Changes in / [42f6e07:2b4daf2]

57 added
11 deleted
87 edited


  • Jenkins/FullBuild

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    3333                        stage('Package') {
    34                                 build job: 'Cforall_Distribute_Ref', parameters: [string(name: 'GitRef', value: commitId), string(name: 'Build', value: currentBuild.number.toString())]
     34                                trigger_dist( commitId, currentBuild.number.toString() )
    3535                        }
    3636                }
     105def trigger_dist(String commitId, String buildNum) {
     106        def result = build job: 'Cforall_Distribute_Ref',       \
     107                parameters: [                                           \
     108                        string(name: 'GitRef', value: commitId),        \
     109                        string(name: 'Build' , value: buildNum) \
     110                ],                                                              \
     111                propagate: false
     113        echo(result.result)
     115        if(result.result != 'SUCCESS') {
     116                sh("wget -q -O -${result.number}/consoleText")
     117                error(result.result)
     118        }
    106122//Routine responsible of sending the email notification once the build is completed
  • Jenkins/tools.groovy

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    66import org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.modeldefinition.Utils
    8 // Global for the stage name
    9 StageName = ''
    118// wrapper around stage declaretion to be more verbose
    129// and allow showing as skipped in the UI
    1310def BuildStage(String name, boolean run, Closure block ) {
    14         StageName = name
    15         echo " -------- ${StageName} -------- "
     11        echo " -------- ${name} -------- "
    1612        if(run) {
    1713                stage(name, block)
  • Jenkinsfile

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    5454        //attach the build log to the email
    5555        catch (Exception caughtError) {
    56                 //rethrow error later
     56                // Store the result of the build log
     57                currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
     59                // An error has occured, the build log is relevent
     60                log_needed = true
     62                // rethrow error later
    5763                err = caughtError
     65                // print the error so it shows in the log
    5966                echo err.toString()
    61                 //An error has occured, the build log is relevent
    62                 log_needed = true
    64                 //Store the result of the build log
    65                 currentBuild.result = "${tools.StageName} FAILURE".trim()
    6667        }
  • benchmark/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    523523        $(BENCH_V_CFA)$(CFACOMPILE) $(srcdir)/size/
     525## =========================================================================================================
     527%-tokio$(EXEEXT): $(srcdir)/readyQ/ $(srcdir)/
     528        cd $(builddir) && cargo build --release
     529        cp $(builddir)/target/release/$(basename $@) $@
  • benchmark/creation/node_cor.js

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    66function * coroutine() { yield }
    8 for ( var i = 0; i < times; i += 1 ) { // warm jit
     8for ( var i = 0; i < times; i += 1 ) { // warm JIT
    99        cor = coroutine()
  • benchmark/ctxswitch/node_cor.js

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    1111cor = coroutine()
    13 for ( var i = 0; i < times; i += 1 ) { // warm git
     13for ( var i = 0; i < times; i += 1 ) { // warm JIT
  • benchmark/readyQ/bench.go

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    55        "flag"
    66        "fmt"
     7        "log"
    78        "os"
    89        "runtime"
     10        "runtime/pprof"
    911        "sync/atomic"
    1012        "time"
    45 func bench_init() {
     47func bench_init() func() {
    4648        nprocsOpt := flag.Int("p", 1, "The number of processors")
    4749        nthreadsOpt := flag.Int("t", 1, "The number of threads")
    4850        durationOpt := flag.Float64("d", 0, "Duration of the experiment in seconds")
    4951        stopOpt := flag.Uint64("i", 0, "Duration of the experiment in iterations")
     52        cpuprofile := flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
    5154        flag.Parse()
    7376        runtime.GOMAXPROCS(nprocs)
     78        if (*cpuprofile) != "" {
     79                f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
     80                if err != nil {
     81                    log.Fatal(err)
     82                }
     83                pprof.StartCPUProfile(f)
     84        }
     86        return func() {
     87                if (*cpuprofile) != "" {
     88                        pprof.StopCPUProfile()
     89                }
     90        }
  • benchmark/readyQ/cycle.cpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    7171                { 'r', "ringsize", "Number of threads in a cycle", ring_size }
    7272        };
    73         BENCH_OPT_PARSE("cforall cycle benchmark");
     73        BENCH_OPT_PARSE("libfibre cycle benchmark");
    7575        {
  • benchmark/readyQ/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    1 #[cfg(any(
    2         feature = "sync time rt-threaded",
    3   ))]
    5 extern crate tokio;
    7 use std::io::{self, Write};
    81use std::sync::Arc;
    9 use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, AtomicBool,Ordering};
    10 use std::time::{Instant,Duration};
     2use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
     3use std::time::Instant;
    125use tokio::runtime::Builder;
    136use tokio::sync;
    14 use tokio::time;
    16 extern crate isatty;
    17 use isatty::stdout_isatty;
    19 extern crate num_format;
     8use clap::{Arg, App};
    209use num_format::{Locale, ToFormattedString};
    22 extern crate clap;
    23 use clap::{Arg, App};
     11#[path = "../"]
     12mod bench;
    25 use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
    26 use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
    27 use std::ops;
    29 pub struct InitializeCell<T> {
    30     inner: UnsafeCell<MaybeUninit<T>>,
    31 }
    33 unsafe impl<T> Sync for InitializeCell<T> {}
    35 impl<T> InitializeCell<T> {
    36     pub const unsafe fn new_uninitialized() -> InitializeCell<T> {
    37           InitializeCell {
    38                 inner: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()),
    39           }
    40     }
    41     pub const fn new(init: T) -> InitializeCell<T> {
    42           InitializeCell {
    43                 inner: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::new(init)),
    44           }
    45     }
    46     pub unsafe fn init(&self, init: T) {
    47           (*self.inner.get()) = MaybeUninit::new(init);
    48     }
    49 }
    51 impl<T> ops::Deref for InitializeCell<T> {
    52     type Target = T;
    53     fn deref(&self) -> &T {
    54           unsafe {
    55                 &*(*self.inner.get()).as_ptr()
    56           }
    57     }
    58 }
    60 static CLOCK_MODE: InitializeCell<bool> = unsafe { InitializeCell::new_uninitialized() };
    61 static STOP_COUNT: InitializeCell<u64>  = unsafe { InitializeCell::new_uninitialized() };
    62 static DURATION: InitializeCell<f64>    = unsafe { InitializeCell::new_uninitialized() };
    63 static STOP         : AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
    64 static THREADS_LEFT : AtomicU64  = AtomicU64 ::new(10);
     14// ==================================================
    6615struct Partner {
    6716        sem: sync::Semaphore,
    71 async fn partner_main(result: sync::oneshot::Sender<u64>, idx: usize, others: Arc<Vec<Arc<Partner>>> ) {
     20async fn partner_main(idx: usize, others: Arc<Vec<Arc<Partner>>>, exp: Arc<bench::BenchData> ) -> u64 {
    7221        let this = &others[idx];
    7322        let mut count:u64 = 0;
    7726                count += 1;
    79                 if  *CLOCK_MODE && STOP.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break; }
    80                 if !*CLOCK_MODE && count >= *STOP_COUNT { break; }
     28                if  exp.clock_mode && exp.stop.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break; }
     29                if !exp.clock_mode && count >= exp.stop_count { break; }
    8130        }
    83         THREADS_LEFT.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
    84         result.send( count ).unwrap();
     32        exp.threads_left.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
     33        count
    87 fn prep(nthreads: usize, tthreads: usize) -> Vec<Arc<Partner>> {
    88         let mut thddata = Vec::with_capacity(tthreads);
    89         for i in 0..tthreads {
    90                 let pi = (i + nthreads) % tthreads;
    91                 thddata.push(Arc::new(Partner{
    92                         sem: sync::Semaphore::new(0),
    93                         next: pi,
    94                 }));
    95         }
    96         return thddata;
    97 }
    99 async fn wait(start: &Instant, is_tty: bool) {
    100         loop {
    101                 time::sleep(Duration::from_micros(100000)).await;
    102                 let delta = start.elapsed();
    103                 if is_tty {
    104                         print!(" {:.1}\r", delta.as_secs_f32());
    105                         io::stdout().flush().unwrap();
    106                 }
    107                 if *CLOCK_MODE && delta >= Duration::from_secs_f64(*DURATION)  {
    108                         break;
    109                 }
    110                 else if !*CLOCK_MODE && THREADS_LEFT.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == 0 {
    111                         break;
    112                 }
    113         }
    114 }
     36// ==================================================
    11637fn main() {
    11738        let options = App::new("Cycle Tokio")
    118                 .arg(Arg::with_name("duration")  .short("d").long("duration")  .takes_value(true).default_value("5").help("Duration of the experiments in seconds"))
    119                 .arg(Arg::with_name("iterations").short("i").long("iterations").takes_value(true).conflicts_with("duration").help("Number of iterations of the experiments"))
    120                 .arg(Arg::with_name("nthreads")  .short("t").long("nthreads")  .takes_value(true).default_value("1").help("Number of threads to use"))
    121                 .arg(Arg::with_name("nprocs")    .short("p").long("nprocs")    .takes_value(true).default_value("1").help("Number of processors to use"))
     39                .args(&bench::args())
    12240                .arg(Arg::with_name("ringsize")  .short("r").long("ringsize")  .takes_value(true).default_value("1").help("Number of threads in a cycle"))
    12341                .get_matches();
    12745        let nprocs    = options.value_of("nprocs").unwrap().parse::<usize>().unwrap();
    129         if options.is_present("iterations") {
    130                 unsafe{
    131                         CLOCK_MODE.init( false );
    132                         STOP_COUNT.init( options.value_of("iterations").unwrap().parse::<u64>().unwrap() );
    133                 }
    134         }
    135         else {
    136                 unsafe{
    137                         CLOCK_MODE.init(true);
    138                         DURATION  .init(options.value_of("duration").unwrap().parse::<f64>().unwrap());
    139                 }
    140         }
     47        let tthreads = nthreads * ring_size;
     48        let exp = Arc::new(bench::BenchData::new(options, tthreads));
    14250        let s = (1000000 as u64).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en);
    14351        assert_eq!(&s, "1,000,000");
    146         let tthreads = nthreads * ring_size;
    147 as u64, Ordering::SeqCst);
    148         let thddata = Arc::new(prep(nthreads, tthreads));
     53        let thddata : Arc<Vec<Arc<Partner>>> = Arc::new(
     54                (0..tthreads).map(|i| {
     55                        let pi = (i + nthreads) % tthreads;
     56                        Arc::new(Partner{
     57                                sem: sync::Semaphore::new(0),
     58                                next: pi,
     59                        })
     60                }).collect()
     61        );
    15063        let mut global_counter :u64 = 0;
    15871        runtime.block_on(async {
    159                 let mut result  : Vec<sync::oneshot::Receiver::<u64>> = Vec::with_capacity(tthreads);
    160                 {
    161                         let mut threads = Vec::with_capacity(tthreads);
    162                         for i in 0..tthreads {
    163                                 let (s, r) = sync::oneshot::channel::<u64>();
    164                                 result.push(r);
    165                                 threads.push(tokio::spawn(partner_main(s, i, thddata.clone())));
    166                         }
    167                         println!("Starting");
     72                let threads: Vec<_> = (0..tthreads).map(|i| {
     73                        tokio::spawn(partner_main(i, thddata.clone(), exp.clone()))
     74                }).collect();
     75                println!("Starting");
    169                         let is_tty = stdout_isatty();
    170                         let start = Instant::now();
     77                let start = Instant::now();
    172                         for i in 0..nthreads {
    173                                 thddata[i].sem.add_permits(1);
    174                         }
     79                for i in 0..nthreads {
     80                        thddata[i].sem.add_permits(1);
     81                }
    176                         wait(&start, is_tty).await;
     83                duration = exp.wait(&start).await;
    178               , Ordering::SeqCst);
    179                         duration = start.elapsed();
     85                println!("\nDone");
    181                         println!("\nDone");
     87                for i in 0..tthreads {
     88                        thddata[i].sem.add_permits(1);
     89                }
    183                         for i in 0..tthreads {
    184                                 thddata[i].sem.add_permits(1);
    185                         }
    187                         for _ in 0..tthreads {
    188                                 global_counter += result.pop().unwrap().await.unwrap();
    189                         }
     91                for t in threads {
     92                        global_counter += t.await.unwrap();
    19093                }
    19194        });
  • benchmark/readyQ/locality.go

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    33import (
     4        "context"
    45        "flag"
    56        "fmt"
    67        "math/rand"
    78        "os"
     9        "syscall"
    810        "sync/atomic"
    911        "time"
     12        "unsafe"
     13        ""
    1014        ""
    1115        ""
    14 func handshake(stop chan struct {}, c chan [] uint64, data [] uint64, share bool) (bool, [] uint64) {
    15         var s [] uint64 = data
    16         if !share {
    17                 s = nil
    18         }
    20         // send the data
    21         select {
    22         case <- stop:
    23                 return true, nil
    24         case c <- s:
    25         }
    27         // get the new data chunk
    28         select {
    29         case <- stop:
    30                 return true, nil
    31         case n := <- c:
    32                 if share {
    33                         return false, n
    34                 }
    35                 return false, data
    36         }
    37 }
    39 func local(result chan uint64, start chan struct{}, stop chan struct{}, size uint64, cnt uint64, channels []chan [] uint64, chan_cnt uint64, share bool) {
     18// ==================================================
     19type MyData struct {
     20        _p1 [16]uint64 // padding
     21        ttid int
     22        id int
     23        data [] uint64
     24        _p2 [16]uint64 // padding
     27func NewData(id int, size uint64) (*MyData) {
    4028        var data [] uint64
    4129        data = make([]uint64, size)
    4331                data[i] = 0
    4432        }
    45         count := uint64(0)
     33        return &MyData{[16]uint64{0}, syscall.Gettid(), id, data,[16]uint64{0}}
     36func (this * MyData) moved( ttid int ) (uint64) {
     37        if this.ttid == ttid {
     38                return 0
     39        }
     40        this.ttid = ttid
     41        return 1
     44func (this * MyData) access( idx uint64 ) {
     45[idx % uint64(len(] += 1
     48// ==================================================
     49type MyCtx struct {
     50        _p1 [16]uint64 // padding
     51        s * semaphore.Weighted
     52        d unsafe.Pointer
     53        c context.Context
     54        ttid int
     55        id int
     56        _p2 [16]uint64 // padding
     59func NewCtx( data * MyData, id int ) (MyCtx) {
     60        r := MyCtx{[16]uint64{0},semaphore.NewWeighted(1), unsafe.Pointer(data), context.Background(), syscall.Gettid(), id,[16]uint64{0}}
     61        r.s.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
     62        return r
     65func (this * MyCtx) moved( ttid int ) (uint64) {
     66        if this.ttid == ttid {
     67                return 0
     68        }
     69        this.ttid = ttid
     70        return 1
     73// ==================================================
     74// Atomic object where a single thread can wait
     75// May exchanges data
     76type Spot struct {
     77        _p1 [16]uint64 // padding
     78        ptr uintptr // atomic variable use fo MES
     79        id int      // id for debugging
     80        _p2 [16]uint64 // padding
     83// Main handshake of the code
     84// Single seat, first thread arriving waits
     85// Next threads unblocks current one and blocks in its place
     86// if share == true, exchange data in the process
     87func (this * Spot) put( ctx * MyCtx, data * MyData, share bool) (* MyData, bool) {
     88        new := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ctx))
     89        // old_d := ctx.d
     91        // Attempt to CAS our context into the seat
     92        var raw uintptr
     93        for true {
     94                raw = this.ptr
     95                if raw == uintptr(1) { // Seat is closed, return
     96                        return nil, true
     97                }
     98                if atomic.CompareAndSwapUintptr(&this.ptr, raw, new) {
     99                        break // We got the seat
     100                }
     101        }
     103        // If we aren't the fist in, wake someone
     104        if raw != uintptr(0) {
     105                var val *MyCtx
     106                val = (*MyCtx)(unsafe.Pointer(raw))
     108                // If we are sharing, give them our data
     109                if share {
     110                        // fmt.Printf("[%d] - %d update %d: %p -> %p\n",,,, val.d, data)
     111                        atomic.StorePointer(&val.d, unsafe.Pointer(data))
     112                }
     114                // Wake them up
     115                // fmt.Printf("[%d] - %d release %d\n",,,
     116                val.s.Release(1)
     117        }
     119        // fmt.Printf("[%d] - %d enter\n",,
     121        // Block once on the seat
     122        ctx.s.Acquire(ctx.c, 1)
     124        // Someone woke us up, get the new data
     125        ret := (* MyData)(atomic.LoadPointer(&ctx.d))
     126        // fmt.Printf("[%d] - %d leave: %p -> %p\n",,, ret, old_d)
     128        return ret, false
     131// Shutdown the spot
     132// Wake current thread and mark seat as closed
     133func (this * Spot) release() {
     134        val := (*MyCtx)(unsafe.Pointer(atomic.SwapUintptr(&this.ptr, uintptr(1))))
     135        if val == nil {
     136                return
     137        }
     139        // Someone was there, release them
     140        val.s.Release(1)
     143// ==================================================
     144// Struct for result, Go doesn't support passing tuple in channels
     145type Result struct {
     146        count uint64
     147        gmigs uint64
     148        dmigs uint64
     151func NewResult() (Result) {
     152        return Result{0, 0, 0}
     155// ==================================================
     156// Random number generator, Go's native one is to slow and global
     157func __xorshift64( state * uint64 ) (uint64) {
     158        x := *state
     159        x ^= x << 13
     160        x ^= x >> 7
     161        x ^= x << 17
     162        *state = x
     163        return x
     166// ==================================================
     167// Do some work by accessing 'cnt' cells in the array
     168func work(data * MyData, cnt uint64, state * uint64) {
     169        for i := uint64(0); i < cnt; i++ {
     170                data.access(__xorshift64(state))
     171        }
     174// Main body of the threads
     175func local(result chan Result, start chan struct{}, size uint64, cnt uint64, channels [] Spot, share bool, id int) {
     176        // Initialize some data
     177        state := rand.Uint64()    // RNG state
     178        data := NewData(id, size) // Starting piece of data
     179        ctx := NewCtx(data, id)   // Goroutine local context
     181        // Prepare results
     182        r := NewResult()
     184        // Wait for start
    46185        <- start
     187        // Main loop
    47188        for true {
    48                 for i := uint64(0); i < cnt; i++ {
    49                         data[rand.Uint64() % size] += 1
    50                 }
    52                 i := rand.Uint64() % chan_cnt
     189                // Touch our current data, write to invalidate remote cache lines
     190                work(data, cnt, &state)
     192                // Wait on a random spot
     193                i := __xorshift64(&state) % uint64(len(channels))
    53194                var closed bool
    54                 closed, data = handshake(stop, channels[i], data, share)
    55                 count += 1
    57                 if  closed { break }
    58                 if !clock_mode && count >= stop_count { break }
    59         }
     195                data, closed = channels[i].put(&ctx, data, share)
     197                // Check if the experiment is over
     198                if closed { break }                                       // yes, spot was closed
     199                if  clock_mode && atomic.LoadInt32(&stop) == 1 { break }  // yes, time's up
     200                if !clock_mode && r.count >= stop_count { break }         // yes, iterations reached
     202                // Check everything is consistent
     203                if uint64(len( != size { panic("Data has weird size") }
     205                // write down progress and check migrations
     206                ttid := syscall.Gettid()
     207                r.count += 1
     208                r.gmigs += ctx .moved(ttid)
     209                r.dmigs += data.moved(ttid)
     210        }
     212        // Mark goroutine as done
    61213        atomic.AddInt64(&threads_left, -1);
    62         result <- count
    63 }
     215        // return result
     216        result <- r
     219// ==================================================
     220// Program main
    65221func main() {
    67         work_sizeOpt := flag.Uint64("w", 2    , "Number of words (uint64) per threads")
    68         countOpt     := flag.Uint64("c", 2    , "Number of words (uint64) to touch")
     222        // Benchmark specific command line arguments
     223        nspotsOpt    := flag.Int   ("n", 0    , "Number of spots where threads sleep (nthreads - nspots are active at the same time)")
     224        work_sizeOpt := flag.Uint64("w", 2    , "Size of the array for each threads, in words (64bit)")
     225        countOpt     := flag.Uint64("c", 2    , "Number of words to touch when working (random pick, cells can be picked more than once)")
    69226        shareOpt     := flag.Bool  ("s", false, "Pass the work data to the next thread when blocking")
    71         bench_init()
     228        // General benchmark initialization and deinitialization
     229        defer bench_init()()
     231        // Eval command line arguments
     232        nspots:= *nspotsOpt
    73233        size  := *work_sizeOpt
    74234        cnt   := *countOpt
    75235        share := *shareOpt
     237        if nspots == 0 { nspots = nthreads - nprocs; }
     239        // Check params
    77240        if ! (nthreads > nprocs) {
    78241                fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Must have more threads than procs\n")
    80243        }
    82         barrierStart := make(chan struct{})
    83         barrierStop  := make(chan struct{})
    84         threads_left = int64(nthreads)
    85         result  := make(chan uint64)
    86         channels := make([]chan [] uint64, nthreads - nprocs)
     245        // Make global data
     246        barrierStart := make(chan struct{})         // Barrier used at the start
     247        threads_left = int64(nthreads - nspots)                // Counter for active threads (not 'nthreads' because at all times 'nthreads - nprocs' are blocked)
     248        result  := make(chan Result)                // Channel for results
     249        channels := make([]Spot, nspots) // Number of spots
    87250        for i := range channels {
    88                 channels[i] = make(chan [] uint64, 1)
    89         }
     251                channels[i] = Spot{[16]uint64{0},uintptr(0), i,[16]uint64{0}}     // init spots
     252        }
     254        // start the goroutines
    91255        for i := 0; i < nthreads; i++ {
    92                 go local(result, barrierStart, barrierStop, size, cnt, channels, uint64(nthreads - nprocs), share)
     256                go local(result, barrierStart, size, cnt, channels, share, i)
    93257        }
    94258        fmt.Printf("Starting\n");
     260        atomic.StoreInt32(&stop, 0)
    96261        start := time.Now()
    97         close(barrierStart)
    99         wait(start, true);
    101         close(barrierStop)
     262        close(barrierStart) // release barrier
     264        wait(start, true);  // general benchmark wait
     266        atomic.StoreInt32(&stop, 1)
    102267        end := time.Now()
    103268        delta := end.Sub(start)
    105270        fmt.Printf("\nDone\n")
    107         global_counter := uint64(0)
     272        // release all the blocked threads
     273        for i := range channels {
     274                channels[i].release()
     275        }
     277        // Join and accumulate results
     278        results := NewResult()
    108279        for i := 0; i < nthreads; i++ {
    109                 global_counter += <- result
    110         }
     280                r := <- result
     281                results.count += r.count
     282                results.gmigs += r.gmigs
     283                results.dmigs += r.dmigs
     284        }
     286        // Print with nice 's, i.e. 1'000'000 instead of 1000000
    112287        p := message.NewPrinter(language.English)
    113         p.Printf("Duration (ms)          : %f\n", delta.Seconds());
     288        p.Printf("Duration (s)           : %f\n", delta.Seconds());
    114289        p.Printf("Number of processors   : %d\n", nprocs);
    115290        p.Printf("Number of threads      : %d\n", nthreads);
    116291        p.Printf("Work size (64bit words): %d\n", size);
    117         p.Printf("Total Operations(ops)  : %15d\n", global_counter)
    118         p.Printf("Ops per second         : %18.2f\n", float64(global_counter) / delta.Seconds())
    119         p.Printf("ns per ops             : %18.2f\n", float64(delta.Nanoseconds()) / float64(global_counter))
    120         p.Printf("Ops per threads        : %15d\n", global_counter / uint64(nthreads))
    121         p.Printf("Ops per procs          : %15d\n", global_counter / uint64(nprocs))
    122         p.Printf("Ops/sec/procs          : %18.2f\n", (float64(global_counter) / float64(nprocs)) / delta.Seconds())
    123         p.Printf("ns per ops/procs       : %18.2f\n", float64(delta.Nanoseconds()) / (float64(global_counter) / float64(nprocs)))
    124 }
     292        p.Printf("Total Operations(ops)  : %15d\n", results.count)
     293        p.Printf("Total G Migrations     : %15d\n", results.gmigs)
     294        p.Printf("Total D Migrations     : %15d\n", results.dmigs)
     295        p.Printf("Ops per second         : %18.2f\n", float64(results.count) / delta.Seconds())
     296        p.Printf("ns per ops             : %18.2f\n", float64(delta.Nanoseconds()) / float64(results.count))
     297        p.Printf("Ops per threads        : %15d\n", results.count / uint64(nthreads))
     298        p.Printf("Ops per procs          : %15d\n", results.count / uint64(nprocs))
     299        p.Printf("Ops/sec/procs          : %18.2f\n", (float64(results.count) / float64(nprocs)) / delta.Seconds())
     300        p.Printf("ns per ops/procs       : %18.2f\n", float64(delta.Nanoseconds()) / (float64(results.count) / float64(nprocs)))
  • benchmark/readyQ/rq_bench.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    3939                } else if(stop_count > 0) { \
    4040                        clock_mode = false; \
    41                         printf("Running for %lu iterations\n", stop_count); \
     41                        printf("Running for %llu iterations\n", stop_count); \
    4242                } else { \
    4343                        duration = 5; clock_mode = true;\
  • benchmark/readyQ/rq_bench.hpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
     99bool parse_truefalse(const char * arg, bool & value) {
     100        if(strcmp(arg, "true") == 0) {
     101                value = true;
     102                return true;
     103        }
     105        if(strcmp(arg, "false") == 0) {
     106                value = false;
     107                return true;
     108        }
     110        return false;
    99113bool parse_settrue (const char *, bool & value ) {
    100114        value = true;
    226240        {
    227241                int idx = 0;
    228                 for(int i = 0; i < opt_count; i++) {
     242                for(size_t i = 0; i < opt_count; i++) {
    229243                        if(options[i].long_name) {
    230244                                optarr[idx].name = options[i].long_name;
    256270        {
    257271                int idx = 0;
    258                 for(int i = 0; i < opt_count; i++) {
     272                for(size_t i = 0; i < opt_count; i++) {
    259273                        optstring[idx] = options[i].short_name;
    260274                        idx++;
    279293                        case 'h':
    280294                                out = stdout;
     295                                [[fallthrough]];
    281296                        case '?':
    282297                                usage(argv[0], options, opt_count, usage_msg, out);
    283298                        default:
    284                                 for(int i = 0; i < opt_count; i++) {
     299                                for(size_t i = 0; i < opt_count; i++) {
    285300                                        if(opt == options[i].short_name) {
    286301                                                const char * arg = optarg ? optarg : "";
     302                                                if( arg[0] == '=' ) { arg++; }
    287303                                                bool success = options[i].parse_fun( arg, options[i].variable );
    288304                                                if(success) goto NEXT_ARG;
    319335        int width = 0;
    320336        {
    321                 for(int i = 0; i < opt_count; i++) {
     337                for(size_t i = 0; i < opt_count; i++) {
    322338                        if(options[i].long_name) {
    323339                                int w = strlen(options[i].long_name);
    338354        fprintf(out, "Usage:\n  %s %s\n", cmd, help);
    340         for(int i = 0; i < opt_count; i++) {
     356        for(size_t i = 0; i < opt_count; i++) {
    341357                printopt(out, width, max_width, options[i].short_name, options[i].long_name, options[i].help);
    342358        }

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    295295# Some of our makefile don't need to be distributed
    298         [AC_CONFIG_FILES([
     298        AC_CONFIG_FILES([
    299299                longrun_tests/Makefile
    300300                benchmark/Makefile
    302302                tools/Makefile
    303303                tools/prettyprinter/Makefile
    304                 ])])
     304        ])
     306        AC_OUTPUT(benchmark/Cargo.toml)
  • doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/Makefile

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    2828        base \
    2929        empty \
     30        emptybit \
     31        emptytls \
     32        emptytree \
     33        fairness \
    3034        system \
    7377        ${LaTeX} $<
     79build/fairness.svg : fig/ | ${Build}
     80        python3 $< $@
    7582## Define the default recipes.
    8895        fig2dev -L pstex_t -p ${Build}/$@ $< > ${Build}/$@_t
     97%.pstex : build/%.svg | ${Build}
     98        inkscape -z -D --file=$< --export-eps=${Build}/$@ --export-latex
     99        mv ${Build}/$@_tex ${Build}/$@_t
     100        echo "sed -i 's/$@/${Build}/$@/g' ${Build}/$@_t"
     101        sed -i 's/$@/${Build}\/$@/g' ${Build}/$@_t
    90103## pstex with inverted colors
    91104%.dark.pstex : fig/%.fig Makefile | ${Build}
  • doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/glossary.tex

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    77\newacronym{io}{I/O}{Input and Output}
    88\newacronym{numa}{NUMA}{Non-Uniform Memory Access}
     9\newacronym{prng}{PRNG}{Pseudo Random Number Generator}
    910\newacronym{raii}{RAII}{Resource Acquisition Is Initialization}
    1011\newacronym{tls}{TLS}{Thread Local Storage}
  • doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/local.bib

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    609609  note = "[Online; accessed 23-October-2020]"
     613  author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
     614  title = "Linear congruential generator --- {W}ikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
     615  year = "2020",
     616  url = "",
     617  note = "[Online; accessed 2-January-2021]"
  • doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/core.tex

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    11\chapter{Scheduling Core}\label{core}
    3 Before discussing scheduling in general, where it is important to address systems that are changing states, this document discusses scheduling in a somewhat ideal scenerio, where the system has reached a steady state. For this purpose, a steady state is loosely defined as a state where there are always \glspl{thrd} ready to run and but the system has the ressources necessary to accomplish the work. In short, the system is neither overloaded or underloaded.
     3Before discussing scheduling in general, where it is important to address systems that are changing states, this document discusses scheduling in a somewhat ideal scenerio, where the system has reached a steady state. For this purpose, a steady state is loosely defined as a state where there are always \glspl{thrd} ready to run and the system has the ressources necessary to accomplish the work, \eg, enough workers. In short, the system is neither overloaded nor underloaded.
    5 I believe it is important to discuss the steady state first because it is the easiest case to handle and, relatedly, the case in which the best performance is to be expected. As such, when the system is either overloaded or underloaded, a common approach is to try to adapt the system to the new load and return to the steady state. Flaws in the scheduling in the steady state tend therefore to be pervasive in all states.
     5I believe it is important to discuss the steady state first because it is the easiest case to handle and, relatedly, the case in which the best performance is to be expected. As such, when the system is either overloaded or underloaded, a common approach is to try to adapt the system to the new load and return to the steady state, \eg, adding or removing workers. Flaws in the scheduling when the system is in the steady state can therefore to be pervasive in all states.
    77\section{Design Goals}
    8 As with most of the design decisions behind \CFA, the main goal is to match the expectation of the programmer, according to their probable mental model. To match these expectations, the design must offer the programmers sufficient guarantees so that, as long as the programmer respects the mental model, the system will also respect this model.
     8As with most of the design decisions behind \CFA, an important goal is to match the expectation of the programmer, according to their probable mental model. To match these expectations, the design must offer the programmers sufficient guarantees so that, as long as they respect the mental model, the system will also respect this model.
    1010For threading, a simple and common mental model is the ``Ideal multi-tasking CPU'' :
    1616Applied to threads, this model states that every ready \gls{thrd} immediately runs in parallel with all other ready \glspl{thrd}. While a strict implementation of this model is not feasible, programmers still have expectations about scheduling that come from this model.
    18 In general, the expectation at the center of this model is that ready \glspl{thrd} do not interfere with eachother but simply share the hardware. This makes it easier to reason about threading because ready \glspl{thrd} can be taken in isolation and the effect of the scheduler can be virtually ignored. This expectation of \gls{thrd} independence means the scheduler is expected to offer 2 guarantees:
     18In general, the expectation at the center of this model is that ready \glspl{thrd} do not interfere with eachother but simply share the hardware. This makes it easier to reason about threading because ready \glspl{thrd} can be taken in isolation and the effect of the scheduler can be virtually ignored. This expectation of \gls{thrd} independence means the scheduler is expected to offer two guarantees:
    2020        \item A fairness guarantee: a \gls{thrd} that is ready to run will not be prevented to do so by another thread.
    2424It is important to note that these guarantees are expected only up to a point. \Glspl{thrd} that are ready to run should not be prevented to do so, but they still need to share a limited amount of hardware. Therefore, the guarantee is considered respected if a \gls{thrd} gets access to a \emph{fair share} of the hardware, even if that share is very small.
    26 Similarly the performance guarantee, the lack of interferance between threads is only relevant op to a point. Ideally the cost of running and blocking would be constant regardless of contention, but the guarantee is considered satisfied if the cost is not \emph{too high} with or without contention. How much is an acceptable cost is obviously highly variable. For this document the performance experimentation will attempt to show that the cost of scheduling is not a major factor in application performance. This demonstration can be made by comparing application built in \CFA to applications built with other languages or other models. If the performance of an application built in \CFA is not meaningfully different than one built with a different runtime, then the scheduler has a negigeable impact on performance, \ie its impact can be ignored. Recall from a few paragraphs ago that the expectation of programmers is that the impact of the scheduler can be ignored. Therefore, if the cost of scheduling is not a significant portion of the runtime of several different application, I will consider the guarantee achieved.
     26Similarly the performance guarantee, the lack of interferance between threads, is only relevant up to a point. Ideally the cost of running and blocking would be constant regardless of contention, but the guarantee is considered satisfied if the cost is not \emph{too high} with or without contention. How much is an acceptable cost is obviously highly variable. For this document the performance experimentation will attempt to show that the cost of scheduling is at worst equivalent to existing algorithms used in popular languages. This demonstration can be made by comparing application built in \CFA to applications built with other languages or other models. Recall from a few paragraphs ago that the expectation of programmers is that the impact of the scheduler can be ignored. Therefore, if the cost of scheduling is equivalent or lower to other popular languages, I will consider the guarantee achieved.
    28 \todo{This paragraph should be moved later}
    29 % The next step is then to decide what is considered a \emph{fair share}, \ie what metric is used to measure fairness. Since \CFA is intended to allow numerous short lived threads, I decided to avoid total CPU time as the measure of fairness. Total CPU time inherently favors new \glspl{thrd} over older ones which isn't necessarily a good thing. Instead, fairness is measured in terms of opportunities to run. This metric is more appropriate for a mix of short and long lived \glspl{thrd}.
     28More precisely the scheduler should be:
     30        \item As fast as other schedulers that are less fair.
     31        \item Faster than other scheduler that have equal or better fairness.
     34\subsection{Fairness vs Scheduler Locality}
     35An important performance factor in modern architectures is cache locality. Waiting for data not present in the cache can have a major impact on performance, and having multiple \glspl{hthrd} writing to the same cache lines can lead to cache lines that need to be waited on again. It is therefore preferable to divide the data among each \gls{hthrd}\footnote{This can be an explicit division up front or using data structures where different \glspl{hthrd} are naturally routed to different cache lines.}.
     37For a scheduler, having good locality\footnote{This section discusses \emph{internal} locality, \ie, the locality of the data used by the scheduler. \emph{External locality}, \ie, how the data used by the application is affected by scheduling, is a much more complicated subject and will be discussed in the chapters on evaluation.}, \ie, having the data be local to each \gls{hthrd}, generally conflicts with fairness. Indeed, good locality often requires avoiding the movement of cache lines, while fairness requires dynamically moving \gls{thrd}, and as a consequence cache lines, to \glspl{hthrd} that are currently more appropriate.
     39However, I claim that in practice it is possible to strike a balance between fairness and performance because the need for these do not necessarily overlap temporaly. Figure~\ref{fig:fair} shows an visual representation of this behaviour. As mentionned, a little bit of unfairness can be acceptable, therefore it can be desirable to have an algorithm that prioritizes cache locality as long as no threads is left behind for too long.
     42        \begin{center}
     43                \input{fairness.pstex_t}
     44        \end{center}
     45        \caption{Fairness vs Locality}
     46        \label{fig:fair}
     47        Rule of thumb graph: Importance of Fairness and Locality while a ready \gls{thrd} waits run.
     48        As the time a ready \gls{thrd} waits increases, ``Ready Time'', the chances that its data is still in cache decreases. At the same time, the need for fairness increases since other \glspl{thrd} may have the chance to run many times, breaking the fairness model mentionned above. Since the actual values and curves of this graph can be highly variable, the graph is left intentionally fuzzy and innacurate.
    32 While avoiding the pitfalls of Feedback Scheduling is fairly easy, scheduling does not innately require feedback, avoiding prioritization of \glspl{thrd} is more difficult because of implicitly priorities, see Subsection~\ref{priority}. A strictly \glsxtrshort{fifo} rea
     52A naive strictly \glsxtrshort{fifo} ready-queue does not offer sufficient performance. As shown in the evaluation sections, most production schedulers scale when adding multiple \glspl{hthrd} and that is not possible with a single point of contention. Therefore it is vital to shard the ready-queue so that multiple \glspl{hthrd} can access the ready-queue without performance degradation.
    34 \subsection{Sharding}
     54\subsection{Sharding} \label{sec:sharding}
     55An interesting approach to sharding a queue is presented in \cit{Trevors paper}. This algorithm represents a queue with relaxed \glsxtrshort{fifo} guarantee using an array of strictly \glsxtrshort{fifo} sublists as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:base}. Each cell of the array contains a linked-list with a lock and each node in these list is marked with a timestamp indicating when they were added to the list. Push operations are done by picking a random cell and attempting to push to its list. If the cell is already locked, the operation is simply retried on a new cell until a lock is acquired. Pop operations are done in a similar fashion except two random cells are picked. If both cells are not already locked and both cells contain non-empty lists, the operation pops the node with the oldest timestamp. If only one of the cell is unlocked and non-empty, the operation pops from that cell. If both cells are either locked or empty, the operation picks two new cells and tries again.
    4667\subsection{Finding threads}
    47 Once threads have been distributed onto multiple queues, indentifying which queues are empty and which aren't can become a problem.
    48 Indeed, if the number of \glspl{thrd} does not far exceed the number of queues, it is probable that several of these queues are empty.
    49 Figure~\ref{fig:empty} shows an example with 2 \glspl{thrd} running on 8 queues, where the chances of getting an empty queue is 75\% per pick, meaning two random picks yield a \gls{thrd} only half the time.
     68Once threads have been distributed onto multiple queues, indentifying which queues are empty and which are not can become a problem. Indeed, if the number of \glspl{thrd} does not far exceed the number of queues, it is probable that several of these queues are empty. Figure~\ref{fig:empty} shows an example with 2 \glspl{thrd} running on 8 queues, where the chances of getting an empty queue is 75\% per pick, meaning two random picks yield a \gls{thrd} only half the time.
    6180This can lead to performance problems since picks that do not yield a \gls{thrd} are not useful and do not necessarily help make more informed guesses.
    63 Solutions to this problem can take many forms, but they ultimately all have to encode where the threads are in some form. My results show that the density and locality of this encoding is generally the dominating factor in these scheme.
     82Solutions to this problem can take many forms, but they ultimately all have to encode where the threads are in some form. My results show that the density and locality of this encoding is generally the dominating factor in these scheme. Classic solutions to this problem use one of three techniques to encode the information:
    65 \paragraph{Dense Information}
     85        \begin{center}
     86                {\resizebox{0.73\textwidth}{!}{\input{emptybit.pstex_t}}}
     87        \end{center}
     88        \vspace*{-5pt}
     89        \caption{Underloaded queue with added bitmask to indicate which array cells have items.}
     90        \label{fig:emptybit}
     91        \begin{center}
     92                {\resizebox{0.73\textwidth}{!}{\input{emptytree.pstex_t}}}
     93        \end{center}
     94        \vspace*{-5pt}
     95        \caption{Underloaded queue with added binary search tree indicate which array cells have items.}
     96        \label{fig:emptytree}
     97        \begin{center}
     98                {\resizebox{0.9\textwidth}{!}{\input{emptytls.pstex_t}}}
     99        \end{center}
     100        \vspace*{-5pt}
     101        \caption{Underloaded queue with added per processor bitmask to indicate which array cells have items.}
     102        \label{fig:emptytls}
     105\paragraph{Dense Information} Figure~\ref{fig:emptybit} shows a dense bitmask to identify which inner queues are currently in use. This approach means processors can often find \glspl{thrd} in constant time, regardless of how many underlying queues are empty. Furthermore, modern x86 CPUs have extended bit manipulation instructions (BMI2) that allow using the bitmask with very little overhead compared to the randomized selection approach for a filled ready queue, offering good performance even in cases with many empty inner queues. However, this technique has its limits: with a single word\footnote{Word refers here to however many bits can be written atomically.} bitmask, the total number of underlying queues in the ready queue is limited to the number of bits in the word. With a multi-word bitmask, this maximum limit can be increased arbitrarily, but the look-up will nolonger be constant time. Finally, a dense bitmap, either single or multi-word, causes additional contention problems which reduces performance because of cache misses after updates. This central update bottleneck also means the information in the bitmask is more often stale before a processor can use it to find an item, \ie mask read says there are available \glspl{thrd} but none on queue.
     107\paragraph{Sparse Information} Figure~\ref{fig:emptytree} shows an approach using a hierarchical tree data-structure to reduce contention and has been shown to work in similar cases~\cite{ellen2007snzi}. However, this approach may lead to poorer performance due to the inherent pointer chasing cost while still allowing more contention on the nodes of the tree if the tree is not deep enough.
     109\paragraph{Local Information} Figure~\ref{fig:emptytls} shows an approach using dense information, similar to the bitmap, but have each thread keep its own independent copy of it. While this approach can offer good scalability \emph{and} low latency, the liveliness and discovery of the information can become a problem. This case is made worst in systems with few processors where even blind random picks can find \glspl{thrd} in few tries.
     111I built a prototype of these approach and none of these techniques offer satisfying performance when few threads are present. All of these approach hit the same 2 problems. First, blindly picking two sub-queues is very fast which means that any improvement to the hit rate can easily be countered by a slow-down in look-up speed. Second, the array is already as sharded as is needed to avoid contention bottlenecks, so any denser data structure will tend to become a bottleneck. In all cases, these factors meant that the best cases scenerio, many threads, would get worst throughput and the worst case scenario, few threads, would get a better hit rate, but an equivalent throughput. As a result I tried an entirely different approach.
     113\subsection{Dynamic Entropy}\cit{}
     114In the worst case scenario there are few \glspl{thrd} ready to run, or more accuratly given $P$ \glspl{proc}, $T$ \glspl{thrd} and $\epsilon$, as usual, a very small number, in this case $\epsilon \ll P$, we have $T = P + \epsilon$. An important thing to note is that in this case, fairness is effectively irrelevant. Indeed, this case is close to \emph{actually matching} the model of the ``Ideal multi-tasking CPU'' presented in this chapter\footnote{For simplicity, this assumes there is a one-to-one match between \glspl{proc} and \glspl{hthrd}.}. Therefore, in this context it is possible to use a purely internal locality based approach and still meet the fairness requirements. This approach would simply have each \gls{proc} running a single \gls{thrd} repeatedly. Or from the shared ready-queue viewpoint, each \gls{proc} would push to a given sub-queue and then pop from the \emph{same} subqueue. Ideally, the scheduler would achieve this without affecting the fairness guarantees in cases where $T \gg P$.
     116To achieve this, I use a communication channel I have not mentionned yet and which I believe I use in a novel way : the \glsxtrshort{prng}. If the scheduler has a \glsxtrshort{prng} instance per \gls{proc} exclusively used for scheduling, its seed effectively encodes a list of all the accessed subqueues, from the latest to the oldest. The only requirement to achieve this is to be able to ``replay'' the \glsxtrshort{prng} backwards. As it turns out, this is an entirely reasonnable requirement and there already exist \glsxtrshort{prng}s that are fast, compact \emph{and} can be run forward and backwards. Linear congruential generators\cite{wiki:lcg} are an example of \glsxtrshort{prng}s that match these requirements.
     118The algorithm works as follows :
     120        \item Each \gls{proc} has two \glsxtrshort{prng} instances, $F$ and $B$.
     121        \item Push and Pop operations happen as mentionned in Section~\ref{sec:sharding} with the following exceptions:
     122        \begin{itemize}
     123                \item Push operations use $F$ going forward on each try and on success $F$ is copied into $B$.
     124                \item Pop operations use $B$ going backwards on each try.
     125        \end{itemize}
     128The main benefit of this technique is that it basically repects the desired properties of Figure~\ref{fig:fair}. When looking for work, \glspl{proc} will look first at the last cells they pushed to, if any, and then move backwards through the cells. As the \glspl{proc} continue looking for work, $F$ moves back and $B$ stays in place. As a result the relation between the two becomes weaker, which means that the probablisitic fairness of the algorithm reverts to normal. Chapter~\ref{proofs} discusses more formally the fairness guarantees of this algorithm.
  • doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/existing.tex

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    4242\paragraph{Task Placement} Since modern computers rely heavily on cache hierarchies\cit{Do I need a citation for this}, migrating tasks from one core to another can be .  \cite{DBLP:journals/tpds/SquillanteL93}
    44 \TODO{The survey is not great on this subject}
     44\todo{The survey is not great on this subject}
    4646\paragraph{Complex Machine Architecture} Another aspect that has been looked at is how well Work Stealing is applicable to different machine architectures.
  • libcfa/src/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    5858        concurrency/iofwd.hfa \
    5959        containers/list.hfa \
    60         containers/stackLockFree.hfa
     60        containers/stackLockFree.hfa \
     61        vec/vec.hfa \
     62        vec/vec2.hfa \
     63        vec/vec3.hfa \
     64        vec/vec4.hfa
    6266inst_headers_src = \
    9498        concurrency/clib/cfathread.h \
    9599        concurrency/invoke.h \
     100        concurrency/future.hfa \
    96101        concurrency/kernel/fwd.hfa
  • libcfa/src/bits/collection.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    11#pragma once
     2#include <stdio.h> // REMOVE THIS AFTER DEBUGGING
    35struct Colable {
    4         Colable * next;                                                                         // next node in the list
     6        struct Colable * next;                                                                          // next node in the list
    57        // invariant: (next != 0) <=> listed()
    8 inline {
     9#ifdef __cforall
     10static inline {
    911        // PUBLIC
    2830        }
    30         // wrappers to make Collection have T
    31         forall( dtype T ) {
    32                 T *& Next( T * n ) {
    33                         return (T *)Next( (Colable *)n );
    34                 }
    36                 bool listed( T * n ) {
    37                         return Next( (Colable *)n ) != 0p;
    38                 }
    39         } // distribution
     32        // // wrappers to make Collection have T
     33        // forall( dtype T ) {
     34        //      T *& Next( T * n ) {
     35        //              return (T *)Next( (Colable *)n );
     36        //      }
     37        // } // distribution
    4038} // distribution
     40forall( dtype T | { T *& Next ( T * ); } ) {
     41        bool listed( T * n ) {
     42                return Next( n ) != 0p;
     43        }
    4346struct Collection {
    47 inline {
     50static inline {
    4851        // class invariant: root == 0 & empty() | *root in *this
    4952        void ?{}( Collection &, const Collection & ) = void; // no copy
    6669struct ColIter {
    67         void * curr;                                                                            // element to be returned by >>
     70        void * curr;                                                                            // element returned by |
    70 inline {
     73static inline {
    7174        void ?{}( ColIter & colIter ) with( colIter ) {
    7275                curr = 0p;
    7982        } // distribution
    8083} // distribution
  • libcfa/src/bits/containers.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    3636        #define __small_array_t(T) __small_array(T)
    38         #define __small_array_t(T) struct __small_array
     38        #define __small_array_t(T) __small_array
  • libcfa/src/bits/defs.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    2929#define __cfa_anonymous_object(x) inline struct x
    31 #define __cfa_anonymous_object(x) x __cfa_anonymous_object
     31#define __cfa_anonymous_object(x) struct x __cfa_anonymous_object
  • libcfa/src/bits/locks.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    283283                void ^?{}(future_t &) {}
     285                void reset(future_t & this) {
     286                        // needs to be in 0p or 1p
     287                        __atomic_exchange_n( &this.ptr, 0p, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
     288                }
    285290                // check if the future is available
    286291                bool available( future_t & this ) {
    341346                // Mark the future as abandoned, meaning it will be deleted by the server
    342                 void abandon( future_t & this ) {
     347                bool abandon( future_t & this ) {
     348                        /* paranoid */ verify( this.ptr != 3p );
     350                        // Mark the future as abandonned
    343351                        struct oneshot * got = __atomic_exchange_n( &this.ptr, 3p, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
     353                        // If the future isn't already fulfilled, let the server delete it
     354                        if( got == 0p ) return false;
    345356                        // got == 2p: the future is ready but the context hasn't fully been consumed
    347358                        if( got == 2p ) {
    348359                                while( this.ptr != 1p ) Pause();
    349                         }
    350                         return;
     360                                got = 1p;
     361                        }
     363                        // The future is completed delete it now
     364                        /* paranoid */ verify( this.ptr != 1p );
     365                        free( &this );
     366                        return true;
    351367                }
  • libcfa/src/bits/queue.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    33#include "bits/collection.hfa"
    5 forall( dtype T ) {
     5// A Queue(T) is a Collection(T) defining the ordering that nodes are returned by drop() in the same order from those
     6// added by add(). T must be a public descendant of uColable.
     8// The implementation is a typical singly-linked list, except the next field of the last element points to itself
     9// instead of being null.
     11forall( dtype T | { T *& Next ( T * ); } ) {
    612        struct Queue {
    713                inline Collection;                                                              // Plan 9 inheritance
    3440                } // post: n == tail() & succ(n) == 0 | n != tail() & *succ(n) in *q
    36                 void addHead( Queue(T) & q, T & n ) with( q ) {
     42                T & addHead( Queue(T) & q, T & n ) with( q ) {
    3743                        #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    3844                        if ( listed( &n ) ) abort( "(Queue &)%p.addHead( %p ) : Node is already on another list.", &q, &n );
    4551                                Next( &n ) = &n;                                                // last node points to itself
    4652                        }
     53                        return n;
    4754                }
    49                 void addTail( Queue(T) & q, T & n ) with( q ) {
     56                T & addTail( Queue(T) & q, T & n ) with( q ) {
    5057                        #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    5158                        if ( listed( &n ) ) abort( "(Queue &)%p.addTail( %p ) : Node is already on another list.", &q, &n );
    5562                        last = &n;
    5663                        Next( &n ) = &n;                                                        // last node points to itself
     64                        return n;
    5765                }
    59                 void add( Queue(T) & q, T & n ) with( q ) {
    60                         addTail( q, n );
     67                T & add( Queue(T) & q, T & n ) with( q ) {
     68                        return addTail( q, n );
    6169                }
    6472                        T & t = head( q );
    6573                        if ( root ) {
    66                                 root = Next( root );
     74                                root = Next( (T *)root );
    6775                                if ( &head( q ) == &t ) {
    6876                                        root = last = 0p;                                       // only one element
    7785                }
    79                 void remove( Queue(T) & q, T & n ) with( q ) {  // O(n)
     87                T & remove( Queue(T) & q, T & n ) with( q ) {   // O(n)
    8088                        #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    8189                        if ( ! listed( (Colable &)n ) ) abort( "(Queue &)%p.remove( %p ) : Node is not on a list.", &q, &n );
    103111                                curr = Next( curr );
    104112                        }
     113                        return n;
    105114                } // post: ! listed( n )
    107                 T & dropTail( Queue(T) & q ) with( q ) { // O(n)
     116                T & dropTail( Queue(T) & q ) with( q ) {                // O(n)
    108117                        T & n = tail( q );
    109118                        return &n ? remove( q, n ), n : *0p;
    142151} // distribution
    144 forall( dtype T ) {
     153forall( dtype T | { T *& Next ( T * ); } ) {
    145154        struct QueueIter {
    146155                inline ColIter;                                                                 // Plan 9 inheritance
    152161                } // post: curr == 0p
    154                 // create an iterator active in Queue q
     163                // create an iterator active in queue q
    155164                void ?{}( QueueIter(T) & qi, Queue(T) & q ) with( qi ) {
    156165                        curr = &head( q );
    161170                } // post: curr = {e in q}
    163                 // make existing iterator active in Queue q
     172                // make existing iterator active in queue q
    164173                void over( QueueIter(T) & qi, Queue(T) & q ) with( qi ) {
    165174                        curr = &head( q );
    166175                } // post: curr = {e in q}
    168                 bool ?>>?( QueueIter(T) & qi, T && tp ) with( qi ) {
     177                bool ?|?( QueueIter(T) & qi, T && tp ) with( qi ) {
    169178                        if ( curr ) {
    170179                                &tp = Curr( qi );
    174183                        return &tp != 0p;
    175184                }
    176                 // post: elts == null & !operator>>(tp) | elts != null & *tp' in elts & elts' == elts - *tp & operator>>(tp)
     185                // post: elts == null & !operator|(tp) | elts != null & *tp' in elts & elts' == elts - *tp & operator|(tp)
    177186        } // distribution
    178187} // distribution
  • libcfa/src/bits/sequence.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    33#include "bits/collection.hfa"
     4#include "bits/defs.hfa"
    56struct Seqable {
    6         inline Colable;
    7         Seqable * back;                                                                         // pointer to previous node in the list
     7        __cfa_anonymous_object(Colable);
     8        struct Seqable * back;                                                                          // pointer to previous node in the list
    10 inline {
     11#ifdef __cforall
     12static inline {
    1113        // PUBLIC
    2628        }
    28         // wrappers to make Collection have T
    29         forall( dtype T ) {
    30                 T *& Back( T * n ) {
    31                         return (T *)Back( (Seqable *)n );
    32                 }
    33         } // distribution
     30        // // wrappers to make Collection have T
     31        // forall( dtype T ) {
     32        //      T *& Back( T * n ) {
     33        //              return (T *)Back( (Seqable *)n );
     34        //      }
     35        // } // distribution
    3436} // distribution
    36 forall( dtype T ) {
     39// A Sequence(T) is a Collection(T) defining the ordering of a uStack and uQueue, and to insert and remove elements
     40// anywhere in the sequence. T must be a public descendant of uSeqable.
     42// The implementation is a typical doubly-linked list, except the next field of the last node points at the first node
     43// and the back field of the last node points at the first node (circular).
     45forall( dtype T | { T *& Back ( T * ); T *& Next ( T * ); } ) {
    3746        struct Sequence {
    3847                inline Collection;                                                              // Plan 9 inheritance
    3948        };
    41         inline {
     50        static inline {
    4251                // wrappers to make Collection have T
    4352                T & head( Sequence(T) & s ) with( s ) {
    5059                void ?{}( Sequence(T) & s ) with( s ) {
    5160                        ((Collection &)s){};
    52                 }       // post: isEmpty().
    54                 // Return a pointer to the last sequence element, without removing it. 
     61                }       // post: isEmpty()
     63                // Return a pointer to the last sequence element, without removing it.
    5564                T & tail( Sequence(T) & s ) with( s ) {
    5665                        return root ? (T &)*Back( &head( s ) ) : *0p;
    6574                } // post: n == tail() & succ(n) == 0 | n != tail() & *succ(n) in *s
    67                 // Return a pointer to the element before *n, or 0p if there isn't one.
     76                // Return a pointer to the element before *n, or 0p if list empty.
    6877                T * pred( Sequence(T) & s, T * n ) with( s ) {  // pre: *n in *s
    6978                        #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    7180                        #endif // __CFA_DEBUG__
    7281                        return n == &head( s ) ? 0p : Back( n );
    73                 }       // post: n == head() & head(n) == 0 | n != head() & *pred(n) in *s
    76                 // Insert *n into the sequence before *bef, or at the end if bef == 0.
    77                 void insertBef( Sequence(T) & s, T & n, T & bef ) with( s ) { // pre: !n->listed() & *bef in *s
     82                } // post: n == head() & head(n) == 0 | n != head() & *pred(n) in *s
     85                // Insert *n into the sequence before *bef, or at the end if bef == 0p.
     86                T & insertBef( Sequence(T) & s, T & n, T & bef ) with( s ) { // pre: !n->listed() & *bef in *s
    7887                        #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    7988                        if ( listed( &n ) ) abort( "(Sequence &)%p.insertBef( %p, %p ) : Node is already on another list.", &s, n, &bef );
    103112                                Next( Back( &n ) ) = &n;
    104113                        } // if
     114                        return n;
    105115                }       // post: n->listed() & *n in *s & succ(n) == bef
    108118                // Insert *n into the sequence after *aft, or at the beginning if aft == 0.
    109                 void insertAft( Sequence(T) & s, T & aft, T & n ) with( s ) {   // pre: !n->listed() & *aft in *s
     119                T & insertAft( Sequence(T) & s, T & aft, T & n ) with( s ) {    // pre: !n->listed() & *aft in *s
    110120                        #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    111121                        if ( listed( &n ) ) abort( "(Sequence &)%p.insertAft( %p, %p ) : Node is already on another list.", &s, &aft, &n );
    133143                                Next( &aft ) = &n;
    134144                        } // if
    135                 }         // post: n->listed() & *n in *s & succ(n) == bef
     145                        return n;
     146                } // post: n->listed() & *n in *s & succ(n) == bef
    137148                // pre: n->listed() & *n in *s
    138                 void remove( Sequence(T) & s, T & n ) with( s ) { // O(1)
     149                T & remove( Sequence(T) & s, T & n ) with( s ) { // O(1)
    139150                        #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    140151                        if ( ! listed( &n ) ) abort( "(Sequence &)%p.remove( %p ) : Node is not on a list.", &s, &n );
    147158                        Next( Back( &n ) ) = Next( &n );
    148159                        Next( &n ) = Back( &n ) = 0p;
    149                 }                                                       // post: !n->listed().
     160                        return n;
     161                } // post: !n->listed()
    151163                // Add an element to the head of the sequence.
    152                 void addHead( Sequence(T) & s, T & n ) {                // pre: !n->listed(); post: n->listed() & head() == n
    153                         insertAft( s, *0p, n );
    154                 }
     164                T & addHead( Sequence(T) & s, T & n ) {                 // pre: !n->listed(); post: n->listed() & head() == n
     165                        return insertAft( s, *0p, n );
     166                }
    155168                // Add an element to the tail of the sequence.
    156                 void addTail( Sequence(T) & s, T & n ) {                // pre: !n->listed(); post: n->listed() & head() == n
    157                         insertBef( s, n, *0p );
    158                 }
     169                T & addTail( Sequence(T) & s, T & n ) {                 // pre: !n->listed(); post: n->listed() & head() == n
     170                        return insertBef( s, n, *0p );
     171                }
    159173                // Add an element to the tail of the sequence.
    160                 void add( Sequence(T) & s, T & n ) {                    // pre: !n->listed(); post: n->listed() & head() == n
    161                         addTail( s, n );
    162                 }
     174                T & add( Sequence(T) & s, T & n ) {                             // pre: !n->listed(); post: n->listed() & head() == n
     175                        return addTail( s, n );
     176                }
    163178                // Remove and return the head element in the sequence.
    164179                T & dropHead( Sequence(T) & s ) {
    166181                        return &n ? remove( s, n ), n : *0p;
    167182                }
    168184                // Remove and return the head element in the sequence.
    169185                T & drop( Sequence(T) & s ) {
    170186                        return dropHead( s );
    171187                }
    172189                // Remove and return the tail element in the sequence.
    173190                T & dropTail( Sequence(T) & s ) {
    184201                                T * toEnd = Back( &head( s ) );
    185202                                T * fromEnd = Back( &head( from ) );
    186                                 Back( root ) = fromEnd;
     203                                Back( (T *)root ) = fromEnd;
    187204                                Next( fromEnd ) = &head( s );
    188                                 Back( from.root ) = toEnd;
     205                                Back( (T *)from.root ) = toEnd;
    189206                                Next( toEnd ) = &head( from );
    190207                        } // if
    214231} // distribution
    216 forall( dtype T ) {
     233forall( dtype T | { T *& Back ( T * ); T *& Next ( T * ); } ) {
    217234        // SeqIter(T) is used to iterate over a Sequence(T) in head-to-tail order.
    218235        struct SeqIter {
    224241        };
    226         inline {
     243        static inline {
    227244                void ?{}( SeqIter(T) & si ) with( si ) {
    228245                        ((ColIter &)si){};
    229246                        seq = 0p;
    230                 } // post: elts = null.
     247                } // post: elts = null
     249                // Create a iterator active in sequence s.
    232250                void ?{}( SeqIter(T) & si, Sequence(T) & s ) with( si ) {
    233251                        ((ColIter &)si){};
    234252                        seq = &s;
    235253                        curr = &head( s );
    236                 } // post: elts = null.
     254                } // post: elts = null
    238256                void ?{}( SeqIter(T) & si, Sequence(T) & s, T & start ) with( si ) {
    240258                        seq = &s;
    241259                        curr = &start;
    242                 } // post: elts = null.
     260                } // post: elts = null
     262                // Make the iterator active in sequence s.
    244263                void over( SeqIter(T) & si, Sequence(T) & s ) with( si ) {
    245264                        seq = &s;
    246265                        curr = &head( s );
    247                 } // post: elts = {e in s}.
    249                 bool ?>>?( SeqIter(T) & si, T && tp ) with( si ) {
     266                } // post: elts = {e in s}
     268                bool ?|?( SeqIter(T) & si, T && tp ) with( si ) {
    250269                        if ( curr ) {
    251270                                &tp = Curr( si );
    265284        };
    267         inline {
     286        static inline {
    268287                void ?{}( SeqIterRev(T) & si ) with( si ) {     
    269288                        ((ColIter &)si){};
    270289                        seq = 0p;
    271                 } // post: elts = null.
     290                } // post: elts = null
     292                // Create a iterator active in sequence s.
    273293                void ?{}( SeqIterRev(T) & si, Sequence(T) & s ) with( si ) {   
    274294                        ((ColIter &)si){};
    275295                        seq = &s;
    276296                        curr = &tail( s );
    277                 } // post: elts = null.
     297                } // post: elts = null
    279299                void ?{}( SeqIterRev(T) & si, Sequence(T) & s, T & start ) with( si ) {
    281301                        seq = &s;
    282302                        curr = &start;
    283                 } // post: elts = null.
     303                } // post: elts = null
     305                // Make the iterator active in sequence s.
    285306                void over( SeqIterRev(T) & si, Sequence(T) & s ) with( si ) {
    286307                        seq = &s;
    287308                        curr = &tail( s );
    288                 } // post: elts = {e in s}.
    290                 bool ?>>?( SeqIterRev(T) & si, T && tp ) with( si ) {
     309                } // post: elts = {e in s}
     311                bool ?|?( SeqIterRev(T) & si, T && tp ) with( si ) {
    291312                        if ( curr ) {
    292313                                &tp = Curr( si );
    298319        } // distribution
    299320} // distribution
  • libcfa/src/bits/stack.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    33#include "bits/collection.hfa"
    5 forall( dtype T ) {
     5// A Stack(T) is a Collection(T) defining the ordering that nodes are returned by drop() in the reverse order from those
     6// added by add(). T must be a public descendant of uColable.
     8// The implementation is a typical singly-linked list, except the next field of the last element points to itself
     9// instead of being null.
     11forall( dtype T | { T *& Next ( T * ); } ) {
    612        struct Stack {
    713                inline Collection;                                                              // Plan 9 inheritance
    2531                }
    27                 void addHead( Stack(T) & s, T & n ) with( s ) {
     33                T & addHead( Stack(T) & s, T & n ) with( s ) {
    2834                        #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    2935                        if ( listed( (Colable &)(n) ) ) abort( "(Stack &)%p.addHead( %p ) : Node is already on another list.", &s, n );
    3137                        Next( &n ) = &head( s ) ? &head( s ) : &n;
    3238                        root = &n;
     39                        return n;
    3340                }
    35                 void add( Stack(T) & s, T & n ) with( s ) {
    36                         addHead( s, n );
     42                T & add( Stack(T) & s, T & n ) with( s ) {
     43                        return addHead( s, n );
    3744                }
    39                 void push( Stack(T) & s, T & n ) with( s ) {
    40                         addHead( s, n );
     46                T & push( Stack(T) & s, T & n ) with( s ) {
     47                        return addHead( s, n );
    4148                }
    4451                        T & t = head( s );
    4552                        if ( root ) {
    46                                 root = ( T *)Next( root );
     53                                root = ( T *)Next( (T *)root );
    4754                                if ( &head( s ) == &t ) root = 0p;              // only one element ?
    4855                                Next( &t ) = 0p;
    5764} // distribution
     66// A StackIter(T) is a subclass of ColIter(T) that generates the elements of a Stack(T).  It returns the elements in the
     67// order returned by drop().
    60 forall( dtype T ) {
     69forall( dtype T | { T *& Next ( T * ); } ) {
    6170        struct StackIter {
    6271                inline ColIter;                                                                 // Plan 9 inheritance
    6877                } // post: curr == 0p
    70                 // create an iterator active in Stack s
     79                // create an iterator active in stack s
    7180                void ?{}( StackIter(T) & si, Stack(T) & s ) with( si ) {
    7281                        curr = &head( s );
    7786                } // post: curr = {e in s}
    79                 // make existing iterator active in Stack q
     88                // make existing iterator active in stack s
    8089                void over( StackIter(T) & si, Stack(T) & s ) with( si ) {
    8190                        curr = &head( s );
    8291                } // post: curr = {e in s}
    84                 bool ?>>?( StackIter(T) & si, T && tp ) with( si ) {
     93                bool ?|?( StackIter(T) & si, T && tp ) with( si ) {
    8594                        if ( curr ) {
    8695                                &tp = Curr( si );
  • libcfa/src/concurrency/invoke.h

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    189189                struct __monitor_group_t monitors;
     191                // used to put threads on user data structures
     192                struct {
     193                        struct $thread * next;
     194                        struct $thread * back;
     195                } seqable;
    191197                struct {
    192198                        struct $thread * next;
    218224                }
     226                static inline $thread *& Back( $thread * this ) __attribute__((const)) {
     227                        return this->seqable.back;
     228                }
     230                static inline $thread *& Next( $thread * this ) __attribute__((const)) {
     231                        return this->;
     232                }
     234                static inline bool listed( $thread * this ) {
     235                        return this-> != 0p;
     236                }
    220238                static inline void ?{}(__monitor_group_t & this) {
    221239                        ({0p};
  • libcfa/src/concurrency/kernel/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    119119extern size_t __page_size;
     120extern int __map_prot;
    725726                }
    726727        #else
     728                __cfaabi_dbg_debug_do(
     729                        // pthread has no mechanism to create the guard page in user supplied stack.
     730                        if ( mprotect( stack, __page_size, __map_prot ) == -1 ) {
     731                                abort( "mprotect : internal error, mprotect failure, error(%d) %s.", errno, strerror( errno ) );
     732                        } // if
     733                );
    727734                free( stack );
    728735        #endif
  • libcfa/src/concurrency/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    11#include "locks.hfa"
    22#include "kernel_private.hfa"
    3 #include <stdlib.h>
    4 #include <stdio.h>
    64#include <kernel.hfa>
    75#include <stdlib.hfa>
    8 #include <thread.hfa>
    10 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    11 //// info_thread
    12 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     8// info_thread
    149forall(dtype L | is_blocking_lock(L)) {
    15         void ?{}( info_thread(L) & this, $thread * t ) {
    16                 ((Seqable &) this){};
    17                 this.t = t;
    18                 this.lock = 0p;
    19                 this.listed = false;
    20         }
    22         void ?{}( info_thread(L) & this, $thread * t, uintptr_t info ) {
     10        struct info_thread {
     11                // used to put info_thread on a dl queue (aka sequence)
     12                inline Seqable;
     14                // waiting thread
     15                struct $thread * t;
     17                // shadow field
     18                uintptr_t info;
     20                // lock that is passed to wait() (if one is passed)
     21                L * lock;
     23                // true when signalled and false when timeout wakes thread
     24                bool signalled;
     25        };
     27        void ?{}( info_thread(L) & this, $thread * t, uintptr_t info, L * l ) {
    2328                ((Seqable &) this){};
    2429                this.t = t;
    2530       = info;
    26                 this.lock = 0p;
    27                 this.listed = false;
    28         }
    30         void ^?{}( info_thread(L) & this ){ }
    31 }
    33 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    34 //// Blocking Locks
    35 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     31                this.lock = l;
     32        }
     34        void ^?{}( info_thread(L) & this ) {}
     36        info_thread(L) *& Back( info_thread(L) * this ) {
     37                return (info_thread(L) *)Back( (Seqable *)this );
     38        }
     40        info_thread(L) *& Next( info_thread(L) * this ) {
     41                return (info_thread(L) *)Next( (Colable *)this );
     42        }
     46// Blocking Locks
    3747void ?{}( blocking_lock & this, bool multi_acquisition, bool strict_owner ) {
    3848        this.lock{};
    4757void ^?{}( blocking_lock & this ) {}
    48 void ?{}( single_acquisition_lock & this ) {((blocking_lock &)this){ false, false };}
     58void  ?{}( single_acquisition_lock & this ) {((blocking_lock &)this){ false, false };}
    4959void ^?{}( single_acquisition_lock & this ) {}
    50 void ?{}( owner_lock & this ) {((blocking_lock &)this){ true, true };}
     60void  ?{}( owner_lock & this ) {((blocking_lock &)this){ true, true };}
    5161void ^?{}( owner_lock & this ) {}
    52 void ?{}( multiple_acquisition_lock & this ) {((blocking_lock &)this){ true, false };}
     62void  ?{}( multiple_acquisition_lock & this ) {((blocking_lock &)this){ true, false };}
    5363void ^?{}( multiple_acquisition_lock & this ) {}
    5565void lock( blocking_lock & this ) with( this ) {
    5666        lock( lock __cfaabi_dbg_ctx2 );
    57         if ( owner == active_thread() && !multi_acquisition) {
    58                 abort("A single acquisition lock holder attempted to reacquire the lock resulting in a deadlock.");
    59         } else if ( owner != 0p && owner != active_thread() ) {
    60                 append( blocked_threads, active_thread() );
     67        $thread * thrd = active_thread();
     69        // single acquisition lock is held by current thread
     70        /* paranoid */ verifyf( owner != thrd || multi_acquisition, "Single acquisition lock holder (%p) attempted to reacquire the lock %p resulting in a deadlock.", owner, &this );
     72        // lock is held by some other thread
     73        if ( owner != 0p && owner != thrd ) {
     74                addTail( blocked_threads, *thrd );
    6175                wait_count++;
    6276                unlock( lock );
    6377                park( );
    64         } else if ( owner == active_thread() && multi_acquisition ) {
     78        }
     79        // multi acquisition lock is held by current thread
     80        else if ( owner == thrd && multi_acquisition ) {
    6581                recursion_count++;
    6682                unlock( lock );
    67         } else {
    68                 owner = active_thread();
     83        }
     84        // lock isn't held
     85        else {
     86                owner = thrd;
    6987                recursion_count = 1;
    7088                unlock( lock );
    7593        bool ret = false;
    7694        lock( lock __cfaabi_dbg_ctx2 );
     96        // lock isn't held
    7797        if ( owner == 0p ) {
    7898                owner = active_thread();
    7999                recursion_count = 1;
    80100                ret = true;
    81         } else if ( owner == active_thread() && multi_acquisition ) {
     101        }
     102        // multi acquisition lock is held by current thread
     103        else if ( owner == active_thread() && multi_acquisition ) {
    82104                recursion_count++;
    83105                ret = true;
    84106        }
    85108        unlock( lock );
    86109        return ret;
    89 void unlock_error_check( blocking_lock & this ) with( this ) {
    90         if ( owner == 0p ){ // no owner implies lock isn't held
    91                 abort( "There was an attempt to release a lock that isn't held" );
    92         } else if ( strict_owner && owner != active_thread() ) {
    93                 abort( "A thread other than the owner attempted to release an owner lock" );
    94         }
    95 }
    97112void pop_and_set_new_owner( blocking_lock & this ) with( this ) {
    98         $thread * t = pop_head( blocked_threads );
     113        $thread * t = &dropHead( blocked_threads );
    99114        owner = t;
    100115        recursion_count = ( t ? 1 : 0 );
    105120void unlock( blocking_lock & this ) with( this ) {
    106121        lock( lock __cfaabi_dbg_ctx2 );
    107         unlock_error_check( this );
     122        /* paranoid */ verifyf( owner != 0p, "Attempt to release lock %p that isn't held", &this );
     123        /* paranoid */ verifyf( owner == active_thread() || !strict_owner, "Thread %p other than the owner %p attempted to release owner lock %p", owner, active_thread(), &this );
     125        // if recursion count is zero release lock and set new owner if one is waiting
    108126        recursion_count--;
    109127        if ( recursion_count == 0 ) {
    127 void add_( blocking_lock & this, $thread * t ) with( this ) {
    128     lock( lock __cfaabi_dbg_ctx2 );
     145void on_notify( blocking_lock & this, $thread * t ) with( this ) {
     146        lock( lock __cfaabi_dbg_ctx2 );
     147        // lock held
    129148        if ( owner != 0p ) {
    130                 append( blocked_threads, t );
     149                addTail( blocked_threads, *t );
    131150                wait_count++;
    132151                unlock( lock );
    133         } else {
     152        }
     153        // lock not held
     154        else {
    134155                owner = t;
    135156                recursion_count = 1;
    141 void remove_( blocking_lock & this ) with( this ) {
    142     lock( lock __cfaabi_dbg_ctx2 );
    143         unlock_error_check( this );
     162void on_wait( blocking_lock & this ) with( this ) {
     163        lock( lock __cfaabi_dbg_ctx2 );
     164        /* paranoid */ verifyf( owner != 0p, "Attempt to release lock %p that isn't held", &this );
     165        /* paranoid */ verifyf( owner == active_thread() || !strict_owner, "Thread %p other than the owner %p attempted to release owner lock %p", owner, active_thread(), &this );
    144167        pop_and_set_new_owner( this );
    145168        unlock( lock );
    148 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    149 //// Overloaded routines for traits
    150 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    152 // This is temporary until an inheritance bug is fixed
    154 void lock( single_acquisition_lock & this ){ lock( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    155 void unlock( single_acquisition_lock & this ){ unlock( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    156 void add_( single_acquisition_lock & this, struct $thread * t ){ add_( (blocking_lock &)this, t ); }
    157 void remove_( single_acquisition_lock & this ){ remove_( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    158 void set_recursion_count( single_acquisition_lock & this, size_t recursion ){ set_recursion_count( (blocking_lock &)this, recursion ); }
    159 size_t get_recursion_count( single_acquisition_lock & this ){ return get_recursion_count( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    161 void lock( owner_lock & this ){ lock( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    162 void unlock( owner_lock & this ){ unlock( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    163 void add_( owner_lock & this, struct $thread * t ){ add_( (blocking_lock &)this, t ); }
    164 void remove_( owner_lock & this ){ remove_( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    165 void set_recursion_count( owner_lock & this, size_t recursion ){ set_recursion_count( (blocking_lock &)this, recursion ); }
    166 size_t get_recursion_count( owner_lock & this ){ return get_recursion_count( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    168 void lock( multiple_acquisition_lock & this ){ lock( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    169 void unlock( multiple_acquisition_lock & this ){ unlock( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    170 void add_( multiple_acquisition_lock & this, struct $thread * t ){ add_( (blocking_lock &)this, t ); }
    171 void remove_( multiple_acquisition_lock & this ){ remove_( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    172 void set_recursion_count( multiple_acquisition_lock & this, size_t recursion ){ set_recursion_count( (blocking_lock &)this, recursion ); }
     172// Overloaded routines for traits
     173// These routines are temporary until an inheritance bug is fixed
     174void   lock      ( single_acquisition_lock & this ) { lock   ( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
     175void   unlock    ( single_acquisition_lock & this ) { unlock ( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
     176void   on_wait   ( single_acquisition_lock & this ) { on_wait( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
     177void   on_notify ( single_acquisition_lock & this, struct $thread * t ) { on_notify( (blocking_lock &)this, t ); }
     178void   set_recursion_count( single_acquisition_lock & this, size_t recursion ) { set_recursion_count( (blocking_lock &)this, recursion ); }
     179size_t get_recursion_count( single_acquisition_lock & this ) { return get_recursion_count( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
     181void   lock     ( owner_lock & this ) { lock   ( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
     182void   unlock   ( owner_lock & this ) { unlock ( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
     183void   on_wait  ( owner_lock & this ) { on_wait( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
     184void   on_notify( owner_lock & this, struct $thread * t ) { on_notify( (blocking_lock &)this, t ); }
     185void   set_recursion_count( owner_lock & this, size_t recursion ) { set_recursion_count( (blocking_lock &)this, recursion ); }
     186size_t get_recursion_count( owner_lock & this ) { return get_recursion_count( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
     188void   lock     ( multiple_acquisition_lock & this ) { lock   ( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
     189void   unlock   ( multiple_acquisition_lock & this ) { unlock ( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
     190void   on_wait  ( multiple_acquisition_lock & this ) { on_wait( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
     191void   on_notify( multiple_acquisition_lock & this, struct $thread * t ){ on_notify( (blocking_lock &)this, t ); }
     192void   set_recursion_count( multiple_acquisition_lock & this, size_t recursion ){ set_recursion_count( (blocking_lock &)this, recursion ); }
    173193size_t get_recursion_count( multiple_acquisition_lock & this ){ return get_recursion_count( (blocking_lock &)this ); }
    175 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    176 //// condition variable
    177 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     196// alarm node wrapper
    179197forall(dtype L | is_blocking_lock(L)) {
     198        struct alarm_node_wrap {
     199                alarm_node_t alarm_node;
     200                condition_variable(L) * cond;
     201                info_thread(L) * i;
     202        };
     204        void ?{}( alarm_node_wrap(L) & this, Time alarm, Duration period, Alarm_Callback callback, condition_variable(L) * c, info_thread(L) * i ) {
     205                this.alarm_node{ callback, alarm, period };
     206                this.cond = c;
     207                this.i = i;
     208        }
     210        void ^?{}( alarm_node_wrap(L) & this ) { }
    181212        void timeout_handler ( alarm_node_wrap(L) & this ) with( this ) {
    182         // This condition_variable member is called from the kernel, and therefore, cannot block, but it can spin.
    183             lock( cond->lock __cfaabi_dbg_ctx2 );
    185             if ( i->listed ) {                  // is thread on queue
    186                 cond->last_thread = i;          // REMOVE THIS AFTER DEBUG
    187                         remove( cond->blocked_threads, *i );             //remove this thread O(1)
     213                // This condition_variable member is called from the kernel, and therefore, cannot block, but it can spin.
     214                lock( cond->lock __cfaabi_dbg_ctx2 );
     216                // this check is necessary to avoid a race condition since this timeout handler
     217                //      may still be called after a thread has been removed from the queue but
     218                //      before the alarm is unregistered
     219                if ( listed(i) ) {      // is thread on queue
     220                        i->signalled = false;
     221                        // remove this thread O(1)
     222                        remove( cond->blocked_threads, *i );
    188223                        cond->count--;
    189                         if( !i->lock ) {
     224                        if( i->lock ) {
     225                                // call lock's on_notify if a lock was passed
     226                                on_notify(*i->lock, i->t);
     227                        } else {
     228                                // otherwise wake thread
    190229                                unpark( i->t );
    191                 } else {
    192                         add_(*i->lock, i->t);                   // call lock's add_
    193                 }
    194             }
    195             unlock( cond->lock );
    196         }
     230                        }
     231                }
     232                unlock( cond->lock );
     233        }
     235        // this casts the alarm node to our wrapped type since we used type erasure
    198236        void alarm_node_wrap_cast( alarm_node_t & a ) { timeout_handler( (alarm_node_wrap(L) &)a ); }
     240// condition variable
     241forall(dtype L | is_blocking_lock(L)) {
    200243        void ?{}( condition_variable(L) & this ){
    202245                this.blocked_threads{};
    203246                this.count = 0;
    204                 this.last_thread = 0p; // REMOVE AFTER DEBUG
    205247        }
    207249        void ^?{}( condition_variable(L) & this ){ }
    209         void ?{}( alarm_node_wrap(L) & this, Time alarm, Duration period, Alarm_Callback callback ) {
    210                 this.alarm_node{ callback, alarm, period };
    211         }
    213         void ^?{}( alarm_node_wrap(L) & this ) { }
    215251        void process_popped( condition_variable(L) & this, info_thread(L) & popped ) with( this ) {
    216252                if(&popped != 0p) {
    217                         popped.listed = false;
     253                        popped.signalled = true;
    218254                        count--;
    219255                        if (popped.lock) {
    220                                 add_(*popped.lock, popped.t);
     256                                // if lock passed call on_notify
     257                                on_notify(*popped.lock, popped.t);
    221258                        } else {
     259                                // otherwise wake thread
    222260                                unpark(popped.t);
    223261                        }
    253291        size_t queue_and_get_recursion( condition_variable(L) & this, info_thread(L) * i ) with(this) {
     292                // add info_thread to waiting queue
    254293                addTail( blocked_threads, *i );
    255294                count++;
    256                 i->listed = true;
    257295                size_t recursion_count = 0;
    258296                if (i->lock) {
    259                         i->t-> = 1p;
     297                        // if lock was passed get recursion count to reset to after waking thread
    260298                        recursion_count = get_recursion_count(*i->lock);
    261                         remove_( *i->lock );
     299                        on_wait( *i->lock );
    262300                }
    263301                return recursion_count;
    269307                size_t recursion_count = queue_and_get_recursion(this, &i);
    270308                unlock( lock );
    271                 park( ); // blocks here
    272                 if (i.lock) set_recursion_count(*i.lock, recursion_count); // resets recursion count here after waking
    273         }
     310                // blocks here
     311                park( );
     313                // resets recursion count here after waking
     314                if (i.lock) set_recursion_count(*i.lock, recursion_count);
     315        }
     317        #define WAIT( u, l ) \
     318                info_thread( L ) i = { active_thread(), u, l }; \
     319                queue_info_thread( this, i );
    275321        // helper for wait()'s' with a timeout
    277323                lock( lock __cfaabi_dbg_ctx2 );
    278324                size_t recursion_count = queue_and_get_recursion(this, &info);
    279                 alarm_node_wrap(L) node_wrap = { t, 0`s, alarm_node_wrap_cast };
    280                 node_wrap.cond = &this;
    281                 node_wrap.i = &info;
     325                alarm_node_wrap(L) node_wrap = { t, 0`s, alarm_node_wrap_cast, &this, &info };
    282326                register_self( &node_wrap.alarm_node );
    283327                unlock( lock );
     329                // blocks here
    284330                park();
     332                // unregisters alarm so it doesn't go off if this happens first
    285333                unregister_self( &node_wrap.alarm_node );
     335                // resets recursion count here after waking
    286336                if (info.lock) set_recursion_count(*info.lock, recursion_count);
    287337        }
    289         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this ) with(this) {
    290                 info_thread( L ) i = { active_thread() };
    291                 queue_info_thread( this, i );
    292         }
    294         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, uintptr_t info ) with(this) {
    295                 info_thread( L ) i = { active_thread(), info };
    296                 queue_info_thread( this, i );
    297         }
    299         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, Duration duration ) with(this) {
    300                 info_thread( L ) i = { active_thread() };
    301                 queue_info_thread_timeout(this, i, __kernel_get_time() + duration );
    302         }
    304         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, uintptr_t info, Duration duration ) with(this) {
    305                 info_thread( L ) i = { active_thread(), info };
    306                 queue_info_thread_timeout(this, i, __kernel_get_time() + duration );
    307         }
    309         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, Time time ) with(this) {
    310                 info_thread( L ) i = { active_thread() };
    311                 queue_info_thread_timeout(this, i, time);
    312         }
    314         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, uintptr_t info, Time time ) with(this) {
    315                 info_thread( L ) i = { active_thread(), info };
    316                 queue_info_thread_timeout(this, i, time);
    317         }
    319         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l ) with(this) {
    320                 info_thread(L) i = { active_thread() };
    321                 i.lock = &l;
    322                 queue_info_thread( this, i );
    323         }
    325         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, uintptr_t info ) with(this) {
    326                 info_thread(L) i = { active_thread(), info };
    327                 i.lock = &l;
    328                 queue_info_thread( this, i );
    329         }
    331         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, Duration duration ) with(this) {
    332                 info_thread(L) i = { active_thread() };
    333                 i.lock = &l;
    334                 queue_info_thread_timeout(this, i, __kernel_get_time() + duration );
    335         }
    337         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, uintptr_t info, Duration duration ) with(this) {
    338                 info_thread(L) i = { active_thread(), info };
    339                 i.lock = &l;
    340                 queue_info_thread_timeout(this, i, __kernel_get_time() + duration );
    341         }
    343         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, Time time ) with(this) {
    344                 info_thread(L) i = { active_thread() };
    345                 i.lock = &l;
    346                 queue_info_thread_timeout(this, i, time );
    347         }
    349         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, uintptr_t info, Time time ) with(this) {
    350                 info_thread(L) i = { active_thread(), info };
    351                 i.lock = &l;
    352                 queue_info_thread_timeout(this, i, time );
    353         }
    354 }
     339        #define WAIT_TIME( u, l, t ) \
     340                info_thread( L ) i = { active_thread(), u, l }; \
     341                queue_info_thread_timeout(this, i, t ); \
     342                return i.signalled;
     344        void wait( condition_variable(L) & this                        ) with(this) { WAIT( 0, 0p    ) }
     345        void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, uintptr_t info        ) with(this) { WAIT( info, 0p ) }
     346        void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l                 ) with(this) { WAIT( 0, &l    ) }
     347        void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, uintptr_t info ) with(this) { WAIT( info, &l ) }
     349        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, Duration duration                        ) with(this) { WAIT_TIME( 0   , 0p , __kernel_get_time() + duration ) }
     350        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, uintptr_t info, Duration duration        ) with(this) { WAIT_TIME( info, 0p , __kernel_get_time() + duration ) }
     351        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, Time time                                ) with(this) { WAIT_TIME( 0   , 0p , time ) }
     352        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, uintptr_t info, Time time                ) with(this) { WAIT_TIME( info, 0p , time ) }
     353        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, Duration duration                 ) with(this) { WAIT_TIME( 0   , &l , __kernel_get_time() + duration ) }
     354        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, uintptr_t info, Duration duration ) with(this) { WAIT_TIME( info, &l , __kernel_get_time() + duration ) }
     355        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, Time time                         ) with(this) { WAIT_TIME( 0   , &l , time ) }
     356        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, uintptr_t info, Time time         ) with(this) { WAIT_TIME( info, &l , time ) }
  • libcfa/src/concurrency/locks.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    33#include <stdbool.h>
    5 #include "bits/algorithm.hfa"
    65#include "bits/locks.hfa"
    76#include "bits/sequence.hfa"
    8 #include "bits/containers.hfa"
    108#include "invoke.h"
    1210#include "time_t.hfa"
    1311#include "time.hfa"
    14 #include <sys/time.h>
    15 #include "alarm.hfa"
    17 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    18 //// is_blocking_lock
    19 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     14// is_blocking_lock
     15trait is_blocking_lock(dtype L | sized(L)) {
     16        // For synchronization locks to use when acquiring
     17        void on_notify( L &, struct $thread * );
    21 trait is_blocking_lock(dtype L | sized(L)) {
    22         void add_( L &, struct $thread * );             // For synchronization locks to use when acquiring
    23         void remove_( L & );    // For synchronization locks to use when releasing
    24         size_t get_recursion_count( L & ); // to get recursion count for cond lock to reset after waking
    25         void set_recursion_count( L &, size_t recursion ); // to set recursion count after getting signalled;
     19        // For synchronization locks to use when releasing
     20        void on_wait( L & );
     22        // to get recursion count for cond lock to reset after waking
     23        size_t get_recursion_count( L & );
     25        // to set recursion count after getting signalled;
     26        void set_recursion_count( L &, size_t recursion );
    28 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    29 //// info_thread
    30 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     30// info_thread
     31// the info thread is a wrapper around a thread used
     32// to store extra data for use in the condition variable
     33forall(dtype L | is_blocking_lock(L)) {
     34        struct info_thread;
    32 forall(dtype L | is_blocking_lock(L)) {
    33         struct info_thread {
    34                 inline Seqable;
    35                 struct $thread * t;
    36                 uintptr_t info;
    37                 L * lock;
    38                 bool listed;                                    // true if info_thread is on queue, false otherwise;
    39         };
    42         void ?{}( info_thread(L) & this, $thread * t );
    43         void ?{}( info_thread(L) & this, $thread * t, uintptr_t info );
    44         void ^?{}( info_thread(L) & this );
     36        // for use by sequence
     37        info_thread(L) *& Back( info_thread(L) * this );
     38        info_thread(L) *& Next( info_thread(L) * this );
    47 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    48 //// Blocking Locks
    49 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    51 // struct lock_thread {
    52 //      struct $thread * t;
    53 //      lock_thread * next;
    54 // };
    56 // void ?{}( lock_thread & this, struct $thread * thd );
    57 // void ^?{}( lock_thread & this );
    59 // lock_thread *& get_next( lock_thread & );
     42// Blocking Locks
    6143struct blocking_lock {
    6244        // Spin lock used for mutual exclusion
    6547        // List of blocked threads
    66         __queue_t( $thread ) blocked_threads;
     48        Sequence( $thread ) blocked_threads;
    6850        // Count of current blocked threads
    96 void ?{}( blocking_lock & this, bool multi_acquisition, bool strict_owner );
     78void  ?{}( blocking_lock & this, bool multi_acquisition, bool strict_owner );
    9779void ^?{}( blocking_lock & this );
    99 void ?{}( single_acquisition_lock & this );
     81void  ?{}( single_acquisition_lock & this );
    10082void ^?{}( single_acquisition_lock & this );
    102 void ?{}( owner_lock & this );
     84void  ?{}( owner_lock & this );
    10385void ^?{}( owner_lock & this );
    105 void ?{}( multiple_acquisition_lock & this );
     87void  ?{}( multiple_acquisition_lock & this );
    10688void ^?{}( multiple_acquisition_lock & this );
    10991bool try_lock( blocking_lock & this );
    11092void unlock( blocking_lock & this );
    111 void add_( blocking_lock & this, struct $thread * t );
    112 void remove_( blocking_lock & this );
     93void on_notify( blocking_lock & this, struct $thread * t );
     94void on_wait( blocking_lock & this );
    11395size_t wait_count( blocking_lock & this );
    11496void set_recursion_count( blocking_lock & this, size_t recursion );
    11799void lock( single_acquisition_lock & this );
    118100void unlock( single_acquisition_lock & this );
    119 void add_( single_acquisition_lock & this, struct $thread * t );
    120 void remove_( single_acquisition_lock & this );
     101void on_notify( single_acquisition_lock & this, struct $thread * t );
     102void on_wait( single_acquisition_lock & this );
    121103void set_recursion_count( single_acquisition_lock & this, size_t recursion );
    122104size_t get_recursion_count( single_acquisition_lock & this );
    124106void lock( owner_lock & this );
    125107void unlock( owner_lock & this );
    126 void add_( owner_lock & this, struct $thread * t );
    127 void remove_( owner_lock & this );
     108void on_notify( owner_lock & this, struct $thread * t );
     109void on_wait( owner_lock & this );
    128110void set_recursion_count( owner_lock & this, size_t recursion );
    129111size_t get_recursion_count( owner_lock & this );
    131113void lock( multiple_acquisition_lock & this );
    132114void unlock( multiple_acquisition_lock & this );
    133 void add_( multiple_acquisition_lock & this, struct $thread * t );
    134 void remove_( multiple_acquisition_lock & this );
     115void on_notify( multiple_acquisition_lock & this, struct $thread * t );
     116void on_wait( multiple_acquisition_lock & this );
    135117void set_recursion_count( multiple_acquisition_lock & this, size_t recursion );
    136118size_t get_recursion_count( multiple_acquisition_lock & this );
    138 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    139 //// Synchronization Locks
    140 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     121// Synchronization Locks
    141122forall(dtype L | is_blocking_lock(L)) {
    142123        struct condition_variable {
    143124                // Spin lock used for mutual exclusion
    144125                __spinlock_t lock;
    146                 info_thread(L) * last_thread;
    148127                // List of blocked threads
    153132        };
    155         void ?{}( condition_variable(L) & this );
     134        void  ?{}( condition_variable(L) & this );
    156135        void ^?{}( condition_variable(L) & this );
    158         struct alarm_node_wrap {
    159                 alarm_node_t alarm_node;
    161                 condition_variable(L) * cond;
    163                 info_thread(L) * i;
    164         };
    166         void ?{}( alarm_node_wrap(L) & this, Time alarm, Duration period, Alarm_Callback callback );
    167         void ^?{}( alarm_node_wrap(L) & this );
    169         void alarm_node_callback( alarm_node_wrap(L) & this );
    171         void alarm_node_wrap_cast( alarm_node_t & a );
    173137        bool notify_one( condition_variable(L) & this );
    176140        uintptr_t front( condition_variable(L) & this );
    178         bool empty( condition_variable(L) & this );
    179         int counter( condition_variable(L) & this );
     142        bool empty  ( condition_variable(L) & this );
     143        int  counter( condition_variable(L) & this );
    181         // TODO: look into changing timout routines to return bool showing if signalled or woken by kernel
    182145        void wait( condition_variable(L) & this );
    183146        void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, uintptr_t info );
    184         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, Duration duration );
    185         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, uintptr_t info, Duration duration );
    186         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, Time time );
    187         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, uintptr_t info, Time time );
     147        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, Duration duration );
     148        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, uintptr_t info, Duration duration );
     149        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, Time time );
     150        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, uintptr_t info, Time time );
    189152        void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l );
    190153        void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, uintptr_t info );
    191         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, Duration duration );
    192         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, uintptr_t info, Duration duration );
    193         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, Time time );
    194         void wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, uintptr_t info, Time time );
     154        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, Duration duration );
     155        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, uintptr_t info, Duration duration );
     156        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, Time time );
     157        bool wait( condition_variable(L) & this, L & l, uintptr_t info, Time time );
  • libcfa/src/concurrency/monitor.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    133133              void wait        ( condition & this, uintptr_t user_info = 0 );
     134static inline bool is_empty    ( condition & this ) { return this.blocked.head == 1p; }
    134135              bool signal      ( condition & this );
    135136              bool signal_block( condition & this );
    136 static inline bool is_empty    ( condition & this ) { return this.blocked.head == 1p; }
     137static inline bool signal_all  ( condition & this ) { bool ret = false; while(!is_empty(this)) { ret = signal(this) || ret; } return ret; }
    137138         uintptr_t front       ( condition & this );
  • libcfa/src/concurrency/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    4343                canary = 0x0D15EA5E0D15EA5Ep;
    4444        #endif
     46 = 0p;
     47        seqable.back = 0p;
    4649 = 0p;
    131134        this_thrd->context.[SP, FP] = this_thrd->self_cor.context.[SP, FP];
    132         verify( this_thrd->context.SP );
     135        /* paranoid */ verify( this_thrd->context.SP );
    134137        __schedule_thread( this_thrd );
  • libcfa/src/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    1010// Created On       : Tue Dec 19 21:58:35 2017
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Tue Dec 15 21:37:54 2020
    13 // Update Count     : 1013
     12// Last Modified On : Wed Dec 16 12:28:25 2020
     13// Update Count     : 1023
    438438        header = headerAddr( addr );
    440   if ( unlikely( heapEnd < addr ) ) {                                   // mmapped ?
     440  if ( unlikely( addr < heapBegin || heapEnd < addr ) ) { // mmapped ?
    441441                fakeHeader( header, alignment );
    442442                size = header->kind.real.blockSize & -3;                // mmap size
    446446        #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    447         checkHeader( addr < heapBegin, name, addr );            // bad low address ?
     447        checkHeader( header < (HeapManager.Storage.Header *)heapBegin, name, addr ); // bad low address ?
    448448        #endif // __CFA_DEBUG__
    484484#endif // __CFA_DEBUG__
    486487#define NO_MEMORY_MSG "insufficient heap memory available for allocating %zd new bytes."
    488 #include <unistd.h>
    489489static inline void * extend( size_t size ) with( heapManager ) {
    490490        lock( extlock __cfaabi_dbg_ctx2 );
    511511                #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    512512                // Set new memory to garbage so subsequent uninitialized usages might fail.
    513                 memset( (char *)heapEnd + heapRemaining, '\hde', increase );
     513                memset( (char *)heapEnd + heapRemaining, '\xde', increase );
    514514                //Memset( (char *)heapEnd + heapRemaining, increase );
    515515                #endif // __CFA_DEBUG__
    586586                #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    587587                // Set new memory to garbage so subsequent uninitialized usages might fail.
    588                 memset( block, '\hde', tsize );
     588                memset( block, '\xde', tsize );
    589589                //Memset( block, tsize );
    590590                #endif // __CFA_DEBUG__
    634634                #ifdef __CFA_DEBUG__
    635635                // Set free memory to garbage so subsequent usages might fail.
    636                 memset( ((HeapManager.Storage *)header)->data, '\hde', freeElem->blockSize - sizeof( HeapManager.Storage ) );
     636                memset( ((HeapManager.Storage *)header)->data, '\xde', freeElem->blockSize - sizeof( HeapManager.Storage ) );
    637637                //Memset( ((HeapManager.Storage *)header)->data, freeElem->blockSize - sizeof( HeapManager.Storage ) );
    638638                #endif // __CFA_DEBUG__
    10291029        } // cmemalign
    10311032        // Same as memalign(), but ISO/IEC 2011 C11 Section 7.22.2 states: the value of size shall be an integral multiple
    10321033    // of alignment. This requirement is universally ignored.
    10451046                return 0;
    10461047        } // posix_memalign
    10481050        // Allocates size bytes and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. The memory address shall be a multiple of the
  • libcfa/src/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    6666forall(dtype T | sized(T), ttype Args | { void ?{}(T&, Args); })
    6767void ?{}(counter_ptr(T) & this, Args args) {
    68 = new(args);
     68 = (counter_data(T)*)new(args);
    126126forall(dtype T | sized(T), ttype Args | { void ?{}(T &, Args); })
    127127void ?{}(unique_ptr(T) & this, Args args) {
    128 = new(args);
     128 = (T *)new(args);
  • libcfa/src/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    105105                                        if(opt == options[i].short_name) {
    106106                                                const char * arg = optarg ? optarg : "";
     107                                                if( arg[0] == '=' ) { arg++; }
    107108                                                bool success = options[i].parse( arg, options[i].variable );
    108109                                                if(success) continue NEXT_ARG;
     188bool parse_truefalse(const char * arg, bool & value) {
     189        if(strcmp(arg, "true") == 0) {
     190                value = true;
     191                return true;
     192        }
     194        if(strcmp(arg, "false") == 0) {
     195                value = false;
     196                return true;
     197        }
     199        return false;
    187202bool parse_settrue (const char *, bool & value ) {
    188203        value = true;
  • libcfa/src/parseargs.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    3737void print_args_usage(int argc, char * argv[], cfa_option options[], size_t opt_count, const char * usage, bool error)  __attribute__ ((noreturn));
    39 bool parse_yesno   (const char *, bool & );
    40 bool parse_settrue (const char *, bool & );
    41 bool parse_setfalse(const char *, bool & );
     39bool parse_yesno    (const char *, bool & );
     40bool parse_truefalse(const char *, bool & );
     41bool parse_settrue  (const char *, bool & );
     42bool parse_setfalse (const char *, bool & );
    4344bool parse(const char *, const char * & );
  • libcfa/src/stdlib.hfa

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    267267static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T), ttype TT | { void ?{}( T &, TT ); } )
    268268T * new( TT p ) {
    269         return &(*malloc()){ p };                                                       // run constructor
     269        return &(*(T *)malloc()){ p };                                                  // run constructor
    270270} // new
  • longrun_tests/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    4444        -DTEST_$(shell cat .type | tr a-z A-Z)
    46 TESTS = block coroutine create disjoint enter enter3 processor stack wait yield
     46TESTS = block coroutine create disjoint enter enter3 locks processor stack wait yield
  • src/AST/Convert.cpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    205205                ftype->parameters = get<DeclarationWithType>().acceptL(node->params);
    207                 ftype->forall = get<TypeDecl>().acceptL( node->type->forall );
     207                ftype->forall = get<TypeDecl>().acceptL( node->type_params );
     208                if (!node->assertions.empty()) {
     209                        assert(!ftype->forall.empty());
     210                        // find somewhere to place assertions back, for convenience it is the last slot
     211                        ftype->forall.back()->assertions = get<DeclarationWithType>().acceptL(node->assertions);
     212                }
    209214                visitType(node->type, ftype);
    603608                for (decltype(src->begin()) src_i = src->begin(); src_i != src->end(); src_i++) {
    604                         rslt->add( src_i->first,
     609                        rslt->add( src_i->first.typeString(),
    605610                                   get<Type>().accept1(src_i->second) );
    606                 }
    608                 for (decltype(src->beginVar()) src_i = src->beginVar(); src_i != src->endVar(); src_i++) {
    609                         rslt->addVar( src_i->first,
    610                                       get<Expression>().accept1(src_i->second) );
    611611                }
    12121212                // ty->returnVals = get<DeclarationWithType>().acceptL( node->returns );
    12131213                // ty->parameters = get<DeclarationWithType>().acceptL( node->params );
    1214                 ty->forall = get<TypeDecl>().acceptL( node->forall );
     1215                auto types = get<TypeInstType>().acceptL( node->forall );
     1216                for (auto t : types) {
     1217                        auto newT = new TypeDecl(*t->baseType);
     1218                        newT->name = t->name; // converted by typeString()
     1219                        for (auto asst : newT->assertions) delete asst;
     1220                        newT->assertions.clear();
     1221                        ty->forall.push_back(newT);
     1222                }
     1223                auto assts = get<VariableExpr>().acceptL( node->assertions );
     1224                if (!assts.empty()) {
     1225                        assert(!types.empty());
     1226                        for (auto asst : assts) {
     1227                                auto newDecl = new ObjectDecl(*strict_dynamic_cast<ObjectDecl*>(asst->var));
     1228                                delete newDecl->type;
     1229                                newDecl->type = asst->result->clone();
     1230                                newDecl->storageClasses.is_extern = true; // hack
     1231                                ty->forall.back()->assertions.push_back(newDecl);
     1232                        }
     1233                }
    12151235                return visitType( node, ty );
    12161236        }
    12991319                        ty = new TypeInstType{
    13001320                                cv( node ),
    1301                                 node->name,
     1321                                node->typeString(),
    13021322                                get<TypeDecl>().accept1( node->base ),
    13031323                                get<Attribute>().acceptL( node->attributes )
    13061326                        ty = new TypeInstType{
    13071327                                cv( node ),
    1308                                 node->name,
     1328                                node->typeString(),
    13091329                                node->kind == ast::TypeDecl::Ftype,
    13101330                                get<Attribute>().acceptL( node->attributes )
    14311451        /// at conversion stage, all created nodes are guaranteed to be unique, therefore
    14321452        /// const_casting out of smart pointers is permitted.
    1433         std::unordered_map< const BaseSyntaxNode *, ast::ptr<ast::Node> > cache = {};
     1453        std::unordered_map< const BaseSyntaxNode *, ast::readonly<ast::Node> > cache = {};
    14351455        // Local Utilities:
    15651585                // can function type have attributes? seems not to be the case.
    15661586                // visitType(old->type, ftype);
     1588                // collect assertions and put directly in FunctionDecl
     1589                std::vector<ast::ptr<ast::DeclWithType>> assertions;
     1590                for (auto & param: forall) {
     1591                        for (auto & asst: param->assertions) {
     1592                                assertf(asst->unique(), "newly converted decl must be unique");
     1593                                assertions.emplace_back(asst);
     1594                        }
     1595                        auto mut = param.get_and_mutate();
     1596                        assertf(mut == param, "newly converted decl must be unique");
     1597                        mut->assertions.clear();
     1598                }
    15681600                auto decl = new ast::FunctionDecl{
    15841616                cache.emplace( old, decl );
     1618                decl->assertions = std::move(assertions);
    15861619                decl->withExprs = GET_ACCEPT_V(withExprs, Expr);
    15871620                decl->stmts = GET_ACCEPT_1(statements, CompoundStmt);
    20662099        }
     2101        // TypeSubstitution shouldn't exist yet in old.
    20682102        ast::TypeSubstitution * convertTypeSubstitution(const TypeSubstitution * old) {
    20702104                if (!old) return nullptr;
     2105                if (old->empty()) return nullptr;
     2106                assert(false);
     2108                /*
    20722109                ast::TypeSubstitution *rslt = new ast::TypeSubstitution();
    20772114                }
    2079                 for (decltype(old->beginVar()) old_i = old->beginVar(); old_i != old->endVar(); old_i++) {
    2080                         rslt->addVar( old_i->first,
    2081                                       getAccept1<ast::Expr>(old_i->second) );
    2082                 }
    20842116                return rslt;
     2117                */
    20852118        }
    26102643                        ty->params.emplace_back(v->get_type());
    26112644                }
    2612                 ty->forall = GET_ACCEPT_V( forall, TypeDecl );
     2645                // xxx - when will this be non-null?
     2646                // will have to create dangling (no-owner) decls to be pointed to
     2647                auto foralls = GET_ACCEPT_V( forall, TypeDecl );
     2649                for (auto & param : foralls) {
     2650                        ty->forall.emplace_back(new ast::TypeInstType(param->name, param));
     2651                        for (auto asst : param->assertions) {
     2652                                ty->assertions.emplace_back(new ast::VariableExpr({}, asst));
     2653                        }
     2654                }
    26132655                visitType( old, ty );
    26142656        }
  • src/AST/Decl.cpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    5151FunctionDecl::FunctionDecl( const CodeLocation & loc, const std::string & name,
    52                 std::vector<ptr<TypeDecl>>&& forall,
    53                 std::vector<ptr<DeclWithType>>&& params, std::vector<ptr<DeclWithType>>&& returns,
    54                 CompoundStmt * stmts, Storage::Classes storage, Linkage::Spec linkage,
    55                 std::vector<ptr<Attribute>>&& attrs, Function::Specs fs, bool isVarArgs)
    56         : DeclWithType( loc, name, storage, linkage, std::move(attrs), fs ), params(std::move(params)), returns(std::move(returns)),
    57           stmts( stmts ) {
    58                   FunctionType * ftype = new FunctionType(static_cast<ArgumentFlag>(isVarArgs));
    59                   for (auto & param : this->params) {
    60                           ftype->params.emplace_back(param->get_type());
    61                   }
    62                   for (auto & ret : this->returns) {
    63                           ftype->returns.emplace_back(ret->get_type());
    64                   }
    65                   ftype->forall = std::move(forall);
    66                   this->type = ftype;
    67           }
     52        std::vector<ptr<TypeDecl>>&& forall,
     53        std::vector<ptr<DeclWithType>>&& params, std::vector<ptr<DeclWithType>>&& returns,
     54        CompoundStmt * stmts, Storage::Classes storage, Linkage::Spec linkage,
     55        std::vector<ptr<Attribute>>&& attrs, Function::Specs fs, bool isVarArgs)
     56: DeclWithType( loc, name, storage, linkage, std::move(attrs), fs ), params(std::move(params)), returns(std::move(returns)),
     57        type_params(std::move(forall)), stmts( stmts ) {
     58        FunctionType * ftype = new FunctionType(static_cast<ArgumentFlag>(isVarArgs));
     59        for (auto & param : this->params) {
     60                ftype->params.emplace_back(param->get_type());
     61        }
     62        for (auto & ret : this->returns) {
     63                ftype->returns.emplace_back(ret->get_type());
     64        }
     65        for (auto & tp : this->type_params) {
     66                ftype->forall.emplace_back(new TypeInstType(tp->name, tp));
     67        }
     68        this->type = ftype;
  • src/AST/Decl.hpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    127127        std::vector<ptr<DeclWithType>> params;
    128128        std::vector<ptr<DeclWithType>> returns;
     129        std::vector<ptr<TypeDecl>> type_params;
     130        std::vector<ptr<DeclWithType>> assertions;
    129131        // declared type, derived from parameter declarations
    130132        ptr<FunctionType> type;
    131133        ptr<CompoundStmt> stmts;
    132134        std::vector< ptr<Expr> > withExprs;
    134137        FunctionDecl( const CodeLocation & loc, const std::string & name, std::vector<ptr<TypeDecl>>&& forall,
  • src/AST/Expr.cpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    206206        assert( aggregate->result );
    208         // Deep copy on result type avoids mutation on transitively multiply referenced object.
    209         //
    210         // Example, adapted from parts of builtins and bootloader:
    211         //
    212         // forall(dtype T)
    213         // struct __Destructor {
    214         //   T * object;
    215         //   void (*dtor)(T *);
    216         // };
    217         //
    218         // forall(dtype S)
    219         // void foo(__Destructor(S) &d) {
    220         //   if (d.dtor) {  // here
    221         //   }
    222         // }
    223         //
    224         // Let e be the "d.dtor" guard espression, which is MemberExpr after resolve.  Let d be the
    225         // declaration of member __Destructor.dtor (an ObjectDecl), as accessed via the top-level
    226         // declaration of __Destructor.  Consider the types e.result and d.type.  In the old AST, one
    227         // is a clone of the other.  Ordinary new-AST use would set them up as a multiply-referenced
    228         // object.
    229         //
    230         // e.result: PointerType
    231         // .base: FunctionType
    232         // .params.front(): ObjectDecl, the anonymous parameter of type T*
    233         // .type: PointerType
    234         // .base: TypeInstType
    235         // let x = that
    236         // let y = similar, except start from d.type
    237         //
    238         // Consider two code lines down, genericSubstitution(...).apply(result).
    239         //
    240         // Applying this chosen-candidate's type substitution means modifying x, substituting
    241         // S for T.  This mutation should affect x and not y.
    243         result = deepCopy(mem->get_type());
     208        result = mem->get_type();
    245210        // substitute aggregate generic parameters into member type
  • src/AST/Node.hpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    229229        const node_t & operator* () const { _check(); return *node; }
    230230        explicit operator bool() const { _check(); return node; }
    231         operator const node_t * () const { _check(); return node; }
     231        operator const node_t * () const & { _check(); return node; }
     232        operator const node_t * () && = delete;
    233234        const node_t * release() {
  • src/AST/Pass.hpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    3535#include "AST/SymbolTable.hpp"
    37 #include "AST/ForallSubstitutionTable.hpp"
    3937// Private prelude header, needed for some of the magic tricks this class pulls off
    6664// | WithVisitorRef        - provides an pointer to the templated visitor wrapper
    6765// | WithSymbolTable       - provides symbol table functionality
    68 // | WithForallSubstitutor - maintains links between TypeInstType and TypeDecl under mutation
    7067// Other Special Members:
    258255        container_t< ptr<node_t> > call_accept( const container_t< ptr<node_t> > & container );
    260         /// Mutate forall-list, accounting for presence of type substitution map
    261         template<typename node_t>
    262         void mutate_forall( const node_t *& );
    265258        /// Logic to call the accept and mutate the parent if needed, delegates call to accept
    400 /// Use when the templated visitor needs to keep TypeInstType instances properly linked to TypeDecl
    401 struct WithForallSubstitutor {
    402         ForallSubstitutionTable subs;
    403 };
  • src/AST/Pass.impl.hpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    367367        }
    370         template< typename core_t >
    371         template< typename node_t >
    372         void ast::Pass< core_t >::mutate_forall( const node_t *& node ) {
    373                 if ( auto subs = __pass::forall::subs( core, 0 ) ) {
    374                         // tracking TypeDecl substitution, full clone
    375                         if ( node->forall.empty() ) return;
    377                         node_t * mut = __pass::mutate<core_t>( node );
    378                         mut->forall = subs->clone( node->forall, *this );
    379                         node = mut;
    380                 } else {
    381                         // not tracking TypeDecl substitution, just mutate
    382                         maybe_accept( node, &node_t::forall );
    383                 }
    384         }
    504488                        __pass::symtab::addId( core, 0, func );
    505489                        VISIT(
    506                                 // parameter declarations are now directly here
     490                                // parameter declarations
    507491                                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionDecl::params );
    508492                                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionDecl::returns );
    509                                 // foralls are still in function type
    510                                 maybe_accept( node, &FunctionDecl::type );
     493                                // type params and assertions
     494                                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionDecl::type_params );
     495                                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionDecl::assertions );
    511496                                // First remember that we are now within a function.
    512497                                ValueGuard< bool > oldInFunction( inFunction );
    17591744        VISIT({
    1760                 guard_forall_subs forall_guard { *this, node };
    1761                 mutate_forall( node );
     1745                // guard_forall_subs forall_guard { *this, node };
     1746                // mutate_forall( node );
     1747                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionType::assertions );
    17621748                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionType::returns );
    17631749                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionType::params  );
    19811967                {
    19821968                        bool mutated = false;
    1983                         std::unordered_map< std::string, ast::ptr< ast::Type > > new_map;
     1969                        std::unordered_map< ast::TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey, ast::ptr< ast::Type > > new_map;
    19841970                        for ( const auto & p : node->typeEnv ) {
    19851971                                guard_symtab guard { *this };
    19941980                        }
    19951981                }
    1997                 {
    1998                         bool mutated = false;
    1999                         std::unordered_map< std::string, ast::ptr< ast::Expr > > new_map;
    2000                         for ( const auto & p : node->varEnv ) {
    2001                                 guard_symtab guard { *this };
    2002                                 auto new_node = p.second->accept( *this );
    2003                                 if (new_node != p.second) mutated = true;
    2004                                 new_map.insert({ p.first, new_node });
    2005                         }
    2006                         if (mutated) {
    2007                                 auto new_node = __pass::mutate<core_t>( node );
    2008                                 new_node->varEnv.swap( new_map );
    2009                                 node = new_node;
    2010                         }
    2011                 }
    20121982        )
  • src/AST/Pass.proto.hpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    413413                static inline auto leave( core_t &, long, const ast::FunctionType * ) {}
    415                 // Get the substitution table, if present
    416                 template<typename core_t>
    417                 static inline auto subs( core_t & core, int ) -> decltype( &core.subs ) {
    418                         return &core.subs;
    419                 }
    421                 template<typename core_t>
    422                 static inline ast::ForallSubstitutionTable * subs( core_t &, long ) { return nullptr; }
    424415                // Replaces a TypeInstType's base TypeDecl according to the table
    425416                template<typename core_t>
  • src/AST/Print.cpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    155155        }
     157        void print( const ast::FunctionType::AssertionList & assts ) {
     158                if (assts.empty()) return;
     159                os << "with assertions" << endl;
     160                ++indent;
     161                printAll(assts);
     162                os << indent;
     163                --indent;
     164        }
    157166        void print( const std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> & attrs ) {
    158167                if ( attrs.empty() ) return;
    206215        void preprint( const ast::NamedTypeDecl * node ) {
    207216                if ( ! node->name.empty() ) {
    208                         if( deterministic_output && isUnboundType(node->name) ) os << "[unbound]:";
    209                         else os << node->name << ": ";
     217                        os << node->name << ": ";
    210218                }
    261269        void preprint( const ast::FunctionType * node ) {
    262270                print( node->forall );
     271                print( node->assertions );
    263272                print( node->qualifiers );
    264273        }
    13751384        virtual const ast::Type * visit( const ast::TypeInstType * node ) override final {
    13761385                preprint( node );
    1377                 const auto & _name = deterministic_output && isUnboundType(node) ? "[unbound]" : node->name;
     1386                const auto & _name = deterministic_output && isUnboundType(node) ? "[unbound]" : node->typeString();
    13781387                os << "instance of type " << _name
    13791388                   << " (" << (node->kind == ast::TypeDecl::Ftype ? "" : "not ") << "function type)";
    15021511                os << indent << "Types:" << endl;
    15031512                for ( const auto& i : *node ) {
    1504                         os << indent+1 << i.first << " -> ";
     1513                        os << indent+1 << i.first.typeString() << " -> ";
    15051514                        indent += 2;
    15061515                        safe_print( i.second );
    1507                         indent -= 2;
    1508                         os << endl;
    1509                 }
    1510                 os << indent << "Non-types:" << endl;
    1511                 for ( auto i = node->beginVar(); i != node->endVar(); ++i ) {
    1512                         os << indent+1 << i->first << " -> ";
    1513                         indent += 2;
    1514                         safe_print( i->second );
    15151516                        indent -= 2;
    15161517                        os << endl;
  • src/AST/SymbolTable.cpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    415415void SymbolTable::addFunction( const FunctionDecl * func ) {
    416         addTypes( func->type->forall );
     416        for (auto & td : func->type_params) {
     417                addType(td);
     418        }
     419        for (auto & asst : func->assertions) {
     420                addId(asst);
     421        }
     422        // addTypes( func->type->forall );
    417423        addIds( func->returns );
    418424        addIds( func->params );
  • src/AST/Type.cpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    2222#include "Decl.hpp"
    23 #include "ForallSubstitutor.hpp" // for substituteForall
    2423#include "Init.hpp"
    2524#include "Common/utility.h"      // for copy, move
    9291// GENERATED END
    94 // --- ParameterizedType
    96 void FunctionType::initWithSub(
    97         const FunctionType & o, Pass< ForallSubstitutor > & sub
    98 ) {
    99         forall = sub.core( o.forall );
    100 }
    10293// --- FunctionType
    105 FunctionType::FunctionType( const FunctionType & o )
    106 : Type( o.qualifiers, copy( o.attributes ) ), returns(), params(),
    107   isVarArgs( o.isVarArgs ) {
    108         Pass< ForallSubstitutor > sub;
    109         initWithSub( o, sub );           // initialize substitution map
    110         returns = sub.core( o.returns ); // apply to return and parameter types
    111         params = sub.core( o.params );
    112 }
    11494namespace {
    11595        bool containsTtype( const std::vector<ptr<Type>> & l ) {
    199179                // TODO: once TypeInstType representation is updated, it should properly check
    200180                // if the context id is filled. this is a temporary hack for now
    201                 return isUnboundType(typeInst->name);
    202         }
    203         return false;
    204 }
    206 bool isUnboundType(const std::string & tname) {
    207         // xxx - look for a type name produced by renameTyVars.
    209         // TODO: once TypeInstType representation is updated, it should properly check
    210         // if the context id is filled. this is a temporary hack for now
    211         if (std::count(tname.begin(), tname.end(), '_') >= 3) {
    212                 return true;
     181                return typeInst->formal_usage > 0;
    213182        }
    214183        return false;
  • src/AST/Type.hpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    3737template< typename T > class Pass;
    39 struct ForallSubstitutor;
    4139class Type : public Node {
    272270/// Type of a function `[R1, R2](*)(P1, P2, P3)`
    273271class FunctionType final : public Type {
    274         protected:
    275         /// initializes forall with substitutor
    276         void initWithSub( const FunctionType & o, Pass< ForallSubstitutor > & sub );
    277 public:
    278         using ForallList = std::vector<ptr<TypeDecl>>;
     273        using ForallList = std::vector<ptr<TypeInstType>>;
     274        using AssertionList = std::vector<ptr<VariableExpr>>;
    279275        ForallList forall;
     276        AssertionList assertions;
    281278        std::vector<ptr<Type>> returns;
    292289        : Type(q), returns(), params(), isVarArgs(va) {}
    294         FunctionType( const FunctionType & o );
     291        FunctionType( const FunctionType & o ) = default;
    296293        /// true if either the parameters or return values contain a tttype
    398395        readonly<TypeDecl> base;
     396        // previously from renameTyVars; now directly use integer fields instead of synthesized strings
     397        // a nonzero value of formal_usage indicates a formal type (only used in function type)
     398        // a zero value of formal_usage indicates an actual type (referenced inside body of parametric structs and functions)
    399399        TypeDecl::Kind kind;
     400        int formal_usage = 0;
     401        int expr_id = 0;
     403        // compact representation used for map lookups.
     404        struct TypeEnvKey {
     405                const TypeDecl * base;
     406                int formal_usage;
     407                int expr_id;
     409                TypeEnvKey() = default;
     410                TypeEnvKey(const TypeDecl * base, int formal_usage = 0, int expr_id = 0): base(base), formal_usage(formal_usage), expr_id(expr_id) {}
     411                TypeEnvKey(const TypeInstType & inst): base(inst.base), formal_usage(inst.formal_usage), expr_id(inst.expr_id) {}
     412                std::string typeString() const { return std::string("_") + std::to_string(formal_usage) + "_" + std::to_string(expr_id) + "_" + base->name; }
     413                bool operator==(const TypeEnvKey & other) const { return base == other.base && formal_usage == other.formal_usage && expr_id == other.expr_id; }
     415        };
     417        bool operator==(const TypeInstType & other) const { return base == other.base && formal_usage == other.formal_usage && expr_id == other.expr_id; }
    401419        TypeInstType(
    409427        TypeInstType( const TypeInstType & o ) = default;
     429        TypeInstType( const TypeEnvKey & key )
     430        : BaseInstType(key.base->name), base(key.base), kind(key.base->kind), formal_usage(key.formal_usage), expr_id(key.expr_id) {}
    411432        /// sets `base`, updating `kind` correctly
    412433        void set_base( const TypeDecl * );
    419440        const Type * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); }
     442        std::string typeString() const {
     443                if (formal_usage > 0) return std::string("_") + std::to_string(formal_usage) + "_" + std::to_string(expr_id) + "_" + name;
     444                else return name;
     445        }
    421447        TypeInstType * clone() const override { return new TypeInstType{ *this }; }
    511537bool isUnboundType(const Type * type);
    512 bool isUnboundType(const std::string & tname);
     541namespace std {
     542        template<>
     543        struct hash<typename ast::TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey> {
     544                size_t operator() (const ast::TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & x) const {
     545                        const size_t p = 1000007;
     546                        size_t res = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(x.base);
     547                        res = p * res + x.formal_usage;
     548                        res = p * res + x.expr_id;
     549                        return res;
     550                }
     551        };
  • src/AST/TypeEnvironment.cpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    5252        for ( const auto & i : open ) {
    5353                if ( first ) { first = false; } else { out << ' '; }
    54                 out << i.first << "(" << i.second << ")";
     54                out << i.first.typeString() << "(" << i.second << ")";
    5555        }
    6262                if(first) first = false;
    6363                else out << " ";
    64                 if( deterministic_output && isUnboundType(var) ) out << "[unbound]";
    65                 else out << var;
     65                if( deterministic_output ) out << "[unbound]";
     66                else out << "_" << var.formal_usage << "_" << var.expr_id << "_";
     68                out << var.base->name;
    6669        }
    6770        out << ")";
    81 const EqvClass * TypeEnvironment::lookup( const std::string & var ) const {
     84const EqvClass * TypeEnvironment::lookup( const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & var ) const {
    8285        for ( ClassList::const_iterator i = env.begin(); i != env.end(); ++i ) {
    8386                if ( i->vars.find( var ) != i->vars.end() ) return &*i;
    107110void TypeEnvironment::add( const FunctionType::ForallList & tyDecls ) {
    108         for ( const TypeDecl * tyDecl : tyDecls ) {
     111        for ( auto & tyDecl : tyDecls ) {
    109112                env.emplace_back( tyDecl );
    110113        }
    119122void TypeEnvironment::writeToSubstitution( TypeSubstitution & sub ) const {
    120123        for ( const auto & clz : env ) {
    121                 std::string clzRep;
     124                TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey clzRep;
     125                bool first = true;
    122126                for ( const auto & var : clz.vars ) {
    123127                        if ( clz.bound ) {
    124128                                sub.add( var, clz.bound );
    125                         } else if ( clzRep.empty() ) {
     129                        } else if ( first ) {
    126130                                clzRep = var;
     131                                first = false;
    127132                        } else {
    128                                 sub.add( var, new TypeInstType{ clzRep, } );
     133                                sub.add( var, new TypeInstType{ clzRep } );
    129134                        }
    130135                }
    141146        struct Occurs : public ast::WithVisitorRef<Occurs> {
    142147                bool result;
    143                 std::set< std::string > vars;
     148                std::unordered_set< TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey > vars;
    144149                const TypeEnvironment & tenv;
    146                 Occurs( const std::string & var, const TypeEnvironment & env )
     151                Occurs( const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & var, const TypeEnvironment & env )
    147152                : result( false ), vars(), tenv( env ) {
    148153                        if ( const EqvClass * clz = tenv.lookup( var ) ) {
    155160                void previsit( const TypeInstType * typeInst ) {
    156                         if ( vars.count( typeInst->name ) ) {
     161                        if ( vars.count( *typeInst ) ) {
    157162                                result = true;
    158                         } else if ( const EqvClass * clz = tenv.lookup( typeInst->name ) ) {
     163                        } else if ( const EqvClass * clz = tenv.lookup( *typeInst ) ) {
    159164                                if ( clz->bound ) {
    160165                                        clz->bound->accept( *visitor );
    166171        /// true if `var` occurs in `ty` under `env`
    167         bool occurs( const Type * ty, const std::string & var, const TypeEnvironment & env ) {
     172        bool occurs( const Type * ty, const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & var, const TypeEnvironment & env ) {
    168173                Pass<Occurs> occur{ var, env };
    169174                maybe_accept( ty, occur );
    280285        // remove references from bound type, so that type variables can only bind to value types
    281286        ptr<Type> target = bindTo->stripReferences();
    282         auto tyvar = open.find( typeInst->name );
     287        auto tyvar = open.find( *typeInst );
    283288        assert( tyvar != open.end() );
    284289        if ( ! tyVarCompatible( tyvar->second, target ) ) return false;
    285         if ( occurs( target, typeInst->name, *this ) ) return false;
    287         auto it = internal_lookup( typeInst->name );
     290        if ( occurs( target, *typeInst, *this ) ) return false;
     292        auto it = internal_lookup( *typeInst );
    288293        if ( it != env.end() ) {
    289294                if ( it->bound ) {
    308313        } else {
    309314                env.emplace_back(
    310                         typeInst->name, target, widen.first && widen.second, data );
     315                        *typeInst, target, widen.first && widen.second, data );
    311316        }
    312317        return true;
    318323                WidenMode widen, const SymbolTable & symtab
    319324) {
    320         auto c1 = internal_lookup( var1->name );
    321         auto c2 = internal_lookup( var2->name );
     325        auto c1 = internal_lookup( *var1 );
     326        auto c2 = internal_lookup( *var2 );
    323328        // exit early if variables already bound together
    333338        if ( c1 != env.end() ) {
    334339                if ( c1->bound ) {
    335                         if ( occurs( c1->bound, var2->name, *this ) ) return false;
     340                        if ( occurs( c1->bound, *var2, *this ) ) return false;
    336341                        type1 = c1->bound;
    337342                }
    340345        if ( c2 != env.end() ) {
    341346                if ( c2->bound ) {
    342                         if ( occurs( c2->bound, var1->name, *this ) ) return false;
     347                        if ( occurs( c2->bound, *var1, *this ) ) return false;
    343348                        type2 = c2->bound;
    344349                }
    378383        } else if ( c1 != env.end() ) {
    379384                // var2 unbound, add to env[c1]
    380                 c1->vars.emplace( var2->name );
     385                c1->vars.emplace( *var2 );
    381386                c1->allowWidening = widen1;
    382387                c1->data.isComplete |= data.isComplete;
    383388        } else if ( c2 != env.end() ) {
    384389                // var1 unbound, add to env[c2]
    385                 c2->vars.emplace( var1->name );
     390                c2->vars.emplace( *var1 );
    386391                c2->allowWidening = widen2;
    387392                c2->data.isComplete |= data.isComplete;
    388393        } else {
    389394                // neither var bound, create new class
    390                 env.emplace_back( var1->name, var2->name, widen1 && widen2, data );
     395                env.emplace_back( *var1, *var2, widen1 && widen2, data );
    391396        }
    454 TypeEnvironment::ClassList::iterator TypeEnvironment::internal_lookup( const std::string & var ) {
     459TypeEnvironment::ClassList::iterator TypeEnvironment::internal_lookup( const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & var ) {
    455460        for ( ClassList::iterator i = env.begin(); i != env.end(); ++i ) {
    456461                if ( i->vars.count( var ) ) return i;
  • src/AST/TypeEnvironment.hpp

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    5555/// recorded. More investigation is needed.
    5656struct AssertCompare {
    57         bool operator()( const DeclWithType * d1, const DeclWithType * d2 ) const {
    58                 int cmp = d1-> d2->name );
    59                 return cmp < 0 || ( cmp == 0 && d1->get_type() < d2->get_type() );
     57        bool operator()( const VariableExpr * d1, const VariableExpr * d2 ) const {
     58                int cmp = d1->var-> d2->var->name );
     59                return cmp < 0 || ( cmp == 0 && d1->result < d2->result );
    6060        }
    7171/// Set of assertions pending satisfaction
    72 using AssertionSet = std::map< readonly<DeclWithType>, AssertionSetValue, AssertCompare >;
     72using AssertionSet = std::map< const VariableExpr *, AssertionSetValue, AssertCompare >;
    7474/// Set of open variables
    75 using OpenVarSet = std::unordered_map< std::string, TypeDecl::Data >;
     75using OpenVarSet = std::unordered_map< TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey, TypeDecl::Data >;
    7777/// Merges one set of open vars into another
    8989/// they bind to.
    9090struct EqvClass {
    91         std::set< std::string > vars;
     91        std::unordered_set< TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey > vars;
    9292        ptr<Type> bound;
    9393        bool allowWidening;
    102102        /// Singleton class constructor from TypeDecl
    103         EqvClass( const TypeDecl * decl )
    104         : vars{ decl->name }, bound(), allowWidening( true ), data( decl ) {}
     103        EqvClass( const TypeInstType * inst )
     104        : vars{ *inst }, bound(), allowWidening( true ), data( inst->base ) {}
    106106        /// Singleton class constructor from substitution
    107         EqvClass( const std::string & v, const Type * b )
     107        EqvClass( const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & v, const Type * b )
    108108        : vars{ v }, bound( b ), allowWidening( false ), data( TypeDecl::Dtype, false ) {}
    110110        /// Single-var constructor (strips qualifiers from bound type)
    111         EqvClass( const std::string & v, const Type * b, bool w, const TypeDecl::Data & d )
     111        EqvClass( const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & v, const Type * b, bool w, const TypeDecl::Data & d )
    112112        : vars{ v }, bound( b ), allowWidening( w ), data( d ) {
    113113                reset_qualifiers( bound );
    116116        /// Double-var constructor
    117         EqvClass( const std::string & v, const std::string & u, bool w, const TypeDecl::Data & d )
     117        EqvClass( const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & v, const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & u, bool w, const TypeDecl::Data & d )
    118118        : vars{ v, u }, bound(), allowWidening( w ), data( d ) {}
    132132        /// Finds the equivalence class containing a variable; nullptr for none such
    133         const EqvClass * lookup( const std::string & var ) const;
     133        const EqvClass * lookup( const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & var ) const;
    135135        /// Add a new equivalence class for each type variable
    208208        /// Private lookup API; returns array index of string, or env.size() for not found
    209         ClassList::iterator internal_lookup( const std::string & );
     209        ClassList::iterator internal_lookup( const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & );
  • src/AST/TypeSubstitution.cpp

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    3939void TypeSubstitution::initialize( const TypeSubstitution &src, TypeSubstitution &dest ) {
    4040        dest.typeEnv.clear();
    41         dest.varEnv.clear();
    4241        dest.add( src );
    4746                typeEnv[ i->first ] = i->second;
    4847        } // for
    49         for ( VarEnvType::const_iterator i = other.varEnv.begin(); i != other.varEnv.end(); ++i ) {
    50                 varEnv[ i->first ] = i->second;
    51         } // for
    54 void TypeSubstitution::add( std::string formalType, const Type *actualType ) {
    55         typeEnv[ formalType ] = actualType;
     50void TypeSubstitution::add( const TypeInstType * formalType, const Type *actualType ) {
     51        typeEnv[ *formalType ] = actualType;
    58 void TypeSubstitution::addVar( std::string formalExpr, const Expr *actualExpr ) {
    59         varEnv[ formalExpr ] = actualExpr;
     54void TypeSubstitution::add( const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & key, const Type * actualType) {
     55        typeEnv[ key ] = actualType;
    62 void TypeSubstitution::remove( std::string formalType ) {
    63         TypeEnvType::iterator i = typeEnv.find( formalType );
     58void TypeSubstitution::remove( const TypeInstType * formalType ) {
     59        TypeEnvType::iterator i = typeEnv.find( *formalType );
    6460        if ( i != typeEnv.end() ) {
    65                 typeEnv.erase( formalType );
     61                typeEnv.erase( *formalType );
    6662        } // if
    69 const Type *TypeSubstitution::lookup( std::string formalType ) const {
    70         TypeEnvType::const_iterator i = typeEnv.find( formalType );
     65const Type *TypeSubstitution::lookup( const TypeInstType * formalType ) const {
     66        TypeEnvType::const_iterator i = typeEnv.find( *formalType );
    7268        // break on not in substitution set
    7571        // attempt to transitively follow TypeInstType links.
    7672        while ( const TypeInstType *actualType = i-><TypeInstType>()) {
    77                 const std::string& typeName = actualType->name;
    7973                // break cycles in the transitive follow
    80                 if ( formalType == typeName ) break;
     74                if ( *formalType == *actualType ) break;
    8276                // Look for the type this maps to, returning previous mapping if none-such
    83                 i = typeEnv.find( typeName );
     77                i = typeEnv.find( *actualType );
    8478                if ( i == typeEnv.end() ) return actualType;
    8579        }
    9185bool TypeSubstitution::empty() const {
    92         return typeEnv.empty() && varEnv.empty();
     86        return typeEnv.empty();
    9892                TypeSubstitution * newEnv;
    9993                EnvTrimmer( const TypeSubstitution * env, TypeSubstitution * newEnv ) : env( env ), newEnv( newEnv ){}
    100                 void previsit( TypeDecl * tyDecl ) {
     94                void previsit( FunctionType * ftype ) {
    10195                        // transfer known bindings for seen type variables
    102                         if ( const Type * t = env->lookup( tyDecl->name ) ) {
    103                                 newEnv->add( tyDecl->name, t );
     96                        for (auto & formal : ftype->forall) {
     97                                if ( const Type * t = env->lookup( formal ) ) {
     98                                        newEnv->add( formal, t );
     99                                }
    104100                        }
    105101                }
    131127const Type * TypeSubstitution::Substituter::postvisit( const TypeInstType *inst ) {
    132         BoundVarsType::const_iterator bound = boundVars.find( inst->name );
     128        BoundVarsType::const_iterator bound = boundVars.find( *inst );
    133129        if ( bound != boundVars.end() ) return inst;
    135         TypeEnvType::const_iterator i = sub.typeEnv.find( inst->name );
     131        TypeEnvType::const_iterator i = sub.typeEnv.find( *inst );
    136132        if ( i == sub.typeEnv.end() ) {
    137133                return inst;
    141137                // TODO: investigate preventing type variables from being bound to themselves in the first place.
    142138                if ( const TypeInstType * replacement = i-><TypeInstType>() ) {
    143                         if ( inst->name == replacement->name ) {
     139                        if ( *inst == *replacement ) {
    144140                                return inst;
    145141                        }
    158 const Expr * TypeSubstitution::Substituter::postvisit( const NameExpr * nameExpr ) {
    159         VarEnvType::const_iterator i = sub.varEnv.find( nameExpr->name );
    160         if ( i == sub.varEnv.end() ) {
    161                 return nameExpr;
    162         } else {
    163                 subCount++;
    164                 return i->second;
    165         } // if
    166 }
    168154void TypeSubstitution::Substituter::previsit( const FunctionType * ptype ) {
    169155        GuardValue( boundVars );
    170156        // bind type variables from forall-qualifiers
    171157        if ( freeOnly ) {
    172                 for ( const TypeDecl * tyvar : ptype->forall ) {
    173                                 boundVars.insert( tyvar->name );
     158                for ( auto & tyvar : ptype->forall ) {
     159                                boundVars.insert( *tyvar );
    174160                } // for
    175161        } // if
    178165void TypeSubstitution::Substituter::handleAggregateType( const BaseInstType * type ) {
    179166        GuardValue( boundVars );
    184171                        if ( ! type->params.empty() ) {
    185172                                for ( const TypeDecl * tyvar : decl->params ) {
    186                                         boundVars.insert( tyvar->name );
     173                                        boundVars.insert( *tyvar );
    187174                                } // for
    188175                        } // if
    198185        handleAggregateType( aggregateUseType );
    201189} // namespace ast
  • src/AST/TypeSubstitution.hpp

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    6969        }
    71         void add( std::string formalType, const Type *actualType );
     71        void add( const TypeInstType * formalType, const Type *actualType );
     72        void add( const TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey & key, const Type *actualType );
    7273        void add( const TypeSubstitution &other );
    73         void remove( std::string formalType );
    74         const Type *lookup( std::string formalType ) const;
     74        void remove( const TypeInstType * formalType );
     75        const Type *lookup( const TypeInstType * formalType ) const;
    7576        bool empty() const;
    77         void addVar( std::string formalExpr, const Expr *actualExpr );
    7978        template< typename FormalIterator, typename ActualIterator >
    101100        friend class Pass;
    103         typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, ptr<Type> > TypeEnvType;
    104         typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, ptr<Expr> > VarEnvType;
     102        typedef std::unordered_map< TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey, ptr<Type> > TypeEnvType;
    105103        TypeEnvType typeEnv;
    106         VarEnvType varEnv;
    108105  public:
    113110        auto   end() const -> decltype( typeEnv.  end() ) { return typeEnv.  end(); }
    115         auto beginVar()       -> decltype( varEnv.begin() ) { return varEnv.begin(); }
    116         auto   endVar()       -> decltype( varEnv.  end() ) { return varEnv.  end(); }
    117         auto beginVar() const -> decltype( varEnv.begin() ) { return varEnv.begin(); }
    118         auto   endVar() const -> decltype( varEnv.  end() ) { return varEnv.  end(); }
     114// this is the only place where type parameters outside a function formal may be substituted.
    121115template< typename FormalIterator, typename ActualIterator >
    122116void TypeSubstitution::add( FormalIterator formalBegin, FormalIterator formalEnd, ActualIterator actualBegin ) {
    129123                        if ( const TypeExpr *actual = actualIt->template as<TypeExpr>() ) {
    130124                                if ( formal->name != "" ) {
    131                                         typeEnv[ formal->name ] = actual->type;
     125                                        typeEnv[ formal ] = actual->type;
    132126                                } // if
    133127                        } else {
    135129                        } // if
    136130                } else {
    137                         // TODO: type check the formal and actual parameters
    138                         if ( (*formalIt)->name != "" ) {
    139                                 varEnv[ (*formalIt)->name ] = *actualIt;
    140                         } // if
    141132                } // if
    142133        } // for
    145138template< typename FormalIterator, typename ActualIterator >
    147140        add( formalBegin, formalEnd, actualBegin );
    150144} // namespace ast
    165159                const Type * postvisit( const TypeInstType * aggregateUseType );
    166                 const Expr * postvisit( const NameExpr * nameExpr );
    168161                /// Records type variable bindings from forall-statements
    169162                void previsit( const FunctionType * type );
    170163                /// Records type variable bindings from forall-statements and instantiations of generic types
    171                 void handleAggregateType( const BaseInstType * type );
     164                // void handleAggregateType( const BaseInstType * type );
    173                 void previsit( const StructInstType * aggregateUseType );
    174                 void previsit( const UnionInstType * aggregateUseType );
     166                // void previsit( const StructInstType * aggregateUseType );
     167                // void previsit( const UnionInstType * aggregateUseType );
    176169                const TypeSubstitution & sub;
    177170                int subCount = 0;
    178171                bool freeOnly;
    179                 typedef std::unordered_set< std::string > BoundVarsType;
     172                typedef std::unordered_set< TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey > BoundVarsType;
    180173                BoundVarsType boundVars;
  • src/AST/

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    3333        AST/Expr.cpp \
    3434        AST/Expr.hpp \
    35         AST/ForallSubstitutionTable.cpp \
    36         AST/ForallSubstitutionTable.hpp \
    37         AST/ForallSubstitutor.hpp \
    3835        AST/FunctionSpec.hpp \
    3936        AST/Fwd.hpp \
  • src/GenPoly/

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    115115                if (!env) return type;
    116116                if (auto typeInst = dynamic_cast<const ast::TypeInstType*> (type)) {
    117                         auto newType = env->lookup(typeInst->name);
     117                        auto newType = env->lookup(typeInst);
    118118                        if (newType) return newType;
    119119                }
    173173                if ( auto typeInst = dynamic_cast< const ast::TypeInstType * >( type ) ) {
    174                         return tyVars.find(typeInst->name) != tyVars.end() ? type : nullptr;
     174                        return tyVars.find(typeInst->typeString()) != tyVars.end() ? type : nullptr;
    175175                } else if ( auto arrayType = dynamic_cast< const ast::ArrayType * >( type ) ) {
    176176                        return isPolyType( arrayType->base, env );
    552552        }
    554         void addToTyVarMap( const ast::TypeDecl * tyVar, TyVarMap & tyVarMap) {
    555                 tyVarMap.insert(tyVar->name, convData(ast::TypeDecl::Data{tyVar}));
     554        void addToTyVarMap( const ast::TypeInstType * tyVar, TyVarMap & tyVarMap) {
     555                tyVarMap.insert(tyVar->typeString(), convData(ast::TypeDecl::Data{tyVar->base}));
    556556        }
  • src/InitTweak/

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    122122        };
     124        struct HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve final : public WithDeclsToAdd, public WithShortCircuiting, public WithGuards {
     125                /// hoist dimension from array types in object declaration so that it uses a single
     126                /// const variable of type size_t, so that side effecting array dimensions are only
     127                /// computed once.
     128                static void hoistArrayDimension( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit );
     130                void premutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl );
     131                DeclarationWithType * postmutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl );
     132                void premutate( FunctionDecl *functionDecl );
     133                // should not traverse into any of these declarations to find objects
     134                // that need to be constructed or destructed
     135                void premutate( AggregateDecl * ) { visit_children = false; }
     136                void premutate( NamedTypeDecl * ) { visit_children = false; }
     137                void premutate( FunctionType * ) { visit_children = false; }
     139                void hoist( Type * type );
     141                Type::StorageClasses storageClasses;
     142                bool inFunction = false;
     143        };
    124145        void genInit( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) {
    125                 HoistArrayDimension::hoistArrayDimension( translationUnit );
     146                if (!useNewAST) {
     147                        HoistArrayDimension::hoistArrayDimension( translationUnit );
     148                }
     149                else {
     150                        HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::hoistArrayDimension( translationUnit );
     151                }
    126152                fixReturnStatements( translationUnit );
    197223                        // need to resolve array dimensions in order to accurately determine if constexpr
    198                         if (!useNewAST) {
    199                                 ResolvExpr::findSingleExpression( arrayType->dimension, Validate::SizeType->clone(), indexer );
    200                                 // array is variable-length when the dimension is not constexpr
    201                                 arrayType->isVarLen = ! isConstExpr( arrayType->dimension );
    202                         }
     224                        ResolvExpr::findSingleExpression( arrayType->dimension, Validate::SizeType->clone(), indexer );
     225                        // array is variable-length when the dimension is not constexpr
     226                        arrayType->isVarLen = ! isConstExpr( arrayType->dimension );
    203227                        // don't need to hoist dimension if it's definitely pure - only need to if there's potential for side effects.
    204228                        // xxx - hoisting has no side effects anyways, so don't skip since we delay resolve
    219243        void HoistArrayDimension::premutate( FunctionDecl * ) {
     244                GuardValue( inFunction );
     245                inFunction = true;
     246        }
     248        // precompute array dimension expression, because constructor generation may duplicate it,
     249        // which would be incorrect if it is a side-effecting computation.
     250        void HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::hoistArrayDimension( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) {
     251                PassVisitor<HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve> hoister;
     252                mutateAll( translationUnit, hoister );
     253        }
     255        void HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::premutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl ) {
     256                GuardValue( storageClasses );
     257                storageClasses = objectDecl->get_storageClasses();
     258        }
     260        DeclarationWithType * HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::postmutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl ) {
     261                hoist( objectDecl->get_type() );
     262                return objectDecl;
     263        }
     265        void HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::hoist( Type * type ) {
     266                // if in function, generate const size_t var
     267                static UniqueName dimensionName( "_array_dim" );
     269                // C doesn't allow variable sized arrays at global scope or for static variables, so don't hoist dimension.
     270                if ( ! inFunction ) return;
     271                if ( storageClasses.is_static ) return;
     273                if ( ArrayType * arrayType = dynamic_cast< ArrayType * >( type ) ) {
     274                        if ( ! arrayType->get_dimension() ) return; // xxx - recursive call to hoist?
     275                        // don't need to hoist dimension if it's definitely pure - only need to if there's potential for side effects.
     276                        // xxx - hoisting has no side effects anyways, so don't skip since we delay resolve
     277                        // still try to detect constant expressions
     278                        if ( ! Tuples::maybeImpure( arrayType->dimension ) ) return;
     280                        ObjectDecl * arrayDimension = new ObjectDecl( dimensionName.newName(), storageClasses, LinkageSpec::C, 0, Validate::SizeType->clone(), new SingleInit( arrayType->get_dimension() ) );
     281                        arrayDimension->get_type()->set_const( true );
     283                        arrayType->set_dimension( new VariableExpr( arrayDimension ) );
     284                        declsToAddBefore.push_back( arrayDimension );
     286                        hoist( arrayType->get_base() );
     287                        return;
     288                }
     289        }
     291        void HoistArrayDimension_NoResolve::premutate( FunctionDecl * ) {
    220292                GuardValue( inFunction );
    221293                inFunction = true;
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    133133                const ast::Type * postvisit( const ast::TypeInstType * inst ) {
    134134                        // replace known function-type-variables with pointer-to-function
    135                         if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqvClass = tenv.lookup( inst->name ) ) {
     135                        if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqvClass = tenv.lookup( *inst ) ) {
    136136                                if ( eqvClass->data.kind == ast::TypeDecl::Ftype ) {
    137137                                        return new ast::PointerType{ inst };
  • src/ResolvExpr/CandidateFinder.cpp

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    212212                // mark type variable and specialization cost of forall clause
    213213                convCost.incVar( function->forall.size() );
    214                 for ( const ast::TypeDecl * td : function->forall ) {
    215                         convCost.decSpec( td->assertions.size() );
    216                 }
     214                convCost.decSpec( function->assertions.size() );
    218216                return convCost;
    223221                ast::AssertionSet & need
    224222        ) {
    225                 for ( const ast::TypeDecl * tyvar : type->forall ) {
    226                         unifiableVars[ tyvar->name ] = ast::TypeDecl::Data{ tyvar };
    227                         for ( const ast::DeclWithType * assn : tyvar->assertions ) {
    228                                 need[ assn ].isUsed = true;
    229                         }
     223                for ( auto & tyvar : type->forall ) {
     224                        unifiableVars[ *tyvar ] = ast::TypeDecl::Data{ tyvar->base };
     225                }
     226                for ( auto & assn : type->assertions ) {
     227                        need[ assn ].isUsed = true;
    230228                }
    231229        }
    907905                        // xxx - is it possible that handleTupleAssignment and main finder both produce candidates?
    908906                        // this means there exists ctor/assign functions with a tuple as first parameter.
    909                         funcFinder.find( untypedExpr->func, selfFinder.candidates.empty() ? ResolvMode::withAdjustment() : ResolvMode::withoutFailFast() );
     907                        ResolvMode mode = {
     908                                true, // adjust
     909                                !untypedExpr-><ast::NameExpr>(), // prune if not calling by name
     910                                selfFinder.candidates.empty() // failfast if other options are not found
     911                        };
     912                        funcFinder.find( untypedExpr->func, mode );
    910913                        // short-circuit if no candidates
    911914                        // if ( funcFinder.candidates.empty() ) return;
    953956                                                auto inst = dynamic_cast< const ast::TypeInstType * >( funcResult )
    954957                                        ) {
    955                                                 if ( const ast::EqvClass * clz = func->env.lookup( inst->name ) ) {
     958                                                if ( const ast::EqvClass * clz = func->env.lookup( *inst ) ) {
    956959                                                        if ( auto function = clz->< ast::FunctionType >() ) {
    957960                                                                CandidateRef newFunc{ new Candidate{ *func } };
    10771080                        assert( toType );
    10781081                        toType = resolveTypeof( toType, symtab );
    1079                         toType = SymTab::validateType( castExpr->location, toType, symtab );
     1082                        // toType = SymTab::validateType( castExpr->location, toType, symtab );
    10801083                        toType = adjustExprType( toType, tenv, symtab );
    11631166                                        if(auto insttype = dynamic_cast<const ast::TypeInstType*>(expr)) {
    1164                                                 auto td = cand->env.lookup(insttype->name);
     1167                                                auto td = cand->env.lookup(*insttype);
    11651168                                                if(!td) { continue; }
    11661169                                                expr = td->bound.get();
    15681571                                // calculate target type
    15691572                                const ast::Type * toType = resolveTypeof( initAlt.type, symtab );
    1570                                 toType = SymTab::validateType( initExpr->location, toType, symtab );
     1573                                // toType = SymTab::validateType( initExpr->location, toType, symtab );
    15711574                                toType = adjustExprType( toType, tenv, symtab );
    15721575                                // The call to find must occur inside this loop, otherwise polymorphic return
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    202202) {
    203203        if ( auto typeInst = dynamic_cast< const ast::TypeInstType * >( dst ) ) {
    204                 if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqvClass = env.lookup( typeInst->name ) ) {
     204                if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqvClass = env.lookup( *typeInst ) ) {
    205205                        // check cast cost against bound type, if present
    206206                        if ( eqvClass->bound ) {
  • src/ResolvExpr/

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    713713                        const ast::Type * base = oPtr->base;
    714714                        if ( auto var = dynamic_cast< const ast::TypeInstType * >( base ) ) {
    715                                 auto entry = open.find( var->name );
     715                                auto entry = open.find( *var );
    716716                                if ( entry != open.end() ) {
    717717                                        ast::AssertionSet need, have;
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    498498) {
    499499        if ( const ast::TypeInstType * inst = dynamic_cast< const ast::TypeInstType * >( dst ) ) {
    500                 if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqv = env.lookup( inst->name ) ) {
     500                if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqv = env.lookup( *inst ) ) {
    501501                        if ( eqv->bound ) {
    502502                                return conversionCost(src, eqv->bound, srcIsLvalue, symtab, env );
    676676void ConversionCost_new::postvisit( const ast::TypeInstType * typeInstType ) {
    677         if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqv = env.lookup( typeInstType->name ) ) {
     677        if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqv = env.lookup( *typeInstType ) ) {
    678678                cost = costCalc( eqv->bound, dst, srcIsLvalue, symtab, env );
    679679        } else if ( const ast::TypeInstType * dstAsInst =
    680680                        dynamic_cast< const ast::TypeInstType * >( dst ) ) {
    681                 if ( typeInstType->name == dstAsInst->name ) {
     681                if ( *typeInstType == *dstAsInst ) {
    682682                        cost = Cost::zero;
    683683                }
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    112112                                // mark open/closed variables
    113113                                if ( nextIsOpen ) {
    114                                         for ( const ast::TypeDecl * decl : type->forall ) {
    115                                                 open[ decl->name ] = ast::TypeDecl::Data{ decl };
    116                                                 for ( const ast::DeclWithType * assert : decl->assertions ) {
    117                                                         need[ assert ].isUsed = false;
    118                                                 }
     114                                        for ( auto & decl : type->forall ) {
     115                                                open[ *decl ] = ast::TypeDecl::Data{ decl->base };
     116                                        }
     117                                        for ( auto & assert : type->assertions ) {
     118                                                need[ assert ].isUsed = false;
    119119                                        }
    120120                                } else {
    121                                         for ( const ast::TypeDecl * decl : type->forall ) {
    122                                                 closed[ decl->name ] = ast::TypeDecl::Data{ decl };
    123                                                 for ( const ast::DeclWithType * assert : decl->assertions ) {
    124                                                         have[ assert ].isUsed = false;
    125                                                 }
     121                                        for ( auto & decl : type->forall ) {
     122                                                closed[ *decl ] = ast::TypeDecl::Data{ decl->base };   
     123                                        }
     124                                        for ( auto & assert : type->assertions ) {
     125                                                have[ assert ].isUsed = false;
    126126                                        }
    127127                                }
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    6969        void previsit( const ast::TypeInstType * type ) {
    70                 if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqv = env_.lookup( type->name ) ) /* && */ if ( eqv->bound ) {
     70                if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqv = env_.lookup( *type ) ) /* && */ if ( eqv->bound ) {
    7171                        if ( const ast::TypeInstType * otherType = eqv->< ast::TypeInstType >() ) {
    7272                                if ( symtab.lookupType( otherType->name ) ) {
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    134134        }
    135135        void postvisit( const ast::TypeInstType * inst ) {
    136                 if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqv = typeEnv.lookup( inst->name ) ) {
     136                if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqv = typeEnv.lookup( *inst ) ) {
    137137                        if ( eqv->bound ) {
    138138                                // T * = S * for any S depends on the type bound to T
    146146                const ast::TypeEnvironment & env ) {
    147147        if ( const ast::TypeInstType * dstAsInst = dynamic_cast< const ast::TypeInstType * >( dst ) ) {
    148                 if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqv = env.lookup( dstAsInst->name ) ) {
     148                if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqv = env.lookup( *dstAsInst ) ) {
    149149                        return ptrsAssignable( src, eqv->bound, env );
    150150                }
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    180180                                        }
    181181                                }
    182                         } else if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqvClass = env.lookup( inst->name ) ) {
     182                        } else if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqvClass = env.lookup( *inst ) ) {
    183183                                if ( eqvClass->data.kind == ast::TypeDecl::Ftype ) {
    184184                                        return -1;
    283283) {
    284284        if ( auto inst = dynamic_cast< const ast::TypeInstType * >( dst ) ) {
    285                 if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqvClass = env.lookup( inst->name ) ) {
     285                if ( const ast::EqvClass * eqvClass = env.lookup( *inst ) ) {
    286286                        return ptrsAssignable( src, eqvClass->bound, env );
    287287                }
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    1919#include <utility>                 // for pair
    21 #include "AST/ForallSubstitutionTable.hpp"
    2221#include "AST/Pass.hpp"
    2322#include "AST/Type.hpp"
    3938                int level = 0;
    4039                int resetCount = 0;
     41                int next_expr_id = 1;
     42                int next_usage_id = 1;
    4143                ScopedMap< std::string, std::string > nameMap;
     44                ScopedMap< std::string, ast::TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey > idMap;
    4245        public:
    43                 ast::ForallSubstitutionTable subs;
    4546                void reset() {
    4647                        level = 0;
    5354                                type->name = it->second;
    5455                        }
     56                }
     58                void nextUsage() {
     59                        ++next_usage_id;
    5560                }
    7984                const ast::TypeInstType * rename( const ast::TypeInstType * type ) {
    80                         // re-linking of base type handled by WithForallSubstitutor
    8285                        // rename
    83                         auto it = nameMap.find( type->name );
    84                         if ( it != nameMap.end() ) {
    85                                 // unconditionally mutate because map will *always* have different name,
    86                                 // if this mutates, will *always* have been mutated by ForallSubstitutor above
    87                                 ast::TypeInstType * mut = ast::mutate( type );
    88                                 mut->name = it->second;
     86                        auto it = idMap.find( type->name );
     87                        if ( it != idMap.end() ) {
     88                                // unconditionally mutate because map will *always* have different name
     89                                ast::TypeInstType * mut = ast::shallowCopy( type );
     90                                // reconcile base node since some copies might have been made
     91                                mut->base = it->second.base;
     92                                mut->formal_usage = it->second.formal_usage;
     93                                mut->expr_id = it->second.expr_id;
    8994                    type = mut;
    9095                        }
    9398                }
    95                 const ast::FunctionType * openLevel( const ast::FunctionType * type ) {
     100                const ast::FunctionType * openLevel( const ast::FunctionType * type, RenameMode mode ) {
    96101                        if ( type->forall.empty() ) return type;
    98                         nameMap.beginScope();
     102                        idMap.beginScope();
    100104                        // Load new names from this forall clause and perform renaming.
    101                         auto mutType = ast::mutate( type );
    102                         assert( type == mutType && "mutated type must be unique from ForallSubstitutor" );
    103                         for ( ast::ptr< ast::TypeDecl > & td : mutType->forall ) {
    104                                 assertf(dynamic_cast<ast::FunctionType *>(mutType), "renaming vars in non-function type");
    105                                 std::ostringstream output;
    106                                 output << "_" << resetCount << "_" << level << "_" << td->name;
    107                                 std::string newname =  output.str();
    108                                 nameMap[ td->name ] = newname;
    109                                 ++level;
    111                                 ast::TypeDecl * mutDecl = ast::mutate( td.get() );
    112                                 assert( td == mutDecl && "mutated decl must be unique from ForallSubstitutor" );
    113                                 mutDecl->name = newname;
    114                                 // assertion above means `td = mutDecl;` is unnecessary
    115                         }
    116                         // assertion above means `type = mutType;` is unnecessary
    118                         return type;
     105                        auto mutType = ast::shallowCopy( type );
     106                        // assert( type == mutType && "mutated type must be unique from ForallSubstitutor" );
     107                        for ( auto & td : mutType->forall ) {
     108                                auto mut = ast::shallowCopy( td.get() );
     109                                // assert( td == mutDecl && "mutated decl must be unique from ForallSubstitutor" );
     111                                if (mode == GEN_EXPR_ID) {
     112                                        mut->expr_id = next_expr_id;
     113                                        mut->formal_usage = -1;
     114                                        ++next_expr_id;
     115                                }
     116                                else if (mode == GEN_USAGE) {
     117                                        assertf(mut->expr_id, "unfilled expression id in generating candidate type");
     118                                        mut->formal_usage = next_usage_id;
     119                                }
     120                                else {
     121                                        assert(false);
     122                                }
     123                                idMap[ td->name ] = ast::TypeInstType::TypeEnvKey(*mut);
     125                                td = mut;
     126                        }
     128                        return mutType;
    119129                }
    121131                void closeLevel( const ast::FunctionType * type ) {
    122132                        if ( type->forall.empty() ) return;
    124                         nameMap.endScope();
     133                        idMap.endScope();
    125134                }
    126135        };
    142151        };
    144         struct RenameVars_new /*: public ast::WithForallSubstitutor*/ {
    145                 #warning when old RenameVars goes away, replace hack below with global pass inheriting from WithForallSubstitutor
    146                 ast::ForallSubstitutionTable & subs = renaming.subs;
     153        struct RenameVars_new : public ast::PureVisitor /*: public ast::WithForallSubstitutor*/ {
     154                RenameMode mode;
    148156                const ast::FunctionType * previsit( const ast::FunctionType * type ) {
    149                         return renaming.openLevel( type );
     157                        return renaming.openLevel( type, mode );
    150158                }
    164172                const ast::TypeInstType * previsit( const ast::TypeInstType * type ) {
     173                        if (mode == GEN_USAGE && !type->formal_usage) return type; // do not rename an actual type
    165174                        return renaming.rename( type );
    166175                }
    179 const ast::Type * renameTyVars( const ast::Type * t ) {
    180         ast::Type *tc = ast::deepCopy(t);
     188const ast::Type * renameTyVars( const ast::Type * t, RenameMode mode, bool reset ) {
     189        // ast::Type *tc = ast::deepCopy(t);
    181190        ast::Pass<RenameVars_new> renamer;
    182 //      return t->accept( renamer );
    183         return tc->accept( renamer );
     191        renamer.core.mode = mode;
     192        if (mode == GEN_USAGE && reset) {
     193                renaming.nextUsage();
     194        }
     195        return t->accept( renamer );
    186198void resetTyVarRenaming() {
    187199        renaming.reset();
     200        renaming.nextUsage();
  • src/ResolvExpr/RenameVars.h

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    3030        /// Provides a consistent renaming of forall type names in a hierarchy by prefixing them with a unique "level" ID
    3131        void renameTyVars( Type * );
    32         const ast::Type * renameTyVars( const ast::Type * );
     33        enum RenameMode {
     34                GEN_USAGE, // for type in VariableExpr
     35                GEN_EXPR_ID // for type in decl
     36        };
     37        const ast::Type * renameTyVars( const ast::Type *, RenameMode mode = GEN_USAGE, bool reset = true );
    3440        /// resets internal state of renamer to avoid overflow
    3541        void resetTyVarRenaming();
    3644} // namespace ResolvExpr
  • src/ResolvExpr/ResolvMode.h

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    2323                const bool failFast;         ///< Fail on no resulting alternatives? [true]
    25         private:
    2625                constexpr ResolvMode(bool a, bool p, bool ff)
    2726                : adjust(a), prune(p), failFast(ff) {}
    29         public:
    3028                /// Default settings
    3129                constexpr ResolvMode() : adjust(false), prune(true), failFast(true) {}
  • src/ResolvExpr/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    398398        /// Limit to depth of recursion of assertion satisfaction
    399         static const int recursionLimit = 4;
     399        static const int recursionLimit = 7;
    400400        /// Maximum number of simultaneously-deferred assertions to attempt concurrent satisfaction of
    401401        static const int deferLimit = 10;
  • src/ResolvExpr/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    1616#include "ResolveTypeof.h"
     17#include "RenameVars.h"
    1819#include <cassert>               // for assert
    218219                        mutDecl->mangleName = Mangle::mangle(mutDecl); // do not mangle unnamed variables
     221                mutDecl->type = renameTyVars(mutDecl->type, RenameMode::GEN_EXPR_ID);
    220222                mutDecl->isTypeFixed = true;
    221223                return mutDecl;
  • src/ResolvExpr/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    986986                };
    987987        } // anonymous namespace
    989988        /// Check if this expression is or includes a deleted expression
    990989        const ast::DeletedExpr * findDeletedExpr( const ast::Expr * expr ) {
    11521151                        const ast::Expr * untyped, const ast::SymbolTable & symtab
    11531152                ) {
    1154                         resetTyVarRenaming();
    11551153                        ast::TypeEnvironment env;
    11561154                        ast::ptr< ast::Expr > newExpr = resolveInVoidContext( untyped, symtab, env );
    13121310        }
    1314         ast::ptr< ast::Expr > resolveStmtExpr(
     1312        const ast::Expr * resolveStmtExpr(
    13151313                const ast::StmtExpr * stmtExpr, const ast::SymbolTable & symtab
    13161314        ) {
    13171315                assert( stmtExpr );
    13181316                ast::Pass< Resolver_new > resolver{ symtab };
    1319                 ast::ptr< ast::Expr > ret = stmtExpr;
    1320                 ret = ret->accept( resolver );
    1321                 strict_dynamic_cast< ast::StmtExpr * >( ret.get_and_mutate() )->computeResult();
     1317                auto ret = mutate(stmtExpr->accept(resolver));
     1318                strict_dynamic_cast< ast::StmtExpr * >( ret )->computeResult();
    13221319                return ret;
    13231320        }
    13751372                        }
    1377                         // handle assertions. (seems deep)
     1374                        // handle assertions
    13791376                        symtab.enterScope();
    1380                         for (auto & typeParam : mutType->forall) {
    1381                                 auto mutParam = typeParam.get_and_mutate();
    1382                                 symtab.addType(mutParam);
    1383                                 for (auto & asst : mutParam->assertions) {
    1384                                         asst = fixObjectType(asst.strict_as<ast::ObjectDecl>(), symtab);
    1385                                         symtab.addId(asst);
    1386                                 }
    1387                                 typeParam = mutParam;
     1377                        mutType->forall.clear();
     1378                        mutType->assertions.clear();
     1379                        for (auto & typeParam : mutDecl->type_params) {
     1380                                symtab.addType(typeParam);
     1381                                mutType->forall.emplace_back(new ast::TypeInstType(typeParam->name, typeParam));
     1382                        }
     1383                        for (auto & asst : mutDecl->assertions) {
     1384                                asst = fixObjectType(asst.strict_as<ast::ObjectDecl>(), symtab);
     1385                                symtab.addId(asst);
     1386                                mutType->assertions.emplace_back(new ast::VariableExpr(functionDecl->location, asst));
    13881387                        }
    14071406                        mutType->returns = std::move(returnTypes);
     1408                        auto renamedType = strict_dynamic_cast<const ast::FunctionType *>(renameTyVars(mutType, RenameMode::GEN_EXPR_ID));
    14091410                        std::list<ast::ptr<ast::Stmt>> newStmts;
    14101411                        resolveWithExprs (mutDecl->withExprs, newStmts);
    14181419                        symtab.leaveScope();
     1421                        mutDecl->type = renamedType;
    14201422                        mutDecl->mangleName = Mangle::mangle(mutDecl);
    14211423                        mutDecl->isTypeFixed = true;
    15341536        const PtrType * handlePtrType( const PtrType * type, const ast::SymbolTable & symtab ) {
    15351537                if ( type->dimension ) {
    1536                         #warning should use new equivalent to Validate::SizeType rather than sizeType here
    1537                         ast::ptr< ast::Type > sizeType = new ast::BasicType{ ast::BasicType::LongUnsignedInt };
     1538                        ast::ptr< ast::Type > sizeType = ast::sizeType;
    15381539                        ast::mutate_field(
    15391540                                type, &PtrType::dimension,
  • src/ResolvExpr/Resolver.h

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    7272        ast::ptr< ast::Init > resolveCtorInit(
    7373                const ast::ConstructorInit * ctorInit, const ast::SymbolTable & symtab );
    74         /// Resolves a statement expression
    75         ast::ptr< ast::Expr > resolveStmtExpr(
     74        /// Resolves a statement expression 
     75        const ast::Expr * resolveStmtExpr(
    7676                const ast::StmtExpr * stmtExpr, const ast::SymbolTable & symtab );
    7777} // namespace ResolvExpr
  • src/ResolvExpr/SatisfyAssertions.cpp

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    5757                ast::UniqueId resnSlot;          ///< Slot for any recursive assertion IDs
    59                 AssnCandidate( 
    60                         const ast::SymbolTable::IdData c, const ast::Type * at, ast::TypeEnvironment && e, 
     59                AssnCandidate(
     60                        const ast::SymbolTable::IdData c, const ast::Type * at, ast::TypeEnvironment && e,
    6161                        ast::AssertionSet && h, ast::AssertionSet && n, ast::OpenVarSet && o, ast::UniqueId rs )
    62                 : cdata( c ), adjType( at ), env( std::move( e ) ), have( std::move( h ) ), 
     62                : cdata( c ), adjType( at ), env( std::move( e ) ), have( std::move( h ) ),
    6363                  need( std::move( n ) ), open( std::move( o ) ), resnSlot( rs ) {}
    6464        };
    6969        /// Reference to a single deferred item
    7070        struct DeferRef {
    71                 const ast::DeclWithType * decl;
     71                const ast::VariableExpr * expr;
    7272                const ast::AssertionSetValue & info;
    7373                const AssnCandidate & match;
    7474        };
    76         /// Wrapper for the deferred items from a single assertion satisfaction. 
     76        /// Wrapper for the deferred items from a single assertion satisfaction.
    7777        /// Acts like an indexed list of DeferRef
    7878        struct DeferItem {
    79                 const ast::DeclWithType * decl;
     79                const ast::VariableExpr * expr;
    8080                const ast::AssertionSetValue & info;
    8181                AssnCandidateList matches;
    83                 DeferItem( 
    84                         const ast::DeclWithType * d, const ast::AssertionSetValue & i, AssnCandidateList && ms )
    85                 : decl( d ), info( i ), matches( std::move( ms ) ) {}
     83                DeferItem(
     84                        const ast::VariableExpr * d, const ast::AssertionSetValue & i, AssnCandidateList && ms )
     85                : expr( d ), info( i ), matches( std::move( ms ) ) {}
    8787                bool empty() const { return matches.empty(); }
    8989                AssnCandidateList::size_type size() const { return matches.size(); }
    91                 DeferRef operator[] ( unsigned i ) const { return { decl, info, matches[i] }; }
     91                DeferRef operator[] ( unsigned i ) const { return { expr, info, matches[i] }; }
    9292        };
    117117                /// Initial satisfaction state for a candidate
    118118                SatState( CandidateRef & c, const ast::SymbolTable & syms )
    119                 : cand( c ), need(), newNeed(), deferred(), inferred(), costs{ Cost::zero }, 
     119                : cand( c ), need(), newNeed(), deferred(), inferred(), costs{ Cost::zero },
    120120                  symtab( syms ) { need.swap( c->need ); }
    122122                /// Update satisfaction state for next step after previous state
    123123                SatState( SatState && o, IterateFlag )
    124                 : cand( std::move( o.cand ) ), need( o.newNeed.begin(), o.newNeed.end() ), newNeed(), 
    125                   deferred(), inferred( std::move( o.inferred ) ), costs( std::move( o.costs ) ), 
     124                : cand( std::move( o.cand ) ), need( o.newNeed.begin(), o.newNeed.end() ), newNeed(),
     125                  deferred(), inferred( std::move( o.inferred ) ), costs( std::move( o.costs ) ),
    126126                  symtab( o.symtab ) { costs.emplace_back( Cost::zero ); }
    128128                /// Field-wise next step constructor
    129129                SatState(
    130                         CandidateRef && c, ast::AssertionSet && nn, InferCache && i, CostVec && cs, 
     130                        CandidateRef && c, ast::AssertionSet && nn, InferCache && i, CostVec && cs,
    131131                        ast::SymbolTable && syms )
    132                 : cand( std::move( c ) ), need( nn.begin(), nn.end() ), newNeed(), deferred(), 
     132                : cand( std::move( c ) ), need( nn.begin(), nn.end() ), newNeed(), deferred(),
    133133                  inferred( std::move( i ) ), costs( std::move( cs ) ), symtab( std::move( syms ) )
    134134                  { costs.emplace_back( Cost::zero ); }
    138138        void addToSymbolTable( const ast::AssertionSet & have, ast::SymbolTable & symtab ) {
    139139                for ( auto & i : have ) {
    140                         if ( i.second.isUsed ) { symtab.addId( i.first ); }
     140                        if ( i.second.isUsed ) { symtab.addId( i.first->var ); }
    141141                }
    142142        }
    144144        /// Binds a single assertion, updating satisfaction state
    145         void bindAssertion( 
    146                 const ast::DeclWithType * decl, const ast::AssertionSetValue & info, CandidateRef & cand,
     145        void bindAssertion(
     146                const ast::VariableExpr * expr, const ast::AssertionSetValue & info, CandidateRef & cand,
    147147                AssnCandidate & match, InferCache & inferred
    148148        ) {
    149149                const ast::DeclWithType * candidate =;
    150                 assertf( candidate->uniqueId, 
     150                assertf( candidate->uniqueId,
    151151                        "Assertion candidate does not have a unique ID: %s", toString( candidate ).c_str() );
    153153                ast::Expr * varExpr = match.cdata.combine( cand->expr->location, cand->cvtCost );
    154154                varExpr->result = match.adjType;
    157157                // place newly-inferred assertion in proper location in cache
    158                 inferred[ info.resnSlot ][ decl->uniqueId ] = ast::ParamEntry{
    159                         candidate->uniqueId, candidate, match.adjType, decl->get_type(), varExpr };
     158                inferred[ info.resnSlot ][ expr->var->uniqueId ] = ast::ParamEntry{
     159                        candidate->uniqueId, candidate, match.adjType, expr->result, varExpr };
    160160        }
    170170                std::vector<ast::SymbolTable::IdData> candidates;
    171                 auto kind = ast::SymbolTable::getSpecialFunctionKind(assn.first->name);
     171                auto kind = ast::SymbolTable::getSpecialFunctionKind(assn.first->var->name);
    172172                if (kind != ast::SymbolTable::SpecialFunctionKind::NUMBER_OF_KINDS) {
    173173                        // prefilter special decls by argument type, if already known
    174                         ast::ptr<ast::Type> thisArgType = strict_dynamic_cast<const ast::PointerType *>(assn.first->get_type())->base
     174                        ast::ptr<ast::Type> thisArgType = assn.first->result.strict_as<ast::PointerType>()->base
    175175                                .strict_as<ast::FunctionType>()->params[0]
    176176                                .strict_as<ast::ReferenceType>()->base;
    184184                }
    185185                else {
    186                         candidates = sat.symtab.lookupId(assn.first->name);
     186                        candidates = sat.symtab.lookupId(assn.first->var->name);
    187187                }
    188188                for ( const ast::SymbolTable::IdData & cdata : candidates ) {
    200200                        ast::TypeEnvironment newEnv{ sat.cand->env };
    201201                        ast::OpenVarSet newOpen{ sat.cand->open };
    202                         ast::ptr< ast::Type > toType = assn.first->get_type();
    203                         ast::ptr< ast::Type > adjType = 
    204                                 renameTyVars( adjustExprType( candidate->get_type(), newEnv, sat.symtab ) );
     202                        ast::ptr< ast::Type > toType = assn.first->result;
     203                        ast::ptr< ast::Type > adjType =
     204                                renameTyVars( adjustExprType( candidate->get_type(), newEnv, sat.symtab ), GEN_USAGE, false );
    206206                        // only keep candidates which unify
    213213                                }
    215                                 matches.emplace_back( 
     215                                matches.emplace_back(
    216216                                        cdata, adjType, std::move( newEnv ), std::move( have ), std::move( newNeed ),
    217217                                        std::move( newOpen ), crntResnSlot );
    287287        };
    289         /// Replace ResnSlots with InferParams and add alternative to output list, if it meets pruning 
     289        /// Replace ResnSlots with InferParams and add alternative to output list, if it meets pruning
    290290        /// threshold.
    291         void finalizeAssertions( 
    292                 CandidateRef & cand, InferCache & inferred, PruneMap & thresholds, CostVec && costs, 
    293                 CandidateList & out 
     291        void finalizeAssertions(
     292                CandidateRef & cand, InferCache & inferred, PruneMap & thresholds, CostVec && costs,
     293                CandidateList & out
    294294        ) {
    295295                // prune if cheaper alternative for same key has already been generated
    308308        }
    310         /// Combo iterator that combines candidates into an output list, merging their environments. 
    311         /// Rejects an appended candidate if environments cannot be merged. See `Common/FilterCombos.h` 
     310        /// Combo iterator that combines candidates into an output list, merging their environments.
     311        /// Rejects an appended candidate if environments cannot be merged. See `Common/FilterCombos.h`
    312312        /// for description of "combo iterator".
    313313        class CandidateEnvMerger {
    337337                                        // compute conversion cost from satisfying decl to assertion
    338338                                        cost += computeConversionCost(
    339                                                 assn.match.adjType, assn.decl->get_type(), false, symtab, env );
     339                                                assn.match.adjType, assn.expr->result, false, symtab, env );
    341341                                        // mark vars+specialization on function-type assertions
    350350                                        cost.incVar( func->forall.size() );
    352                                         for ( const ast::TypeDecl * td : func->forall ) {
    353                                                 cost.decSpec( td->assertions.size() );
    354                                         }
     352                                        cost.decSpec( func->assertions.size() );
    355353                                }
    356354                        }
    388386        /// Limit to depth of recursion of assertion satisfaction
    389         static const int recursionLimit = 4;
     387        static const int recursionLimit = 8;
    390388        /// Maximum number of simultaneously-deferred assertions to attempt concurrent satisfaction of
    391389        static const int deferLimit = 10;
    392390} // anonymous namespace
    394 void satisfyAssertions( 
    395         CandidateRef & cand, const ast::SymbolTable & symtab, CandidateList & out, 
     392void satisfyAssertions(
     393        CandidateRef & cand, const ast::SymbolTable & symtab, CandidateList & out,
    396394        std::vector<std::string> & errors
    397395) {
    419417                        if ( it != thresholds.end() && it->second < sat.costs ) goto nextSat;
    421                         // make initial pass at matching assertions
    422                         for ( auto & assn : sat.need ) {
    423                                 // fail early if any assertion is not satisfiable
    424                                 if ( ! satisfyAssertion( assn, sat ) ) {
     419                        // should a limit be imposed? worst case here is O(n^2) but very unlikely to happen.
     420                        for (unsigned resetCount = 0; ; ++resetCount) {
     421                                ast::AssertionList next;
     422                                resetTyVarRenaming();
     423                                // make initial pass at matching assertions
     424                                for ( auto & assn : sat.need ) {
     425                                        // fail early if any assertion is not satisfiable
     426                                        if ( ! satisfyAssertion( assn, sat ) ) {
     427                                                next.emplace_back(assn);
     428                                                // goto nextSat;
     429                                        }
     430                                }
     431                                // success
     432                                if (next.empty()) break;
     433                                // fail if nothing resolves
     434                                else if (next.size() == sat.need.size()) {
    425435                                        Indenter tabs{ 3 };
    426436                                        std::ostringstream ss;
    428438                                        print( ss, *sat.cand, ++tabs );
    429439                                        ss << (tabs-1) << "Could not satisfy assertion:\n";
    430                                         ast::print( ss, assn.first, tabs );
     440                                        ast::print( ss, next[0].first, tabs );
    432442                                        errors.emplace_back( ss.str() );
    433443                                        goto nextSat;
    434444                                }
     445                                sat.need = std::move(next);
    435446                        }
    438449                                // either add successful match or push back next state
    439450                                if ( sat.newNeed.empty() ) {
    440                                         finalizeAssertions( 
     451                                        finalizeAssertions(
    441452                                                sat.cand, sat.inferred, thresholds, std::move( sat.costs ), out );
    442453                                } else {
    451462                                ss << (tabs-1) << "Too many non-unique satisfying assignments for assertions:\n";
    452463                                for ( const auto & d : sat.deferred ) {
    453                                         ast::print( ss, d.decl, tabs );
     464                                        ast::print( ss, d.expr, tabs );
    454465                                }
    460471                                std::vector< CandidateEnvMerger::OutType > compatible = filterCombos(
    461472                                        sat.deferred, CandidateEnvMerger{ sat.cand->env, sat.cand->open, sat.symtab } );
    463474                                // fail early if no mutually-compatible assertion satisfaction
    464475                                if ( compatible.empty() ) {
    469480                                        ss << (tabs-1) << "No mutually-compatible satisfaction for assertions:\n";
    470481                                        for ( const auto& d : sat.deferred ) {
    471                                                 ast::print( ss, d.decl, tabs );
     482                                                ast::print( ss, d.expr, tabs );
    472483                                        }
    483494                                        // set up next satisfaction state
    484495                                        CandidateRef nextCand = std::make_shared<Candidate>(
    485                                                 sat.cand->expr, std::move( compat.env ), std::move( ), 
     496                                                sat.cand->expr, std::move( compat.env ), std::move( ),
    486497                                                ast::AssertionSet{} /* need moved into satisfaction state */,
    487498                                                sat.cand->cost, sat.cand->cvtCost );
    489500                                        ast::AssertionSet nextNewNeed{ sat.newNeed };
    490501                                        InferCache nextInferred{ sat.inferred };
    492503                                        CostVec nextCosts{ sat.costs };
    493504                                        nextCosts.back() += compat.cost;
    495506                                        ast::SymbolTable nextSymtab{ sat.symtab };
    501512                                                nextNewNeed.insert( match.need.begin(), match.need.end() );
    503                                                 bindAssertion( r.decl,, nextCand, match, nextInferred );
     514                                                bindAssertion( r.expr,, nextCand, match, nextInferred );
    504515                                        }
    506517                                        // either add successful match or push back next state
    507518                                        if ( nextNewNeed.empty() ) {
    508                                                 finalizeAssertions( 
     519                                                finalizeAssertions(
    509520                                                        nextCand, nextInferred, thresholds, std::move( nextCosts ), out );
    510521                                        } else {
    511                                                 nextSats.emplace_back( 
    512                                                         std::move( nextCand ), std::move( nextNewNeed ), 
    513                                                         std::move( nextInferred ), std::move( nextCosts ), 
     522                                                nextSats.emplace_back(
     523                                                        std::move( nextCand ), std::move( nextNewNeed ),
     524                                                        std::move( nextInferred ), std::move( nextCosts ),
    514525                                                        std::move( nextSymtab ) );
    515526                                        }
    523534                nextSats.clear();
    524535        }
    526537        // exceeded recursion limit if reaches here
    527538        if ( out.empty() ) {
  • src/ResolvExpr/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    774774                        const ast::Type * postvisit( const ast::TypeInstType * typeInst ) {
    775                                 if ( const ast::EqvClass * clz = tenv.lookup( typeInst->name ) ) {
     775                                if ( const ast::EqvClass * clz = tenv.lookup( *typeInst ) ) {
    776776                                        // expand ttype parameter into its actual type
    777777                                        if ( clz->data.kind == ast::TypeDecl::Ttype && clz->bound ) {
    811811                /// Creates a tuple type based on a list of DeclWithType
    812812                template< typename Iter >
    813                 static ast::ptr< ast::Type > tupleFromTypes( Iter crnt, Iter end ) {
     813                static const ast::Type * tupleFromTypes( Iter crnt, Iter end ) {
    814814                        std::vector< ast::ptr< ast::Type > > types;
    815815                        while ( crnt != end ) {
    821821                        }
    823                         return { new ast::TupleType{ std::move(types) } };
     823                        return new ast::TupleType{ std::move(types) };
    824824                }
    888888                }
    890                 static void markAssertionSet( ast::AssertionSet & assns, const ast::DeclWithType * assn ) {
     890                static void markAssertionSet( ast::AssertionSet & assns, const ast::VariableExpr * assn ) {
    891891                        auto i = assns.find( assn );
    892892                        if ( i != assns.end() ) {
    900900                        const ast::FunctionType * type
    901901                ) {
    902                         for ( const auto & tyvar : type->forall ) {
    903                                 for ( const ast::DeclWithType * assert : tyvar->assertions ) {
    904                                         markAssertionSet( assn1, assert );
    905                                         markAssertionSet( assn2, assert );
    906                                 }
     902                        for ( auto & assert : type->assertions ) {
     903                                markAssertionSet( assn1, assert );
     904                                markAssertionSet( assn2, assert );
    907905                        }
    908906                }
    10311029                void postvisit( const ast::TypeInstType * typeInst ) {
    1032                         assert( open.find( typeInst->name ) == open.end() );
     1030                        assert( open.find( *typeInst ) == open.end() );
    10331031                        handleRefType( typeInst, type2 );
    10341032                }
    10361034        private:
    10371035                /// Creates a tuple type based on a list of Type
    1038                 static ast::ptr< ast::Type > tupleFromTypes(
     1036                static const ast::Type * tupleFromTypes(
    10391037                        const std::vector< ast::ptr< ast::Type > > & tys
    10401038                ) {
    11711169                auto var2 = dynamic_cast< const ast::TypeInstType * >( type2 );
    11721170                ast::OpenVarSet::const_iterator
    1173                         entry1 = var1 ? open.find( var1->name ) : open.end(),
    1174                         entry2 = var2 ? open.find( var2->name ) : open.end();
     1171                        entry1 = var1 ? open.find( *var1 ) : open.end(),
     1172                        entry2 = var2 ? open.find( *var2 ) : open.end();
    11751173                bool isopen1 = entry1 != open.end();
    11761174                bool isopen2 = entry2 != open.end();
  • src/SymTab/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    671671                                        int dcount = 0, fcount = 0, vcount = 0, acount = 0;
    672672                                        mangleName += Encoding::forall;
    673                                         for ( const ast::TypeDecl * decl : ptype->forall ) {
     673                                        for ( auto & decl : ptype->forall ) {
    674674                                                switch ( decl->kind ) {
    675675                                                case ast::TypeDecl::Kind::Dtype:
    686686                                                } // switch
    687687                                                varNums[ decl->name ] = std::make_pair( nextVarNum, (int)decl->kind );
    688                                                 for ( const ast::DeclWithType * assert : decl->assertions ) {
    689                                                         ast::Pass<Mangler_new> sub_mangler(
    690                                                                 mangleOverridable, typeMode, mangleGenericParams, nextVarNum, varNums );
    691                                                         assert->accept( sub_mangler );
    692                                                         assertionNames.push_back( sub_mangler.core.get_mangleName() );
    693                                                         acount++;
    694                                                 } // for
     688                                        } // for
     689                                        for ( auto & assert : ptype->assertions ) {
     690                                                ast::Pass<Mangler_new> sub_mangler(
     691                                                        mangleOverridable, typeMode, mangleGenericParams, nextVarNum, varNums );
     692                                                assert->var->accept( sub_mangler );
     693                                                assertionNames.push_back( sub_mangler.core.get_mangleName() );
     694                                                acount++;
    695695                                        } // for
    696696                                        mangleName += std::to_string( dcount ) + "_" + std::to_string( fcount ) + "_" + std::to_string( vcount ) + "_" + std::to_string( acount ) + "_";
  • src/SymTab/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    271271        };
    273         struct ArrayLength : public WithIndexer {
     273        struct InitializerLength {
    274274                /// for array types without an explicit length, compute the length and store it so that it
    275275                /// is known to the rest of the phases. For example,
    283283                void previsit( ObjectDecl * objDecl );
     284        };
     286        struct ArrayLength : public WithIndexer {
     287                static void computeLength( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit );
    284289                void previsit( ArrayType * arrayType );
    285290        };
    382387                                        FixObjectType::fix, translationUnit);
    383388                        }
    384                         Stats::Time::TimeCall("Array Length",
    385                                 ArrayLength::computeLength, translationUnit);
     389                        Stats::Time::TimeCall("Initializer Length",
     390                                InitializerLength::computeLength, translationUnit);
     391                        if (!useNewAST) {
     392                                Stats::Time::TimeCall("Array Length",
     393                                        ArrayLength::computeLength, translationUnit);
     394                        }
    386395                        Stats::Time::TimeCall("Find Special Declarations",
    387396                                Validate::findSpecialDecls, translationUnit);
    13321341        }
     1343        void InitializerLength::computeLength( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) {
     1344                PassVisitor<InitializerLength> len;
     1345                acceptAll( translationUnit, len );
     1346        }
    13341348        void ArrayLength::computeLength( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) {
    13351349                PassVisitor<ArrayLength> len;
    13371351        }
    1339         void ArrayLength::previsit( ObjectDecl * objDecl ) {
     1353        void InitializerLength::previsit( ObjectDecl * objDecl ) {
    13401354                if ( ArrayType * at = dynamic_cast< ArrayType * >( objDecl->type ) ) {
    13411355                        if ( at->dimension ) return;
    13481362        void ArrayLength::previsit( ArrayType * type ) {
    1349                 if (!useNewAST) {
    1350                         if ( type->dimension ) {
    1351                                 // need to resolve array dimensions early so that constructor code can correctly determine
    1352                                 // if a type is a VLA (and hence whether its elements need to be constructed)
    1353                                 ResolvExpr::findSingleExpression( type->dimension, Validate::SizeType->clone(), indexer );
    1355                                 // must re-evaluate whether a type is a VLA, now that more information is available
    1356                                 // (e.g. the dimension may have been an enumerator, which was unknown prior to this step)
    1357                                 type->isVarLen = ! InitTweak::isConstExpr( type->dimension );
    1358                         }
     1363                if ( type->dimension ) {
     1364                        // need to resolve array dimensions early so that constructor code can correctly determine
     1365                        // if a type is a VLA (and hence whether its elements need to be constructed)
     1366                        ResolvExpr::findSingleExpression( type->dimension, Validate::SizeType->clone(), indexer );
     1368                        // must re-evaluate whether a type is a VLA, now that more information is available
     1369                        // (e.g. the dimension may have been an enumerator, which was unknown prior to this step)
     1370                        type->isVarLen = ! InitTweak::isConstExpr( type->dimension );
    13591371                }
    13601372        }
    14621474                }
    14631475        }
     1477        /*
    14651479        /// Associates forward declarations of aggregates with their definitions
    18441858                }
    18451859        };
     1860        */
    18461861} // anonymous namespace
    18481864const ast::Type * validateType(
    18491865                const CodeLocation & loc, const ast::Type * type, const ast::SymbolTable & symtab ) {
    18541870        return type->accept( lrt )->accept( fpd );
    18571874} // namespace SymTab
  • src/Tuples/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    505505                        std::vector< ast::ptr< ast::Expr > > match() override {
    506                                 // temporary workaround for new and old ast to coexist and avoid name collision
    507                                 static UniqueName lhsNamer( "__massassign_Ln" );
    508                                 static UniqueName rhsNamer( "__massassign_Rn" );
     506                                static UniqueName lhsNamer( "__massassign_L" );
     507                                static UniqueName rhsNamer( "__massassign_R" );
    509508                                // empty tuple case falls into this matcher
    510509                                assert( lhs.empty() ? rhs.empty() : rhs.size() <= 1 );
    536535                        std::vector< ast::ptr< ast::Expr > > match() override {
    537                                 // temporary workaround for new and old ast to coexist and avoid name collision
    538                                 static UniqueName lhsNamer( "__multassign_Ln" );
    539                                 static UniqueName rhsNamer( "__multassign_Rn" );
     536                                static UniqueName lhsNamer( "__multassign_L" );
     537                                static UniqueName rhsNamer( "__multassign_R" );
    541539                                if ( lhs.size() != rhs.size() ) return {};
  • tests/.expect/KRfunctions.nast.x86.txt

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    8686    __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f11PA0i_1)[];
    88 signed int (*_X3f12FPA0A0i_iPiPi__1(signed int _X1ai_1, signed int *_X1bPi_1, signed int *_X1cPi_1))[][((unsigned long int )10)]{
    89     __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f12PA0A0i_1)[][((unsigned long int )10)];
     88signed int (*_X3f12FPA0A0i_iPiPi__1(signed int _X1ai_1, signed int *_X1bPi_1, signed int *_X1cPi_1))[][((unsigned int )10)]{
     89    __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f12PA0A0i_1)[][((unsigned int )10)];
    91 signed int (*_X3f13FPA0A0i_iPiPi__1(signed int _X1ai_1, signed int *_X1bPi_1, signed int *_X1cPi_1))[][((unsigned long int )10)]{
    92     __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f13PA0A0i_1)[][((unsigned long int )10)];
     91signed int (*_X3f13FPA0A0i_iPiPi__1(signed int _X1ai_1, signed int *_X1bPi_1, signed int *_X1cPi_1))[][((unsigned int )10)]{
     92    __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f13PA0A0i_1)[][((unsigned int )10)];
    94 signed int (*_X3f14FPA0A0i_iPiPi__1(signed int _X1ai_1, signed int *_X1bPi_1, signed int *_X1cPi_1))[][((unsigned long int )10)]{
    95     __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f14PA0A0i_1)[][((unsigned long int )10)];
     94signed int (*_X3f14FPA0A0i_iPiPi__1(signed int _X1ai_1, signed int *_X1bPi_1, signed int *_X1cPi_1))[][((unsigned int )10)]{
     95    __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f14PA0A0i_1)[][((unsigned int )10)];
    9797signed int _X3f15Fi_iii__1(signed int _X1ai_1, signed int _X1bi_1, signed int _X1ci_1){
  • tests/.expect/attributes.nast.x86.txt

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    623623__attribute__ ((used,used,used,used)) const signed int *_X3vd3PKi_1;
    624624__attribute__ ((used,used,unused,used,unused)) const signed int *_X3vd4PKi_1;
    625 __attribute__ ((used,used,used)) const signed int _X3vd5A0Ki_1[((unsigned long int )5)];
    626 __attribute__ ((used,used,unused,used)) const signed int _X3vd6A0Ki_1[((unsigned long int )5)];
     625__attribute__ ((used,used,used)) const signed int _X3vd5A0Ki_1[((unsigned int )5)];
     626__attribute__ ((used,used,unused,used)) const signed int _X3vd6A0Ki_1[((unsigned int )5)];
    627627__attribute__ ((used,used,used,used)) const signed int (*_X3vd7Fi___1)();
    628628__attribute__ ((used,used,unused,used,used)) const signed int (*_X3vd8Fi___1)();
    647647    __attribute__ ((unused,unused,used)) signed int _X2t1i_2;
    648648    __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused,unused,unused)) signed int **_X2t2PPi_2;
    649     __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused)) signed int _X2t3A0i_2[((unsigned long int )5)];
    650     __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused,unused,unused)) signed int **_X2t4A0PPi_2[((unsigned long int )5)];
     649    __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused)) signed int _X2t3A0i_2[((unsigned int )5)];
     650    __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused,unused,unused)) signed int **_X2t4A0PPi_2[((unsigned int )5)];
    651651    __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused)) signed int _X2t5Fi___2();
    652652    __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused,unused)) signed int *_X2t6FPi___2();
    671671signed int _X4tpr2Fi_PPi__1(__attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused,unused,unused,unused)) signed int **_X3FooPPi_1);
    672672signed int _X4tpr3Fi_Pi__1(__attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused)) signed int *_X3FooPi_1);
    673 signed int _X4tpr4Fi_Fi_Pi___1(__attribute__ ((unused,unused)) signed int (*__anonymous_object1)(signed int __param_0[((unsigned long int )5)]));
     673signed int _X4tpr4Fi_Fi_Pi___1(__attribute__ ((unused,unused)) signed int (*__anonymous_object1)(signed int __param_0[((unsigned int )5)]));
    674674signed int _X4tpr5Fi_Fi____1(__attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused)) signed int (*_X3FooFi___1)());
    675675signed int _X4tpr6Fi_Fi____1(__attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused)) signed int (*_X3FooFi___1)());
    679679    __attribute__ ((used,unused)) signed int _X3ad1i_2;
    680680    __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused)) signed int *_X3ad2Pi_2;
    681     __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused)) signed int _X3ad3A0i_2[((unsigned long int )5)];
    682     __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused,unused,unused)) signed int (*_X3ad4PA0i_2)[((unsigned long int )10)];
     681    __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused)) signed int _X3ad3A0i_2[((unsigned int )5)];
     682    __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused,unused,unused)) signed int (*_X3ad4PA0i_2)[((unsigned int )10)];
    683683    __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused,unused,used)) signed int _X3ad5i_2;
    684684    __attribute__ ((unused,unused,unused,unused,unused)) signed int _X3ad6Fi___2();
  • tests/.expect/functions.nast.x86.txt

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    4646    __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f10PA0i_1)[];
    48 signed int (*_X3f11FPA0A0i___1())[][((unsigned long int )3)]{
    49     __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f11PA0A0i_1)[][((unsigned long int )3)];
    50 }
    51 signed int (*_X3f12FPA0A0i___1())[][((unsigned long int )3)]{
    52     __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f12PA0A0i_1)[][((unsigned long int )3)];
     48signed int (*_X3f11FPA0A0i___1())[][((unsigned int )3)]{
     49    __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f11PA0A0i_1)[][((unsigned int )3)];
     51signed int (*_X3f12FPA0A0i___1())[][((unsigned int )3)]{
     52    __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_X11_retval_f12PA0A0i_1)[][((unsigned int )3)];
    5454signed int _X4fII1Fi_i__1(signed int _X1ii_1){
    250250signed int _X1fFi_Fi_ii_Fi_i___1(__attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__anonymous_object20)(signed int __param_0, signed int __param_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__anonymous_object21)(signed int __param_0)){
    251251    __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int _X9_retval_fi_1;
    252     signed int (*(*_X2pcPA0A0PA0A0i_2)[][((unsigned long int )10)])[][((unsigned long int )3)];
    253     signed int (*(*_X1pPA0A0PA0A0i_2)[][((unsigned long int )10)])[][((unsigned long int )3)];
     252    signed int (*(*_X2pcPA0A0PA0A0i_2)[][((unsigned int )10)])[][((unsigned int )3)];
     253    signed int (*(*_X1pPA0A0PA0A0i_2)[][((unsigned int )10)])[][((unsigned int )3)];
    254254    signed int (*(*_X1pPA0Fi_i__2)[])(signed int __param_0);
  • tests/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    104104mostlyclean-local :
     105        find ${builddir} -not -path './__pycache__/*' -path '*.o' -delete
     106        find ${builddir} -not -path './__pycache__/*' -path '*/.err/*.log' -delete
     107        find ${builddir} -not -path './__pycache__/*' -path '*/.out/*.log' -delete
    105108        rm -f ${EXTRA_PROGRAMS}
    106109        rm -rf __pycache__
    107         find ${builddir} -path '*.o' -delete
    108         find ${builddir} -path '*/.err/*.log' -delete
    109         find ${builddir} -path '*/.out/*.log' -delete
    111111distclean-local :
  • tests/concurrent/futures/.expect/basic.txt

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
  • tests/concurrent/futures/

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    11#include <thread.hfa>
    23enum {NFUTURES = 10};
    8485int main() {
     86        printf( "start\n" );                            // non-empty .expect file
    8587        processor procs[2];
    8688        {
  • tests/errors/.expect/completeType.nast.x64.txt

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    1212      Application of
    1313        Variable Expression: *?: forall
    14           DT: data type
     14          instance of type DT (not function type)
    1515          function
    1616        ... with parameters
    2121        ... with resolved type:
    2222          pointer to forall
    23             [unbound]:data type
     23            instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    2424            function
    2525          ... with parameters
    4141    void
    4242  )
    43   Environment:([unbound]) -> instance of struct A without body (no widening)
     43  Environment:([unbound]DT) -> instance of struct A without body (no widening)
    4747      Application of
    4848        Variable Expression: *?: forall
    49           DT: data type
     49          instance of type DT (not function type)
    5050          function
    5151        ... with parameters
    5656        ... with resolved type:
    5757          pointer to forall
    58             [unbound]:data type
     58            instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    5959            function
    6060          ... with parameters
    7676    void
    7777  )
    78   Environment:([unbound]) -> instance of struct B with body (no widening)
     78  Environment:([unbound]DT) -> instance of struct B with body (no widening)
    113113Cost ( 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, -5, 0 ): Application of
    114114            Variable Expression: baz: forall
    115               T: sized data type
    116               ... with assertions
    117                 ?=?: pointer to function
     115              instance of type T (not function type)
     116              with assertions
     117              Variable Expression: ?=?: pointer to function
     118              ... with parameters
     119                reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     120                instance of type T (not function type)
     121              ... returning
     122                instance of type T (not function type)
     124              ... with resolved type:
     125                pointer to function
    118126                ... with parameters
    119127                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
    122130                  instance of type T (not function type)
    124                 ?{}: pointer to function
    125                 ... with parameters
    126                   reference to instance of type T (not function type)
    127                 ... returning nothing
    129                 ?{}: pointer to function
    130                 ... with parameters
    131                   reference to instance of type T (not function type)
    132                   instance of type T (not function type)
    133                 ... returning nothing
    135                 ^?{}: pointer to function
    136                 ... with parameters
    137                   reference to instance of type T (not function type)
    138                 ... returning nothing
     132              Variable Expression: ?{}: pointer to function
     133              ... with parameters
     134                reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     135              ... returning nothing
     137              ... with resolved type:
     138                pointer to function
     139                ... with parameters
     140                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     141                ... returning nothing
     143              Variable Expression: ?{}: pointer to function
     144              ... with parameters
     145                reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     146                instance of type T (not function type)
     147              ... returning nothing
     149              ... with resolved type:
     150                pointer to function
     151                ... with parameters
     152                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     153                  instance of type T (not function type)
     154                ... returning nothing
     156              Variable Expression: ^?{}: pointer to function
     157              ... with parameters
     158                reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     159              ... returning nothing
     161              ... with resolved type:
     162                pointer to function
     163                ... with parameters
     164                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     165                ... returning nothing
    141167              function
    146172            ... with resolved type:
    147173              pointer to forall
    148                 [unbound]:sized data type
    149                 ... with assertions
    150                   ?=?: pointer to function
     174                instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
     175                with assertions
     176                Variable Expression: ?=?: pointer to function
     177                ... with parameters
     178                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     179                  instance of type T (not function type)
     180                ... returning
     181                  instance of type T (not function type)
     183                ... with resolved type:
     184                  pointer to function
    151185                  ... with parameters
    152186                    reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    155189                    instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    157                   ?{}: pointer to function
     191                Variable Expression: ?{}: pointer to function
     192                ... with parameters
     193                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     194                ... returning nothing
     196                ... with resolved type:
     197                  pointer to function
    158198                  ... with parameters
    159199                    reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    160200                  ... returning nothing
    162                   ?{}: pointer to function
     202                Variable Expression: ?{}: pointer to function
     203                ... with parameters
     204                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     205                  instance of type T (not function type)
     206                ... returning nothing
     208                ... with resolved type:
     209                  pointer to function
    163210                  ... with parameters
    164211                    reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    166213                  ... returning nothing
    168                   ^?{}: pointer to function
     215                Variable Expression: ^?{}: pointer to function
     216                ... with parameters
     217                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     218                ... returning nothing
     220                ... with resolved type:
     221                  pointer to function
    169222                  ... with parameters
    170223                    reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    171224                  ... returning nothing
    174226                function
    188240          void
    189241        )
    190         Environment:([unbound]) -> instance of type T (not function type) (no widening)
     242        Environment:([unbound]T) -> instance of type T (not function type) (no widening)
    192244      Could not satisfy assertion:
    193 ?=?: pointer to function
     245Variable Expression: ?=?: pointer to function
    194246        ... with parameters
    195           reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    196           instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
     247          reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     248          instance of type T (not function type)
    197249        ... returning
    198           instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
     250          instance of type T (not function type)
     252        ... with resolved type:
     253          pointer to function
     254          ... with parameters
     255            reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
     256            instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
     257          ... returning
     258            instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
  • tests/errors/.expect/completeType.nast.x86.txt

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    1212      Application of
    1313        Variable Expression: *?: forall
    14           DT: data type
     14          instance of type DT (not function type)
    1515          function
    1616        ... with parameters
    2121        ... with resolved type:
    2222          pointer to forall
    23             [unbound]:data type
     23            instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    2424            function
    2525          ... with parameters
    4141    void
    4242  )
    43   Environment:([unbound]) -> instance of struct A without body (no widening)
     43  Environment:([unbound]DT) -> instance of struct A without body (no widening)
    4747      Application of
    4848        Variable Expression: *?: forall
    49           DT: data type
     49          instance of type DT (not function type)
    5050          function
    5151        ... with parameters
    5656        ... with resolved type:
    5757          pointer to forall
    58             [unbound]:data type
     58            instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    5959            function
    6060          ... with parameters
    7676    void
    7777  )
    78   Environment:([unbound]) -> instance of struct B with body (no widening)
     78  Environment:([unbound]DT) -> instance of struct B with body (no widening)
    113113Cost ( 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, -5, 0 ): Application of
    114114            Variable Expression: baz: forall
    115               T: sized data type
    116               ... with assertions
    117                 ?=?: pointer to function
     115              instance of type T (not function type)
     116              with assertions
     117              Variable Expression: ?=?: pointer to function
     118              ... with parameters
     119                reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     120                instance of type T (not function type)
     121              ... returning
     122                instance of type T (not function type)
     124              ... with resolved type:
     125                pointer to function
    118126                ... with parameters
    119127                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
    122130                  instance of type T (not function type)
    124                 ?{}: pointer to function
    125                 ... with parameters
    126                   reference to instance of type T (not function type)
    127                 ... returning nothing
    129                 ?{}: pointer to function
    130                 ... with parameters
    131                   reference to instance of type T (not function type)
    132                   instance of type T (not function type)
    133                 ... returning nothing
    135                 ^?{}: pointer to function
    136                 ... with parameters
    137                   reference to instance of type T (not function type)
    138                 ... returning nothing
     132              Variable Expression: ?{}: pointer to function
     133              ... with parameters
     134                reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     135              ... returning nothing
     137              ... with resolved type:
     138                pointer to function
     139                ... with parameters
     140                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     141                ... returning nothing
     143              Variable Expression: ?{}: pointer to function
     144              ... with parameters
     145                reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     146                instance of type T (not function type)
     147              ... returning nothing
     149              ... with resolved type:
     150                pointer to function
     151                ... with parameters
     152                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     153                  instance of type T (not function type)
     154                ... returning nothing
     156              Variable Expression: ^?{}: pointer to function
     157              ... with parameters
     158                reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     159              ... returning nothing
     161              ... with resolved type:
     162                pointer to function
     163                ... with parameters
     164                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     165                ... returning nothing
    141167              function
    146172            ... with resolved type:
    147173              pointer to forall
    148                 [unbound]:sized data type
    149                 ... with assertions
    150                   ?=?: pointer to function
     174                instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
     175                with assertions
     176                Variable Expression: ?=?: pointer to function
     177                ... with parameters
     178                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     179                  instance of type T (not function type)
     180                ... returning
     181                  instance of type T (not function type)
     183                ... with resolved type:
     184                  pointer to function
    151185                  ... with parameters
    152186                    reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    155189                    instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    157                   ?{}: pointer to function
     191                Variable Expression: ?{}: pointer to function
     192                ... with parameters
     193                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     194                ... returning nothing
     196                ... with resolved type:
     197                  pointer to function
    158198                  ... with parameters
    159199                    reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    160200                  ... returning nothing
    162                   ?{}: pointer to function
     202                Variable Expression: ?{}: pointer to function
     203                ... with parameters
     204                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     205                  instance of type T (not function type)
     206                ... returning nothing
     208                ... with resolved type:
     209                  pointer to function
    163210                  ... with parameters
    164211                    reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    166213                  ... returning nothing
    168                   ^?{}: pointer to function
     215                Variable Expression: ^?{}: pointer to function
     216                ... with parameters
     217                  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     218                ... returning nothing
     220                ... with resolved type:
     221                  pointer to function
    169222                  ... with parameters
    170223                    reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    171224                  ... returning nothing
    174226                function
    188240          void
    189241        )
    190         Environment:([unbound]) -> instance of type T (not function type) (no widening)
     242        Environment:([unbound]T) -> instance of type T (not function type) (no widening)
    192244      Could not satisfy assertion:
    193 ?=?: pointer to function
     245Variable Expression: ?=?: pointer to function
    194246        ... with parameters
    195           reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
    196           instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
     247          reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     248          instance of type T (not function type)
    197249        ... returning
    198           instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
     250          instance of type T (not function type)
     252        ... with resolved type:
     253          pointer to function
     254          ... with parameters
     255            reference to instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
     256            instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
     257          ... returning
     258            instance of type [unbound] (not function type)
  • tests/raii/.expect/ctor-autogen-ERR1.nast.txt

    r42f6e07 r2b4daf2  
    7070            ... with environment:
    7171              Types:
    72               Non-types:
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