Changeset 249d6e6 for src

Jun 4, 2018, 10:53:34 AM (7 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, demangler, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, new-env, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum, with_gc
1ddbf3b, b429026
863c413 (diff), 428bef8 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' of

24 edited


  • src/Parser/

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    1010// Created On       : Sat May 16 15:20:13 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Wed May 30 18:04:38 2018
    13 // Update Count     : 148
     12// Last Modified On : Fri Jun  1 16:54:18 2018
     13// Update Count     : 155
    5454void TypedefTable::makeTypedef( const string & name ) {
    5555        if ( ! typedefTable.exists( name ) ) {
    56                 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( name, TYPEDEFname /*, "MTD"*/ );
     56                typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( name, TYPEDEFname, "MTD" );
    5757        } // if
    5858} // TypedefTable::makeTypedef
    60 void TypedefTable::addToScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind /*, const char * locn*/ ) {
     60void TypedefTable::addToScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind, const char * locn __attribute__((unused)) ) {
    6161        auto scope = kindTable.currentScope();
    62         debugPrint( cerr << "Adding at " /* << locn */ << " " << identifier << " as kind " << kind << " scope " << scope << endl );
     62        debugPrint( cerr << "Adding at " << locn << " " << identifier << " as kind " << kind << " scope " << scope << endl );
    6363        auto ret = kindTable.insertAt( scope, identifier, kind );
    6464        if ( ! ret.second ) ret.first->second = kind;           // exists => update
    6565} // TypedefTable::addToScope
    67 void TypedefTable::addToEnclosingScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind /*, const char * locn*/ ) {
     67void TypedefTable::addToEnclosingScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind, const char * locn __attribute__((unused)) ) {
    6868        assert( kindTable.currentScope() >= 1 );
    6969        auto scope = kindTable.currentScope() - 1;
    70         debugPrint( cerr << "Adding2 at " /* << locn */ << " " << identifier << " as kind " << kind << " scope " << scope << endl );
     70        debugPrint( cerr << "Adding+1 at " << locn << " " << identifier << " as kind " << kind << " scope " << scope << endl );
    7171        auto ret = kindTable.insertAt( scope, identifier, kind );
    7272        if ( ! ret.second ) ret.first->second = kind;           // exists => update
  • src/Parser/TypedefTable.h

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    1010// Created On       : Sat May 16 15:24:36 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Wed May 30 17:02:49 2018
    13 // Update Count     : 82
     12// Last Modified On : Thu May 31 23:23:47 2018
     13// Update Count     : 83
    3232        void changeKind( const std::string & identifier, int kind );
    3333        void makeTypedef( const std::string & name );
    34         void addToScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind /*, const char **/ );
    35         void addToEnclosingScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind /*, const char */ );
     34        void addToScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind, const char * );
     35        void addToEnclosingScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind, const char * );
    3737        void enterScope();
  • src/Parser/parser.yy

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    1010// Created On       : Sat Sep  1 20:22:55 2001
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Thu May 31 15:11:40 2018
    13 // Update Count     : 3444
     12// Last Modified On : Fri Jun  1 17:59:57 2018
     13// Update Count     : 3476
    304304%type<en> enumerator_value_opt
    306 %type<decl> exception_declaration external_definition external_definition_list external_definition_list_opt
     306%type<decl> exception_declaration external_definition external_definition_list external_definition_list_no_pop_push external_definition_list_opt
    308308%type<decl> field_declaration field_declaration_list_opt field_declarator_opt field_declaring_list
    644644                // semantics checks, e.g., ++3, 3--, *3, &&3
    645645        | constant
    646                 { $$ = $1; }
    647646        | string_literal
    648647                { $$ = new ExpressionNode( $1 ); }
    988987                { $$ = new StatementNode( build_if( $3, $5, $7 ) ); }
    989988        ;
    13831381cfa_function_declaration:                                                               // CFA
    13841382        cfa_function_specifier
    1385                 { $$ = $1; }
    13861383        | type_qualifier_list cfa_function_specifier
    13871384                { $$ = $2->addQualifiers( $1 ); }
    14401437        TYPEDEF cfa_variable_specifier
    14411438                {
    1442                         typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$2->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "1"*/ );
     1439                        typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$2->name, TYPEDEFname, "1" );
    14431440                        $$ = $2->addTypedef();
    14441441                }
    14451442        | TYPEDEF cfa_function_specifier
    14461443                {
    1447                         typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$2->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "2"*/ );
     1444                        typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$2->name, TYPEDEFname, "2" );
    14481445                        $$ = $2->addTypedef();
    14491446                }
    14501447        | cfa_typedef_declaration pop ',' push no_attr_identifier
    14511448                {
    1452                         typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$5, TYPEDEFname /*, "3"*/ );
     1449                        typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$5, TYPEDEFname, "3" );
    14531450                        $$ = $1->appendList( $1->cloneType( $5 ) );
    14541451                }
    14611458        TYPEDEF type_specifier declarator
    14621459                {
    1463                         typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$3->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "4"*/ );
     1460                        typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$3->name, TYPEDEFname, "4" );
    14641461                        $$ = $3->addType( $2 )->addTypedef();
    14651462                }
    14661463        | typedef_declaration pop ',' push declarator
    14671464                {
    1468                         typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$5->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "5"*/ );
     1465                        typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$5->name, TYPEDEFname, "5" );
    14691466                        $$ = $1->appendList( $1->cloneBaseType( $5 )->addTypedef() );
    14701467                }
    14711468        | type_qualifier_list TYPEDEF type_specifier declarator // remaining OBSOLESCENT (see 2 )
    14721469                {
    1473                         typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$4->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "6"*/ );
     1470                        typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$4->name, TYPEDEFname, "6" );
    14741471                        $$ = $4->addType( $3 )->addQualifiers( $1 )->addTypedef();
    14751472                }
    14761473        | type_specifier TYPEDEF declarator
    14771474                {
    1478                         typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$3->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "7"*/ );
     1475                        typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$3->name, TYPEDEFname, "7" );
    14791476                        $$ = $3->addType( $1 )->addTypedef();
    14801477                }
    14811478        | type_specifier TYPEDEF type_qualifier_list declarator
    14821479                {
    1483                         typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$4->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "8"*/ );
     1480                        typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$4->name, TYPEDEFname, "8" );
    14841481                        $$ = $4->addQualifiers( $1 )->addTypedef()->addType( $1 );
    14851482                }
    19371934                { $$ = nullptr; }
    19381935        | bit_subrange_size
    1939                 { $$ = $1; }
    19401936        ;
    21872183type_parameter_list:                                                                    // CFA
    21882184        type_parameter
    2189                 { $$ = $1; }
    21902185        | type_parameter_list ',' type_parameter
    21912186                { $$ = $1->appendList( $3 ); }
    22012196type_parameter:                                                                                 // CFA
    22022197        type_class no_attr_identifier_or_type_name
    2203                 { typedefTable.addToScope( *$2, TYPEDEFname /*, "9"*/ ); }
     2198                { typedefTable.addToScope( *$2, TYPEDEFname, "9" ); }
    22042199          type_initializer_opt assertion_list_opt
    22052200                { $$ = DeclarationNode::newTypeParam( $1, $2 )->addTypeInitializer( $4 )->addAssertions( $5 ); }
    22702265        no_attr_identifier_or_type_name
    22712266                {
    2272                         typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1, TYPEDEFname /*, "10"*/ );
     2267                        typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1, TYPEDEFname, "10" );
    22732268                        $$ = DeclarationNode::newTypeDecl( $1, 0 );
    22742269                }
    22752270        | no_attr_identifier_or_type_name '(' type_parameter_list ')'
    22762271                {
    2277                         typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1, TYPEGENname /*, "11"*/ );
     2272                        typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1, TYPEGENname, "11" );
    22782273                        $$ = DeclarationNode::newTypeDecl( $1, $3 );
    22792274                }
    23302325        ;
     2327        // SKULLDUGGERY: Declarations in extern "X" and distribution need to be added to the current lexical scope.
     2328        // However, external_definition_list creates a new scope around each external_definition, but the pop loses all the
     2329        // types in the extern "X" and distribution at the end of the block. This version of external_definition_list does
     2331        // not do push/pop for declarations at the level of the extern "X" and distribution block. Any recursive uses of
     2332        // external_definition_list within the extern "X" and distribution block correctly pushes/pops for that scope level.
     2334        external_definition
     2335        | external_definition_list_no_pop_push
     2336                { forall = xxx; }
     2337          external_definition
     2338                { $$ = $1 ? $1->appendList( $3 ) : $3; }
     2339        ;
    23332342        // empty
    23342343                { $$ = nullptr; }
    2335         | external_definition_list
     2344        | external_definition_list_no_pop_push
    23362345        ;
    23392348        declaration
    23402349        | external_function_definition
     2350        | EXTENSION external_definition                                         // GCC, multiple __extension__ allowed, meaning unknown
     2351                {
     2352                        distExt( $2 );                                                          // mark all fields in list
     2353                        $$ = $2;
     2354                }
    23412355        | ASM '(' string_literal ')' ';'                                        // GCC, global assembler statement
    23422356                {
    23482362                        linkage = LinkageSpec::linkageUpdate( yylloc, linkage, $2 );
    23492363                }
    2350                         // SKULLDUGGERY: Declarations in extern "X" need to be added to the current lexical scope.  However,
    2351                         // external_definition_list_opt creates a new scope that loses the types at the end of the extern block. The
    2352                         // correction is a pop/push (reverse order) to undo the push/pop from external_definition_list_opt.  This
    2353                         // trick works for nested extern "X"s, as each one undoes itself in the nesting.
    2354           '{' pop external_definition_list_opt push '}'
     2364          '{' external_definition_list_opt '}'
    23552365                {
    23562366                        linkage =;
    23572367                        linkageStack.pop();
    2358                         $$ = $6;
    2359                 }
    2360         | EXTENSION external_definition                                         // GCC, multiple __extension__ allowed, meaning unknown
    2361                 {
    2362                         distExt( $2 );                                                          // mark all fields in list
    2363                         $$ = $2;
     2368                        $$ = $5;
    23642369                }
    23652370        | type_qualifier_list
    23662371                { if ( $1->type->forall ) xxx = forall = true; } // remember generic type
    2367           '{' external_definition_list push '}'                  // CFA, namespace
     2372          '{' external_definition_list_opt '}'                          // CFA, namespace
    23682373                {
    23692374                        for ( DeclarationNode * iter = $4; iter != nullptr; iter = (DeclarationNode *)iter->get_next() ) {
    23782383        | declaration_qualifier_list
    23792384                { if ( $1->type->forall ) xxx = forall = true; } // remember generic type
    2380           '{' external_definition_list '}'                                       // CFA, namespace
     2385          '{' external_definition_list_opt '}'                          // CFA, namespace
    23812386                {
    23822387                        for ( DeclarationNode * iter = $4; iter != nullptr; iter = (DeclarationNode *)iter->get_next() ) {
    23942399                        if ( $2->type->forall ) xxx = forall = true; // remember generic type
    23952400                }
    2396           '{' external_definition_list '}'                                      // CFA, namespace
     2401          '{' external_definition_list_opt '}'                          // CFA, namespace
    23972402                {
    23982403                        for ( DeclarationNode * iter = $5; iter != nullptr; iter = (DeclarationNode *)iter->get_next() ) {
    27152720        typedef
    27162721                // hide type name in enclosing scope by variable name
    2717                 { typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1->name, IDENTIFIER /*, "ID"*/ ); }
     2722                { typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1->name, IDENTIFIER, "ID" ); }
    27182723        | '(' paren_type ')'
    27192724                { $$ = $2; }
  • src/ResolvExpr/

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    6767        Type * AdjustExprType::postmutate( ArrayType * arrayType ) {
    68                 PointerType *pointerType = new PointerType( arrayType->get_qualifiers(), arrayType->base );
     68                PointerType *pointerType = new PointerType{ arrayType->get_qualifiers(), arrayType->base };
    6969                arrayType->base = nullptr;
    7070                delete arrayType;
    7474        Type * AdjustExprType::postmutate( FunctionType * functionType ) {
    75                 return new PointerType( Type::Qualifiers(), functionType );
     75                return new PointerType{ Type::Qualifiers(), functionType };
    7676        }
    7878        Type * AdjustExprType::postmutate( TypeInstType * typeInst ) {
    79                 EqvClass eqvClass;
    80                 if ( env.lookup( typeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) {
    81                         if ( == TypeDecl::Ftype ) {
    82                                 PointerType *pointerType = new PointerType( Type::Qualifiers(), typeInst );
    83                                 return pointerType;
     79                if ( const EqvClass* eqvClass = env.lookup( typeInst->get_name() ) ) {
     80                        if ( eqvClass->data.kind == TypeDecl::Ftype ) {
     81                                return new PointerType{ Type::Qualifiers(), typeInst };
    8482                        }
    8583                } else if ( NamedTypeDecl *ntDecl = indexer.lookupType( typeInst->get_name() ) ) {
    8684                        if ( TypeDecl *tyDecl = dynamic_cast< TypeDecl* >( ntDecl ) ) {
    8785                                if ( tyDecl->get_kind() == TypeDecl::Ftype ) {
    88                                         PointerType *pointerType = new PointerType( Type::Qualifiers(), typeInst );
    89                                         return pointerType;
     86                                        return new PointerType{ Type::Qualifiers(), typeInst };
    9087                                } // if
    9188                        } // if
  • src/ResolvExpr/

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    102102                void addAnonConversions( const Alternative & alt );
    103103                /// Adds alternatives for member expressions, given the aggregate, conversion cost for that aggregate, and name of the member
    104                 template< typename StructOrUnionType > void addAggMembers( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, Expression *expr, const Cost &newCost, const TypeEnvironment & env, Expression * member );
     104                template< typename StructOrUnionType > void addAggMembers( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, Expression *expr, const Cost &newCost, const TypeEnvironment & env, const std::string & name );
    105105                /// Adds alternatives for member expressions where the left side has tuple type
    106106                void addTupleMembers( TupleType * tupleType, Expression *expr, const Cost &newCost, const TypeEnvironment & env, Expression * member );
    308308                if ( StructInstType *structInst = dynamic_cast< StructInstType* >( aggrExpr->result ) ) {
    309                         NameExpr nameExpr( "" );
    310                         addAggMembers( structInst, aggrExpr.get(), alt.cost+Cost::safe, alt.env, &nameExpr );
     309                        addAggMembers( structInst, aggrExpr.get(), alt.cost+Cost::safe, alt.env, "" );
    311310                } else if ( UnionInstType *unionInst = dynamic_cast< UnionInstType* >( aggrExpr->result ) ) {
    312                         NameExpr nameExpr( "" );
    313                         addAggMembers( unionInst, aggrExpr.get(), alt.cost+Cost::safe, alt.env, &nameExpr );
     311                        addAggMembers( unionInst, aggrExpr.get(), alt.cost+Cost::safe, alt.env, "" );
    314312                } // if
    315313        }
    317315        template< typename StructOrUnionType >
    318         void AlternativeFinder::Finder::addAggMembers( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, Expression *expr, const Cost &newCost, const TypeEnvironment & env, Expression * member ) {
    319                 // by this point, member must be a name expr
    320                 NameExpr * nameExpr = dynamic_cast< NameExpr * >( member );
    321                 if ( ! nameExpr ) return;
    322                 const std::string & name = nameExpr->name;
     316        void AlternativeFinder::Finder::addAggMembers( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, Expression *expr, const Cost &newCost, const TypeEnvironment & env, const std::string & name ) {
    323317                std::list< Declaration* > members;
    324318                aggInst->lookup( name, members );
    472466        }
    474         // /// Map of declaration uniqueIds (intended to be the assertions in an AssertionSet) to their parents and the number of times they've been included
    475         //typedef std::unordered_map< UniqueId, std::unordered_map< UniqueId, unsigned > > AssertionParentSet;
    477468        static const int recursionLimit = /*10*/ 4;  ///< Limit to depth of recursion satisfaction
    478         //static const unsigned recursionParentLimit = 1;  ///< Limit to the number of times an assertion can recursively use itself
    480470        void addToIndexer( AssertionSet &assertSet, SymTab::Indexer &indexer ) {
    488478        template< typename ForwardIterator, typename OutputIterator >
    489         void inferRecursive( ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, const Alternative &newAlt, OpenVarSet &openVars, const SymTab::Indexer &decls, const AssertionSet &newNeed, /*const AssertionParentSet &needParents,*/
    490                                                  int level, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer, OutputIterator out ) {
     479        void inferRecursive( ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, const Alternative &newAlt, OpenVarSet &openVars, const SymTab::Indexer &decls, const AssertionSet &newNeed, int level, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer, OutputIterator out ) {
    491480                if ( begin == end ) {
    492481                        if ( newNeed.empty() ) {
    506495                                        printAssertionSet( newNeed, std::cerr, 8 );
    507496                                )
    508                                 inferRecursive( newNeed.begin(), newNeed.end(), newAlt, openVars, decls, newerNeed, /*needParents,*/ level+1, indexer, out );
     497                                inferRecursive( newNeed.begin(), newNeed.end(), newAlt, openVars, decls, newerNeed, level+1, indexer, out );
    509498                                return;
    510499                        }
    513502                ForwardIterator cur = begin++;
    514503                if ( ! cur->second.isUsed ) {
    515                         inferRecursive( begin, end, newAlt, openVars, decls, newNeed, /*needParents,*/ level, indexer, out );
     504                        inferRecursive( begin, end, newAlt, openVars, decls, newNeed, level, indexer, out );
    516505                        return; // xxx - should this continue? previously this wasn't here, and it looks like it should be
    517506                }
    566555                                }
    568                                 //AssertionParentSet newNeedParents( needParents );
    569                                 // skip repeatingly-self-recursive assertion satisfaction
    570                                 // DOESN'T WORK: grandchild nodes conflict with their cousins
    571                                 //if ( newNeedParents[ curDecl->get_uniqueId() ][ candDecl->get_uniqueId() ]++ > recursionParentLimit ) continue;
    573557                                Expression *varExpr = data.combine( newerAlt.cvtCost );
    574558                                delete varExpr->get_result();
    588572                                // XXX: this is a memory leak, but adjType can't be deleted because it might contain assertions
    589573                                (*inferParameters)[ curDecl->get_uniqueId() ] = ParamEntry( candidate->get_uniqueId(), adjType->clone(), curDecl->get_type()->clone(), varExpr );
    590                                 inferRecursive( begin, end, newerAlt, newOpenVars, newDecls, newerNeed, /*newNeedParents,*/ level, indexer, out );
     574                                inferRecursive( begin, end, newerAlt, newOpenVars, newDecls, newerNeed, level, indexer, out );
    591575                        } else {
    592576                                delete adjType;
    610594                addToIndexer( have, decls );
    611595                AssertionSet newNeed;
    612                 //AssertionParentSet needParents;
    613596                PRINT(
    614597                        std::cerr << "env is: " << std::endl;
    617600                )
    619                 inferRecursive( need.begin(), need.end(), newAlt, openVars, decls, newNeed, /*needParents,*/ 0, indexer, out );
     602                inferRecursive( need.begin(), need.end(), newAlt, openVars, decls, newNeed, 0, indexer, out );
    620603//      PRINT(
    621604//          std::cerr << "declaration 14 is ";
    10961079                AlternativeFinder funcOpFinder( indexer, env );
    10971080                // it's ok if there aren't any defined function ops
    1098                 funcOpFinder.maybeFind( opExpr);
     1081                funcOpFinder.maybeFind( opExpr );
    10991082                PRINT(
    11001083                        std::cerr << "known function ops:" << std::endl;
    11331116                                        }
    11341117                                } else if ( TypeInstType *typeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( func->expr->result->stripReferences() ) ) { // handle ftype (e.g. *? on function pointer)
    1135                                         EqvClass eqvClass;
    1136                                         if ( func->env.lookup( typeInst->name, eqvClass ) && eqvClass.type ) {
    1137                                                 if ( FunctionType *function = dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( eqvClass.type ) ) {
     1118                                        if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = func->env.lookup( typeInst->name ) ) {
     1119                                                if ( FunctionType *function = dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( eqvClass->type ) ) {
    11381120                                                        Alternative newFunc( *func );
    11391121                                                        referenceToRvalueConversion( newFunc.expr, newFunc.cost );
    13501332        }
     1334        namespace {
     1335                /// Gets name from untyped member expression (member must be NameExpr)
     1336                const std::string& get_member_name( UntypedMemberExpr *memberExpr ) {
     1337                        NameExpr * nameExpr = dynamic_cast< NameExpr * >( memberExpr->get_member() );
     1338                        assert( nameExpr );
     1339                        return nameExpr->get_name();
     1340                }
     1341        }
    13521343        void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( UntypedMemberExpr *memberExpr ) {
    13531344                AlternativeFinder funcFinder( indexer, env );
    13621353                        // find member of the given type
    13631354                        if ( StructInstType *structInst = dynamic_cast< StructInstType* >( aggrExpr->get_result() ) ) {
    1364                                 addAggMembers( structInst, aggrExpr, cost, agg->env, memberExpr->get_member() );
     1355                                addAggMembers( structInst, aggrExpr, cost, agg->env, get_member_name(memberExpr) );
    13651356                        } else if ( UnionInstType *unionInst = dynamic_cast< UnionInstType* >( aggrExpr->get_result() ) ) {
    1366                                 addAggMembers( unionInst, aggrExpr, cost, agg->env, memberExpr->get_member() );
     1357                                addAggMembers( unionInst, aggrExpr, cost, agg->env, get_member_name(memberExpr) );
    13671358                        } else if ( TupleType * tupleType = dynamic_cast< TupleType * >( aggrExpr->get_result() ) ) {
    13681359                                addTupleMembers( tupleType, aggrExpr, cost, agg->env, memberExpr->get_member() );
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    4343        Cost castCost( Type *src, Type *dest, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer, const TypeEnvironment &env ) {
    4444                if ( TypeInstType *destAsTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( dest ) ) {
    45                         EqvClass eqvClass;
    46                         NamedTypeDecl *namedType;
    47                         if ( env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) {
    48                                 if ( eqvClass.type ) {
    49                                         return castCost( src, eqvClass.type, indexer, env );
     45                        if ( const EqvClass* eqvClass = env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name() ) ) {
     46                                if ( eqvClass->type ) {
     47                                        return castCost( src, eqvClass->type, indexer, env );
    5048                                } else {
    5149                                        return Cost::infinity;
    5250                                }
    53                         } else if ( ( namedType = indexer.lookupType( destAsTypeInst->get_name() ) ) ) {
     51                        } else if ( NamedTypeDecl *namedType = indexer.lookupType( destAsTypeInst->get_name() ) ) {
    5452                                // all typedefs should be gone by this point
    5553                                TypeDecl *type = strict_dynamic_cast< TypeDecl* >( namedType );
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    4242        Cost conversionCost( Type *src, Type *dest, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer, const TypeEnvironment &env ) {
    4343                if ( TypeInstType *destAsTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( dest ) ) {
    44                         EqvClass eqvClass;
    45                         NamedTypeDecl *namedType;
    4644                        PRINT( std::cerr << "type inst " << destAsTypeInst->name; )
    47                         if ( env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->name, eqvClass ) ) {
    48                                 if ( eqvClass.type ) {
    49                                         return conversionCost( src, eqvClass.type, indexer, env );
     45                        if ( const EqvClass* eqvClass = env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->name ) ) {
     46                                if ( eqvClass->type ) {
     47                                        return conversionCost( src, eqvClass->type, indexer, env );
    5048                                } else {
    5149                                        return Cost::infinity;
    5250                                }
    53                         } else if ( ( namedType = indexer.lookupType( destAsTypeInst->name ) ) ) {
     51                        } else if ( NamedTypeDecl *namedType = indexer.lookupType( destAsTypeInst->name ) ) {
    5452                                PRINT( std::cerr << " found" << std::endl; )
    5553                                TypeDecl *type = dynamic_cast< TypeDecl* >( namedType );
    370368        void ConversionCost::postvisit( TypeInstType *inst ) {
    371                 EqvClass eqvClass;
    372                 NamedTypeDecl *namedType;
    373                 if ( env.lookup( inst->name, eqvClass ) ) {
    374                         cost = costFunc( eqvClass.type, dest, indexer, env );
     369                if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = env.lookup( inst->name ) ) {
     370                        cost = costFunc( eqvClass->type, dest, indexer, env );
    375371                } else if ( TypeInstType *destAsInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( dest ) ) {
    376372                        if ( inst->name == destAsInst->name ) {
    377373                                cost = Cost::zero;
    378374                        }
    379                 } else if ( ( namedType = indexer.lookupType( inst->name ) ) ) {
     375                } else if ( NamedTypeDecl *namedType = indexer.lookupType( inst->name ) ) {
    380376                        TypeDecl *type = dynamic_cast< TypeDecl* >( namedType );
    381377                        // all typedefs should be gone by this point
  • src/ResolvExpr/

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    3939        Occurs::Occurs( std::string varName, const TypeEnvironment & env ) : result( false ), tenv( env ) {
    40                 EqvClass eqvClass;
    41                 if ( tenv.lookup( varName, eqvClass ) ) {
    42                         eqvVars = eqvClass.vars;
     40                if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = tenv.lookup( varName ) ) {
     41                        eqvVars = eqvClass->vars;
    4342                } else {
    4443                        eqvVars.insert( varName );
    4847        void Occurs::previsit( TypeInstType * typeInst ) {
    49                 EqvClass eqvClass;
    50 ///   std::cerr << "searching for vars: ";
     48                ///   std::cerr << "searching for vars: ";
    5149///   std::copy( eqvVars.begin(), eqvVars.end(), std::ostream_iterator< std::string >( std::cerr, " " ) );
    5250///   std::cerr << std::endl;
    5351                if ( eqvVars.find( typeInst->get_name() ) != eqvVars.end() ) {
    5452                        result = true;
    55                 } else if ( tenv.lookup( typeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) {
    56                         if ( eqvClass.type ) {
     53                } else if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = tenv.lookup( typeInst->get_name() ) ) {
     54                        if ( eqvClass->type ) {
    5755///       std::cerr << typeInst->get_name() << " is bound to";
    5856///       eqvClass.type->print( std::cerr );
    5957///       std::cerr << std::endl;
    60                                 eqvClass.type->accept( *visitor );
     58                                eqvClass->type->accept( *visitor );
    6159                        } // if
    6260                } // if
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    4040        void PolyCost::previsit(TypeInstType * typeInst) {
    41                 EqvClass eqvClass;
    42                 if ( tenv.lookup( typeInst->name, eqvClass ) ) {
    43                         if ( eqvClass.type ) {
    44                                 if ( TypeInstType * otherTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( eqvClass.type ) ) {
     41                if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = tenv.lookup( typeInst->name ) ) {
     42                        if ( eqvClass->type ) {
     43                                if ( TypeInstType * otherTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( eqvClass->type ) ) {
    4544                                        if ( indexer.lookupType( otherTypeInst->name ) ) {
    4645                                                // bound to opaque type
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    5151                // std::cerr << "assignable: " << src << " | " << dest << std::endl;
    5252                if ( TypeInstType *destAsTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( dest ) ) {
    53                         EqvClass eqvClass;
    54                         if ( env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) {
    55                                 return ptrsAssignable( src, eqvClass.type, env );
     53                        if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name() ) ) {
     54                                return ptrsAssignable( src, eqvClass->type, env );
    5655                        } // if
    5756                } // if
    9594        void PtrsAssignable::postvisit(  __attribute__((unused)) TraitInstType *inst ) {}
    9695        void PtrsAssignable::postvisit( TypeInstType *inst ) {
    97                 EqvClass eqvClass;
    98                 if ( env.lookup( inst->get_name(), eqvClass ) && eqvClass.type ) {
    99                         // T * = S * for any S depends on the type bound to T
    100                         result = ptrsAssignable( eqvClass.type, dest, env );
     96                if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = env.lookup( inst->get_name() ) ) {
     97                        if ( eqvClass->type ) {
     98                                // T * = S * for any S depends on the type bound to T
     99                                result = ptrsAssignable( eqvClass->type, dest, env );
     100                        }
    101101                } // if
    102102        }
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    5757                                return -1;
    5858                        } else if ( TypeInstType *typeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( src ) ) {
    59                                 EqvClass eqvClass;
    6059                                if ( NamedTypeDecl *ntDecl = indexer.lookupType( typeInst->get_name() ) ) {
    6160                                        if ( TypeDecl *tyDecl = dynamic_cast< TypeDecl* >( ntDecl ) ) {
    6463                                                } // if
    6564                                        } //if
    66                                 } else if ( env.lookup( typeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) {
    67                                         if ( == TypeDecl::Ftype ) {
     65                                } else if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = env.lookup( typeInst->get_name() ) ) {
     66                                        if ( eqvClass->data.kind == TypeDecl::Ftype ) {
    6867                                                return -1;
    6968                                        } // if
    7978        int ptrsCastable( Type *src, Type *dest, const TypeEnvironment &env, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer ) {
    8079                if ( TypeInstType *destAsTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( dest ) ) {
    81                         EqvClass eqvClass;
    82                         if ( env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) {
     80                        if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name() ) ) {
    8381                                // xxx - should this be ptrsCastable?
    84                                 return ptrsAssignable( src, eqvClass.type, env );
     82                                return ptrsAssignable( src, eqvClass->type, env );
    8583                        } // if
    8684                } // if
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    1717#include <algorithm>                   // for copy, set_intersection
    1818#include <iterator>                    // for ostream_iterator, insert_iterator
    19 #include <utility>                     // for pair
     19#include <utility>                     // for pair, move
    2121#include "Common/utility.h"            // for maybeClone
    4545        void EqvClass::initialize( const EqvClass &src, EqvClass &dest ) {
     46                initialize( src, dest, src.type );
     47        }
     49        void EqvClass::initialize( const EqvClass &src, EqvClass &dest, const Type *ty ) {
    4650                dest.vars = src.vars;
    47                 dest.type = maybeClone( src.type );
     51                dest.type = maybeClone( ty );
    4852                dest.allowWidening = src.allowWidening;
    4953       =;
    5559        EqvClass::EqvClass( const EqvClass &other ) {
    5660                initialize( other, *this );
     61        }
     63        EqvClass::EqvClass( const EqvClass &other, const Type *ty ) {
     64                initialize( other, *this, ty );
    5765        }
    8290        }
    84         bool TypeEnvironment::lookup( const std::string &var, EqvClass &eqvClass ) const {
     92        const EqvClass* TypeEnvironment::lookup( const std::string &var ) const {
    8593                for ( std::list< EqvClass >::const_iterator i = env.begin(); i != env.end(); ++i ) {
    8694                        if ( i->vars.find( var ) != i->vars.end() ) {
    8795///       std::cout << var << " is in class ";
    8896///       i->print( std::cout );
    89                                 eqvClass = *i;
    90                                 return true;
     97                                return &*i;
    9198                        }
    9299///     std::cout << var << " is not in class ";
    93100///     i->print( std::cout );
    94101                } // for
    95                 return false;
     102                return nullptr;
     103        }
     105        /// Removes any class from env that intersects eqvClass
     106        void filterOverlappingClasses( std::list<EqvClass> &env, const EqvClass &eqvClass ) {
     107                for ( auto i = env.begin(); i != env.end(); ) {
     108                        auto next = i;
     109                        ++next;
     110                        std::set<std::string> intersection;
     111                        std::set_intersection( i->vars.begin(), i->vars.end(), eqvClass.vars.begin(), eqvClass.vars.end(),
     112                                std::inserter( intersection, intersection.begin() ) );
     113                        if ( ! intersection.empty() ) { env.erase( i ); }
     114                        i = next;
     115                }
    96116        }
    98118        void TypeEnvironment::add( const EqvClass &eqvClass ) {
    99                 std::list< EqvClass >::iterator i = env.begin();
    100                 while ( i != env.end() ) {
    101                         std::list< EqvClass >::iterator next = i;
    102                         next++;
    103                         std::set< std::string > intersection;
    104                         std::set_intersection( i->vars.begin(), i->vars.end(), eqvClass.vars.begin(), eqvClass.vars.end(), std::inserter( intersection, intersection.begin() ) );
    105                         if ( ! intersection.empty() ) {
    106                                 env.erase( i );
    107                         } // if
    108                         i = next;
    109                 } // while
    110                 env.insert( env.end(), eqvClass );
     119                filterOverlappingClasses( env, eqvClass );
     120                env.push_back( eqvClass );
     121        }
     123        void TypeEnvironment::add( EqvClass &&eqvClass ) {
     124                filterOverlappingClasses( env, eqvClass );
     125                env.push_back( std::move(eqvClass) );
    111126        }
  • src/ResolvExpr/TypeEnvironment.h

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    7474                void initialize( const EqvClass &src, EqvClass &dest );
     75                void initialize( const EqvClass &src, EqvClass &dest, const Type *ty );
    7576                EqvClass();
    7677                EqvClass( const EqvClass &other );
     78                EqvClass( const EqvClass &other, const Type *ty );
    7779                EqvClass &operator=( const EqvClass &other );
    7880                ~EqvClass();
    8284        class TypeEnvironment {
    8385          public:
    84                 bool lookup( const std::string &var, EqvClass &eqvClass ) const;
     86                const EqvClass* lookup( const std::string &var ) const;
    8587                void add( const EqvClass &eqvClass );
     88                void add( EqvClass &&eqvClass  );
    8689                void add( const Type::ForallList &tyDecls );
    8790                void add( const TypeSubstitution & sub );
  • src/ResolvExpr/

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    2020#include <set>                    // for set
    2121#include <string>                 // for string, operator==, operator!=, bas...
    22 #include <utility>                // for pair
     22#include <utility>                // for pair, move
    2424#include "Common/PassVisitor.h"   // for PassVisitor
    166166                        return false;
    167167                } // if
    168                 EqvClass curClass;
    169                 if ( env.lookup( typeInst->get_name(), curClass ) ) {
    170                         if ( curClass.type ) {
     168                if ( const EqvClass *curClass = env.lookup( typeInst->get_name() ) ) {
     169                        if ( curClass->type ) {
    171170                                Type *common = 0;
    172171                                // attempt to unify equivalence class type (which has qualifiers stripped, so they must be restored) with the type to bind to
    173                                 std::unique_ptr< Type > newType( curClass.type->clone() );
     172                                std::unique_ptr< Type > newType( curClass->type->clone() );
    174173                                newType->get_qualifiers() = typeInst->get_qualifiers();
    175                                 if ( unifyInexact( newType.get(), other, env, needAssertions, haveAssertions, openVars, widenMode & WidenMode( curClass.allowWidening, true ), indexer, common ) ) {
     174                                if ( unifyInexact( newType.get(), other, env, needAssertions, haveAssertions, openVars, widenMode & WidenMode( curClass->allowWidening, true ), indexer, common ) ) {
    176175                                        if ( common ) {
    177176                                                common->get_qualifiers() = Type::Qualifiers();
    178                                                 delete curClass.type;
    179                                                 curClass.type = common;
    180                                                 env.add( curClass );
     177                                                env.add( EqvClass{ *curClass, common } );
    181178                                        } // if
    182179                                        return true;
    185182                                } // if
    186183                        } else {
    187                                 curClass.type = other->clone();
    188                                 curClass.type->get_qualifiers() = Type::Qualifiers();
    189                                 curClass.allowWidening = widenMode.widenFirst && widenMode.widenSecond;
    190                                 env.add( curClass );
     184                                EqvClass newClass { *curClass, other };
     185                                newClass.type->get_qualifiers() = Type::Qualifiers();
     186                                newClass.allowWidening = widenMode.widenFirst && widenMode.widenSecond;
     187                                env.add( std::move(newClass) );
    191188                        } // if
    192189                } else {
    204201        bool bindVarToVar( TypeInstType *var1, TypeInstType *var2, const TypeDecl::Data & data, TypeEnvironment &env, AssertionSet &needAssertions, AssertionSet &haveAssertions, const OpenVarSet &openVars, WidenMode widenMode, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer ) {
    205202                bool result = true;
    206                 EqvClass class1, class2;
    207                 bool hasClass1 = false, hasClass2 = false;
     203                const EqvClass *class1 = env.lookup( var1->get_name() );
     204                const EqvClass *class2 = env.lookup( var2->get_name() );
    208205                bool widen1 = false, widen2 = false;
    209                 Type *type1 = 0, *type2 = 0;
    211                 if ( env.lookup( var1->get_name(), class1 ) ) {
    212                         hasClass1 = true;
    213                         if ( class1.type ) {
    214                                 if ( occurs( class1.type, var2->get_name(), env ) ) {
     206                Type *type1 = nullptr, *type2 = nullptr;
     208                if ( class1 ) {
     209                        if ( class1->type ) {
     210                                if ( occurs( class1->type, var2->get_name(), env ) ) {
    215211                                        return false;
    216212                                } // if
    217                                 type1 = class1.type->clone();
    218                         } // if
    219                         widen1 = widenMode.widenFirst && class1.allowWidening;
    220                 } // if
    221                 if ( env.lookup( var2->get_name(), class2 ) ) {
    222                         hasClass2 = true;
    223                         if ( class2.type ) {
    224                                 if ( occurs( class2.type, var1->get_name(), env ) ) {
     213                                type1 = class1->type->clone();
     214                        } // if
     215                        widen1 = widenMode.widenFirst && class1->allowWidening;
     216                } // if
     217                if ( class2 ) {
     218                        if ( class2->type ) {
     219                                if ( occurs( class2->type, var1->get_name(), env ) ) {
    225220                                        return false;
    226221                                } // if
    227                                 type2 = class2.type->clone();
    228                         } // if
    229                         widen2 = widenMode.widenSecond && class2.allowWidening;
     222                                type2 = class2->type->clone();
     223                        } // if
     224                        widen2 = widenMode.widenSecond && class2->allowWidening;
    230225                } // if
    235230                        Type *common = 0;
    236231                        if ( unifyInexact( type1, type2, env, needAssertions, haveAssertions, openVars, newWidenMode, indexer, common ) ) {
    237                                 class1.vars.insert( class2.vars.begin(), class2.vars.end() );
    238                                 class1.allowWidening = widen1 && widen2;
     232                                EqvClass newClass1 = *class1;
     233                                newClass1.vars.insert( class2->vars.begin(), class2->vars.end() );
     234                                newClass1.allowWidening = widen1 && widen2;
    239235                                if ( common ) {
    240236                                        common->get_qualifiers() = Type::Qualifiers();
    241                                         delete class1.type;
    242                                         class1.type = common;
     237                                        delete newClass1.type;
     238                                        newClass1.type = common;
    243239                                } // if
    244                                 env.add( class1 );
     240                                env.add( std::move(newClass1) );
    245241                        } else {
    246242                                result = false;
    247243                        } // if
    248                 } else if ( hasClass1 && hasClass2 ) {
     244                } else if ( class1 && class2 ) {
    249245                        if ( type1 ) {
    250                                 class1.vars.insert( class2.vars.begin(), class2.vars.end() );
    251                                 class1.allowWidening = widen1;
    252                                 env.add( class1 );
     246                                EqvClass newClass1 = *class1;
     247                                newClass1.vars.insert( class2->vars.begin(), class2->vars.end() );
     248                                newClass1.allowWidening = widen1;
     249                                env.add( std::move(newClass1) );
    253250                        } else {
    254                                 class2.vars.insert( class1.vars.begin(), class1.vars.end() );
    255                                 class2.allowWidening = widen2;
    256                                 env.add( class2 );
    257                         } // if
    258                 } else if ( hasClass1 ) {
    259                         class1.vars.insert( var2->get_name() );
    260                         class1.allowWidening = widen1;
    261                         env.add( class1 );
    262                 } else if ( hasClass2 ) {
    263                         class2.vars.insert( var1->get_name() );
    264                         class2.allowWidening = widen2;
    265                         env.add( class2 );
     251                                EqvClass newClass2 = *class2;
     252                                newClass2.vars.insert( class1->vars.begin(), class1->vars.end() );
     253                                newClass2.allowWidening = widen2;
     254                                env.add( std::move(newClass2) );
     255                        } // if
     256                } else if ( class1 ) {
     257                        EqvClass newClass1 = *class1;
     258                        newClass1.vars.insert( var2->get_name() );
     259                        newClass1.allowWidening = widen1;
     260                        env.add( std::move(newClass1) );
     261                } else if ( class2 ) {
     262                        EqvClass newClass2 = *class2;
     263                        newClass2.vars.insert( var1->get_name() );
     264                        newClass2.allowWidening = widen2;
     265                        env.add( std::move(newClass2) );
    266266                } else {
    267267                        EqvClass newClass;
    539539                void premutate( TypeInstType * ) { visit_children = false; }
    540540                Type * postmutate( TypeInstType * typeInst ) {
    541                         EqvClass eqvClass;
    542                         if ( tenv.lookup( typeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) {
    543                                 if ( == TypeDecl::Ttype ) {
    544                                         // expand ttype parameter into its actual type
    545                                         if ( eqvClass.type ) {
    546                                                 delete typeInst;
    547                                                 return eqvClass.type->clone();
    548                                         }
     541                        if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = tenv.lookup( typeInst->get_name() ) ) {
     542                                // expand ttype parameter into its actual type
     543                                if ( eqvClass->data.kind == TypeDecl::Ttype && eqvClass->type ) {
     544                                        delete typeInst;
     545                                        return eqvClass->type->clone();
    549546                                }
    550547                        }
  • src/libcfa/iostream

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    1010// Created On       : Wed May 27 17:56:53 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Sat Apr 28 13:08:24 2018
    13 // Update Count     : 152
     12// Last Modified On : Sat Jun  2 08:07:55 2018
     13// Update Count     : 153
    5656// implement writable for intrinsic types
    58 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, _Bool );
     58forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) {
     59        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, _Bool );
    60 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, char );
    61 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, signed char );
    62 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned char );
     61        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, char );
     62        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, signed char );
     63        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned char );
    64 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, short int );
    65 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned short int );
    66 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, int );
    67 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned int );
    68 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long int );
    69 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long long int );
    70 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned long int );
    71 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned long long int );
     65        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, short int );
     66        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned short int );
     67        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, int );
     68        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned int );
     69        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long int );
     70        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long long int );
     71        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned long int );
     72        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned long long int );
    73 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, float ); // FIX ME: should not be required
    74 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, double );
    75 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long double );
     74        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, float ); // FIX ME: should not be required
     75        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, double );
     76        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long double );
    77 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, float _Complex );
    78 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, double _Complex );
    79 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long double _Complex );
     78        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, float _Complex );
     79        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, double _Complex );
     80        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long double _Complex );
    81 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char * );
    82 //forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char16_t * );
     82        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char * );
     83        // ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char16_t * );
    8384#if ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 ) // char32_t == wchar_t => ambiguous
    84 //forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char32_t * );
     85        // ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char32_t * );
    8586#endif // ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 )
    86 //forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const wchar_t * );
    87 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const void * );
     87        // ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const wchar_t * );
     88        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const void * );
     90        // manipulators
     91        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, ostype & (*)( ostype & ) );
     92        ostype & endl( ostype & );
     93        ostype & sep( ostype & );
     94        ostype & sepTuple( ostype & );
     95        ostype & sepOn( ostype & );
     96        ostype & sepOff( ostype & );
     97        ostype & sepDisable( ostype & );
     98        ostype & sepEnable( ostype & );
     99} // distribution
    89101// tuples
    90102forall( dtype ostype, otype T, ttype Params | writeable( T, ostype ) | { ostype & ?|?( ostype &, Params ); } )
    91103ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, T arg, Params rest );
    93 // manipulators
    94 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, ostype & (*)( ostype & ) );
    95 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & endl( ostype & );
    96 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sep( ostype & );
    97 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sepTuple( ostype & );
    98 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sepOn( ostype & );
    99 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sepOff( ostype & );
    100 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sepDisable( ostype & );
    101 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sepEnable( ostype & );
    103105// writes the range [begin, end) to the given stream
    124126}; // readable
    126 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, _Bool & );
     128forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) {
     129        istype & ?|?( istype &, _Bool & );
    128 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, char & );
    129 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, signed char & );
    130 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned char & );
     131        istype & ?|?( istype &, char & );
     132        istype & ?|?( istype &, signed char & );
     133        istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned char & );
    132 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, short int & );
    133 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned short int & );
    134 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, int & );
    135 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned int & );
    136 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, long int & );
    137 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, long long int & );
    138 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned long int & );
    139 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned long long int & );
     135        istype & ?|?( istype &, short int & );
     136        istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned short int & );
     137        istype & ?|?( istype &, int & );
     138        istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned int & );
     139        istype & ?|?( istype &, long int & );
     140        istype & ?|?( istype &, long long int & );
     141        istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned long int & );
     142        istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned long long int & );
    141 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, float & );
    142 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, double & );
    143 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, long double & );
     144        istype & ?|?( istype &, float & );
     145        istype & ?|?( istype &, double & );
     146        istype & ?|?( istype &, long double & );
    145 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, float _Complex & );
    146 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, double _Complex & );
    147 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, long double _Complex & );
     148        istype & ?|?( istype &, float _Complex & );
     149        istype & ?|?( istype &, double _Complex & );
     150        istype & ?|?( istype &, long double _Complex & );
    149 // manipulators
    150 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, istype & (*)( istype & ) );
    151 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & endl( istype & is );
     152        // manipulators
     153        istype & ?|?( istype &, istype & (*)( istype & ) );
     154        istype & endl( istype & is );
     155} // distribution
    153157struct _Istream_cstrUC { char * s; };
  • src/libcfa/iostream.c

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    1010// Created On       : Wed May 27 17:56:53 2015
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Sat Apr 28 13:08:25 2018
    13 // Update Count     : 469
     12// Last Modified On : Sat Jun  2 08:24:56 2018
     13// Update Count     : 471
    28 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    29 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, _Bool b ) {
    30         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    31         fmt( os, "%s", b ? "true" : "false" );
    32         return os;
    33 } // ?|?
    35 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    36 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, char ch ) {
    37         fmt( os, "%c", ch );
    38         if ( ch == '\n' ) setNL( os, true );
    39         sepOff( os );
    40         return os;
    41 } // ?|?
    43 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    44 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, signed char c ) {
    45         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    46         fmt( os, "%hhd", c );
    47         return os;
    48 } // ?|?
    50 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    51 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned char c ) {
    52         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    53         fmt( os, "%hhu", c );
    54         return os;
    55 } // ?|?
    57 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    58 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, short int si ) {
    59         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    60         fmt( os, "%hd", si );
    61         return os;
    62 } // ?|?
    64 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    65 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned short int usi ) {
    66         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    67         fmt( os, "%hu", usi );
    68         return os;
    69 } // ?|?
    71 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    72 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, int i ) {
    73         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    74         fmt( os, "%d", i );
    75         return os;
    76 } // ?|?
    78 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    79 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned int ui ) {
    80         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    81         fmt( os, "%u", ui );
    82         return os;
    83 } // ?|?
    85 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    86 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long int li ) {
    87         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    88         fmt( os, "%ld", li );
    89         return os;
    90 } // ?|?
    92 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    93 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned long int uli ) {
    94         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    95         fmt( os, "%lu", uli );
    96         return os;
    97 } // ?|?
    99 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    100 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long long int lli ) {
    101         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    102         fmt( os, "%lld", lli );
    103         return os;
    104 } // ?|?
    106 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    107 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned long long int ulli ) {
    108         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    109         fmt( os, "%llu", ulli );
    110         return os;
    111 } // ?|?
    113 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    114 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, float f ) {
    115         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    116         fmt( os, "%g", f );
    117         return os;
    118 } // ?|?
    120 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    121 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, double d ) {
    122         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    123         fmt( os, "%.*lg", DBL_DIG, d );
    124         return os;
    125 } // ?|?
    127 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    128 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long double ld ) {
    129         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    130         fmt( os, "%.*Lg", LDBL_DIG, ld );
    131         return os;
    132 } // ?|?
    134 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    135 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, float _Complex fc ) {
    136         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    137         fmt( os, "%g%+gi", crealf( fc ), cimagf( fc ) );
    138         return os;
    139 } // ?|?
    141 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    142 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, double _Complex dc ) {
    143         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    144         fmt( os, "%.*lg%+.*lgi", DBL_DIG, creal( dc ), DBL_DIG, cimag( dc ) );
    145         return os;
    146 } // ?|?
    148 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    149 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long double _Complex ldc ) {
    150         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    151         fmt( os, "%.*Lg%+.*Lgi", LDBL_DIG, creall( ldc ), LDBL_DIG, cimagl( ldc ) );
    152         return os;
    153 } // ?|?
    155 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    156 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char * str ) {
    157         enum { Open = 1, Close, OpenClose };
    158         static const unsigned char mask[256] @= {
    159                 // opening delimiters, no space after
    160                 ['('] : Open, ['['] : Open, ['{'] : Open,
    161                 ['='] : Open, ['$'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'£'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'¥'] : Open,
    162                 [(unsigned char)'¡'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'¿'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'«'] : Open,
    163                 // closing delimiters, no space before
    164                 [','] : Close, ['.'] : Close, [';'] : Close, ['!'] : Close, ['?'] : Close,
    165                 ['%'] : Close, [(unsigned char)'¢'] : Close, [(unsigned char)'»'] : Close,
    166                 [')'] : Close, [']'] : Close, ['}'] : Close,
    167                 // opening-closing delimiters, no space before or after
    168                 ['\''] : OpenClose, ['`'] : OpenClose, ['"'] : OpenClose, [':'] : OpenClose,
    169                 [' '] : OpenClose, ['\f'] : OpenClose, ['\n'] : OpenClose, ['\r'] : OpenClose, ['\t'] : OpenClose, ['\v'] : OpenClose, // isspace
    170         }; // mask
    172   if ( str[0] == '\0' ) { sepOff( os ); return os; }            // null string => no separator
    174         // first character IS NOT spacing or closing punctuation => add left separator
    175         unsigned char ch = str[0];                                                      // must make unsigned
    176         if ( sepPrt( os ) && mask[ ch ] != Close && mask[ ch ] != OpenClose ) {
    177                 fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    178         } // if
    180         // if string starts line, must reset to determine open state because separator is off
    181         sepReset( os );                                                                         // reset separator
    183         // last character IS spacing or opening punctuation => turn off separator for next item
    184         size_t len = strlen( str );
    185         ch = str[len - 1];                                                                      // must make unsigned
    186         if ( sepPrt( os ) && mask[ ch ] != Open && mask[ ch ] != OpenClose ) {
     28forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) {
     29        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, _Bool b ) {
     30                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     31                fmt( os, "%s", b ? "true" : "false" );
     32                return os;
     33        } // ?|?
     35        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, char ch ) {
     36                fmt( os, "%c", ch );
     37                if ( ch == '\n' ) setNL( os, true );
     38                sepOff( os );
     39                return os;
     40        } // ?|?
     42        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, signed char c ) {
     43                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     44                fmt( os, "%hhd", c );
     45                return os;
     46        } // ?|?
     48        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned char c ) {
     49                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     50                fmt( os, "%hhu", c );
     51                return os;
     52        } // ?|?
     54        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, short int si ) {
     55                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     56                fmt( os, "%hd", si );
     57                return os;
     58        } // ?|?
     60        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned short int usi ) {
     61                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     62                fmt( os, "%hu", usi );
     63                return os;
     64        } // ?|?
     66        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, int i ) {
     67                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     68                fmt( os, "%d", i );
     69                return os;
     70        } // ?|?
     72        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned int ui ) {
     73                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     74                fmt( os, "%u", ui );
     75                return os;
     76        } // ?|?
     78        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long int li ) {
     79                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     80                fmt( os, "%ld", li );
     81                return os;
     82        } // ?|?
     84        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned long int uli ) {
     85                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     86                fmt( os, "%lu", uli );
     87                return os;
     88        } // ?|?
     90        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long long int lli ) {
     91                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     92                fmt( os, "%lld", lli );
     93                return os;
     94        } // ?|?
     96        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned long long int ulli ) {
     97                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     98                fmt( os, "%llu", ulli );
     99                return os;
     100        } // ?|?
     102        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, float f ) {
     103                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     104                fmt( os, "%g", f );
     105                return os;
     106        } // ?|?
     108        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, double d ) {
     109                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     110                fmt( os, "%.*lg", DBL_DIG, d );
     111                return os;
     112        } // ?|?
     114        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long double ld ) {
     115                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     116                fmt( os, "%.*Lg", LDBL_DIG, ld );
     117                return os;
     118        } // ?|?
     120        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, float _Complex fc ) {
     121                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     122                fmt( os, "%g%+gi", crealf( fc ), cimagf( fc ) );
     123                return os;
     124        } // ?|?
     126        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, double _Complex dc ) {
     127                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     128                fmt( os, "%.*lg%+.*lgi", DBL_DIG, creal( dc ), DBL_DIG, cimag( dc ) );
     129                return os;
     130        } // ?|?
     132        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long double _Complex ldc ) {
     133                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     134                fmt( os, "%.*Lg%+.*Lgi", LDBL_DIG, creall( ldc ), LDBL_DIG, cimagl( ldc ) );
     135                return os;
     136        } // ?|?
     138        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char * str ) {
     139                enum { Open = 1, Close, OpenClose };
     140                static const unsigned char mask[256] @= {
     141                        // opening delimiters, no space after
     142                        ['('] : Open, ['['] : Open, ['{'] : Open,
     143                        ['='] : Open, ['$'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'£'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'¥'] : Open,
     144                        [(unsigned char)'¡'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'¿'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'«'] : Open,
     145                        // closing delimiters, no space before
     146                        [','] : Close, ['.'] : Close, [';'] : Close, ['!'] : Close, ['?'] : Close,
     147                        ['%'] : Close, [(unsigned char)'¢'] : Close, [(unsigned char)'»'] : Close,
     148                        [')'] : Close, [']'] : Close, ['}'] : Close,
     149                        // opening-closing delimiters, no space before or after
     150                        ['\''] : OpenClose, ['`'] : OpenClose, ['"'] : OpenClose, [':'] : OpenClose,
     151                        [' '] : OpenClose, ['\f'] : OpenClose, ['\n'] : OpenClose, ['\r'] : OpenClose, ['\t'] : OpenClose, ['\v'] : OpenClose, // isspace
     152                }; // mask
     154          if ( str[0] == '\0' ) { sepOff( os ); return os; } // null string => no separator
     156                // first character IS NOT spacing or closing punctuation => add left separator
     157                unsigned char ch = str[0];                                              // must make unsigned
     158                if ( sepPrt( os ) && mask[ ch ] != Close && mask[ ch ] != OpenClose ) {
     159                        fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     160                } // if
     162                // if string starts line, must reset to determine open state because separator is off
     163                sepReset( os );                                                                 // reset separator
     165                // last character IS spacing or opening punctuation => turn off separator for next item
     166                size_t len = strlen( str );
     167                ch = str[len - 1];                                                              // must make unsigned
     168                if ( sepPrt( os ) && mask[ ch ] != Open && mask[ ch ] != OpenClose ) {
     169                        sepOn( os );
     170                } else {
     171                        sepOff( os );
     172                } // if
     173                if ( ch == '\n' ) setNL( os, true );                    // check *AFTER* sepPrt call above as it resets NL flag
     174                return write( os, str, len );
     175        } // ?|?
     177//      ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char16_t * str ) {
     178//              if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     179//              fmt( os, "%ls", str );
     180//              return os;
     181//      } // ?|?
     183// #if ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 ) // char32_t == wchar_t => ambiguous
     184//      ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char32_t * str ) {
     185//              if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     186//              fmt( os, "%ls", str );
     187//              return os;
     188//      } // ?|?
     189// #endif // ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 )
     191//      ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const wchar_t * str ) {
     192//              if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     193//              fmt( os, "%ls", str );
     194//              return os;
     195//      } // ?|?
     197        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const void * p ) {
     198                if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
     199                fmt( os, "%p", p );
     200                return os;
     201        } // ?|?
     204        // manipulators
     205        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, ostype & (* manip)( ostype & ) ) {
     206                return manip( os );
     207        } // ?|?
     209        ostype & sep( ostype & os ) {
     210                os | sepGet( os );
     211                return os;
     212        } // sep
     214        ostype & sepTuple( ostype & os ) {
     215                os | sepGetTuple( os );
     216                return os;
     217        } // sepTuple
     219        ostype & endl( ostype & os ) {
     220                os | '\n';
     221                setNL( os, true );
     222                flush( os );
     223                sepOff( os );                                                                   // prepare for next line
     224                return os;
     225        } // endl
     227        ostype & sepOn( ostype & os ) {
    187228                sepOn( os );
    188         } else {
     229                return os;
     230        } // sepOn
     232        ostype & sepOff( ostype & os ) {
    189233                sepOff( os );
    190         } // if
    191         if ( ch == '\n' ) setNL( os, true );                            // check *AFTER* sepPrt call above as it resets NL flag
    192         return write( os, str, len );
    193 } // ?|?
    195 // forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    196 // ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char16_t * str ) {
    197 //      if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    198 //      fmt( os, "%ls", str );
    199 //      return os;
    200 // } // ?|?
    202 // #if ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 ) // char32_t == wchar_t => ambiguous
    203 // forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    204 // ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char32_t * str ) {
    205 //      if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    206 //      fmt( os, "%ls", str );
    207 //      return os;
    208 // } // ?|?
    209 // #endif // ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 )
    211 // forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    212 // ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const wchar_t * str ) {
    213 //      if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    214 //      fmt( os, "%ls", str );
    215 //      return os;
    216 // } // ?|?
    218 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    219 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const void * p ) {
    220         if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) );
    221         fmt( os, "%p", p );
    222         return os;
    223 } // ?|?
     234                return os;
     235        } // sepOff
     237        ostype & sepEnable( ostype & os ) {
     238                sepEnable( os );
     239                return os;
     240        } // sepEnable
     242        ostype & sepDisable( ostype & os ) {
     243                sepDisable( os );
     244                return os;
     245        } // sepDisable
     246} // distribution
    234257} // ?|?
    237 // manipulators
    238 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    239 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, ostype & (* manip)( ostype & ) ) {
    240         return manip( os );
    241 } // ?|?
    243 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    244 ostype & sep( ostype & os ) {
    245         os | sepGet( os );
    246         return os;
    247 } // sep
    249 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    250 ostype & sepTuple( ostype & os ) {
    251         os | sepGetTuple( os );
    252         return os;
    253 } // sepTuple
    255 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    256 ostype & endl( ostype & os ) {
    257         os | '\n';
    258         setNL( os, true );
    259         flush( os );
    260         sepOff( os );                                                                           // prepare for next line
    261         return os;
    262 } // endl
    264 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    265 ostype & sepOn( ostype & os ) {
    266         sepOn( os );
    267         return os;
    268 } // sepOn
    270 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    271 ostype & sepOff( ostype & os ) {
    272         sepOff( os );
    273         return os;
    274 } // sepOff
    276 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    277 ostype & sepEnable( ostype & os ) {
    278         sepEnable( os );
    279         return os;
    280 } // sepEnable
    282 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )
    283 ostype & sepDisable( ostype & os ) {
    284         sepDisable( os );
    285         return os;
    286 } // sepDisable
     261// writes the range [begin, end) to the given stream
    290262forall( dtype ostype, otype elt_type | writeable( elt_type, ostype ), otype iterator_type | iterator( iterator_type, elt_type ) )
    291263void write( iterator_type begin, iterator_type end, ostype & os ) {
    304 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    305 istype & ?|?( istype & is, _Bool & b ) {
    306         char val[6];
    307         fmt( is, "%5s", val );
    308         if ( strcmp( val, "true" ) == 0 ) b = true;
    309         else if ( strcmp( val, "false" ) == 0 ) b = false;
    310         else {
    311                 fprintf( stderr, "invalid _Bool constant\n" );
    312                 abort();
    313         } // if
    314         return is;
    315 } // ?|?
    317 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    318 istype & ?|?( istype & is, char & c ) {
    319         fmt( is, "%c", &c );                                                            // must pass pointer through varg to fmt
    320         return is;
    321 } // ?|?
    323 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    324 istype & ?|?( istype & is, signed char & sc ) {
    325         fmt( is, "%hhd", &sc );
    326         return is;
    327 } // ?|?
    329 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    330 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned char & usc ) {
    331         fmt( is, "%hhu", &usc );
    332         return is;
    333 } // ?|?
    335 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    336 istype & ?|?( istype & is, short int & si ) {
    337         fmt( is, "%hd", &si );
    338         return is;
    339 } // ?|?
    341 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    342 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned short int & usi ) {
    343         fmt( is, "%hu", &usi );
    344         return is;
    345 } // ?|?
    347 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    348 istype & ?|?( istype & is, int & i ) {
    349         fmt( is, "%d", &i );
    350         return is;
    351 } // ?|?
    353 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    354 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned int & ui ) {
    355         fmt( is, "%u", &ui );
    356         return is;
    357 } // ?|?
    359 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    360 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long int & li ) {
    361         fmt( is, "%ld", &li );
    362         return is;
    363 } // ?|?
    365 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    366 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned long int & ulli ) {
    367         fmt( is, "%lu", &ulli );
    368         return is;
    369 } // ?|?
    371 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    372 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long long int & lli ) {
    373         fmt( is, "%lld", &lli );
    374         return is;
    375 } // ?|?
    377 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    378 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned long long int & ulli ) {
    379         fmt( is, "%llu", &ulli );
    380         return is;
    381 } // ?|?
    384 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    385 istype & ?|?( istype & is, float & f ) {
    386         fmt( is, "%f", &f );
    387         return is;
    388 } // ?|?
    390 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    391 istype & ?|?( istype & is, double & d ) {
    392         fmt( is, "%lf", &d );
    393         return is;
    394 } // ?|?
    396 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    397 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long double & ld ) {
    398         fmt( is, "%Lf", &ld );
    399         return is;
    400 } // ?|?
    403 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    404 istype & ?|?( istype & is, float _Complex & fc ) {
    405         float re, im;
    406         fmt( is, "%g%gi", &re, &im );
    407         fc = re + im * _Complex_I;
    408         return is;
    409 } // ?|?
    411 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    412 istype & ?|?( istype & is, double _Complex & dc ) {
    413         double re, im;
    414         fmt( is, "%lf%lfi", &re, &im );
    415         dc = re + im * _Complex_I;
    416         return is;
    417 } // ?|?
    419 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    420 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long double _Complex & ldc ) {
    421         long double re, im;
    422         fmt( is, "%Lf%Lfi", &re, &im );
    423         ldc = re + im * _Complex_I;
    424         return is;
    425 } // ?|?
    427 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    428 istype & ?|?( istype & is, istype & (* manip)( istype & ) ) {
    429         return manip( is );
    430 } // ?|?
    432 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )
    433 istype & endl( istype & is ) {
    434         fmt( is, "%*[ \t\f\n\r\v]" );                                           // ignore whitespace
    435         return is;
    436 } // endl
     276forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) {
     277        istype & ?|?( istype & is, _Bool & b ) {
     278                char val[6];
     279                fmt( is, "%5s", val );
     280                if ( strcmp( val, "true" ) == 0 ) b = true;
     281                else if ( strcmp( val, "false" ) == 0 ) b = false;
     282                else {
     283                        fprintf( stderr, "invalid _Bool constant\n" );
     284                        abort();
     285                } // if
     286                return is;
     287        } // ?|?
     289        istype & ?|?( istype & is, char & c ) {
     290                fmt( is, "%c", &c );                                                    // must pass pointer through varg to fmt
     291                return is;
     292        } // ?|?
     294        istype & ?|?( istype & is, signed char & sc ) {
     295                fmt( is, "%hhd", &sc );
     296                return is;
     297        } // ?|?
     299        istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned char & usc ) {
     300                fmt( is, "%hhu", &usc );
     301                return is;
     302        } // ?|?
     304        istype & ?|?( istype & is, short int & si ) {
     305                fmt( is, "%hd", &si );
     306                return is;
     307        } // ?|?
     309        istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned short int & usi ) {
     310                fmt( is, "%hu", &usi );
     311                return is;
     312        } // ?|?
     314        istype & ?|?( istype & is, int & i ) {
     315                fmt( is, "%d", &i );
     316                return is;
     317        } // ?|?
     319        istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned int & ui ) {
     320                fmt( is, "%u", &ui );
     321                return is;
     322        } // ?|?
     324        istype & ?|?( istype & is, long int & li ) {
     325                fmt( is, "%ld", &li );
     326                return is;
     327        } // ?|?
     329        istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned long int & ulli ) {
     330                fmt( is, "%lu", &ulli );
     331                return is;
     332        } // ?|?
     334        istype & ?|?( istype & is, long long int & lli ) {
     335                fmt( is, "%lld", &lli );
     336                return is;
     337        } // ?|?
     339        istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned long long int & ulli ) {
     340                fmt( is, "%llu", &ulli );
     341                return is;
     342        } // ?|?
     345        istype & ?|?( istype & is, float & f ) {
     346                fmt( is, "%f", &f );
     347                return is;
     348        } // ?|?
     350        istype & ?|?( istype & is, double & d ) {
     351                fmt( is, "%lf", &d );
     352                return is;
     353        } // ?|?
     355        istype & ?|?( istype & is, long double & ld ) {
     356                fmt( is, "%Lf", &ld );
     357                return is;
     358        } // ?|?
     361        istype & ?|?( istype & is, float _Complex & fc ) {
     362                float re, im;
     363                fmt( is, "%g%gi", &re, &im );
     364                fc = re + im * _Complex_I;
     365                return is;
     366        } // ?|?
     368        istype & ?|?( istype & is, double _Complex & dc ) {
     369                double re, im;
     370                fmt( is, "%lf%lfi", &re, &im );
     371                dc = re + im * _Complex_I;
     372                return is;
     373        } // ?|?
     375        istype & ?|?( istype & is, long double _Complex & ldc ) {
     376                long double re, im;
     377                fmt( is, "%Lf%Lfi", &re, &im );
     378                ldc = re + im * _Complex_I;
     379                return is;
     380        } // ?|?
     383        // manipulators
     384        istype & ?|?( istype & is, istype & (* manip)( istype & ) ) {
     385                return manip( is );
     386        } // ?|?
     388        istype & endl( istype & is ) {
     389                fmt( is, "%*[ \t\f\n\r\v]" );                                   // ignore whitespace
     390                return is;
     391        } // endl
     392} // distribution
    438394_Istream_cstrUC cstr( char * str ) { return (_Istream_cstrUC){ str }; }
  • src/libcfa/rational

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    1212// Created On       : Wed Apr  6 17:56:25 2016
    1313// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    14 // Last Modified On : Wed Dec  6 23:12:53 2017
    15 // Update Count     : 97
     14// Last Modified On : Sat Jun  2 09:10:01 2018
     15// Update Count     : 105
    4646// implementation
    48 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    49 struct Rational {
    50         RationalImpl numerator, denominator;                            // invariant: denominator > 0
    51 }; // Rational
     48forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) {
     49        struct Rational {
     50                RationalImpl numerator, denominator;                    // invariant: denominator > 0
     51        }; // Rational
    53 // constructors
     53        // constructors
    55 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    56 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r );
     55        void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r );
     56        void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n );
     57        void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n, RationalImpl d );
     58        void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, zero_t );
     59        void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, one_t );
    58 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    59 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n );
     61        // numerator/denominator getter
    61 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    62 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n, RationalImpl d );
     63        RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     64        RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     65        [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] ?=?( & [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] dest, Rational(RationalImpl) src );
    64 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    65 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, zero_t );
     67        // numerator/denominator setter
    67 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    68 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, one_t );
     69        RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl n );
     70        RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl d );
    70 // numerator/denominator getter
     72        // comparison
    72 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    73 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     74        int ?==?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     75        int ?!=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     76        int ?<?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     77        int ?<=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     78        int ?>?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     79        int ?>=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    75 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    76 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     81        // arithmetic
    78 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    79 [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] ?=?( & [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] dest, Rational(RationalImpl) src );
     83        Rational(RationalImpl) +?( Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     84        Rational(RationalImpl) -?( Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     85        Rational(RationalImpl) ?+?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     86        Rational(RationalImpl) ?-?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     87        Rational(RationalImpl) ?*?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     88        Rational(RationalImpl) ?/?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    81 // numerator/denominator setter
     90        // I/O
     91        forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) | { istype & ?|?( istype &, RationalImpl & ); } )
     92        istype & ?|?( istype &, Rational(RationalImpl) & );
    83 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    84 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl n );
    86 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    87 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl d );
    89 // comparison
    91 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    92 int ?==?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    94 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    95 int ?!=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    97 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    98 int ?<?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    100 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    101 int ?<=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    103 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    104 int ?>?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    106 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    107 int ?>=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    109 // arithmetic
    111 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    112 Rational(RationalImpl) +?( Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    114 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    115 Rational(RationalImpl) -?( Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    117 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    118 Rational(RationalImpl) ?+?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    120 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    121 Rational(RationalImpl) ?-?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    123 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    124 Rational(RationalImpl) ?*?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
    126 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    127 Rational(RationalImpl) ?/?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r );
     94        forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) | { ostype & ?|?( ostype &, RationalImpl ); } )
     95        ostype & ?|?( ostype &, Rational(RationalImpl ) );
     96} // distribution
    12998// conversion
    133102Rational(RationalImpl) narrow( double f, RationalImpl md );
    135 // I/O
    136 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    137 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) | { istype & ?|?( istype &, RationalImpl & ); } )
    138 istype & ?|?( istype &, Rational(RationalImpl) & );
    140 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    141 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) | { ostype & ?|?( ostype &, RationalImpl ); } )
    142 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, Rational(RationalImpl ) );
    144104// Local Variables: //
    145105// mode: c //
  • src/libcfa/rational.c

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    1010// Created On       : Wed Apr  6 17:54:28 2016
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Wed Dec  6 23:13:58 2017
    13 // Update Count     : 156
     12// Last Modified On : Sat Jun  2 09:24:33 2018
     13// Update Count     : 162
    1818#include "stdlib"
    20 // helper routines
    22 // Calculate greatest common denominator of two numbers, the first of which may be negative. Used to reduce rationals.
    23 // alternative:
    24 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    25 static RationalImpl gcd( RationalImpl a, RationalImpl b ) {
    26         for ( ;; ) {                                                                            // Euclid's algorithm
    27                 RationalImpl r = a % b;
    28           if ( r == (RationalImpl){0} ) break;
    29                 a = b;
    30                 b = r;
    31         } // for
    32         return b;
    33 } // gcd
    35 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    36 static RationalImpl simplify( RationalImpl & n, RationalImpl & d ) {
    37         if ( d == (RationalImpl){0} ) {
    38                 serr | "Invalid rational number construction: denominator cannot be equal to 0." | endl;
    39                 exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    40         } // exit
    41         if ( d < (RationalImpl){0} ) { d = -d; n = -n; }        // move sign to numerator
    42         return gcd( abs( n ), d );                                                      // simplify
    43 } // Rationalnumber::simplify
    46 // constructors
    48 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    49 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r ) {
    50         r{ (RationalImpl){0}, (RationalImpl){1} };
    51 } // rational
    53 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    54 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n ) {
    55         r{ n, (RationalImpl){1} };
    56 } // rational
    58 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    59 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n, RationalImpl d ) {
    60         RationalImpl t = simplify( n, d );                                      // simplify
    61         r.numerator = n / t;
    62         r.denominator = d / t;
    63 } // rational
    66 // getter for numerator/denominator
    68 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    69 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    70         return r.numerator;
    71 } // numerator
    73 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    74 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    75         return r.denominator;
    76 } // denominator
    78 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    79 [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] ?=?( & [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] dest, Rational(RationalImpl) src ) {
    80         return dest = src.[ numerator, denominator ];
    81 }
    83 // setter for numerator/denominator
    85 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    86 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl n ) {
    87         RationalImpl prev = r.numerator;
    88         RationalImpl t = gcd( abs( n ), r.denominator );                // simplify
    89         r.numerator = n / t;
    90         r.denominator = r.denominator / t;
    91         return prev;
    92 } // numerator
    94 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    95 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl d ) {
    96         RationalImpl prev = r.denominator;
    97         RationalImpl t = simplify( r.numerator, d );                    // simplify
    98         r.numerator = r.numerator / t;
    99         r.denominator = d / t;
    100         return prev;
    101 } // denominator
    104 // comparison
    106 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    107 int ?==?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    108         return l.numerator * r.denominator == l.denominator * r.numerator;
    109 } // ?==?
    111 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    112 int ?!=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    113         return ! ( l == r );
    114 } // ?!=?
    116 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    117 int ?<?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    118         return l.numerator * r.denominator < l.denominator * r.numerator;
    119 } // ?<?
    121 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    122 int ?<=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    123         return l.numerator * r.denominator <= l.denominator * r.numerator;
    124 } // ?<=?
    126 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    127 int ?>?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    128         return ! ( l <= r );
    129 } // ?>?
    131 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    132 int ?>=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    133         return ! ( l < r );
    134 } // ?>=?
    137 // arithmetic
    139 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    140 Rational(RationalImpl) +?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    141         Rational(RationalImpl) t = { r.numerator, r.denominator };
    142         return t;
    143 } // +?
    145 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    146 Rational(RationalImpl) -?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    147         Rational(RationalImpl) t = { -r.numerator, r.denominator };
    148         return t;
    149 } // -?
    151 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    152 Rational(RationalImpl) ?+?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    153         if ( l.denominator == r.denominator ) {                         // special case
    154                 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator + r.numerator, l.denominator };
    155                 return t;
    156         } else {
    157                 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator + l.denominator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator };
    158                 return t;
    159         } // if
    160 } // ?+?
    162 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    163 Rational(RationalImpl) ?-?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    164         if ( l.denominator == r.denominator ) {                         // special case
    165                 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator - r.numerator, l.denominator };
    166                 return t;
    167         } else {
    168                 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator - l.denominator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator };
    169                 return t;
    170         } // if
    171 } // ?-?
    173 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    174 Rational(RationalImpl) ?*?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    175         Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator };
    176         return t;
    177 } // ?*?
    179 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    180 Rational(RationalImpl) ?/?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
    181         if ( r.numerator < (RationalImpl){0} ) {
    182                 r.numerator = -r.numerator;
    183                 r.denominator = -r.denominator;
    184         } // if
    185         Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator, l.denominator * r.numerator };
    186         return t;
    187 } // ?/?
     20forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) {
     21        // helper routines
     23        // Calculate greatest common denominator of two numbers, the first of which may be negative. Used to reduce
     24        // rationals.  alternative:
     25        static RationalImpl gcd( RationalImpl a, RationalImpl b ) {
     26                for ( ;; ) {                                                                    // Euclid's algorithm
     27                        RationalImpl r = a % b;
     28                  if ( r == (RationalImpl){0} ) break;
     29                        a = b;
     30                        b = r;
     31                } // for
     32                return b;
     33        } // gcd
     35        static RationalImpl simplify( RationalImpl & n, RationalImpl & d ) {
     36                if ( d == (RationalImpl){0} ) {
     37                        serr | "Invalid rational number construction: denominator cannot be equal to 0." | endl;
     38                        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
     39                } // exit
     40                if ( d < (RationalImpl){0} ) { d = -d; n = -n; } // move sign to numerator
     41                return gcd( abs( n ), d );                                              // simplify
     42        } // Rationalnumber::simplify
     44        // constructors
     46        void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r ) {
     47                r{ (RationalImpl){0}, (RationalImpl){1} };
     48        } // rational
     50        void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n ) {
     51                r{ n, (RationalImpl){1} };
     52        } // rational
     54        void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n, RationalImpl d ) {
     55                RationalImpl t = simplify( n, d );                              // simplify
     56                r.numerator = n / t;
     57                r.denominator = d / t;
     58        } // rational
     61        // getter for numerator/denominator
     63        RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     64                return r.numerator;
     65        } // numerator
     67        RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     68                return r.denominator;
     69        } // denominator
     71        [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] ?=?( & [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] dest, Rational(RationalImpl) src ) {
     72                return dest = src.[ numerator, denominator ];
     73        } // ?=?
     75        // setter for numerator/denominator
     77        RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl n ) {
     78                RationalImpl prev = r.numerator;
     79                RationalImpl t = gcd( abs( n ), r.denominator ); // simplify
     80                r.numerator = n / t;
     81                r.denominator = r.denominator / t;
     82                return prev;
     83        } // numerator
     85        RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl d ) {
     86                RationalImpl prev = r.denominator;
     87                RationalImpl t = simplify( r.numerator, d );    // simplify
     88                r.numerator = r.numerator / t;
     89                r.denominator = d / t;
     90                return prev;
     91        } // denominator
     93        // comparison
     95        int ?==?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     96                return l.numerator * r.denominator == l.denominator * r.numerator;
     97        } // ?==?
     99        int ?!=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     100                return ! ( l == r );
     101        } // ?!=?
     103        int ?<?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     104                return l.numerator * r.denominator < l.denominator * r.numerator;
     105        } // ?<?
     107        int ?<=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     108                return l.numerator * r.denominator <= l.denominator * r.numerator;
     109        } // ?<=?
     111        int ?>?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     112                return ! ( l <= r );
     113        } // ?>?
     115        int ?>=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     116                return ! ( l < r );
     117        } // ?>=?
     119        // arithmetic
     121        Rational(RationalImpl) +?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     122                Rational(RationalImpl) t = { r.numerator, r.denominator };
     123                return t;
     124        } // +?
     126        Rational(RationalImpl) -?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     127                Rational(RationalImpl) t = { -r.numerator, r.denominator };
     128                return t;
     129        } // -?
     131        Rational(RationalImpl) ?+?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     132                if ( l.denominator == r.denominator ) {                 // special case
     133                        Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator + r.numerator, l.denominator };
     134                        return t;
     135                } else {
     136                        Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator + l.denominator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator };
     137                        return t;
     138                } // if
     139        } // ?+?
     141        Rational(RationalImpl) ?-?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     142                if ( l.denominator == r.denominator ) {                 // special case
     143                        Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator - r.numerator, l.denominator };
     144                        return t;
     145                } else {
     146                        Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator - l.denominator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator };
     147                        return t;
     148                } // if
     149        } // ?-?
     151        Rational(RationalImpl) ?*?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     152                Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator };
     153                return t;
     154        } // ?*?
     156        Rational(RationalImpl) ?/?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) {
     157                if ( r.numerator < (RationalImpl){0} ) {
     158                        r.numerator = -r.numerator;
     159                        r.denominator = -r.denominator;
     160                } // if
     161                Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator, l.denominator * r.numerator };
     162                return t;
     163        } // ?/?
     165        // I/O
     167        forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) | { istype & ?|?( istype &, RationalImpl & ); } )
     168        istype & ?|?( istype & is, Rational(RationalImpl) & r ) {
     169                RationalImpl t;
     170                is | r.numerator | r.denominator;
     171                t = simplify( r.numerator, r.denominator );
     172                r.numerator /= t;
     173                r.denominator /= t;
     174                return is;
     175        } // ?|?
     177        forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) | { ostype & ?|?( ostype &, RationalImpl ); } )
     178        ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, Rational(RationalImpl ) r ) {
     179                return os | r.numerator | '/' | r.denominator;
     180        } // ?|?
     181} // distribution
    190183// conversion
    195188} // widen
    197 //
    198190forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) | { double convert( RationalImpl ); RationalImpl convert( double ); } )
    199191Rational(RationalImpl) narrow( double f, RationalImpl md ) {
     192        //
    200193        if ( md <= (RationalImpl){1} ) {                                        // maximum fractional digits too small?
    201194                return (Rational(RationalImpl)){ convert( f ), (RationalImpl){1}}; // truncate fraction
    224217} // narrow
    227 // I/O
    229 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    230 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) | { istype & ?|?( istype &, RationalImpl & ); } )
    231 istype & ?|?( istype & is, Rational(RationalImpl) & r ) {
    232         RationalImpl t;
    233         is | r.numerator | r.denominator;
    234         t = simplify( r.numerator, r.denominator );
    235         r.numerator /= t;
    236         r.denominator /= t;
    237         return is;
    238 } // ?|?
    240 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )
    241 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) | { ostype & ?|?( ostype &, RationalImpl ); } )
    242 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, Rational(RationalImpl ) r ) {
    243         return os | r.numerator | '/' | r.denominator;
    244 } // ?|?
    246219// Local Variables: //
    247220// tab-width: 4 //
  • src/libcfa/stdlib

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    1010// Created On       : Thu Jan 28 17:12:35 2016
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Wed May 16 07:53:10 2018
    13 // Update Count     : 300
     12// Last Modified On : Sat Jun  2 08:46:35 2018
     13// Update Count     : 306
    1616#pragma once
    18 #include <stdlib.h>                                                                             // strto*, *abs
     18#include <stdlib.h>                                                                             // allocation, strto*, *abs
     19extern "C" {
     20        void * memalign( size_t align, size_t size );
     21        void * aligned_alloc( size_t align, size_t size );
     22        void * memset( void * dest, int c, size_t size );
     23} // extern "C"
    29 // C dynamic allocation
    3034static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) {
     35        // C dynamic allocation
    3137        T * malloc( void ) {
    3238                // printf( "* malloc\n" );
    5157        } // realloc
    53         extern "C" { void * memalign( size_t align, size_t size ); } // use default C routine for void *
    5459        T * memalign( size_t align ) {
    5560                //printf( "X4\n" );
    5762        } // memalign
    59         extern "C" { void * aligned_alloc( size_t align, size_t size ); } // use default C routine for void *
    6064        T * aligned_alloc( size_t align ) {
    6165                //printf( "X5\n" );
    7175        // Cforall dynamic allocation
    72         extern "C" { void * memset( void * dest, int c, size_t size ); } // use default C routine for void *
    7477        T * alloc( void ) {
    103106forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * alloc( T ptr[], size_t dim, char fill );
    105 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * align_alloc( size_t align ) {
    106         //printf( "X13\n" );
    107         return (T *)memalign( align, sizeof(T) );
    108 } // align_alloc
    109 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * align_alloc( size_t align, char fill ) {
    110         //printf( "X14\n" );
    111     T * ptr = (T *)memalign( align, sizeof(T) );
    112     return (T *)memset( ptr, (int)fill, sizeof(T) );
    113 } // align_alloc
    115 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * align_alloc( size_t align, size_t dim ) {
    116         //printf( "X15\n" );
    117         return (T *)memalign( align, dim * sizeof(T) );
    118 } // align_alloc
    119 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * align_alloc( size_t align, size_t dim, char fill ) {
    120         //printf( "X16\n" );
    121     T * ptr = (T *)memalign( align, dim * sizeof(T) );
    122     return (T *)memset( ptr, (int)fill, dim * sizeof(T) );
    123 } // align_alloc
    126 // data, non-array types
    127 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * memset( T * dest, char c ) {
    128         //printf( "X17\n" );
    129         return (T *)memset( dest, c, sizeof(T) );
    130 } // memset
    131 extern "C" { void * memcpy( void * dest, const void * src, size_t size ); } // use default C routine for void *
    132 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * memcpy( T * dest, const T * src ) {
    133         //printf( "X18\n" );
    134         return (T *)memcpy( dest, src, sizeof(T) );
    135 } // memcpy
    137 // data, array types
    138 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * memset( T dest[], size_t dim, char c ) {
    139         //printf( "X19\n" );
    140         return (T *)(void *)memset( dest, c, dim * sizeof(T) ); // C memset
    141 } // memset
    142 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * memcpy( T dest[], const T src[], size_t dim ) {
    143         //printf( "X20\n" );
    144         return (T *)(void *)memcpy( dest, src, dim * sizeof(T) ); // C memcpy
    145 } // memcpy
     109static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) {
     110        T * align_alloc( size_t align ) {
     111                //printf( "X13\n" );
     112                return (T *)memalign( align, sizeof(T) );
     113        } // align_alloc
     115        T * align_alloc( size_t align, char fill ) {
     116                //printf( "X14\n" );
     117                T * ptr = (T *)memalign( align, sizeof(T) );
     118                return (T *)memset( ptr, (int)fill, sizeof(T) );
     119        } // align_alloc
     121        T * align_alloc( size_t align, size_t dim ) {
     122                //printf( "X15\n" );
     123                return (T *)memalign( align, dim * sizeof(T) );
     124        } // align_alloc
     126        T * align_alloc( size_t align, size_t dim, char fill ) {
     127                //printf( "X16\n" );
     128                T * ptr = (T *)memalign( align, dim * sizeof(T) );
     129                return (T *)memset( ptr, (int)fill, dim * sizeof(T) );
     130        } // align_alloc
     131} // distribution
     134static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) {
     135        // data, non-array types
     137        T * memset( T * dest, char c ) {
     138                //printf( "X17\n" );
     139                return (T *)memset( dest, c, sizeof(T) );
     140        } // memset
     142        extern "C" { void * memcpy( void * dest, const void * src, size_t size ); } // use default C routine for void *
     144        T * memcpy( T * dest, const T * src ) {
     145                //printf( "X18\n" );
     146                return (T *)memcpy( dest, src, sizeof(T) );
     147        } // memcpy
     148} // distribution
     150static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) {
     151        // data, array types
     153        T * memset( T dest[], size_t dim, char c ) {
     154                //printf( "X19\n" );
     155                return (T *)(void *)memset( dest, c, dim * sizeof(T) ); // C memset
     156        } // memset
     158        T * memcpy( T dest[], const T src[], size_t dim ) {
     159                //printf( "X20\n" );
     160                return (T *)(void *)memcpy( dest, src, dim * sizeof(T) ); // C memcpy
     161        } // memcpy
     162} // distribution
    147164// allocation/deallocation and constructor/destructor, non-array types
    191 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    192 E * bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    194 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    195 size_t bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    197 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    198 E * bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    200 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    201 size_t bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    204 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    205 E * bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    207 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    208 size_t bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    210 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    211 E * bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    213 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    214 size_t bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    217 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    218 E * bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    220 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    221 size_t bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    223 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    224 E * bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    226 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    227 size_t bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
    230 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    231 void qsort( E * vals, size_t dim );
     208forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) {
     209        E * bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     210        size_t bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     211        E * bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     212        size_t bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     213        E * bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     214        size_t bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     216        void qsort( E * vals, size_t dim );
     217} // distribution
     219forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) {
     220        E * bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     221        size_t bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     222        E * bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     223        size_t bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     224        E * bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     225        size_t bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim );
     226} // distribution
  • src/libcfa/stdlib.c

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    1010// Created On       : Thu Jan 28 17:10:29 2016
    1111// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    12 // Last Modified On : Wed Jan  3 08:29:29 2018
    13 // Update Count     : 444
     12// Last Modified On : Sat Jun  2 06:15:05 2018
     13// Update Count     : 448
    132 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    133 E * bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    134         int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) {
    135                 return *(E *)t1 < *(E *)t2 ? -1 : *(E *)t2 < *(E *)t1 ? 1 : 0;
    136         } // cmp
    137         return (E *)bsearch( &key, vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp );
    138 } // bsearch
    140 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    141 size_t bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    142         E * result = bsearch( key, vals, dim );
    143         return result ? result - vals : dim;                            // pointer subtraction includes sizeof(E)
    144 } // bsearch
    146 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    147 E * bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    148         int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) {
    149                 return *(K *)t1 < getKey( *(E *)t2 ) ? -1 : getKey( *(E *)t2 ) < *(K *)t1 ? 1 : 0;
    150         } // cmp
    151         return (E *)bsearch( &key, vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp );
    152 } // bsearch
    154 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    155 size_t bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    156         E * result = bsearch( key, vals, dim );
    157         return result ? result - vals : dim;                            // pointer subtraction includes sizeof(E)
    158 } // bsearch
    161 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    162 size_t bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    163         size_t l = 0, m, h = dim;
    164         while ( l < h ) {
    165                 m = (l + h) / 2;
    166                 if ( (E &)(vals[m]) < key ) {                                   // cast away const
    167                         l = m + 1;
    168                 } else {
    169                         h = m;
    170                 } // if
    171         } // while
    172         return l;
    173 } // bsearchl
    175 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    176 E * bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    177         size_t posn = bsearchl( key, vals, dim );
    178         return (E *)(&vals[posn]);                                                      // cast away const
    179 } // bsearchl
    181 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    182 size_t bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    183         size_t l = 0, m, h = dim;
    184         while ( l < h ) {
    185                 m = (l + h) / 2;
    186                 if ( getKey( vals[m] ) < key ) {
    187                         l = m + 1;
    188                 } else {
    189                         h = m;
    190                 } // if
    191         } // while
    192         return l;
    193 } // bsearchl
    195 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    196 E * bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    197         size_t posn = bsearchl( key, vals, dim );
    198         return (E *)(&vals[posn]);                                                      // cast away const
    199 } // bsearchl
    202 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    203 size_t bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    204         size_t l = 0, m, h = dim;
    205         while ( l < h ) {
    206                 m = (l + h) / 2;
    207                 if ( ! ( key < (E &)(vals[m]) ) ) {                             // cast away const
    208                         l = m + 1;
    209                 } else {
    210                         h = m;
    211                 } // if
    212         } // while
    213         return l;
    214 } // bsearchu
    216 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    217 E * bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    218         size_t posn = bsearchu( key, vals, dim );
    219         return (E *)(&vals[posn]);
    220 } // bsearchu
    222 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    223 size_t bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    224         size_t l = 0, m, h = dim;
    225         while ( l < h ) {
    226                 m = (l + h) / 2;
    227                 if ( ! ( key < getKey( vals[m] ) ) ) {
    228                         l = m + 1;
    229                 } else {
    230                         h = m;
    231                 } // if
    232         } // while
    233         return l;
    234 } // bsearchu
    236 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } )
    237 E * bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    238         size_t posn = bsearchu( key, vals, dim );
    239         return (E *)(&vals[posn]);
    240 } // bsearchu
    243 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } )
    244 void qsort( E * vals, size_t dim ) {
    245         int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) {
    246                 return *(E *)t1 < *(E *)t2 ? -1 : *(E *)t2 < *(E *)t1 ? 1 : 0;
    247         } // cmp
    248         qsort( vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp );
    249 } // qsort
     132forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) {
     133        E * bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     134                int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) {
     135                        return *(E *)t1 < *(E *)t2 ? -1 : *(E *)t2 < *(E *)t1 ? 1 : 0;
     136                } // cmp
     137                return (E *)bsearch( &key, vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp );
     138        } // bsearch
     140        size_t bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     141                E * result = bsearch( key, vals, dim );
     142                return result ? result - vals : dim;                    // pointer subtraction includes sizeof(E)
     143        } // bsearch
     145        size_t bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     146                size_t l = 0, m, h = dim;
     147                while ( l < h ) {
     148                        m = (l + h) / 2;
     149                        if ( (E &)(vals[m]) < key ) {                           // cast away const
     150                                l = m + 1;
     151                        } else {
     152                                h = m;
     153                        } // if
     154                } // while
     155                return l;
     156        } // bsearchl
     158        E * bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     159                size_t posn = bsearchl( key, vals, dim );
     160                return (E *)(&vals[posn]);                                              // cast away const
     161        } // bsearchl
     163        size_t bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     164                size_t l = 0, m, h = dim;
     165                while ( l < h ) {
     166                        m = (l + h) / 2;
     167                        if ( ! ( key < (E &)(vals[m]) ) ) {                     // cast away const
     168                                l = m + 1;
     169                        } else {
     170                                h = m;
     171                        } // if
     172                } // while
     173                return l;
     174        } // bsearchu
     176        E * bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     177                size_t posn = bsearchu( key, vals, dim );
     178                return (E *)(&vals[posn]);
     179        } // bsearchu
     182        void qsort( E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     183                int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) {
     184                        return *(E *)t1 < *(E *)t2 ? -1 : *(E *)t2 < *(E *)t1 ? 1 : 0;
     185                } // cmp
     186                qsort( vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp );
     187        } // qsort
     188} // distribution
     191forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) {
     192        E * bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     193                int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) {
     194                        return *(K *)t1 < getKey( *(E *)t2 ) ? -1 : getKey( *(E *)t2 ) < *(K *)t1 ? 1 : 0;
     195                } // cmp
     196                return (E *)bsearch( &key, vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp );
     197        } // bsearch
     199        size_t bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     200                E * result = bsearch( key, vals, dim );
     201                return result ? result - vals : dim;                    // pointer subtraction includes sizeof(E)
     202        } // bsearch
     204        size_t bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     205                size_t l = 0, m, h = dim;
     206                while ( l < h ) {
     207                        m = (l + h) / 2;
     208                        if ( getKey( vals[m] ) < key ) {
     209                                l = m + 1;
     210                        } else {
     211                                h = m;
     212                        } // if
     213                } // while
     214                return l;
     215        } // bsearchl
     217        E * bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     218                size_t posn = bsearchl( key, vals, dim );
     219                return (E *)(&vals[posn]);                                              // cast away const
     220        } // bsearchl
     222        size_t bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     223                size_t l = 0, m, h = dim;
     224                while ( l < h ) {
     225                        m = (l + h) / 2;
     226                        if ( ! ( key < getKey( vals[m] ) ) ) {
     227                                l = m + 1;
     228                        } else {
     229                                h = m;
     230                        } // if
     231                } // while
     232                return l;
     233        } // bsearchu
     235        E * bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) {
     236                size_t posn = bsearchu( key, vals, dim );
     237                return (E *)(&vals[posn]);
     238        } // bsearchu
     239} // distribution
  • src/tests/.expect/ifcond.txt

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    22x != 0 && y != 0 correct
    33x == y correct
     4s.i < 4 correct
  • src/tests/.expect/literals.x64.txt

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    2121void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0PCc__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object586), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object587), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object588, _Bool __anonymous_object589), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object590), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object591, const char *__anonymous_object592), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object593), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object594, _Bool __anonymous_object595), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object596), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object597), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object598), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object599), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object600), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object601, const char *__anonymous_object602), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object603), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object604, const char *__anonymous_object605), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object606), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object607), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object608, const char *__anonymous_object609, unsigned long int __anonymous_object610), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object611, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object612, const char *__anonymous_object613);
    2222void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0PCv__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object614), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object615), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object616, _Bool __anonymous_object617), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object618), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object619, const char *__anonymous_object620), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object621), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object622, _Bool __anonymous_object623), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object624), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object625), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object626), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object627), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object628), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object629, const char *__anonymous_object630), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object631), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object632, const char *__anonymous_object633), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object634), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object635), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object636, const char *__anonymous_object637, unsigned long int __anonymous_object638), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object639, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object640, const void *__anonymous_object641);
    23 void *___operator_bitor__A0_2_0_1____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0tVARGS2__Fd0_d0d1tVARGS2__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype7tParams_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object642)(), void *__anonymous_object643, void *__anonymous_object644), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype2tT_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object645)(), void *__anonymous_object646, void *__anonymous_object647), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P2tT2tT__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object648)(), void *__anonymous_object649, void *__anonymous_object650), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF2tT_P2tT2tT_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object651)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__2tT_1, void *__anonymous_object652, void *__anonymous_object653), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F2tT_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object654, void *__anonymous_object655), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object656), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object657, void *__anonymous_object658), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object659), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object660, void *__anonymous_object661), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object662), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object663), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object664, _Bool __anonymous_object665), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object666), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object667, const char *__anonymous_object668), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object669), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object670, _Bool __anonymous_object671), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object672), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object673), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object674), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object675), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object676), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object677, const char *__anonymous_object678), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object679), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object680, const char *__anonymous_object681), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object682), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object683), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object684, const char *__anonymous_object685, unsigned long int __anonymous_object686), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object687, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype7tParams__1)(void *__anonymous_object688, void *__anonymous_object689), void *__os__7tostype_1, void *__arg__2tT_1, void *__rest__7tParams_1);
    24 void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0Fd0_d0___1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object690), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object691), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object692, _Bool __anonymous_object693), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object694), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object695, const char *__anonymous_object696), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object697), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object698, _Bool __anonymous_object699), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object700), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object701), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object702), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object703), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object704), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object705, const char *__anonymous_object706), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object707), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object708, const char *__anonymous_object709), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object710), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object711), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object712, const char *__anonymous_object713, unsigned long int __anonymous_object714), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object715, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object716, void *(*__anonymous_object717)(void *__anonymous_object718));
    25 void *__endl__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object719), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object720), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object721, _Bool __anonymous_object722), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object723), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object724, const char *__anonymous_object725), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object726), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object727, _Bool __anonymous_object728), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object729), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object730), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object731), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object732), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object733), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object734, const char *__anonymous_object735), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object736), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object737, const char *__anonymous_object738), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object739), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object740), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object741, const char *__anonymous_object742, unsigned long int __anonymous_object743), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object744, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object745);
    26 void *__sep__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object746), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object747), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object748, _Bool __anonymous_object749), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object750), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object751, const char *__anonymous_object752), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object753), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object754, _Bool __anonymous_object755), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object756), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object757), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object758), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object759), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object760), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object761, const char *__anonymous_object762), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object763), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object764, const char *__anonymous_object765), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object766), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object767), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object768, const char *__anonymous_object769, unsigned long int __anonymous_object770), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object771, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object772);
    27 void *__sepTuple__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object773), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object774), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object775, _Bool __anonymous_object776), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object777), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object778, const char *__anonymous_object779), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object780), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object781, _Bool __anonymous_object782), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object783), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object784), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object785), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object786), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object787), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object788, const char *__anonymous_object789), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object790), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object791, const char *__anonymous_object792), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object793), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object794), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object795, const char *__anonymous_object796, unsigned long int __anonymous_object797), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object798, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object799);
    28 void *__sepOn__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object800), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object801), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object802, _Bool __anonymous_object803), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object804), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object805, const char *__anonymous_object806), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object807), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object808, _Bool __anonymous_object809), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object810), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object811), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object812), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object813), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object814), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object815, const char *__anonymous_object816), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object817), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object818, const char *__anonymous_object819), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object820), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object821), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object822, const char *__anonymous_object823, unsigned long int __anonymous_object824), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object825, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object826);
    29 void *__sepOff__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object827), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object828), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object829, _Bool __anonymous_object830), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object831), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object832, const char *__anonymous_object833), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object834), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object835, _Bool __anonymous_object836), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object837), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object838), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object839), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object840), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object841), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object842, const char *__anonymous_object843), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object844), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object845, const char *__anonymous_object846), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object847), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object848), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object849, const char *__anonymous_object850, unsigned long int __anonymous_object851), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object852, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object853);
    30 void *__sepDisable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object854), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object855), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object856, _Bool __anonymous_object857), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object858), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object859, const char *__anonymous_object860), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object861), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object862, _Bool __anonymous_object863), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object864), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object865), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object866), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object867), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object868), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object869, const char *__anonymous_object870), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object871), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object872, const char *__anonymous_object873), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object874), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object875), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object876, const char *__anonymous_object877, unsigned long int __anonymous_object878), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object879, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object880);
    31 void *__sepEnable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object881), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object882), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object883, _Bool __anonymous_object884), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object885), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object886, const char *__anonymous_object887), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object888), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object889, _Bool __anonymous_object890), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object891), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object892), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object893), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object894), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object895), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object896, const char *__anonymous_object897), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object898), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object899, const char *__anonymous_object900), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object901), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object902), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object903, const char *__anonymous_object904, unsigned long int __anonymous_object905), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object906, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object907);
     23void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0Fd0_d0___1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object642), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object643), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object644, _Bool __anonymous_object645), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object646), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object647, const char *__anonymous_object648), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object649), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object650, _Bool __anonymous_object651), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object652), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object653), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object654), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object655), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object656), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object657, const char *__anonymous_object658), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object659), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object660, const char *__anonymous_object661), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object662), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object663), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object664, const char *__anonymous_object665, unsigned long int __anonymous_object666), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object667, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object668, void *(*__anonymous_object669)(void *__anonymous_object670));
     24void *__endl__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object671), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object672), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object673, _Bool __anonymous_object674), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object675), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object676, const char *__anonymous_object677), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object678), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object679, _Bool __anonymous_object680), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object681), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object682), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object683), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object684), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object685), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object686, const char *__anonymous_object687), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object688), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object689, const char *__anonymous_object690), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object691), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object692), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object693, const char *__anonymous_object694, unsigned long int __anonymous_object695), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object696, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object697);
     25void *__sep__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object698), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object699), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object700, _Bool __anonymous_object701), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object702), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object703, const char *__anonymous_object704), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object705), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object706, _Bool __anonymous_object707), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object708), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object709), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object710), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object711), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object712), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object713, const char *__anonymous_object714), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object715), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object716, const char *__anonymous_object717), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object718), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object719), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object720, const char *__anonymous_object721, unsigned long int __anonymous_object722), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object723, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object724);
     26void *__sepTuple__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object725), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object726), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object727, _Bool __anonymous_object728), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object729), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object730, const char *__anonymous_object731), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object732), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object733, _Bool __anonymous_object734), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object735), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object736), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object737), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object738), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object739), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object740, const char *__anonymous_object741), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object742), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object743, const char *__anonymous_object744), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object745), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object746), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object747, const char *__anonymous_object748, unsigned long int __anonymous_object749), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object750, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object751);
     27void *__sepOn__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object752), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object753), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object754, _Bool __anonymous_object755), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object756), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object757, const char *__anonymous_object758), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object759), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object760, _Bool __anonymous_object761), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object762), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object763), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object764), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object765), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object766), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object767, const char *__anonymous_object768), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object769), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object770, const char *__anonymous_object771), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object772), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object773), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object774, const char *__anonymous_object775, unsigned long int __anonymous_object776), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object777, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object778);
     28void *__sepOff__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object779), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object780), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object781, _Bool __anonymous_object782), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object783), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object784, const char *__anonymous_object785), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object786), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object787, _Bool __anonymous_object788), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object789), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object790), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object791), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object792), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object793), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object794, const char *__anonymous_object795), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object796), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object797, const char *__anonymous_object798), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object799), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object800), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object801, const char *__anonymous_object802, unsigned long int __anonymous_object803), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object804, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object805);
     29void *__sepDisable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object806), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object807), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object808, _Bool __anonymous_object809), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object810), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object811, const char *__anonymous_object812), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object813), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object814, _Bool __anonymous_object815), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object816), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object817), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object818), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object819), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object820), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object821, const char *__anonymous_object822), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object823), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object824, const char *__anonymous_object825), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object826), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object827), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object828, const char *__anonymous_object829, unsigned long int __anonymous_object830), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object831, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object832);
     30void *__sepEnable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object833), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object834), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object835, _Bool __anonymous_object836), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object837), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object838, const char *__anonymous_object839), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object840), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object841, _Bool __anonymous_object842), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object843), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object844), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object845), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object846), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object847), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object848, const char *__anonymous_object849), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object850), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object851, const char *__anonymous_object852), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object853), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object854), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object855, const char *__anonymous_object856, unsigned long int __anonymous_object857), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object858, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object859);
     31void *___operator_bitor__A0_2_0_1____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0tVARGS2__Fd0_d0d1tVARGS2__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype7tParams_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object860)(), void *__anonymous_object861, void *__anonymous_object862), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype2tT_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object863)(), void *__anonymous_object864, void *__anonymous_object865), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P2tT2tT__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object866)(), void *__anonymous_object867, void *__anonymous_object868), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF2tT_P2tT2tT_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object869)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__2tT_1, void *__anonymous_object870, void *__anonymous_object871), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F2tT_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object872, void *__anonymous_object873), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object874), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object875, void *__anonymous_object876), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object877), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object878, void *__anonymous_object879), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object880), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object881), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object882, _Bool __anonymous_object883), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object884), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object885, const char *__anonymous_object886), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object887), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object888, _Bool __anonymous_object889), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object890), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object891), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object892), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object893), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object894), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object895, const char *__anonymous_object896), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object897), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object898, const char *__anonymous_object899), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object900), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object901), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object902, const char *__anonymous_object903, unsigned long int __anonymous_object904), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object905, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype7tParams__1)(void *__anonymous_object906, void *__anonymous_object907), void *__os__7tostype_1, void *__arg__2tT_1, void *__rest__7tParams_1);
    3232void __write__A0_3_0_0____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_assign__Fd2_d2d2____constructor__F_d2____constructor__F_d2d2____destructor__F_d2____operator_preincr__Fd2_d2____operator_predecr__Fd2_d2____operator_equal__Fi_d2d2____operator_notequal__Fi_d2d2____operator_deref__Fd1_d2__F_d2d2d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP9telt_type_14titerator_type_M_P)(void (*__anonymous_object908)(), void *__anonymous_object909), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_adapterFi_14titerator_type14titerator_type_M_PP)(void (*__anonymous_object910)(), void *__anonymous_object911, void *__anonymous_object912), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type_P_M)(void (*__anonymous_object913)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_preincr__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object914), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P14titerator_type14titerator_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object915)(), void *__anonymous_object916, void *__anonymous_object917), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type14titerator_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object918)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object919, void *__anonymous_object920), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype9telt_type_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object921)(), void *__anonymous_object922, void *__anonymous_object923), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P9telt_type9telt_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object924)(), void *__anonymous_object925, void *__anonymous_object926), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF9telt_type_P9telt_type9telt_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object927)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__9telt_type_1, void *__anonymous_object928, void *__anonymous_object929), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F9telt_type_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object930, void *__anonymous_object931), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object932), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object933, void *__anonymous_object934), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object935), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object936, void *__anonymous_object937), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object938), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object939), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object940, _Bool __anonymous_object941), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object942), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object943, const char *__anonymous_object944), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object945), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object946, _Bool __anonymous_object947), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object948), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object949), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object950), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object951), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object952), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object953, const char *__anonymous_object954), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object955), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object956, const char *__anonymous_object957), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object958), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object959), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object960, const char *__anonymous_object961, unsigned long int __anonymous_object962), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object963, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object964, void *__anonymous_object965), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object966), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object967, void *__anonymous_object968), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object969), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_preincr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object970), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_predecr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object971), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_equal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object972, void *__anonymous_object973), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_notequal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object974, void *__anonymous_object975), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_deref__F9telt_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object976), void *__begin__14titerator_type_1, void *__end__14titerator_type_1, void *__os__7tostype_1);
    3333void __write_reverse__A0_3_0_0____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_assign__Fd2_d2d2____constructor__F_d2____constructor__F_d2d2____destructor__F_d2____operator_preincr__Fd2_d2____operator_predecr__Fd2_d2____operator_equal__Fi_d2d2____operator_notequal__Fi_d2d2____operator_deref__Fd1_d2__F_d2d2d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP9telt_type_14titerator_type_M_P)(void (*__anonymous_object977)(), void *__anonymous_object978), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_adapterFi_14titerator_type14titerator_type_M_PP)(void (*__anonymous_object979)(), void *__anonymous_object980, void *__anonymous_object981), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type_P_M)(void (*__anonymous_object982)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_preincr__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object983), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P14titerator_type14titerator_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object984)(), void *__anonymous_object985, void *__anonymous_object986), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type14titerator_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object987)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object988, void *__anonymous_object989), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype9telt_type_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object990)(), void *__anonymous_object991, void *__anonymous_object992), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P9telt_type9telt_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object993)(), void *__anonymous_object994, void *__anonymous_object995), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF9telt_type_P9telt_type9telt_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object996)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__9telt_type_1, void *__anonymous_object997, void *__anonymous_object998), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F9telt_type_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object999, void *__anonymous_object1000), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1001), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1002, void *__anonymous_object1003), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1004), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1005, void *__anonymous_object1006), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1007), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1008), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object1009, _Bool __anonymous_object1010), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1011), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1012, const char *__anonymous_object1013), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1014), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object1015, _Bool __anonymous_object1016), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1017), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1018), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1019), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1020), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1021), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1022, const char *__anonymous_object1023), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1024), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1025, const char *__anonymous_object1026), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1027), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1028), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object1029, const char *__anonymous_object1030, unsigned long int __anonymous_object1031), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1032, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1033, void *__anonymous_object1034), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1035), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1036, void *__anonymous_object1037), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1038), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_preincr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1039), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_predecr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1040), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_equal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1041, void *__anonymous_object1042), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_notequal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1043, void *__anonymous_object1044), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_deref__F9telt_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1045), void *__begin__14titerator_type_1, void *__end__14titerator_type_1, void *__os__7tostype_1);
  • src/tests/.expect/literals.x86.txt

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    2121void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0PCc__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object586), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object587), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object588, _Bool __anonymous_object589), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object590), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object591, const char *__anonymous_object592), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object593), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object594, _Bool __anonymous_object595), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object596), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object597), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object598), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object599), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object600), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object601, const char *__anonymous_object602), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object603), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object604, const char *__anonymous_object605), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object606), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object607), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object608, const char *__anonymous_object609, unsigned long int __anonymous_object610), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object611, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object612, const char *__anonymous_object613);
    2222void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0PCv__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object614), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object615), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object616, _Bool __anonymous_object617), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object618), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object619, const char *__anonymous_object620), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object621), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object622, _Bool __anonymous_object623), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object624), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object625), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object626), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object627), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object628), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object629, const char *__anonymous_object630), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object631), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object632, const char *__anonymous_object633), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object634), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object635), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object636, const char *__anonymous_object637, unsigned long int __anonymous_object638), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object639, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object640, const void *__anonymous_object641);
    23 void *___operator_bitor__A0_2_0_1____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0tVARGS2__Fd0_d0d1tVARGS2__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype7tParams_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object642)(), void *__anonymous_object643, void *__anonymous_object644), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype2tT_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object645)(), void *__anonymous_object646, void *__anonymous_object647), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P2tT2tT__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object648)(), void *__anonymous_object649, void *__anonymous_object650), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF2tT_P2tT2tT_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object651)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__2tT_1, void *__anonymous_object652, void *__anonymous_object653), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F2tT_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object654, void *__anonymous_object655), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object656), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object657, void *__anonymous_object658), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object659), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object660, void *__anonymous_object661), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object662), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object663), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object664, _Bool __anonymous_object665), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object666), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object667, const char *__anonymous_object668), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object669), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object670, _Bool __anonymous_object671), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object672), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object673), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object674), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object675), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object676), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object677, const char *__anonymous_object678), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object679), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object680, const char *__anonymous_object681), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object682), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object683), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object684, const char *__anonymous_object685, unsigned long int __anonymous_object686), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object687, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype7tParams__1)(void *__anonymous_object688, void *__anonymous_object689), void *__os__7tostype_1, void *__arg__2tT_1, void *__rest__7tParams_1);
    24 void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0Fd0_d0___1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object690), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object691), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object692, _Bool __anonymous_object693), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object694), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object695, const char *__anonymous_object696), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object697), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object698, _Bool __anonymous_object699), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object700), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object701), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object702), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object703), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object704), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object705, const char *__anonymous_object706), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object707), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object708, const char *__anonymous_object709), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object710), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object711), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object712, const char *__anonymous_object713, unsigned long int __anonymous_object714), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object715, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object716, void *(*__anonymous_object717)(void *__anonymous_object718));
    25 void *__endl__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object719), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object720), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object721, _Bool __anonymous_object722), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object723), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object724, const char *__anonymous_object725), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object726), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object727, _Bool __anonymous_object728), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object729), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object730), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object731), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object732), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object733), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object734, const char *__anonymous_object735), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object736), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object737, const char *__anonymous_object738), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object739), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object740), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object741, const char *__anonymous_object742, unsigned long int __anonymous_object743), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object744, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object745);
    26 void *__sep__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object746), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object747), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object748, _Bool __anonymous_object749), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object750), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object751, const char *__anonymous_object752), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object753), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object754, _Bool __anonymous_object755), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object756), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object757), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object758), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object759), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object760), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object761, const char *__anonymous_object762), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object763), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object764, const char *__anonymous_object765), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object766), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object767), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object768, const char *__anonymous_object769, unsigned long int __anonymous_object770), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object771, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object772);
    27 void *__sepTuple__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object773), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object774), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object775, _Bool __anonymous_object776), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object777), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object778, const char *__anonymous_object779), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object780), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object781, _Bool __anonymous_object782), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object783), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object784), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object785), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object786), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object787), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object788, const char *__anonymous_object789), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object790), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object791, const char *__anonymous_object792), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object793), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object794), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object795, const char *__anonymous_object796, unsigned long int __anonymous_object797), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object798, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object799);
    28 void *__sepOn__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object800), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object801), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object802, _Bool __anonymous_object803), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object804), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object805, const char *__anonymous_object806), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object807), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object808, _Bool __anonymous_object809), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object810), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object811), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object812), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object813), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object814), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object815, const char *__anonymous_object816), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object817), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object818, const char *__anonymous_object819), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object820), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object821), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object822, const char *__anonymous_object823, unsigned long int __anonymous_object824), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object825, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object826);
    29 void *__sepOff__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object827), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object828), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object829, _Bool __anonymous_object830), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object831), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object832, const char *__anonymous_object833), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object834), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object835, _Bool __anonymous_object836), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object837), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object838), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object839), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object840), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object841), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object842, const char *__anonymous_object843), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object844), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object845, const char *__anonymous_object846), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object847), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object848), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object849, const char *__anonymous_object850, unsigned long int __anonymous_object851), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object852, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object853);
    30 void *__sepDisable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object854), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object855), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object856, _Bool __anonymous_object857), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object858), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object859, const char *__anonymous_object860), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object861), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object862, _Bool __anonymous_object863), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object864), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object865), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object866), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object867), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object868), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object869, const char *__anonymous_object870), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object871), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object872, const char *__anonymous_object873), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object874), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object875), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object876, const char *__anonymous_object877, unsigned long int __anonymous_object878), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object879, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object880);
    31 void *__sepEnable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object881), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object882), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object883, _Bool __anonymous_object884), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object885), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object886, const char *__anonymous_object887), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object888), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object889, _Bool __anonymous_object890), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object891), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object892), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object893), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object894), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object895), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object896, const char *__anonymous_object897), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object898), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object899, const char *__anonymous_object900), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object901), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object902), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object903, const char *__anonymous_object904, unsigned long int __anonymous_object905), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object906, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object907);
     23void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0Fd0_d0___1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object642), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object643), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object644, _Bool __anonymous_object645), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object646), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object647, const char *__anonymous_object648), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object649), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object650, _Bool __anonymous_object651), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object652), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object653), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object654), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object655), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object656), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object657, const char *__anonymous_object658), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object659), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object660, const char *__anonymous_object661), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object662), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object663), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object664, const char *__anonymous_object665, unsigned long int __anonymous_object666), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object667, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object668, void *(*__anonymous_object669)(void *__anonymous_object670));
     24void *__endl__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object671), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object672), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object673, _Bool __anonymous_object674), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object675), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object676, const char *__anonymous_object677), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object678), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object679, _Bool __anonymous_object680), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object681), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object682), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object683), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object684), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object685), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object686, const char *__anonymous_object687), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object688), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object689, const char *__anonymous_object690), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object691), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object692), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object693, const char *__anonymous_object694, unsigned long int __anonymous_object695), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object696, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object697);
     25void *__sep__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object698), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object699), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object700, _Bool __anonymous_object701), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object702), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object703, const char *__anonymous_object704), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object705), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object706, _Bool __anonymous_object707), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object708), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object709), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object710), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object711), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object712), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object713, const char *__anonymous_object714), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object715), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object716, const char *__anonymous_object717), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object718), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object719), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object720, const char *__anonymous_object721, unsigned long int __anonymous_object722), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object723, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object724);
     26void *__sepTuple__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object725), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object726), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object727, _Bool __anonymous_object728), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object729), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object730, const char *__anonymous_object731), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object732), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object733, _Bool __anonymous_object734), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object735), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object736), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object737), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object738), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object739), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object740, const char *__anonymous_object741), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object742), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object743, const char *__anonymous_object744), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object745), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object746), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object747, const char *__anonymous_object748, unsigned long int __anonymous_object749), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object750, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object751);
     27void *__sepOn__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object752), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object753), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object754, _Bool __anonymous_object755), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object756), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object757, const char *__anonymous_object758), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object759), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object760, _Bool __anonymous_object761), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object762), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object763), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object764), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object765), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object766), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object767, const char *__anonymous_object768), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object769), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object770, const char *__anonymous_object771), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object772), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object773), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object774, const char *__anonymous_object775, unsigned long int __anonymous_object776), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object777, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object778);
     28void *__sepOff__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object779), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object780), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object781, _Bool __anonymous_object782), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object783), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object784, const char *__anonymous_object785), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object786), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object787, _Bool __anonymous_object788), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object789), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object790), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object791), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object792), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object793), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object794, const char *__anonymous_object795), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object796), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object797, const char *__anonymous_object798), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object799), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object800), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object801, const char *__anonymous_object802, unsigned long int __anonymous_object803), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object804, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object805);
     29void *__sepDisable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object806), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object807), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object808, _Bool __anonymous_object809), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object810), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object811, const char *__anonymous_object812), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object813), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object814, _Bool __anonymous_object815), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object816), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object817), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object818), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object819), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object820), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object821, const char *__anonymous_object822), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object823), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object824, const char *__anonymous_object825), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object826), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object827), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object828, const char *__anonymous_object829, unsigned long int __anonymous_object830), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object831, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object832);
     30void *__sepEnable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object833), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object834), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object835, _Bool __anonymous_object836), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object837), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object838, const char *__anonymous_object839), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object840), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object841, _Bool __anonymous_object842), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object843), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object844), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object845), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object846), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object847), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object848, const char *__anonymous_object849), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object850), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object851, const char *__anonymous_object852), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object853), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object854), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object855, const char *__anonymous_object856, unsigned long int __anonymous_object857), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object858, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object859);
     31void *___operator_bitor__A0_2_0_1____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0tVARGS2__Fd0_d0d1tVARGS2__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype7tParams_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object860)(), void *__anonymous_object861, void *__anonymous_object862), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype2tT_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object863)(), void *__anonymous_object864, void *__anonymous_object865), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P2tT2tT__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object866)(), void *__anonymous_object867, void *__anonymous_object868), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF2tT_P2tT2tT_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object869)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__2tT_1, void *__anonymous_object870, void *__anonymous_object871), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F2tT_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object872, void *__anonymous_object873), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object874), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object875, void *__anonymous_object876), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object877), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object878, void *__anonymous_object879), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object880), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object881), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object882, _Bool __anonymous_object883), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object884), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object885, const char *__anonymous_object886), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object887), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object888, _Bool __anonymous_object889), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object890), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object891), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object892), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object893), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object894), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object895, const char *__anonymous_object896), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object897), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object898, const char *__anonymous_object899), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object900), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object901), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object902, const char *__anonymous_object903, unsigned long int __anonymous_object904), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object905, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype7tParams__1)(void *__anonymous_object906, void *__anonymous_object907), void *__os__7tostype_1, void *__arg__2tT_1, void *__rest__7tParams_1);
    3232void __write__A0_3_0_0____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_assign__Fd2_d2d2____constructor__F_d2____constructor__F_d2d2____destructor__F_d2____operator_preincr__Fd2_d2____operator_predecr__Fd2_d2____operator_equal__Fi_d2d2____operator_notequal__Fi_d2d2____operator_deref__Fd1_d2__F_d2d2d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP9telt_type_14titerator_type_M_P)(void (*__anonymous_object908)(), void *__anonymous_object909), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_adapterFi_14titerator_type14titerator_type_M_PP)(void (*__anonymous_object910)(), void *__anonymous_object911, void *__anonymous_object912), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type_P_M)(void (*__anonymous_object913)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_preincr__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object914), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P14titerator_type14titerator_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object915)(), void *__anonymous_object916, void *__anonymous_object917), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type14titerator_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object918)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object919, void *__anonymous_object920), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype9telt_type_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object921)(), void *__anonymous_object922, void *__anonymous_object923), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P9telt_type9telt_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object924)(), void *__anonymous_object925, void *__anonymous_object926), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF9telt_type_P9telt_type9telt_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object927)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__9telt_type_1, void *__anonymous_object928, void *__anonymous_object929), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F9telt_type_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object930, void *__anonymous_object931), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object932), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object933, void *__anonymous_object934), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object935), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object936, void *__anonymous_object937), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object938), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object939), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object940, _Bool __anonymous_object941), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object942), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object943, const char *__anonymous_object944), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object945), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object946, _Bool __anonymous_object947), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object948), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object949), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object950), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object951), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object952), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object953, const char *__anonymous_object954), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object955), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object956, const char *__anonymous_object957), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object958), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object959), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object960, const char *__anonymous_object961, unsigned long int __anonymous_object962), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object963, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object964, void *__anonymous_object965), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object966), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object967, void *__anonymous_object968), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object969), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_preincr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object970), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_predecr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object971), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_equal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object972, void *__anonymous_object973), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_notequal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object974, void *__anonymous_object975), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_deref__F9telt_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object976), void *__begin__14titerator_type_1, void *__end__14titerator_type_1, void *__os__7tostype_1);
    3333void __write_reverse__A0_3_0_0____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_assign__Fd2_d2d2____constructor__F_d2____constructor__F_d2d2____destructor__F_d2____operator_preincr__Fd2_d2____operator_predecr__Fd2_d2____operator_equal__Fi_d2d2____operator_notequal__Fi_d2d2____operator_deref__Fd1_d2__F_d2d2d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP9telt_type_14titerator_type_M_P)(void (*__anonymous_object977)(), void *__anonymous_object978), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_adapterFi_14titerator_type14titerator_type_M_PP)(void (*__anonymous_object979)(), void *__anonymous_object980, void *__anonymous_object981), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type_P_M)(void (*__anonymous_object982)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_preincr__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object983), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P14titerator_type14titerator_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object984)(), void *__anonymous_object985, void *__anonymous_object986), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type14titerator_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object987)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object988, void *__anonymous_object989), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype9telt_type_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object990)(), void *__anonymous_object991, void *__anonymous_object992), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P9telt_type9telt_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object993)(), void *__anonymous_object994, void *__anonymous_object995), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF9telt_type_P9telt_type9telt_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object996)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__9telt_type_1, void *__anonymous_object997, void *__anonymous_object998), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F9telt_type_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object999, void *__anonymous_object1000), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1001), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1002, void *__anonymous_object1003), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1004), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1005, void *__anonymous_object1006), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1007), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1008), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object1009, _Bool __anonymous_object1010), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1011), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1012, const char *__anonymous_object1013), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1014), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object1015, _Bool __anonymous_object1016), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1017), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1018), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1019), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1020), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1021), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1022, const char *__anonymous_object1023), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1024), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1025, const char *__anonymous_object1026), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1027), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1028), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object1029, const char *__anonymous_object1030, unsigned long int __anonymous_object1031), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1032, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1033, void *__anonymous_object1034), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1035), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1036, void *__anonymous_object1037), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1038), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_preincr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1039), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_predecr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1040), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_equal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1041, void *__anonymous_object1042), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_notequal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1043, void *__anonymous_object1044), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_deref__F9telt_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1045), void *__begin__14titerator_type_1, void *__end__14titerator_type_1, void *__os__7tostype_1);
  • src/tests/ifcond.c

    r863c413 r249d6e6  
    99// Author           : Peter A. Buhr
    1010// Created On       : Sat Aug 26 10:13:11 2017
    11 // Last Modified By : Rob Schluntz
    12 // Last Modified On : Fri Sep 01 15:22:19 2017
    13 // Update Count     : 14
     11// Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
     12// Last Modified On : Sat Jun  2 09:55:02 2018
     13// Update Count     : 15
    4040                sout | "x != y incorrect" | endl;
    4141        } // if
     43        if ( struct S { int i; } s = { 3 }; s.i < 4 ) {
     44                sout | "s.i < 4 correct" | endl;
     45        } else {
     46                sout | "s.i >= 4 incorrect" | endl;
     47        } // if
    4248} // main
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