Changeset 8dac2cc

May 12, 2017, 10:46:51 AM (8 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, demangler, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, new-env, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum, resolv-new, with_gc
64bc131 (diff), f5abbd7 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' of

6 added
3 edited


  • doc/generic_types/generic_types.tex

    r64bc131 r8dac2cc  
    10201020While \CC provides good backwards compatibility with C, it has a steep learning curve for many of its extensions.
    10211021For example, polymorphism is provided via three disjoint mechanisms: overloading, inheritance, and templates.
    1022 The overloading is restricted because resolution does not using the return type, inheritance requires learning object-oriented programming and coping with a restricted nominal-inheritance hierarchy, templates cannot be separately compiled resulting in compilation/code bloat and poor error messages, and determining how these mechanisms interact and which to use is confusing.
     1022The overloading is restricted because resolution does not use the return type, inheritance requires learning object-oriented programming and coping with a restricted nominal-inheritance hierarchy, templates cannot be separately compiled resulting in compilation/code bloat and poor error messages, and determining how these mechanisms interact and which to use is confusing.
    10231023In contrast, \CFA has a single facility for polymorphic code supporting type-safe separate-compilation of polymorphic functions and generic (opaque) types, which uniformly leverage the C procedural paradigm.
    10241024The key mechanism to support separate compilation is \CFA's \emph{explicit} use of assumed properties for a type.
  • doc/rob_thesis/thesis.bib

    • Property mode changed from 100755 to 100644
  • src/InitTweak/

    r64bc131 r8dac2cc  
    656656                                unqExpr->set_result( maybeClone( unqExpr->get_expr()->get_result() ) );
    657657                                if ( unqCount[ unqExpr->get_id() ] == 0 ) {  // insert destructor after the last use of the unique expression
    658                                         stmtsToAdd.splice( stmtsToAddAfter.end(), dtors[ unqExpr->get_id() ] );
     658                                        stmtsToAddAfter.splice( stmtsToAddAfter.end(), dtors[ unqExpr->get_id() ] );
    659659                                }
    660660                                if ( addDeref.count( unqExpr->get_id() ) ) {
    668668                        stmtsToAdd.splice( stmtsToAdd.end(), fixer.stmtsToAdd );
    669669                        unqMap[unqExpr->get_id()] = unqExpr;
     670                        if ( unqCount[ unqExpr->get_id() ] == 0 ) {  // insert destructor after the last use of the unique expression
     671                                stmtsToAddAfter.splice( stmtsToAddAfter.end(), dtors[ unqExpr->get_id() ] );
     672                        } else { // remember dtors for last instance of unique expr
     673                                dtors[ unqExpr->get_id() ] = fixer.stmtsToAddAfter;
     674                        }
    670675                        if ( UntypedExpr * deref = dynamic_cast< UntypedExpr * >( unqExpr->get_expr() ) ) {
    671                                 if ( unqCount[ unqExpr->get_id() ] == 0 ) {  // insert destructor after the last use of the unique expression
    672                                         stmtsToAdd.splice( stmtsToAddAfter.end(), dtors[ unqExpr->get_id() ] );
    673                                 } else { // remember dtors for last instance of unique expr
    674                                         dtors[ unqExpr->get_id() ] = fixer.stmtsToAddAfter;
    675                                 }
    676676                                // unique expression is now a dereference, because the inner expression is an lvalue returning function call.
    677677                                // Normalize the expression by dereferencing the unique expression, rather than the inner expression
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