Apr 20, 2019, 9:40:54 PM (6 years ago)
Aaron Moss <a3moss@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum

thesis: comment on general applications in conclusion, per Gregor

2 edited


  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/conclusion.tex

    r2834e99 r8f55e8e9  
    1212The resolver prototype presented in this work has good performance and already has the basics of \CFA{} semantics implemented, as well as many of the necessary core data structures, and would be a viable candidate for a new compiler architecture.
    1313An alternate approach would be to fork an existing C compiler such as Clang~\cite{Clang}, which would need to be modified to use one of the resolution algorithms discussed here, as well as various other features introduced by Bilson~\cite{Bilson03}.
     15More generally, the algorithmic techniques described in this thesis may be useful to implementors of other programming languages.
     16In particular, the demonstration of practical performance for polymorphic return-type inference suggests the possibility of eliding return-type-only template parameters in \CC{} function calls, though integrating such an extension into \CC{} expression resolution in a backwards-compatible manner may be challenging.
     17The \CFA{} expression resolution problem also bears some similarity to the \emph{local type inference} model put forward by Pierce \& Turner \cite{Pierce00} and Odersky \etal{} \cite{Odersky01}; compiler implementors for languages such as Scala \cite{Scala} that perform type inference based on this model may be able to profitably adapt the algorithms and data structures presented in this thesis.
  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/experiments.tex

    r2834e99 r8f55e8e9  
    88\CFACC{} can generate realistic test inputs for the resolver prototype from equivalent \CFA{} code;
    9 the generated test inputs currently comprise all \CFA{} code currently in existence, $9,000$ lines drawn primarily from the standard library and compiler test suite.
     9the generated test inputs currently comprise all \CFA{} code currently in existence, 9,000 lines drawn primarily from the standard library and compiler test suite.
    1010\CFACC{} is also instrumented to produce a number of code metrics.
    1111These metrics were used to construct synthetic test inputs during development of the resolver prototype; these synthetic inputs provided useful design guidance, but the performance results presented in this chapter are based on the more realistic directly-generated inputs.
    9898                \item[Basic] (\textsc{bas}) Bilson-style type environment with hash-based equivalence class storage, as discussed in Section~\ref{naive-env-sec}.
    9999                \item[Incremental Inheritance] (\textsc{inc}) Incremental-inheritance variant sharing unmodified common parent information among environments, as discussed in Section~\ref{inc-env-sec}.
    100                 \item[Persistent union-find] (\textsc{per}) Union-find-based environment, using the persistent variant discussed in Section~\ref{env-persistent-union-find} for backtracking and combination. This variant requires that all pairs of type arguments used as arguments to $combine$ descent from a common root environment; this requirement is incompatible with the caching used in the top-down traversal direction, and thus no \textsc{td-*-per} algorithms are tested.
     100                \item[Persistent union-find] (\textsc{per}) Union-find-based environment, using the persistent variant discussed in Section~\ref{env-persistent-union-find} for backtracking and combination. This variant requires that all pairs of type arguments used as arguments to $combine$ descend from a common root environment; this requirement is incompatible with the caching used in the top-down traversal direction, and thus no \textsc{td-*-per} algorithms are tested.
    101101        \end{description}
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