Changeset a2e4b0c

Oct 28, 2021, 11:08:27 AM (3 years ago)
caparsons <caparson@…>
ADT, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, master, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum
a51a02d (diff), 15885de9 (diff)
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31 edited


  • doc/theses/mubeen_zulfiqar_MMath/allocator.tex

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    26 The new features added to uHeapLmmm (incl. @malloc_size@ routine)
     26The new features added to uHeapLmmm (incl. @malloc\_size@ routine)
    2727\CFA alloc interface with examples.
    117118We added a few more features and routines to the allocator's C interface that can make the allocator more usable to the programmers. THese features will programmer more control on the dynamic memory allocation.
    119 \subsubsection void * aalloc( size_t dim, size_t elemSize )
     120\subsubsection void * aalloc( size\_t dim, size\_t elemSize )
    120121aalloc is an extension of malloc. It allows programmer to allocate a dynamic array of objects without calculating the total size of array explicitly. The only alternate of this routine in the other allocators is calloc but calloc also fills the dynamic memory with 0 which makes it slower for a programmer who only wants to dynamically allocate an array of objects without filling it with 0.
    122123aalloc takes two parameters.
    129131It returns address of dynamic object allocatoed on heap that can contain dim number of objects of the size elemSize. On failure, it returns NULL pointer.
    131 \subsubsection void * resize( void * oaddr, size_t size )
     133\subsubsection void * resize( void * oaddr, size\_t size )
    132134resize is an extension of relloc. It allows programmer to reuse a cuurently allocated dynamic object with a new size requirement. Its alternate in the other allocators is realloc but relloc also copy the data in old object to the new object which makes it slower for the programmer who only wants to reuse an old dynamic object for a new size requirement but does not want to preserve the data in the old object to the new object.
    134136resize takes two parameters.
    141144It returns an object that is of the size given but it does not preserve the data in the old object. On failure, it returns NULL pointer.
    143 \subsubsection void * resize( void * oaddr, size_t nalign, size_t size )
     146\subsubsection void * resize( void * oaddr, size\_t nalign, size\_t size )
    144147This resize is an extension of the above resize (FIX ME: cite above resize). In addition to resizing the size of of an old object, it can also realign the old object to a new alignment requirement.
    146149This resize takes three parameters. It takes an additional parameter of nalign as compared to the above resize (FIX ME: cite above resize).
    155159It returns an object with the size and alignment given in the parameters. On failure, it returns a NULL pointer.
    157 \subsubsection void * amemalign( size_t alignment, size_t dim, size_t elemSize )
     161\subsubsection void * amemalign( size\_t alignment, size\_t dim, size\_t elemSize )
    158162amemalign is a hybrid of memalign and aalloc. It allows programmer to allocate an aligned dynamic array of objects without calculating the total size of the array explicitly. It frees the programmer from calculating the total size of the array.
    160164amemalign takes three parameters.
    169174It returns a dynamic array of objects that has the capacity to contain dim number of objects of the size of elemSize. The returned dynamic array is aligned to the given alignment. On failure, it returns NULL pointer.
    171 \subsubsection void * cmemalign( size_t alignment, size_t dim, size_t elemSize )
     176\subsubsection void * cmemalign( size\_t alignment, size\_t dim, size\_t elemSize )
    172177cmemalign is a hybrid of amemalign and calloc. It allows programmer to allocate an aligned dynamic array of objects that is 0 filled. The current way to do this in other allocators is to allocate an aligned object with memalign and then fill it with 0 explicitly. This routine provides both features of aligning and 0 filling, implicitly.
    174179cmemalign takes three parameters.
    183189It returns a dynamic array of objects that has the capacity to contain dim number of objects of the size of elemSize. The returned dynamic array is aligned to the given alignment and is 0 filled. On failure, it returns NULL pointer.
    185 \subsubsection size_t malloc_alignment( void * addr )
    186 malloc_alignment returns the alignment of a currently allocated dynamic object. It allows the programmer in memory management and personal bookkeeping. It helps the programmer in verofying the alignment of a dynamic object especially in a scenerio similar to prudcer-consumer where a producer allocates a dynamic object and the consumer needs to assure that the dynamic object was allocated with the required alignment.
    187 \paragraph{Usage}
    188 malloc_alignment takes one parameters.
     191\subsubsection size\_t malloc\_alignment( void * addr )
     192malloc\_alignment returns the alignment of a currently allocated dynamic object. It allows the programmer in memory management and personal bookkeeping. It helps the programmer in verofying the alignment of a dynamic object especially in a scenerio similar to prudcer-consumer where a producer allocates a dynamic object and the consumer needs to assure that the dynamic object was allocated with the required alignment.
     194malloc\_alignment takes one parameters.
    191198addr: the address of the currently allocated dynamic object.
    193 malloc_alignment returns the alignment of the given dynamic object. On failure, it return the value of default alignment of the uHeapLmmm allocator.
    195 \subsubsection bool malloc_zero_fill( void * addr )
    196 malloc_zero_fill returns whether a currently allocated dynamic object was initially zero filled at the time of allocation. It allows the programmer in memory management and personal bookkeeping. It helps the programmer in verifying the zero filled property of a dynamic object especially in a scenerio similar to prudcer-consumer where a producer allocates a dynamic object and the consumer needs to assure that the dynamic object was zero filled at the time of allocation.
    197 \paragraph{Usage}
    198 malloc_zero_fill takes one parameters.
     200malloc\_alignment returns the alignment of the given dynamic object. On failure, it return the value of default alignment of the uHeapLmmm allocator.
     202\subsubsection bool malloc\_zero\_fill( void * addr )
     203malloc\_zero\_fill returns whether a currently allocated dynamic object was initially zero filled at the time of allocation. It allows the programmer in memory management and personal bookkeeping. It helps the programmer in verifying the zero filled property of a dynamic object especially in a scenerio similar to prudcer-consumer where a producer allocates a dynamic object and the consumer needs to assure that the dynamic object was zero filled at the time of allocation.
     205malloc\_zero\_fill takes one parameters.
    201209addr: the address of the currently allocated dynamic object.
    203 malloc_zero_fill returns true if the dynamic object was initially zero filled and return false otherwise. On failure, it returns false.
    205 \subsubsection size_t malloc_size( void * addr )
    206 malloc_size returns the allocation size of a currently allocated dynamic object. It allows the programmer in memory management and personal bookkeeping. It helps the programmer in verofying the alignment of a dynamic object especially in a scenerio similar to prudcer-consumer where a producer allocates a dynamic object and the consumer needs to assure that the dynamic object was allocated with the required size. Its current alternate in the other allocators is malloc_usable_size. But, malloc_size is different from malloc_usable_size as malloc_usabe_size returns the total data capacity of dynamic object including the extra space at the end of the dynamic object. On the other hand, malloc_size returns the size that was given to the allocator at the allocation of the dynamic object. This size is updated when an object is realloced, resized, or passed through a similar allocator routine.
    207 \paragraph{Usage}
    208 malloc_size takes one parameters.
     211malloc\_zero\_fill returns true if the dynamic object was initially zero filled and return false otherwise. On failure, it returns false.
     213\subsubsection size\_t malloc\_size( void * addr )
     214malloc\_size returns the allocation size of a currently allocated dynamic object. It allows the programmer in memory management and personal bookkeeping. It helps the programmer in verofying the alignment of a dynamic object especially in a scenerio similar to prudcer-consumer where a producer allocates a dynamic object and the consumer needs to assure that the dynamic object was allocated with the required size. Its current alternate in the other allocators is malloc\_usable\_size. But, malloc\_size is different from malloc\_usable\_size as malloc\_usabe\_size returns the total data capacity of dynamic object including the extra space at the end of the dynamic object. On the other hand, malloc\_size returns the size that was given to the allocator at the allocation of the dynamic object. This size is updated when an object is realloced, resized, or passed through a similar allocator routine.
     216malloc\_size takes one parameters.
    211220addr: the address of the currently allocated dynamic object.
    213 malloc_size returns the allocation size of the given dynamic object. On failure, it return zero.
    215 \subsubsection void * realloc( void * oaddr, size_t nalign, size_t size )
     222malloc\_size returns the allocation size of the given dynamic object. On failure, it return zero.
     224\subsubsection void * realloc( void * oaddr, size\_t nalign, size\_t size )
    216225This realloc is an extension of the default realloc (FIX ME: cite default realloc). In addition to reallocating an old object and preserving the data in old object, it can also realign the old object to a new alignment requirement.
    218227This realloc takes three parameters. It takes an additional parameter of nalign as compared to the default realloc.
    237247It returns a dynamic object of the size of type T. On failure, it return NULL pointer.
    239 \subsubsection T * aalloc( size_t dim )
     249\subsubsection T * aalloc( size\_t dim )
    240250This aalloc is a simplified polymorphic form of above aalloc (FIX ME: cite aalloc). It takes one parameter as compared to the above aalloc that takes two parameters.
    242252aalloc takes one parameters.
    247258It returns a dynamic object that has the capacity to contain dim number of objects, each of the size of type T. On failure, it return NULL pointer.
    249 \subsubsection T * calloc( size_t dim )
     260\subsubsection T * calloc( size\_t dim )
    250261This calloc is a simplified polymorphic form of defualt calloc (FIX ME: cite calloc). It takes one parameter as compared to the default calloc that takes two parameters.
    252263This calloc takes one parameter.
    257269It returns a dynamic object that has the capacity to contain dim number of objects, each of the size of type T. On failure, it return NULL pointer.
    259 \subsubsection T * resize( T * ptr, size_t size )
     271\subsubsection T * resize( T * ptr, size\_t size )
    260272This resize is a simplified polymorphic form of above resize (FIX ME: cite resize with alignment). It takes two parameters as compared to the above resize that takes three parameters. It frees the programmer from explicitly mentioning the alignment of the allocation as CFA provides gives allocator the liberty to get the alignment of the returned type.
    262274This resize takes two parameters.
    269282It returns a dynamic object of the size given in paramters. The returned object is aligned to the alignemtn of type T. On failure, it return NULL pointer.
    271 \subsubsection T * realloc( T * ptr, size_t size )
     284\subsubsection T * realloc( T * ptr, size\_t size )
    272285This realloc is a simplified polymorphic form of defualt realloc (FIX ME: cite realloc with align). It takes two parameters as compared to the above realloc that takes three parameters. It frees the programmer from explicitly mentioning the alignment of the allocation as CFA provides gives allocator the liberty to get the alignment of the returned type.
    274287This realloc takes two parameters.
    281295It returns a dynamic object of the size given in paramters that preserves the data in the given object. The returned object is aligned to the alignemtn of type T. On failure, it return NULL pointer.
    283 \subsubsection T * memalign( size_t align )
     297\subsubsection T * memalign( size\_t align )
    284298This memalign is a simplified polymorphic form of defualt memalign (FIX ME: cite memalign). It takes one parameters as compared to the default memalign that takes two parameters.
    286300memalign takes one parameters.
    291306It returns a dynamic object of the size of type T that is aligned to given parameter align. On failure, it return NULL pointer.
    293 \subsubsection T * amemalign( size_t align, size_t dim )
     308\subsubsection T * amemalign( size\_t align, size\_t dim )
    294309This amemalign is a simplified polymorphic form of above amemalign (FIX ME: cite amemalign). It takes two parameter as compared to the above amemalign that takes three parameters.
    296311amemalign takes two parameters.
    303319It returns a dynamic object that has the capacity to contain dim number of objects, each of the size of type T. The returned object is aligned to the given parameter align. On failure, it return NULL pointer.
    305 \subsubsection T * cmemalign( size_t align, size_t dim  )
     321\subsubsection T * cmemalign( size\_t align, size\_t dim  )
    306322This cmemalign is a simplified polymorphic form of above cmemalign (FIX ME: cite cmemalign). It takes two parameter as compared to the above cmemalign that takes three parameters.
    308324cmemalign takes two parameters.
    315332It returns a dynamic object that has the capacity to contain dim number of objects, each of the size of type T. The returned object is aligned to the given parameter align and is zero filled. On failure, it return NULL pointer.
    317 \subsubsection T * aligned_alloc( size_t align )
    318 This aligned_alloc is a simplified polymorphic form of defualt aligned_alloc (FIX ME: cite aligned_alloc). It takes one parameter as compared to the default aligned_alloc that takes two parameters.
    319 \paragraph{Usage}
    320 This aligned_alloc takes one parameter.
     334\subsubsection T * aligned\_alloc( size\_t align )
     335This aligned\_alloc is a simplified polymorphic form of defualt aligned\_alloc (FIX ME: cite aligned\_alloc). It takes one parameter as compared to the default aligned\_alloc that takes two parameters.
     337This aligned\_alloc takes one parameter.
    325343It returns a dynamic object of the size of type T that is aligned to the given parameter. On failure, it return NULL pointer.
    327 \subsubsection int posix_memalign( T ** ptr, size_t align )
    328 This posix_memalign is a simplified polymorphic form of defualt posix_memalign (FIX ME: cite posix_memalign). It takes two parameters as compared to the default posix_memalign that takes three parameters.
    329 \paragraph{Usage}
    330 This posix_memalign takes two parameter.
     345\subsubsection int posix\_memalign( T ** ptr, size\_t align )
     346This posix\_memalign is a simplified polymorphic form of defualt posix\_memalign (FIX ME: cite posix\_memalign). It takes two parameters as compared to the default posix\_memalign that takes three parameters.
     348This posix\_memalign takes two parameter.
    335354align: required alignment of the dynamic object.
    337357It stores address of the dynamic object of the size of type T in given parameter ptr. This object is aligned to the given parameter. On failure, it return NULL pointer.
    349369It returns a dynamic object of the size that is calcutaed by rouding the size of type T. The returned object is also aligned to the page size. On failure, it return NULL pointer.
    351 \subsection{Alloc Interface}
     371\subsection Alloc Interface
    352372In addition to improve allocator interface both for CFA and our standalone allocator uHeapLmmm in C. We also added a new alloc interface in CFA that increases usability of dynamic memory allocation.
    353373This interface helps programmers in three major ways.
    371392This is the only parameter in the alloc routine that has a fixed-position and it is also the only parameter that does not use a backtick function. It has to be passed at the first position to alloc call in-case of an array allocation of objects of type T.
    372393It represents the required number of members in the array allocation as in CFA's aalloc (FIX ME: cite aalloc).
    373 This parameter should be of type size_t.
     394This parameter should be of type size\_t.
    375396Example: int a = alloc( 5 )
    379 This parameter is position-free and uses a backtick routine align (`align). The parameter passed with `align should be of type size_t. If the alignment parameter is not a power of two or is less than the default alignment of the allocator (that can be found out using routine libAlign in CFA) then the passed alignment parameter will be rejected and the default alignment will be used.
     400This parameter is position-free and uses a backtick routine align (`align). The parameter passed with `align should be of type size\_t. If the alignment parameter is not a power of two or is less than the default alignment of the allocator (that can be found out using routine libAlign in CFA) then the passed alignment parameter will be rejected and the default alignment will be used.
    381402Example: int b = alloc( 5 , 64`align )
    385406This parameter is position-free and uses a backtick routine fill (`fill). In case of realloc, only the extra space after copying the data in the old object will be filled with given parameter.
    386407Three types of parameters can be passed using `fill.
  • doc/theses/mubeen_zulfiqar_MMath/background.tex

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    25 \cite{Wasik08}
     27% FIXME: cite wasik
     30\subsection{Memory Allocation}
     31With dynamic allocation being an important feature of C, there are many standalone memory allocators that have been designed for different purposes. For this thesis, we chose 7 of the most popular and widely used memory allocators.
     34dlmalloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator that is single threaded and single heap. dlmalloc maintains free-lists of different sizes to store freed dynamic memory. (FIX ME: cite wasik)
     37Hoard (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator that is multi-threaded and using a heap layer framework. It has per-thred heaps that have thread-local free-lists, and a gloabl shared heap. (FIX ME: cite wasik)
     40jemalloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator that uses multiple arenas. Each thread is assigned an arena. Each arena has chunks that contain contagious memory regions of same size. An arena has multiple chunks that contain regions of multiple sizes.
     43ptmalloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a modification of dlmalloc. It is a thread-safe multi-threaded memory allocator that uses multiple heaps. ptmalloc heap has similar design to dlmalloc's heap.
     46rpmalloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator that is multi-threaded and uses per-thread heap. Each heap has multiple size-classes and each size-calss contains memory regions of the relevant size.
     48\paragraph{tbb malloc}
     49tbb malloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator that is multi-threaded and uses private heap for each thread. Each private-heap has multiple bins of different sizes. Each bin contains free regions of the same size.
     51\paragraph{tc malloc}
     52tcmalloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator. It uses per-thread cache to store free objects that prevents contention on shared resources in multi-threaded application. A central free-list is used to refill per-thread cache when it gets empty.
     55There are multiple benchmarks that are built individually and evaluate different aspects of a memory allocator. But, there is not standard set of benchamrks that can be used to evaluate multiple aspects of memory allocators.
     58(FIX ME: cite benchmark and hoard) Each thread repeatedly allocates and then deallocates 100,000 objects. Runtime of the benchmark evaluates its efficiency.
     61(FIX ME: cite benchmark and hoard) Each thread allocates and randomly frees a number of random-sized objects. It is a stress test that also uses runtime to determine efficiency of the allocator.
     64(FIX ME: cite benchmark and hoard) Larson simulates a server environment. Multiple threads are created where each thread allocator and free a number of objects within a size range. Some objects are passed from threads to the child threads to free. It caluculates memory operations per second as an indicator of memory allocator's performance.
  • doc/theses/mubeen_zulfiqar_MMath/benchmarks.tex

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    149149*** FIX ME: Insert a figure of above benchmark with description
    151 \paragrpah{Relevant Knobs}
     151\paragraph{Relevant Knobs}
    152152*** FIX ME: Insert Relevant Knobs
  • doc/theses/mubeen_zulfiqar_MMath/intro.tex

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    49 aligned_alloc
    51 malloc_usable_size
    55 posix_memalign
    6262With the rise of concurrent applications, memory allocators should be able to fulfill dynamic memory requests from multiple threads in parallel without causing contention on shared resources. There needs to be a set of a standard benchmarks that can be used to evaluate an allocator's performance in different scenerios.
    64 \section{Background}
    66 \subsection{Memory Allocation}
    67 With dynamic allocation being an important feature of C, there are many standalone memory allocators that have been designed for different purposes. For this thesis, we chose 7 of the most popular and widely used memory allocators.
    69 \paragraph{dlmalloc}
    70 dlmalloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator that is single threaded and single heap. dlmalloc maintains free-lists of different sizes to store freed dynamic memory. (FIX ME: cite wasik)
    72 \paragraph{hoard}
    73 Hoard (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator that is multi-threaded and using a heap layer framework. It has per-thred heaps that have thread-local free-lists, and a gloabl shared heap. (FIX ME: cite wasik)
    75 \paragraph{jemalloc}
    76 jemalloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator that uses multiple arenas. Each thread is assigned an arena. Each arena has chunks that contain contagious memory regions of same size. An arena has multiple chunks that contain regions of multiple sizes.
    78 \paragraph{ptmalloc}
    79 ptmalloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a modification of dlmalloc. It is a thread-safe multi-threaded memory allocator that uses multiple heaps. ptmalloc heap has similar design to dlmalloc's heap.
    81 \paragraph{rpmalloc}
    82 rpmalloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator that is multi-threaded and uses per-thread heap. Each heap has multiple size-classes and each size-calss contains memory regions of the relevant size.
    84 \paragraph{tbb malloc}
    85 tbb malloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator that is multi-threaded and uses private heap for each thread. Each private-heap has multiple bins of different sizes. Each bin contains free regions of the same size.
    87 \paragraph{tc malloc}
    88 tcmalloc (FIX ME: cite allocator) is a thread-safe allocator. It uses per-thread cache to store free objects that prevents contention on shared resources in multi-threaded application. A central free-list is used to refill per-thread cache when it gets empty.
    90 \subsection{Benchmarks}
    91 There are multiple benchmarks that are built individually and evaluate different aspects of a memory allocator. But, there is not standard set of benchamrks that can be used to evaluate multiple aspects of memory allocators.
    93 \paragraph{threadtest}
    94 (FIX ME: cite benchmark and hoard) Each thread repeatedly allocates and then deallocates 100,000 objects. Runtime of the benchmark evaluates its efficiency.
    96 \paragraph{shbench}
    97 (FIX ME: cite benchmark and hoard) Each thread allocates and randomly frees a number of random-sized objects. It is a stress test that also uses runtime to determine efficiency of the allocator.
    99 \paragraph{larson}
    100 (FIX ME: cite benchmark and hoard) Larson simulates a server environment. Multiple threads are created where each thread allocator and free a number of objects within a size range. Some objects are passed from threads to the child threads to free. It caluculates memory operations per second as an indicator of memory allocator's performance.
    10264\section{Research Objectives}
  • doc/theses/mubeen_zulfiqar_MMath/performance.tex

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    4444tc               &             &  \\
    46 (FIX ME: complete table)
     47%(FIX ME: complete table)
    4849\section{Experiment Environment}
  • doc/theses/mubeen_zulfiqar_MMath/uw-ethesis.bib

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    2727        address =       "Reading, Massachusetts"
     31    author        = "Ayelet Wasik",
     32    title         = "Features of A Multi-Threaded Memory Alloator",
     33    publisher     = "University of Waterloo",
     34    year          = "2008"
  • doc/theses/mubeen_zulfiqar_MMath/uw-ethesis.tex

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    8585\usepackage{comment} % Removes large sections of the document.
    8788% Hyperlinks make it very easy to navigate an electronic document.
    191192% Tip: Putting each sentence on a new line is a way to simplify later editing.
  • doc/user/user.tex

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    1111%% Created On       : Wed Apr  6 14:53:29 2016
    1212%% Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    13 %% Last Modified On : Mon May 31 09:03:34 2021
    14 %% Update Count     : 5071
     13%% Last Modified On : Sun Oct 10 12:45:00 2021
     14%% Update Count     : 5095
    44444444\CFA provides a fine-grained solution where a \Index{recursive lock} is acquired and released indirectly via a manipulator ©acquire© or instantiating an \Index{RAII} type specific for the kind of stream: ©osacquire©\index{ostream@©ostream©!osacquire@©osacquire©} for output streams and ©isacquire©\index{isacquire@©isacquire©}\index{istream@©istream©!isacquire@©isacquire©} for input streams.
    4446 The common usage is manipulator ©acquire©\index{ostream@©ostream©!acquire@©acquire©} to lock a stream during a single cascaded I/O expression, with the manipulator appearing as the first item in a cascade list, \eg:
    4447 \begin{cfa}
    4448 $\emph{thread\(_1\)}$ : sout | ®acquire® | "abc " | "def ";   // manipulator
    4449 $\emph{thread\(_2\)}$ : sout | ®acquire® | "uvw " | "xyz ";
     4446The common usage is the short form of the mutex statement\index{ostream@©ostream©!mutex@©mutex©} to lock a stream during a single cascaded I/O expression, \eg:
     4448$\emph{thread\(_1\)}$ : ®mutex()® sout | "abc " | "def ";
     4449$\emph{thread\(_2\)}$ : ®mutex()® sout | "uvw " | "xyz ";
    44514451Now, the order of the thread execution is still non-deterministic, but the output is constrained to two possible lines in either order.
    44664466In summary, the stream lock is acquired by the ©acquire© manipulator and implicitly released at the end of the cascaded I/O expression ensuring all operations in the expression occur atomically.
    4468 To lock a stream across multiple I/O operations, an object of type ©osacquire© or ©isacquire© is declared to implicitly acquire/release the stream lock providing mutual exclusion for the object's duration, \eg:
    4469 \begin{cfa}
    4470 {       // acquire sout for block duration
    4471         ®osacquire® acq = { sout };                             $\C{// named stream locker}$
     4468To lock a stream across multiple I/O operations, he long form of the mutex statement is used, \eg:
     4470®mutex( sout )® {
    44724471        sout | 1;
    4473         sout | ®acquire® | 2 | 3;                               $\C{// unnecessary, but ok to acquire and release again}$
     4472        ®mutex() sout® | 2 | 3;                         $\C{// unnecessary, but ok because of recursive lock}$
    44744473        sout | 4;
    4475 }       // implicitly release the lock when "acq" is deallocated
    4476 \end{cfa}
    4477 Note, the unnecessary ©acquire© manipulator works because the recursive stream-lock can be acquired/released multiple times by the owner thread.
     4474} // implicitly release sout lock
     4476Note, the unnecessary ©mutex© in the middle of the mutex statement, works because the recursive stream-lock can be acquired/released multiple times by the owner thread.
    44784477Hence, calls to functions that also acquire a stream lock for their output do not result in \Index{deadlock}.
    44804479The previous values written by threads 1 and 2 can be read in concurrently:
    4482 {       // acquire sin lock for block duration
    4483         ®isacquire acq = { sin };®                              $\C{// named stream locker}$
     4481®mutex( sin )® {
    44844482        int x, y, z, w;
    44854483        sin | x;
    4486         sin | ®acquire® | y | z;                                $\C{// unnecessary, but ok to acquire and release again}$
     4484        ®mutex() sin® | y | z;                          $\C{// unnecessary, but ok because of recursive lock}$
    44874485        sin | w;
    4488 }       // implicitly release the lock when "acq" is deallocated
     4486} // implicitly release sin lock
    44904488Again, the order of the reading threads is non-deterministic.
    44934491\Textbf{WARNING:} The general problem of \Index{nested locking} can occur if routines are called in an I/O sequence that block, \eg:
    4495 sout | ®acquire® | "data:" | rtn( mon );        $\C{// mutex call on monitor}$
     4493®mutex() sout® | "data:" | rtn( mon );  $\C{// mutex call on monitor}$
    44974495If the thread executing the I/O expression blocks in the monitor with the ©sout© lock, other threads writing to ©sout© also block until the thread holding the lock is unblocked and releases it.
    45014499int ®data® = rtn( mon );
    4502 sout | acquire | "data:" | ®data®;
     4500mutex() sout | "data:" | ®data®;
    45064504\section{String Stream}
    4508 All the stream formatting capabilities are available to format text to/from a C string rather than to a stream file.
    4509 \VRef[Figure]{f:StringStreamProcessing} shows writing (output) and reading (input) from a C string.
     4506The stream types ©ostrstream© and ©istrstream© provide all the stream formatting capabilities to/from a C string rather than a stream file.
     4507\VRef[Figure]{f:StringStreamProcessing} shows writing (output) to and reading (input) from a C string.
     4508The only string stream operations different from a file stream are:
     4511constructors to create a stream that writes to a write buffer (©ostrstream©) of ©size©, or reads from a read buffer (©istrstream©) containing a C string terminated with ©'\0'©.
     4513void ?{}( ostrstream &, char buf[], size_t size );
     4514void ?{}( istrstream & is, char buf[] );
     4517\Indexc{write} (©ostrstream© only) writes all the buffered characters to the specified stream (©stdout© default).
     4519ostrstream & write( ostrstream & os, FILE * stream = stdout );
     4521There is no ©read© for ©istrstream©.
    45204534        double x = 12345678.9, y = 98765.4321e-11;
    4522         osstr | i | hex(j) | wd(10, k) | sci(x) | unit(eng(y)); $\C{// same lines of output}$
    4523         write( osstr );
    4524         printf( "%s", buf );
    4525         sout | i | hex(j) | wd(10, k) | sci(x) | unit(eng(y));
    4527         char buf2[] = "12 14 15 3.5 7e4"; $\C{// input buffer}$
     4536        osstr | i | hex(j) | wd(10, k) | sci(x) | unit(eng(y)) | "abc";
     4537        write( osstr ); $\C{// write string to stdout}$
     4538        printf( "%s", buf ); $\C{// same lines of output}$
     4539        sout | i | hex(j) | wd(10, k) | sci(x) | unit(eng(y)) | "abc";
     4541        char buf2[] = "12 14 15 3.5 7e4 abc"; $\C{// input buffer}$
    45284542        ®istrstream isstr = { buf2 };®
    4529         isstr | i | j | k | x | y;
    4530         sout | i | j | k | x | y;
    4531 }
     4543        char s[10];
     4544        isstr | i | j | k | x | y | s;
     4545        sout  | i | j | k | x | y | s;
     45483 0x5          7 1.234568e+07 987.654n abc
     45493 0x5          7 1.234568e+07 987.654n abc
     45503 0x5          7 1.234568e+07 987.654n abc
     455112 14 15 3.5 70000. abc
    45334553\caption{String Stream Processing}
    4537 \VRef[Figure]{f:StringStreamFunctions} shows the string stream operations.
    4538 \begin{itemize}[topsep=4pt,itemsep=2pt,parsep=0pt]
    4539 \item
    4540 \Indexc{write} (©ostrstream© only) writes all the buffered characters to the specified stream (©stdout© default).
    4541 \end{itemize}
    4542 The constructor functions:
    4543 \begin{itemize}[topsep=4pt,itemsep=2pt,parsep=0pt]
    4544 \item
    4545 create a bound stream to a write buffer (©ostrstream©) of ©size© or a read buffer (©istrstream©) containing a C string terminated with ©'\0'©.
    4546 \end{itemize}
    4548 \begin{figure}
    4549 \begin{cfa}
    4550 // *********************************** ostrstream ***********************************
    4552 ostrstream & write( ostrstream & os, FILE * stream = stdout );
    4554 void ?{}( ostrstream &, char buf[], size_t size );
    4556 // *********************************** istrstream ***********************************
    4558 void ?{}( istrstream & is, char buf[] );
    4559 \end{cfa}
    4560 \caption{String Stream Functions}
    4561 \label{f:StringStreamFunctions}
    4562 \end{figure}
  • libcfa/src/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    1010// Created On       : Wed May 27 17:56:53 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Tue Sep 21 21:51:38 2021
    13 // Update Count     : 460
     12// Last Modified On : Sun Oct 10 11:23:05 2021
     13// Update Count     : 512
    2828#define IO_MSG "I/O error: "
    30 void ?{}( ofstream & os, void * file ) with(os) {
     30// private
     31void ?{}( ofstream & os, void * file ) with( os ) {
    3132        file$ = file;
    3233        sepDefault$ = true;
    3536        prt$ = false;
    3637        sawNL$ = false;
    37         acquired$ = false;
    3838        sepSetCur$( os, sepGet( os ) );
    3939        sepSet( os, " " );
    4141} // ?{}
    43 // private
    44 bool sepPrt$( ofstream & os ) { setNL$( os, false ); return os.sepOnOff$; }
    45 void sepReset$( ofstream & os ) { os.sepOnOff$ = os.sepDefault$; }
    46 void sepReset$( ofstream & os, bool reset ) { os.sepDefault$ = reset; os.sepOnOff$ = os.sepDefault$; }
    47 const char * sepGetCur$( ofstream & os ) { return os.sepCur$; }
    48 void sepSetCur$( ofstream & os, const char sepCur[] ) { os.sepCur$ = sepCur; }
    49 bool getNL$( ofstream & os ) { return os.sawNL$; }
    50 void setNL$( ofstream & os, bool state ) { os.sawNL$ = state; }
    51 bool getANL$( ofstream & os ) { return os.nlOnOff$; }
    52 bool getPrt$( ofstream & os ) { return os.prt$; }
    53 void setPrt$( ofstream & os, bool state ) { os.prt$ = state; }
     43inline bool sepPrt$( ofstream & os ) { setNL$( os, false ); return os.sepOnOff$; }
     44inline void sepReset$( ofstream & os ) { os.sepOnOff$ = os.sepDefault$; }
     45inline void sepReset$( ofstream & os, bool reset ) { os.sepDefault$ = reset; os.sepOnOff$ = os.sepDefault$; }
     46inline const char * sepGetCur$( ofstream & os ) { return os.sepCur$; }
     47inline void sepSetCur$( ofstream & os, const char sepCur[] ) { os.sepCur$ = sepCur; }
     48inline bool getNL$( ofstream & os ) { return os.sawNL$; }
     49inline void setNL$( ofstream & os, bool state ) { os.sawNL$ = state; }
     50inline bool getANL$( ofstream & os ) { return os.nlOnOff$; }
     51inline bool getPrt$( ofstream & os ) { return os.prt$; }
     52inline void setPrt$( ofstream & os, bool state ) { os.prt$ = state; }
     54inline void lock( ofstream & os ) with( os ) {  lock( os.lock$ ); }
     55inline void unlock( ofstream & os ) { unlock( os.lock$ ); }
    5557// public
    5658void ?{}( ofstream & os ) { os.file$ = 0p; }
    58 void ?{}( ofstream & os, const char name[], const char mode[] ) {
    59         open( os, name, mode );
    60 } // ?{}
    62 void ?{}( ofstream & os, const char name[] ) {
    63         open( os, name, "w" );
    64 } // ?{}
    66 void ^?{}( ofstream & os ) {
    67         close( os );
    68 } // ^?{}
     59void ?{}( ofstream & os, const char name[], const char mode[] ) { open( os, name, mode ); }
     60void ?{}( ofstream & os, const char name[] ) { open( os, name, "w" ); }
     61void ^?{}( ofstream & os ) { close( os ); }
    7063void sepOn( ofstream & os ) { os.sepOnOff$ = ! getNL$( os ); }
    107100        if ( &os == &exit ) exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    108101        if ( &os == &abort ) abort();
    109         if ( os.acquired$ ) { os.acquired$ = false; release( os ); }
    110102} // ends
    112 bool fail( ofstream & os ) {
    113         return os.file$ == 0 || ferror( (FILE *)(os.file$) );
    114 } // fail
    116 void clear( ofstream & os ) {
    117         clearerr( (FILE *)(os.file$) );
    118 } // clear
    120 int flush( ofstream & os ) {
    121         return fflush( (FILE *)(os.file$) );
    122 } // flush
     104bool fail( ofstream & os ) { return os.file$ == 0 || ferror( (FILE *)(os.file$) ); }
     105void clear( ofstream & os ) { clearerr( (FILE *)(os.file$) ); }
     106int flush( ofstream & os ) { return fflush( (FILE *)(os.file$) ); }
    124108void open( ofstream & os, const char name[], const char mode[] ) {
    125         FILE * file = fopen( name, mode );
     109        FILE * file;
     110    for ( cnt; 10 ) {
     111                errno = 0;
     112                file = fopen( name, mode );
     113          if ( file != 0p || errno != EINTR ) break;            // timer interrupt ?
     114          if ( cnt == 9 ) abort( "ofstream open EINTR spinning exceeded" );
     115    } // for
    126116        if ( file == 0p ) {
    127117                throw (Open_Failure){ os };
    131121} // open
    133 void open( ofstream & os, const char name[] ) {
    134         open( os, name, "w" );
    135 } // open
    137 void close( ofstream & os ) with(os) {
     123void open( ofstream & os, const char name[] ) { open( os, name, "w" ); }
     125void close( ofstream & os ) with( os ) {
    138126  if ( (FILE *)(file$) == 0p ) return;
    139127  if ( (FILE *)(file$) == (FILE *)stdout || (FILE *)(file$) == (FILE *)stderr ) return;
    141         if ( fclose( (FILE *)(file$) ) == EOF ) {
     129        int ret;
     130    for ( cnt; 10 ) {
     131                errno = 0;
     132                ret = fclose( (FILE *)(file$) );
     133          if ( ret != EOF || errno != EINTR ) break;            // timer interrupt ?
     134          if ( cnt == 9 ) abort( "ofstream open EINTR spinning exceeded" );
     135    } // for
     136        if ( ret == EOF ) {
    142137                throw (Close_Failure){ os };
    143138                // abort | IO_MSG "close output" | nl | strerror( errno );
    144139        } // if
    145         file$ = 0p;
     140        file$ = 0p;                                                                                     // safety after close
    146141} // close
    162157        va_list args;
    163158        va_start( args, format );
    164         int len = vfprintf( (FILE *)(os.file$), format, args );
     160        int len;
     161    for ( cnt; 10 ) {
     162                errno = 0;
     163                len = vfprintf( (FILE *)(os.file$), format, args );
     164          if ( len != EOF || errno != EINTR ) break;            // timer interrupt ?
     165          if ( cnt == 9 ) abort( "ofstream fmt EINTR spinning exceeded" );
     166    } // for
    165167        if ( len == EOF ) {
    166168                if ( ferror( (FILE *)(os.file$) ) ) {
    175177} // fmt
     179<<<<<<< HEAD
    177180inline void acquire( ofstream & os ) with(os) {
    178181        lock( lock$ );                                                                          // may increase recursive lock
    191194void ^?{}( osacquire & acq ) { release( acq.os ); }
     197>>>>>>> 15885de998d9500373efda8e609b893c87e6363a
    193198static ofstream soutFile = { (FILE *)stdout };
    194199ofstream & sout = soutFile, & stdout = soutFile;
    208213        flush( os );
    209214        return os;
    210         // (ofstream &)(os | '\n');
    211         // setPrt$( os, false );                                                        // turn off
    212         // setNL$( os, true );
    213         // flush( os );
    214         // return sepOff( os );                                                 // prepare for next line
    215215} // nl
    221221// private
    222 void ?{}( ifstream & is, void * file ) with(is) {
     222void ?{}( ifstream & is, void * file ) with( is ) {
    223223        file$ = file;
    224224        nlOnOff$ = false;
    225         acquired$ = false;
    226 } // ?{}
     225} // ?{}
     227bool getANL$( ifstream & os ) { return os.nlOnOff$; }
     229inline void lock( ifstream & os ) with( os ) { lock( os.lock$ ); }
     230inline void unlock( ifstream & os ) { unlock( os.lock$ ); }
    228232// public
    229233void ?{}( ifstream & is ) { is.file$ = 0p; }
    231 void ?{}( ifstream & is, const char name[], const char mode[] ) {
    232         open( is, name, mode );
    233 } // ?{}
    235 void ?{}( ifstream & is, const char name[] ) {
    236         open( is, name, "r" );
    237 } // ?{}
    239 void ^?{}( ifstream & is ) {
    240         close( is );
    241 } // ^?{}
     234void ?{}( ifstream & is, const char name[], const char mode[] ) { open( is, name, mode ); }
     235void ?{}( ifstream & is, const char name[] ) { open( is, name, "r" ); }
     236void ^?{}( ifstream & is ) { close( is ); }
     238bool fail( ifstream & is ) { return is.file$ == 0p || ferror( (FILE *)(is.file$) ); }
     239void clear( ifstream & is ) { clearerr( (FILE *)(is.file$) ); }
    243241void nlOn( ifstream & os ) { os.nlOnOff$ = true; }
    244242void nlOff( ifstream & os ) { os.nlOnOff$ = false; }
    245 bool getANL( ifstream & os ) { return os.nlOnOff$; }
    247 bool fail( ifstream & is ) {
    248         return is.file$ == 0p || ferror( (FILE *)(is.file$) );
    249 } // fail
    251 void clear( ifstream & is ) {
    252         clearerr( (FILE *)(is.file$) );
    253 } // clear
    255 void ends( ifstream & is ) {
    256         if ( is.acquired$ ) { is.acquired$ = false; release( is ); }
    257 } // ends
    259 bool eof( ifstream & is ) {
    260         return feof( (FILE *)(is.file$) );
    261 } // eof
     244void ends( ifstream & is ) {}
     246bool eof( ifstream & is ) { return feof( (FILE *)(is.file$) ) != 0; }
    263248void open( ifstream & is, const char name[], const char mode[] ) {
    264         FILE * file = fopen( name, mode );
     249        FILE * file;
     250    for ( cnt; 10 ) {
     251                errno = 0;
     252                file = fopen( name, mode );
     253          if ( file != 0p || errno != EINTR ) break;            // timer interrupt ?
     254          if ( cnt == 9 ) abort( "ifstream open EINTR spinning exceeded" );
     255    } // for
    265256        if ( file == 0p ) {
    266257                throw (Open_Failure){ is };
    270261} // open
    272 void open( ifstream & is, const char name[] ) {
    273         open( is, name, "r" );
    274 } // open
    276 void close( ifstream & is ) with(is) {
     263void open( ifstream & is, const char name[] ) { open( is, name, "r" ); }
     265void close( ifstream & is ) with( is ) {
    277266  if ( (FILE *)(file$) == 0p ) return;
    278267  if ( (FILE *)(file$) == (FILE *)stdin ) return;
    280         if ( fclose( (FILE *)(file$) ) == EOF ) {
     269        int ret;
     270    for ( cnt; 10 ) {
     271                errno = 0;
     272                ret = fclose( (FILE *)(file$) );
     273          if ( ret != EOF || errno != EINTR ) break;            // timer interrupt ?
     274          if ( cnt == 9 ) abort( "ifstream close EINTR spinning exceeded" );
     275    } // for
     276        if ( ret == EOF ) {
    281277                throw (Close_Failure){ is };
    282278                // abort | IO_MSG "close input" | nl | strerror( errno );
    283279        } // if
    284         file$ = 0p;
     280        file$ = 0p;                                                                                     // safety after close
    285281} // close
    311307int fmt( ifstream & is, const char format[], ... ) {
    312308        va_list args;
    314309        va_start( args, format );
    315         int len = vfscanf( (FILE *)(is.file$), format, args );
     311        int len;
     312    for () {                                                                                    // no check for EINTR limit waiting for keyboard input
     313                errno = 0;
     314                len = vfscanf( (FILE *)(is.file$), format, args );
     315          if ( len != EOF || errno != EINTR ) break;            // timer interrupt ?
     316    } // for
    316317        if ( len == EOF ) {
    317318                if ( ferror( (FILE *)(is.file$) ) ) {
    322323        return len;
    323324} // fmt
    325 inline void acquire( ifstream & is ) with(is) {
    326         lock( lock$ );                                                                          // may increase recursive lock
    327         if ( ! acquired$ ) acquired$ = true;                            // not locked ?
    328         else unlock( lock$ );                                                           // unwind recursive lock at start
    329 } // acquire
    331 inline void release( ifstream & is ) {
    332         unlock( is.lock$ );
    333 } // release
    335 void ?{}( isacquire & acq, ifstream & is ) { lock( is.lock$ ); & = &is; }
    336 void ^?{}( isacquire & acq ) { release( ); }
    338326static ifstream sinFile = { (FILE *)stdin };
  • libcfa/src/fstream.hfa

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    1010// Created On       : Wed May 27 17:56:53 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Wed Jul 28 07:35:50 2021
    13 // Update Count     : 234
     12// Last Modified On : Sun Oct 10 09:37:32 2021
     13// Update Count     : 243
    3636        char tupleSeparator$[ofstream_sepSize];
    3737        multiple_acquisition_lock lock$;
    38         bool acquired$;
    3938}; // ofstream
    5251bool getPrt$( ofstream & );
    5352void setPrt$( ofstream &, bool );
     54void lock( ofstream & );
     55void unlock( ofstream & );
    5557// public
    7577void open( ofstream &, const char name[] );
    7678void close( ofstream & );
    7780ofstream & write( ofstream &, const char data[], size_t size );
    79 void acquire( ofstream & );
    80 void release( ofstream & );
    82 void lock( ofstream & );
    83 void unlock( ofstream & );
    85 struct osacquire {
    86         ofstream & os;
    87 };
    88 void ?{}( osacquire & acq, ofstream & );
    89 void ^?{}( osacquire & acq );
    9182void ?{}( ofstream & );
    110101        bool nlOnOff$;
    111102        multiple_acquisition_lock lock$;
    112         bool acquired$;
    113103}; // ifstream
    115105// Satisfies istream
     107// private
     108bool getANL$( ifstream & );
     110void lock( ifstream & );
     111void unlock( ifstream & );
    117113// public
    118114void nlOn( ifstream & );
    119115void nlOff( ifstream & );
    120 bool getANL( ifstream & );
    121116void ends( ifstream & );
    122117int fmt( ifstream &, const char format[], ... ) __attribute__(( format(scanf, 2, 3) ));
    128123void open( ifstream & is, const char name[] );
    129124void close( ifstream & is );
    130126ifstream & read( ifstream & is, char data[], size_t size );
    131127ifstream & ungetc( ifstream & is, char c );
    133 void acquire( ifstream & is );
    134 void release( ifstream & is );
    136 struct isacquire {
    137         ifstream & is;
    138 };
    139 void ?{}( isacquire & acq, ifstream & is );
    140 void ^?{}( isacquire & acq );
    142129void ?{}( ifstream & is );
  • libcfa/src/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    1010// Created On       : Wed May 27 17:56:53 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Sat May 15 09:39:21 2021
    13 // Update Count     : 1342
     12// Last Modified On : Sun Oct 10 09:28:17 2021
     13// Update Count     : 1345
    398398                return os;
    399399        } // nlOff
    400 } // distribution
    402 forall( ostype & | ostream( ostype ) ) {
    403         ostype & acquire( ostype & os ) {
    404                 acquire( os );                                                                  // call void returning
    405                 return os;
    406         } // acquire
    407400} // distribution
    829822                        fmt( is, "%c", &temp );                                         // must pass pointer through varg to fmt
    830823                        // do not overwrite parameter with newline unless appropriate
    831                         if ( temp != '\n' || getANL( is ) ) { c = temp; break; }
     824                        if ( temp != '\n' || getANL$( is ) ) { c = temp; break; }
    832825                        if ( eof( is ) ) break;
    833826                } // for
    10351028                return is;
    10361029        } // nlOff
    1037 } // distribution
    1039 forall( istype & | istream( istype ) ) {
    1040         istype & acquire( istype & is ) {
    1041                 acquire( is );                                                                  // call void returning
    1042                 return is;
    1043         } // acquire
    10441030} // distribution
  • libcfa/src/iostream.hfa

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    1010// Created On       : Wed May 27 17:56:53 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Wed Apr 28 20:37:56 2021
    13 // Update Count     : 401
     12// Last Modified On : Sun Oct 10 10:02:07 2021
     13// Update Count     : 407
    5858        void close( ostype & );
    5959        ostype & write( ostype &, const char [], size_t );
    60         void acquire( ostype & );                                                       // concurrent access
    6160}; // ostream
    142141        ostype & nlOn( ostype & );
    143142        ostype & nlOff( ostype & );
    144 } // distribution
    146 forall( ostype & | ostream( ostype ) ) {
    147         ostype & acquire( ostype & );
    148143} // distribution
    297292trait basic_istream( istype & ) {
    298         bool getANL( istype & );                                                        // get scan newline (on/off)
     293        // private
     294        bool getANL$( istype & );                                                       // get scan newline (on/off)
     295        // public
    299296        void nlOn( istype & );                                                          // read newline
    300297        void nlOff( istype & );                                                         // scan newline
    302298        void ends( istype & os );                                                       // end of output statement
    303299        int fmt( istype &, const char format[], ... ) __attribute__(( format(scanf, 2, 3) ));
    312308        void close( istype & is );
    313309        istype & read( istype &, char [], size_t );
    314         void acquire( istype & );                                                       // concurrent access
    315310}; // istream
    379374} // distribution
    381 forall( istype & | istream( istype ) ) {
    382         istype & acquire( istype & );
    383 } // distribution
    385376// *********************************** manipulators ***********************************
  • libcfa/src/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    1010// Created On       : Thu Apr 22 22:24:35 2021
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Tue Apr 27 20:59:53 2021
    13 // Update Count     : 78
     12// Last Modified On : Sun Oct 10 16:13:20 2021
     13// Update Count     : 101
    1616#include "strstream.hfa"
     17#include "fstream.hfa"                                                                  // abort
    1819#include <stdio.h>                                                                              // vsnprintf
    3132// private
    32 bool sepPrt$( ostrstream & os ) { setNL$( os, false ); return os.sepOnOff$; }
    33 void sepReset$( ostrstream & os ) { os.sepOnOff$ = os.sepDefault$; }
    34 void sepReset$( ostrstream & os, bool reset ) { os.sepDefault$ = reset; os.sepOnOff$ = os.sepDefault$; }
    35 const char * sepGetCur$( ostrstream & os ) { return os.sepCur$; }
    36 void sepSetCur$( ostrstream & os, const char sepCur[] ) { os.sepCur$ = sepCur; }
    37 bool getNL$( ostrstream & os ) { return os.sawNL$; }
    38 void setNL$( ostrstream & os, bool state ) { os.sawNL$ = state; }
    39 bool getANL$( ostrstream & os ) { return os.nlOnOff$; }
    40 bool getPrt$( ostrstream & os ) { return os.prt$; }
    41 void setPrt$( ostrstream & os, bool state ) { os.prt$ = state; }
     33inline bool sepPrt$( ostrstream & os ) { setNL$( os, false ); return os.sepOnOff$; }
     34inline void sepReset$( ostrstream & os ) { os.sepOnOff$ = os.sepDefault$; }
     35inline void sepReset$( ostrstream & os, bool reset ) { os.sepDefault$ = reset; os.sepOnOff$ = os.sepDefault$; }
     36inline const char * sepGetCur$( ostrstream & os ) { return os.sepCur$; }
     37inline void sepSetCur$( ostrstream & os, const char sepCur[] ) { os.sepCur$ = sepCur; }
     38inline bool getNL$( ostrstream & os ) { return os.sawNL$; }
     39inline void setNL$( ostrstream & os, bool state ) { os.sawNL$ = state; }
     40inline bool getANL$( ostrstream & os ) { return os.nlOnOff$; }
     41inline bool getPrt$( ostrstream & os ) { return os.prt$; }
     42inline void setPrt$( ostrstream & os, bool state ) { os.prt$ = state; }
    4344// public
    128129// *********************************** istrstream ***********************************
     131// private
     132bool getANL$( istrstream & is ) { return is.nlOnOff$; }
    131134// public
    136139} // ?{}
    138 bool getANL( istrstream & is ) { return is.nlOnOff$; }
    139141void nlOn( istrstream & is ) { is.nlOnOff$ = true; }
    140142void nlOff( istrstream & is ) { is.nlOnOff$ = false; }
    142 void ends( istrstream & is ) {
    143 } // ends
     144void ends( istrstream & is ) {}
     145bool eof( istrstream & is ) { return false; }
    145 int eof( istrstream & is ) {
    146         return 0;
    147 } // eof
     147int fmt( istrstream & is, const char format[], ... ) with(is) {
     148        va_list args;
     149        va_start( args, format );
     151        int len = vsscanf( buf$ + cursor$, format, args );
     152        va_end( args );
     153        if ( len == EOF ) {
     154                abort | IO_MSG "invalid read";
     155        } // if
     156        // SKULLDUGGERY: This hack skips over characters read by vsscanf by moving to the next whitespace but it does not
     157        // handle C reads with wdi manipulators that leave the cursor at a non-whitespace character.
     158        for ( ; buf$[cursor$] != ' ' && buf$[cursor$] != '\t' && buf$[cursor$] != '\0'; cursor$ += 1 ) {
     159                //printf( "X \'%c\'\n", buf$[cursor$] );
     160        } // for
     161        if ( buf$[cursor$] != '\0' ) cursor$ += 1;      // advance to whitespace
     162        return len;
     163} // fmt
    149165istrstream &ungetc( istrstream & is, char c ) {
    154170} // ungetc
    156 int fmt( istrstream & is, const char format[], ... ) {
    157         va_list args;
    158         va_start( args, format );
    159         // This does not work because vsscanf does not return buffer position.
    160         int len = vsscanf( is.buf$ + is.cursor$, format, args );
    161         va_end( args );
    162         if ( len == EOF ) {
    163                 int j;
    164                 printf( "X %d%n\n", len, &j );
    165         } // if
    166         is.cursor$ += len;
    167         return len;
    168 } // fmt
    170172// Local Variables: //
    171173// tab-width: 4 //
  • libcfa/src/strstream.hfa

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    1010// Created On       : Thu Apr 22 22:20:59 2021
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Tue Apr 27 20:58:50 2021
    13 // Update Count     : 41
     12// Last Modified On : Sun Oct 10 10:14:22 2021
     13// Update Count     : 47
    8585// Satisfies basic_istream
     87// private
     88bool getANL$( istrstream & );
    8790// public
    88 bool getANL( istrstream & );
    8991void nlOn( istrstream & );
    9092void nlOff( istrstream & );
    9193void ends( istrstream & );
    9295int fmt( istrstream &, const char format[], ... ) __attribute__(( format(scanf, 2, 3) ));
    93 istrstream & ungetc( istrstream & is, char c );
    94 int eof( istrstream & is );
     96istrstream & ungetc( istrstream &, char );
     97bool eof( istrstream & );
    96 void ?{}( istrstream & is, char buf[] );
     99void ?{}( istrstream &, char buf[] );
    98101// Local Variables: //
  • src/AST/Pass.hpp

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    349349        /// When this node is finished being visited, restore the value of a variable
     350        /// You may assign to the return value to set the new value in the same statement.
    350351        template< typename T >
    351         void GuardValue( T& val ) {
     352        T& GuardValue( T& val ) {
    352353                at_cleanup( [ val ]( void * newVal ) {
    353354                        * static_cast< T * >( newVal ) = val;
    354355                }, static_cast< void * >( & val ) );
     356                return val;
    355357        }
     398/// Used to get a pointer to the wrapping TranslationUnit.
     399struct WithConstTranslationUnit {
     400        const TranslationUnit * translationUnit = nullptr;
     402        const TranslationUnit & transUnit() const {
     403                assertf( translationUnit, "WithConstTranslationUnit not set-up." );
     404                return *translationUnit;
     405        }
  • src/AST/Pass.impl.hpp

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    420420template< typename core_t >
    421421inline void ast::accept_all( ast::TranslationUnit & unit, ast::Pass< core_t > & visitor ) {
    422         return ast::accept_all( unit.decls, visitor );
     422        if ( auto ptr = __pass::translation_unit::get_cptr( visitor.core, 0 ) ) {
     423                ValueGuard<const TranslationUnit *> guard( *ptr );
     424                *ptr = &unit;
     425                return ast::accept_all( unit.decls, visitor );
     426        } else {
     427                return ast::accept_all( unit.decls, visitor );
     428        }
  • src/AST/Pass.proto.hpp

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    426426        } // namespace forall
     428        // For passes that need access to the global context. Sreaches `translationUnit`
     429        namespace translation_unit {
     430                template<typename core_t>
     431                static inline auto get_cptr( core_t & core, int )
     432                                -> decltype( &core.translationUnit ) {
     433                        return &core.translationUnit;
     434                }
     436                template<typename core_t>
     437                static inline const TranslationUnit ** get_cptr( core_t &, long ) {
     438                        return nullptr;
     439                }
     440        }
    428442        template<typename core_t>
    429443        static inline auto get_result( core_t & core, char ) -> decltype( core.result() ) {
  • src/AST/TranslationUnit.hpp

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    2626        std::list< ptr< Decl > > decls;
    28         struct Globals {
     28        struct Global {
    2929                std::map< UniqueId, Decl * > idMap;
    31                 const Type * sizeType;
     31                ptr<Type> sizeType;
    3232                const FunctionDecl * dereference;
    3333                const StructDecl * dtorStruct;
  • src/AST/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    9898        * `Initializer` => `ast::Init`
    9999    * `Statement` => `ast::Stmt`
     100    * `ReferenceToType` => `ast::BaseInstType`
    100101        * any field names should follow a similar renaming
    101102  * because they don't really belong to `Type` (and for consistency with `Linkage::Spec`):
  • src/CodeTools/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    156156                /// number of counting bins for linkages
    157157                static const unsigned n_named_specs = 8;
    158                 /// map from total number of specs to bins
    159                 static const unsigned ind_for_linkage[16];
     158                /// Mapping function from linkage to bin.
     159                static unsigned linkage_index( LinkageSpec::Spec spec ) {
     160                        switch ( spec ) {
     161                        case LinkageSpec::Intrinsic:  return 0;
     162                        case LinkageSpec::C:          return 1;
     163                        case LinkageSpec::Cforall:    return 2;
     164                        case LinkageSpec::AutoGen:    return 3;
     165                        case LinkageSpec::Compiler:   return 4;
     166                        case LinkageSpec::BuiltinCFA: return 5;
     167                        case LinkageSpec::BuiltinC:   return 6;
     168                        default:                      return 7;
     169                        }
     170                }
    161172                Stats for_linkage[n_named_specs];            ///< Stores separate stats per linkage
    366377                        const std::string& mangleName = decl->get_mangleName().empty() ? decl->name : decl->get_mangleName();
    367378                        if ( seen_names.insert( mangleName ).second ) {
    368                                 Stats& stats = for_linkage[ ind_for_linkage[ decl->linkage ] ];
     379                                Stats& stats = for_linkage[ linkage_index( decl->linkage ) ];
    370381                                ++stats.n_decls;
    527538        };
    529         const unsigned DeclStats::ind_for_linkage[]
    530                 = { 7, 7, 2, 1,   7, 7, 7, 3,   4, 7, 6, 5,   7, 7, 7, 0 };
    532540        void printDeclStats( std::list< Declaration * > &translationUnit ) {
    533541                PassVisitor<DeclStats> stats;
  • src/Common/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    2222      Common/CompilerError.h \
    2323      Common/Debug.h \
     24      Common/DeclStats.hpp \
     25      Common/DeclStats.cpp \
    2426      Common/ErrorObjects.h \
    2527      Common/ \
    3335      Common/PassVisitor.proto.h \
    3436      Common/PersistentMap.h \
     37      Common/ResolvProtoDump.hpp \
     38      Common/ResolvProtoDump.cpp \
    3539      Common/ScopedMap.h \
    3640      Common/ \
  • src/InitTweak/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    99// Author           : Rob Schluntz
    1010// Created On       : Mon May 18 07:44:20 2015
    11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Fri Dec 13 23:15:10 2019
    13 // Update Count     : 184
     11// Last Modified By : Andrew Beach
     12// Last Modified On : Mon Oct 25 13:53:00 2021
     13// Update Count     : 186
    1515#include "GenInit.h"
    2424#include "AST/Decl.hpp"
    2525#include "AST/Init.hpp"
     26#include "AST/Pass.hpp"
    2627#include "AST/Node.hpp"
    2728#include "AST/Stmt.hpp"
    294295        }
     297namespace {
     299#       warning Remove the _New suffix after the conversion is complete.
     300        struct HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve_New final :
     301                        public ast::WithDeclsToAdd<>, public ast::WithShortCircuiting,
     302                        public ast::WithGuards, public ast::WithConstTranslationUnit,
     303                        public ast::WithVisitorRef<HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve_New> {
     304                void previsit( const ast::ObjectDecl * decl );
     305                const ast::DeclWithType * postvisit( const ast::ObjectDecl * decl );
     306                // Do not look for objects inside there declarations (and type).
     307                void previsit( const ast::AggregateDecl * ) { visit_children = false; }
     308                void previsit( const ast::NamedTypeDecl * ) { visit_children = false; }
     309                void previsit( const ast::FunctionType * ) { visit_children = false; }
     311                const ast::Type * hoist( const ast::Type * type );
     313                ast::Storage::Classes storageClasses;
     314        };
     316        void HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve_New::previsit(
     317                        const ast::ObjectDecl * decl ) {
     318                GuardValue( storageClasses ) = decl->storage;
     319        }
     321        const ast::DeclWithType * HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve_New::postvisit(
     322                        const ast::ObjectDecl * objectDecl ) {
     323                return mutate_field( objectDecl, &ast::ObjectDecl::type,
     324                                hoist( objectDecl->type ) );
     325        }
     327        const ast::Type * HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve_New::hoist(
     328                        const ast::Type * type ) {
     329                static UniqueName dimensionName( "_array_dim" );
     331                if ( !isInFunction() || storageClasses.is_static ) {
     332                        return type;
     333                }
     335                if ( auto arrayType = dynamic_cast< const ast::ArrayType * >( type ) ) {
     336                        if ( nullptr == arrayType->dimension ) {
     337                                return type;
     338                        }
     340                        if ( !Tuples::maybeImpure( arrayType->dimension ) ) {
     341                                return type;
     342                        }
     344                        ast::ptr<ast::Type> dimType = transUnit().global.sizeType;
     345                        assert( dimType );
     346                        add_qualifiers( dimType, ast::CV::Qualifiers( ast::CV::Const ) );
     348                        ast::ObjectDecl * arrayDimension = new ast::ObjectDecl(
     349                                arrayType->dimension->location,
     350                                dimensionName.newName(),
     351                                dimType,
     352                                new ast::SingleInit(
     353                                        arrayType->dimension->location,
     354                                        arrayType->dimension
     355                                )
     356                        );
     358                        ast::ArrayType * mutType = ast::mutate( arrayType );
     359                        mutType->dimension = new ast::VariableExpr(
     360                                        arrayDimension->location, arrayDimension );
     361                        declsToAddBefore.push_back( arrayDimension );
     363                        mutType->base = hoist( mutType->base );
     364                        return mutType;
     365                }
     366                return type;
     367        }
     369        struct ReturnFixer_New final :
     370                        public ast::WithStmtsToAdd<>, ast::WithGuards {
     371                void previsit( const ast::FunctionDecl * decl );
     372                const ast::ReturnStmt * previsit( const ast::ReturnStmt * stmt );
     373        private:
     374                const ast::FunctionDecl * funcDecl = nullptr;
     375        };
     377        void ReturnFixer_New::previsit( const ast::FunctionDecl * decl ) {
     378                GuardValue( funcDecl ) = decl;
     379        }
     381        const ast::ReturnStmt * ReturnFixer_New::previsit(
     382                        const ast::ReturnStmt * stmt ) {
     383                auto & returns = funcDecl->returns;
     384                assert( returns.size() < 2 );
     385                // Hands off if the function returns a reference.
     386                // Don't allocate a temporary if the address is returned.
     387                if ( stmt->expr && 1 == returns.size() ) {
     388                        ast::ptr<ast::DeclWithType> retDecl = returns.front();
     389                        if ( isConstructable( retDecl->get_type() ) ) {
     390                                // Explicitly construct the return value using the return
     391                                // expression and the retVal object.
     392                                assertf( "" != retDecl->name,
     393                                        "Function %s has unnamed return value.\n",
     394                                        funcDecl->name.c_str() );
     396                                auto retVal = retDecl.strict_as<ast::ObjectDecl>();
     397                                if ( auto varExpr = stmt-><ast::VariableExpr>() ) {
     398                                        // Check if the return statement is already set up.
     399                                        if ( varExpr->var == retVal ) return stmt;
     400                                }
     401                                ast::ptr<ast::Stmt> ctorStmt = genCtorDtor(
     402                                        retVal->location, "?{}", retVal, stmt->expr );
     403                                assertf( ctorStmt,
     404                                        "ReturnFixer: genCtorDtor returned nllptr: %s / %s",
     405                                        toString( retVal ).c_str(),
     406                                        toString( stmt->expr ).c_str() );
     407                                        stmtsToAddBefore.push_back( ctorStmt );
     409                                // Return the retVal object.
     410                                ast::ReturnStmt * mutStmt = ast::mutate( stmt );
     411                                mutStmt->expr = new ast::VariableExpr(
     412                                        stmt->location, retDecl );
     413                                return mutStmt;
     414                        }
     415                }
     416                return stmt;
     417        }
     419} // namespace
     421        void genInit( ast::TranslationUnit & transUnit ) {
     422                ast::Pass<HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve_New>::run( transUnit );
     423                ast::Pass<ReturnFixer_New>::run( transUnit );
     424        }
    296426        void CtorDtor::generateCtorDtor( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) {
    297427                PassVisitor<CtorDtor> ctordtor;
  • src/InitTweak/GenInit.h

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    99// Author           : Rodolfo G. Esteves
    1010// Created On       : Mon May 18 07:44:20 2015
    11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Sat Jul 22 09:31:19 2017
    13 // Update Count     : 4
     11// Last Modified By : Andrew Beach
     12// Last Modified On : Fri Oct 22 16:08:00 2021
     13// Update Count     : 6
    2727        /// Adds return value temporaries and wraps Initializers in ConstructorInit nodes
    2828        void genInit( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit );
     29        void genInit( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit );
    3031        /// Converts return statements into copy constructor calls on the hidden return variable
  • src/Parser/parser.yy

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    1010// Created On       : Sat Sep  1 20:22:55 2001
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Sat Sep 11 08:20:44 2021
    13 // Update Count     : 5040
     12// Last Modified On : Fri Oct 15 09:20:17 2021
     13// Update Count     : 5163
    3131// from ANSI90 to ANSI11 C are marked with the comment "C99/C11".
    33 // This grammar also has two levels of extensions. The first extensions cover most of the GCC C extensions All of the
     33// This grammar also has two levels of extensions. The first extensions cover most of the GCC C extensions. All of the
    3434// syntactic extensions for GCC C are marked with the comment "GCC". The second extensions are for Cforall (CFA), which
    3535// fixes several of C's outstanding problems and extends C with many modern language concepts. All of the syntactic
    6969        // 2. String encodings are transformed into canonical form (one encoding at start) so the encoding can be found
    7070        //    without searching the string, e.g.: "abc" L"def" L"ghi" => L"abc" "def" "ghi". Multiple encodings must match,
    71         //    i.e., u"a" U"b" L"c" is disallowed.
     71        //    e.g., u"a" U"b" L"c" is disallowed.
    7373        if ( from[0] != '"' ) {                                                         // encoding ?
    310310%token ATassign                                                                                 // @=
    312 %type<tok> identifier
    313 %type<tok> identifier_or_type_name  attr_name
     312%type<tok> identifier                                   identifier_at                           identifier_or_type_name         attr_name
    314313%type<tok> quasi_keyword
    315314%type<constant> string_literal
    327326%type<en> conditional_expression                constant_expression                     assignment_expression           assignment_expression_opt
    328327%type<en> comma_expression                              comma_expression_opt
    329 %type<en> argument_expression_list_opt  argument_expression                     default_initializer_opt
     328%type<en> argument_expression_list_opt  argument_expression_list        argument_expression                     default_initializer_opt
    330329%type<ifctl> if_control_expression
    331330%type<fctl> for_control_expression              for_control_expression_list
    559558        IDENTIFIER
    560559        | quasi_keyword
     560        ;
     563        identifier
    561564        | '@'                                                                                           // CFA
    562565                { Token tok = { new string( DeclarationNode::anonymous.newName() ), yylval.tok.loc }; $$ = tok; }
    693696        // empty
    694697                { $$ = nullptr; }
    695         | argument_expression
     698        | argument_expression_list
     699        ;
     702        argument_expression
    696703        | argument_expression_list_opt ',' argument_expression
    697704                { $$ = (ExpressionNode *)($1->set_last( $3 )); }
    731738        | FLOATINGconstant fraction_constants_opt
    732739                { $$ = new ExpressionNode( build_field_name_fraction_constants( build_field_name_FLOATINGconstant( *$1 ), $2 ) ); }
    733         | identifier fraction_constants_opt
     740        | identifier_at fraction_constants_opt                          // CFA, allow anonymous fields
    734741                {
    735742                        $$ = new ExpressionNode( build_field_name_fraction_constants( build_varref( $1 ), $2 ) );
    10841091        comma_expression_opt ';'
    10851092                { $$ = new StatementNode( build_expr( $1 ) ); }
     1093        | MUTEX '(' ')' comma_expression ';'
     1094                { $$ = new StatementNode( build_mutex( nullptr, new StatementNode( build_expr( $4 ) ) ) ); }
     1095                // { SemanticError( yylloc, "Mutex expression is currently unimplemented." ); $$ = nullptr; }
    10861096        ;
    1184         WHILE '(' push if_control_expression ')' statement pop
    1185                 { $$ = new StatementNode( build_while( $4, maybe_build_compound( $6 ) ) ); }
    1186         | WHILE '(' ')' statement                                                       // CFA => while ( 1 )
     1194        WHILE '(' ')' statement                                                         // CFA => while ( 1 )
    11871195                { $$ = new StatementNode( build_while( new IfCtrl( nullptr, new ExpressionNode( build_constantInteger( *new string( "1" ) ) ) ), maybe_build_compound( $4 ) ) ); }
    1188         | DO statement WHILE '(' comma_expression ')' ';'
    1189                 { $$ = new StatementNode( build_do_while( $5, maybe_build_compound( $2 ) ) ); }
     1196        | WHILE '(' if_control_expression ')' statement         %prec THEN
     1197                { $$ = new StatementNode( build_while( $3, maybe_build_compound( $5 ) ) ); }
     1198        | WHILE '(' if_control_expression ')' statement ELSE statement // CFA
     1199                { SemanticError( yylloc, "Loop default block is currently unimplemented." ); $$ = nullptr; }
    11901200        | DO statement WHILE '(' ')' ';'                                        // CFA => do while( 1 )
    11911201                { $$ = new StatementNode( build_do_while( new ExpressionNode( build_constantInteger( *new string( "1" ) ) ), maybe_build_compound( $2 ) ) ); }
    1192         | FOR '(' push for_control_expression_list ')' statement pop
    1193                 { $$ = new StatementNode( build_for( $4, maybe_build_compound( $6 ) ) ); }
     1202        | DO statement WHILE '(' comma_expression ')' ';'       %prec THEN
     1203                { $$ = new StatementNode( build_do_while( $5, maybe_build_compound( $2 ) ) ); }
     1204        | DO statement WHILE '(' comma_expression ')' ELSE statement // CFA
     1205                { SemanticError( yylloc, "Loop default block is currently unimplemented." ); $$ = nullptr; }
    11941206        | FOR '(' ')' statement                                                         // CFA => for ( ;; )
    11951207                { $$ = new StatementNode( build_for( new ForCtrl( (ExpressionNode * )nullptr, (ExpressionNode * )nullptr, (ExpressionNode * )nullptr ), maybe_build_compound( $4 ) ) ); }
     1208        | FOR '(' for_control_expression_list ')' statement     %prec THEN
     1209                { $$ = new StatementNode( build_for( $3, maybe_build_compound( $5 ) ) ); }
     1210        | FOR '(' for_control_expression_list ')' statement ELSE statement // CFA
     1211                { SemanticError( yylloc, "Loop default block is currently unimplemented." ); $$ = nullptr; }
    11961212        ;
    13401356        WITH '(' tuple_expression_list ')' statement
    1341                 {
    1342                         $$ = new StatementNode( build_with( $3, $5 ) );
    1343                 }
     1357                { $$ = new StatementNode( build_with( $3, $5 ) ); }
    13441358        ;
    13461360// If MUTEX becomes a general qualifier, there are shift/reduce conflicts, so change syntax to "with mutex".
    1348         MUTEX '(' argument_expression_list_opt ')' statement
     1362        MUTEX '(' argument_expression_list ')' statement
    13491363                { $$ = new StatementNode( build_mutex( $3, $5 ) ); }
    13501364        ;
    24762490        designator_list ':'                                                                     // C99, CFA uses ":" instead of "="
    2477         | identifier ':'                                                                        // GCC, field name
     2491        | identifier_at ':'                                                                     // GCC, field name
    24782492                { $$ = new ExpressionNode( build_varref( $1 ) ); }
    24792493        ;
    2489         '.' identifier                                                                          // C99, field name
     2503        '.' identifier_at                                                                       // C99, field name
    24902504                { $$ = new ExpressionNode( build_varref( $2 ) ); }
    24912505        | '[' push assignment_expression pop ']'                        // C99, single array element
    2921         identifier
     2935        identifier_at
    29222936                { $$ = DeclarationNode::newName( $1 ); }
    29232937        | '(' paren_identifier ')'                                                      // redundant parenthesis
  • src/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    99// Author           : Peter Buhr and Rob Schluntz
    1010// Created On       : Fri May 15 23:12:02 2015
    11 // Last Modified By : Henry Xue
    12 // Last Modified On : Mon Aug 23 15:42:08 2021
    13 // Update Count     : 650
     11// Last Modified By : Andrew Beach
     12// Last Modified On : Fri Oct 22 16:06:00 2021
     13// Update Count     : 653
    4343#include "Common/CodeLocationTools.hpp"     // for forceFillCodeLocations
    4444#include "Common/CompilerError.h"           // for CompilerError
     45#include "Common/DeclStats.hpp"             // for printDeclStats
     46#include "Common/ResolvProtoDump.hpp"       // for dumpAsResolverProto
    4547#include "Common/Stats.h"
    4648#include "Common/PassVisitor.h"
    334336                PASS( "Fix Labels", ControlStruct::fixLabels( translationUnit ) );
    335337                PASS( "Fix Names", CodeGen::fixNames( translationUnit ) );
    336                 PASS( "Gen Init", InitTweak::genInit( translationUnit ) );
    338                 if ( libcfap ) {
    339                         // generate the bodies of cfa library functions
    340                         LibCfa::makeLibCfa( translationUnit );
    341                 } // if
    343                 if ( declstatsp ) {
    344                         CodeTools::printDeclStats( translationUnit );
    345                         deleteAll( translationUnit );
    346                         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    347                 } // if
    349                 if ( bresolvep ) {
    350                         dump( translationUnit );
    351                         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    352                 } // if
    354339                CodeTools::fillLocations( translationUnit );
    356                 if ( resolvprotop ) {
    357                         CodeTools::dumpAsResolvProto( translationUnit );
    358                         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    359                 } // if
    361341                if( useNewAST ) {
    366346                        auto transUnit = convert( move( translationUnit ) );
     348                        forceFillCodeLocations( transUnit );
     350                        PASS( "Gen Init", InitTweak::genInit( transUnit ) );
    368351                        PASS( "Expand Member Tuples" , Tuples::expandMemberTuples( transUnit ) );
     353                        if ( libcfap ) {
     354                                // Generate the bodies of cfa library functions.
     355                                LibCfa::makeLibCfa( transUnit );
     356                        } // if
     358                        if ( declstatsp ) {
     359                                printDeclStats( transUnit );
     360                                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     361                        } // if
     363                        if ( bresolvep ) {
     364                                dump( move( transUnit ) );
     365                                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     366                        } // if
     368                        if ( resolvprotop ) {
     369                                dumpAsResolverProto( transUnit );
     370                                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     371                        } // if
    370373                        PASS( "Resolve", ResolvExpr::resolve( transUnit ) );
    371374                        if ( exprp ) {
    378381                        PASS( "Fix Init", InitTweak::fix(transUnit, buildingLibrary()));
    379383                        translationUnit = convert( move( transUnit ) );
    380384                } else {
     385                        PASS( "Gen Init", InitTweak::genInit( translationUnit ) );
    381386                        PASS( "Expand Member Tuples" , Tuples::expandMemberTuples( translationUnit ) );
     388                        if ( libcfap ) {
     389                                // Generate the bodies of cfa library functions.
     390                                LibCfa::makeLibCfa( translationUnit );
     391                        } // if
     393                        if ( declstatsp ) {
     394                                CodeTools::printDeclStats( translationUnit );
     395                                deleteAll( translationUnit );
     396                                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     397                        } // if
     399                        if ( bresolvep ) {
     400                                dump( translationUnit );
     401                                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     402                        } // if
     404                        CodeTools::fillLocations( translationUnit );
     406                        if ( resolvprotop ) {
     407                                CodeTools::dumpAsResolvProto( translationUnit );
     408                                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     409                        } // if
    383411                        PASS( "Resolve", ResolvExpr::resolve( translationUnit ) );
  • tests/concurrent/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    22#include <locks.hfa>
    33#include <thread.hfa>
     4#include <mutex_stmt.hfa>
    56enum { num_blockers = 17, num_unblockers = 13 };
    2829                thrash();
    2930                P(ben);
    30                 if(((thread&)this) != 0p) sout | acquire |"Link not invalidated";
     31                if(((thread&)this) != 0p) mutex(sout) sout | "Link not invalidated";
    3132                thrash();
    3233        }
  • tests/concurrent/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    11#include <fstream.hfa>
    22#include <thread.hfa>
     3#include <mutex_stmt.hfa>
    34#include <time.hfa>
    3031int main() {
    31         sout | acquire | "start";
     32        mutex( sout ) sout | "start";
    3233        {
    3334                slow_sleeper slow;
    3637                yield();
    3738        }
    38         sout | acquire | "done";
     39        mutex( sout ) sout | "done";
  • tests/io/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    1010// Created On       : Mon Mar  1 18:40:09 2021
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Tue Apr 27 11:49:34 2021
    13 // Update Count     : 18
     12// Last Modified On : Wed Oct  6 18:04:58 2021
     13// Update Count     : 72
    1616#include <fstream.hfa>
    1717#include <thread.hfa>
     18#include <mutex_stmt.hfa>
    1920thread T {};
    2122        // output from parallel threads should not be scrambled
    23         for ( 100 ) {                                                                           // local protection
    24                 sout | acquire | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
     24        for ( 100 ) {                                                                           // expression protection
     25                mutex(sout) sout | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
    2526        }
    26         {                                                                                                       // global protection (RAII)
    27                 osacquire acq = { sout };
     27        mutex( sout ) {                                                                         // statement protection
    2828                for ( 100 ) {
    2929                        sout | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
    3131        }
    3232        {                                                                                                       // duplicate protection demonstrating recursive lock
    33                 osacquire acq = { sout };
    34                 for ( 100 ) {
    35                         osacquire acq = { sout };
    36                         sout | acquire | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | acquire | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
    37                         sout | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
     33                ofstream & h1( ofstream & os ) {                                // helper
     34                        mutex( os ) return os | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;          // unnecessary mutex
     35                }
     36                ofstream & h2( ofstream & os ) {                                // helper
     37                        mutex( os ) return os | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;          // unnecessary mutex
     38                }
     39                mutex( sout ) {                                                                 // unnecessary mutex
     40                        for ( 100 ) {
     41                                mutex( sout ) {
     42                                        sout | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
     43                                        sout | h1 | 5 | h2;                                     // refactored code
     44                                }
     45                        }
    3846                }
    3947        }
    4351        int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i;
    44         for ( 100 ) {                                                                           // local protection
    45                 sin | acquire | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i;
     52        for ( 100 ) {                                                                           // expression protection
     53                mutex(sin) sin | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i;
    4654        }
    47         {                                                                                                       // global protection (RAII)
    48                 isacquire acq = { sin };
     55        mutex( sin ) {                                                                          // statement protection
    4956                for ( 100 ) {
    5057                        sin  | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i;
    5259        }
    5360        {                                                                                                       // duplicate protection demonstrating recursive lock
    54                 isacquire acq = { sin };
    55                 for ( 100 ) {
    56                         isacquire acq = { sin };
    57                         sin | acquire | a | b | c | d | e | acquire | f | g | h | i;
    58                         sin | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i;
     61                ifstream & h1( ifstream & is ) {                                // helper
     62                        mutex( is ) return is | a | b | c | d;          // unnecessary mutex
     63                }
     64                ifstream & h2( ifstream & is ) {                                // helper
     65                        mutex( is ) return is | f | g | h | i;          // unnecessary mutex
     66                }
     67                mutex( sin ) {                                                                  // unnecessary mutex
     68                        for ( 5 ) {
     69                                mutex( sin ) {
     70                                        sin  | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i;
     71                                        sin  | h1 | e | h2;                                     // refactored code
     72                                }
     73                        }
    5974                }
    6075        }
  • tests/linking/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    1717#include <fstream.hfa>
    1818#include <stdlib.hfa>
     19#include <mutex_stmt.hfa>
    2021int main() {
    2122        int i;
    2223        if(threading_enabled()) {
    23                 stdout | acquire | "YES";
     24                mutex( stdout ) stdout | "YES";
    2425                stdin | i;
    2526        } else {
    26                 stdout | acquire | "NO";
     27                mutex( stdout ) stdout | "NO";
    2728                stdin | i;
    2829        }
  • tests/pybin/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    6565        def toString( cls, retcode, duration ):
    6666                if settings.generating :
    67                         if   retcode == TestResult.SUCCESS:     text = "Done   "
    68                         elif retcode == TestResult.TIMEOUT:     text = "TIMEOUT"
    69                         else :                                          text = "ERROR code %d" % retcode
     67                        if   retcode == TestResult.SUCCESS:     key = 'pass'; text = "Done   "
     68                        elif retcode == TestResult.TIMEOUT:     key = 'time'; text = "TIMEOUT"
     69                        else :  key = 'fail';   text = "ERROR code %d" % retcode
    7070                else :
    71                         if   retcode == TestResult.SUCCESS:     text = "PASSED "
    72                         elif retcode == TestResult.TIMEOUT:     text = "TIMEOUT"
    73                         else :                                          text = "FAILED with code %d" % retcode
     71                        if   retcode == TestResult.SUCCESS:     key = 'pass'; text = "PASSED "
     72                        elif retcode == TestResult.TIMEOUT:     key = 'time'; text = "TIMEOUT"
     73                        else :  key = 'fail';   text = "FAILED with code %d" % retcode
    7575                text += "    C%s - R%s" % (fmtDur(duration[0]), fmtDur(duration[1]))
    76                 return text
     76                return key, text
  • tests/

    ra51a02d ra2e4b0c  
    258258                # update output based on current action
    259                 result_txt = TestResult.toString( retcode, duration )
     259                result_key, result_txt = TestResult.toString( retcode, duration )
    261261                #print result with error if needed
    265265                        text = text + '\n' + error
    267                 return retcode == TestResult.SUCCESS, text
     267                return retcode == TestResult.SUCCESS, result_key, text
    268268        except KeyboardInterrupt:
    269                 return False, ""
     269                return False, 'keybrd', ""
    270270        # except Exception as ex:
    271271        #       print("Unexpected error in worker thread running {}: {}".format(, ex), file=sys.stderr)
    284284        failed = False
     285        rescnts = {     'pass': 0, 'fail': 0, 'time': 0, 'keybrd': 0 }
     286        other = 0
    286288        # for each test to run
    294296                )
    296                 for i, (succ, txt) in enumerate(timed(results, timeout =, 1) :
     298                for i, (succ, code, txt) in enumerate(timed(results, timeout =, 1) :
     299                        if code in rescnts.keys():
     300                                rescnts[code] += 1
     301                        else:
     302                                other += 1
    297304                        if not succ :
    298305                                failed = True
    319326        # clean the workspace
    320327        make('clean', output_file=subprocess.DEVNULL, error=subprocess.DEVNULL)
     329        print("{} passes, {} failures, {} timeouts, {} cancelled, {} other".format(rescnts['pass'], rescnts['fail'], rescnts['time'], rescnts['keybrd'], other))
    322331        return failed
    443452                        failed = run_tests(local_tests,
    444453                        if failed:
    445                                 result = 1
    446454                                if not settings.continue_:
    447455                                        break
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