Jun 3, 2020, 2:35:13 PM (5 years ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>
ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum

update concurrency paper with referee changes and generate a response to the referee's report

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    r4e7c0fc0 r04b4a71  
    512512Software: Practice and Experience Editorial Office
     516Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2020 10:42:13 +0000
     517From: Richard Jones <onbehalfof@manuscriptcentral.com>
     518Reply-To: R.E.Jones@kent.ac.uk
     519To: tdelisle@uwaterloo.ca, pabuhr@uwaterloo.ca
     520Subject: Software: Practice and Experience - Decision on Manuscript ID
     521 SPE-19-0219.R1
     525Dear Dr Buhr,
     527Many thanks for submitting SPE-19-0219.R1 entitled "Advanced Control-flow and Concurrency in Cforall" to Software: Practice and Experience. The paper has now been reviewed and the comments of the referees are included at the bottom of this letter.
     529I believe that we are making progress here towards a paper that can be published in Software: Practice and Experience.  However the referees still have significant concerns about the paper. The journal's focus is on practice and experience, and one of the the reviewers' concerns remains that your submission should focus the narrative more on the perspective of the programmer than the language designer. I agree that this would strengthen your submission, and I ask you to address this as well as the referees' other comments.
     531A revised version of your manuscript that takes into account the comments of the referee(s) will be reconsidered for publication.
     533Please note that submitting a revision of your manuscript does not guarantee eventual acceptance, and that your revision may be subject to re-review by the referees before a decision is rendered.
     535You have 90 days from the date of this email to submit your revision. If you are unable to complete the revision within this time, please contact me to request a short extension.
     537You can upload your revised manuscript and submit it through your Author Center. Log into https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/spe  and enter your Author Center, where you will find your manuscript title listed under "Manuscripts with Decisions".
     539When submitting your revised manuscript, you will be able to respond to the comments made by the referee(s) in the space provided.  You can use this space to document any changes you make to the original manuscript.
     541If you would like help with English language editing, or other article preparation support, Wiley Editing Services offers expert help with English Language Editing, as well as translation, manuscript formatting, and figure formatting at www.wileyauthors.com/eeo/preparation. You can also check out our resources for Preparing Your Article for general guidance about writing and preparing your manuscript at www.wileyauthors.com/eeo/prepresources.
     543Once again, thank you for submitting your manuscript to Software: Practice and Experience and I look forward to receiving your revision.
     548Prof. Richard Jones
     549Software: Practice and Experience
     553Referee(s)' Comments to Author:
     555Reviewing: 1
     557Comments to the Author
     558(A relatively short second review)
     560I thank the authors for their revisions and comprehensive response to
     561reviewers' comments --- many of my comments have been successfully
     562addressed by the revisions.  Here I'll structure my comments around
     563the main salient points in that response which I consider would
     564benefit from further explanation.
     566>  Table 1 is moved to the start and explained in detail.
     568I consider this change makes a significant improvement to the paper,
     569laying out the landscape of language features at the start, and thus
     570addresses my main concerns about the paper.
     572I still have a couple of issues --- perhaps the largest is that it's
     573still not clear at this point in the paper what some of these options
     574are, or crucially how they would be used. I don't know if it's
     575possbile to give high-level examples or use cases to be clear about
     576these up front - or if that would duplicate too much information from
     577later in the paper - either way expanding out the discussion - even if
     578just two a couple of sentences for each row - would help me more.  The
     579point is not just to define these categories but to ensure the
     580readers' understanding of these definitons agrees with that used in
     581the paper.
     583in a little more detail:
     585 * 1st para section 2 begs the question: why not support each
     586   dimension independently, and let the programmer or library designer
     587   combiine features?
     589 * "execution state" seems a relatively low-level description here.
     590  I don't think of e.g. the lambda calculus that way. Perhaps it's as
     591  good a term as any.
     593 * Why must there "be language mechanisms to create, block/unblock,
     594   and join with a thread"?  There aren't in Smalltalk (although there
     595   are in the runtime).  Especially given in Cforall those mechanisms
     596   are *implicit* on thread creation and destruction?
     598 * "Case 1 is a function that borrows storage for its state (stack
     599   frame/activation) and a thread from its invoker"
     601   this much makes perfect sense to me, but I don't understand how a
     602   non-stateful, non-theaded function can then retain
     604   "this state across callees, ie, function local-variables are
     605   retained on the stack across calls."
     607   how can it retain function-local values *across calls* when it
     608   doesn't have any functional-local state?
     610   I'm not sure if I see two separate cases here - rougly equivalent
     611   to C functions without static storage, and then C functions *with*
     612   static storage. I assumed that was the distinction between cases 1
     613   & 3; but perhpas the actual distinction is that 3 has a
     614   suspend/resume point, and so the "state" in figure 1 is this
     615   component of execution state (viz figs 1 & 2), not the state
     616   representing the cross-call variables?
     618>    but such evaluation isn't appropriate for garbage-collected or JITTed
     619   languages like Java or Go.
     621For JITTed languages in particular, reporting peak performance needs
     622to "warm up" the JIT with a number of iterators before beginning
     623measurement. Actually for JIT's its even worse: see Edd Barrett et al
     624OOPSLA 2017.
     628minor issues:
     630 * footnote A - I've looked at various other papers & the website to
     631   try to understand how "object-oriented" Cforall is - I'm still not
     632   sure.  This footnote says Cforall has "virtuals" - presumably
     633   virtual functions, i.e. dynamic dispatch - and inheritance: that
     634   really is OO as far as I (and most OO people) are concerned.  For
     635   example Haskell doesn't have inheritance, so it's not OO; while
     636   CLOS (the Common Lisp *Object* System) or things like Cecil and
     637   Dylan are considered OO even though they have "multiple function
     638   parameters as receivers", lack "lexical binding between a structure
     639   and set of functions", and don't have explicit receiver invocation
     640   syntax.  Python has receiver syntax, but unlike Java or Smalltalk
     641   or C++, method declarations still need to have an explicit "self"
     642   receiver parameter.  Seems to me that Go, for example, is
     643   more-or-less OO with interfaces, methods, and dynamic dispatch (yes
     644   also and an explicit receiver syntax but that's not
     645   determiniative); while Rust lacks dynamic dispatch built-in.  C is
     646   not OO as a language, but as you say given it supports function
     647   pointers with structures, it does support an OO programm style.
     649   This is why I again recommend just not buying into this fight: not
     650   making any claims about whether Cforall is OO or is not - because
     651   as I see it, the rest of the paper doesn't depend on whether
     652   Cforall is OO or not.  That said: this is just a recommendation,
     653   and I won't quibble over this any further.
     655 * is a "monitor function" the same as a "mutex function"?
     656   if so the paper should pick one term; if not, make the distinction clear.
     659 * "As stated on line 1 because state declarations from the generator
     660    type can be moved out of the coroutine type into the coroutine main"
     662    OK sure, but again: *why* would a programmer want to do that?
     663    (Other than, I guess, to show the difference between coroutines &
     664    generators?)  Perhaps another way to put this is that the first
     665    para of 3.2 gives the disadvantages of coroutines vs-a-vs
     666    generators, briefly describes the extended semantics, but never
     667    actualy says why a programmer may want those extended semantics,
     668    or how they would benefit.  I don't mean to belabour the point,
     669    but (generalist?) readers like me would generally benefit from
     670    those kinds of discussions about each feature throughout the
     671    paper: why might a programmer want to use them?
     674> p17 if the multiple-monitor entry procedure really is novel, write a paper
     675> about that, and only about that.
     677> We do not believe this is a practical suggestion.
     679 * I'm honestly not trying to be snide here: I'm not an expert on
     680   monitor or concurrent implementations. Brinch Hansen's original
     681   monitors were single acquire; this draft does not cite any other
     682   previous work that I could see. I'm not suggesting that the brief
     683   mention of this mechanism necessarily be removed from this paper,
     684   but if this is novel (and a clear advance over a classical OO
     685   monitor a-la Java which only acquires the distinguished reciever)
     686   then that would be worth another paper in itself.
     688> * conclusion should conclude the paper, not the related.
     689> We do not understand this comment.if ithis
     691My typo: the paper's conclusion should come at the end, after the
     692future work section.
     697To encourage accountability, I'm signing my reviews in 2020.
     698For the record, I am James Noble, kjx@ecs.vuw.ac.nz.
     701Reviewing: 2
     703Comments to the Author
     704I thank the authors for their detailed response. To respond to a couple of points raised  in response to my review (number 2):
     706- on the Boehm paper and whether code is "all sequential to the compiler": I now understand the authors' position better and suspect we are in violent agreement, except for whether it's appropriate to use the rather breezy phrase "all sequential to the compiler". It would be straightforward to clarify that code not using the atomics features is optimized *as if* it were sequential, i.e. on the assumption of a lack of data races.
     708- on the distinction between "mutual exclusion" and "synchronization": the added citation does help, in that it makes a coherent case for the definition the authors prefer. However, the text could usefully clarify that this is a matter of definition not of fact, given especially that in my assessment the authors' preferred definition is not the most common one. (Although the mention of Hoare's apparent use of this definition is one data point, countervailing ones are found in many contemporaneous or later papers, e.g. Habermann's 1972 "Synchronization of Communicating Processes" (CACM 15(3)), Reed & Kanodia's 1979 "Synchronization with eventcounts and sequencers" (CACM (22(2)) and so on.)
     710I am glad to see that the authors have taken on board most of the straightforward improvements I suggested.
     712However, a recurring problem of unclear writing still remains through many parts of the paper, including much of sections 2, 3 and 6. To highlight a couple of problem patches (by no means exhaustive):
     714- section 2 (an expanded version of what was previously section 5.9) lacks examples and is generally obscure and allusory ("the most advanced feature" -- name it! "in triplets" -- there is only one triplet!; what are "execution locations"? "initialize" and "de-initialize" what? "borrowed from the invoker" is a concept in need of explaining or at least a fully explained example -- in what sense does a plain function borrow" its stack frame? "computation only" as opposed to what? in 2.2, in what way is a "request" fundamental to "synchronization"? and the "implicitly" versus "explicitly" point needs stating as elsewhere, with a concrete example e.g. Java built-in mutexes versus java.util.concurrent).
     716- section 6: 6.2 omits the most important facts in preference for otherwise inscrutable detail: "identify the kind of parameter" (first say *that there are* kinds of parameter, and what "kinds" means!); "mutex parameters are documentation" is misleading (they are also semantically significant!) and fails to say *what* they mean; the most important thing is surely that 'mutex' is a language feature for performing lock/unlock operations at function entry/exit. So say it! The meanings of examples f3 and f4 remain unclear. Meanwhile in 6.3, "urgent" is not introduced (we are supposed to infer its meaning from Figure 12, but that Figure is incomprehensible to me), and we are told of "external scheduling"'s long history in Ada but not clearly what it actually means; 6.4's description of "waitfor" tells us it is different from an if-else chain but tries to use two *different* inputs to tell us that the behavior is different; tell us an instance where *the same* values of C1 and C2 give different behavior (I even wrote out a truth table and still don't see the semantic difference)
     718The authors frequently use bracketed phrases, and sometimes slashes "/", in ways that are confusing and/or detrimental to readability. Page 13 line 2's "forward (backward)" is one particularly egregious example. In general I would recommend the the authors try to limit their use of parentheses and slashes as a means of forcing a clearer wording to emerge. Also, the use of "eg." is often cursory and does not explain the examples given, which are frequently a one- or two-word phrase of unclear referent.
     720Considering the revision more broadly, none of the more extensive or creative rewrites I suggested in my previous review have been attempted, nor any equivalent efforts to improve its readability. The hoisting of the former section 5.9 is a good idea, but the newly added material accompanying it (around Table 1) suffers fresh deficiencies in clarity. Overall the paper is longer than before, even though (as my previous review stated), I believe a shorter paper is required in order to serve the likely purpose of publication. (Indeed, the authors' letter implies that a key goal of publication is to build community and gain external users.)
     722Given this trajectory, I no longer see a path to an acceptable revision of the present submission. Instead I suggest the authors consider splitting the paper in two: one half about coroutines and stack management, the other about mutexes, monitors and the runtime. (A briefer presentation of the runtime may be helpful in the first paper also, and a brief recap of the generator and coroutine support is obviously needed in the second too.) Both of these new papers would need to be written with a strong emphasis on clarity, paying great care to issues of structure, wording, choices of example, and restraint (saying what's important, not everything that could be said). I am confident the authors could benefit from getting early feedback from others at their institution. For the performance experiments, of course these do not split evenly -- most (but not all) belong in the second of these two hypothetical papers. But the first of them would still have plenty of meat to it; for me, a clear and thorough study of the design space around coroutines is the most interesting and tantalizing prospect.
     724I do not buy the authors' defense of the limited practical experience or "non-micro" benchmarking presented. Yes, gaining external users is hard and I am sympathetic on that point. But building something at least *somewhat* substantial with your own system should be within reach, and without it the "practice and experience" aspects of the work have not been explored. Clearly C\/ is the product of a lot of work over an extended period, so it is a surprise that no such experience is readily available for inclusion.
     726Some smaller points:
     728It does not seem right to state that a stack is essential to Von Neumann architectures -- since the earliest Von Neumann machines (and indeed early Fortran) did not use one.
     730To elaborate on something another reviewer commented on: it is a surprise to find a "Future work" section *after* the "Conclusion" section. A "Conclusions and future work" section often works well.
     733Reviewing: 3
     735Comments to the Author
     736This is the second round of reviewing.
     738As in the first review, I found that the paper (and Cforall) contains
     739a lot of really interesting ideas, but it remains really difficult to
     740have a good sense of which idea I should use and when. This applies in
     741different ways to different features from the language:
     743* coroutines/generators/threads: here there is
     744  some discussion, but it can be improved.
     745* interal/external scheduling: I didn't find any direct comparison
     746  between these features, except by way of example.
     748I requested similar things in my previous review and I see that
     749content was added in response to those requests. Unfortunately, I'm
     750not sure that I can say it improved the paper's overall read. I think
     751in some sense the additions were "too much" -- I would have preferred
     752something more like a table or a few paragraphs highlighting the key
     753reasons one would pick one construct or the other.
     755In general, I do wonder if the paper is just trying to do too much.
     756The discussion of clusters and pre-emption in particular feels quite
     759## Summary
     761I make a number of suggestions below but the two most important
     762I think are:
     764* Recommend to shorten the comparison on coroutine/generator/threads
     765  in Section 2 to a paragraph with a few examples, or possibly a table
     766  explaining the trade-offs between the constructs
     767* Recommend to clarify the relationship between internal/external
     768  scheduling -- is one more general but more error-prone or low-level?
     770## Coroutines/generators/threads
     772There is obviously a lot of overlap between these features, and in
     773particular between coroutines and generators. As noted in the previous
     774review, many languages have chosen to offer *only* generators, and to
     775build coroutines by stacks of generators invoking one another.
     777I believe the newly introduced Section 2 of the paper is trying to
     778motivate why each of these constructs exist, but I did not find it
     779effective. It was dense and difficult to understand. I think the
     780problem is that Section 2 seems to be trying to derive "from first
     781principles" why each construct exists, but I think that a more "top
     782down" approach would be easier to understand.
     784In fact, the end of Section 2.1 (on page 5) contains a particular
     785paragraph that embodies this "top down" approach. It starts,
     786"programmers can now answer three basic questions", and thus gives
     787some practical advice for which construct you should use and when. I
     788think giving some examples of specific applications that this
     789paragraph, combined with some examples of cases where each construct
     790was needed, would be a better approach.
     792I don't think this compariosn needs to be very long. It seems clear
     793enough that one would
     795* prefer generators for simple computations that yield up many values,
     796* prefer coroutines for more complex processes that have significant
     797  internal structure,
     798* prefer threads for cases where parallel execution is desired or
     799  needed.
     801I did appreciate the comparison in Section 2.3 between async-await in
     802JS/Java and generators/coroutines. I agree with its premise that those
     803mechanisms are a poor replacement for generators (and, indeed, JS has
     804a distinct generator mechanism, for example, in part for this reason).
     805I believe I may have asked for this in a previous review, but having
     806read it, I wonder if it is really necessary, since those mechanisms
     807are so different in purpose.
     809## Internal vs external scheduling
     811I find the motivation for supporting both internal and external
     812scheduling to be fairly implicit. After several reads through the
     813section, I came to the conclusion that internal scheduling is more
     814expressive than external scheduling, but sometimes less convenient or
     815clear. Is this correct? If not, it'd be useful to clarify where
     816external scheduling is more expressive.
     818The same is true, I think, of the `signal_block` function, which I
     819have not encountered before; it seems like its behavior can be modeled
     820with multiple condition variables, but that's clearly more complex.
     822One question I had about `signal_block`: what happens if one signals
     823but no other thread is waiting? Does it block until some other thread
     824waits? Or is that user error?
     826I would find it very interesting to try and capture some of the
     827properties that make internal vs external scheduling the better
     830For example, it seems to me that external scheduling works well if
     831there are only a few "key" operations, but that internal scheduling
     832might be better otherwise, simply because it would be useful to have
     833the ability to name a signal that can be referenced by many
     834methods. Consider the bounded buffer from Figure 13: if it had
     835multiple methods for removing elements, and not just `remove`, then
     836the `waitfor(remove)` call in `insert` might not be sufficient.
     838## Comparison of external scheduling to messaging
     840I did enjoy the section comparing external scheduling to Go's
     841messaging mechanism, which I believe is a new addition.
     843I believe that one difference between the Go program and the Cforall
     844equivalent is that the Goroutine has an associated queue, so that
     845multiple messages could be enqueued, whereas the Cforall equivalent is
     846effectively a "bounded buffer" of length 1. Is that correct? I think
     847this should be stated explicitly. (Presumably, one could modify the
     848Cforall program to include an explicit vector of queued messages if
     849desired, but you would also be reimplementing the channel
     852Also, in Figure 20, I believe that there is a missing `mutex` keyword.
     853The fiugre states:
     856void main(GoRtn & gortn) with(gortn) {
     859but I think it should probably be as follows:
     862void main(GoRtn & mutex gortn) with(gortn) {
     865Unless there is some implicit `mutex` associated with being a main
     866function for a `monitor thread`.
     868## Atomic operations and race freedom
     870I was glad to see that the paper acknowledged that Cforall still had
     871low-level atomic operations, even if their use is discouraged in favor
     872of higher-level alternatives.
     874However, I still feel that the conclusion overstates the value of the
     875contribution here when it says that "Cforall high-level race-free
     876monitors and threads provide the core mechanisms for mutual exclusion
     877and synchronization, without the need for volatile and atomics". I
     878feel confident that Java programmers, for example, would be advised to
     879stick with synchronized methods whenever possible, and it seems to me
     880that they offer similar advantages -- but they sometimes wind up using
     881volatiles for performance reasons.
     883I was also confused by the term "race-free" in that sentence. In
     884particular, I don't think that Cforall has any mechanisms for
     885preventing *data races*, and it clearly doesn't prevent "race
     886conditions" (which would bar all sorts of useful programs). I suppose
     887that "race free" here might be referring to the improvements such as
     888removing barging behavior.
     890## Performance comparisons
     892In my previous review, I requested comparisons against Rust and
     893node.js, and I see that the new version of the paper includes both,
     894which is a good addition.
     896One note on the Rust results: I believe that the results are comparing
     897against the threads found in Rust's standard library, which are
     898essentially a shallow wrapper around pthreads, and hence the
     899performance is quite close to pthread performance (as one would
     900expect). It would perhaps be more interesting to see a comparison
     901built using [tokio] or [async-std], two of the more prominent
     902user-space threading libraries that build on Rust's async-await
     903feature (which operates quite differently than Javascript's
     904async-await, in that it doesn't cause every aync function call to
     905schedule a distinct task).
     907[tokio]: https://tokio.rs/
     908[async-std]: https://async.rs/
     910That said, I am satisfied with the performance results as they are in
     911the current revision.
     913## Minor notes and typos
     915Several figures used the `with` keyword. I deduced that `with(foo)`
     916permits one to write `bar` instead of `foo.bar`. It seems worth
     917introducing. Apologies if this is stated in the paper, if so I missed
     920On page 20, section 6.3, "external scheduling and vice versus" should be
     921"external scheduling and vice versa".
     923On page 5, section 2.3, the paper states "we content" but it should be
     924"we contend".
     926Reviewing: Editor
     928A few small comments in addition to those of the referees.
     930Page 1. I don't believe that it s fair to imply that Scala is  "research vehicle" as it is used by major players, Twitter being the most prominent example.
     932Page 15. Must Cforall threads start after construction (e.g. see your example on page 15, line 21)? I can think of examples where it is not desirable that threads start immediately after construction, e.g. a game with N players, each of whom is expensive to create, but all of whom should be started at the same time.
     934Page 18, line 17: is using
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