Changeset 768b3b4f for src/AST/Stmt.hpp

May 13, 2019, 2:01:20 PM (5 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum
712348a, 9b81fed3
b78129a (diff), 336d0b3 (diff)
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Merge branch 'master' of

1 edited


  • src/AST/Stmt.hpp

    rb78129a r768b3b4f  
     92/// This disgusting and giant piece of boiler-plate is here to solve a cyclic dependency
     93/// remove only if there is a better solution
     94/// The problem is that ast::ptr< ... > uses increment/decrement which won't work well with
     95/// forward declarations
     96inline void increment( const class Stmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     97inline void decrement( const class Stmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     98inline void increment( const class CompoundStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     99inline void decrement( const class CompoundStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     100inline void increment( const class ExprStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     101inline void decrement( const class ExprStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     102inline void increment( const class AsmStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     103inline void decrement( const class AsmStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     104inline void increment( const class DirectiveStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     105inline void decrement( const class DirectiveStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     106inline void increment( const class IfStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     107inline void decrement( const class IfStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     108inline void increment( const class WhileStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     109inline void decrement( const class WhileStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     110inline void increment( const class ForStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     111inline void decrement( const class ForStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     112inline void increment( const class SwitchStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     113inline void decrement( const class SwitchStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     114inline void increment( const class CaseStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     115inline void decrement( const class CaseStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     116inline void increment( const class BranchStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     117inline void decrement( const class BranchStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     118inline void increment( const class ReturnStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     119inline void decrement( const class ReturnStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     120inline void increment( const class ThrowStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     121inline void decrement( const class ThrowStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     122inline void increment( const class TryStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     123inline void decrement( const class TryStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     124inline void increment( const class CatchStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     125inline void decrement( const class CatchStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     126inline void increment( const class FinallyStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     127inline void decrement( const class FinallyStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     128inline void increment( const class WaitForStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     129inline void decrement( const class WaitForStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     130inline void increment( const class WithStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     131inline void decrement( const class WithStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     132inline void increment( const class DeclStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     133inline void decrement( const class DeclStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     134inline void increment( const class NullStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     135inline void decrement( const class NullStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
     136inline void increment( const class ImplicitCtorDtorStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment( ref ); }
     137inline void decrement( const class ImplicitCtorDtorStmt * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement( ref ); }
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