Jul 29, 2024, 1:32:10 PM (5 weeks ago)
JiadaL <j82liang@…>

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  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/background.tex

    r5aeb1a9 r38e20a80  
    402402\subsection{Conversion Cost}
    403 In C, functions argument and parameter type does not need to be exact match, and the compiler performs an @implicit conversion@ on argument.
    404 \begin{cfa}
    405 void foo(double i);
    406 foo(42);
    407 \end{cfa}
    408 The implicit conversion in C is relatively simple because of the abscence of overloading, with the exception of binary operators, for which the
    409 compiler needs to find a common type of both operands and the result. The pattern is known as "usual arithmetic conversions".
    411 \CFA generalizes C implicit conversion to function overloading as a concept of @conversion cost@.
    412 Initially designed by Bilson, conversion cost is a 3-tuple, @(unsafe, poly, safe)@, where unsafe is the number of narrowing conversion,
    413 poly is the count of polymorphics type binding, and safe is the sum of the degree of widening conversion. Every
    414 basic type in \CFA has been assigned with a @distance to Byte@, or @distance@, and the degree of widening conversion is the difference between two distances.
    416 Aaron extends conversion cost to a 7-tuple,
    417 @@(unsafe, poly, safe, sign, vars, specialization, reference)@@. The summary of Aaron's cost model is the following:
     404In C, function call arguments and function parameters do not need to be a exact match. When types mismatch, C performs an \newterm{implicit conversion}
     405on argument to parameter type. The process is trivial with the exception on binary operators;  When types of operands are different,
     406C nees to decide which operands need implicit conversion. C defines the resolution pattern as "usual arithmetic conversion",
     407in which C looks for a \newterm{common type} between operands, and convert either one or both operands to the common type.
     408Loosely defined, a common type is a the smallest type in terms of size of representation that both operands can be converted into without losing their precision.
     409Such conversion is called "widening" or "safe conversion".
     411C binary operators can be restated as 2-arity functions that overloaded with different parameters. "Usual arithmetic conversion" is to find a overloaded
     412instance that for both arguments, the conversion to parameter type is a widening conversion to the smallest type.
     414\CFA generalizes "usual arithmetic conversion" to \newterm{conversion cost}. In the first design by Bilson, conversion cost is a 3-tuple,
     415@(unsafe, poly, safe)@, where @unsafe@ the number of unsafe (narrorow conversion) from argument to parameter,
     416@poly@ is the number of polymorphic function parameter,
     417and @safe@ is sum of degree of safe (widening) conversion.
     418Sum of degree is a method to quantify C's integer and floating-point rank.
     419Every pair of widening conversion types has been assigned with a \newterm{distance}, and distance between the two same type is 0.
     420For example, the distance from char to int is 2, distance from integer to long is 1, and distance from int to long long int is 2.
     421The distance does not mirror C's rank system. For example, the rank of char and signed char are the same in C, but the distance from char to signed char is assigned with 1.
     422@safe@ cost is summing all pair of argument to parameter safe conversion distance.
     423Among the three in Bilson's model, @unsafe@ is the most significant cost and @safe@ is the least significant one, with an implication that \CFA always choose
     424a candidate with the lowest @unsafe@ if possible.
     426Assume the overloaded function @foo@ is called with two @int@ parameter. The cost for every overloaded @foo@ has been list along:
     428void foo(char, char);                           // (2, 0, 0)
     429void foo(char, int);                            // (1, 0, 0)
     430forall(T, V) void foo(T, V);            // (0, 2, 0)
     431forall(T)        void foo(T, T);                // (0, 2, 0)
     432forall(T)        void foo(T, int);              // (0, 1, 0)
     433void foo(long long, long);                      // (0, 0, 3)
     434void foo(long, long);                           // (0, 0, 2)
     435void foo(int, long);                            // (0, 0, 1)
     437int i, j; foo(i, j);
     439The overloaded instances are ordered from the highest to the lowest cost, and \CFA select the last candidate.
     441In the later iteration of \CFA, Schluntz and Aaron expanded conversion cost to a 7-tuple with 4 additional categories,
     442@@(unsafe, poly, safe, sign, vars, specialization, reference)@@.
     443with interpretation listed below:
    419 \item Unsafe is the number of argument that implicitly convert to a type with high rank.
    420 \item Poly accounts for number of polymorphics binding in the function declaration.
    421 \item Safe is sum of distance (add reference/appendix later).
     445\item Unsafe
     446\item Poly
     447\item Safe
    422448\item Sign is the number of sign/unsign variable conversion.
    423 \item Vars is the number of polymorphics type declared in @forall@.
    424 \item Specialization is opposite number of function declared in @forall@. More function declared implies more constraint on polymorphics type, and therefore has the lower cost.
    425 \item Reference is number of lvalue-to-rvalue conversion.
     449\item Vars is the number of polymorphics type variable.
     450\item Specialization is negative value of the number of type assertion.
     451\item Reference is number of reference-to-rvalue conversion.
     453The extended conversion cost models looks for candidates that are more specific and less generic.
     454@Var@s was introduced by Aaron to disambugate @forall(T, V) void foo(T, V)@ and @forall(T) void foo(T, T)@. The extra type parameter @V@
     455makes it more generic and less specific. More generic type means less constraints on types of its parameters. \CFA is in favor of candidates with more
     456restrictions on polymorphism so @forall(T) void foo(T, T)@ has lower cost. @Specialization@ is a value that always less than or equal to zero. For every type assertion in @forall@ clause, \CFA subtracts one from
     457@specialization@, starting from zero. More type assertions often means more constraints on argument type, and making the function less generic.
     459\CFA defines two special cost value: @zero@ and @infinite@ A conversion cost is @zero@ when argument and parameter has exact match, and a conversion cost is @infinite@ when
     460there is no defined conversion between two types. For example, the conversion cost from int to a struct type S is @infinite@.
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