Nov 27, 2020, 9:08:17 AM (4 years ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>
ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, master, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum

changes for SP&E proofs of concurrency paper

1 edited


  • TabularUnified doc/papers/concurrency/mail2

    r22b5b87 r1f9a4d0  
    21Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 20:12:38 +0000
    32From: Aaron Thomas <onbehalfof@manuscriptcentral.com>
    12871286Wiley Author Services
     1290From: "Pacaanas, Joel -" <jpacaanas@wiley.com>
     1291To: "Peter A. Buhr" <pabuhr@uwaterloo.ca>
     1292CC: Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@uwaterloo.ca>
     1293Subject: RE: Action: Proof of SPE_EV_SPE2925 for Software: Practice And Experience ready for review
     1294Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2020 02:03:27 +0000
     1296Dear Dr Buhr,
     1298Thank you for letting me know. We will wait for your corrections then.
     1300Best regards,
     1303Joel Q. Pacaanas
     1304Production Editor
     1305On behalf of Wiley
     1307We partner with global experts to further innovative research.
     1309E-mail: jpacaanas@wiley.com
     1310Tel: +632 88558618
     1311Fax: +632 5325 0768
     1313-----Original Message-----
     1314From: Peter A. Buhr [mailto:pabuhr@uwaterloo.ca]
     1315Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2020 5:57 AM
     1316To: SPE Proofs <speproofs@wiley.com>
     1317Cc: Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@uwaterloo.ca>
     1318Subject: Re: Action: Proof of SPE_EV_SPE2925 for Software: Practice And Experience ready for review
     1320       This is an external email.
     1322    We appreciate that the COVID-19 pandemic may create conditions for you that
     1323    make it difficult for you to review your proof within standard time
     1324    frames. If you have any problems keeping to this schedule, please reach out
     1325    to me at (SPEproofs@wiley.com) to discuss alternatives.
     1329We are in the middle of reading the proofs but it will take a little more
     1330time. I can send the proofs back by Monday Nov 9, but probably earlier.
     1334From: "Pacaanas, Joel -" <jpacaanas@wiley.com>
     1335To: "Peter A. Buhr" <pabuhr@uwaterloo.ca>
     1336CC: "tdelisle@uwaterloo.ca" <tdelisle@uwaterloo.ca>
     1337Subject: RE: Action: Proof of SPE_EV_SPE2925 for Software: Practice And Experience ready for review
     1338Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020 05:27:18 +0000
     1340Dear Peter,
     1342We have now reset the proof back to original stage. Please refer to the below editable link.
     1346Since the proof was reset, your added corrections before has also been removed. Please add them back.
     1348Please return your corrections at your earliest convenience.
     1350Best regards,
     1353Joel Q. Pacaanas
     1354Production Editor
     1355On behalf of Wiley
     1357We partner with global experts to further innovative research.
     1359E-mail: jpacaanas@wiley.com
     1360Tel: +632 88558618
     1361Fax: +632 5325 0768
     1365From: "Wiley Online Proofing" <notifications@eproofing.in>
     1366To: pabuhr@uwaterloo.ca
     1367Cc: SPEproofs@wiley.com
     1368Reply-To: eproofing@wiley.com
     1369Date: 26 Nov 2020 18:57:27 +0000
     1370Subject: Corrections successfully submitted for SPE_EV_SPE2925, Advanced control-flow in Cforall.
     1372Corrections successfully submitted
     1374Dear Dr. Peter Buhr,
     1376Thank you for reviewing the proof of the Software: Practice And Experience article Advanced control-flow in Cforall.
     1378View Article https://wiley.eproofing.in/Proof.aspx?token=ab7739d5678447fbbe5036f3bcba2445081500061
     1380This is a read-only version of your article with the corrections you have marked up.
     1382If you encounter any problems or have questions please contact me, Joel Pacaanas at (SPEproofs@wiley.com). For the quickest response include the journal name and your article ID (found in the subject line) in all correspondence.
     1384Best regards,
     1385Joel Pacaanas
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