Sep 7, 2022, 4:12:00 PM (23 months ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, ast-experimental, master, pthread-emulation

A whole bunch of small changes:
trying to setup a version that I can pass through a spell checker.
Fixing a whole bunch of grammar errors

1 edited


  • doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/runtime.tex

    r7a0f798b ra44514e  
    1313\section{M:N Threading}\label{prev:model}
    15 Threading in \CFA is based on \Gls{uthrding}, where \glspl{thrd} are the representation of a unit of work. As such, \CFA programmers should expect these units to be fairly inexpensive, \ie programmers should be able to create a large number of \glspl{thrd} and switch among \glspl{thrd} liberally without many concerns for performance.
     15Threading in \CFA is based on \Gls{uthrding}, where \ats are the representation of a unit of work. As such, \CFA programmers should expect these units to be fairly inexpensive, \ie programmers should be able to create a large number of \ats and switch among \ats liberally without many concerns for performance.
    1717The \CFA M:N threading models is implemented using many user-level threads mapped onto fewer \glspl{kthrd}.
    1818The user-level threads have the same semantic meaning as a \glspl{kthrd} in the 1:1 model: they represent an independent thread of execution with its own stack.
    19 The difference is that user-level threads do not have a corresponding object in the kernel; they are handled by the runtime in user space and scheduled onto \glspl{kthrd}, referred to as \glspl{proc} in this document. \Glspl{proc} run a \gls{thrd} until it context switches out, it then chooses a different \gls{thrd} to run.
     19The difference is that user-level threads do not have a corresponding object in the kernel; they are handled by the runtime in user space and scheduled onto \glspl{kthrd}, referred to as \glspl{proc} in this document. \Glspl{proc} run a \at until it context switches out, it then chooses a different \at to run.
    2222\CFA allows the option to group user-level threading, in the form of clusters.
    23 Both \glspl{thrd} and \glspl{proc} belong to a specific cluster.
    24 \Glspl{thrd} are only scheduled onto \glspl{proc} in the same cluster and scheduling is done independently of other clusters.
     23Both \ats and \glspl{proc} belong to a specific cluster.
     24\Glspl{at} are only scheduled onto \glspl{proc} in the same cluster and scheduling is done independently of other clusters.
    2525Figure~\ref{fig:system} shows an overview of the \CFA runtime, which allows programmers to tightly control parallelism.
    2626It also opens the door to handling effects like NUMA, by pinning clusters to a specific NUMA node\footnote{This capability is not currently implemented in \CFA, but the only hurdle left is creating a generic interface for CPU masks.}.
    3030                \input{system.pstex_t}
    3131        \end{center}
    32         \caption[Overview of the \CFA runtime]{Overview of the \CFA runtime \newline \Glspl{thrd} are scheduled inside a particular cluster and run on the \glspl{proc} that belong to the cluster. The discrete-event manager, which handles preemption and timeout, is a \gls{proc} that lives outside any cluster and does not run \glspl{thrd}.}
     32        \caption[Overview of the \CFA runtime]{Overview of the \CFA runtime \newline \Glspl{at} are scheduled inside a particular cluster and run on the \glspl{proc} that belong to the cluster. The discrete-event manager, which handles preemption and timeout, is a \gls{proc} that lives outside any cluster and does not run \ats.}
    3333        \label{fig:system}
    40 Prior to this work, the \CFA runtime did not add any particular support for \glsxtrshort{io} operations. While all \glsxtrshort{io} operations available in C are available in \CFA, \glsxtrshort{io} operations are designed for the POSIX threading model~\cite{pthreads}. Using these 1:1 threading operations in an M:N threading model means \glsxtrshort{io} operations block \glspl{proc} instead of \glspl{thrd}. While this can work in certain cases, it limits the number of concurrent operations to the number of \glspl{proc} rather than \glspl{thrd}. It also means deadlock can occur because all \glspl{proc} are blocked even if at least one \gls{thrd} is ready to run. A simple example of this type of deadlock would be as follows:
     40Prior to this work, the \CFA runtime did not add any particular support for \glsxtrshort{io} operations. While all \glsxtrshort{io} operations available in C are available in \CFA, \glsxtrshort{io} operations are designed for the POSIX threading model~\cite{pthreads}. Using these 1:1 threading operations in an M:N threading model means \glsxtrshort{io} operations block \glspl{proc} instead of \ats. While this can work in certain cases, it limits the number of concurrent operations to the number of \glspl{proc} rather than \ats. It also means deadlock can occur because all \glspl{proc} are blocked even if at least one \at is ready to run. A simple example of this type of deadlock would be as follows:
    43 Given a simple network program with 2 \glspl{thrd} and a single \gls{proc}, one \gls{thrd} sends network requests to a server and the other \gls{thrd} waits for a response from the server.
    44 If the second \gls{thrd} races ahead, it may wait for responses to requests that have not been sent yet.
    45 In theory, this should not be a problem, even if the second \gls{thrd} waits, because the first \gls{thrd} is still ready to run and should be able to get CPU time to send the request.
    46 With M:N threading, while the first \gls{thrd} is ready, the lone \gls{proc} \emph{cannot} run the first \gls{thrd} if it is blocked in the \glsxtrshort{io} operation of the second \gls{thrd}.
     43Given a simple network program with 2 \ats and a single \gls{proc}, one \at sends network requests to a server and the other \at waits for a response from the server.
     44If the second \at races ahead, it may wait for responses to requests that have not been sent yet.
     45In theory, this should not be a problem, even if the second \at waits, because the first \at is still ready to run and should be able to get CPU time to send the request.
     46With M:N threading, while the first \at is ready, the lone \gls{proc} \emph{cannot} run the first \at if it is blocked in the \glsxtrshort{io} operation of the second \at.
    4747If this happen, the system is in a synchronization deadlock\footnote{In this example, the deadlock could be resolved if the server sends unprompted messages to the client.
    4848However, this solution is neither general nor appropriate even in this simple case.}.
    51 Therefore, one of the objective of this work is to introduce \emph{User-Level \glsxtrshort{io}}, which like \glslink{uthrding}{User-Level \emph{Threading}}, blocks \glspl{thrd} rather than \glspl{proc} when doing \glsxtrshort{io} ope      rations.
    52 This feature entails multiplexing the \glsxtrshort{io} operations of many \glspl{thrd} onto fewer \glspl{proc}.
     51Therefore, one of the objective of this work is to introduce \emph{User-Level \glsxtrshort{io}}, which like \glslink{uthrding}{User-Level \emph{Threading}}, blocks \ats rather than \glspl{proc} when doing \glsxtrshort{io} operations.
     52This feature entails multiplexing the \glsxtrshort{io} operations of many \ats onto fewer \glspl{proc}.
    5353The multiplexing requires a single \gls{proc} to execute multiple \glsxtrshort{io} operations in parallel.
    5454This requirement cannot be done with operations that block \glspl{proc}, \ie \glspl{kthrd}, since the first operation would prevent starting new operations for its blocking duration.
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