- Timestamp:
- Jun 4, 2018, 10:53:34 AM (7 years ago)
- Branches:
- ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, demangler, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, new-env, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum, with_gc
- Children:
- 1ddbf3b, b429026
- Parents:
- 863c413 (diff), 428bef8 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the(diff)
links above to see all the changes relative to each parent. - Location:
- src
- Files:
- 24 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r863c413 r249d6e6 10 10 // Created On : Sat May 16 15:20:13 2015 11 11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 12 // Last Modified On : Wed May 30 18:04:38 201813 // Update Count : 1 4812 // Last Modified On : Fri Jun 1 16:54:18 2018 13 // Update Count : 155 14 14 // 15 15 … … 54 54 void TypedefTable::makeTypedef( const string & name ) { 55 55 if ( ! typedefTable.exists( name ) ) { 56 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( name, TYPEDEFname /*, "MTD"*/);56 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( name, TYPEDEFname, "MTD" ); 57 57 } // if 58 58 } // TypedefTable::makeTypedef 59 59 60 void TypedefTable::addToScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind /*, const char * locn*/) {60 void TypedefTable::addToScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind, const char * locn __attribute__((unused)) ) { 61 61 auto scope = kindTable.currentScope(); 62 debugPrint( cerr << "Adding at " /* << locn */<< " " << identifier << " as kind " << kind << " scope " << scope << endl );62 debugPrint( cerr << "Adding at " << locn << " " << identifier << " as kind " << kind << " scope " << scope << endl ); 63 63 auto ret = kindTable.insertAt( scope, identifier, kind ); 64 64 if ( ! ret.second ) ret.first->second = kind; // exists => update 65 65 } // TypedefTable::addToScope 66 66 67 void TypedefTable::addToEnclosingScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind /*, const char * locn*/) {67 void TypedefTable::addToEnclosingScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind, const char * locn __attribute__((unused)) ) { 68 68 assert( kindTable.currentScope() >= 1 ); 69 69 auto scope = kindTable.currentScope() - 1; 70 debugPrint( cerr << "Adding 2 at " /* << locn */<< " " << identifier << " as kind " << kind << " scope " << scope << endl );70 debugPrint( cerr << "Adding+1 at " << locn << " " << identifier << " as kind " << kind << " scope " << scope << endl ); 71 71 auto ret = kindTable.insertAt( scope, identifier, kind ); 72 72 if ( ! ret.second ) ret.first->second = kind; // exists => update -
r863c413 r249d6e6 10 10 // Created On : Sat May 16 15:24:36 2015 11 11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 12 // Last Modified On : Wed May 30 17:02:49201813 // Update Count : 8 212 // Last Modified On : Thu May 31 23:23:47 2018 13 // Update Count : 83 14 14 // 15 15 … … 32 32 void changeKind( const std::string & identifier, int kind ); 33 33 void makeTypedef( const std::string & name ); 34 void addToScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind /*, const char **/);35 void addToEnclosingScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind /*, const char */);34 void addToScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind, const char * ); 35 void addToEnclosingScope( const std::string & identifier, int kind, const char * ); 36 36 37 37 void enterScope(); -
r863c413 r249d6e6 10 10 // Created On : Sat Sep 1 20:22:55 2001 11 11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 12 // Last Modified On : Thu May 31 15:11:40201813 // Update Count : 34 4412 // Last Modified On : Fri Jun 1 17:59:57 2018 13 // Update Count : 3476 14 14 // 15 15 … … 304 304 %type<en> enumerator_value_opt 305 305 306 %type<decl> exception_declaration external_definition external_definition_list external_definition_list_ opt306 %type<decl> exception_declaration external_definition external_definition_list external_definition_list_no_pop_push external_definition_list_opt 307 307 308 308 %type<decl> field_declaration field_declaration_list_opt field_declarator_opt field_declaring_list … … 644 644 // semantics checks, e.g., ++3, 3--, *3, &&3 645 645 | constant 646 { $$ = $1; }647 646 | string_literal 648 647 { $$ = new ExpressionNode( $1 ); } … … 988 987 { $$ = new StatementNode( build_if( $3, $5, $7 ) ); } 989 988 ; 990 991 989 992 990 if_control_expression: … … 1383 1381 cfa_function_declaration: // CFA 1384 1382 cfa_function_specifier 1385 { $$ = $1; }1386 1383 | type_qualifier_list cfa_function_specifier 1387 1384 { $$ = $2->addQualifiers( $1 ); } … … 1440 1437 TYPEDEF cfa_variable_specifier 1441 1438 { 1442 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$2->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "1"*/);1439 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$2->name, TYPEDEFname, "1" ); 1443 1440 $$ = $2->addTypedef(); 1444 1441 } 1445 1442 | TYPEDEF cfa_function_specifier 1446 1443 { 1447 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$2->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "2"*/);1444 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$2->name, TYPEDEFname, "2" ); 1448 1445 $$ = $2->addTypedef(); 1449 1446 } 1450 1447 | cfa_typedef_declaration pop ',' push no_attr_identifier 1451 1448 { 1452 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$5, TYPEDEFname /*, "3"*/);1449 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$5, TYPEDEFname, "3" ); 1453 1450 $$ = $1->appendList( $1->cloneType( $5 ) ); 1454 1451 } … … 1461 1458 TYPEDEF type_specifier declarator 1462 1459 { 1463 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$3->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "4"*/);1460 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$3->name, TYPEDEFname, "4" ); 1464 1461 $$ = $3->addType( $2 )->addTypedef(); 1465 1462 } 1466 1463 | typedef_declaration pop ',' push declarator 1467 1464 { 1468 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$5->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "5"*/);1465 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$5->name, TYPEDEFname, "5" ); 1469 1466 $$ = $1->appendList( $1->cloneBaseType( $5 )->addTypedef() ); 1470 1467 } 1471 1468 | type_qualifier_list TYPEDEF type_specifier declarator // remaining OBSOLESCENT (see 2 ) 1472 1469 { 1473 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$4->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "6"*/);1470 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$4->name, TYPEDEFname, "6" ); 1474 1471 $$ = $4->addType( $3 )->addQualifiers( $1 )->addTypedef(); 1475 1472 } 1476 1473 | type_specifier TYPEDEF declarator 1477 1474 { 1478 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$3->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "7"*/);1475 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$3->name, TYPEDEFname, "7" ); 1479 1476 $$ = $3->addType( $1 )->addTypedef(); 1480 1477 } 1481 1478 | type_specifier TYPEDEF type_qualifier_list declarator 1482 1479 { 1483 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$4->name, TYPEDEFname /*, "8"*/);1480 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$4->name, TYPEDEFname, "8" ); 1484 1481 $$ = $4->addQualifiers( $1 )->addTypedef()->addType( $1 ); 1485 1482 } … … 1937 1934 { $$ = nullptr; } 1938 1935 | bit_subrange_size 1939 { $$ = $1; }1940 1936 ; 1941 1937 … … 2187 2183 type_parameter_list: // CFA 2188 2184 type_parameter 2189 { $$ = $1; }2190 2185 | type_parameter_list ',' type_parameter 2191 2186 { $$ = $1->appendList( $3 ); } … … 2201 2196 type_parameter: // CFA 2202 2197 type_class no_attr_identifier_or_type_name 2203 { typedefTable.addToScope( *$2, TYPEDEFname /*, "9"*/); }2198 { typedefTable.addToScope( *$2, TYPEDEFname, "9" ); } 2204 2199 type_initializer_opt assertion_list_opt 2205 2200 { $$ = DeclarationNode::newTypeParam( $1, $2 )->addTypeInitializer( $4 )->addAssertions( $5 ); } … … 2270 2265 no_attr_identifier_or_type_name 2271 2266 { 2272 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1, TYPEDEFname /*, "10"*/);2267 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1, TYPEDEFname, "10" ); 2273 2268 $$ = DeclarationNode::newTypeDecl( $1, 0 ); 2274 2269 } 2275 2270 | no_attr_identifier_or_type_name '(' type_parameter_list ')' 2276 2271 { 2277 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1, TYPEGENname /*, "11"*/);2272 typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1, TYPEGENname, "11" ); 2278 2273 $$ = DeclarationNode::newTypeDecl( $1, $3 ); 2279 2274 } … … 2330 2325 ; 2331 2326 2327 // SKULLDUGGERY: Declarations in extern "X" and distribution need to be added to the current lexical scope. 2328 // However, external_definition_list creates a new scope around each external_definition, but the pop loses all the 2329 // types in the extern "X" and distribution at the end of the block. This version of external_definition_list does 2330 2331 // not do push/pop for declarations at the level of the extern "X" and distribution block. Any recursive uses of 2332 // external_definition_list within the extern "X" and distribution block correctly pushes/pops for that scope level. 2333 external_definition_list_no_pop_push: 2334 external_definition 2335 | external_definition_list_no_pop_push 2336 { forall = xxx; } 2337 external_definition 2338 { $$ = $1 ? $1->appendList( $3 ) : $3; } 2339 ; 2340 2332 2341 external_definition_list_opt: 2333 2342 // empty 2334 2343 { $$ = nullptr; } 2335 | external_definition_list 2344 | external_definition_list_no_pop_push 2336 2345 ; 2337 2346 … … 2339 2348 declaration 2340 2349 | external_function_definition 2350 | EXTENSION external_definition // GCC, multiple __extension__ allowed, meaning unknown 2351 { 2352 distExt( $2 ); // mark all fields in list 2353 $$ = $2; 2354 } 2341 2355 | ASM '(' string_literal ')' ';' // GCC, global assembler statement 2342 2356 { … … 2348 2362 linkage = LinkageSpec::linkageUpdate( yylloc, linkage, $2 ); 2349 2363 } 2350 // SKULLDUGGERY: Declarations in extern "X" need to be added to the current lexical scope. However, 2351 // external_definition_list_opt creates a new scope that loses the types at the end of the extern block. The 2352 // correction is a pop/push (reverse order) to undo the push/pop from external_definition_list_opt. This 2353 // trick works for nested extern "X"s, as each one undoes itself in the nesting. 2354 '{' pop external_definition_list_opt push '}' 2364 '{' external_definition_list_opt '}' 2355 2365 { 2356 2366 linkage = linkageStack.top(); 2357 2367 linkageStack.pop(); 2358 $$ = $6; 2359 } 2360 | EXTENSION external_definition // GCC, multiple __extension__ allowed, meaning unknown 2361 { 2362 distExt( $2 ); // mark all fields in list 2363 $$ = $2; 2368 $$ = $5; 2364 2369 } 2365 2370 | type_qualifier_list 2366 2371 { if ( $1->type->forall ) xxx = forall = true; } // remember generic type 2367 '{' external_definition_list push '}'// CFA, namespace2372 '{' external_definition_list_opt '}' // CFA, namespace 2368 2373 { 2369 2374 for ( DeclarationNode * iter = $4; iter != nullptr; iter = (DeclarationNode *)iter->get_next() ) { … … 2378 2383 | declaration_qualifier_list 2379 2384 { if ( $1->type->forall ) xxx = forall = true; } // remember generic type 2380 '{' external_definition_list '}'// CFA, namespace2385 '{' external_definition_list_opt '}' // CFA, namespace 2381 2386 { 2382 2387 for ( DeclarationNode * iter = $4; iter != nullptr; iter = (DeclarationNode *)iter->get_next() ) { … … 2394 2399 if ( $2->type->forall ) xxx = forall = true; // remember generic type 2395 2400 } 2396 '{' external_definition_list '}'// CFA, namespace2401 '{' external_definition_list_opt '}' // CFA, namespace 2397 2402 { 2398 2403 for ( DeclarationNode * iter = $5; iter != nullptr; iter = (DeclarationNode *)iter->get_next() ) { … … 2715 2720 typedef 2716 2721 // hide type name in enclosing scope by variable name 2717 { typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1->name, IDENTIFIER /*, "ID"*/); }2722 { typedefTable.addToEnclosingScope( *$1->name, IDENTIFIER, "ID" ); } 2718 2723 | '(' paren_type ')' 2719 2724 { $$ = $2; } -
r863c413 r249d6e6 66 66 67 67 Type * AdjustExprType::postmutate( ArrayType * arrayType ) { 68 PointerType *pointerType = new PointerType ( arrayType->get_qualifiers(), arrayType->base );68 PointerType *pointerType = new PointerType{ arrayType->get_qualifiers(), arrayType->base }; 69 69 arrayType->base = nullptr; 70 70 delete arrayType; … … 73 73 74 74 Type * AdjustExprType::postmutate( FunctionType * functionType ) { 75 return new PointerType ( Type::Qualifiers(), functionType );75 return new PointerType{ Type::Qualifiers(), functionType }; 76 76 } 77 77 78 78 Type * AdjustExprType::postmutate( TypeInstType * typeInst ) { 79 EqvClass eqvClass; 80 if ( env.lookup( typeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) { 81 if ( eqvClass.data.kind == TypeDecl::Ftype ) { 82 PointerType *pointerType = new PointerType( Type::Qualifiers(), typeInst ); 83 return pointerType; 79 if ( const EqvClass* eqvClass = env.lookup( typeInst->get_name() ) ) { 80 if ( eqvClass->data.kind == TypeDecl::Ftype ) { 81 return new PointerType{ Type::Qualifiers(), typeInst }; 84 82 } 85 83 } else if ( NamedTypeDecl *ntDecl = indexer.lookupType( typeInst->get_name() ) ) { 86 84 if ( TypeDecl *tyDecl = dynamic_cast< TypeDecl* >( ntDecl ) ) { 87 85 if ( tyDecl->get_kind() == TypeDecl::Ftype ) { 88 PointerType *pointerType = new PointerType( Type::Qualifiers(), typeInst ); 89 return pointerType; 86 return new PointerType{ Type::Qualifiers(), typeInst }; 90 87 } // if 91 88 } // if -
r863c413 r249d6e6 102 102 void addAnonConversions( const Alternative & alt ); 103 103 /// Adds alternatives for member expressions, given the aggregate, conversion cost for that aggregate, and name of the member 104 template< typename StructOrUnionType > void addAggMembers( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, Expression *expr, const Cost &newCost, const TypeEnvironment & env, Expression * member);104 template< typename StructOrUnionType > void addAggMembers( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, Expression *expr, const Cost &newCost, const TypeEnvironment & env, const std::string & name ); 105 105 /// Adds alternatives for member expressions where the left side has tuple type 106 106 void addTupleMembers( TupleType * tupleType, Expression *expr, const Cost &newCost, const TypeEnvironment & env, Expression * member ); … … 307 307 308 308 if ( StructInstType *structInst = dynamic_cast< StructInstType* >( aggrExpr->result ) ) { 309 NameExpr nameExpr( "" ); 310 addAggMembers( structInst, aggrExpr.get(), alt.cost+Cost::safe, alt.env, &nameExpr ); 309 addAggMembers( structInst, aggrExpr.get(), alt.cost+Cost::safe, alt.env, "" ); 311 310 } else if ( UnionInstType *unionInst = dynamic_cast< UnionInstType* >( aggrExpr->result ) ) { 312 NameExpr nameExpr( "" ); 313 addAggMembers( unionInst, aggrExpr.get(), alt.cost+Cost::safe, alt.env, &nameExpr ); 311 addAggMembers( unionInst, aggrExpr.get(), alt.cost+Cost::safe, alt.env, "" ); 314 312 } // if 315 313 } 316 314 317 315 template< typename StructOrUnionType > 318 void AlternativeFinder::Finder::addAggMembers( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, Expression *expr, const Cost &newCost, const TypeEnvironment & env, Expression * member ) { 319 // by this point, member must be a name expr 320 NameExpr * nameExpr = dynamic_cast< NameExpr * >( member ); 321 if ( ! nameExpr ) return; 322 const std::string & name = nameExpr->name; 316 void AlternativeFinder::Finder::addAggMembers( StructOrUnionType *aggInst, Expression *expr, const Cost &newCost, const TypeEnvironment & env, const std::string & name ) { 323 317 std::list< Declaration* > members; 324 318 aggInst->lookup( name, members ); … … 472 466 } 473 467 474 // /// Map of declaration uniqueIds (intended to be the assertions in an AssertionSet) to their parents and the number of times they've been included475 //typedef std::unordered_map< UniqueId, std::unordered_map< UniqueId, unsigned > > AssertionParentSet;476 477 468 static const int recursionLimit = /*10*/ 4; ///< Limit to depth of recursion satisfaction 478 //static const unsigned recursionParentLimit = 1; ///< Limit to the number of times an assertion can recursively use itself479 469 480 470 void addToIndexer( AssertionSet &assertSet, SymTab::Indexer &indexer ) { … … 487 477 488 478 template< typename ForwardIterator, typename OutputIterator > 489 void inferRecursive( ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, const Alternative &newAlt, OpenVarSet &openVars, const SymTab::Indexer &decls, const AssertionSet &newNeed, /*const AssertionParentSet &needParents,*/ 490 int level, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer, OutputIterator out ) { 479 void inferRecursive( ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, const Alternative &newAlt, OpenVarSet &openVars, const SymTab::Indexer &decls, const AssertionSet &newNeed, int level, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer, OutputIterator out ) { 491 480 if ( begin == end ) { 492 481 if ( newNeed.empty() ) { … … 506 495 printAssertionSet( newNeed, std::cerr, 8 ); 507 496 ) 508 inferRecursive( newNeed.begin(), newNeed.end(), newAlt, openVars, decls, newerNeed, /*needParents,*/level+1, indexer, out );497 inferRecursive( newNeed.begin(), newNeed.end(), newAlt, openVars, decls, newerNeed, level+1, indexer, out ); 509 498 return; 510 499 } … … 513 502 ForwardIterator cur = begin++; 514 503 if ( ! cur->second.isUsed ) { 515 inferRecursive( begin, end, newAlt, openVars, decls, newNeed, /*needParents,*/level, indexer, out );504 inferRecursive( begin, end, newAlt, openVars, decls, newNeed, level, indexer, out ); 516 505 return; // xxx - should this continue? previously this wasn't here, and it looks like it should be 517 506 } … … 566 555 } 567 556 568 //AssertionParentSet newNeedParents( needParents );569 // skip repeatingly-self-recursive assertion satisfaction570 // DOESN'T WORK: grandchild nodes conflict with their cousins571 //if ( newNeedParents[ curDecl->get_uniqueId() ][ candDecl->get_uniqueId() ]++ > recursionParentLimit ) continue;572 573 557 Expression *varExpr = data.combine( newerAlt.cvtCost ); 574 558 delete varExpr->get_result(); … … 588 572 // XXX: this is a memory leak, but adjType can't be deleted because it might contain assertions 589 573 (*inferParameters)[ curDecl->get_uniqueId() ] = ParamEntry( candidate->get_uniqueId(), adjType->clone(), curDecl->get_type()->clone(), varExpr ); 590 inferRecursive( begin, end, newerAlt, newOpenVars, newDecls, newerNeed, /*newNeedParents,*/level, indexer, out );574 inferRecursive( begin, end, newerAlt, newOpenVars, newDecls, newerNeed, level, indexer, out ); 591 575 } else { 592 576 delete adjType; … … 610 594 addToIndexer( have, decls ); 611 595 AssertionSet newNeed; 612 //AssertionParentSet needParents;613 596 PRINT( 614 597 std::cerr << "env is: " << std::endl; … … 617 600 ) 618 601 619 inferRecursive( need.begin(), need.end(), newAlt, openVars, decls, newNeed, /*needParents,*/0, indexer, out );602 inferRecursive( need.begin(), need.end(), newAlt, openVars, decls, newNeed, 0, indexer, out ); 620 603 // PRINT( 621 604 // std::cerr << "declaration 14 is "; … … 1096 1079 AlternativeFinder funcOpFinder( indexer, env ); 1097 1080 // it's ok if there aren't any defined function ops 1098 funcOpFinder.maybeFind( opExpr );1081 funcOpFinder.maybeFind( opExpr ); 1099 1082 PRINT( 1100 1083 std::cerr << "known function ops:" << std::endl; … … 1133 1116 } 1134 1117 } else if ( TypeInstType *typeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( func->expr->result->stripReferences() ) ) { // handle ftype (e.g. *? on function pointer) 1135 EqvClass eqvClass; 1136 if ( func->env.lookup( typeInst->name, eqvClass ) && eqvClass.type ) { 1137 if ( FunctionType *function = dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( eqvClass.type ) ) { 1118 if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = func->env.lookup( typeInst->name ) ) { 1119 if ( FunctionType *function = dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( eqvClass->type ) ) { 1138 1120 Alternative newFunc( *func ); 1139 1121 referenceToRvalueConversion( newFunc.expr, newFunc.cost ); … … 1350 1332 } 1351 1333 1334 namespace { 1335 /// Gets name from untyped member expression (member must be NameExpr) 1336 const std::string& get_member_name( UntypedMemberExpr *memberExpr ) { 1337 NameExpr * nameExpr = dynamic_cast< NameExpr * >( memberExpr->get_member() ); 1338 assert( nameExpr ); 1339 return nameExpr->get_name(); 1340 } 1341 } 1342 1352 1343 void AlternativeFinder::Finder::postvisit( UntypedMemberExpr *memberExpr ) { 1353 1344 AlternativeFinder funcFinder( indexer, env ); … … 1362 1353 // find member of the given type 1363 1354 if ( StructInstType *structInst = dynamic_cast< StructInstType* >( aggrExpr->get_result() ) ) { 1364 addAggMembers( structInst, aggrExpr, cost, agg->env, memberExpr->get_member() );1355 addAggMembers( structInst, aggrExpr, cost, agg->env, get_member_name(memberExpr) ); 1365 1356 } else if ( UnionInstType *unionInst = dynamic_cast< UnionInstType* >( aggrExpr->get_result() ) ) { 1366 addAggMembers( unionInst, aggrExpr, cost, agg->env, memberExpr->get_member() );1357 addAggMembers( unionInst, aggrExpr, cost, agg->env, get_member_name(memberExpr) ); 1367 1358 } else if ( TupleType * tupleType = dynamic_cast< TupleType * >( aggrExpr->get_result() ) ) { 1368 1359 addTupleMembers( tupleType, aggrExpr, cost, agg->env, memberExpr->get_member() ); -
r863c413 r249d6e6 43 43 Cost castCost( Type *src, Type *dest, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer, const TypeEnvironment &env ) { 44 44 if ( TypeInstType *destAsTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( dest ) ) { 45 EqvClass eqvClass; 46 NamedTypeDecl *namedType; 47 if ( env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) { 48 if ( eqvClass.type ) { 49 return castCost( src, eqvClass.type, indexer, env ); 45 if ( const EqvClass* eqvClass = env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name() ) ) { 46 if ( eqvClass->type ) { 47 return castCost( src, eqvClass->type, indexer, env ); 50 48 } else { 51 49 return Cost::infinity; 52 50 } 53 } else if ( ( namedType = indexer.lookupType( destAsTypeInst->get_name()) ) ) {51 } else if ( NamedTypeDecl *namedType = indexer.lookupType( destAsTypeInst->get_name() ) ) { 54 52 // all typedefs should be gone by this point 55 53 TypeDecl *type = strict_dynamic_cast< TypeDecl* >( namedType ); -
r863c413 r249d6e6 42 42 Cost conversionCost( Type *src, Type *dest, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer, const TypeEnvironment &env ) { 43 43 if ( TypeInstType *destAsTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( dest ) ) { 44 EqvClass eqvClass;45 NamedTypeDecl *namedType;46 44 PRINT( std::cerr << "type inst " << destAsTypeInst->name; ) 47 if ( env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->name, eqvClass) ) {48 if ( eqvClass .type ) {49 return conversionCost( src, eqvClass .type, indexer, env );45 if ( const EqvClass* eqvClass = env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->name ) ) { 46 if ( eqvClass->type ) { 47 return conversionCost( src, eqvClass->type, indexer, env ); 50 48 } else { 51 49 return Cost::infinity; 52 50 } 53 } else if ( ( namedType = indexer.lookupType( destAsTypeInst->name )) ) {51 } else if ( NamedTypeDecl *namedType = indexer.lookupType( destAsTypeInst->name ) ) { 54 52 PRINT( std::cerr << " found" << std::endl; ) 55 53 TypeDecl *type = dynamic_cast< TypeDecl* >( namedType ); … … 369 367 370 368 void ConversionCost::postvisit( TypeInstType *inst ) { 371 EqvClass eqvClass; 372 NamedTypeDecl *namedType; 373 if ( env.lookup( inst->name, eqvClass ) ) { 374 cost = costFunc( eqvClass.type, dest, indexer, env ); 369 if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = env.lookup( inst->name ) ) { 370 cost = costFunc( eqvClass->type, dest, indexer, env ); 375 371 } else if ( TypeInstType *destAsInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( dest ) ) { 376 372 if ( inst->name == destAsInst->name ) { 377 373 cost = Cost::zero; 378 374 } 379 } else if ( ( namedType = indexer.lookupType( inst->name )) ) {375 } else if ( NamedTypeDecl *namedType = indexer.lookupType( inst->name ) ) { 380 376 TypeDecl *type = dynamic_cast< TypeDecl* >( namedType ); 381 377 // all typedefs should be gone by this point -
r863c413 r249d6e6 38 38 39 39 Occurs::Occurs( std::string varName, const TypeEnvironment & env ) : result( false ), tenv( env ) { 40 EqvClass eqvClass; 41 if ( tenv.lookup( varName, eqvClass ) ) { 42 eqvVars = eqvClass.vars; 40 if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = tenv.lookup( varName ) ) { 41 eqvVars = eqvClass->vars; 43 42 } else { 44 43 eqvVars.insert( varName ); … … 47 46 48 47 void Occurs::previsit( TypeInstType * typeInst ) { 49 EqvClass eqvClass; 50 /// std::cerr << "searching for vars: "; 48 /// std::cerr << "searching for vars: "; 51 49 /// std::copy( eqvVars.begin(), eqvVars.end(), std::ostream_iterator< std::string >( std::cerr, " " ) ); 52 50 /// std::cerr << std::endl; 53 51 if ( eqvVars.find( typeInst->get_name() ) != eqvVars.end() ) { 54 52 result = true; 55 } else if ( tenv.lookup( typeInst->get_name(), eqvClass) ) {56 if ( eqvClass .type ) {53 } else if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = tenv.lookup( typeInst->get_name() ) ) { 54 if ( eqvClass->type ) { 57 55 /// std::cerr << typeInst->get_name() << " is bound to"; 58 56 /// eqvClass.type->print( std::cerr ); 59 57 /// std::cerr << std::endl; 60 eqvClass .type->accept( *visitor );58 eqvClass->type->accept( *visitor ); 61 59 } // if 62 60 } // if -
r863c413 r249d6e6 39 39 40 40 void PolyCost::previsit(TypeInstType * typeInst) { 41 EqvClass eqvClass; 42 if ( tenv.lookup( typeInst->name, eqvClass ) ) { 43 if ( eqvClass.type ) { 44 if ( TypeInstType * otherTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( eqvClass.type ) ) { 41 if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = tenv.lookup( typeInst->name ) ) { 42 if ( eqvClass->type ) { 43 if ( TypeInstType * otherTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( eqvClass->type ) ) { 45 44 if ( indexer.lookupType( otherTypeInst->name ) ) { 46 45 // bound to opaque type -
r863c413 r249d6e6 51 51 // std::cerr << "assignable: " << src << " | " << dest << std::endl; 52 52 if ( TypeInstType *destAsTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( dest ) ) { 53 EqvClass eqvClass; 54 if ( env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) { 55 return ptrsAssignable( src, eqvClass.type, env ); 53 if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name() ) ) { 54 return ptrsAssignable( src, eqvClass->type, env ); 56 55 } // if 57 56 } // if … … 95 94 void PtrsAssignable::postvisit( __attribute__((unused)) TraitInstType *inst ) {} 96 95 void PtrsAssignable::postvisit( TypeInstType *inst ) { 97 EqvClass eqvClass; 98 if ( env.lookup( inst->get_name(), eqvClass ) && eqvClass.type ) { 99 // T * = S * for any S depends on the type bound to T 100 result = ptrsAssignable( eqvClass.type, dest, env ); 96 if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = env.lookup( inst->get_name() ) ) { 97 if ( eqvClass->type ) { 98 // T * = S * for any S depends on the type bound to T 99 result = ptrsAssignable( eqvClass->type, dest, env ); 100 } 101 101 } // if 102 102 } -
r863c413 r249d6e6 57 57 return -1; 58 58 } else if ( TypeInstType *typeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( src ) ) { 59 EqvClass eqvClass;60 59 if ( NamedTypeDecl *ntDecl = indexer.lookupType( typeInst->get_name() ) ) { 61 60 if ( TypeDecl *tyDecl = dynamic_cast< TypeDecl* >( ntDecl ) ) { … … 64 63 } // if 65 64 } //if 66 } else if ( env.lookup( typeInst->get_name(), eqvClass) ) {67 if ( eqvClass .data.kind == TypeDecl::Ftype ) {65 } else if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = env.lookup( typeInst->get_name() ) ) { 66 if ( eqvClass->data.kind == TypeDecl::Ftype ) { 68 67 return -1; 69 68 } // if … … 79 78 int ptrsCastable( Type *src, Type *dest, const TypeEnvironment &env, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer ) { 80 79 if ( TypeInstType *destAsTypeInst = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType* >( dest ) ) { 81 EqvClass eqvClass; 82 if ( env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) { 80 if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = env.lookup( destAsTypeInst->get_name() ) ) { 83 81 // xxx - should this be ptrsCastable? 84 return ptrsAssignable( src, eqvClass .type, env );82 return ptrsAssignable( src, eqvClass->type, env ); 85 83 } // if 86 84 } // if -
r863c413 r249d6e6 17 17 #include <algorithm> // for copy, set_intersection 18 18 #include <iterator> // for ostream_iterator, insert_iterator 19 #include <utility> // for pair 19 #include <utility> // for pair, move 20 20 21 21 #include "Common/utility.h" // for maybeClone … … 44 44 45 45 void EqvClass::initialize( const EqvClass &src, EqvClass &dest ) { 46 initialize( src, dest, src.type ); 47 } 48 49 void EqvClass::initialize( const EqvClass &src, EqvClass &dest, const Type *ty ) { 46 50 dest.vars = src.vars; 47 dest.type = maybeClone( src.type);51 dest.type = maybeClone( ty ); 48 52 dest.allowWidening = src.allowWidening; 49 53 dest.data = src.data; … … 55 59 EqvClass::EqvClass( const EqvClass &other ) { 56 60 initialize( other, *this ); 61 } 62 63 EqvClass::EqvClass( const EqvClass &other, const Type *ty ) { 64 initialize( other, *this, ty ); 57 65 } 58 66 … … 82 90 } 83 91 84 bool TypeEnvironment::lookup( const std::string &var, EqvClass &eqvClass) const {92 const EqvClass* TypeEnvironment::lookup( const std::string &var ) const { 85 93 for ( std::list< EqvClass >::const_iterator i = env.begin(); i != env.end(); ++i ) { 86 94 if ( i->vars.find( var ) != i->vars.end() ) { 87 95 /// std::cout << var << " is in class "; 88 96 /// i->print( std::cout ); 89 eqvClass = *i; 90 return true; 97 return &*i; 91 98 } 92 99 /// std::cout << var << " is not in class "; 93 100 /// i->print( std::cout ); 94 101 } // for 95 return false; 102 return nullptr; 103 } 104 105 /// Removes any class from env that intersects eqvClass 106 void filterOverlappingClasses( std::list<EqvClass> &env, const EqvClass &eqvClass ) { 107 for ( auto i = env.begin(); i != env.end(); ) { 108 auto next = i; 109 ++next; 110 std::set<std::string> intersection; 111 std::set_intersection( i->vars.begin(), i->vars.end(), eqvClass.vars.begin(), eqvClass.vars.end(), 112 std::inserter( intersection, intersection.begin() ) ); 113 if ( ! intersection.empty() ) { env.erase( i ); } 114 i = next; 115 } 96 116 } 97 117 98 118 void TypeEnvironment::add( const EqvClass &eqvClass ) { 99 std::list< EqvClass >::iterator i = env.begin(); 100 while ( i != env.end() ) { 101 std::list< EqvClass >::iterator next = i; 102 next++; 103 std::set< std::string > intersection; 104 std::set_intersection( i->vars.begin(), i->vars.end(), eqvClass.vars.begin(), eqvClass.vars.end(), std::inserter( intersection, intersection.begin() ) ); 105 if ( ! intersection.empty() ) { 106 env.erase( i ); 107 } // if 108 i = next; 109 } // while 110 env.insert( env.end(), eqvClass ); 119 filterOverlappingClasses( env, eqvClass ); 120 env.push_back( eqvClass ); 121 } 122 123 void TypeEnvironment::add( EqvClass &&eqvClass ) { 124 filterOverlappingClasses( env, eqvClass ); 125 env.push_back( std::move(eqvClass) ); 111 126 } 112 127 -
r863c413 r249d6e6 73 73 74 74 void initialize( const EqvClass &src, EqvClass &dest ); 75 void initialize( const EqvClass &src, EqvClass &dest, const Type *ty ); 75 76 EqvClass(); 76 77 EqvClass( const EqvClass &other ); 78 EqvClass( const EqvClass &other, const Type *ty ); 77 79 EqvClass &operator=( const EqvClass &other ); 78 80 ~EqvClass(); … … 82 84 class TypeEnvironment { 83 85 public: 84 bool lookup( const std::string &var, EqvClass &eqvClass) const;86 const EqvClass* lookup( const std::string &var ) const; 85 87 void add( const EqvClass &eqvClass ); 88 void add( EqvClass &&eqvClass ); 86 89 void add( const Type::ForallList &tyDecls ); 87 90 void add( const TypeSubstitution & sub ); -
r863c413 r249d6e6 20 20 #include <set> // for set 21 21 #include <string> // for string, operator==, operator!=, bas... 22 #include <utility> // for pair 22 #include <utility> // for pair, move 23 23 24 24 #include "Common/PassVisitor.h" // for PassVisitor … … 166 166 return false; 167 167 } // if 168 EqvClass curClass; 169 if ( env.lookup( typeInst->get_name(), curClass ) ) { 170 if ( curClass.type ) { 168 if ( const EqvClass *curClass = env.lookup( typeInst->get_name() ) ) { 169 if ( curClass->type ) { 171 170 Type *common = 0; 172 171 // attempt to unify equivalence class type (which has qualifiers stripped, so they must be restored) with the type to bind to 173 std::unique_ptr< Type > newType( curClass .type->clone() );172 std::unique_ptr< Type > newType( curClass->type->clone() ); 174 173 newType->get_qualifiers() = typeInst->get_qualifiers(); 175 if ( unifyInexact( newType.get(), other, env, needAssertions, haveAssertions, openVars, widenMode & WidenMode( curClass .allowWidening, true ), indexer, common ) ) {174 if ( unifyInexact( newType.get(), other, env, needAssertions, haveAssertions, openVars, widenMode & WidenMode( curClass->allowWidening, true ), indexer, common ) ) { 176 175 if ( common ) { 177 176 common->get_qualifiers() = Type::Qualifiers(); 178 delete curClass.type; 179 curClass.type = common; 180 env.add( curClass ); 177 env.add( EqvClass{ *curClass, common } ); 181 178 } // if 182 179 return true; … … 185 182 } // if 186 183 } else { 187 curClass.type = other->clone();188 curClass.type->get_qualifiers() = Type::Qualifiers();189 curClass.allowWidening = widenMode.widenFirst && widenMode.widenSecond;190 env.add( curClass);184 EqvClass newClass { *curClass, other }; 185 newClass.type->get_qualifiers() = Type::Qualifiers(); 186 newClass.allowWidening = widenMode.widenFirst && widenMode.widenSecond; 187 env.add( std::move(newClass) ); 191 188 } // if 192 189 } else { … … 204 201 bool bindVarToVar( TypeInstType *var1, TypeInstType *var2, const TypeDecl::Data & data, TypeEnvironment &env, AssertionSet &needAssertions, AssertionSet &haveAssertions, const OpenVarSet &openVars, WidenMode widenMode, const SymTab::Indexer &indexer ) { 205 202 bool result = true; 206 EqvClass class1, class2;207 bool hasClass1 = false, hasClass2 = false;203 const EqvClass *class1 = env.lookup( var1->get_name() ); 204 const EqvClass *class2 = env.lookup( var2->get_name() ); 208 205 bool widen1 = false, widen2 = false; 209 Type *type1 = 0, *type2 = 0; 210 211 if ( env.lookup( var1->get_name(), class1 ) ) { 212 hasClass1 = true; 213 if ( class1.type ) { 214 if ( occurs( class1.type, var2->get_name(), env ) ) { 206 Type *type1 = nullptr, *type2 = nullptr; 207 208 if ( class1 ) { 209 if ( class1->type ) { 210 if ( occurs( class1->type, var2->get_name(), env ) ) { 215 211 return false; 216 212 } // if 217 type1 = class1.type->clone(); 218 } // if 219 widen1 = widenMode.widenFirst && class1.allowWidening; 220 } // if 221 if ( env.lookup( var2->get_name(), class2 ) ) { 222 hasClass2 = true; 223 if ( class2.type ) { 224 if ( occurs( class2.type, var1->get_name(), env ) ) { 213 type1 = class1->type->clone(); 214 } // if 215 widen1 = widenMode.widenFirst && class1->allowWidening; 216 } // if 217 if ( class2 ) { 218 if ( class2->type ) { 219 if ( occurs( class2->type, var1->get_name(), env ) ) { 225 220 return false; 226 221 } // if 227 type2 = class2 .type->clone();228 } // if 229 widen2 = widenMode.widenSecond && class2 .allowWidening;222 type2 = class2->type->clone(); 223 } // if 224 widen2 = widenMode.widenSecond && class2->allowWidening; 230 225 } // if 231 226 … … 235 230 Type *common = 0; 236 231 if ( unifyInexact( type1, type2, env, needAssertions, haveAssertions, openVars, newWidenMode, indexer, common ) ) { 237 class1.vars.insert( class2.vars.begin(), class2.vars.end() ); 238 class1.allowWidening = widen1 && widen2; 232 EqvClass newClass1 = *class1; 233 newClass1.vars.insert( class2->vars.begin(), class2->vars.end() ); 234 newClass1.allowWidening = widen1 && widen2; 239 235 if ( common ) { 240 236 common->get_qualifiers() = Type::Qualifiers(); 241 delete class1.type;242 class1.type = common;237 delete newClass1.type; 238 newClass1.type = common; 243 239 } // if 244 env.add( class1);240 env.add( std::move(newClass1) ); 245 241 } else { 246 242 result = false; 247 243 } // if 248 } else if ( hasClass1 && hasClass2 ) {244 } else if ( class1 && class2 ) { 249 245 if ( type1 ) { 250 class1.vars.insert( class2.vars.begin(), class2.vars.end() ); 251 class1.allowWidening = widen1; 252 env.add( class1 ); 246 EqvClass newClass1 = *class1; 247 newClass1.vars.insert( class2->vars.begin(), class2->vars.end() ); 248 newClass1.allowWidening = widen1; 249 env.add( std::move(newClass1) ); 253 250 } else { 254 class2.vars.insert( class1.vars.begin(), class1.vars.end() ); 255 class2.allowWidening = widen2; 256 env.add( class2 ); 257 } // if 258 } else if ( hasClass1 ) { 259 class1.vars.insert( var2->get_name() ); 260 class1.allowWidening = widen1; 261 env.add( class1 ); 262 } else if ( hasClass2 ) { 263 class2.vars.insert( var1->get_name() ); 264 class2.allowWidening = widen2; 265 env.add( class2 ); 251 EqvClass newClass2 = *class2; 252 newClass2.vars.insert( class1->vars.begin(), class1->vars.end() ); 253 newClass2.allowWidening = widen2; 254 env.add( std::move(newClass2) ); 255 } // if 256 } else if ( class1 ) { 257 EqvClass newClass1 = *class1; 258 newClass1.vars.insert( var2->get_name() ); 259 newClass1.allowWidening = widen1; 260 env.add( std::move(newClass1) ); 261 } else if ( class2 ) { 262 EqvClass newClass2 = *class2; 263 newClass2.vars.insert( var1->get_name() ); 264 newClass2.allowWidening = widen2; 265 env.add( std::move(newClass2) ); 266 266 } else { 267 267 EqvClass newClass; … … 539 539 void premutate( TypeInstType * ) { visit_children = false; } 540 540 Type * postmutate( TypeInstType * typeInst ) { 541 EqvClass eqvClass; 542 if ( tenv.lookup( typeInst->get_name(), eqvClass ) ) { 543 if ( eqvClass.data.kind == TypeDecl::Ttype ) { 544 // expand ttype parameter into its actual type 545 if ( eqvClass.type ) { 546 delete typeInst; 547 return eqvClass.type->clone(); 548 } 541 if ( const EqvClass *eqvClass = tenv.lookup( typeInst->get_name() ) ) { 542 // expand ttype parameter into its actual type 543 if ( eqvClass->data.kind == TypeDecl::Ttype && eqvClass->type ) { 544 delete typeInst; 545 return eqvClass->type->clone(); 549 546 } 550 547 } -
r863c413 r249d6e6 10 10 // Created On : Wed May 27 17:56:53 2015 11 11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 12 // Last Modified On : Sat Apr 28 13:08:24201813 // Update Count : 15 212 // Last Modified On : Sat Jun 2 08:07:55 2018 13 // Update Count : 153 14 14 // 15 15 … … 56 56 // implement writable for intrinsic types 57 57 58 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, _Bool ); 58 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) { 59 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, _Bool ); 59 60 60 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, char );61 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, signed char );62 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned char );61 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, char ); 62 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, signed char ); 63 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned char ); 63 64 64 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, short int );65 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned short int );66 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, int );67 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned int );68 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long int );69 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long long int );70 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned long int );71 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned long long int );65 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, short int ); 66 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned short int ); 67 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, int ); 68 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned int ); 69 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long int ); 70 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long long int ); 71 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned long int ); 72 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, unsigned long long int ); 72 73 73 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, float ); // FIX ME: should not be required74 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, double );75 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long double );74 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, float ); // FIX ME: should not be required 75 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, double ); 76 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long double ); 76 77 77 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, float _Complex );78 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, double _Complex );79 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long double _Complex );78 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, float _Complex ); 79 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, double _Complex ); 80 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, long double _Complex ); 80 81 81 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char * );82 //forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char16_t * );82 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char * ); 83 // ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char16_t * ); 83 84 #if ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 ) // char32_t == wchar_t => ambiguous 84 //forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char32_t * );85 // ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const char32_t * ); 85 86 #endif // ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 ) 86 //forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const wchar_t * ); 87 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const void * ); 87 // ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const wchar_t * ); 88 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, const void * ); 89 90 // manipulators 91 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, ostype & (*)( ostype & ) ); 92 ostype & endl( ostype & ); 93 ostype & sep( ostype & ); 94 ostype & sepTuple( ostype & ); 95 ostype & sepOn( ostype & ); 96 ostype & sepOff( ostype & ); 97 ostype & sepDisable( ostype & ); 98 ostype & sepEnable( ostype & ); 99 } // distribution 88 100 89 101 // tuples 90 102 forall( dtype ostype, otype T, ttype Params | writeable( T, ostype ) | { ostype & ?|?( ostype &, Params ); } ) 91 103 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, T arg, Params rest ); 92 93 // manipulators94 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & ?|?( ostype &, ostype & (*)( ostype & ) );95 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & endl( ostype & );96 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sep( ostype & );97 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sepTuple( ostype & );98 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sepOn( ostype & );99 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sepOff( ostype & );100 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sepDisable( ostype & );101 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) ostype & sepEnable( ostype & );102 104 103 105 // writes the range [begin, end) to the given stream … … 124 126 }; // readable 125 127 126 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, _Bool & ); 128 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) { 129 istype & ?|?( istype &, _Bool & ); 127 130 128 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, char & );129 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, signed char & );130 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned char & );131 istype & ?|?( istype &, char & ); 132 istype & ?|?( istype &, signed char & ); 133 istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned char & ); 131 134 132 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, short int & );133 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned short int & );134 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, int & );135 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned int & );136 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, long int & );137 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, long long int & );138 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned long int & );139 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned long long int & );135 istype & ?|?( istype &, short int & ); 136 istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned short int & ); 137 istype & ?|?( istype &, int & ); 138 istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned int & ); 139 istype & ?|?( istype &, long int & ); 140 istype & ?|?( istype &, long long int & ); 141 istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned long int & ); 142 istype & ?|?( istype &, unsigned long long int & ); 140 143 141 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, float & );142 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, double & );143 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, long double & );144 istype & ?|?( istype &, float & ); 145 istype & ?|?( istype &, double & ); 146 istype & ?|?( istype &, long double & ); 144 147 145 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, float _Complex & );146 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, double _Complex & );147 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) )istype & ?|?( istype &, long double _Complex & );148 istype & ?|?( istype &, float _Complex & ); 149 istype & ?|?( istype &, double _Complex & ); 150 istype & ?|?( istype &, long double _Complex & ); 148 151 149 // manipulators 150 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & ?|?( istype &, istype & (*)( istype & ) ); 151 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) istype & endl( istype & is ); 152 // manipulators 153 istype & ?|?( istype &, istype & (*)( istype & ) ); 154 istype & endl( istype & is ); 155 } // distribution 152 156 153 157 struct _Istream_cstrUC { char * s; }; -
r863c413 r249d6e6 10 10 // Created On : Wed May 27 17:56:53 2015 11 11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 12 // Last Modified On : Sat Apr 28 13:08:25201813 // Update Count : 4 6912 // Last Modified On : Sat Jun 2 08:24:56 2018 13 // Update Count : 471 14 14 // 15 15 … … 26 26 } 27 27 28 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 29 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, _Bool b ) { 30 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 31 fmt( os, "%s", b ? "true" : "false" ); 32 return os; 33 } // ?|? 34 35 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 36 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, char ch ) { 37 fmt( os, "%c", ch ); 38 if ( ch == '\n' ) setNL( os, true ); 39 sepOff( os ); 40 return os; 41 } // ?|? 42 43 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 44 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, signed char c ) { 45 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 46 fmt( os, "%hhd", c ); 47 return os; 48 } // ?|? 49 50 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 51 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned char c ) { 52 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 53 fmt( os, "%hhu", c ); 54 return os; 55 } // ?|? 56 57 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 58 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, short int si ) { 59 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 60 fmt( os, "%hd", si ); 61 return os; 62 } // ?|? 63 64 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 65 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned short int usi ) { 66 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 67 fmt( os, "%hu", usi ); 68 return os; 69 } // ?|? 70 71 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 72 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, int i ) { 73 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 74 fmt( os, "%d", i ); 75 return os; 76 } // ?|? 77 78 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 79 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned int ui ) { 80 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 81 fmt( os, "%u", ui ); 82 return os; 83 } // ?|? 84 85 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 86 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long int li ) { 87 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 88 fmt( os, "%ld", li ); 89 return os; 90 } // ?|? 91 92 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 93 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned long int uli ) { 94 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 95 fmt( os, "%lu", uli ); 96 return os; 97 } // ?|? 98 99 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 100 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long long int lli ) { 101 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 102 fmt( os, "%lld", lli ); 103 return os; 104 } // ?|? 105 106 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 107 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned long long int ulli ) { 108 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 109 fmt( os, "%llu", ulli ); 110 return os; 111 } // ?|? 112 113 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 114 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, float f ) { 115 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 116 fmt( os, "%g", f ); 117 return os; 118 } // ?|? 119 120 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 121 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, double d ) { 122 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 123 fmt( os, "%.*lg", DBL_DIG, d ); 124 return os; 125 } // ?|? 126 127 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 128 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long double ld ) { 129 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 130 fmt( os, "%.*Lg", LDBL_DIG, ld ); 131 return os; 132 } // ?|? 133 134 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 135 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, float _Complex fc ) { 136 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 137 fmt( os, "%g%+gi", crealf( fc ), cimagf( fc ) ); 138 return os; 139 } // ?|? 140 141 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 142 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, double _Complex dc ) { 143 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 144 fmt( os, "%.*lg%+.*lgi", DBL_DIG, creal( dc ), DBL_DIG, cimag( dc ) ); 145 return os; 146 } // ?|? 147 148 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 149 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long double _Complex ldc ) { 150 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 151 fmt( os, "%.*Lg%+.*Lgi", LDBL_DIG, creall( ldc ), LDBL_DIG, cimagl( ldc ) ); 152 return os; 153 } // ?|? 154 155 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 156 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char * str ) { 157 enum { Open = 1, Close, OpenClose }; 158 static const unsigned char mask[256] @= { 159 // opening delimiters, no space after 160 ['('] : Open, ['['] : Open, ['{'] : Open, 161 ['='] : Open, ['$'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'£'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'¥'] : Open, 162 [(unsigned char)'¡'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'¿'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'«'] : Open, 163 // closing delimiters, no space before 164 [','] : Close, ['.'] : Close, [';'] : Close, ['!'] : Close, ['?'] : Close, 165 ['%'] : Close, [(unsigned char)'¢'] : Close, [(unsigned char)'»'] : Close, 166 [')'] : Close, [']'] : Close, ['}'] : Close, 167 // opening-closing delimiters, no space before or after 168 ['\''] : OpenClose, ['`'] : OpenClose, ['"'] : OpenClose, [':'] : OpenClose, 169 [' '] : OpenClose, ['\f'] : OpenClose, ['\n'] : OpenClose, ['\r'] : OpenClose, ['\t'] : OpenClose, ['\v'] : OpenClose, // isspace 170 }; // mask 171 172 if ( str[0] == '\0' ) { sepOff( os ); return os; } // null string => no separator 173 174 // first character IS NOT spacing or closing punctuation => add left separator 175 unsigned char ch = str[0]; // must make unsigned 176 if ( sepPrt( os ) && mask[ ch ] != Close && mask[ ch ] != OpenClose ) { 177 fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 178 } // if 179 180 // if string starts line, must reset to determine open state because separator is off 181 sepReset( os ); // reset separator 182 183 // last character IS spacing or opening punctuation => turn off separator for next item 184 size_t len = strlen( str ); 185 ch = str[len - 1]; // must make unsigned 186 if ( sepPrt( os ) && mask[ ch ] != Open && mask[ ch ] != OpenClose ) { 28 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) { 29 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, _Bool b ) { 30 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 31 fmt( os, "%s", b ? "true" : "false" ); 32 return os; 33 } // ?|? 34 35 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, char ch ) { 36 fmt( os, "%c", ch ); 37 if ( ch == '\n' ) setNL( os, true ); 38 sepOff( os ); 39 return os; 40 } // ?|? 41 42 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, signed char c ) { 43 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 44 fmt( os, "%hhd", c ); 45 return os; 46 } // ?|? 47 48 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned char c ) { 49 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 50 fmt( os, "%hhu", c ); 51 return os; 52 } // ?|? 53 54 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, short int si ) { 55 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 56 fmt( os, "%hd", si ); 57 return os; 58 } // ?|? 59 60 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned short int usi ) { 61 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 62 fmt( os, "%hu", usi ); 63 return os; 64 } // ?|? 65 66 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, int i ) { 67 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 68 fmt( os, "%d", i ); 69 return os; 70 } // ?|? 71 72 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned int ui ) { 73 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 74 fmt( os, "%u", ui ); 75 return os; 76 } // ?|? 77 78 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long int li ) { 79 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 80 fmt( os, "%ld", li ); 81 return os; 82 } // ?|? 83 84 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned long int uli ) { 85 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 86 fmt( os, "%lu", uli ); 87 return os; 88 } // ?|? 89 90 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long long int lli ) { 91 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 92 fmt( os, "%lld", lli ); 93 return os; 94 } // ?|? 95 96 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, unsigned long long int ulli ) { 97 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 98 fmt( os, "%llu", ulli ); 99 return os; 100 } // ?|? 101 102 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, float f ) { 103 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 104 fmt( os, "%g", f ); 105 return os; 106 } // ?|? 107 108 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, double d ) { 109 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 110 fmt( os, "%.*lg", DBL_DIG, d ); 111 return os; 112 } // ?|? 113 114 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long double ld ) { 115 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 116 fmt( os, "%.*Lg", LDBL_DIG, ld ); 117 return os; 118 } // ?|? 119 120 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, float _Complex fc ) { 121 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 122 fmt( os, "%g%+gi", crealf( fc ), cimagf( fc ) ); 123 return os; 124 } // ?|? 125 126 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, double _Complex dc ) { 127 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 128 fmt( os, "%.*lg%+.*lgi", DBL_DIG, creal( dc ), DBL_DIG, cimag( dc ) ); 129 return os; 130 } // ?|? 131 132 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, long double _Complex ldc ) { 133 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 134 fmt( os, "%.*Lg%+.*Lgi", LDBL_DIG, creall( ldc ), LDBL_DIG, cimagl( ldc ) ); 135 return os; 136 } // ?|? 137 138 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char * str ) { 139 enum { Open = 1, Close, OpenClose }; 140 static const unsigned char mask[256] @= { 141 // opening delimiters, no space after 142 ['('] : Open, ['['] : Open, ['{'] : Open, 143 ['='] : Open, ['$'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'£'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'¥'] : Open, 144 [(unsigned char)'¡'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'¿'] : Open, [(unsigned char)'«'] : Open, 145 // closing delimiters, no space before 146 [','] : Close, ['.'] : Close, [';'] : Close, ['!'] : Close, ['?'] : Close, 147 ['%'] : Close, [(unsigned char)'¢'] : Close, [(unsigned char)'»'] : Close, 148 [')'] : Close, [']'] : Close, ['}'] : Close, 149 // opening-closing delimiters, no space before or after 150 ['\''] : OpenClose, ['`'] : OpenClose, ['"'] : OpenClose, [':'] : OpenClose, 151 [' '] : OpenClose, ['\f'] : OpenClose, ['\n'] : OpenClose, ['\r'] : OpenClose, ['\t'] : OpenClose, ['\v'] : OpenClose, // isspace 152 }; // mask 153 154 if ( str[0] == '\0' ) { sepOff( os ); return os; } // null string => no separator 155 156 // first character IS NOT spacing or closing punctuation => add left separator 157 unsigned char ch = str[0]; // must make unsigned 158 if ( sepPrt( os ) && mask[ ch ] != Close && mask[ ch ] != OpenClose ) { 159 fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 160 } // if 161 162 // if string starts line, must reset to determine open state because separator is off 163 sepReset( os ); // reset separator 164 165 // last character IS spacing or opening punctuation => turn off separator for next item 166 size_t len = strlen( str ); 167 ch = str[len - 1]; // must make unsigned 168 if ( sepPrt( os ) && mask[ ch ] != Open && mask[ ch ] != OpenClose ) { 169 sepOn( os ); 170 } else { 171 sepOff( os ); 172 } // if 173 if ( ch == '\n' ) setNL( os, true ); // check *AFTER* sepPrt call above as it resets NL flag 174 return write( os, str, len ); 175 } // ?|? 176 177 // ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char16_t * str ) { 178 // if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 179 // fmt( os, "%ls", str ); 180 // return os; 181 // } // ?|? 182 183 // #if ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 ) // char32_t == wchar_t => ambiguous 184 // ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char32_t * str ) { 185 // if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 186 // fmt( os, "%ls", str ); 187 // return os; 188 // } // ?|? 189 // #endif // ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 ) 190 191 // ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const wchar_t * str ) { 192 // if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 193 // fmt( os, "%ls", str ); 194 // return os; 195 // } // ?|? 196 197 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const void * p ) { 198 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 199 fmt( os, "%p", p ); 200 return os; 201 } // ?|? 202 203 204 // manipulators 205 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, ostype & (* manip)( ostype & ) ) { 206 return manip( os ); 207 } // ?|? 208 209 ostype & sep( ostype & os ) { 210 os | sepGet( os ); 211 return os; 212 } // sep 213 214 ostype & sepTuple( ostype & os ) { 215 os | sepGetTuple( os ); 216 return os; 217 } // sepTuple 218 219 ostype & endl( ostype & os ) { 220 os | '\n'; 221 setNL( os, true ); 222 flush( os ); 223 sepOff( os ); // prepare for next line 224 return os; 225 } // endl 226 227 ostype & sepOn( ostype & os ) { 187 228 sepOn( os ); 188 } else { 229 return os; 230 } // sepOn 231 232 ostype & sepOff( ostype & os ) { 189 233 sepOff( os ); 190 } // if 191 if ( ch == '\n' ) setNL( os, true ); // check *AFTER* sepPrt call above as it resets NL flag 192 return write( os, str, len ); 193 } // ?|? 194 195 // forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 196 // ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char16_t * str ) { 197 // if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 198 // fmt( os, "%ls", str ); 199 // return os; 200 // } // ?|? 201 202 // #if ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 ) // char32_t == wchar_t => ambiguous 203 // forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 204 // ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const char32_t * str ) { 205 // if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 206 // fmt( os, "%ls", str ); 207 // return os; 208 // } // ?|? 209 // #endif // ! ( __ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM == 1 && __ARM_32BIT_STATE == 1 ) 210 211 // forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 212 // ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const wchar_t * str ) { 213 // if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 214 // fmt( os, "%ls", str ); 215 // return os; 216 // } // ?|? 217 218 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) ) 219 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, const void * p ) { 220 if ( sepPrt( os ) ) fmt( os, "%s", sepGetCur( os ) ); 221 fmt( os, "%p", p ); 222 return os; 223 } // ?|? 234 return os; 235 } // sepOff 236 237 ostype & sepEnable( ostype & os ) { 238 sepEnable( os ); 239 return os; 240 } // sepEnable 241 242 ostype & sepDisable( ostype & os ) { 243 sepDisable( os ); 244 return os; 245 } // sepDisable 246 } // distribution 224 247 225 248 … … 234 257 } // ?|? 235 258 236 237 // manipulators238 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )239 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, ostype & (* manip)( ostype & ) ) {240 return manip( os );241 } // ?|?242 243 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )244 ostype & sep( ostype & os ) {245 os | sepGet( os );246 return os;247 } // sep248 249 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )250 ostype & sepTuple( ostype & os ) {251 os | sepGetTuple( os );252 return os;253 } // sepTuple254 255 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )256 ostype & endl( ostype & os ) {257 os | '\n';258 setNL( os, true );259 flush( os );260 sepOff( os ); // prepare for next line261 return os;262 } // endl263 264 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )265 ostype & sepOn( ostype & os ) {266 sepOn( os );267 return os;268 } // sepOn269 270 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )271 ostype & sepOff( ostype & os ) {272 sepOff( os );273 return os;274 } // sepOff275 276 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )277 ostype & sepEnable( ostype & os ) {278 sepEnable( os );279 return os;280 } // sepEnable281 282 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) )283 ostype & sepDisable( ostype & os ) {284 sepDisable( os );285 return os;286 } // sepDisable287 288 259 //--------------------------------------- 289 260 261 // writes the range [begin, end) to the given stream 290 262 forall( dtype ostype, otype elt_type | writeable( elt_type, ostype ), otype iterator_type | iterator( iterator_type, elt_type ) ) 291 263 void write( iterator_type begin, iterator_type end, ostype & os ) { … … 302 274 //--------------------------------------- 303 275 304 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 305 istype & ?|?( istype & is, _Bool & b ) { 306 char val[6]; 307 fmt( is, "%5s", val ); 308 if ( strcmp( val, "true" ) == 0 ) b = true; 309 else if ( strcmp( val, "false" ) == 0 ) b = false; 310 else { 311 fprintf( stderr, "invalid _Bool constant\n" ); 312 abort(); 313 } // if 314 return is; 315 } // ?|? 316 317 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 318 istype & ?|?( istype & is, char & c ) { 319 fmt( is, "%c", &c ); // must pass pointer through varg to fmt 320 return is; 321 } // ?|? 322 323 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 324 istype & ?|?( istype & is, signed char & sc ) { 325 fmt( is, "%hhd", &sc ); 326 return is; 327 } // ?|? 328 329 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 330 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned char & usc ) { 331 fmt( is, "%hhu", &usc ); 332 return is; 333 } // ?|? 334 335 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 336 istype & ?|?( istype & is, short int & si ) { 337 fmt( is, "%hd", &si ); 338 return is; 339 } // ?|? 340 341 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 342 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned short int & usi ) { 343 fmt( is, "%hu", &usi ); 344 return is; 345 } // ?|? 346 347 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 348 istype & ?|?( istype & is, int & i ) { 349 fmt( is, "%d", &i ); 350 return is; 351 } // ?|? 352 353 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 354 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned int & ui ) { 355 fmt( is, "%u", &ui ); 356 return is; 357 } // ?|? 358 359 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 360 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long int & li ) { 361 fmt( is, "%ld", &li ); 362 return is; 363 } // ?|? 364 365 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 366 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned long int & ulli ) { 367 fmt( is, "%lu", &ulli ); 368 return is; 369 } // ?|? 370 371 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 372 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long long int & lli ) { 373 fmt( is, "%lld", &lli ); 374 return is; 375 } // ?|? 376 377 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 378 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned long long int & ulli ) { 379 fmt( is, "%llu", &ulli ); 380 return is; 381 } // ?|? 382 383 384 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 385 istype & ?|?( istype & is, float & f ) { 386 fmt( is, "%f", &f ); 387 return is; 388 } // ?|? 389 390 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 391 istype & ?|?( istype & is, double & d ) { 392 fmt( is, "%lf", &d ); 393 return is; 394 } // ?|? 395 396 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 397 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long double & ld ) { 398 fmt( is, "%Lf", &ld ); 399 return is; 400 } // ?|? 401 402 403 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 404 istype & ?|?( istype & is, float _Complex & fc ) { 405 float re, im; 406 fmt( is, "%g%gi", &re, &im ); 407 fc = re + im * _Complex_I; 408 return is; 409 } // ?|? 410 411 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 412 istype & ?|?( istype & is, double _Complex & dc ) { 413 double re, im; 414 fmt( is, "%lf%lfi", &re, &im ); 415 dc = re + im * _Complex_I; 416 return is; 417 } // ?|? 418 419 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 420 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long double _Complex & ldc ) { 421 long double re, im; 422 fmt( is, "%Lf%Lfi", &re, &im ); 423 ldc = re + im * _Complex_I; 424 return is; 425 } // ?|? 426 427 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 428 istype & ?|?( istype & is, istype & (* manip)( istype & ) ) { 429 return manip( is ); 430 } // ?|? 431 432 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) 433 istype & endl( istype & is ) { 434 fmt( is, "%*[ \t\f\n\r\v]" ); // ignore whitespace 435 return is; 436 } // endl 276 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) ) { 277 istype & ?|?( istype & is, _Bool & b ) { 278 char val[6]; 279 fmt( is, "%5s", val ); 280 if ( strcmp( val, "true" ) == 0 ) b = true; 281 else if ( strcmp( val, "false" ) == 0 ) b = false; 282 else { 283 fprintf( stderr, "invalid _Bool constant\n" ); 284 abort(); 285 } // if 286 return is; 287 } // ?|? 288 289 istype & ?|?( istype & is, char & c ) { 290 fmt( is, "%c", &c ); // must pass pointer through varg to fmt 291 return is; 292 } // ?|? 293 294 istype & ?|?( istype & is, signed char & sc ) { 295 fmt( is, "%hhd", &sc ); 296 return is; 297 } // ?|? 298 299 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned char & usc ) { 300 fmt( is, "%hhu", &usc ); 301 return is; 302 } // ?|? 303 304 istype & ?|?( istype & is, short int & si ) { 305 fmt( is, "%hd", &si ); 306 return is; 307 } // ?|? 308 309 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned short int & usi ) { 310 fmt( is, "%hu", &usi ); 311 return is; 312 } // ?|? 313 314 istype & ?|?( istype & is, int & i ) { 315 fmt( is, "%d", &i ); 316 return is; 317 } // ?|? 318 319 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned int & ui ) { 320 fmt( is, "%u", &ui ); 321 return is; 322 } // ?|? 323 324 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long int & li ) { 325 fmt( is, "%ld", &li ); 326 return is; 327 } // ?|? 328 329 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned long int & ulli ) { 330 fmt( is, "%lu", &ulli ); 331 return is; 332 } // ?|? 333 334 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long long int & lli ) { 335 fmt( is, "%lld", &lli ); 336 return is; 337 } // ?|? 338 339 istype & ?|?( istype & is, unsigned long long int & ulli ) { 340 fmt( is, "%llu", &ulli ); 341 return is; 342 } // ?|? 343 344 345 istype & ?|?( istype & is, float & f ) { 346 fmt( is, "%f", &f ); 347 return is; 348 } // ?|? 349 350 istype & ?|?( istype & is, double & d ) { 351 fmt( is, "%lf", &d ); 352 return is; 353 } // ?|? 354 355 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long double & ld ) { 356 fmt( is, "%Lf", &ld ); 357 return is; 358 } // ?|? 359 360 361 istype & ?|?( istype & is, float _Complex & fc ) { 362 float re, im; 363 fmt( is, "%g%gi", &re, &im ); 364 fc = re + im * _Complex_I; 365 return is; 366 } // ?|? 367 368 istype & ?|?( istype & is, double _Complex & dc ) { 369 double re, im; 370 fmt( is, "%lf%lfi", &re, &im ); 371 dc = re + im * _Complex_I; 372 return is; 373 } // ?|? 374 375 istype & ?|?( istype & is, long double _Complex & ldc ) { 376 long double re, im; 377 fmt( is, "%Lf%Lfi", &re, &im ); 378 ldc = re + im * _Complex_I; 379 return is; 380 } // ?|? 381 382 383 // manipulators 384 istype & ?|?( istype & is, istype & (* manip)( istype & ) ) { 385 return manip( is ); 386 } // ?|? 387 388 istype & endl( istype & is ) { 389 fmt( is, "%*[ \t\f\n\r\v]" ); // ignore whitespace 390 return is; 391 } // endl 392 } // distribution 437 393 438 394 _Istream_cstrUC cstr( char * str ) { return (_Istream_cstrUC){ str }; } -
r863c413 r249d6e6 12 12 // Created On : Wed Apr 6 17:56:25 2016 13 13 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 14 // Last Modified On : Wed Dec 6 23:12:53 201715 // Update Count : 9714 // Last Modified On : Sat Jun 2 09:10:01 2018 15 // Update Count : 105 16 16 // 17 17 … … 46 46 // implementation 47 47 48 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 49 struct Rational {50 RationalImpl numerator, denominator;// invariant: denominator > 051 }; // Rational48 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) { 49 struct Rational { 50 RationalImpl numerator, denominator; // invariant: denominator > 0 51 }; // Rational 52 52 53 // constructors53 // constructors 54 54 55 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 56 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r ); 55 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r ); 56 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n ); 57 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n, RationalImpl d ); 58 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, zero_t ); 59 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, one_t ); 57 60 58 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 59 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n ); 61 // numerator/denominator getter 60 62 61 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 62 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n, RationalImpl d ); 63 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 64 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 65 [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] ?=?( & [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] dest, Rational(RationalImpl) src ); 63 66 64 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 65 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, zero_t ); 67 // numerator/denominator setter 66 68 67 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 68 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, one_t);69 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl n ); 70 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl d ); 69 71 70 // numerator/denominator getter 72 // comparison 71 73 72 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 73 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 74 int ?==?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 75 int ?!=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 76 int ?<?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 77 int ?<=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 78 int ?>?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 79 int ?>=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 74 80 75 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 76 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 81 // arithmetic 77 82 78 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 79 [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] ?=?( & [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] dest, Rational(RationalImpl) src ); 83 Rational(RationalImpl) +?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 84 Rational(RationalImpl) -?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 85 Rational(RationalImpl) ?+?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 86 Rational(RationalImpl) ?-?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 87 Rational(RationalImpl) ?*?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 88 Rational(RationalImpl) ?/?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 80 89 81 // numerator/denominator setter 90 // I/O 91 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) | { istype & ?|?( istype &, RationalImpl & ); } ) 92 istype & ?|?( istype &, Rational(RationalImpl) & ); 82 93 83 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 84 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl n ); 85 86 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 87 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl d ); 88 89 // comparison 90 91 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 92 int ?==?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 93 94 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 95 int ?!=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 96 97 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 98 int ?<?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 99 100 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 101 int ?<=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 102 103 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 104 int ?>?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 105 106 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 107 int ?>=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 108 109 // arithmetic 110 111 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 112 Rational(RationalImpl) +?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 113 114 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 115 Rational(RationalImpl) -?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 116 117 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 118 Rational(RationalImpl) ?+?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 119 120 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 121 Rational(RationalImpl) ?-?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 122 123 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 124 Rational(RationalImpl) ?*?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 125 126 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 127 Rational(RationalImpl) ?/?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ); 94 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) | { ostype & ?|?( ostype &, RationalImpl ); } ) 95 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, Rational(RationalImpl ) ); 96 } // distribution 128 97 129 98 // conversion … … 133 102 Rational(RationalImpl) narrow( double f, RationalImpl md ); 134 103 135 // I/O136 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )137 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) | { istype & ?|?( istype &, RationalImpl & ); } )138 istype & ?|?( istype &, Rational(RationalImpl) & );139 140 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )141 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) | { ostype & ?|?( ostype &, RationalImpl ); } )142 ostype & ?|?( ostype &, Rational(RationalImpl ) );143 144 104 // Local Variables: // 145 105 // mode: c // -
r863c413 r249d6e6 10 10 // Created On : Wed Apr 6 17:54:28 2016 11 11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 12 // Last Modified On : Wed Dec 6 23:13:58 201713 // Update Count : 1 5612 // Last Modified On : Sat Jun 2 09:24:33 2018 13 // Update Count : 162 14 14 // 15 15 … … 18 18 #include "stdlib" 19 19 20 // helper routines 21 22 // Calculate greatest common denominator of two numbers, the first of which may be negative. Used to reduce rationals. 23 // alternative: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_GCD_algorithm 24 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 25 static RationalImpl gcd( RationalImpl a, RationalImpl b ) { 26 for ( ;; ) { // Euclid's algorithm 27 RationalImpl r = a % b; 28 if ( r == (RationalImpl){0} ) break; 29 a = b; 30 b = r; 31 } // for 32 return b; 33 } // gcd 34 35 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 36 static RationalImpl simplify( RationalImpl & n, RationalImpl & d ) { 37 if ( d == (RationalImpl){0} ) { 38 serr | "Invalid rational number construction: denominator cannot be equal to 0." | endl; 39 exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); 40 } // exit 41 if ( d < (RationalImpl){0} ) { d = -d; n = -n; } // move sign to numerator 42 return gcd( abs( n ), d ); // simplify 43 } // Rationalnumber::simplify 44 45 46 // constructors 47 48 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 49 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r ) { 50 r{ (RationalImpl){0}, (RationalImpl){1} }; 51 } // rational 52 53 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 54 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n ) { 55 r{ n, (RationalImpl){1} }; 56 } // rational 57 58 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 59 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n, RationalImpl d ) { 60 RationalImpl t = simplify( n, d ); // simplify 61 r.numerator = n / t; 62 r.denominator = d / t; 63 } // rational 64 65 66 // getter for numerator/denominator 67 68 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 69 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 70 return r.numerator; 71 } // numerator 72 73 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 74 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 75 return r.denominator; 76 } // denominator 77 78 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 79 [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] ?=?( & [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] dest, Rational(RationalImpl) src ) { 80 return dest = src.[ numerator, denominator ]; 81 } 82 83 // setter for numerator/denominator 84 85 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 86 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl n ) { 87 RationalImpl prev = r.numerator; 88 RationalImpl t = gcd( abs( n ), r.denominator ); // simplify 89 r.numerator = n / t; 90 r.denominator = r.denominator / t; 91 return prev; 92 } // numerator 93 94 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 95 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl d ) { 96 RationalImpl prev = r.denominator; 97 RationalImpl t = simplify( r.numerator, d ); // simplify 98 r.numerator = r.numerator / t; 99 r.denominator = d / t; 100 return prev; 101 } // denominator 102 103 104 // comparison 105 106 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 107 int ?==?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 108 return l.numerator * r.denominator == l.denominator * r.numerator; 109 } // ?==? 110 111 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 112 int ?!=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 113 return ! ( l == r ); 114 } // ?!=? 115 116 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 117 int ?<?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 118 return l.numerator * r.denominator < l.denominator * r.numerator; 119 } // ?<? 120 121 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 122 int ?<=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 123 return l.numerator * r.denominator <= l.denominator * r.numerator; 124 } // ?<=? 125 126 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 127 int ?>?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 128 return ! ( l <= r ); 129 } // ?>? 130 131 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 132 int ?>=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 133 return ! ( l < r ); 134 } // ?>=? 135 136 137 // arithmetic 138 139 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 140 Rational(RationalImpl) +?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 141 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { r.numerator, r.denominator }; 142 return t; 143 } // +? 144 145 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 146 Rational(RationalImpl) -?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 147 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { -r.numerator, r.denominator }; 148 return t; 149 } // -? 150 151 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 152 Rational(RationalImpl) ?+?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 153 if ( l.denominator == r.denominator ) { // special case 154 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator + r.numerator, l.denominator }; 155 return t; 156 } else { 157 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator + l.denominator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator }; 158 return t; 159 } // if 160 } // ?+? 161 162 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 163 Rational(RationalImpl) ?-?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 164 if ( l.denominator == r.denominator ) { // special case 165 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator - r.numerator, l.denominator }; 166 return t; 167 } else { 168 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator - l.denominator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator }; 169 return t; 170 } // if 171 } // ?-? 172 173 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 174 Rational(RationalImpl) ?*?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 175 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator }; 176 return t; 177 } // ?*? 178 179 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) 180 Rational(RationalImpl) ?/?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 181 if ( r.numerator < (RationalImpl){0} ) { 182 r.numerator = -r.numerator; 183 r.denominator = -r.denominator; 184 } // if 185 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator, l.denominator * r.numerator }; 186 return t; 187 } // ?/? 188 20 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) ) { 21 // helper routines 22 23 // Calculate greatest common denominator of two numbers, the first of which may be negative. Used to reduce 24 // rationals. alternative: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_GCD_algorithm 25 static RationalImpl gcd( RationalImpl a, RationalImpl b ) { 26 for ( ;; ) { // Euclid's algorithm 27 RationalImpl r = a % b; 28 if ( r == (RationalImpl){0} ) break; 29 a = b; 30 b = r; 31 } // for 32 return b; 33 } // gcd 34 35 static RationalImpl simplify( RationalImpl & n, RationalImpl & d ) { 36 if ( d == (RationalImpl){0} ) { 37 serr | "Invalid rational number construction: denominator cannot be equal to 0." | endl; 38 exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); 39 } // exit 40 if ( d < (RationalImpl){0} ) { d = -d; n = -n; } // move sign to numerator 41 return gcd( abs( n ), d ); // simplify 42 } // Rationalnumber::simplify 43 44 // constructors 45 46 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r ) { 47 r{ (RationalImpl){0}, (RationalImpl){1} }; 48 } // rational 49 50 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n ) { 51 r{ n, (RationalImpl){1} }; 52 } // rational 53 54 void ?{}( Rational(RationalImpl) & r, RationalImpl n, RationalImpl d ) { 55 RationalImpl t = simplify( n, d ); // simplify 56 r.numerator = n / t; 57 r.denominator = d / t; 58 } // rational 59 60 61 // getter for numerator/denominator 62 63 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 64 return r.numerator; 65 } // numerator 66 67 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 68 return r.denominator; 69 } // denominator 70 71 [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] ?=?( & [ RationalImpl, RationalImpl ] dest, Rational(RationalImpl) src ) { 72 return dest = src.[ numerator, denominator ]; 73 } // ?=? 74 75 // setter for numerator/denominator 76 77 RationalImpl numerator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl n ) { 78 RationalImpl prev = r.numerator; 79 RationalImpl t = gcd( abs( n ), r.denominator ); // simplify 80 r.numerator = n / t; 81 r.denominator = r.denominator / t; 82 return prev; 83 } // numerator 84 85 RationalImpl denominator( Rational(RationalImpl) r, RationalImpl d ) { 86 RationalImpl prev = r.denominator; 87 RationalImpl t = simplify( r.numerator, d ); // simplify 88 r.numerator = r.numerator / t; 89 r.denominator = d / t; 90 return prev; 91 } // denominator 92 93 // comparison 94 95 int ?==?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 96 return l.numerator * r.denominator == l.denominator * r.numerator; 97 } // ?==? 98 99 int ?!=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 100 return ! ( l == r ); 101 } // ?!=? 102 103 int ?<?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 104 return l.numerator * r.denominator < l.denominator * r.numerator; 105 } // ?<? 106 107 int ?<=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 108 return l.numerator * r.denominator <= l.denominator * r.numerator; 109 } // ?<=? 110 111 int ?>?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 112 return ! ( l <= r ); 113 } // ?>? 114 115 int ?>=?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 116 return ! ( l < r ); 117 } // ?>=? 118 119 // arithmetic 120 121 Rational(RationalImpl) +?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 122 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { r.numerator, r.denominator }; 123 return t; 124 } // +? 125 126 Rational(RationalImpl) -?( Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 127 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { -r.numerator, r.denominator }; 128 return t; 129 } // -? 130 131 Rational(RationalImpl) ?+?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 132 if ( l.denominator == r.denominator ) { // special case 133 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator + r.numerator, l.denominator }; 134 return t; 135 } else { 136 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator + l.denominator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator }; 137 return t; 138 } // if 139 } // ?+? 140 141 Rational(RationalImpl) ?-?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 142 if ( l.denominator == r.denominator ) { // special case 143 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator - r.numerator, l.denominator }; 144 return t; 145 } else { 146 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator - l.denominator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator }; 147 return t; 148 } // if 149 } // ?-? 150 151 Rational(RationalImpl) ?*?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 152 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.numerator, l.denominator * r.denominator }; 153 return t; 154 } // ?*? 155 156 Rational(RationalImpl) ?/?( Rational(RationalImpl) l, Rational(RationalImpl) r ) { 157 if ( r.numerator < (RationalImpl){0} ) { 158 r.numerator = -r.numerator; 159 r.denominator = -r.denominator; 160 } // if 161 Rational(RationalImpl) t = { l.numerator * r.denominator, l.denominator * r.numerator }; 162 return t; 163 } // ?/? 164 165 // I/O 166 167 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) | { istype & ?|?( istype &, RationalImpl & ); } ) 168 istype & ?|?( istype & is, Rational(RationalImpl) & r ) { 169 RationalImpl t; 170 is | r.numerator | r.denominator; 171 t = simplify( r.numerator, r.denominator ); 172 r.numerator /= t; 173 r.denominator /= t; 174 return is; 175 } // ?|? 176 177 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) | { ostype & ?|?( ostype &, RationalImpl ); } ) 178 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, Rational(RationalImpl ) r ) { 179 return os | r.numerator | '/' | r.denominator; 180 } // ?|? 181 } // distribution 189 182 190 183 // conversion … … 195 188 } // widen 196 189 197 // http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/numth/frap.c198 190 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) | { double convert( RationalImpl ); RationalImpl convert( double ); } ) 199 191 Rational(RationalImpl) narrow( double f, RationalImpl md ) { 192 // http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/numth/frap.c 200 193 if ( md <= (RationalImpl){1} ) { // maximum fractional digits too small? 201 194 return (Rational(RationalImpl)){ convert( f ), (RationalImpl){1}}; // truncate fraction … … 224 217 } // narrow 225 218 226 227 // I/O228 229 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )230 forall( dtype istype | istream( istype ) | { istype & ?|?( istype &, RationalImpl & ); } )231 istype & ?|?( istype & is, Rational(RationalImpl) & r ) {232 RationalImpl t;233 is | r.numerator | r.denominator;234 t = simplify( r.numerator, r.denominator );235 r.numerator /= t;236 r.denominator /= t;237 return is;238 } // ?|?239 240 forall( otype RationalImpl | arithmetic( RationalImpl ) )241 forall( dtype ostype | ostream( ostype ) | { ostype & ?|?( ostype &, RationalImpl ); } )242 ostype & ?|?( ostype & os, Rational(RationalImpl ) r ) {243 return os | r.numerator | '/' | r.denominator;244 } // ?|?245 246 219 // Local Variables: // 247 220 // tab-width: 4 // -
r863c413 r249d6e6 10 10 // Created On : Thu Jan 28 17:12:35 2016 11 11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 12 // Last Modified On : Wed May 16 07:53:10201813 // Update Count : 30 012 // Last Modified On : Sat Jun 2 08:46:35 2018 13 // Update Count : 306 14 14 // 15 15 16 16 #pragma once 17 17 18 #include <stdlib.h> // strto*, *abs 18 #include <stdlib.h> // allocation, strto*, *abs 19 extern "C" { 20 void * memalign( size_t align, size_t size ); 21 void * aligned_alloc( size_t align, size_t size ); 22 void * memset( void * dest, int c, size_t size ); 23 } // extern "C" 19 24 20 25 //--------------------------------------- … … 27 32 //--------------------------------------- 28 33 29 // C dynamic allocation30 34 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) { 35 // C dynamic allocation 36 31 37 T * malloc( void ) { 32 38 // printf( "* malloc\n" ); … … 51 57 } // realloc 52 58 53 extern "C" { void * memalign( size_t align, size_t size ); } // use default C routine for void *54 59 T * memalign( size_t align ) { 55 60 //printf( "X4\n" ); … … 57 62 } // memalign 58 63 59 extern "C" { void * aligned_alloc( size_t align, size_t size ); } // use default C routine for void *60 64 T * aligned_alloc( size_t align ) { 61 65 //printf( "X5\n" ); … … 70 74 71 75 // Cforall dynamic allocation 72 extern "C" { void * memset( void * dest, int c, size_t size ); } // use default C routine for void *73 76 74 77 T * alloc( void ) { … … 103 106 forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * alloc( T ptr[], size_t dim, char fill ); 104 107 105 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * align_alloc( size_t align ) { 106 //printf( "X13\n" ); 107 return (T *)memalign( align, sizeof(T) ); 108 } // align_alloc 109 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * align_alloc( size_t align, char fill ) { 110 //printf( "X14\n" ); 111 T * ptr = (T *)memalign( align, sizeof(T) ); 112 return (T *)memset( ptr, (int)fill, sizeof(T) ); 113 } // align_alloc 114 115 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * align_alloc( size_t align, size_t dim ) { 116 //printf( "X15\n" ); 117 return (T *)memalign( align, dim * sizeof(T) ); 118 } // align_alloc 119 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * align_alloc( size_t align, size_t dim, char fill ) { 120 //printf( "X16\n" ); 121 T * ptr = (T *)memalign( align, dim * sizeof(T) ); 122 return (T *)memset( ptr, (int)fill, dim * sizeof(T) ); 123 } // align_alloc 124 125 126 // data, non-array types 127 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * memset( T * dest, char c ) { 128 //printf( "X17\n" ); 129 return (T *)memset( dest, c, sizeof(T) ); 130 } // memset 131 extern "C" { void * memcpy( void * dest, const void * src, size_t size ); } // use default C routine for void * 132 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * memcpy( T * dest, const T * src ) { 133 //printf( "X18\n" ); 134 return (T *)memcpy( dest, src, sizeof(T) ); 135 } // memcpy 136 137 // data, array types 138 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * memset( T dest[], size_t dim, char c ) { 139 //printf( "X19\n" ); 140 return (T *)(void *)memset( dest, c, dim * sizeof(T) ); // C memset 141 } // memset 142 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) T * memcpy( T dest[], const T src[], size_t dim ) { 143 //printf( "X20\n" ); 144 return (T *)(void *)memcpy( dest, src, dim * sizeof(T) ); // C memcpy 145 } // memcpy 108 109 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) { 110 T * align_alloc( size_t align ) { 111 //printf( "X13\n" ); 112 return (T *)memalign( align, sizeof(T) ); 113 } // align_alloc 114 115 T * align_alloc( size_t align, char fill ) { 116 //printf( "X14\n" ); 117 T * ptr = (T *)memalign( align, sizeof(T) ); 118 return (T *)memset( ptr, (int)fill, sizeof(T) ); 119 } // align_alloc 120 121 T * align_alloc( size_t align, size_t dim ) { 122 //printf( "X15\n" ); 123 return (T *)memalign( align, dim * sizeof(T) ); 124 } // align_alloc 125 126 T * align_alloc( size_t align, size_t dim, char fill ) { 127 //printf( "X16\n" ); 128 T * ptr = (T *)memalign( align, dim * sizeof(T) ); 129 return (T *)memset( ptr, (int)fill, dim * sizeof(T) ); 130 } // align_alloc 131 } // distribution 132 133 134 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) { 135 // data, non-array types 136 137 T * memset( T * dest, char c ) { 138 //printf( "X17\n" ); 139 return (T *)memset( dest, c, sizeof(T) ); 140 } // memset 141 142 extern "C" { void * memcpy( void * dest, const void * src, size_t size ); } // use default C routine for void * 143 144 T * memcpy( T * dest, const T * src ) { 145 //printf( "X18\n" ); 146 return (T *)memcpy( dest, src, sizeof(T) ); 147 } // memcpy 148 } // distribution 149 150 static inline forall( dtype T | sized(T) ) { 151 // data, array types 152 153 T * memset( T dest[], size_t dim, char c ) { 154 //printf( "X19\n" ); 155 return (T *)(void *)memset( dest, c, dim * sizeof(T) ); // C memset 156 } // memset 157 158 T * memcpy( T dest[], const T src[], size_t dim ) { 159 //printf( "X20\n" ); 160 return (T *)(void *)memcpy( dest, src, dim * sizeof(T) ); // C memcpy 161 } // memcpy 162 } // distribution 146 163 147 164 // allocation/deallocation and constructor/destructor, non-array types … … 189 206 //--------------------------------------- 190 207 191 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 192 E * bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 193 194 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 195 size_t bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 196 197 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 198 E * bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 199 200 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 201 size_t bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 202 203 204 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 205 E * bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 206 207 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 208 size_t bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 209 210 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 211 E * bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 212 213 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 214 size_t bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 215 216 217 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 218 E * bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 219 220 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 221 size_t bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 222 223 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 224 E * bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 225 226 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 227 size_t bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 228 229 230 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 231 void qsort( E * vals, size_t dim ); 208 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) { 209 E * bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 210 size_t bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 211 E * bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 212 size_t bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 213 E * bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 214 size_t bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 215 216 void qsort( E * vals, size_t dim ); 217 } // distribution 218 219 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) { 220 E * bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 221 size_t bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 222 E * bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 223 size_t bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 224 E * bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 225 size_t bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ); 226 } // distribution 232 227 233 228 //--------------------------------------- -
r863c413 r249d6e6 10 10 // Created On : Thu Jan 28 17:10:29 2016 11 11 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 12 // Last Modified On : Wed Jan 3 08:29:29201813 // Update Count : 44 412 // Last Modified On : Sat Jun 2 06:15:05 2018 13 // Update Count : 448 14 14 // 15 15 … … 130 130 //--------------------------------------- 131 131 132 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 133 E * bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 134 int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) { 135 return *(E *)t1 < *(E *)t2 ? -1 : *(E *)t2 < *(E *)t1 ? 1 : 0; 136 } // cmp 137 return (E *)bsearch( &key, vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp ); 138 } // bsearch 139 140 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 141 size_t bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 142 E * result = bsearch( key, vals, dim ); 143 return result ? result - vals : dim; // pointer subtraction includes sizeof(E) 144 } // bsearch 145 146 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 147 E * bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 148 int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) { 149 return *(K *)t1 < getKey( *(E *)t2 ) ? -1 : getKey( *(E *)t2 ) < *(K *)t1 ? 1 : 0; 150 } // cmp 151 return (E *)bsearch( &key, vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp ); 152 } // bsearch 153 154 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 155 size_t bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 156 E * result = bsearch( key, vals, dim ); 157 return result ? result - vals : dim; // pointer subtraction includes sizeof(E) 158 } // bsearch 159 160 161 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 162 size_t bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 163 size_t l = 0, m, h = dim; 164 while ( l < h ) { 165 m = (l + h) / 2; 166 if ( (E &)(vals[m]) < key ) { // cast away const 167 l = m + 1; 168 } else { 169 h = m; 170 } // if 171 } // while 172 return l; 173 } // bsearchl 174 175 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 176 E * bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 177 size_t posn = bsearchl( key, vals, dim ); 178 return (E *)(&vals[posn]); // cast away const 179 } // bsearchl 180 181 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 182 size_t bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 183 size_t l = 0, m, h = dim; 184 while ( l < h ) { 185 m = (l + h) / 2; 186 if ( getKey( vals[m] ) < key ) { 187 l = m + 1; 188 } else { 189 h = m; 190 } // if 191 } // while 192 return l; 193 } // bsearchl 194 195 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 196 E * bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 197 size_t posn = bsearchl( key, vals, dim ); 198 return (E *)(&vals[posn]); // cast away const 199 } // bsearchl 200 201 202 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 203 size_t bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 204 size_t l = 0, m, h = dim; 205 while ( l < h ) { 206 m = (l + h) / 2; 207 if ( ! ( key < (E &)(vals[m]) ) ) { // cast away const 208 l = m + 1; 209 } else { 210 h = m; 211 } // if 212 } // while 213 return l; 214 } // bsearchu 215 216 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 217 E * bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 218 size_t posn = bsearchu( key, vals, dim ); 219 return (E *)(&vals[posn]); 220 } // bsearchu 221 222 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 223 size_t bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 224 size_t l = 0, m, h = dim; 225 while ( l < h ) { 226 m = (l + h) / 2; 227 if ( ! ( key < getKey( vals[m] ) ) ) { 228 l = m + 1; 229 } else { 230 h = m; 231 } // if 232 } // while 233 return l; 234 } // bsearchu 235 236 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) 237 E * bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 238 size_t posn = bsearchu( key, vals, dim ); 239 return (E *)(&vals[posn]); 240 } // bsearchu 241 242 243 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) 244 void qsort( E * vals, size_t dim ) { 245 int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) { 246 return *(E *)t1 < *(E *)t2 ? -1 : *(E *)t2 < *(E *)t1 ? 1 : 0; 247 } // cmp 248 qsort( vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp ); 249 } // qsort 132 forall( otype E | { int ?<?( E, E ); } ) { 133 E * bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 134 int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) { 135 return *(E *)t1 < *(E *)t2 ? -1 : *(E *)t2 < *(E *)t1 ? 1 : 0; 136 } // cmp 137 return (E *)bsearch( &key, vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp ); 138 } // bsearch 139 140 size_t bsearch( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 141 E * result = bsearch( key, vals, dim ); 142 return result ? result - vals : dim; // pointer subtraction includes sizeof(E) 143 } // bsearch 144 145 size_t bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 146 size_t l = 0, m, h = dim; 147 while ( l < h ) { 148 m = (l + h) / 2; 149 if ( (E &)(vals[m]) < key ) { // cast away const 150 l = m + 1; 151 } else { 152 h = m; 153 } // if 154 } // while 155 return l; 156 } // bsearchl 157 158 E * bsearchl( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 159 size_t posn = bsearchl( key, vals, dim ); 160 return (E *)(&vals[posn]); // cast away const 161 } // bsearchl 162 163 size_t bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 164 size_t l = 0, m, h = dim; 165 while ( l < h ) { 166 m = (l + h) / 2; 167 if ( ! ( key < (E &)(vals[m]) ) ) { // cast away const 168 l = m + 1; 169 } else { 170 h = m; 171 } // if 172 } // while 173 return l; 174 } // bsearchu 175 176 E * bsearchu( E key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 177 size_t posn = bsearchu( key, vals, dim ); 178 return (E *)(&vals[posn]); 179 } // bsearchu 180 181 182 void qsort( E * vals, size_t dim ) { 183 int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) { 184 return *(E *)t1 < *(E *)t2 ? -1 : *(E *)t2 < *(E *)t1 ? 1 : 0; 185 } // cmp 186 qsort( vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp ); 187 } // qsort 188 } // distribution 189 190 191 forall( otype K, otype E | { int ?<?( K, K ); K getKey( const E & ); } ) { 192 E * bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 193 int cmp( const void * t1, const void * t2 ) { 194 return *(K *)t1 < getKey( *(E *)t2 ) ? -1 : getKey( *(E *)t2 ) < *(K *)t1 ? 1 : 0; 195 } // cmp 196 return (E *)bsearch( &key, vals, dim, sizeof(E), cmp ); 197 } // bsearch 198 199 size_t bsearch( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 200 E * result = bsearch( key, vals, dim ); 201 return result ? result - vals : dim; // pointer subtraction includes sizeof(E) 202 } // bsearch 203 204 size_t bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 205 size_t l = 0, m, h = dim; 206 while ( l < h ) { 207 m = (l + h) / 2; 208 if ( getKey( vals[m] ) < key ) { 209 l = m + 1; 210 } else { 211 h = m; 212 } // if 213 } // while 214 return l; 215 } // bsearchl 216 217 E * bsearchl( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 218 size_t posn = bsearchl( key, vals, dim ); 219 return (E *)(&vals[posn]); // cast away const 220 } // bsearchl 221 222 size_t bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 223 size_t l = 0, m, h = dim; 224 while ( l < h ) { 225 m = (l + h) / 2; 226 if ( ! ( key < getKey( vals[m] ) ) ) { 227 l = m + 1; 228 } else { 229 h = m; 230 } // if 231 } // while 232 return l; 233 } // bsearchu 234 235 E * bsearchu( K key, const E * vals, size_t dim ) { 236 size_t posn = bsearchu( key, vals, dim ); 237 return (E *)(&vals[posn]); 238 } // bsearchu 239 } // distribution 250 240 251 241 //--------------------------------------- -
r863c413 r249d6e6 2 2 x != 0 && y != 0 correct 3 3 x == y correct 4 s.i < 4 correct -
r863c413 r249d6e6 21 21 void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0PCc__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object586), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object587), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object588, _Bool __anonymous_object589), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object590), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object591, const char *__anonymous_object592), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object593), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object594, _Bool __anonymous_object595), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object596), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object597), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object598), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object599), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object600), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object601, const char *__anonymous_object602), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object603), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object604, const char *__anonymous_object605), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object606), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object607), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object608, const char *__anonymous_object609, unsigned long int __anonymous_object610), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object611, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object612, const char *__anonymous_object613); 22 22 void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0PCv__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object614), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object615), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object616, _Bool __anonymous_object617), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object618), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object619, const char *__anonymous_object620), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object621), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object622, _Bool __anonymous_object623), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object624), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object625), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object626), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object627), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object628), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object629, const char *__anonymous_object630), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object631), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object632, const char *__anonymous_object633), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object634), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object635), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object636, const char *__anonymous_object637, unsigned long int __anonymous_object638), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object639, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object640, const void *__anonymous_object641); 23 void *___operator_bitor__A0_ 2_0_1____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0tVARGS2__Fd0_d0d1tVARGS2__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype7tParams_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object642)(), void *__anonymous_object643, void *__anonymous_object644), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype2tT_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object645)(), void *__anonymous_object646, void *__anonymous_object647), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P2tT2tT__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object648)(), void *__anonymous_object649, void *__anonymous_object650), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF2tT_P2tT2tT_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object651)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__2tT_1, void *__anonymous_object652, void *__anonymous_object653), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F2tT_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object654, void *__anonymous_object655), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object656), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object657, void *__anonymous_object658), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object659), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object660, void *__anonymous_object661), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object662), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object663), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object664, _Bool __anonymous_object665), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object666), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object667, const char *__anonymous_object668), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object669), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object670, _Bool __anonymous_object671), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object672), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object673), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object674), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object675), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object676), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object677, const char *__anonymous_object678), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object679), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object680, const char *__anonymous_object681), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object682), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object683), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object684, const char *__anonymous_object685, unsigned long int __anonymous_object686), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object687, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype7tParams__1)(void *__anonymous_object688, void *__anonymous_object689), void *__os__7tostype_1, void *__arg__2tT_1, void *__rest__7tParams_1);24 void *__ _operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0Fd0_d0___1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object690), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object691), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object692, _Bool __anonymous_object693), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object694), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object695, const char *__anonymous_object696), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object697), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object698, _Bool __anonymous_object699), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object700), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object701), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object702), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object703), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object704), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object705, const char *__anonymous_object706), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object707), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object708, const char *__anonymous_object709), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object710), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object711), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object712, const char *__anonymous_object713, unsigned long int __anonymous_object714), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object715, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object716, void *(*__anonymous_object717)(void *__anonymous_object718));25 void *__ endl__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object719), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object720), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object721, _Bool __anonymous_object722), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object723), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object724, const char *__anonymous_object725), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object726), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object727, _Bool __anonymous_object728), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object729), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object730), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object731), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object732), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object733), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object734, const char *__anonymous_object735), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object736), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object737, const char *__anonymous_object738), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object739), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object740), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object741, const char *__anonymous_object742, unsigned long int __anonymous_object743), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object744, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object745);26 void *__sep __A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object746), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object747), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object748, _Bool __anonymous_object749), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object750), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object751, const char *__anonymous_object752), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object753), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object754, _Bool __anonymous_object755), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object756), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object757), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object758), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object759), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object760), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object761, const char *__anonymous_object762), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object763), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object764, const char *__anonymous_object765), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object766), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object767), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object768, const char *__anonymous_object769, unsigned long int __anonymous_object770), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object771, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object772);27 void *__sep Tuple__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object773), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object774), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object775, _Bool __anonymous_object776), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object777), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object778, const char *__anonymous_object779), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object780), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object781, _Bool __anonymous_object782), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object783), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object784), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object785), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object786), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object787), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object788, const char *__anonymous_object789), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object790), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object791, const char *__anonymous_object792), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object793), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object794), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object795, const char *__anonymous_object796, unsigned long int __anonymous_object797), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object798, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object799);28 void *__sepO n__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object800), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object801), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object802, _Bool __anonymous_object803), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object804), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object805, const char *__anonymous_object806), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object807), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object808, _Bool __anonymous_object809), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object810), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object811), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object812), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object813), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object814), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object815, const char *__anonymous_object816), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object817), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object818, const char *__anonymous_object819), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object820), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object821), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object822, const char *__anonymous_object823, unsigned long int __anonymous_object824), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object825, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object826);29 void *__sep Off__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object827), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object828), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object829, _Bool __anonymous_object830), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object831), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object832, const char *__anonymous_object833), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object834), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object835, _Bool __anonymous_object836), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object837), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object838), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object839), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object840), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object841), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object842, const char *__anonymous_object843), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object844), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object845, const char *__anonymous_object846), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object847), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object848), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object849, const char *__anonymous_object850, unsigned long int __anonymous_object851), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object852, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object853);30 void *__sep Disable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object854), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object855), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object856, _Bool __anonymous_object857), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object858), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object859, const char *__anonymous_object860), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object861), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object862, _Bool __anonymous_object863), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object864), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object865), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object866), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object867), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object868), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object869, const char *__anonymous_object870), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object871), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object872, const char *__anonymous_object873), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object874), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object875), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object876, const char *__anonymous_object877, unsigned long int __anonymous_object878), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object879, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object880);31 void *__ sepEnable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object881), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object882), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object883, _Bool __anonymous_object884), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object885), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object886, const char *__anonymous_object887), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object888), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object889, _Bool __anonymous_object890), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object891), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object892), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object893), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object894), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object895), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object896, const char *__anonymous_object897), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object898), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object899, const char *__anonymous_object900), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object901), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object902), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object903, const char *__anonymous_object904, unsigned long int __anonymous_object905), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object906, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object907);23 void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0Fd0_d0___1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object642), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object643), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object644, _Bool __anonymous_object645), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object646), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object647, const char *__anonymous_object648), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object649), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object650, _Bool __anonymous_object651), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object652), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object653), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object654), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object655), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object656), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object657, const char *__anonymous_object658), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object659), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object660, const char *__anonymous_object661), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object662), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object663), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object664, const char *__anonymous_object665, unsigned long int __anonymous_object666), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object667, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object668, void *(*__anonymous_object669)(void *__anonymous_object670)); 24 void *__endl__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object671), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object672), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object673, _Bool __anonymous_object674), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object675), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object676, const char *__anonymous_object677), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object678), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object679, _Bool __anonymous_object680), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object681), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object682), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object683), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object684), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object685), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object686, const char *__anonymous_object687), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object688), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object689, const char *__anonymous_object690), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object691), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object692), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object693, const char *__anonymous_object694, unsigned long int __anonymous_object695), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object696, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object697); 25 void *__sep__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object698), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object699), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object700, _Bool __anonymous_object701), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object702), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object703, const char *__anonymous_object704), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object705), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object706, _Bool __anonymous_object707), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object708), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object709), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object710), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object711), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object712), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object713, const char *__anonymous_object714), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object715), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object716, const char *__anonymous_object717), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object718), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object719), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object720, const char *__anonymous_object721, unsigned long int __anonymous_object722), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object723, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object724); 26 void *__sepTuple__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object725), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object726), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object727, _Bool __anonymous_object728), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object729), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object730, const char *__anonymous_object731), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object732), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object733, _Bool __anonymous_object734), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object735), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object736), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object737), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object738), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object739), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object740, const char *__anonymous_object741), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object742), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object743, const char *__anonymous_object744), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object745), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object746), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object747, const char *__anonymous_object748, unsigned long int __anonymous_object749), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object750, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object751); 27 void *__sepOn__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object752), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object753), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object754, _Bool __anonymous_object755), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object756), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object757, const char *__anonymous_object758), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object759), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object760, _Bool __anonymous_object761), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object762), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object763), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object764), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object765), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object766), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object767, const char *__anonymous_object768), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object769), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object770, const char *__anonymous_object771), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object772), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object773), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object774, const char *__anonymous_object775, unsigned long int __anonymous_object776), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object777, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object778); 28 void *__sepOff__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object779), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object780), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object781, _Bool __anonymous_object782), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object783), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object784, const char *__anonymous_object785), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object786), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object787, _Bool __anonymous_object788), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object789), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object790), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object791), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object792), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object793), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object794, const char *__anonymous_object795), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object796), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object797, const char *__anonymous_object798), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object799), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object800), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object801, const char *__anonymous_object802, unsigned long int __anonymous_object803), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object804, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object805); 29 void *__sepDisable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object806), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object807), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object808, _Bool __anonymous_object809), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object810), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object811, const char *__anonymous_object812), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object813), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object814, _Bool __anonymous_object815), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object816), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object817), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object818), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object819), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object820), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object821, const char *__anonymous_object822), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object823), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object824, const char *__anonymous_object825), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object826), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object827), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object828, const char *__anonymous_object829, unsigned long int __anonymous_object830), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object831, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object832); 30 void *__sepEnable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object833), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object834), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object835, _Bool __anonymous_object836), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object837), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object838, const char *__anonymous_object839), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object840), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object841, _Bool __anonymous_object842), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object843), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object844), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object845), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object846), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object847), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object848, const char *__anonymous_object849), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object850), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object851, const char *__anonymous_object852), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object853), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object854), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object855, const char *__anonymous_object856, unsigned long int __anonymous_object857), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object858, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object859); 31 void *___operator_bitor__A0_2_0_1____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0tVARGS2__Fd0_d0d1tVARGS2__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype7tParams_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object860)(), void *__anonymous_object861, void *__anonymous_object862), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype2tT_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object863)(), void *__anonymous_object864, void *__anonymous_object865), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P2tT2tT__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object866)(), void *__anonymous_object867, void *__anonymous_object868), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF2tT_P2tT2tT_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object869)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__2tT_1, void *__anonymous_object870, void *__anonymous_object871), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F2tT_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object872, void *__anonymous_object873), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object874), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object875, void *__anonymous_object876), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object877), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object878, void *__anonymous_object879), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object880), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object881), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object882, _Bool __anonymous_object883), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object884), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object885, const char *__anonymous_object886), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object887), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object888, _Bool __anonymous_object889), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object890), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object891), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object892), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object893), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object894), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object895, const char *__anonymous_object896), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object897), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object898, const char *__anonymous_object899), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object900), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object901), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object902, const char *__anonymous_object903, unsigned long int __anonymous_object904), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object905, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype7tParams__1)(void *__anonymous_object906, void *__anonymous_object907), void *__os__7tostype_1, void *__arg__2tT_1, void *__rest__7tParams_1); 32 32 void __write__A0_3_0_0____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_assign__Fd2_d2d2____constructor__F_d2____constructor__F_d2d2____destructor__F_d2____operator_preincr__Fd2_d2____operator_predecr__Fd2_d2____operator_equal__Fi_d2d2____operator_notequal__Fi_d2d2____operator_deref__Fd1_d2__F_d2d2d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP9telt_type_14titerator_type_M_P)(void (*__anonymous_object908)(), void *__anonymous_object909), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_adapterFi_14titerator_type14titerator_type_M_PP)(void (*__anonymous_object910)(), void *__anonymous_object911, void *__anonymous_object912), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type_P_M)(void (*__anonymous_object913)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_preincr__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object914), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P14titerator_type14titerator_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object915)(), void *__anonymous_object916, void *__anonymous_object917), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type14titerator_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object918)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object919, void *__anonymous_object920), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype9telt_type_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object921)(), void *__anonymous_object922, void *__anonymous_object923), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P9telt_type9telt_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object924)(), void *__anonymous_object925, void *__anonymous_object926), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF9telt_type_P9telt_type9telt_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object927)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__9telt_type_1, void *__anonymous_object928, void *__anonymous_object929), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F9telt_type_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object930, void *__anonymous_object931), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object932), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object933, void *__anonymous_object934), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object935), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object936, void *__anonymous_object937), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object938), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object939), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object940, _Bool __anonymous_object941), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object942), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object943, const char *__anonymous_object944), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object945), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object946, _Bool __anonymous_object947), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object948), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object949), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object950), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object951), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object952), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object953, const char *__anonymous_object954), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object955), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object956, const char *__anonymous_object957), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object958), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object959), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object960, const char *__anonymous_object961, unsigned long int __anonymous_object962), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object963, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object964, void *__anonymous_object965), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object966), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object967, void *__anonymous_object968), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object969), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_preincr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object970), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_predecr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object971), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_equal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object972, void *__anonymous_object973), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_notequal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object974, void *__anonymous_object975), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_deref__F9telt_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object976), void *__begin__14titerator_type_1, void *__end__14titerator_type_1, void *__os__7tostype_1); 33 33 void __write_reverse__A0_3_0_0____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_assign__Fd2_d2d2____constructor__F_d2____constructor__F_d2d2____destructor__F_d2____operator_preincr__Fd2_d2____operator_predecr__Fd2_d2____operator_equal__Fi_d2d2____operator_notequal__Fi_d2d2____operator_deref__Fd1_d2__F_d2d2d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP9telt_type_14titerator_type_M_P)(void (*__anonymous_object977)(), void *__anonymous_object978), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_adapterFi_14titerator_type14titerator_type_M_PP)(void (*__anonymous_object979)(), void *__anonymous_object980, void *__anonymous_object981), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type_P_M)(void (*__anonymous_object982)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_preincr__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object983), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P14titerator_type14titerator_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object984)(), void *__anonymous_object985, void *__anonymous_object986), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type14titerator_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object987)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object988, void *__anonymous_object989), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype9telt_type_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object990)(), void *__anonymous_object991, void *__anonymous_object992), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P9telt_type9telt_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object993)(), void *__anonymous_object994, void *__anonymous_object995), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF9telt_type_P9telt_type9telt_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object996)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__9telt_type_1, void *__anonymous_object997, void *__anonymous_object998), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F9telt_type_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object999, void *__anonymous_object1000), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1001), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1002, void *__anonymous_object1003), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1004), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1005, void *__anonymous_object1006), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1007), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1008), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object1009, _Bool __anonymous_object1010), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1011), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1012, const char *__anonymous_object1013), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1014), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object1015, _Bool __anonymous_object1016), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1017), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1018), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1019), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1020), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1021), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1022, const char *__anonymous_object1023), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1024), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1025, const char *__anonymous_object1026), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1027), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1028), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object1029, const char *__anonymous_object1030, unsigned long int __anonymous_object1031), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1032, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1033, void *__anonymous_object1034), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1035), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1036, void *__anonymous_object1037), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1038), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_preincr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1039), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_predecr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1040), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_equal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1041, void *__anonymous_object1042), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_notequal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1043, void *__anonymous_object1044), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_deref__F9telt_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1045), void *__begin__14titerator_type_1, void *__end__14titerator_type_1, void *__os__7tostype_1); -
r863c413 r249d6e6 21 21 void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0PCc__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object586), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object587), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object588, _Bool __anonymous_object589), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object590), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object591, const char *__anonymous_object592), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object593), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object594, _Bool __anonymous_object595), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object596), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object597), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object598), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object599), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object600), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object601, const char *__anonymous_object602), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object603), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object604, const char *__anonymous_object605), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object606), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object607), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object608, const char *__anonymous_object609, unsigned long int __anonymous_object610), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object611, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object612, const char *__anonymous_object613); 22 22 void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0PCv__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object614), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object615), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object616, _Bool __anonymous_object617), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object618), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object619, const char *__anonymous_object620), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object621), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object622, _Bool __anonymous_object623), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object624), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object625), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object626), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object627), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object628), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object629, const char *__anonymous_object630), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object631), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object632, const char *__anonymous_object633), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object634), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object635), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object636, const char *__anonymous_object637, unsigned long int __anonymous_object638), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object639, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object640, const void *__anonymous_object641); 23 void *___operator_bitor__A0_ 2_0_1____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0tVARGS2__Fd0_d0d1tVARGS2__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype7tParams_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object642)(), void *__anonymous_object643, void *__anonymous_object644), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype2tT_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object645)(), void *__anonymous_object646, void *__anonymous_object647), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P2tT2tT__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object648)(), void *__anonymous_object649, void *__anonymous_object650), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF2tT_P2tT2tT_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object651)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__2tT_1, void *__anonymous_object652, void *__anonymous_object653), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F2tT_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object654, void *__anonymous_object655), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object656), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object657, void *__anonymous_object658), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object659), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object660, void *__anonymous_object661), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object662), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object663), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object664, _Bool __anonymous_object665), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object666), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object667, const char *__anonymous_object668), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object669), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object670, _Bool __anonymous_object671), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object672), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object673), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object674), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object675), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object676), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object677, const char *__anonymous_object678), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object679), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object680, const char *__anonymous_object681), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object682), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object683), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object684, const char *__anonymous_object685, unsigned long int __anonymous_object686), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object687, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype7tParams__1)(void *__anonymous_object688, void *__anonymous_object689), void *__os__7tostype_1, void *__arg__2tT_1, void *__rest__7tParams_1);24 void *__ _operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0Fd0_d0___1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object690), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object691), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object692, _Bool __anonymous_object693), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object694), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object695, const char *__anonymous_object696), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object697), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object698, _Bool __anonymous_object699), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object700), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object701), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object702), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object703), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object704), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object705, const char *__anonymous_object706), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object707), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object708, const char *__anonymous_object709), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object710), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object711), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object712, const char *__anonymous_object713, unsigned long int __anonymous_object714), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object715, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object716, void *(*__anonymous_object717)(void *__anonymous_object718));25 void *__ endl__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object719), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object720), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object721, _Bool __anonymous_object722), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object723), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object724, const char *__anonymous_object725), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object726), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object727, _Bool __anonymous_object728), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object729), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object730), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object731), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object732), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object733), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object734, const char *__anonymous_object735), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object736), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object737, const char *__anonymous_object738), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object739), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object740), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object741, const char *__anonymous_object742, unsigned long int __anonymous_object743), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object744, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object745);26 void *__sep __A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object746), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object747), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object748, _Bool __anonymous_object749), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object750), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object751, const char *__anonymous_object752), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object753), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object754, _Bool __anonymous_object755), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object756), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object757), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object758), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object759), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object760), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object761, const char *__anonymous_object762), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object763), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object764, const char *__anonymous_object765), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object766), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object767), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object768, const char *__anonymous_object769, unsigned long int __anonymous_object770), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object771, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object772);27 void *__sep Tuple__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object773), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object774), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object775, _Bool __anonymous_object776), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object777), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object778, const char *__anonymous_object779), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object780), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object781, _Bool __anonymous_object782), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object783), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object784), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object785), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object786), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object787), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object788, const char *__anonymous_object789), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object790), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object791, const char *__anonymous_object792), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object793), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object794), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object795, const char *__anonymous_object796, unsigned long int __anonymous_object797), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object798, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object799);28 void *__sepO n__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object800), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object801), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object802, _Bool __anonymous_object803), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object804), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object805, const char *__anonymous_object806), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object807), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object808, _Bool __anonymous_object809), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object810), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object811), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object812), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object813), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object814), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object815, const char *__anonymous_object816), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object817), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object818, const char *__anonymous_object819), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object820), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object821), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object822, const char *__anonymous_object823, unsigned long int __anonymous_object824), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object825, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object826);29 void *__sep Off__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object827), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object828), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object829, _Bool __anonymous_object830), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object831), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object832, const char *__anonymous_object833), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object834), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object835, _Bool __anonymous_object836), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object837), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object838), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object839), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object840), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object841), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object842, const char *__anonymous_object843), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object844), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object845, const char *__anonymous_object846), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object847), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object848), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object849, const char *__anonymous_object850, unsigned long int __anonymous_object851), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object852, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object853);30 void *__sep Disable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object854), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object855), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object856, _Bool __anonymous_object857), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object858), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object859, const char *__anonymous_object860), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object861), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object862, _Bool __anonymous_object863), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object864), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object865), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object866), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object867), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object868), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object869, const char *__anonymous_object870), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object871), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object872, const char *__anonymous_object873), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object874), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object875), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object876, const char *__anonymous_object877, unsigned long int __anonymous_object878), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object879, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object880);31 void *__ sepEnable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object881), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object882), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object883, _Bool __anonymous_object884), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object885), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object886, const char *__anonymous_object887), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object888), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object889, _Bool __anonymous_object890), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object891), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object892), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object893), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object894), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object895), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object896, const char *__anonymous_object897), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object898), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object899, const char *__anonymous_object900), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object901), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object902), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object903, const char *__anonymous_object904, unsigned long int __anonymous_object905), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object906, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object907);23 void *___operator_bitor__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0Fd0_d0___1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object642), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object643), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object644, _Bool __anonymous_object645), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object646), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object647, const char *__anonymous_object648), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object649), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object650, _Bool __anonymous_object651), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object652), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object653), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object654), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object655), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object656), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object657, const char *__anonymous_object658), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object659), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object660, const char *__anonymous_object661), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object662), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object663), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object664, const char *__anonymous_object665, unsigned long int __anonymous_object666), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object667, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object668, void *(*__anonymous_object669)(void *__anonymous_object670)); 24 void *__endl__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object671), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object672), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object673, _Bool __anonymous_object674), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object675), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object676, const char *__anonymous_object677), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object678), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object679, _Bool __anonymous_object680), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object681), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object682), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object683), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object684), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object685), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object686, const char *__anonymous_object687), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object688), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object689, const char *__anonymous_object690), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object691), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object692), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object693, const char *__anonymous_object694, unsigned long int __anonymous_object695), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object696, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object697); 25 void *__sep__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object698), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object699), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object700, _Bool __anonymous_object701), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object702), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object703, const char *__anonymous_object704), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object705), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object706, _Bool __anonymous_object707), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object708), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object709), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object710), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object711), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object712), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object713, const char *__anonymous_object714), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object715), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object716, const char *__anonymous_object717), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object718), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object719), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object720, const char *__anonymous_object721, unsigned long int __anonymous_object722), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object723, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object724); 26 void *__sepTuple__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object725), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object726), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object727, _Bool __anonymous_object728), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object729), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object730, const char *__anonymous_object731), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object732), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object733, _Bool __anonymous_object734), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object735), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object736), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object737), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object738), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object739), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object740, const char *__anonymous_object741), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object742), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object743, const char *__anonymous_object744), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object745), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object746), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object747, const char *__anonymous_object748, unsigned long int __anonymous_object749), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object750, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object751); 27 void *__sepOn__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object752), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object753), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object754, _Bool __anonymous_object755), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object756), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object757, const char *__anonymous_object758), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object759), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object760, _Bool __anonymous_object761), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object762), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object763), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object764), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object765), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object766), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object767, const char *__anonymous_object768), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object769), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object770, const char *__anonymous_object771), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object772), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object773), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object774, const char *__anonymous_object775, unsigned long int __anonymous_object776), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object777, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object778); 28 void *__sepOff__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object779), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object780), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object781, _Bool __anonymous_object782), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object783), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object784, const char *__anonymous_object785), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object786), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object787, _Bool __anonymous_object788), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object789), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object790), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object791), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object792), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object793), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object794, const char *__anonymous_object795), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object796), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object797, const char *__anonymous_object798), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object799), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object800), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object801, const char *__anonymous_object802, unsigned long int __anonymous_object803), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object804, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object805); 29 void *__sepDisable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object806), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object807), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object808, _Bool __anonymous_object809), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object810), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object811, const char *__anonymous_object812), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object813), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object814, _Bool __anonymous_object815), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object816), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object817), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object818), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object819), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object820), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object821, const char *__anonymous_object822), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object823), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object824, const char *__anonymous_object825), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object826), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object827), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object828, const char *__anonymous_object829, unsigned long int __anonymous_object830), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object831, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object832); 30 void *__sepEnable__A0_1_0_0___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc__Fd0_d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object833), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object834), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object835, _Bool __anonymous_object836), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object837), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object838, const char *__anonymous_object839), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object840), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object841, _Bool __anonymous_object842), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object843), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object844), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object845), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object846), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object847), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object848, const char *__anonymous_object849), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object850), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object851, const char *__anonymous_object852), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object853), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object854), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object855, const char *__anonymous_object856, unsigned long int __anonymous_object857), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object858, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), void *__anonymous_object859); 31 void *___operator_bitor__A0_2_0_1____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0tVARGS2__Fd0_d0d1tVARGS2__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype7tParams_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object860)(), void *__anonymous_object861, void *__anonymous_object862), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype2tT_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object863)(), void *__anonymous_object864, void *__anonymous_object865), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P2tT2tT__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object866)(), void *__anonymous_object867, void *__anonymous_object868), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF2tT_P2tT2tT_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object869)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__2tT_1, void *__anonymous_object870, void *__anonymous_object871), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_2tT, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_7tParams, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F2tT_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object872, void *__anonymous_object873), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object874), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_2tT2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object875, void *__anonymous_object876), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object877), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype2tT__1)(void *__anonymous_object878, void *__anonymous_object879), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object880), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object881), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object882, _Bool __anonymous_object883), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object884), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object885, const char *__anonymous_object886), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object887), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object888, _Bool __anonymous_object889), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object890), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object891), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object892), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object893), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object894), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object895, const char *__anonymous_object896), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object897), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object898, const char *__anonymous_object899), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object900), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object901), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object902, const char *__anonymous_object903, unsigned long int __anonymous_object904), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object905, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype7tParams__1)(void *__anonymous_object906, void *__anonymous_object907), void *__os__7tostype_1, void *__arg__2tT_1, void *__rest__7tParams_1); 32 32 void __write__A0_3_0_0____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_assign__Fd2_d2d2____constructor__F_d2____constructor__F_d2d2____destructor__F_d2____operator_preincr__Fd2_d2____operator_predecr__Fd2_d2____operator_equal__Fi_d2d2____operator_notequal__Fi_d2d2____operator_deref__Fd1_d2__F_d2d2d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP9telt_type_14titerator_type_M_P)(void (*__anonymous_object908)(), void *__anonymous_object909), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_adapterFi_14titerator_type14titerator_type_M_PP)(void (*__anonymous_object910)(), void *__anonymous_object911, void *__anonymous_object912), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type_P_M)(void (*__anonymous_object913)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_preincr__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object914), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P14titerator_type14titerator_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object915)(), void *__anonymous_object916, void *__anonymous_object917), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type14titerator_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object918)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object919, void *__anonymous_object920), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype9telt_type_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object921)(), void *__anonymous_object922, void *__anonymous_object923), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P9telt_type9telt_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object924)(), void *__anonymous_object925, void *__anonymous_object926), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF9telt_type_P9telt_type9telt_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object927)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__9telt_type_1, void *__anonymous_object928, void *__anonymous_object929), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F9telt_type_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object930, void *__anonymous_object931), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object932), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object933, void *__anonymous_object934), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object935), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object936, void *__anonymous_object937), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object938), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object939), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object940, _Bool __anonymous_object941), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object942), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object943, const char *__anonymous_object944), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object945), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object946, _Bool __anonymous_object947), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object948), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object949), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object950), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object951), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object952), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object953, const char *__anonymous_object954), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object955), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object956, const char *__anonymous_object957), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object958), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object959), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object960, const char *__anonymous_object961, unsigned long int __anonymous_object962), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object963, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object964, void *__anonymous_object965), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object966), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object967, void *__anonymous_object968), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object969), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_preincr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object970), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_predecr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object971), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_equal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object972, void *__anonymous_object973), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_notequal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object974, void *__anonymous_object975), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_deref__F9telt_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object976), void *__begin__14titerator_type_1, void *__end__14titerator_type_1, void *__os__7tostype_1); 33 33 void __write_reverse__A0_3_0_0____operator_assign__Fd1_d1d1____constructor__F_d1____constructor__F_d1d1____destructor__F_d1____operator_bitor__Fd0_d0d1___sepPrt__Fb_d0___sepReset__F_d0___sepReset__F_d0b___sepGetCur__FPCc_d0___sepSetCur__F_d0PCc___getNL__Fb_d0___setNL__F_d0b___sepOn__F_d0___sepOff__F_d0___sepDisable__Fb_d0___sepEnable__Fb_d0___sepGet__FPCc_d0___sepSet__F_d0PCc___sepGetTuple__FPCc_d0___sepSetTuple__F_d0PCc___fail__Fi_d0___flush__Fi_d0___open__F_d0PCcPCc___close__F_d0___write__Fd0_d0PCcUl___fmt__Fi_d0PCc____operator_assign__Fd2_d2d2____constructor__F_d2____constructor__F_d2d2____destructor__F_d2____operator_preincr__Fd2_d2____operator_predecr__Fd2_d2____operator_equal__Fi_d2d2____operator_notequal__Fi_d2d2____operator_deref__Fd1_d2__F_d2d2d0__1(__attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP9telt_type_14titerator_type_M_P)(void (*__anonymous_object977)(), void *__anonymous_object978), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*_adapterFi_14titerator_type14titerator_type_M_PP)(void (*__anonymous_object979)(), void *__anonymous_object980, void *__anonymous_object981), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type_P_M)(void (*__anonymous_object982)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_preincr__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object983), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P14titerator_type14titerator_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object984)(), void *__anonymous_object985, void *__anonymous_object986), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF14titerator_type_P14titerator_type14titerator_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object987)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__14titerator_type_1, void *__anonymous_object988, void *__anonymous_object989), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*_adapterFP7tostype_P7tostype9telt_type_M_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object990)(), void *__anonymous_object991, void *__anonymous_object992), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF_P9telt_type9telt_type__MP)(void (*__anonymous_object993)(), void *__anonymous_object994, void *__anonymous_object995), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*_adapterF9telt_type_P9telt_type9telt_type_P_MP)(void (*__anonymous_object996)(), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *___retval__operator_assign__9telt_type_1, void *__anonymous_object997, void *__anonymous_object998), __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_9telt_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _sizeof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) unsigned long int _alignof_14titerator_type, __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F9telt_type_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object999, void *__anonymous_object1000), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1001), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_9telt_type9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1002, void *__anonymous_object1003), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1004), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_bitor__F7tostype_7tostype9telt_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1005, void *__anonymous_object1006), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepPrt__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1007), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1008), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepReset__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object1009, _Bool __anonymous_object1010), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetCur__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1011), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetCur__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1012, const char *__anonymous_object1013), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__getNL__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1014), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__setNL__F_7tostypeb__1)(void *__anonymous_object1015, _Bool __anonymous_object1016), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOn__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1017), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepOff__F_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1018), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepDisable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1019), __attribute__ ((unused)) _Bool (*__sepEnable__Fb_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1020), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGet__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1021), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSet__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1022, const char *__anonymous_object1023), __attribute__ ((unused)) const char *(*__sepGetTuple__FPCc_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1024), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__sepSetTuple__F_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1025, const char *__anonymous_object1026), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fail__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1027), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__flush__Fi_7tostype__1)(void *__anonymous_object1028), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__open__F_7tostypePCcPCc__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1, const char *__name__PCc_1, const char *__mode__PCc_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*__close__F_7tostype__1)(void *__os__7tostype_1), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*__write__F7tostype_7tostypePCcUl__1)(void *__anonymous_object1029, const char *__anonymous_object1030, unsigned long int __anonymous_object1031), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*__fmt__Fi_7tostypePCc__1)(void *__anonymous_object1032, const char *__fmt__PCc_1, ...), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_assign__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1033, void *__anonymous_object1034), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1035), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___constructor__F_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1036, void *__anonymous_object1037), __attribute__ ((unused)) void (*___destructor__F_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1038), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_preincr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1039), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_predecr__F14titerator_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1040), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_equal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1041, void *__anonymous_object1042), __attribute__ ((unused)) signed int (*___operator_notequal__Fi_14titerator_type14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1043, void *__anonymous_object1044), __attribute__ ((unused)) void *(*___operator_deref__F9telt_type_14titerator_type__1)(void *__anonymous_object1045), void *__begin__14titerator_type_1, void *__end__14titerator_type_1, void *__os__7tostype_1); -
r863c413 r249d6e6 9 9 // Author : Peter A. Buhr 10 10 // Created On : Sat Aug 26 10:13:11 2017 11 // Last Modified By : Rob Schluntz12 // Last Modified On : Fri Sep 01 15:22:19 201713 // Update Count : 1 411 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 12 // Last Modified On : Sat Jun 2 09:55:02 2018 13 // Update Count : 15 14 14 // 15 15 … … 40 40 sout | "x != y incorrect" | endl; 41 41 } // if 42 43 if ( struct S { int i; } s = { 3 }; s.i < 4 ) { 44 sout | "s.i < 4 correct" | endl; 45 } else { 46 sout | "s.i >= 4 incorrect" | endl; 47 } // if 42 48 } // main 43 49
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