Changeset 585d910 for doc/theses

Sep 3, 2020, 1:45:54 PM (4 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, master, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum

Added waterloo e-thesis latex stuff

2 edited


  • doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/front.tex

    rdcac8bf1 r585d910  
    1 \frontmatter
     1% T I T L E   P A G E
     2% -------------------
     3% Last updated June 14, 2017, by Stephen Carr, IST-Client Services
     4% The title page is counted as page `i' but we need to suppress the
     5% page number. Also, we don't want any headers or footers.
    3 %======================================================================
    4 %   Title (required)
    5 %======================================================================
    6 \title{Title}
     9% The contents of the title page are specified in the "titlepage"
     10% environment.
    8         \clearpage\maketitle
     12        \begin{center}
     13        \vspace*{1.0cm}
     15        \Huge
     16        {\bf University of Waterloo E-Thesis Template for \LaTeX }
     18        \vspace*{1.0cm}
     20        \normalsize
     21        by \\
     23        \vspace*{1.0cm}
     25        \Large
     26        Pat Neugraad \\
     28        \vspace*{3.0cm}
     30        \normalsize
     31        A thesis \\
     32        presented to the University of Waterloo \\
     33        in fulfillment of the \\
     34        thesis requirement for the degree of \\
     35        Doctor of Philosophy \\
     36        in \\
     37        Zoology \\
     39        \vspace*{2.0cm}
     41        Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2017 \\
     43        \vspace*{1.0cm}
     45        \copyright\ Pat Neugraad 2017 \\
     46        \end{center}
    11 \addtocounter{page}{1}
     49% The rest of the front pages should contain no headers and be numbered using Roman numerals starting with `ii'
    13 %======================================================================
    14 %  Examining commitee membership (required)
    15 %======================================================================
    16 \clearpage
     53\cleardoublepage % Ends the current page and causes all figures and tables that have so far appeared in the input to be printed.
     54% In a two-sided printing style, it also makes the next page a right-hand (odd-numbered) page, producing a blank page if necessary.
     57% E X A M I N I N G   C O M M I T T E E (Required for Ph.D. theses only)
     58% Remove or comment out the lines below to remove this page
     59\begin{center}\textbf{Examining Committee Membership}\end{center}
     60  \noindent
     61The following served on the Examining Committee for this thesis. The decision of the Examining Committee is by majority vote.
     62  \bigskip
     64  \noindent
     66Internal-External Member: \=  \kill % using longest text to define tab length
     67External Examiner: \>  Bruce Bruce \\
     68\> Professor, Dept. of Philosophy of Zoology, University of Wallamaloo \\
     70  \bigskip
     72  \noindent
     74Internal-External Member: \=  \kill % using longest text to define tab length
     75Supervisor(s): \> Doris Johnson \\
     76\> Professor, Dept. of Zoology, University of Waterloo \\
     77\> Andrea Anaconda \\
     78\> Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Zoology, University of Waterloo \\
     80  \bigskip
     82  \noindent
     83  \begin{tabbing}
     84Internal-External Member: \=  \kill % using longest text to define tab length
     85Internal Member: \> Pamela Python \\
     86\> Professor, Dept. of Zoology, University of Waterloo \\
     88  \bigskip
     90  \noindent
     92Internal-External Member: \=  \kill % using longest text to define tab length
     93Internal-External Member: \> Deepa Thotta \\
     94\> Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Waterloo \\
     96  \bigskip
     98  \noindent
     100Internal-External Member: \=  \kill % using longest text to define tab length
     101Other Member(s): \> Leeping Fang \\
     102\> Professor, Dept. of Fine Art, University of Waterloo \\
     107% D E C L A R A T I O N   P A G E
     108% -------------------------------
     109  % The following is a sample Delaration Page as provided by the GSO
     110  % December 13th, 2006.  It is designed for an electronic thesis.
     111  \noindent
    17112I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, including any required final revisions, as accepted by my examiners.
     114  \bigskip
     116  \noindent
    19117I understand that my thesis may be made electronically available to the public.
    21 %======================================================================
    22 %  Statement of contributions (if applicable)
    23 %======================================================================
    24 % For a thesis that is not a sole-authored document, the University requires that the student has made the major contribution to the work, to the satisfaction of the examination committee. The student will include a Statement of contributions in the thesis.
    26 % Not applicable
     121% A B S T R A C T
     122% ---------------
    29 %======================================================================
    30 %   Abstract (required)
    31 %======================================================================
    32 \clearpage
    33 \begin{center}\textbf{Abstract}\end{center}
    34 % \begin{abstract}
    35         Abstract
    36 % \end{abstract}
     126This is the abstract.
    38 %======================================================================
    39 %  Acknowledgements (required)
    40 %======================================================================
    41 \clearpage
     128Vulputate minim vel consequat praesent at vel iusto et, ex delenit, esse euismod luptatum augue ut sit et eu vel augue autem feugiat, quis ad dolore. Nulla vel, laoreet lobortis te commodo elit qui aliquam enim ex iriure ea ullamcorper nostrud lorem, lorem laoreet eu ex ut vel in zzril wisi quis. Nisl in autem praesent dignissim, sit vel aliquam at te, vero dolor molestie consequat.
     130Tation iriure sed wisi feugait odio dolore illum duis in accumsan velit illum consequat consequat ipsum molestie duis duis ut ullamcorper. Duis exerci odio blandit vero dolore eros odio amet et nisl in nostrud consequat iusto eum suscipit autem vero. Iusto dolore exerci, ut erat ex, magna in facilisis duis amet feugait augue accumsan zzril delenit aliquip dignissim at. Nisl molestie nibh, vulputate feugait nibh luptatum ea delenit nostrud dolore minim veniam odio volutpat delenit nulla accumsan eum vero ullamcorper eum. Augue velit veniam, dolor, exerci ea feugiat nulla molestie, veniam nonummy nulla dolore tincidunt, consectetuer dolore nulla ipsum commodo.
     132At nostrud lorem, lorem laoreet eu ex ut vel in zzril wisi. Suscipit consequat in autem praesent dignissim, sit vel aliquam at te, vero dolor molestie consequat eros tation facilisi diam dolor. Odio luptatum dolor in facilisis et facilisi et adipiscing suscipit eu iusto praesent enim, euismod consectetuer feugait duis. Odio veniam et iriure ad qui nonummy aliquip at qui augue quis vel diam, nulla. Autem exerci tation iusto, hendrerit et, tation esse consequat ut velit te dignissim eu esse eros facilisis lobortis, lobortis hendrerit esse dignissim nisl. Nibh nulla minim vel consequat praesent at vel iusto et, ex delenit, esse euismod luptatum.
     134Ut eum vero ullamcorper eum ad velit veniam, dolor, exerci ea feugiat nulla molestie, veniam nonummy nulla. Elit tincidunt, consectetuer dolore nulla ipsum commodo, ut, at qui blandit suscipit accumsan feugiat vel praesent. In dolor, ea elit suscipit nisl blandit hendrerit zzril. Sit enim, et dolore blandit illum enim duis feugiat velit consequat iriure sed wisi feugait odio dolore illum duis. Et accumsan velit illum consequat consequat ipsum molestie duis duis ut ullamcorper nulla exerci odio blandit vero dolore eros odio amet et.
     136In augue quis vel diam, nulla dolore exerci tation iusto, hendrerit et, tation esse consequat ut velit. Duis dignissim eu esse eros facilisis lobortis, lobortis hendrerit esse dignissim nisl illum nulla minim vel consequat praesent at vel iusto et, ex delenit, esse euismod. Nulla augue ut sit et eu vel augue autem feugiat, quis ad dolore te vel, laoreet lobortis te commodo elit qui aliquam enim ex iriure. Ut ullamcorper nostrud lorem, lorem laoreet eu ex ut vel in zzril wisi quis consequat in autem praesent dignissim, sit vel. Dolore at te, vero dolor molestie consequat eros tation facilisi diam. Feugait augue luptatum dolor in facilisis et facilisi et adipiscing suscipit eu iusto praesent enim, euismod consectetuer feugait duis vulputate veniam et.
     138Ad eros odio amet et nisl in nostrud consequat iusto eum suscipit autem vero enim dolore exerci, ut. Esse ex, magna in facilisis duis amet feugait augue accumsan zzril. Lobortis aliquip dignissim at, in molestie nibh, vulputate feugait nibh luptatum ea delenit nostrud dolore minim veniam odio. Euismod delenit nulla accumsan eum vero ullamcorper eum ad velit veniam. Quis, exerci ea feugiat nulla molestie, veniam nonummy nulla. Elit tincidunt, consectetuer dolore nulla ipsum commodo, ut, at qui blandit suscipit accumsan feugiat vel praesent.
     140Dolor zzril wisi quis consequat in autem praesent dignissim, sit vel aliquam at te, vero. Duis molestie consequat eros tation facilisi diam dolor augue. Dolore dolor in facilisis et facilisi et adipiscing suscipit eu iusto praesent enim, euismod consectetuer feugait duis vulputate.
     144% A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S
     145% -------------------------------
     149I would like to thank all the little people who made this thesis possible.
    45 %======================================================================
    46 %  Dedication (optional)
    47 %======================================================================
    48 % Not dedicated
     152% D E D I C A T I O N
     153% -------------------
    50 %======================================================================
    51 %  Table of contents (required)
    52 %======================================================================
     157This is dedicated to the one I love.
     160% T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S
     161% ---------------------------------
     162\renewcommand\contentsname{Table of Contents}
     165\phantomsection    % allows hyperref to link to the correct page
    55 %======================================================================
    56 %  List of figures (if applicable)
    57 %======================================================================
    58 % Each figure in the text must be numbered; if the title/caption of the figure cannot fit on the same page as the figure, the title/caption may appear on the previous page facing the figure.
     167% L I S T   O F   T A B L E S
     168% ---------------------------
     169\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
     172\phantomsection         % allows hyperref to link to the correct page
    60 % applicable
     174% L I S T   O F   F I G U R E S
     175% -----------------------------
     176\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
     179\phantomsection         % allows hyperref to link to the correct page
    62 %======================================================================
    63 %  List of tables       (if applicable)
    64 %======================================================================
    65 % Each table in the text must be numbered; if the title/caption of the table cannot fit on the same page as the table, the title/caption may appear on the previous page facing the table.
     181% GLOSSARIES (Lists of definitions, abbreviations, symbols, etc. provided by the glossaries-extra package)
     182% -----------------------------
     185\phantomsection         % allows hyperref to link to the correct page
    67 % applicable
     187% Change page numbering back to Arabic numerals
    69 %======================================================================
    70 %  List of illustrations (if applicable)
    71 %======================================================================
    72 % Each illustration in the text must be numbered; if the title/caption of the illustration cannot fit on the same page as the illustration, the title/caption may appear on the previous page facing the illustration.
    74 % applicable
    76 %======================================================================
    77 %  List of abbreviations (if applicable)
    78 %======================================================================
    79 % not applicable
    81 %======================================================================
    82 %  List of symbols (if applicable)
    83 %======================================================================
    84 % not applicable
    86 %======================================================================
    87 %  Graphic or quote (if applicable)
    88 %======================================================================
    89 % Students may wish to enhance their thesis with either a graphic or meaningful quote.  These pages, if applicable, must appear as the last page of the front matter, immediately before the main body of the thesis.
    91 % not applicable
    93 \mainmatter
  • doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/thesis.tex

    rdcac8bf1 r585d910  
     1% uWaterloo Thesis Template for LaTeX
     2% Last Updated June 14, 2017 by Stephen Carr, IST Client Services
     3% FOR ASSISTANCE, please send mail to
     5% Effective October 2006, the University of Waterloo
     6% requires electronic thesis submission. See the uWaterloo thesis regulations at
     9% DON'T FORGET TO ADD YOUR OWN NAME AND TITLE in the "hyperref" package
     11% You can view the information if you view Properties of the PDF document.
     13% Many faculties/departments also require one or more printed
     14% copies. This template attempts to satisfy both types of output.
     15% It is based on the standard "book" document class which provides all necessary
     16% sectioning structures and allows multi-part theses.
     19% To the best of our knowledge, this template satisfies the current uWaterloo requirements.
     20% However, it is your responsibility to assure that you have met all
     21% requirements of the University and your particular department.
     22% Many thanks for the feedback from many graduates that assisted the development of this template.
     24% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     26% By default, output is produced that is geared toward generating a PDF
     27% version optimized for viewing on an electronic display, including
     28% hyperlinks within the PDF.
     30% E.g. to process a thesis called "mythesis.tex" based on this template, run:
     32% pdflatex mythesis     -- first pass of the pdflatex processor
     33% bibtex mythesis       -- generates bibliography from .bib data file(s)
     34% makeindex         -- should be run only if an index is used
     35% pdflatex mythesis     -- fixes numbering in cross-references, bibliographic references, glossaries, index, etc.
     36% pdflatex mythesis     -- fixes numbering in cross-references, bibliographic references, glossaries, index, etc.
     38% If you use the recommended LaTeX editor, Texmaker, you would open the mythesis.tex
     39% file, then click the PDFLaTeX button. Then run BibTeX (under the Tools menu).
     40% Then click the PDFLaTeX button two more times. If you have an index as well,
     41% you'll need to run MakeIndex from the Tools menu as well, before running pdflatex
     42% the last two times.
     44% N.B. The "pdftex" program allows graphics in the following formats to be
     45% included with the "\includegraphics" command: PNG, PDF, JPEG, TIFF
     46% Tip 1: Generate your figures and photos in the size you want them to appear
     47% in your thesis, rather than scaling them with \includegraphics options.
     48% Tip 2: Any drawings you do should be in scalable vector graphic formats:
     49% SVG, PNG, WMF, EPS and then converted to PNG or PDF, so they are scalable in
     50% the final PDF as well.
     51% Tip 3: Photographs should be cropped and compressed so as not to be too large.
     53% To create a PDF output that is optimized for double-sided printing:
     55% 1) comment-out the \documentclass statement in the preamble below, and
     56% un-comment the second \documentclass line.
     58% 2) change the value assigned below to the boolean variable
     59% "PrintVersion" from "false" to "true".
     61% --------------------- Start of Document Preamble -----------------------
     63% Specify the document class, default style attributes, and page dimensions
     64% For hyperlinked PDF, suitable for viewing on a computer, use this:
    2 \usepackage{fancyhdr}
    3 \usepackage{geometry}
    4 \usepackage{glossaries}
    6 \fancyhf{}
    7 \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}
    8 \chead{}
    9 \cfoot{\thepage}
    10 \pagestyle{fancy}
     67% For PDF, suitable for double-sided printing, change the PrintVersion variable below
     68% to "true" and use this \documentclass line instead of the one above:
     71% Some LaTeX commands I define for my own nomenclature.
     72% If you have to, it's better to change nomenclature once here than in a
     73% million places throughout your thesis!
     74\newcommand{\package}[1]{\textbf{#1}} % package names in bold text
     75\newcommand{\cmmd}[1]{\textbackslash\texttt{#1}} % command name in tt font
     76\newcommand{\href}[1]{#1} % does nothing, but defines the command so the
     77    % print-optimized version will ignore \href tags (redefined by hyperref pkg).
     78%\newcommand{\texorpdfstring}[2]{#1} % does nothing, but defines the command
     79% Anything defined here may be redefined by packages added below...
     81% This package allows if-then-else control structures.
     85% CHANGE THIS VALUE TO "true" as necessary, to improve printed results for hard copies
     86% by overriding some options of the hyperref package below.
     88%\usepackage{nomencl} % For a nomenclature (optional; available from
     89\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amstext} % Lots of math symbols and environments
     90\usepackage{graphicx} % For including graphics
     92% Hyperlinks make it very easy to navigate an electronic document.
     93% In addition, this is where you should specify the thesis title
     94% and author as they appear in the properties of the PDF document.
     95% Use the "hyperref" package
     97\usepackage[pagebackref=false]{hyperref} % with basic options
     98                % N.B. pagebackref=true provides links back from the References to the body text. This can cause trouble for printing.
     100    plainpages=false,       % needed if Roman numbers in frontpages
     101    unicode=false,          % non-Latin characters in Acrobat’s bookmarks
     102    pdftoolbar=true,        % show Acrobat’s toolbar?
     103    pdfmenubar=true,        % show Acrobat’s menu?
     104    pdffitwindow=false,     % window fit to page when opened
     105    pdfstartview={FitH},    % fits the width of the page to the window
     106    pdftitle={uWaterloo\ LaTeX\ Thesis\ Template},    % title: CHANGE THIS TEXT!
     107%    pdfauthor={Author},    % author: CHANGE THIS TEXT! and uncomment this line
     108%    pdfsubject={Subject},  % subject: CHANGE THIS TEXT! and uncomment this line
     109%    pdfkeywords={keyword1} {key2} {key3}, % list of keywords, and uncomment this line if desired
     110    pdfnewwindow=true,      % links in new window
     111    colorlinks=true,        % false: boxed links; true: colored links
     112    linkcolor=blue,         % color of internal links
     113    citecolor=green,        % color of links to bibliography
     114    filecolor=magenta,      % color of file links
     115    urlcolor=cyan           % color of external links
     117\ifthenelse{\boolean{PrintVersion}}{   % for improved print quality, change some hyperref options
     118\hypersetup{    % override some previously defined hyperref options
     119%    colorlinks,%
     120    citecolor=black,%
     121    filecolor=black,%
     122    linkcolor=black,%
     123    urlcolor=black}
     124}{} % end of ifthenelse (no else)
     126\usepackage[automake,toc,abbreviations]{glossaries-extra} % Exception to the rule of hyperref being the last add-on package
     127% If glossaries-extra is not in your LaTeX distribution, get it from CTAN (,
     128% although it's supposed to be in both the TeX Live and MikTeX distributions. There are also documentation and
     129% installation instructions there.
     131% Setting up the page margins...
     132% uWaterloo thesis requirements specify a minimum of 1 inch (72pt) margin at the
     133% top, bottom, and outside page edges and a 1.125 in. (81pt) gutter
     134% margin (on binding side). While this is not an issue for electronic
     135% viewing, a PDF may be printed, and so we have the same page layout for
     136% both printed and electronic versions, we leave the gutter margin in.
     137% Set margins to minimum permitted by uWaterloo thesis regulations:
     138\setlength{\marginparwidth}{0pt} % width of margin notes
     139% N.B. If margin notes are used, you must adjust \textwidth, \marginparwidth
     140% and \marginparsep so that the space left between the margin notes and page
     141% edge is less than 15 mm (0.6 in.)
     142\setlength{\marginparsep}{0pt} % width of space between body text and margin notes
     143\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.125in} % Adds 1/8 in. to binding side of all
     144% even-numbered pages when the "twoside" printing option is selected
     145\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.125in} % Adds 1/8 in. to the left of all pages
     146% when "oneside" printing is selected, and to the left of all odd-numbered
     147% pages when "twoside" printing is selected
     148\setlength{\textwidth}{6.375in} % assuming US letter paper (8.5 in. x 11 in.) and
     149% side margins as above
     152% The following statement specifies the amount of space between
     153% paragraphs. Other reasonable specifications are \bigskipamount and \smallskipamount.
     156% The following statement controls the line spacing.  The default
     157% spacing corresponds to good typographic conventions and only slight
     158% changes (e.g., perhaps "1.2"), if any, should be made.
     159\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1} % this is the default line space setting
     161% By default, each chapter will start on a recto (right-hand side)
     162% page.  We also force each section of the front pages to start on
     163% a recto page by inserting \cleardoublepage commands.
     164% In many cases, this will require that the verso page be
     165% blank and, while it should be counted, a page number should not be
     166% printed.  The following statements ensure a page number is not
     167% printed on an otherwise blank verso page.
     170  \clearpage{\pagestyle{empty}\origdoublepage}}
    20 %======================================================================
    21 %   L O G I C A L    D O C U M E N T
     182%   L O G I C A L    D O C U M E N T -- the content of your thesis
     186% For a large document, it is a good idea to divide your thesis
     187% into several files, each one containing one chapter.
     188% To illustrate this idea, the "front pages" (i.e., title page,
     189% declaration, borrowers' page, abstract, acknowledgements,
     190% dedication, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures,
     191% nomenclature) are contained within the file "uw-ethesis-frontpgs.tex" which is
     192% included into the document by the following statement.
     200% MAIN BODY
     202% Because this is a short document, and to reduce the number of files
     203% needed for this template, the chapters are not separate
     204% documents as suggested above, but you get the idea. If they were
     205% separate documents, they would each start with the \chapter command, i.e,
     206% do not contain \documentclass or \begin{document} and \end{document} commands.
     214% END MATERIAL
     217% B I B L I O G R A P H Y
     218% -----------------------
     220% The following statement selects the style to use for references.  It controls the sort order of the entries in the bibliography and also the formatting for the in-text labels.
     222% This specifies the location of the file containing the bibliographic information.
     223% It assumes you're using BibTeX (if not, why not?).
     224\cleardoublepage % This is needed if the book class is used, to place the anchor in the correct page,
     225                 % because the bibliography will start on its own page.
     226                 % Use \clearpage instead if the document class uses the "oneside" argument
     227\phantomsection  % With hyperref package, enables hyperlinking from the table of contents to bibliography
     228% The following statement causes the title "References" to be used for the bibliography section:
     231% Add the References to the Table of Contents
     235% Tip 5: You can create multiple .bib files to organize your references.
     236% Just list them all in the \bibliogaphy command, separated by commas (no spaces).
     238% The following statement causes the specified references to be added to the bibliography% even if they were not
     239% cited in the text. The asterisk is a wildcard that causes all entries in the bibliographic database to be included (optional).
     242% The \appendix statement indicates the beginning of the appendices.
     244% Add a title page before the appendices and a line in the Table of Contents
     248\chapter[PDF Plots From Matlab]{Matlab Code for Making a PDF Plot}
     250% Tip 4: Example of how to get a shorter chapter title for the Table of Contents
     252\section{Using the GUI}
     253Properties of Matab plots can be adjusted from the plot window via a graphical interface. Under the Desktop menu in the Figure window, select the Property Editor. You may also want to check the Plot Browser and Figure Palette for more tools. To adjust properties of the axes, look under the Edit menu and select Axes Properties.
     255To set the figure size and to save as PDF or other file formats, click the Export Setup button in the figure Property Editor.
     257\section{From the Command Line}
     258All figure properties can also be manipulated from the command line. Here's an example:
     261hold on % Plot multiple traces on one figure
     265title('Some Trig Functions Over 0 to \pi') % Note LaTeX markup!
     266legend('{\it sin}(x)','{\it cos}(x)','{\it tan}(x)')
     267hold off
     268set(gca,'Ylim',[-3 3]) % Adjust Y limits of "current axes"
     269set(gcf,'Units','inches') % Set figure size units of "current figure"
     270set(gcf,'Position',[0,0,6,4]) % Set figure width (6 in.) and height (4 in.)
     271cd n:\thesis\plots % Select where to save
     272print -dpdf plot.pdf % Save as PDF
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.