Apr 23, 2019, 4:36:58 PM (5 years ago)
Aaron Moss <a3moss@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum

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  • doc/theses/aaron_moss_PhD/phd/experiments.tex

    rc4b5486 r3b40801b  
    88\CFACC{} can generate realistic test inputs for the resolver prototype from equivalent \CFA{} code;
    9 the generated test inputs currently comprise all \CFA{} code currently in existence\footnote{Though \CFA{} is backwards-compatible with C, the lack of \lstinline{forall} functions and name overloading in C mean that the larger corpus of C code does not provide challenging test instances for \CFACC{}}, 9,000 lines drawn primarily from the standard library and compiler test suite.
    10 This code includes a substantial degree of name overloading for common library functions and a number of fundamental polymorphic abstractions, including iterators and streaming input/output.
     9the generated test inputs currently comprise all \CFA{} code currently in existence\footnote{ \cbstart Though \CFA{} is backwards-compatible with C, the lack of \lstinline{forall} functions and name overloading in C mean that the larger corpus of C code does not provide challenging test instances for \CFACC{} \cbend }, 9,000 lines drawn primarily from the standard library and compiler test suite.
     11This code includes a substantial degree of name overloading for common library functions and a number of fundamental polymorphic abstractions, including iterators and streaming input/output.
    1113\CFACC{} is also instrumented to produce a number of code metrics.
    1214These metrics were used to construct synthetic test inputs during development of the resolver prototype; these synthetic inputs provided useful design guidance, but the performance results presented in this chapter are based on the more realistic directly-generated inputs.
    108110As a matter of experimental practicality, test runs that exceeded 8~GB of peak resident memory usage are excluded from the data set.
    109111This restriction is justifiable by real-world use, as a compiler that is merely slow may be accommodated with patience, but one that uses in excess of 8~GB of RAM may be impossible to run on many currently deployed computer systems.
    110 8~GB of RAM is not typical of the memory usage of the best-performing two variants, \textsc{bu-dca-bas} and \textsc{bu-dca-per}, which were able to run all 131 test inputs to completion  with maximum memory usage of 70~MB and 78~MB, respectively.
     1128~GB of RAM is not typical of the memory usage of the best-performing two variants, \textsc{bu-dca-bas} and \textsc{bu-dca-per}, which were able to run all 131 test inputs to completion with maximum memory usage of 70~MB and 78~MB, respectively.
    111113However, this threshold did eliminate a significant number of algorithm-test variants, with the worst-performing variant, \textsc{td-imm-inc}, only completing 62 test inputs within the memory bound.
    112114Full results for tests completed by algorithm variant are presented in Figure~\ref{tests-completed-fig}.
    210212A top-down algorithm was not attempted in \CFACC{} due to its poor performance in the prototype.
    211213The second round of modifications addressed assertion satisfaction, taking Bilson's original \textsc{cfa-imm} algorithm and modifying it to use the deferred approach \textsc{cfa-def}.
    212215Due to time constraints a deferred-cached assertion satisfaction algorithm for \CFACC{} could not be completed, but both preliminary results from this effort and the averaged prototype results from Section~\ref{proto-exp-sec} indicate that assertion satisfaction caching is not likely to be a fruitful optimization for \CFACC{}.
    213217The new environment data structures discussed in Section~\ref{proto-exp-sec} have not been successfully merged into \CFACC{} due to their dependencies on the garbage-collection framework in the prototype; I spent several months modifying \CFACC{} to use similar garbage collection, but due to \CFACC{} not being designed to use such memory management the performance of the modified compiler was non-viable.
    214218It is possible that the persistent union-find environment could be modified to use a reference-counted pointer internally without changing the entire memory-management framework of \CFACC{}, but such an attempt is left to future work.
    217221The results from \CFACC{} for \textsc{cfa-co} \vs{} \textsc{cfa-bu} do not mirror those from the prototype; I conjecture this is mostly due to the different memory-management schemes and sorts of data required to run type unification and assertion satisfaction calculations, as \CFACC{} performance has proven to be particularly sensitive to the amount of heap allocation performed.
    218222This data also shows a noticeable regression in compiler performance in the eleven months between \textsc{cfa-bu} and \textsc{cfa-imm}, which use the same resolution algorithms; this approximate doubling in runtime is not due to expression resolution, as no integration work happened in this time, but I am unable to ascertain its actual cause.
    219224To isolate the effects of the algorithmic changes from this unrelated performance regression, the speedup results in Figure~\ref{cfa-speedup-fig} are shown with respect to the start of each modification round, \textsc{cfa-bu} \vs{} \textsc{cfa-co} and \textsc{cfa-def} \vs{} \textsc{cfa-imm}.
    220226It should also be noted with regard to the peak memory results in Figure~\ref{cfa-mem-fig} that the peak memory usage does not always occur during the resolution phase of the compiler.
    231238\caption[\CFACC{} speedup.]{\CFACC{} speedup against against \textsc{cfa-co} baseline runtime. To isolate the effect of algorithmic changes, \textsc{cfa-bu} speedup is \vs{} \textsc{cfa-co} while \textsc{cfa-def} speedup is \vs{} \textsc{cfa-imm}. The `inter-round' series shows slowdown between \textsc{cfa-bu} and \textsc{cfa-imm}.} \label{cfa-speedup-fig}
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