout | @last()@;
     95Workday day = first();                                  $\C{// day provides type Workday}$
     96void foo( Planet p );
     97foo( last() );                                                  $\C{// parameter provides type Planet}$
     100The trait @Serial@:
     102forall( E | Bounded( E ) ) trait Serial {
     103        unsigned fromInstance( E e );
     104        E fromInt( unsigned int posn );
     105        E succ( E e );
     106        E pred( E e );
     109is a @Bounded@ trait, where elements can be mapped to an integer sequence.
     110A type @T@ matching @Serial@ can project to an unsigned @int@ type, \ie an instance of type T has a corresponding integer value.
     111%However, the inverse may not be possible, and possible requires a bound check.
     112The mapping from a serial type to integer is defined by @fromInstance@, which returns the enumerator's position.
     113The inverse operation is @fromInt@, which performs a bound check using @first()@ and @last()@ before casting the integer into an enumerator.
     114Specifically, for enumerator @E@ declaring $N$ enumerators, @fromInt( i )@ returns the $i-1_{th}$ enumerator, if $0 \leq i < N$, or raises the exception @enumBound@.
     116The @Serial@ trait also requires interface functions @succ( E e )@ and @pred( E e )@ be implemented for a serial type, which imply the enumeration positions are consecutive and ordinal.
     117Specifically, if @e@ is the $i_{th}$ enumerator, @succ( e )@ returns the $i+1_{th}$ enumerator when $e \ne last()$, and @pred( e )@ returns the $i-1_{th}$ enumerator when $e \ne first()$.
     118The exception @enumRange@ is raised if the result of either operation is outside the range of type @E@.
     120The trait @TypedEnum@:
     122forall( E, T ) trait TypedEnum {
     123        T valueE( E e );
     124        char * labelE( E e );
     125        unsigned int posE( E e );
     128captures three basic attributes of an enumeration type: value, label, and position.
     129@TypedEnum@ asserts two types @E@ and @T@, with @T@ being the base type of the enumeration @E@, \eg @enum( T ) E { ... };@.
     130Implementing general functions across all enumeration types is possible by asserting @TypeEnum( E, T )@, \eg:
     132forall( E, T | TypeEnum( E, T ) )
     133void printEnum( E e ) {
     134        sout | "Enum "| labelE( e );
     136printEunm( MARS );
     139Finally, there is an associated trait defining comparison operators among enumerators.
     141forall( E, T | TypedEnum( E, T ) ) {
     142        // comparison
     143        int ?==?( E l, E r );           $\C{// true if l and r are same enumerators}$
     144        int ?!=?( E l, E r );           $\C{// true if l and r are different enumerators}$
     145        int ?!=?( E l, zero_t );        $\C{// true if l is not the first enumerator}$
     146        int ?<?( E l, E r );            $\C{// true if l is an enumerator before r}$
     147        int ?<=?( E l, E r );           $\C{// true if l before or the same as r}$
     148        int ?>?( E l, E r );            $\C{// true if l is an enumerator after r}$
     149        int ?>=?( E l, E r );           $\C{// true if l after or the same as r}$         
     152Note, the overloaded operators are defined only when the header @<enum.hfa>@ is included.
     153If not, the compiler converts an enumerator to its value, and applies the operators defined for the value type @E@, \eg:
     155// if not include <enum.hfa>
     156enum( int ) Fruits { APPLE = 2, BANANA = 10, CHERRY = 2 };
     157APPLE == CHERRY; // true because valueE( APPLE ) == valueE( CHERRY )
     159#include <enum.hfa>
     160APPLE == CHERRY; // false because posE( APPLE ) != posE( CHERRY )
     162An enumerator returns its @position@ by default.
     163In particular, @printf( ... )@ from @<stdio.h>@ functions provides no context to its parameter type, so it prints @position@.
     164On the other hand, the pipeline operator @?|?( ostream os, E enumType )@ provides type context for type @E@, and \CFA has overwritten this operator to print the enumeration @value@ over @position@.
     166printf( "Position of BANANA is \%d", BANANA ); // Position of BANANA is 1
     167sout | "Value of BANANA is " | BANANA; // Value of BANANA is 10
     169Programmers can overwrite this behaviour by overloading the pipeline operator themselves.
     170\PAB{This needs discussing because including \lstinline{<enum.hfa>} can change the entire meaning of a program.}
     173% \section{Enumeration Pseudo-functions}
     175% Pseudo-functions are function-like operators that do not result in any run-time computations, \ie like @sizeof@, @alignof@, @typeof@.
     176% A pseudo-function call is often substituted with information extracted from the compilation symbol-table, like storage size or alignment associated with the underlying architecture.
     178% The attributes of an enumerator are accessed by pseudo-functions @posE@, @valueE@, and @labelE@.
     179% \begin{cfa}
     180% int jane_pos = @posE@( Names.Jane );   $\C{// 2}$
     181% char * jane_value = @valueE@( Names.Jane ); $\C{// "JANE"}$
     182% char * jane_label = @labelE@( Names.Jane ); $\C{// "Jane"}$
     183% sout | posE( Names.Jane) | labelE( Names.Jane ) | valueE( Names.Jane );
     184% \end{cfa}
     185% Note the ability to print all of an enumerator's properties.
    272 \section{Enumeration Trait}
    274 The header file \lstinline[deletekeywords=enum]{<enum.hfa>} defines the set of traits containing operators and helper functions for @enum@.
    275 A \CFA enumeration satisfies all of these traits allowing it to interact with runtime features in \CFA.
    276 Each trait is discussed in detail.
    278 The trait @Bounded@:
    279 \begin{cfa}
    280 forall( E ) trait Bounded {
    281         E first();
    282         E last();
    283 };
    284 \end{cfa}
    285 defines the bounds of the enumeration, where @first()@ returns the first enumerator and @last()@ returns the last, \eg:
    286 \begin{cfa}
    287 Workday day = first();                                  $\C{// Mon}$
    288 Planet outermost = last();                              $\C{// NEPTUNE}$
    289 \end{cfa}
    290 @first()@ and @last()@ are overloaded with return types only, so in the example, the enumeration type is found on the left-hand side of the assignment.
    291 Calling either functions without a context results in a type ambiguity, except in the rare case where the type environment has only one enumeration.
    292 \begin{cfa}
    293 @first();@                                                              $\C{// ambiguous Workday and Planet implement Bounded}$
    294 sout | @last()@;
    295 Workday day = first();                                  $\C{// day provides type Workday}$
    296 void foo( Planet p );
    297 foo( last() );                                                  $\C{// parameter provides type Planet}$
    298 \end{cfa}
    300 The trait @Serial@:
    301 \begin{cfa}
    302 forall( E | Bounded( E ) ) trait Serial {
    303         unsigned fromInstance( E e );
    304         E fromInt( unsigned int posn );
    305         E succ( E e );
    306         E pred( E e );
    307 };
    308 \end{cfa}
    309 is a @Bounded@ trait, where elements can be mapped to an integer sequence.
    310 A type @T@ matching @Serial@ can project to an unsigned @int@ type, \ie an instance of type T has a corresponding integer value.
    311 %However, the inverse may not be possible, and possible requires a bound check.
    312 The mapping from a serial type to integer is defined by @fromInstance@, which returns the enumerator's position.
    313 The inverse operation is @fromInt@, which performs a bound check using @first()@ and @last()@ before casting the integer into an enumerator.
    314 Specifically, for enumerator @E@ declaring $N$ enumerators, @fromInt( i )@ returns the $i-1_{th}$ enumerator, if $0 \leq i < N$, or raises the exception @enumBound@.
    316 The @Serial@ trait also requires interface functions @succ( E e )@ and @pred( E e )@ be implemented for a serial type, which imply the enumeration positions are consecutive and ordinal.
    317 Specifically, if @e@ is the $i_{th}$ enumerator, @succ( e )@ returns the $i+1_{th}$ enumerator when $e \ne last()$, and @pred( e )@ returns the $i-1_{th}$ enumerator when $e \ne first()$.
    318 The exception @enumRange@ is raised if the result of either operation is outside the range of type @E@.
    320 The trait @TypedEnum@:
    321 \begin{cfa}
    322 forall( E, T ) trait TypedEnum {
    323         T valueE( E e );
    324         char * labelE( E e );
    325         unsigned int posE( E e );
    326 };
    327 \end{cfa}
    328 captures three basic attributes of an enumeration type: value, label, and position.
    329 @TypedEnum@ asserts two types @E@ and @T@, with @T@ being the base type of the enumeration @E@, \eg @enum( T ) E { ... };@.
    330 Implementing general functions across all enumeration types is possible by asserting @TypeEnum( E, T )@, \eg:
    331 \begin{cfa}
    332 forall( E, T | TypeEnum( E, T ) )
    333 void printEnum( E e ) {
    334         sout | "Enum "| labelE( e );
    335 }
    336 printEunm( MARS );
    337 \end{cfa}
    339 Finally, there is an associated trait defining comparison operators among enumerators.
    340 \begin{cfa}
    341 forall( E, T | TypedEnum( E, T ) ) {
    342         // comparison
    343         int ?==?( E l, E r );           $\C{// true if l and r are same enumerators}$
    344         int ?!=?( E l, E r );           $\C{// true if l and r are different enumerators}$
    345         int ?!=?( E l, zero_t );        $\C{// true if l is not the first enumerator}$
    346         int ?<?( E l, E r );            $\C{// true if l is an enumerator before r}$
    347         int ?<=?( E l, E r );           $\C{// true if l before or the same as r}$
    348         int ?>?( E l, E r );            $\C{// true if l is an enumerator after r}$
    349         int ?>=?( E l, E r );           $\C{// true if l after or the same as r}$         
    350 }
    351 \end{cfa}
    352 Note, the overloaded operators are defined only when the header @<enum.hfa>@ is included.
    353 If not, the compiler converts an enumerator to its value, and applies the operators defined for the value type @E@, \eg:
    354 \begin{cfa}
    355 // if not include <enum.hfa>
    356 enum( int ) Fruits { APPLE = 2, BANANA = 10, CHERRY = 2 };
    357 APPLE == CHERRY; // true because valueE( APPLE ) == valueE( CHERRY )
    359 #include <enum.hfa>
    360 APPLE == CHERRY; // false because posE( APPLE ) != posE( CHERRY )
    361 \end{cfa}
    362 An enumerator returns its @position@ by default.
    363 In particular, @printf( ... )@ from @<stdio.h>@ functions provides no context to its parameter type, so it prints @position@.
    364 On the other hand, the pipeline operator @?|?( ostream os, E enumType )@ provides type context for type @E@, and \CFA has overwritten this operator to print the enumeration @value@ over @position@.
    365 \begin{cfa}
    366 printf( "Position of BANANA is \%d", BANANA ); // Position of BANANA is 1
    367 sout | "Value of BANANA is " | BANANA; // Value of BANANA is 10
    368 \end{cfa}
    369 Programmers can overwrite this behaviour by overloading the pipeline operator themselves.
    370 \PAB{This needs discussing because including \lstinline{<enum.hfa>} can change the entire meaning of a program.}
     374\section{Enumerated Arrays}
     375Enumerated array use an \CFA array as their index.
     377enum() Colour {
     378        Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
     381string colourCode[Colour] = { "#e81416", "#ffa500", "#ffa500", "#ffa500", "#487de7", "#4b369d", "#70369d" };
     382sout | "Colour Code of Orange is " | colourCode[Orange];
    373385\section{Planet Example}
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