1 | #!groovy |
2 | |
3 | import groovy.transform.Field |
4 | |
5 | //=========================================================================================================== |
6 | // Main loop of the compilation |
7 | //=========================================================================================================== |
8 | |
9 | node('master') { |
10 | // Globals |
11 | BuildDir = pwd tmp: true |
12 | SrcDir = pwd tmp: false |
13 | Settings = null |
14 | Tools = null |
15 | |
16 | // Local variables |
17 | def err = null |
18 | def log_needed = false |
19 | |
20 | currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS" |
21 | |
22 | try { |
23 | //Wrap build to add timestamp to command line |
24 | wrap([$class: 'TimestamperBuildWrapper']) { |
25 | |
26 | Settings = prepare_build() |
27 | |
28 | node(Settings.Architecture.node) { |
29 | BuildDir = pwd tmp: true |
30 | SrcDir = pwd tmp: false |
31 | |
32 | Tools.Clean() |
33 | |
34 | Tools.Checkout() |
35 | |
36 | build() |
37 | |
38 | test() |
39 | |
40 | benchmark() |
41 | |
42 | build_doc() |
43 | |
44 | publish() |
45 | } |
46 | |
47 | // Update the build directories when exiting the node |
48 | BuildDir = pwd tmp: true |
49 | SrcDir = pwd tmp: false |
50 | } |
51 | } |
52 | |
53 | //If an exception is caught we need to change the status and remember to |
54 | //attach the build log to the email |
55 | catch (Exception caughtError) { |
56 | // Store the result of the build log |
57 | currentBuild.result = "FAILURE" |
58 | |
59 | // An error has occured, the build log is relevent |
60 | log_needed = true |
61 | |
62 | // rethrow error later |
63 | err = caughtError |
64 | |
65 | // print the error so it shows in the log |
66 | echo err.toString() |
67 | } |
68 | |
69 | finally { |
70 | //Send email with final results if this is not a full build |
71 | email(log_needed) |
72 | |
73 | echo 'Build Completed' |
74 | |
75 | /* Must re-throw exception to propagate error */ |
76 | if (err) { |
77 | throw err |
78 | } |
79 | } |
80 | } |
81 | //=========================================================================================================== |
82 | // Main compilation routines |
83 | //=========================================================================================================== |
84 | def build() { |
85 | debug = true |
86 | release = Settings.RunAllTests || Settings.RunBenchmark |
87 | Tools.BuildStage('Build : configure', true) { |
88 | // Configure must be run inside the tree |
89 | dir (SrcDir) { |
90 | // Generate the necessary build files |
91 | sh './autogen.sh' |
92 | } |
93 | |
94 | // Build outside of the src tree to ease cleaning |
95 | dir (BuildDir) { |
96 | //Configure the compilation (Output is not relevant) |
97 | //Use the current directory as the installation target so nothing escapes the sandbox |
98 | //Also specify the compiler by hand |
99 | targets="" |
100 | if( Settings.RunAllTests || Settings.RunBenchmark ) { |
101 | targets="--with-target-hosts='host:debug,host:nodebug'" |
102 | } else { |
103 | targets="--with-target-hosts='host:debug'" |
104 | } |
105 | |
106 | ast = Settings.NewAST ? "--enable-new-ast" : "--disable-new-ast" |
107 | |
108 | sh "${SrcDir}/configure CXX=${Settings.Compiler.CXX} CC=${Settings.Compiler.CC} ${Settings.Architecture.flags} AR=gcc-ar RANLIB=gcc-ranlib ${targets} ${ast} --quiet --prefix=${BuildDir}" |
109 | |
110 | // Configure libcfa |
111 | sh 'make -j 8 --no-print-directory configure-libcfa' |
112 | } |
113 | } |
114 | |
115 | Tools.BuildStage('Build : cfa-cpp', true) { |
116 | // Build outside of the src tree to ease cleaning |
117 | dir (BuildDir) { |
118 | // Build driver |
119 | sh 'make -j 8 --no-print-directory -C driver' |
120 | |
121 | // Build translator |
122 | sh 'make -j 8 --no-print-directory -C src' |
123 | } |
124 | } |
125 | |
126 | Tools.BuildStage('Build : libcfa(debug)', debug) { |
127 | // Build outside of the src tree to ease cleaning |
128 | dir (BuildDir) { |
129 | sh "make -j 8 --no-print-directory -C libcfa/${Settings.Architecture.name}-debug" |
130 | } |
131 | } |
132 | |
133 | Tools.BuildStage('Build : libcfa(nodebug)', release) { |
134 | // Build outside of the src tree to ease cleaning |
135 | dir (BuildDir) { |
136 | sh "make -j 8 --no-print-directory -C libcfa/${Settings.Architecture.name}-nodebug" |
137 | } |
138 | } |
139 | |
140 | Tools.BuildStage('Build : install', true) { |
141 | // Build outside of the src tree to ease cleaning |
142 | dir (BuildDir) { |
143 | sh "make -j 8 --no-print-directory install" |
144 | } |
145 | } |
146 | } |
147 | |
148 | def test() { |
149 | try { |
150 | // Print potential limits before testing |
151 | // in case jenkins messes with them |
152 | sh 'ulimit -a' |
153 | |
154 | Tools.BuildStage('Test: short', !Settings.RunAllTests) { |
155 | dir (BuildDir) { |
156 | //Run the tests from the tests directory |
157 | sh "make --no-print-directory -C tests archiveerrors=${BuildDir}/tests/crashes/short" |
158 | } |
159 | } |
160 | |
161 | Tools.BuildStage('Test: full', Settings.RunAllTests) { |
162 | dir (BuildDir) { |
163 | //Run the tests from the tests directory |
164 | sh """make --no-print-directory -C tests timeouts="--timeout=600 --global-timeout=14400" all-tests debug=yes archiveerrors=${BuildDir}/tests/crashes/full-debug""" |
165 | sh """make --no-print-directory -C tests timeouts="--timeout=600 --global-timeout=14400" all-tests debug=no archiveerrors=${BuildDir}/tests/crashes/full-nodebug""" |
166 | } |
167 | } |
168 | } |
169 | catch (Exception err) { |
170 | echo "Archiving core dumps" |
171 | dir (BuildDir) { |
172 | archiveArtifacts artifacts: "tests/crashes/**/*,lib/**/lib*.so*", fingerprint: true |
173 | } |
174 | throw err |
175 | } |
176 | } |
177 | |
178 | def benchmark() { |
179 | Tools.BuildStage('Benchmark', Settings.RunBenchmark) { |
180 | dir (BuildDir) { |
181 | //Append bench results |
182 | sh "make --no-print-directory -C benchmark jenkins arch=${Settings.Architecture.name}" |
183 | } |
184 | } |
185 | } |
186 | |
187 | def build_doc() { |
188 | Tools.BuildStage('Documentation', Settings.BuildDocumentation) { |
189 | dir ('doc/user') { |
190 | make_doc() |
191 | } |
192 | |
193 | dir ('doc/refrat') { |
194 | make_doc() |
195 | } |
196 | } |
197 | } |
198 | |
199 | def publish() { |
200 | Tools.BuildStage('Publish', true) { |
201 | |
202 | if( Settings.Publish && !Settings.RunBenchmark ) { echo 'No results to publish!!!' } |
203 | |
204 | def groupCompile = new PlotGroup('Compilation', 'duration (s) - lower is better', true) |
205 | def groupConcurrency = new PlotGroup('Concurrency', 'duration (n) - lower is better', false) |
206 | |
207 | //Then publish the results |
208 | do_plot(Settings.RunBenchmark && Settings.Publish, 'compile' , groupCompile , false, 'Compilation') |
209 | do_plot(Settings.RunBenchmark && Settings.Publish, 'compile.diff' , groupCompile , true , 'Compilation (relative)') |
210 | do_plot(Settings.RunBenchmark && Settings.Publish, 'ctxswitch' , groupConcurrency, false, 'Context Switching') |
211 | do_plot(Settings.RunBenchmark && Settings.Publish, 'ctxswitch.diff' , groupConcurrency, true , 'Context Switching (relative)') |
212 | do_plot(Settings.RunBenchmark && Settings.Publish, 'mutex' , groupConcurrency, false, 'Mutual Exclusion') |
213 | do_plot(Settings.RunBenchmark && Settings.Publish, 'mutex.diff' , groupConcurrency, true , 'Mutual Exclusion (relative)') |
214 | do_plot(Settings.RunBenchmark && Settings.Publish, 'scheduling' , groupConcurrency, false, 'Internal and External Scheduling') |
215 | do_plot(Settings.RunBenchmark && Settings.Publish, 'scheduling.diff', groupConcurrency, true , 'Internal and External Scheduling (relative)') |
216 | } |
217 | } |
218 | |
219 | //=========================================================================================================== |
220 | //Routine responsible of sending the email notification once the build is completed |
221 | //=========================================================================================================== |
222 | //Standard build email notification |
223 | def email(boolean log) { |
224 | //Since tokenizer doesn't work, figure stuff out from the environnement variables and command line |
225 | //Configurations for email format |
226 | echo 'Notifying users of result' |
227 | |
228 | def project_name = (env.JOB_NAME =~ /(.+)\/.+/)[0][1].toLowerCase() |
229 | def email_subject = "[${project_name} git][BUILD# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} - ${currentBuild.result}] - branch ${env.BRANCH_NAME}" |
230 | def email_body = """<p>This is an automated email from the Jenkins build machine. It was |
231 | generated because of a git hooks/post-receive script following |
232 | a ref change which was pushed to the C\u2200 repository.</p> |
233 | """ + Tools.GitLogMessage() |
234 | |
235 | def email_to = !Settings.IsSandbox ? "cforall@lists.uwaterloo.ca" : "tdelisle@uwaterloo.ca" |
236 | |
237 | if( Settings && !Settings.Silent ) { |
238 | //send email notification |
239 | emailext body: email_body, subject: email_subject, to: email_to, attachLog: log |
240 | } else { |
241 | echo "Would send email to: ${email_to}" |
242 | echo "With title: ${email_subject}" |
243 | echo "Content: \n${email_body}" |
244 | } |
245 | } |
246 | |
247 | //=========================================================================================================== |
248 | // Helper classes/variables/routines |
249 | //=========================================================================================================== |
250 | //Description of a compiler (Must be serializable since pipelines are persistent) |
251 | class CC_Desc implements Serializable { |
252 | public String name |
253 | public String CXX |
254 | public String CC |
255 | public String lto |
256 | |
257 | CC_Desc(String name, String CXX, String CC, String lto) { |
258 | this.name = name |
259 | this.CXX = CXX |
260 | this.CC = CC |
261 | this.lto = lto |
262 | } |
263 | } |
264 | |
265 | //Description of an architecture (Must be serializable since pipelines are persistent) |
266 | class Arch_Desc implements Serializable { |
267 | public String name |
268 | public String flags |
269 | public String node |
270 | |
271 | Arch_Desc(String name, String flags, String node) { |
272 | this.name = name |
273 | this.flags = flags |
274 | this.node = node |
275 | } |
276 | } |
277 | |
278 | class BuildSettings implements Serializable { |
279 | public final CC_Desc Compiler |
280 | public final Arch_Desc Architecture |
281 | public final Boolean NewAST |
282 | public final Boolean RunAllTests |
283 | public final Boolean RunBenchmark |
284 | public final Boolean BuildDocumentation |
285 | public final Boolean Publish |
286 | public final Boolean Silent |
287 | public final Boolean IsSandbox |
288 | public final String DescLong |
289 | public final String DescShort |
290 | |
291 | public String GitNewRef |
292 | public String GitOldRef |
293 | |
294 | BuildSettings(java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap param, String branch) { |
295 | switch( param.Compiler ) { |
296 | case 'gcc-9': |
297 | this.Compiler = new CC_Desc('gcc-9', 'g++-9', 'gcc-9', '-flto=auto') |
298 | break |
299 | case 'gcc-8': |
300 | this.Compiler = new CC_Desc('gcc-8', 'g++-8', 'gcc-8', '-flto=auto') |
301 | break |
302 | case 'gcc-7': |
303 | this.Compiler = new CC_Desc('gcc-7', 'g++-7', 'gcc-7', '-flto=auto') |
304 | break |
305 | case 'gcc-6': |
306 | this.Compiler = new CC_Desc('gcc-6', 'g++-6', 'gcc-6', '-flto=auto') |
307 | break |
308 | case 'gcc-5': |
309 | this.Compiler = new CC_Desc('gcc-5', 'g++-5', 'gcc-5', '-flto=auto') |
310 | break |
311 | case 'gcc-4.9': |
312 | this.Compiler = new CC_Desc('gcc-4.9', 'g++-4.9', 'gcc-4.9', '-flto=auto') |
313 | break |
314 | case 'clang': |
315 | this.Compiler = new CC_Desc('clang', 'clang++-10', 'gcc-9', '-flto=thin -flto-jobs=0') |
316 | break |
317 | default : |
318 | error "Unhandled compiler : ${cc}" |
319 | } |
320 | |
321 | switch( param.Architecture ) { |
322 | case 'x64': |
323 | this.Architecture = new Arch_Desc('x64', '--host=x86_64', 'x64') |
324 | break |
325 | case 'x86': |
326 | this.Architecture = new Arch_Desc('x86', '--host=i386', 'x86') |
327 | break |
328 | default : |
329 | error "Unhandled architecture : ${arch}" |
330 | } |
331 | |
332 | this.IsSandbox = (branch == "jenkins-sandbox") |
333 | this.NewAST = param.NewAST |
334 | this.RunAllTests = param.RunAllTests |
335 | this.RunBenchmark = param.RunBenchmark |
336 | this.BuildDocumentation = param.BuildDocumentation |
337 | this.Publish = param.Publish |
338 | this.Silent = param.Silent |
339 | |
340 | def full = param.RunAllTests ? " (Full)" : "" |
341 | this.DescShort = "${ this.Compiler.name }:${ this.Architecture.name }${full}" |
342 | |
343 | final ast = this.NewAST ? "New AST" : "Old AST" |
344 | this.DescLong = """Compiler : ${ this.Compiler.name } (${ this.Compiler.CXX }/${ this.Compiler.CC }) |
345 | AST Version : ${ ast.toString() } |
346 | Architecture : ${ this.Architecture.name } |
347 | Arc Flags : ${ this.Architecture.flags } |
348 | Run All Tests : ${ this.RunAllTests.toString() } |
349 | Run Benchmark : ${ this.RunBenchmark.toString() } |
350 | Build Documentation : ${ this.BuildDocumentation.toString() } |
351 | Publish : ${ this.Publish.toString() } |
352 | Silent : ${ this.Silent.toString() } |
353 | """ |
354 | |
355 | this.GitNewRef = '' |
356 | this.GitOldRef = '' |
357 | } |
358 | } |
359 | |
360 | class PlotGroup implements Serializable { |
361 | public String name |
362 | public String unit |
363 | public boolean log |
364 | |
365 | PlotGroup(String name, String unit, boolean log) { |
366 | this.name = name |
367 | this.unit = unit |
368 | this.log = log |
369 | } |
370 | } |
371 | |
372 | def prepare_build() { |
373 | // prepare the properties |
374 | properties ([ \ |
375 | buildDiscarder(logRotator( \ |
376 | artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', \ |
377 | artifactNumToKeepStr: '', \ |
378 | daysToKeepStr: '730', \ |
379 | numToKeepStr: '1000' \ |
380 | )), \ |
381 | [$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty', \ |
382 | parameterDefinitions: [ \ |
383 | [$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', \ |
384 | description: 'Which compiler to use', \ |
385 | name: 'Compiler', \ |
386 | choices: 'gcc-9\ngcc-8\ngcc-7\ngcc-6\ngcc-5\ngcc-4.9\nclang', \ |
387 | defaultValue: 'gcc-8', \ |
388 | ], \ |
389 | [$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', \ |
390 | description: 'The target architecture', \ |
391 | name: 'Architecture', \ |
392 | choices: 'x64\nx86', \ |
393 | defaultValue: 'x64', \ |
394 | ], \ |
395 | [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', \ |
396 | description: 'If true, build compiler using new AST', \ |
397 | name: 'NewAST', \ |
398 | defaultValue: true, \ |
399 | ], \ |
400 | [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', \ |
401 | description: 'If false, only the quick test suite is ran', \ |
402 | name: 'RunAllTests', \ |
403 | defaultValue: false, \ |
404 | ], \ |
405 | [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', \ |
406 | description: 'If true, jenkins also runs benchmarks', \ |
407 | name: 'RunBenchmark', \ |
408 | defaultValue: false, \ |
409 | ], \ |
410 | [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', \ |
411 | description: 'If true, jenkins also builds documentation', \ |
412 | name: 'BuildDocumentation', \ |
413 | defaultValue: true, \ |
414 | ], \ |
415 | [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', \ |
416 | description: 'If true, jenkins also publishes results', \ |
417 | name: 'Publish', \ |
418 | defaultValue: false, \ |
419 | ], \ |
420 | [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', \ |
421 | description: 'If true, jenkins will not send emails', \ |
422 | name: 'Silent', \ |
423 | defaultValue: false, \ |
424 | ], \ |
425 | ], |
426 | ]]) |
427 | |
428 | // It's unfortunate but it looks like we need to checkout the entire repo just to get |
429 | // - the pretty git printer |
430 | // - Jenkins.tools |
431 | checkout scm |
432 | |
433 | Tools = load "Jenkins/tools.groovy" |
434 | |
435 | final settings = new BuildSettings(params, env.BRANCH_NAME) |
436 | |
437 | currentBuild.description = settings.DescShort |
438 | echo settings.DescLong |
439 | |
440 | return settings |
441 | } |
442 | |
443 | def make_doc() { |
444 | def err = null |
445 | try { |
446 | sh 'make clean > /dev/null' |
447 | sh 'make > /dev/null 2>&1' |
448 | } |
449 | catch (Exception caughtError) { |
450 | err = caughtError //rethrow error later |
451 | sh 'cat build/*.log' |
452 | } |
453 | finally { |
454 | if (err) throw err // Must re-throw exception to propagate error |
455 | } |
456 | } |
457 | |
458 | def do_plot(boolean new_data, String file, PlotGroup group, boolean relative, String title) { |
459 | |
460 | if(new_data) { |
461 | echo "Publishing new data" |
462 | } |
463 | |
464 | def series = new_data ? [[ |
465 | file: "${file}.csv", |
466 | exclusionValues: '', |
467 | displayTableFlag: false, |
468 | inclusionFlag: 'OFF', |
469 | url: '' |
470 | ]] : []; |
471 | |
472 | echo "file is ${BuildDir}/benchmark/${file}.csv, group ${group}, title ${title}" |
473 | dir("${BuildDir}/benchmark/") { |
474 | plot csvFileName: "cforall-${env.BRANCH_NAME}-${file}.csv", |
475 | csvSeries: series, |
476 | group: "${group.name}", |
477 | title: "${title}", |
478 | style: 'lineSimple', |
479 | exclZero: false, |
480 | keepRecords: false, |
481 | logarithmic: !relative && group.log, |
482 | numBuilds: '120', |
483 | useDescr: true, |
484 | yaxis: group.unit, |
485 | yaxisMaximum: '', |
486 | yaxisMinimum: '' |
487 | } |
488 | } |