Changeset a1edafa

Jul 21, 2017, 5:28:45 PM (8 years ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, demangler, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, new-env, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum, resolv-new, with_gc

move exponential implementation from math to builtin

2 edited


  • src/libcfa/math

    r6d54c3a ra1edafa  
    1010// Created On       : Mon Apr 18 23:37:04 2016
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Thu Jul 20 21:45:07 2017
    13 // Update Count     : 77
     12// Last Modified On : Fri Jul 21 17:03:13 2017
     13// Update Count     : 101
    8383static inline double _Complex pow( double _Complex x, double _Complex y ) { return cpow( x, y ); }
    8484static inline long double _Complex pow( long double _Complex x, long double _Complex y ) { return cpowl( x, y ); }
    86 static inline float ?\?( float x, float y ) { return powf( x, y ); }
    87 static inline double ?\?( double x, double y ) { return pow( x, y ); }
    88 static inline long double ?\?( long double x, long double y ) { return powl( x, y ); }
    89 static inline float _Complex ?\?( float _Complex x, _Complex float y ) { return cpowf(x, y ); }
    90 static inline double _Complex ?\?( double _Complex x, _Complex double y ) { return cpow( x, y ); }
    91 static inline long double _Complex ?\?( long double _Complex x, _Complex long double y ) { return cpowl( x, y ); }
    93 static inline float ?\=?( float * x, float y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
    94 static inline double ?\=?( double * x, double y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
    95 static inline long double ?\=?( long double * x, long double y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
    96 static inline float _Complex ?\=?( float _Complex * x, _Complex float y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
    97 static inline double _Complex ?\=?( double _Complex * x, _Complex double y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
    98 static inline long double _Complex ?\=?( long double _Complex * x, _Complex long double y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
    100 static inline long int ?\?( long int x, unsigned long y ) {     // disallow negative exponent
    101     if ( y == 0 ) return 1;
    102     if ( x == 2 ) return x << (y - 1);
    103     long int prod = 1;
    104     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < y; i += 1 ) {
    105                 prod = prod * x;
    106     } // for
    107     return prod;
    108 }
    109 static inline double ?\?( long int x, signed long y ) { // allow negative exponent
    110     if ( y >=  0 ) return (double)(x \ (unsigned int)y);
    111     else return 1.0 / x \ (unsigned int)(-y);
    112 }
    113 static inline forall( otype T | { void ?{}( T * this, one_t ); T ?*?( T, T ); } )
    114 T ?\?( T x, unsigned long y ) {
    115     T prod = 1;
    116     for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < y; i += 1 ) {
    117                 prod = prod * x;
    118     } // for
    119     return prod;
    120 }
    121 static inline long int ?\=?( long int * x, unsigned long y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
    122 static inline int ?\=?( int * x, unsigned long y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
    12486//---------------------- Logarithm ----------------------
  • src/prelude/builtins.c

    r6d54c3a ra1edafa  
     2// Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2016 University of Waterloo
     4// The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the
     5// file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall.
     7// builtins.c --
     9// Author           : Peter A. Buhr
     10// Created On       : Fri Jul 21 16:21:03 2017
     11// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
     12// Last Modified On : Fri Jul 21 17:01:54 2017
     13// Update Count     : 11
     16// exception implementation
    118typedef unsigned long long __cfaabi_exception_type_t;
    320#include "../libcfa/exception.h"
     22// exponentiation operator implementation
     24extern "C" {
     25        float powf( float x, float y );
     26        double pow( double x, double y );
     27        long double powl( long double x, long double y );
     28        float _Complex cpowf( float _Complex x, _Complex float z );
     29        double _Complex cpow( double _Complex x, _Complex double z );
     30        long double _Complex cpowl( long double _Complex x, _Complex long double z );
     31} // extern "C"
     33static inline float ?\?( float x, float y ) { return powf( x, y ); }
     34static inline double ?\?( double x, double y ) { return pow( x, y ); }
     35static inline long double ?\?( long double x, long double y ) { return powl( x, y ); }
     36static inline float _Complex ?\?( float _Complex x, _Complex float y ) { return cpowf(x, y ); }
     37static inline double _Complex ?\?( double _Complex x, _Complex double y ) { return cpow( x, y ); }
     38static inline long double _Complex ?\?( long double _Complex x, _Complex long double y ) { return cpowl( x, y ); }
     40static inline long int ?\?( long int pe, unsigned long y ) { // disallow negative exponent
     41        if ( y == 0 ) return 1;                                                         // base case
     42    if ( pe == 2 ) return pe << (y - 1);                                // special case, positive shifting only
     43    typeof( pe ) po = 1;                                                                // accumulate odd product
     44    for ( ; y > 1; y >>= 1 ) {                                                  // squaring exponentiation, O(log2 y)
     45                if ( (y & 1) == 1 ) po *= pe;                                   // odd ?
     46                pe *= pe;
     47        } // while
     48    return pe * po;
     49} // ?\?
     51// FIX ME, cannot resolve the "T po = 1".
     53// static inline forall( otype T | { void ?{}( T * this, one_t ); T ?*?( T, T ); } )
     54// T ?\?( T pe, unsigned long y ) {
     55//     if ( y == 0 ) return 1;
     56//     T po = 1;
     57//     for ( ; y > 1; y >>= 1 ) {                                                       // squaring exponentiation, O(log2 y)
     58//              if ( (y & 1) == 1 ) po = po * pe;                               // odd ?
     59//              pe = pe * pe;
     60//     } // for
     61//     return pe * po;
     62// } // ?\?
     64// unsigned computation may be faster and larger
     65static inline unsigned long int ?\?( unsigned long int pe, unsigned long y ) { // disallow negative exponent
     66        if ( y == 0 ) return 1;                                                         // base case
     67    if ( pe == 2 ) return pe << (y - 1);                                // special case, positive shifting only
     68    typeof( pe ) po = 1;                                                                // accumulate odd product
     69    for ( ; y > 1; y >>= 1 ) {                                                  // squaring exponentiation, O(log2 y)
     70                if ( (y & 1) == 1 ) po *= pe;                                   // odd ?
     71                pe *= pe;
     72        } // while
     73    return pe * po;
     74} // ?\?
     76static inline double ?\?( long int x, signed long y ) { // allow negative exponent
     77    if ( y >=  0 ) return (double)(x \ (unsigned long int)y);
     78    else return 1.0 / x \ (unsigned int)(-y);
     79} // ?\?
     81static inline forall( otype T | { void ?{}( T * this, one_t ); T ?*?( T, T ); double ?/?( double, T ); } )
     82double ?\?( T x, signed long y ) {
     83    if ( y >=  0 ) return (double)(x \ (unsigned long int)y);
     84    else return 1.0 / x \ (unsigned int)(-y);
     85} // ?\?
     87static inline long int ?\=?( long int * x, unsigned long y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
     88static inline long int ?\=?( unsigned long int * x, unsigned long y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
     89static inline int ?\=?( int * x, unsigned long y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
     90static inline int ?\=?( unsigned int * x, unsigned long y ) { *x = *x \ y; return *x; }
     92// Local Variables: //
     93// mode: c //
     94// tab-width: 4 //
     95// End: //
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