Sep 7, 2023, 10:36:06 AM (10 months ago)
caparsons <caparson@…>

merged in Peter's edits with a few small changes

1 edited


  • doc/theses/colby_parsons_MMAth/text/intro.tex

    r154672d r0f8b1a7  
    2929\item Livelock, where threads constantly attempt a concurrent operation unsuccessfully, resulting in no progress being made.
    3030\item Starvation, where \emph{some} threads constantly attempt a concurrent operation unsuccessfully, resulting in partial progress being made.
    31 % where some threads may be deprived access to some shared resource due to unfairness and never make progress.
    3231\item Deadlock, where some threads wait for an event that cannot occur, blocking them indefinitely, resulting in no progress being made.
    34 Even with the guiding hand of concurrent tools these pitfalls still catch unwary programmers, but good language support help significantly to prevent, detect, and mitigate these problems.
     33Even with the guiding hand of concurrent tools these pitfalls still catch unwary programmers, but good language support helps significantly to prevent, detect, and mitigate these problems.
    3635\section{Thesis Overview}
    3837Chapter~\ref{s:cfa} of this thesis aims to familiarize the reader with the language \CFA.
    3938In this chapter, syntax and features of the \CFA language that appear in this work are discussed.
    40 Chapter~\ref{s:cfa_concurrency} briefly discusses prior concurrency work in \CFA, and how the work in this thesis builds on top of this existing framework.
    41 Each remaining chapter introduces an additional \CFA concurrent-language feature, which includes discussing prior related work for this feature, extensions over prior features, and using benchmarks to compare the performance this feature with corresponding or similar features in other languages and systems.
     39Chapter~\ref{s:cfa_concurrency} briefly discusses prior concurrency work in \CFA, and how the work in this thesis builds on top of the existing framework.
     40Each remaining chapter introduces an additional \CFA concurrent-language feature, which includes discussing prior related work for the feature, extensions over prior features, and uses benchmarks to compare the performance the feature with corresponding or similar features in other languages and systems.
    4342Chapter~\ref{s:mutexstmt} discusses the @mutex@ statement, a language feature that provides safe and simple lock usage.
    4847An actor system is a close cousin of channels, as it also belongs to the message passing paradigm of concurrency.
    4948However, an actor system provides a greater degree of abstraction and ease of scalability, making it useful for a different range of problems than channels.
    50 The actor system in \CFA is compared with a variety of other systems on a suite of benchmarks. %, where it achieves significant performance gains over other systems due to its design.
     49The actor system in \CFA is compared with a variety of other systems on a suite of benchmarks.
    5150Chapter~\ref{s:waituntil} discusses the \CFA @waituntil@ statement, which provides the ability to synchronize while waiting for a resource, such as acquiring a lock, accessing a future, or writing to a channel.
    5251The \CFA @waituntil@ statement provides greater flexibility and expressibility than similar features in other languages.
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