Sep 8, 2022, 5:11:19 PM (23 months ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, ast-experimental, master, pthread-emulation

First pass at spellchecking until chapter 2

1 edited


  • doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/intro.tex

    re4855f6 r918e0137  
    99When user-threading parallelism does drop, how and when should idle kernel-threads be put to sleep to avoid wasting CPU resources.
    1010Finally, the scheduling system must provide fairness to prevent a user thread from monopolizing a kernel thread;
    11 otherwise other user threads can experience short/long term starvation or kernel threads can deadlock waiting for events to occur on busy kernel threads.
     11otherwise, other user threads can experience short/long term starvation or kernel threads can deadlock waiting for events to occur on busy kernel threads.
    13 This thesis analyses multiple scheduler systems, where each system attempts to fulfill the necessary requirements for \gls{uthrding}.
     13This thesis analyses multiple scheduler systems, where each system attempts to fulfill the requirements for \gls{uthrding}.
    1414The predominant technique for managing high levels of concurrency is sharding the ready-queue with one queue per kernel-thread and using some form of work stealing/sharing to dynamically rebalance workload shifts.
    1515Preventing kernel blocking is accomplished by transforming kernel locks and I/O operations into user-level operations that do not block the kernel thread or spin up new kernel threads to manage the blocking.
    2323Chapter~\ref{existing} discusses how scheduler implementations attempt to achieve these goals, but all implementations optimize some workloads better than others.
    2424Chapter~\ref{cfaruntime} presents the relevant aspects of the \CFA runtime system that have a significant effect on the new scheduler design and implementation.
    25 Chapter~\ref{core} analyses different scheduler approaches, while looking for scheduler mechanisms that provide both performance and fairness.
     25Chapter~\ref{core} analyses different scheduler approaches while looking for scheduler mechanisms that provide both performance and fairness.
    2626Chapter~\ref{userio} covers the complex mechanisms that must be used to achieve nonblocking I/O to prevent the blocking of \glspl{kthrd}.
    2727Chapter~\ref{practice} presents the mechanisms needed to adjust the amount of parallelism, both manually and automatically.
    3636For scheduled work-units, a scheduler takes a sequence of threads and attempts to run them to completion, subject to shared resource restrictions and utilization.
    3737A general-purpose dynamic-scheduler for an open system cannot anticipate work requests, so its performance is rarely optimal.
    38 Even with complete knowledge of arrive order and work, creating an optimal solution is a bin packing problem~\cite{wiki:binpak}.
     38Even with complete knowledge of arrival order and work, creating an optimal solution is a bin packing problem~\cite{wiki:binpak}.
    3939However, optimal solutions are often not required: schedulers often produce excellent solutions, without needing optimality, by taking advantage of regularities in work patterns.
    9191\newterm{contention}: safe access of shared objects by multiple processors requires mutual exclusion in some form, generally locking.\footnote{
    9292Lock-free data-structures do not involve locking but incur similar costs to achieve mutual exclusion.}
    93 Mutual exclusion cost and latency increases significantly with the number of processors access\-ing a shared object.
     93Mutual exclusion cost and latency increase significantly with the number of processors access\-ing a shared object.
    117117Since \CFA attempts to improve the safety and productivity of C, the new scheduler presented in this thesis attempts to achieve the same goals.
    118 More specifically, safety and productivity for scheduling means supporting a wide range of workloads so that programmers can rely on progress guarantees (safety) and more easily achieve acceptable performance (productivity).
     118More specifically, safety and productivity for scheduling mean supporting a wide range of workloads so that programmers can rely on progress guarantees (safety) and more easily achieve acceptable performance (productivity).
    119119The new scheduler also includes support for implicit nonblocking \io, allowing applications to have more user-threads blocking on \io operations than there are \glspl{kthrd}.
    120120To complete the scheduler, an idle sleep mechanism is implemented that significantly reduces wasted CPU cycles, which are then available outside the application.
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