Changeset fbefc4d

Jun 30, 2017, 5:58:21 PM (7 years ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, demangler, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, new-env, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum, resolv-new, with_gc

reorganize material, small rewrites, introduce exceptions

2 edited


  • doc/user/Makefile

    r05385a6 rfbefc4d  
    1313FIGURES = ${addsuffix .tex, \
     14EHMHierarchy \
    1415Cdecl \
    1516pointer1 \
  • doc/user/user.tex

    r05385a6 rfbefc4d  
    1111%% Created On       : Wed Apr  6 14:53:29 2016
    1212%% Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    13 %% Last Modified On : Fri Jun 16 12:00:01 2017
    14 %% Update Count     : 2433
     13%% Last Modified On : Thu Jun 22 16:53:29 2017
     14%% Update Count     : 2493
    27 % Default underscore is too low and wide. Cannot use lstlisting "literate" as replacing underscore
    28 % removes it as a variable-name character so keyworks in variables are highlighted
    29 \DeclareTextCommandDefault{\textunderscore}{\leavevmode\makebox[1.2ex][c]{\rule{1ex}{0.1ex}}}
     46% Default underscore is too low and wide. Cannot use lstlisting "literate" as replacing underscore
     47% removes it as a variable-name character so keywords in variables are highlighted. MUST APPEAR
    5052\setlength{\topmargin}{-0.45in}                                                 % move running title into header
    110112\renewcommand{\subsectionmark}[1]{\markboth{\thesubsection\quad #1}{\thesubsection\quad #1}}
    112 %\linenumbers                                            % comment out to turn off line numbering
     114\linenumbers                                            % comment out to turn off line numbering
    477479#endif // ! otype
    479 #include_next <bfd.h>                   §\C{// must have internal check for multiple expansion}§
     481#®include_next® <bfd.h>                 §\C{// must have internal check for multiple expansion}§
    481483#if defined( otype ) && defined( __CFA_BFD_H__ )        §\C{// reset only if set}§
    491 \section{Declarations}
    492 \label{s:Declarations}
    494 C declaration syntax is notoriously confusing and error prone.
    495 For example, many C programmers are confused by a declaration as simple as:
    496 \begin{quote2}
    497 \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}}
    498 \begin{cfa}
    499 int * x[5]
    500 \end{cfa}
    501 &
    502 \raisebox{-0.75\totalheight}{\input{Cdecl}}
    503 \end{tabular}
    504 \end{quote2}
    505 Is this an array of 5 pointers to integers or a \Index{pointer} to an array of 5 integers?
    506 The fact this declaration is unclear to many C programmers means there are \Index{productivity} and \Index{safety} issues even for basic programs.
    507 Another example of confusion results from the fact that a routine name and its parameters are embedded within the return type, mimicking the way the return value is used at the routine's call site.
    508 For example, a routine returning a \Index{pointer} to an array of integers is defined and used in the following way:
    509 \begin{cfa}
    510 int ®(*®f®())[®5®]® {...};                              §\C{definition}§
    511  ... ®(*®f®())[®3®]® += 1;                              §\C{usage}§
    512 \end{cfa}
    513 Essentially, the return type is wrapped around the routine name in successive layers (like an \Index{onion}).
    514 While attempting to make the two contexts consistent is a laudable goal, it has not worked out in practice.
    516 \CFA provides its own type, variable and routine declarations, using a different syntax.
    517 The new declarations place qualifiers to the left of the base type, while C declarations place qualifiers to the right of the base type.
    518 In the following example, \R{red} is the base type and \B{blue} is qualifiers.
    519 The \CFA declarations move the qualifiers to the left of the base type, \ie move the blue to the left of the red, while the qualifiers have the same meaning but are ordered left to right to specify a variable's type.
    520 \begin{quote2}
    521 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}}
    522 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
    523 \begin{cfa}
    524 ß[5] *ß ®int® x1;
    525 ß* [5]ß ®int® x2;
    526 ß[* [5] int]ß f®( int p )®;
    527 \end{cfa}
    528 &
    529 \begin{cfa}
    530 ®int® ß*ß x1 ß[5]ß;
    531 ®int® ß(*ßx2ß)[5]ß;
    532 ßint (*ßf®( int p )®ß)[5]ß;
    533 \end{cfa}
    534 \end{tabular}
    535 \end{quote2}
    536 The only exception is \Index{bit field} specification, which always appear to the right of the base type.
    537 % Specifically, the character ©*© is used to indicate a pointer, square brackets ©[©\,©]© are used to represent an array or function return value, and parentheses ©()© are used to indicate a routine parameter.
    538 However, unlike C, \CFA type declaration tokens are distributed across all variables in the declaration list.
    539 For instance, variables ©x© and ©y© of type \Index{pointer} to integer are defined in \CFA as follows:
    540 \begin{quote2}
    541 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}}
    542 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
    543 \begin{cfa}
    544 ®*® int x, y;
    545 \end{cfa}
    546 &
    547 \begin{cfa}
    548 int ®*®x, ®*®y;
    549 \end{cfa}
    550 \end{tabular}
    551 \end{quote2}
    552 The downside of this semantics is the need to separate regular and \Index{pointer} declarations:
    553 \begin{quote2}
    554 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}}
    555 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
    556 \begin{cfa}
    557 ®*® int x;
    558 int y;
    559 \end{cfa}
    560 &
    561 \begin{cfa}
    562 int ®*®x, y;
    564 \end{cfa}
    565 \end{tabular}
    566 \end{quote2}
    567 which is \Index{prescribing} a safety benefit.
    568 Other examples are:
    569 \begin{quote2}
    570 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{\hspace{2em}}l@{}}
    571 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{2em}}}{\textbf{C}} \\
    572 \begin{cfa}
    573 [ 5 ] int z;
    574 [ 5 ] * char w;
    575 * [ 5 ] double v;
    576 struct s {
    577         int f0:3;
    578         * int f1;
    579         [ 5 ] * int f2;
    580 };
    581 \end{cfa}
    582 &
    583 \begin{cfa}
    584 int z[ 5 ];
    585 char * w[ 5 ];
    586 double (* v)[ 5 ];
    587 struct s {
    588         int f0:3;
    589         int * f1;
    590         int * f2[ 5 ]
    591 };
    592 \end{cfa}
    593 &
    594 \begin{cfa}
    595 // array of 5 integers
    596 // array of 5 pointers to char
    597 // pointer to array of 5 doubles
    599 // common bit field syntax
    603 \end{cfa}
    604 \end{tabular}
    605 \end{quote2}
    607 All type qualifiers, \eg ©const©, ©volatile©, etc., are used in the normal way with the new declarations and also appear left to right, \eg:
    608 \begin{quote2}
    609 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{1em}}l@{\hspace{1em}}l@{}}
    610 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{1em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{1em}}}{\textbf{C}} \\
    611 \begin{cfa}
    612 const * const int x;
    613 const * [ 5 ] const int y;
    614 \end{cfa}
    615 &
    616 \begin{cfa}
    617 int const * const x;
    618 const int (* const y)[ 5 ]
    619 \end{cfa}
    620 &
    621 \begin{cfa}
    622 // const pointer to const integer
    623 // const pointer to array of 5 const integers
    624 \end{cfa}
    625 \end{tabular}
    626 \end{quote2}
    627 All declaration qualifiers, \eg ©extern©, ©static©, etc., are used in the normal way with the new declarations but can only appear at the start of a \CFA routine declaration,\footnote{\label{StorageClassSpecifier}
    628 The placement of a storage-class specifier other than at the beginning of the declaration specifiers in a declaration is an obsolescent feature.~\cite[\S~6.11.5(1)]{C11}} \eg:
    629 \begin{quote2}
    630 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{\hspace{2em}}l@{}}
    631 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{2em}}}{\textbf{C}} \\
    632 \begin{cfa}
    633 extern [ 5 ] int x;
    634 static * const int y;
    635 \end{cfa}
    636 &
    637 \begin{cfa}
    638 int extern x[ 5 ];
    639 const int static * y;
    640 \end{cfa}
    641 &
    642 \begin{cfa}
    643 // externally visible array of 5 integers
    644 // internally visible pointer to constant int
    645 \end{cfa}
    646 \end{tabular}
    647 \end{quote2}
    649 The new declaration syntax can be used in other contexts where types are required, \eg casts and the pseudo-routine ©sizeof©:
    650 \begin{quote2}
    651 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}}
    652 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
    653 \begin{cfa}
    654 y = (®* int®)x;
    655 i = sizeof(®[ 5 ] * int®);
    656 \end{cfa}
    657 &
    658 \begin{cfa}
    659 y = (®int *®)x;
    660 i = sizeof(®int * [ 5 ]®);
    661 \end{cfa}
    662 \end{tabular}
    663 \end{quote2}
    665 Finally, new \CFA declarations may appear together with C declarations in the same program block, but cannot be mixed within a specific declaration.
    666 Therefore, a programmer has the option of either continuing to use traditional C declarations or take advantage of the new style.
    667 Clearly, both styles need to be supported for some time due to existing C-style header-files, particularly for UNIX systems.
    670 \section{Pointer/Reference}
    672 C provides a \newterm{pointer type};
    673 \CFA adds a \newterm{reference type}.
    674 These types may be derived from an object or routine type, called the \newterm{referenced type}.
    675 Objects of these types contain an \newterm{address}, which is normally a location in memory, but may also address memory-mapped registers in hardware devices.
    676 An integer constant expression with the value 0, or such an expression cast to type ©void *©, is called a \newterm{null-pointer constant}.\footnote{
    677 One way to conceptualize the null pointer is that no variable is placed at this address, so the null-pointer address can be used to denote an uninitialized pointer/reference object;
    678 \ie the null pointer is guaranteed to compare unequal to a pointer to any object or routine.}
    679 An address is \newterm{sound}, if it points to a valid memory location in scope, \ie within the program's execution-environment and has not been freed.
    680 Dereferencing an \newterm{unsound} address, including the null pointer, is \Index{undefined}, often resulting in a \Index{memory fault}.
    682 A program \newterm{object} is a region of data storage in the execution environment, the contents of which can represent values.
    683 In most cases, objects are located in memory at an address, and the variable name for an object is an implicit address to the object generated by the compiler and automatically dereferenced, as in:
    684 \begin{quote2}
    685 \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{\hspace{2em}}l@{}}
    686 \begin{cfa}
    687 int x;
    688 x = 3;
    689 int y;
    690 y = x;
    691 \end{cfa}
    692 &
    693 \raisebox{-0.45\totalheight}{\input{pointer1}}
    694 &
    695 \begin{cfa}
    696 int * ®const® x = (int *)100
    697 *x = 3;                 // implicit dereference
    698 int * ®const® y = (int *)104;
    699 *y = *x;                // implicit dereference
    700 \end{cfa}
    701 \end{tabular}
    702 \end{quote2}
    703 where the right example is how the compiler logically interprets the variables in the left example.
    704 Since a variable name only points to one address during its lifetime, it is an \Index{immutable} \Index{pointer};
    705 hence, the implicit type of pointer variables ©x© and ©y© are constant pointers in the compiler interpretation.
    706 In general, variable addresses are stored in instructions instead of loaded from memory, and hence may not occupy storage.
    707 These approaches are contrasted in the following:
    708 \begin{quote2}
    709 \begin{tabular}{@{}l|l@{}}
    710 \multicolumn{1}{c|}{explicit variable address} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{implicit variable address} \\
    711 \hline
    712 \begin{cfa}
    713 lda             r1,100                  // load address of x
    714 ld               r2,(r1)                  // load value of x
    715 lda             r3,104                  // load address of y
    716 st               r2,(r3)                  // store x into y
    717 \end{cfa}
    718 &
    719 \begin{cfa}
    721 ld              r2,(100)                // load value of x
    723 st              r2,(104)                // store x into y
    724 \end{cfa}
    725 \end{tabular}
    726 \end{quote2}
    727 Finally, the immutable nature of a variable's address and the fact that there is no storage for the variable pointer means pointer assignment\index{pointer!assignment}\index{assignment!pointer} is impossible.
    728 Therefore, the expression ©x = y© has only one meaning, ©*x = *y©, \ie manipulate values, which is why explicitly writing the dereferences is unnecessary even though it occurs implicitly as part of \Index{instruction decoding}.
    730 A \Index{pointer}/\Index{reference} object is a generalization of an object variable-name, \ie a mutable address that can point to more than one memory location during its lifetime.
    731 (Similarly, an integer variable can contain multiple integer literals during its lifetime versus an integer constant representing a single literal during its lifetime, and like a variable name, may not occupy storage if the literal is embedded directly into instructions.)
    732 Hence, a pointer occupies memory to store its current address, and the pointer's value is loaded by dereferencing, \eg:
    733 \begin{quote2}
    734 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{2em}}l@{}}
    735 \begin{cfa}
    736 int x, y, ®*® p1, ®*® p2, ®**® p3;
    737 p1 = ®&®x;               // p1 points to x
    738 p2 = p1;                 // p2 points to x
    739 p1 = ®&®y;               // p1 points to y
    740 p3 = &p2;               // p3 points to p2
    741 \end{cfa}
    742 &
    743 \raisebox{-0.5\totalheight}{\input{pointer2.pstex_t}}
    744 \end{tabular}
    745 \end{quote2}
    747 Notice, an address has a \Index{duality}\index{address!duality}: a location in memory or the value at that location.
    748 In many cases, a compiler might be able to infer the best meaning for these two cases.
    749 For example, \Index*{Algol68}~\cite{Algol68} infers pointer dereferencing to select the best meaning for each pointer usage
    750 \begin{cfa}
    751 p2 = p1 + x;                                    §\C{// compiler infers *p2 = *p1 + x;}§
    752 \end{cfa}
    753 Algol68 infers the following dereferencing ©*p2 = *p1 + x©, because adding the arbitrary integer value in ©x© to the address of ©p1© and storing the resulting address into ©p2© is an unlikely operation.
    754 Unfortunately, automatic dereferencing does not work in all cases, and so some mechanism is necessary to fix incorrect choices.
    756 Rather than inferring dereference, most programming languages pick one implicit dereferencing semantics, and the programmer explicitly indicates the other to resolve address-duality.
    757 In C, objects of pointer type always manipulate the pointer object's address:
    758 \begin{cfa}
    759 p1 = p2;                                                §\C{// p1 = p2\ \ rather than\ \ *p1 = *p2}§
    760 p2 = p1 + x;                                    §\C{// p2 = p1 + x\ \ rather than\ \ *p2 = *p1 + x}§
    761 \end{cfa}
    762 even though the assignment to ©p2© is likely incorrect, and the programmer probably meant:
    763 \begin{cfa}
    764 p1 = p2;                                                §\C{// pointer address assignment}§
    765 ®*®p2 = ®*®p1 + x;                              §\C{// pointed-to value assignment / operation}§
    766 \end{cfa}
    767 The C semantics work well for situations where manipulation of addresses is the primary meaning and data is rarely accessed, such as storage management (©malloc©/©free©).
    769 However, in most other situations, the pointed-to value is requested more often than the pointer address.
    770 \begin{cfa}
    771 *p2 = ((*p1 + *p2) * (**p3 - *p1)) / (**p3 - 15);
    772 \end{cfa}
    773 In this case, it is tedious to explicitly write the dereferencing, and error prone when pointer arithmetic is allowed.
    774 It is better to have the compiler generate the dereferencing and have no implicit pointer arithmetic:
    775 \begin{cfa}
    776 p2 = ((p1 + p2) * (p3 - p1)) / (p3 - 15);
    777 \end{cfa}
    779 To support this common case, a reference type is introduced in \CFA, denoted by ©&©, which is the opposite dereference semantics to a pointer type, making the value at the pointed-to location the implicit semantics for dereferencing (similar but not the same as \CC \Index{reference type}s).
    780 \begin{cfa}
    781 int x, y, ®&® r1, ®&® r2, ®&&® r3;
    782 ®&®r1 = &x;                                             §\C{// r1 points to x}§
    783 ®&®r2 = &r1;                                    §\C{// r2 points to x}§
    784 ®&®r1 = &y;                                             §\C{// r1 points to y}§
    785 ®&&®r3 = ®&®&r2;                                §\C{// r3 points to r2}§
    786 r2 = ((r1 + r2) * (r3 - r1)) / (r3 - 15); §\C{// implicit dereferencing}§
    787 \end{cfa}
    788 Except for auto-dereferencing by the compiler, this reference example is the same as the previous pointer example.
    789 Hence, a reference behaves like the variable name for the current variable it is pointing-to.
    790 One way to conceptualize a reference is via a rewrite rule, where the compiler inserts a dereference operator before the reference variable for each reference qualifier in a declaration, so the previous example becomes:
    791 \begin{cfa}
    792 ®*®r2 = ((®*®r1 + ®*®r2) ®*® (®**®r3 - ®*®r1)) / (®**®r3 - 15);
    793 \end{cfa}
    794 When a reference operation appears beside a dereference operation, \eg ©&*©, they cancel out.
    795 However, in C, the cancellation always yields a value (\Index{rvalue}).\footnote{
    796 The unary ©&© operator yields the address of its operand.
    797 If the operand has type ``type'', the result has type ``pointer to type''.
    798 If the operand is the result of a unary ©*© operator, neither that operator nor the ©&© operator is evaluated and the result is as if both were omitted, except that the constraints on the operators still apply and the result is not an lvalue.~\cite[\S~]{C11}}
    799 For a \CFA reference type, the cancellation on the left-hand side of assignment leaves the reference as an address (\Index{lvalue}):
    800 \begin{cfa}
    801 (&®*®)r1 = &x;                                  §\C{// (\&*) cancel giving address in r1 not variable pointed-to by r1}§
    802 \end{cfa}
    803 Similarly, the address of a reference can be obtained for assignment or computation (\Index{rvalue}):
    804 \begin{cfa}
    805 (&(&®*®)®*®)r3 = &(&®*®)r2;             §\C{// (\&*) cancel giving address in r2, (\&(\&*)*) cancel giving address in r3}§
    806 \end{cfa}
    807 Cancellation\index{cancellation!pointer/reference}\index{pointer!cancellation} works to arbitrary depth.
    809 Fundamentally, pointer and reference objects are functionally interchangeable because both contain addresses.
    810 \begin{cfa}
    811 int x, *p1 = &x, **p2 = &p1, ***p3 = &p2,
    812                  &r1 = x,    &&r2 = r1,   &&&r3 = r2;
    813 ***p3 = 3;                                              §\C{// change x}§
    814 r3 = 3;                                                 §\C{// change x, ***r3}§
    815 **p3 = ...;                                             §\C{// change p1}§
    816 &r3 = ...;                                              §\C{// change r1, (\&*)**r3, 1 cancellation}§
    817 *p3 = ...;                                              §\C{// change p2}§
    818 &&r3 = ...;                                             §\C{// change r2, (\&(\&*)*)*r3, 2 cancellations}§
    819 &&&r3 = p3;                                             §\C{// change r3 to p3, (\&(\&(\&*)*)*)r3, 3 cancellations}§
    820 \end{cfa}
    821 Furthermore, both types are equally performant, as the same amount of dereferencing occurs for both types.
    822 Therefore, the choice between them is based solely on whether the address is dereferenced frequently or infrequently, which dictates the amount of implicit dereferencing aid from the compiler.
    824 As for a pointer type, a reference type may have qualifiers:
    825 \begin{cfa}
    826 const int cx = 5;                                       §\C{// cannot change cx;}§
    827 const int & cr = cx;                            §\C{// cannot change what cr points to}§
    828 ®&®cr = &cx;                                            §\C{// can change cr}§
    829 cr = 7;                                                         §\C{// error, cannot change cx}§
    830 int & const rc = x;                                     §\C{// must be initialized}§
    831 ®&®rc = &x;                                                     §\C{// error, cannot change rc}§
    832 const int & const crc = cx;                     §\C{// must be initialized}§
    833 crc = 7;                                                        §\C{// error, cannot change cx}§
    834 ®&®crc = &cx;                                           §\C{// error, cannot change crc}§
    835 \end{cfa}
    836 Hence, for type ©& const©, there is no pointer assignment, so ©&rc = &x© is disallowed, and \emph{the address value cannot be the null pointer unless an arbitrary pointer is coerced\index{coercion} into the reference}:
    837 \begin{cfa}
    838 int & const cr = *0;                            §\C{// where 0 is the int * zero}§
    839 \end{cfa}
    840 Note, constant reference-types do not prevent \Index{addressing errors} because of explicit storage-management:
    841 \begin{cfa}
    842 int & const cr = *malloc();
    843 cr = 5;
    844 free( &cr );
    845 cr = 7;                                                         §\C{// unsound pointer dereference}§
    846 \end{cfa}
    848 The position of the ©const© qualifier \emph{after} the pointer/reference qualifier causes confuse for C programmers.
    849 The ©const© qualifier cannot be moved before the pointer/reference qualifier for C style-declarations;
    850 \CFA-style declarations (see \VRef{s:Declarations}) attempt to address this issue:
    851 \begin{quote2}
    852 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}}
    853 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
    854 \begin{cfa}
    855 ®const® * ®const® * const int ccp;
    856 ®const® & ®const® & const int ccr;
    857 \end{cfa}
    858 &
    859 \begin{cfa}
    860 const int * ®const® * ®const® ccp;
    862 \end{cfa}
    863 \end{tabular}
    864 \end{quote2}
    865 where the \CFA declaration is read left-to-right.
    867 Finally, like pointers, references are usable and composable with other type operators and generators.
    868 \begin{cfa}
    869 int w, x, y, z, & ar[3] = { x, y, z }; §\C{// initialize array of references}§
    870 &ar[1] = &w;                                            §\C{// change reference array element}§
    871 typeof( ar[1] ) p;                                      §\C{// (gcc) is int, i.e., the type of referenced object}§
    872 typeof( &ar[1] ) q;                                     §\C{// (gcc) is int \&, i.e., the type of reference}§
    873 sizeof( ar[1] ) == sizeof( int );       §\C{// is true, i.e., the size of referenced object}§
    874 sizeof( &ar[1] ) == sizeof( int *)      §\C{// is true, i.e., the size of a reference}§
    875 \end{cfa}
    877 In contrast to \CFA reference types, \Index*[C++]{\CC{}}'s reference types are all ©const© references, preventing changes to the reference address, so only value assignment is possible, which eliminates half of the \Index{address duality}.
    878 Also, \CC does not allow \Index{array}s\index{array!reference} of reference\footnote{
    879 The reason for disallowing arrays of reference is unknown, but possibly comes from references being ethereal (like a textual macro), and hence, replaceable by the referant object.}
    880 \Index*{Java}'s reference types to objects (all Java objects are on the heap) are like C pointers, which always manipulate the address, and there is no (bit-wise) object assignment, so objects are explicitly cloned by shallow or deep copying, which eliminates half of the address duality.
    883 \subsection{Initialization}
    885 \Index{Initialization} is different than \Index{assignment} because initialization occurs on the empty (uninitialized) storage on an object, while assignment occurs on possibly initialized storage of an object.
    886 There are three initialization contexts in \CFA: declaration initialization, argument/parameter binding, return/temporary binding.
    887 Because the object being initialized has no value, there is only one meaningful semantics with respect to address duality: it must mean address as there is no pointed-to value.
    888 In contrast, the left-hand side of assignment has an address that has a duality.
    889 Therefore, for pointer/reference initialization, the initializing value must be an address not a value.
    890 \begin{cfa}
    891 int * p = &x;                                           §\C{// assign address of x}§
    892 ®int * p = x;®                                          §\C{// assign value of x}§
    893 int & r = x;                                            §\C{// must have address of x}§
    894 \end{cfa}
    895 Like the previous example with C pointer-arithmetic, it is unlikely assigning the value of ©x© into a pointer is meaningful (again, a warning is usually given).
    896 Therefore, for safety, this context requires an address, so it is superfluous to require explicitly taking the address of the initialization object, even though the type is incorrect.
    897 Note, this is strictly a convenience and safety feature for a programmer.
    898 Hence, \CFA allows ©r© to be assigned ©x© because it infers a reference for ©x©, by implicitly inserting a address-of operator, ©&©, and it is an error to put an ©&© because the types no longer match due to the implicit dereference.
    899 Unfortunately, C allows ©p© to be assigned with ©&x© (address) or ©x© (value), but most compilers warn about the latter assignment as being potentially incorrect.
    900 Similarly, when a reference type is used for a parameter/return type, the call-site argument does not require a reference operator for the same reason.
    901 \begin{cfa}
    902 int & f( int & r );                                     §\C{// reference parameter and return}§
    903 z = f( x ) + f( y );                            §\C{// reference operator added, temporaries needed for call results}§
    904 \end{cfa}
    905 Within routine ©f©, it is possible to change the argument by changing the corresponding parameter, and parameter ©r© can be locally reassigned within ©f©.
    906 Since operator routine ©?+?© takes its arguments by value, the references returned from ©f© are used to initialize compiler generated temporaries with value semantics that copy from the references.
    907 \begin{cfa}
    908 int temp1 = f( x ), temp2 = f( y );
    909 z = temp1 + temp2;
    910 \end{cfa}
    911 This \Index{implicit referencing} is crucial for reducing the syntactic burden for programmers when using references;
    912 otherwise references have the same syntactic  burden as pointers in these contexts.
    914 When a pointer/reference parameter has a ©const© value (immutable), it is possible to pass literals and expressions.
    915 \begin{cfa}
    916 void f( ®const® int & cr );
    917 void g( ®const® int * cp );
    918 f( 3 );                   g( ®&®3 );
    919 f( x + y );             g( ®&®(x + y) );
    920 \end{cfa}
    921 Here, the compiler passes the address to the literal 3 or the temporary for the expression ©x + y©, knowing the argument cannot be changed through the parameter.
    922 The ©&© before the constant/expression for the pointer-type parameter (©g©) is a \CFA extension necessary to type match and is a common requirement before a variable in C (\eg ©scanf©).
    923 Importantly, ©&3© may not be equal to ©&3©, where the references occur across calls because the temporaries maybe different on each call.
    925 \CFA \emph{extends} this semantics to a mutable pointer/reference parameter, and the compiler implicitly creates the necessary temporary (copying the argument), which is subsequently pointed-to by the reference parameter and can be changed.\footnote{
    926 If whole program analysis is possible, and shows the parameter is not assigned, \ie it is ©const©, the temporary is unnecessary.}
    927 \begin{cfa}
    928 void f( int & r );
    929 void g( int * p );
    930 f( 3 );                   g( ®&®3 );            §\C{// compiler implicit generates temporaries}§
    931 f( x + y );             g( ®&®(x + y) );        §\C{// compiler implicit generates temporaries}§
    932 \end{cfa}
    933 Essentially, there is an implicit \Index{rvalue} to \Index{lvalue} conversion in this case.\footnote{
    934 This conversion attempts to address the \newterm{const hell} problem, when the innocent addition of a ©const© qualifier causes a cascade of type failures, requiring an unknown number of additional ©const© qualifiers, until it is discovered a ©const© qualifier cannot be added and all the ©const© qualifiers must be removed.}
    935 The implicit conversion allows seamless calls to any routine without having to explicitly name/copy the literal/expression to allow the call.
    937 %\CFA attempts to handle pointers and references in a uniform, symmetric manner.
    938 Finally, C handles \Index{routine object}s in an inconsistent way.
    939 A routine object is both a pointer and a reference (\Index{particle and wave}).
    940 \begin{cfa}
    941 void f( int i );
    942 void (*fp)( int );                                      §\C{// routine pointer}§
    943 fp = f;                                                         §\C{// reference initialization}§
    944 fp = &f;                                                        §\C{// pointer initialization}§
    945 fp = *f;                                                        §\C{// reference initialization}§
    946 fp(3);                                                          §\C{// reference invocation}§
    947 (*fp)(3);                                                       §\C{// pointer invocation}§
    948 \end{cfa}
    949 While C's treatment of routine objects has similarity to inferring a reference type in initialization contexts, the examples are assignment not initialization, and all possible forms of assignment are possible (©f©, ©&f©, ©*f©) without regard for type.
    950 Instead, a routine object should be referenced by a ©const© reference:
    951 \begin{cfa}
    952 ®const® void (®&® fr)( int ) = f;       §\C{// routine reference}§
    953 fr = ...                                                        §\C{// error, cannot change code}§
    954 &fr = ...;                                                      §\C{// changing routine reference}§
    955 fr( 3 );                                                        §\C{// reference call to f}§
    956 (*fr)(3);                                                       §\C{// error, incorrect type}§
    957 \end{cfa}
    958 because the value of the routine object is a routine literal, \ie the routine code is normally immutable during execution.\footnote{
    959 Dynamic code rewriting is possible but only in special circumstances.}
    960 \CFA allows this additional use of references for routine objects in an attempt to give a more consistent meaning for them.
    963 \subsection{Address-of Semantics}
    965 In C, ©&E© is an rvalue for any expression ©E©.
    966 \CFA extends the ©&© (address-of) operator as follows:
    967 \begin{itemize}
    968 \item
    969 if ©R© is an \Index{rvalue} of type ©T &$_1$...&$_r$© where $r \ge 1$ references (©&© symbols) than ©&R© has type ©T ®*®&$_{\color{red}2}$...&$_{\color{red}r}$©, \ie ©T© pointer with $r-1$ references (©&© symbols).
    971 \item
    972 if ©L© is an \Index{lvalue} of type ©T &$_1$...&$_l$© where $l \ge 0$ references (©&© symbols) then ©&L© has type ©T ®*®&$_{\color{red}1}$...&$_{\color{red}l}$©, \ie ©T© pointer with $l$ references (©&© symbols).
    973 \end{itemize}
    974 The following example shows the first rule applied to different \Index{rvalue} contexts:
    975 \begin{cfa}
    976 int x, * px, ** ppx, *** pppx, **** ppppx;
    977 int & rx = x, && rrx = rx, &&& rrrx = rrx ;
    978 x = rrrx;               // rrrx is an lvalue with type int &&& (equivalent to x)
    979 px = &rrrx;             // starting from rrrx, &rrrx is an rvalue with type int *&&& (&x)
    980 ppx = &&rrrx;   // starting from &rrrx, &&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **&& (&rx)
    981 pppx = &&&rrrx; // starting from &&rrrx, &&&rrrx is an rvalue with type int ***& (&rrx)
    982 ppppx = &&&&rrrx; // starting from &&&rrrx, &&&&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **** (&rrrx)
    983 \end{cfa}
    984 The following example shows the second rule applied to different \Index{lvalue} contexts:
    985 \begin{cfa}
    986 int x, * px, ** ppx, *** pppx;
    987 int & rx = x, && rrx = rx, &&& rrrx = rrx ;
    988 rrrx = 2;               // rrrx is an lvalue with type int &&& (equivalent to x)
    989 &rrrx = px;             // starting from rrrx, &rrrx is an rvalue with type int *&&& (rx)
    990 &&rrrx = ppx;   // starting from &rrrx, &&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **&& (rrx)
    991 &&&rrrx = pppx; // starting from &&rrrx, &&&rrrx is an rvalue with type int ***& (rrrx)
    992 \end{cfa}
    995 \subsection{Conversions}
    997 C provides a basic implicit conversion to simplify variable usage:
    998 \begin{enumerate}
    999 \setcounter{enumi}{-1}
    1000 \item
    1001 lvalue to rvalue conversion: ©cv T© converts to ©T©, which allows implicit variable dereferencing.
    1002 \begin{cfa}
    1003 int x;
    1004 x + 1;                  // lvalue variable (int) converts to rvalue for expression
    1005 \end{cfa}
    1006 An rvalue has no type qualifiers (©cv©), so the lvalue qualifiers are dropped.
    1007 \end{enumerate}
    1008 \CFA provides three new implicit conversion for reference types to simplify reference usage.
    1009 \begin{enumerate}
    1010 \item
    1011 reference to rvalue conversion: ©cv T &© converts to ©T©, which allows implicit reference dereferencing.
    1012 \begin{cfa}
    1013 int x, &r = x, f( int p );
    1014 x = ®r® + f( ®r® );  // lvalue reference converts to rvalue
    1015 \end{cfa}
    1016 An rvalue has no type qualifiers (©cv©), so the reference qualifiers are dropped.
    1018 \item
    1019 lvalue to reference conversion: \lstinline[deletekeywords={lvalue}]@lvalue-type cv1 T@ converts to ©cv2 T &©, which allows implicitly converting variables to references.
    1020 \begin{cfa}
    1021 int x, &r = ®x®, f( int & p ); // lvalue variable (int) convert to reference (int &)
    1022 f( ®x® );               // lvalue variable (int) convert to reference (int &)
    1023 \end{cfa}
    1024 Conversion can restrict a type, where ©cv1© $\le$ ©cv2©, \eg passing an ©int© to a ©const volatile int &©, which has low cost.
    1025 Conversion can expand a type, where ©cv1© $>$ ©cv2©, \eg passing a ©const volatile int© to an ©int &©, which has high cost (\Index{warning});
    1026 furthermore, if ©cv1© has ©const© but not ©cv2©, a temporary variable is created to preserve the immutable lvalue.
    1028 \item
    1029 rvalue to reference conversion: ©T© converts to ©cv T &©, which allows binding references to temporaries.
    1030 \begin{cfa}
    1031 int x, & f( int & p );
    1032 f( ®x + 3® );   // rvalue parameter (int) implicitly converts to lvalue temporary reference (int &)
    1033 ®&f®(...) = &x; // rvalue result (int &) implicitly converts to lvalue temporary reference (int &)
    1034 \end{cfa}
    1035 In both case, modifications to the temporary are inaccessible (\Index{warning}).
    1036 Conversion expands the temporary-type with ©cv©, which is low cost since the temporary is inaccessible.
    1037 \end{enumerate}
    1040 \begin{comment}
    1041 From: Richard Bilson <>
    1042 Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 01:58:58 +0000
    1043 Subject: Re: pointers / references
    1044 To: "Peter A. Buhr" <>
    1046 As a general comment I would say that I found the section confusing, as you move back and forth
    1047 between various real and imagined programming languages. If it were me I would rewrite into two
    1048 subsections, one that specifies precisely the syntax and semantics of reference variables and
    1049 another that provides the rationale.
    1051 I don't see any obvious problems with the syntax or semantics so far as I understand them. It's not
    1052 obvious that the description you're giving is complete, but I'm sure you'll find the special cases
    1053 as you do the implementation.
    1055 My big gripes are mostly that you're not being as precise as you need to be in your terminology, and
    1056 that you say a few things that aren't actually true even though I generally know what you mean.
    1058 20 C provides a pointer type; CFA adds a reference type. Both types contain an address, which is normally a
    1059 21 location in memory.
    1061 An address is not a location in memory; an address refers to a location in memory. Furthermore it
    1062 seems weird to me to say that a type "contains" an address; rather, objects of that type do.
    1064 21 Special addresses are used to denote certain states or access co-processor memory. By
    1065 22 convention, no variable is placed at address 0, so addresses like 0, 1, 2, 3 are often used to denote no-value
    1066 23 or other special states.
    1068 This isn't standard C at all. There has to be one null pointer representation, but it doesn't have
    1069 to be a literal zero representation and there doesn't have to be more than one such representation.
    1071 23 Often dereferencing a special state causes a memory fault, so checking is necessary
    1072 24 during execution.
    1074 I don't see the connection between the two clauses here. I feel like if a bad pointer will not cause
    1075 a memory fault then I need to do more checking, not less.
    1077 24 If the programming language assigns addresses, a program's execution is sound, \ie all
    1078 25 addresses are to valid memory locations.
    1080 You haven't said what it means to "assign" an address, but if I use my intuitive understanding of
    1081 the term I don't see how this can be true unless you're assuming automatic storage management.
    1083 1 Program variables are implicit pointers to memory locations generated by the compiler and automatically
    1084 2 dereferenced, as in:
    1086 There is no reason why a variable needs to have a location in memory, and indeed in a typical
    1087 program many variables will not. In standard terminology an object identifier refers to data in the
    1088 execution environment, but not necessarily in memory.
    1090 13 A pointer/reference is a generalization of a variable name, \ie a mutable address that can point to more
    1091 14 than one memory location during its lifetime.
    1093 I feel like you're off the reservation here. In my world there are objects of pointer type, which
    1094 seem to be what you're describing here, but also pointer values, which can be stored in an object of
    1095 pointer type but don't necessarily have to be. For example, how would you describe the value denoted
    1096 by "&main" in a C program? I would call it a (function) pointer, but that doesn't satisfy your
    1097 definition.
    1099 16 not occupy storage as the literal is embedded directly into instructions.) Hence, a pointer occupies memory
    1100 17 to store its current address, and the pointer's value is loaded by dereferencing, e.g.:
    1102 As with my general objection regarding your definition of variables, there is no reason why a
    1103 pointer variable (object of pointer type) needs to occupy memory.
    1105 21 p2 = p1 + x; // compiler infers *p2 = *p1 + x;
    1107 What language are we in now?
    1109 24 pointer usage. However, in C, the following cases are ambiguous, especially with pointer arithmetic:
    1110 25 p1 = p2; // p1 = p2 or *p1 = *p2
    1112 This isn't ambiguous. it's defined to be the first option.
    1114 26 p1 = p1 + 1; // p1 = p1 + 1 or *p1 = *p1 + 1
    1116 Again, this statement is not ambiguous.
    1118 13 example. Hence, a reference behaves like the variable name for the current variable it is pointing-to. The
    1119 14 simplest way to understand a reference is to imagine the compiler inserting a dereference operator before
    1120 15 the reference variable for each reference qualifier in a declaration, e.g.:
    1122 It's hard for me to understand who the audience for this part is. I think a practical programmer is
    1123 likely to be satisfied with "a reference behaves like the variable name for the current variable it
    1124 is pointing-to," maybe with some examples. Your "simplest way" doesn't strike me as simpler than
    1125 that. It feels like you're trying to provide a more precise definition for the semantics of
    1126 references, but it isn't actually precise enough to be a formal specification. If you want to
    1127 express the semantics of references using rewrite rules that's a great way to do it, but lay the
    1128 rules out clearly, and when you're showing an example of rewriting keep your
    1129 references/pointers/values separate (right now, you use \eg "r3" to mean a reference, a pointer,
    1130 and a value).
    1132 24 Cancellation works to arbitrary depth, and pointer and reference values are interchangeable because both
    1133 25 contain addresses.
    1135 Except they're not interchangeable, because they have different and incompatible types.
    1137 40 Interestingly, C++ deals with the address duality by making the pointed-to value the default, and prevent-
    1138 41 ing changes to the reference address, which eliminates half of the duality. Java deals with the address duality
    1139 42 by making address assignment the default and requiring field assignment (direct or indirect via methods),
    1140 43 \ie there is no builtin bit-wise or method-wise assignment, which eliminates half of the duality.
    1142 I can follow this but I think that's mostly because I already understand what you're trying to
    1143 say. I don't think I've ever heard the term "method-wise assignment" and I don't see you defining
    1144 it. Furthermore Java does have value assignment of basic (non-class) types, so your summary here
    1145 feels incomplete. (If it were me I'd drop this paragraph rather than try to save it.)
    1147 11 Hence, for type & const, there is no pointer assignment, so &rc = &x is disallowed, and the address value
    1148 12 cannot be 0 unless an arbitrary pointer is assigned to the reference.
    1150 Given the pains you've taken to motivate every little bit of the semantics up until now, this last
    1151 clause ("the address value cannot be 0") comes out of the blue. It seems like you could have
    1152 perfectly reasonable semantics that allowed the initialization of null references.
    1154 12 In effect, the compiler is managing the
    1155 13 addresses for type & const not the programmer, and by a programming discipline of only using references
    1156 14 with references, address errors can be prevented.
    1158 Again, is this assuming automatic storage management?
    1160 18 rary binding. For reference initialization (like pointer), the initializing value must be an address (lvalue) not
    1161 19 a value (rvalue).
    1163 This sentence appears to suggest that an address and an lvalue are the same thing.
    1165 20 int * p = &x; // both &x and x are possible interpretations
    1167 Are you saying that we should be considering "x" as a possible interpretation of the initializer
    1168 "&x"? It seems to me that this expression has only one legitimate interpretation in context.
    1170 21 int & r = x; // x unlikely interpretation, because of auto-dereferencing
    1172 You mean, we can initialize a reference using an integer value? Surely we would need some sort of
    1173 cast to induce that interpretation, no?
    1175 22 Hence, the compiler implicitly inserts a reference operator, &, before the initialization expression.
    1177 But then the expression would have pointer type, which wouldn't be compatible with the type of r.
    1179 22 Similarly,
    1180 23 when a reference is used for a parameter/return type, the call-site argument does not require a reference
    1181 24 operator.
    1183 Furthermore, it would not be correct to use a reference operator.
    1185 45 The implicit conversion allows
    1186 1 seamless calls to any routine without having to explicitly name/copy the literal/expression to allow the call.
    1187 2 While C' attempts to handle pointers and references in a uniform, symmetric manner, C handles routine
    1188 3 variables in an inconsistent way: a routine variable is both a pointer and a reference (particle and wave).
    1190 After all this talk of how expressions can have both pointer and value interpretations, you're
    1191 disparaging C because it has expressions that have both pointer and value interpretations?
    1193 On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 4:18 PM Peter A. Buhr <> wrote:
    1194 > Aaron discovered a few places where "&"s are missing and where there are too many "&", which are
    1195 > corrected in the attached updated. None of the text has changed, if you have started reading
    1196 > already.
    1197 \end{comment}
    1200 \section{Routine Definition}
    1202 \CFA also supports a new syntax for routine definition, as well as \Celeven and K\&R routine syntax.
    1203 The point of the new syntax is to allow returning multiple values from a routine~\cite{Galletly96,CLU}, \eg:
    1204 \begin{cfa}
    1205 ®[ int o1, int o2, char o3 ]® f( int i1, char i2, char i3 ) {
    1206         §\emph{routine body}§
    1207 }
    1208 \end{cfa}
    1209 where routine ©f© has three output (return values) and three input parameters.
    1210 Existing C syntax cannot be extended with multiple return types because it is impossible to embed a single routine name within multiple return type specifications.
    1212 In detail, the brackets, ©[]©, enclose the result type, where each return value is named and that name is a local variable of the particular return type.\footnote{
    1213 \Index*{Michael Tiemann}, with help from \Index*{Doug Lea}, provided named return values in g++, circa 1989.}
    1214 The value of each local return variable is automatically returned at routine termination.
    1215 Declaration qualifiers can only appear at the start of a routine definition, \eg:
    1216 \begin{cfa}
    1217 ®extern® [ int x ] g( int y ) {§\,§}
    1218 \end{cfa}
    1219 Lastly, if there are no output parameters or input parameters, the brackets and/or parentheses must still be specified;
    1220 in both cases the type is assumed to be void as opposed to old style C defaults of int return type and unknown parameter types, respectively, as in:
    1221 \begin{cfa}
    1222 [§\,§] g();                                                     §\C{// no input or output parameters}§
    1223 [ void ] g( void );                                     §\C{// no input or output parameters}§
    1224 \end{cfa}
    1226 Routine f is called as follows:
    1227 \begin{cfa}
    1228 [ i, j, ch ] = f( 3, 'a', ch );
    1229 \end{cfa}
    1230 The list of return values from f and the grouping on the left-hand side of the assignment is called a \newterm{return list} and discussed in Section 12.
    1232 \CFA style declarations cannot be used to declare parameters for K\&R style routine definitions because of the following ambiguity:
    1233 \begin{cfa}
    1234 int (*f(x))[ 5 ] int x; {}
    1235 \end{cfa}
    1236 The string ``©int (*f(x))[ 5 ]©'' declares a K\&R style routine of type returning a pointer to an array of 5 integers, while the string ``©[ 5 ] int x©'' declares a \CFA style parameter x of type array of 5 integers.
    1237 Since the strings overlap starting with the open bracket, ©[©, there is an ambiguous interpretation for the string.
    1238 As well, \CFA-style declarations cannot be used to declare parameters for C-style routine-definitions because of the following ambiguity:
    1239 \begin{cfa}
    1240 typedef int foo;
    1241 int f( int (* foo) );                           §\C{// foo is redefined as a parameter name}§
    1242 \end{cfa}
    1243 The string ``©int (* foo)©'' declares a C-style named-parameter of type pointer to an integer (the parenthesis are superfluous), while the same string declares a \CFA style unnamed parameter of type routine returning integer with unnamed parameter of type pointer to foo.
    1244 The redefinition of a type name in a parameter list is the only context in C where the character ©*© can appear to the left of a type name, and \CFA relies on all type qualifier characters appearing to the right of the type name.
    1245 The inability to use \CFA declarations in these two contexts is probably a blessing because it precludes programmers from arbitrarily switching between declarations forms within a declaration contexts.
    1247 C-style declarations can be used to declare parameters for \CFA style routine definitions, \eg:
    1248 \begin{cfa}
    1249 [ int ] f( * int, int * );                      §\C{// returns an integer, accepts 2 pointers to integers}§
    1250 [ * int, int * ] f( int );                      §\C{// returns 2 pointers to integers, accepts an integer}§
    1251 \end{cfa}
    1252 The reason for allowing both declaration styles in the new context is for backwards compatibility with existing preprocessor macros that generate C-style declaration-syntax, as in:
    1253 \begin{cfa}
    1254 #define ptoa( n, d ) int (*n)[ d ]
    1255 int f( ptoa( p, 5 ) ) ...                       §\C{// expands to int f( int (*p)[ 5 ] )}§
    1256 [ int ] f( ptoa( p, 5 ) ) ...           §\C{// expands to [ int ] f( int (*p)[ 5 ] )}§
    1257 \end{cfa}
    1258 Again, programmers are highly encouraged to use one declaration form or the other, rather than mixing the forms.
    1261 \subsection{Named Return Values}
    1263 \Index{Named return values} handle the case where it is necessary to define a local variable whose value is then returned in a ©return© statement, as in:
    1264 \begin{cfa}
    1265 int f() {
    1266         int x;
    1267         ... x = 0; ... x = y; ...
    1268         return x;
    1269 }
    1270 \end{cfa}
    1271 Because the value in the return variable is automatically returned when a \CFA routine terminates, the ©return© statement \emph{does not} contain an expression, as in:
    1272 \newline
    1273 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
    1274 \begin{cfa}
    1275 ®[ int x, int y ]® f() {
    1276         int z;
    1277         ... x = 0; ... y = z; ...
    1278         ®return;®                                                       §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
    1279 }
    1280 \end{cfa}
    1281 \end{minipage}
    1282 \newline
    1283 When the return is encountered, the current values of ©x© and ©y© are returned to the calling routine.
    1284 As well, ``falling off the end'' of a routine without a ©return© statement is permitted, as in:
    1285 \begin{cfa}
    1286 [ int x, int y ] f() {
    1287         ...
    1288 }                                                                               §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
    1289 \end{cfa}
    1290 In this case, the current values of ©x© and ©y© are returned to the calling routine just as if a ©return© had been encountered.
    1292 Named return values may be used in conjunction with named parameter values;
    1293 specifically, a return and parameter can have the same name.
    1294 \begin{cfa}
    1295 [ int x, int y ] f( int, x, int y ) {
    1296         ...
    1297 }                                                                               §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
    1298 \end{cfa}
    1299 This notation allows the compiler to eliminate temporary variables in nested routine calls.
    1300 \begin{cfa}
    1301 [ int x, int y ] f( int, x, int y );    §\C{// prototype declaration}§
    1302 int a, b;
    1303 [a, b] = f( f( f( a, b ) ) );
    1304 \end{cfa}
    1305 While the compiler normally ignores parameters names in prototype declarations, here they are used to eliminate temporary return-values by inferring that the results of each call are the inputs of the next call, and ultimately, the left-hand side of the assignment.
    1306 Hence, even without the body of routine ©f© (separate compilation), it is possible to perform a global optimization across routine calls.
    1307 The compiler warns about naming inconsistencies between routine prototype and definition in this case, and behaviour is \Index{undefined} if the programmer is inconsistent.
    1310 \subsection{Routine Prototype}
    1312 The syntax of the new routine prototype declaration follows directly from the new routine definition syntax;
    1313 as well, parameter names are optional, \eg:
    1314 \begin{cfa}
    1315 [ int x ] f ();                                                 §\C{// returning int with no parameters}§
    1316 [ * int ] g (int y);                                    §\C{// returning pointer to int with int parameter}§
    1317 [ ] h ( int, char );                                    §\C{// returning no result with int and char parameters}§
    1318 [ * int, int ] j ( int );                               §\C{// returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}§
    1319 \end{cfa}
    1320 This syntax allows a prototype declaration to be created by cutting and pasting source text from the routine definition header (or vice versa).
    1321 It is possible to declare multiple routine-prototypes in a single declaration, but the entire type specification is distributed across \emph{all} routine names in the declaration list (see~\VRef{s:Declarations}), \eg:
    1322 \begin{quote2}
    1323 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}}
    1324 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
    1325 \begin{cfa}
    1326 [ int ] f( int ), g;
    1327 \end{cfa}
    1328 &
    1329 \begin{cfa}
    1330 int f( int ), g( int );
    1331 \end{cfa}
    1332 \end{tabular}
    1333 \end{quote2}
    1334 Declaration qualifiers can only appear at the start of a \CFA routine declaration,\footref{StorageClassSpecifier} \eg:
    1335 \begin{cfa}
    1336 extern [ int ] f ( int );
    1337 static [ int ] g ( int );
    1338 \end{cfa}
    1341 \section{Routine Pointers}
    1343 The syntax for pointers to \CFA routines specifies the pointer name on the right, \eg:
    1344 \begin{cfa}
    1345 * [ int x ] () fp;                                              §\C{// pointer to routine returning int with no parameters}§
    1346 * [ * int ] (int y) gp;                                 §\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int with int parameter}§
    1347 * [ ] (int,char) hp;                                    §\C{// pointer to routine returning no result with int and char parameters}§
    1348 * [ * int,int ] ( int ) jp;                             §\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}§
    1349 \end{cfa}
    1350 While parameter names are optional, \emph{a routine name cannot be specified};
    1351 for example, the following is incorrect:
    1352 \begin{cfa}
    1353 * [ int x ] f () fp;                                    §\C{// routine name "f" is not allowed}§
    1354 \end{cfa}
    1357 \section{Named and Default Arguments}
    1359 Named\index{named arguments}\index{arguments!named} and default\index{default arguments}\index{arguments!default} arguments~\cite{Hardgrave76}\footnote{
    1360 Francez~\cite{Francez77} proposed a further extension to the named-parameter passing style, which specifies what type of communication (by value, by reference, by name) the argument is passed to the routine.}
    1361 are two mechanisms to simplify routine call.
    1362 Both mechanisms are discussed with respect to \CFA.
    1363 \begin{description}
    1364 \item[Named (or Keyword) Arguments:]
    1365 provide the ability to specify an argument to a routine call using the parameter name rather than the position of the parameter.
    1366 For example, given the routine:
    1367 \begin{cfa}
    1368 void p( int x, int y, int z ) {...}
    1369 \end{cfa}
    1370 a positional call is:
    1371 \begin{cfa}
    1372 p( 4, 7, 3 );
    1373 \end{cfa}
    1374 whereas a named (keyword) call may be:
    1375 \begin{cfa}
    1376 p( z : 3, x : 4, y : 7 );       §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 7, 3 )}§
    1377 \end{cfa}
    1378 Here the order of the arguments is unimportant, and the names of the parameters are used to associate argument values with the corresponding parameters.
    1379 The compiler rewrites a named call into a positional call.
    1380 The advantages of named parameters are:
    1381 \begin{itemize}
    1382 \item
    1383 Remembering the names of the parameters may be easier than the order in the routine definition.
    1384 \item
    1385 Parameter names provide documentation at the call site (assuming the names are descriptive).
    1386 \item
    1387 Changes can be made to the order or number of parameters without affecting the call (although the call must still be recompiled).
    1388 \end{itemize}
    1390 Unfortunately, named arguments do not work in C-style programming-languages because a routine prototype is not required to specify parameter names, nor do the names in the prototype have to match with the actual definition.
    1391 For example, the following routine prototypes and definition are all valid.
    1392 \begin{cfa}
    1393 void p( int, int, int );                        §\C{// equivalent prototypes}§
    1394 void p( int x, int y, int z );
    1395 void p( int y, int x, int z );
    1396 void p( int z, int y, int x );
    1397 void p( int q, int r, int s ) {}        §\C{// match with this definition}§
    1398 \end{cfa}
    1399 Forcing matching parameter names in routine prototypes with corresponding routine definitions is possible, but goes against a strong tradition in C programming.
    1400 Alternatively, prototype definitions can be eliminated by using a two-pass compilation, and implicitly creating header files for exports.
    1401 The former is easy to do, while the latter is more complex.
    1403 Furthermore, named arguments do not work well in a \CFA-style programming-languages because they potentially introduces a new criteria for type matching.
    1404 For example, it is technically possible to disambiguate between these two overloaded definitions of ©f© based on named arguments at the call site:
    1405 \begin{cfa}
    1406 int f( int i, int j );
    1407 int f( int x, double y );
    1409 f( j : 3, i : 4 );                              §\C{// 1st f}§
    1410 f( x : 7, y : 8.1 );                    §\C{// 2nd f}§
    1411 f( 4, 5 );                                              §\C{// ambiguous call}§
    1412 \end{cfa}
    1413 However, named arguments compound routine resolution in conjunction with conversions:
    1414 \begin{cfa}
    1415 f( i : 3, 5.7 );                                §\C{// ambiguous call ?}§
    1416 \end{cfa}
    1417 Depending on the cost associated with named arguments, this call could be resolvable or ambiguous.
    1418 Adding named argument into the routine resolution algorithm does not seem worth the complexity.
    1419 Therefore, \CFA does \emph{not} attempt to support named arguments.
    1421 \item[Default Arguments]
    1422 provide the ability to associate a default value with a parameter so it can be optionally specified in the argument list.
    1423 For example, given the routine:
    1424 \begin{cfa}
    1425 void p( int x = 1, int y = 2, int z = 3 ) {...}
    1426 \end{cfa}
    1427 the allowable positional calls are:
    1428 \begin{cfa}
    1429 p();                                                    §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 3 )}§
    1430 p( 4 );                                                 §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 3 )}§
    1431 p( 4, 4 );                                              §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 3 )}§
    1432 p( 4, 4, 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 4 )}§
    1433 // empty arguments
    1434 p(  , 4, 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 4, 4 )}§
    1435 p( 4,  , 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 4 )}§
    1436 p( 4, 4,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 3 )}§
    1437 p( 4,  ,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 3 )}§
    1438 p(  , 4,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 4, 3 )}§
    1439 p(  ,  , 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 4 )}§
    1440 p(  ,  ,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 3 )}§
    1441 \end{cfa}
    1442 Here the missing arguments are inserted from the default values in the parameter list.
    1443 The compiler rewrites missing default values into explicit positional arguments.
    1444 The advantages of default values are:
    1445 \begin{itemize}
    1446 \item
    1447 Routines with a large number of parameters are often very generalized, giving a programmer a number of different options on how a computation is performed.
    1448 For many of these kinds of routines, there are standard or default settings that work for the majority of computations.
    1449 Without default values for parameters, a programmer is forced to specify these common values all the time, resulting in long argument lists that are error prone.
    1450 \item
    1451 When a routine's interface is augmented with new parameters, it extends the interface providing generalizability\footnote{
    1452 ``It should be possible for the implementor of an abstraction to increase its generality.
    1453 So long as the modified abstraction is a generalization of the original, existing uses of the abstraction will not require change.
    1454 It might be possible to modify an abstraction in a manner which is not a generalization without affecting existing uses, but, without inspecting the modules in which the uses occur, this possibility cannot be determined.
    1455 This criterion precludes the addition of parameters, unless these parameters have default or inferred values that are valid for all possible existing applications.''~\cite[p.~128]{Cormack90}}
    1456 (somewhat like the generalization provided by inheritance for classes).
    1457 That is, all existing calls are still valid, although the call must still be recompiled.
    1458 \end{itemize}
    1459 The only disadvantage of default arguments is that unintentional omission of an argument may not result in a compiler-time error.
    1460 Instead, a default value is used, which may not be the programmer's intent.
    1462 Default values may only appear in a prototype versus definition context:
    1463 \begin{cfa}
    1464 void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3 );          §\C{// prototype: allowed}§
    1465 void p( int, int = 2, int = 3 );                        §\C{// prototype: allowed}§
    1466 void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3 ) {}        §\C{// definition: not allowed}§
    1467 \end{cfa}
    1468 The reason for this restriction is to allow separate compilation.
    1469 Multiple prototypes with different default values is an error.
    1470 \end{description}
    1472 Ellipse (``...'') arguments present problems when used with default arguments.
    1473 The conflict occurs because both named and ellipse arguments must appear after positional arguments, giving two possibilities:
    1474 \begin{cfa}
    1475 p( /* positional */, ... , /* named */ );
    1476 p( /* positional */, /* named */, ... );
    1477 \end{cfa}
    1478 While it is possible to implement both approaches, the first possibly is more complex than the second, \eg:
    1479 \begin{cfa}
    1480 p( int x, int y, int z, ... );
    1481 p( 1, 4, 5, 6, z : 3, y : 2 ); §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, ... , /* named */ );}§
    1482 p( 1, z : 3, y : 2, 4, 5, 6 ); §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, /* named */, ... );}§
    1483 \end{cfa}
    1484 In the first call, it is necessary for the programmer to conceptually rewrite the call, changing named arguments into positional, before knowing where the ellipse arguments begin.
    1485 Hence, this approach seems significantly more difficult, and hence, confusing and error prone.
    1486 In the second call, the named arguments separate the positional and ellipse arguments, making it trivial to read the call.
    1488 The problem is exacerbated with default arguments, \eg:
    1489 \begin{cfa}
    1490 void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3... );
    1491 p( 1, 4, 5, 6, z : 3 );         §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, ... , /* named */ );}§
    1492 p( 1, z : 3, 4, 5, 6 );         §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, /* named */, ... );}§
    1493 \end{cfa}
    1494 The first call is an error because arguments 4 and 5 are actually positional not ellipse arguments;
    1495 therefore, argument 5 subsequently conflicts with the named argument z : 3.
    1496 In the second call, the default value for y is implicitly inserted after argument 1 and the named arguments separate the positional and ellipse arguments, making it trivial to read the call.
    1497 For these reasons, \CFA requires named arguments before ellipse arguments.
    1498 Finally, while ellipse arguments are needed for a small set of existing C routines, like printf, the extended \CFA type system largely eliminates the need for ellipse arguments (see Section 24), making much of this discussion moot.
    1500 Default arguments and overloading (see Section 24) are complementary.
    1501 While in theory default arguments can be simulated with overloading, as in:
    1502 \begin{quote2}
    1503 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l@{}}
    1504 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{default arguments}}   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{overloading}}      \\
    1505 \begin{cfa}
    1506 void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3 ) {...}
    1509 \end{cfa}
    1510 &
    1511 \begin{cfa}
    1512 void p( int x, int y, int z ) {...}
    1513 void p( int x ) { p( x, 2, 3 ); }
    1514 void p( int x, int y ) { p( x, y, 3 ); }
    1515 \end{cfa}
    1516 \end{tabular}
    1517 \end{quote2}
    1518 the number of required overloaded routines is linear in the number of default values, which is unacceptable growth.
    1519 In general, overloading should only be used over default arguments if the body of the routine is significantly different.
    1520 Furthermore, overloading cannot handle accessing default arguments in the middle of a positional list, via a missing argument, such as:
    1521 \begin{cfa}
    1522 p( 1, /* default */, 5 );               §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 5 )}§
    1523 \end{cfa}
    1525 Given the \CFA restrictions above, both named and default arguments are backwards compatible.
    1526 \Index*[C++]{\CC{}} only supports default arguments;
    1527 \Index*{Ada} supports both named and default arguments.
    1530 \section{Unnamed Structure Fields}
    1532 C requires each field of a structure to have a name, except for a bit field associated with a basic type, \eg:
    1533 \begin{cfa}
    1534 struct {
    1535         int f1;                                 §\C{// named field}§
    1536         int f2 : 4;                             §\C{// named field with bit field size}§
    1537         int : 3;                                §\C{// unnamed field for basic type with bit field size}§
    1538         int ;                                   §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
    1539         int *;                                  §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
    1540         int (*)( int );                 §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
    1541 };
    1542 \end{cfa}
    1543 This requirement is relaxed by making the field name optional for all field declarations; therefore, all the field declarations in the example are allowed.
    1544 As for unnamed bit fields, an unnamed field is used for padding a structure to a particular size.
    1545 A list of unnamed fields is also supported, \eg:
    1546 \begin{cfa}
    1547 struct {
    1548         int , , ;                               §\C{// 3 unnamed fields}§
    1549 }
    1550 \end{cfa}
    1553 \section{Nesting}
    1555 Nesting of types and routines is useful for controlling name visibility (\newterm{name hiding}).
    1558 \subsection{Type Nesting}
    1560 \CFA allows \Index{type nesting}, and type qualification of the nested types (see \VRef[Figure]{f:TypeNestingQualification}), where as C hoists\index{type hoisting} (refactors) nested types into the enclosing scope and has no type qualification.
    1561 \begin{figure}
    1562 \centering
    1563 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}l|l@{}}
    1564 \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{C Type Nesting}}      & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C Implicit Hoisting}}      & \multicolumn{1}{|c}{\textbf{\CFA}}    \\
    1565 \hline
    1566 \begin{cfa}
    1567 struct S {
    1568         enum C { R, G, B };
    1569         struct T {
    1570                 union U { int i, j; };
    1571                 enum C c;
    1572                 short int i, j;
    1573         };
    1574         struct T t;
    1575 } s;
    1577 int fred() {
    1578         s.t.c = R;
    1579         struct T t = { R, 1, 2 };
    1580         enum C c;
    1581         union U u;
    1582 }
    1583 \end{cfa}
    1584 &
    1585 \begin{cfa}
    1586 enum C { R, G, B };
    1587 union U { int i, j; };
    1588 struct T {
    1589         enum C c;
    1590         short int i, j;
    1591 };
    1592 struct S {
    1593         struct T t;
    1594 } s;
    1602 \end{cfa}
    1603 &
    1604 \begin{cfa}
    1605 struct S {
    1606         enum C { R, G, B };
    1607         struct T {
    1608                 union U { int i, j; };
    1609                 enum C c;
    1610                 short int i, j;
    1611         };
    1612         struct T t;
    1613 } s;
    1615 int fred() {
    1616         s.t.c = ®S.®R;  // type qualification
    1617         struct ®S.®T t = { ®S.®R, 1, 2 };
    1618         enum ®S.®C c;
    1619         union ®S.T.®U u;
    1620 }
    1621 \end{cfa}
    1622 \end{tabular}
    1623 \caption{Type Nesting / Qualification}
    1624 \label{f:TypeNestingQualification}
    1625 \end{figure}
    1626 In the left example in C, types ©C©, ©U© and ©T© are implicitly hoisted outside of type ©S© into the containing block scope.
    1627 In the right example in \CFA, the types are not hoisted and accessed using the field-selection operator ``©.©'' for type qualification, as does \Index*{Java}, rather than the \CC type-selection operator ``©::©''.
    1630 \subsection{Routine Nesting}
    1632 While \CFA does not provide object programming by putting routines into structures, it does rely heavily on locally nested routines to redefine operations at or close to a call site.
    1633 For example, the C quick-sort is wrapped into the following polymorphic \CFA routine:
    1634 \begin{cfa}
    1635 forall( otype T | { int ?<?( T, T ); } )
    1636 void qsort( const T * arr, size_t dimension );
    1637 \end{cfa}
    1638 which can be used to sort in ascending and descending order by locally redefining the less-than operator into greater-than.
    1639 \begin{cfa}
    1640 const unsigned int size = 5;
    1641 int ia[size];
    1642 ...                                             §\C{// assign values to array ia}§
    1643 qsort( ia, size );              §\C{// sort ascending order using builtin ?<?}§
    1644 {
    1645         ®int ?<?( int x, int y ) { return x > y; }® §\C{// nested routine}§
    1646         qsort( ia, size );      §\C{// sort descending order by local redefinition}§
    1647 }
    1648 \end{cfa}
    1650 Nested routines are not first-class, meaning a nested routine cannot be returned if it has references to variables in its enclosing blocks;
    1651 the only exception is references to the external block of the translation unit, as these variables persist for the duration of the program.
    1652 The following program in undefined in \CFA (and Indexc{gcc})
    1653 \begin{cfa}
    1654 [* [int]( int )] foo() {                §\C{// int (*foo())( int )}§
    1655         int ®i® = 7;
    1656         int bar( int p ) {
    1657                 ®i® += 1;                               §\C{// dependent on local variable}§
    1658                 sout | ®i® | endl;
    1659         }
    1660         return bar;                                     §\C{// undefined because of local dependence}§
    1661 }
    1662 int main() {
    1663         * [int]( int ) fp = foo();      §\C{// int (*fp)( int )}§
    1664         sout | fp( 3 ) | endl;
    1665 }
    1666 \end{cfa}
    1667 because
    1669 Currently, there are no \Index{lambda} expressions, \ie unnamed routines because routine names are very important to properly select the correct routine.
    1672 \section{Tuples}
    1674 In C and \CFA, lists of elements appear in several contexts, such as the parameter list for a routine call.
    1675 (More contexts are added shortly.)
    1676 A list of such elements is called a \newterm{lexical list}.
    1677 The general syntax of a lexical list is:
    1678 \begin{cfa}
    1679 [ §\emph{exprlist}§ ]
    1680 \end{cfa}
    1681 where ©$\emph{exprlist}$© is a list of one or more expressions separated by commas.
    1682 The brackets, ©[]©, allow differentiating between lexical lists and expressions containing the C comma operator.
    1683 The following are examples of lexical lists:
    1684 \begin{cfa}
    1685 [ x, y, z ]
    1686 [ 2 ]
    1687 [ v+w, x*y, 3.14159, f() ]
    1688 \end{cfa}
    1689 Tuples are permitted to contain sub-tuples (\ie nesting), such as ©[ [ 14, 21 ], 9 ]©, which is a 2-element tuple whose first element is itself a tuple.
    1690 Note, a tuple is not a record (structure);
    1691 a record denotes a single value with substructure, whereas a tuple is multiple values with no substructure (see flattening coercion in Section 12.1).
    1692 In essence, tuples are largely a compile time phenomenon, having little or no runtime presence.
    1694 Tuples can be organized into compile-time tuple variables;
    1695 these variables are of \newterm{tuple type}.
    1696 Tuple variables and types can be used anywhere lists of conventional variables and types can be used.
    1697 The general syntax of a tuple type is:
    1698 \begin{cfa}
    1699 [ §\emph{typelist}§ ]
    1700 \end{cfa}
    1701 where ©$\emph{typelist}$© is a list of one or more legal \CFA or C type specifications separated by commas, which may include other tuple type specifications.
    1702 Examples of tuple types include:
    1703 \begin{cfa}
    1704 [ unsigned int, char ]
    1705 [ double, double, double ]
    1706 [ * int, int * ]                §\C{// mix of CFA and ANSI}§
    1707 [ * [ 5 ] int, * * char, * [ [ int, int ] ] (int, int) ]
    1708 \end{cfa}
    1709 Like tuples, tuple types may be nested, such as ©[ [ int, int ], int ]©, which is a 2-element tuple type whose first element is itself a tuple type.
    1711 Examples of declarations using tuple types are:
    1712 \begin{cfa}
    1713 [ int, int ] x;                 §\C{// 2 element tuple, each element of type int}§
    1714 * [ char, char ] y;             §\C{// pointer to a 2 element tuple}§
    1715 [ [ int, int ] ] z ([ int, int ]);
    1716 \end{cfa}
    1717 The last example declares an external routine that expects a 2 element tuple as an input parameter and returns a 2 element tuple as its result.
    1719 As mentioned, tuples can appear in contexts requiring a list of value, such as an argument list of a routine call.
    1720 In unambiguous situations, the tuple brackets may be omitted, \eg a tuple that appears as an argument may have its
    1721 square brackets omitted for convenience; therefore, the following routine invocations are equivalent:
    1722 \begin{cfa}
    1723 f( [ 1, x+2, fred() ] );
    1724 f( 1, x+2, fred() );
    1725 \end{cfa}
    1726 Also, a tuple or a tuple variable may be used to supply all or part of an argument list for a routine expecting multiple input parameters or for a routine expecting a tuple as an input parameter.
    1727 For example, the following are all legal:
    1728 \begin{cfa}
    1729 [ int, int ] w1;
    1730 [ int, int, int ] w2;
    1731 [ void ] f (int, int, int); /* three input parameters of type int */
    1732 [ void ] g ([ int, int, int ]); /* 3 element tuple as input */
    1733 f( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
    1734 f( w1, 3 );
    1735 f( 1, w1 );
    1736 f( w2 );
    1737 g( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
    1738 g( w1, 3 );
    1739 g( 1, w1 );
    1740 g( w2 );
    1741 \end{cfa}
    1742 Note, in all cases 3 arguments are supplied even though the syntax may appear to supply less than 3. As mentioned, a
    1743 tuple does not have structure like a record; a tuple is simply converted into a list of components.
    1744 \begin{rationale}
    1745 The present implementation of \CFA does not support nested routine calls when the inner routine returns multiple values; \ie a statement such as ©g( f() )© is not supported.
    1746 Using a temporary variable to store the  results of the inner routine and then passing this variable to the outer routine works, however.
    1747 \end{rationale}
    1749 A tuple can contain a C comma expression, provided the expression containing the comma operator is enclosed in parentheses.
    1750 For instance, the following tuples are equivalent:
    1751 \begin{cfa}
    1752 [ 1, 3, 5 ]
    1753 [ 1, (2, 3), 5 ]
    1754 \end{cfa}
    1755 The second element of the second tuple is the expression (2, 3), which yields the result 3.
    1756 This requirement is the same as for comma expressions in argument lists.
    1758 Type qualifiers, \ie const and volatile, may modify a tuple type.
    1759 The meaning is the same as for a type qualifier modifying an aggregate type [Int99, x,x 6.7.3(11)], \ie the qualifier is distributed across all of the types in the tuple, \eg:
    1760 \begin{cfa}
    1761 const volatile [ int, float, const int ] x;
    1762 \end{cfa}
    1763 is equivalent to:
    1764 \begin{cfa}
    1765 [ const volatile int, const volatile float, const volatile int ] x;
    1766 \end{cfa}
    1767 Declaration qualifiers can only appear at the start of a \CFA tuple declaration4, \eg:
    1768 \begin{cfa}
    1769 extern [ int, int ] w1;
    1770 static [ int, int, int ] w2;
    1771 \end{cfa}
    1772 \begin{rationale}
    1773 Unfortunately, C's syntax for subscripts precluded treating them as tuples.
    1774 The C subscript list has the form ©[i][j]...© and not ©[i, j, ...]©.
    1775 Therefore, there is no syntactic way for a routine returning multiple values to specify the different subscript values, \eg ©f[g()]© always means a single subscript value because there is only one set of brackets.
    1776 Fixing this requires a major change to C because the syntactic form ©M[i, j, k]© already has a particular meaning: ©i, j, k© is a comma expression.
    1777 \end{rationale}
    1780 \subsection{Tuple Coercions}
    1782 There are four coercions that can be performed on tuples and tuple variables: closing, opening, flattening and structuring.
    1783 In addition, the coercion of dereferencing can be performed on a tuple variable to yield its value(s), as for other variables.
    1784 A \newterm{closing coercion} takes a set of values and converts it into a tuple value, which is a contiguous set of values, as in:
    1785 \begin{cfa}
    1786 [ int, int, int, int ] w;
    1787 w = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
    1788 \end{cfa}
    1789 First the right-hand tuple is closed into a tuple value and then the tuple value is assigned.
    1791 An \newterm{opening coercion} is the opposite of closing; a tuple value is converted into a tuple of values, as in:
    1792 \begin{cfa}
    1793 [ a, b, c, d ] = w
    1794 \end{cfa}
    1795 ©w© is implicitly opened to yield a tuple of four values, which are then assigned individually.
    1797 A \newterm{flattening coercion} coerces a nested tuple, \ie a tuple with one or more components, which are themselves tuples, into a flattened tuple, which is a tuple whose components are not tuples, as in:
    1798 \begin{cfa}
    1799 [ a, b, c, d ] = [ 1, [ 2, 3 ], 4 ];
    1800 \end{cfa}
    1801 First the right-hand tuple is flattened and then the values are assigned individually.
    1802 Flattening is also performed on tuple types.
    1803 For example, the type ©[ int, [ int, int ], int ]© can be coerced, using flattening, into the type ©[ int, int, int, int ]©.
    1805 A \newterm{structuring coercion} is the opposite of flattening;
    1806 a tuple is structured into a more complex nested tuple.
    1807 For example, structuring the tuple ©[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]© into the tuple ©[ 1, [ 2, 3 ], 4 ]© or the tuple type ©[ int, int, int, int ]© into the tuple type ©[ int, [ int, int ], int ]©.
    1808 In the following example, the last assignment illustrates all the tuple coercions:
    1809 \begin{cfa}
    1810 [ int, int, int, int ] w = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
    1811 int x = 5;
    1812 [ x, w ] = [ w, x ];            §\C{// all four tuple coercions}§
    1813 \end{cfa}
    1814 Starting on the right-hand tuple in the last assignment statement, w is opened, producing a tuple of four values;
    1815 therefore, the right-hand tuple is now the tuple ©[ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], 5 ]©.
    1816 This tuple is then flattened, yielding ©[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]©, which is structured into ©[ 1, [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ]© to match the tuple type of the left-hand side.
    1817 The tuple ©[ 2, 3, 4, 5 ]© is then closed to create a tuple value.
    1818 Finally, ©x© is assigned ©1© and ©w© is assigned the tuple value using multiple assignment (see Section 14).
    1819 \begin{rationale}
    1820 A possible additional language extension is to use the structuring coercion for tuples to initialize a complex record with a tuple.
    1821 \end{rationale}
    1824 \section{Mass Assignment}
    1826 \CFA permits assignment to several variables at once using mass assignment~\cite{CLU}.
    1827 Mass assignment has the following form:
    1828 \begin{cfa}
    1829 [ §\emph{lvalue}§, ... , §\emph{lvalue}§ ] = §\emph{expr}§;
    1830 \end{cfa}
    1831 \index{lvalue}
    1832 The left-hand side is a tuple of \emph{lvalues}, which is a list of expressions each yielding an address, \ie any data object that can appear on the left-hand side of a conventional assignment statement.
    1833 ©$\emph{expr}$© is any standard arithmetic expression.
    1834 Clearly, the types of the entities being assigned must be type compatible with the value of the expression.
    1836 Mass assignment has parallel semantics, \eg the statement:
    1837 \begin{cfa}
    1838 [ x, y, z ] = 1.5;
    1839 \end{cfa}
    1840 is equivalent to:
    1841 \begin{cfa}
    1842 x = 1.5; y = 1.5; z = 1.5;
    1843 \end{cfa}
    1844 This semantics is not the same as the following in C:
    1845 \begin{cfa}
    1846 x = y = z = 1.5;
    1847 \end{cfa}
    1848 as conversions between intermediate assignments may lose information.
    1849 A more complex example is:
    1850 \begin{cfa}
    1851 [ i, y[i], z ] = a + b;
    1852 \end{cfa}
    1853 which is equivalent to:
    1854 \begin{cfa}
    1855 t = a + b;
    1856 a1 = &i; a2 = &y[i]; a3 = &z;
    1857 *a1 = t; *a2 = t; *a3 = t;
    1858 \end{cfa}
    1859 The temporary ©t© is necessary to store the value of the expression to eliminate conversion issues.
    1860 The temporaries for the addresses are needed so that locations on the left-hand side do not change as the values are assigned.
    1861 In this case, ©y[i]© uses the previous value of ©i© and not the new value set at the beginning of the mass assignment.
    1864 \section{Multiple Assignment}
    1866 \CFA also supports the assignment of several values at once, known as multiple assignment~\cite{CLU,Galletly96}.
    1867 Multiple assignment has the following form:
    1868 \begin{cfa}
    1869 [ §\emph{lvalue}§, ... , §\emph{lvalue}§ ] = [ §\emph{expr}§, ... , §\emph{expr}§ ];
    1870 \end{cfa}
    1871 \index{lvalue}
    1872 The left-hand side is a tuple of \emph{lvalues}, and the right-hand side is a tuple of \emph{expr}s.
    1873 Each \emph{expr} appearing on the right-hand side of a multiple assignment statement is assigned to the corresponding \emph{lvalues} on the left-hand side of the statement using parallel semantics for each assignment.
    1874 An example of multiple assignment is:
    1875 \begin{cfa}
    1876 [ x, y, z ] = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
    1877 \end{cfa}
    1878 Here, the values ©1©, ©2© and ©3© are assigned, respectively, to the variables ©x©, ©y© and ©z©.
    1879  A more complex example is:
    1880 \begin{cfa}
    1881 [ i, y[ i ], z ] = [ 1, i, a + b ];
    1882 \end{cfa}
    1883 Here, the values ©1©, ©i© and ©a + b© are assigned to the variables ©i©, ©y[i]© and ©z©, respectively.
    1884  Note, the parallel semantics of
    1885 multiple assignment ensures:
    1886 \begin{cfa}
    1887 [ x, y ] = [ y, x ];
    1888 \end{cfa}
    1889 correctly interchanges (swaps) the values stored in ©x© and ©y©.
    1890 The following cases are errors:
    1891 \begin{cfa}
    1892 [ a, b, c ] = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
    1893 [ a, b, c ] = [ 1, 2 ];
    1894 \end{cfa}
    1895 because the number of entities in the left-hand tuple is unequal with the right-hand tuple.
    1897 As for all tuple contexts in C, side effects should not be used because C does not define an ordering for the evaluation of the elements of a tuple;
    1898 both these examples produce indeterminate results:
    1899 \begin{cfa}
    1900 f( x++, x++ );                          §\C{// C routine call with side effects in arguments}§
    1901 [ v1, v2 ] = [ x++, x++ ];      §\C{// side effects in righthand side of multiple assignment}§
    1902 \end{cfa}
    1905 \section{Cascade Assignment}
    1907 As in C, \CFA mass and multiple assignments can be cascaded, producing cascade assignment.
    1908 Cascade assignment has the following form:
    1909 \begin{cfa}
    1910 §\emph{tuple}§ = §\emph{tuple}§ = ... = §\emph{tuple}§;
    1911 \end{cfa}
    1912 and it has the same parallel semantics as for mass and multiple assignment.
    1913 Some examples of cascade assignment are:
    1914 \begin{cfa}
    1915 x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0;
    1916 [ x1, y1 ] = [ x2, y2 ] = [ x3, y3 ];
    1917 [ x1, y1 ] = [ x2, y2 ] = 0;
    1918 [ x1, y1 ] = z = 0;
    1919 \end{cfa}
    1920 As in C, the rightmost assignment is performed first, \ie assignment parses right to left.
    1923 \section{Field Tuples}
    1925 Tuples may be used to select multiple fields of a record by field name.
    1926 Its general form is:
    1927 \begin{cfa}
    1928 §\emph{expr}§ . [ §\emph{fieldlist}§ ]
    1929 §\emph{expr}§ -> [ §\emph{fieldlist}§ ]
    1930 \end{cfa}
    1931 \emph{expr} is any expression yielding a value of type record, \eg ©struct©, ©union©.
    1932 Each element of \emph{ fieldlist} is an element of the record specified by \emph{expr}.
    1933 A record-field tuple may be used anywhere a tuple can be used. An example of the use of a record-field tuple is
    1934 the following:
    1935 \begin{cfa}
    1936 struct s {
    1937         int f1, f2;
    1938         char f3;
    1939         double f4;
    1940 } v;
    1941 v.[ f3, f1, f2 ] = ['x', 11, 17 ];      §\C{// equivalent to v.f3 = 'x', v.f1 = 11, v.f2 = 17}§
    1942 f( v.[ f3, f1, f2 ] );                          §\C{// equivalent to f( v.f3, v.f1, v.f2 )}§
    1943 \end{cfa}
    1944 Note, the fields appearing in a record-field tuple may be specified in any order;
    1945 also, it is unnecessary to specify all the fields of a struct in a multiple record-field tuple.
    1947 If a field of a ©struct© is itself another ©struct©, multiple fields of this subrecord can be specified using a nested record-field tuple, as in the following example:
    1948 \begin{cfa}
    1949 struct inner {
    1950         int f2, f3;
    1951 };
    1952 struct outer {
    1953         int f1;
    1954         struct inner i;
    1955         double f4;
    1956 } o;
    1958 o.[ f1, i.[ f2, f3 ], f4 ] = [ 11, 12, 13, 3.14159 ];
    1959 \end{cfa}
    2249780still works.
    2250781Nevertheless, reversing the default action would have a non-trivial effect on case actions that compound, such as the above example of processing shell arguments.
    2251 Therefore, to preserve backwards compatibility, it is necessary to introduce a new kind of ©switch© statement, called ©choose©, with no implicit fall-through semantics and an explicit fall-through if the last statement of a case-clause ends with the new keyword ©fallthrough©/©fallthru©, e.g.:
     782Therefore, to preserve backwards compatibility, it is necessary to introduce a new kind of ©switch© statement, called ©choose©, with no implicit fall-through semantics and an explicit fall-through if the last statement of a case-clause ends with the new keyword ©fallthrough©/©fallthru©, \eg:
    2253784®choose® ( i ) {
     930\subsection{Exception Hierarchy}
     932An exception type can be derived from another exception type, just like deriving a subclass from a class, providing a kind of polymorphism among exception types.
     933The exception-type hierarchy that is created is used to organize exception types, similar to a class hierarchy in object-oriented languages, \eg:
     937A programmer can then choose to handle an exception at different degrees of specificity along the hierarchy;
     938derived exception-types support a more flexible programming style.
     939For example, higher-level code should catch general exceptions to reduce coupling to the specific implementation at the lower levels;
     940unnecessary coupling may force changes in higher-level code when low-level code changes.
     941A consequence of derived exception-types is that multiple exceptions may match, \eg:
     943catch( Arithmetic )
     945matches all three derived exception-types: ©DivideByZero©, ©Overflow©, and ©Underflow©.
     946Because the propagation mechanisms perform a simple linear search of the handler clause for a guarded block, and selects the first matching handler, the order of catch clauses in the handler clause becomes important, \eg:
     948try {
     949        ...
     950} catch( Overflow ) {   // must appear first
     951        // handle overflow
     952} catch( Arithmetic )
     953        // handle other arithmetic issues
     956\newterm{Multiple derivation} among exception is not supported.
     962C declaration syntax is notoriously confusing and error prone.
     963For example, many C programmers are confused by a declaration as simple as:
     967int * x[5]
     973Is this an array of 5 pointers to integers or a \Index{pointer} to an array of 5 integers?
     974The fact this declaration is unclear to many C programmers means there are \Index{productivity} and \Index{safety} issues even for basic programs.
     975Another example of confusion results from the fact that a routine name and its parameters are embedded within the return type, mimicking the way the return value is used at the routine's call site.
     976For example, a routine returning a \Index{pointer} to an array of integers is defined and used in the following way:
     978int ®(*®f®())[®5®]® {...};                              §\C{definition}§
     979 ... ®(*®f®())[®3®]® += 1;                              §\C{usage}§
     981Essentially, the return type is wrapped around the routine name in successive layers (like an \Index{onion}).
     982While attempting to make the two contexts consistent is a laudable goal, it has not worked out in practice.
     984\CFA provides its own type, variable and routine declarations, using a different syntax.
     985The new declarations place qualifiers to the left of the base type, while C declarations place qualifiers to the right of the base type.
     986In the following example, \R{red} is the base type and \B{blue} is qualifiers.
     987The \CFA declarations move the qualifiers to the left of the base type, \ie move the blue to the left of the red, while the qualifiers have the same meaning but are ordered left to right to specify a variable's type.
     990\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
     992ß[5] *ß ®int® x1;
     993ß* [5]ß ®int® x2;
     994ß[* [5] int]ß f®( int p )®;
     998®int® ß*ß x1 ß[5]ß;
     999®int® ß(*ßx2ß)[5]ß;
     1000ßint (*ßf®( int p )®ß)[5]ß;
     1004The only exception is \Index{bit field} specification, which always appear to the right of the base type.
     1005% Specifically, the character ©*© is used to indicate a pointer, square brackets ©[©\,©]© are used to represent an array or function return value, and parentheses ©()© are used to indicate a routine parameter.
     1006However, unlike C, \CFA type declaration tokens are distributed across all variables in the declaration list.
     1007For instance, variables ©x© and ©y© of type \Index{pointer} to integer are defined in \CFA as follows:
     1010\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
     1012®*® int x, y;
     1016int ®*®x, ®*®y;
     1020The downside of this semantics is the need to separate regular and \Index{pointer} declarations:
     1023\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
     1025®*® int x;
     1026int y;
     1030int ®*®x, y;
     1035which is \Index{prescribing} a safety benefit.
     1036Other examples are:
     1039\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{2em}}}{\textbf{C}} \\
     1041[ 5 ] int z;
     1042[ 5 ] * char w;
     1043* [ 5 ] double v;
     1044struct s {
     1045        int f0:3;
     1046        * int f1;
     1047        [ 5 ] * int f2;
     1052int z[ 5 ];
     1053char * w[ 5 ];
     1054double (* v)[ 5 ];
     1055struct s {
     1056        int f0:3;
     1057        int * f1;
     1058        int * f2[ 5 ]
     1063// array of 5 integers
     1064// array of 5 pointers to char
     1065// pointer to array of 5 doubles
     1067// common bit field syntax
     1075All type qualifiers, \eg ©const©, ©volatile©, etc., are used in the normal way with the new declarations and also appear left to right, \eg:
     1078\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{1em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{1em}}}{\textbf{C}} \\
     1080const * const int x;
     1081const * [ 5 ] const int y;
     1085int const * const x;
     1086const int (* const y)[ 5 ]
     1090// const pointer to const integer
     1091// const pointer to array of 5 const integers
     1095All declaration qualifiers, \eg ©extern©, ©static©, etc., are used in the normal way with the new declarations but can only appear at the start of a \CFA routine declaration,\footnote{\label{StorageClassSpecifier}
     1096The placement of a storage-class specifier other than at the beginning of the declaration specifiers in a declaration is an obsolescent feature.~\cite[\S~6.11.5(1)]{C11}} \eg:
     1099\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{2em}}}{\textbf{C}} \\
     1101extern [ 5 ] int x;
     1102static * const int y;
     1106int extern x[ 5 ];
     1107const int static * y;
     1111// externally visible array of 5 integers
     1112// internally visible pointer to constant int
     1117The new declaration syntax can be used in other contexts where types are required, \eg casts and the pseudo-routine ©sizeof©:
     1120\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
     1122y = (®* int®)x;
     1123i = sizeof(®[ 5 ] * int®);
     1127y = (®int *®)x;
     1128i = sizeof(®int * [ 5 ]®);
     1133Finally, new \CFA declarations may appear together with C declarations in the same program block, but cannot be mixed within a specific declaration.
     1134Therefore, a programmer has the option of either continuing to use traditional C declarations or take advantage of the new style.
     1135Clearly, both styles need to be supported for some time due to existing C-style header-files, particularly for UNIX systems.
     1140C provides a \newterm{pointer type};
     1141\CFA adds a \newterm{reference type}.
     1142These types may be derived from an object or routine type, called the \newterm{referenced type}.
     1143Objects of these types contain an \newterm{address}, which is normally a location in memory, but may also address memory-mapped registers in hardware devices.
     1144An integer constant expression with the value 0, or such an expression cast to type ©void *©, is called a \newterm{null-pointer constant}.\footnote{
     1145One way to conceptualize the null pointer is that no variable is placed at this address, so the null-pointer address can be used to denote an uninitialized pointer/reference object;
     1146\ie the null pointer is guaranteed to compare unequal to a pointer to any object or routine.}
     1147An address is \newterm{sound}, if it points to a valid memory location in scope, \ie within the program's execution-environment and has not been freed.
     1148Dereferencing an \newterm{unsound} address, including the null pointer, is \Index{undefined}, often resulting in a \Index{memory fault}.
     1150A program \newterm{object} is a region of data storage in the execution environment, the contents of which can represent values.
     1151In most cases, objects are located in memory at an address, and the variable name for an object is an implicit address to the object generated by the compiler and automatically dereferenced, as in:
     1155int x;
     1156x = 3;
     1157int y;
     1158y = x;
     1164int * ®const® x = (int *)100
     1165*x = 3;                 // implicit dereference
     1166int * ®const® y = (int *)104;
     1167*y = *x;                // implicit dereference
     1171where the right example is how the compiler logically interprets the variables in the left example.
     1172Since a variable name only points to one address during its lifetime, it is an \Index{immutable} \Index{pointer};
     1173hence, the implicit type of pointer variables ©x© and ©y© are constant pointers in the compiler interpretation.
     1174In general, variable addresses are stored in instructions instead of loaded from memory, and hence may not occupy storage.
     1175These approaches are contrasted in the following:
     1178\multicolumn{1}{c|}{explicit variable address} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{implicit variable address} \\
     1181lda             r1,100                  // load address of x
     1182ld               r2,(r1)                  // load value of x
     1183lda             r3,104                  // load address of y
     1184st               r2,(r3)                  // store x into y
     1189ld              r2,(100)                // load value of x
     1191st              r2,(104)                // store x into y
     1195Finally, the immutable nature of a variable's address and the fact that there is no storage for the variable pointer means pointer assignment\index{pointer!assignment}\index{assignment!pointer} is impossible.
     1196Therefore, the expression ©x = y© has only one meaning, ©*x = *y©, \ie manipulate values, which is why explicitly writing the dereferences is unnecessary even though it occurs implicitly as part of \Index{instruction decoding}.
     1198A \Index{pointer}/\Index{reference} object is a generalization of an object variable-name, \ie a mutable address that can point to more than one memory location during its lifetime.
     1199(Similarly, an integer variable can contain multiple integer literals during its lifetime versus an integer constant representing a single literal during its lifetime, and like a variable name, may not occupy storage if the literal is embedded directly into instructions.)
     1200Hence, a pointer occupies memory to store its current address, and the pointer's value is loaded by dereferencing, \eg:
     1204int x, y, ®*® p1, ®*® p2, ®**® p3;
     1205p1 = ®&®x;               // p1 points to x
     1206p2 = p1;                 // p2 points to x
     1207p1 = ®&®y;               // p1 points to y
     1208p3 = &p2;               // p3 points to p2
     1215Notice, an address has a \Index{duality}\index{address!duality}: a location in memory or the value at that location.
     1216In many cases, a compiler might be able to infer the best meaning for these two cases.
     1217For example, \Index*{Algol68}~\cite{Algol68} infers pointer dereferencing to select the best meaning for each pointer usage
     1219p2 = p1 + x;                                    §\C{// compiler infers *p2 = *p1 + x;}§
     1221Algol68 infers the following dereferencing ©*p2 = *p1 + x©, because adding the arbitrary integer value in ©x© to the address of ©p1© and storing the resulting address into ©p2© is an unlikely operation.
     1222Unfortunately, automatic dereferencing does not work in all cases, and so some mechanism is necessary to fix incorrect choices.
     1224Rather than inferring dereference, most programming languages pick one implicit dereferencing semantics, and the programmer explicitly indicates the other to resolve address-duality.
     1225In C, objects of pointer type always manipulate the pointer object's address:
     1227p1 = p2;                                                §\C{// p1 = p2\ \ rather than\ \ *p1 = *p2}§
     1228p2 = p1 + x;                                    §\C{// p2 = p1 + x\ \ rather than\ \ *p2 = *p1 + x}§
     1230even though the assignment to ©p2© is likely incorrect, and the programmer probably meant:
     1232p1 = p2;                                                §\C{// pointer address assignment}§
     1233®*®p2 = ®*®p1 + x;                              §\C{// pointed-to value assignment / operation}§
     1235The C semantics work well for situations where manipulation of addresses is the primary meaning and data is rarely accessed, such as storage management (©malloc©/©free©).
     1237However, in most other situations, the pointed-to value is requested more often than the pointer address.
     1239*p2 = ((*p1 + *p2) * (**p3 - *p1)) / (**p3 - 15);
     1241In this case, it is tedious to explicitly write the dereferencing, and error prone when pointer arithmetic is allowed.
     1242It is better to have the compiler generate the dereferencing and have no implicit pointer arithmetic:
     1244p2 = ((p1 + p2) * (p3 - p1)) / (p3 - 15);
     1247To support this common case, a reference type is introduced in \CFA, denoted by ©&©, which is the opposite dereference semantics to a pointer type, making the value at the pointed-to location the implicit semantics for dereferencing (similar but not the same as \CC \Index{reference type}s).
     1249int x, y, ®&® r1, ®&® r2, ®&&® r3;
     1250®&®r1 = &x;                                             §\C{// r1 points to x}§
     1251®&®r2 = &r1;                                    §\C{// r2 points to x}§
     1252®&®r1 = &y;                                             §\C{// r1 points to y}§
     1253®&&®r3 = ®&®&r2;                                §\C{// r3 points to r2}§
     1254r2 = ((r1 + r2) * (r3 - r1)) / (r3 - 15); §\C{// implicit dereferencing}§
     1256Except for auto-dereferencing by the compiler, this reference example is the same as the previous pointer example.
     1257Hence, a reference behaves like the variable name for the current variable it is pointing-to.
     1258One way to conceptualize a reference is via a rewrite rule, where the compiler inserts a dereference operator before the reference variable for each reference qualifier in a declaration, so the previous example becomes:
     1260®*®r2 = ((®*®r1 + ®*®r2) ®*® (®**®r3 - ®*®r1)) / (®**®r3 - 15);
     1262When a reference operation appears beside a dereference operation, \eg ©&*©, they cancel out.
     1263However, in C, the cancellation always yields a value (\Index{rvalue}).\footnote{
     1264The unary ©&© operator yields the address of its operand.
     1265If the operand has type ``type'', the result has type ``pointer to type''.
     1266If the operand is the result of a unary ©*© operator, neither that operator nor the ©&© operator is evaluated and the result is as if both were omitted, except that the constraints on the operators still apply and the result is not an lvalue.~\cite[\S~]{C11}}
     1267For a \CFA reference type, the cancellation on the left-hand side of assignment leaves the reference as an address (\Index{lvalue}):
     1269(&®*®)r1 = &x;                                  §\C{// (\&*) cancel giving address in r1 not variable pointed-to by r1}§
     1271Similarly, the address of a reference can be obtained for assignment or computation (\Index{rvalue}):
     1273(&(&®*®)®*®)r3 = &(&®*®)r2;             §\C{// (\&*) cancel giving address in r2, (\&(\&*)*) cancel giving address in r3}§
     1275Cancellation\index{cancellation!pointer/reference}\index{pointer!cancellation} works to arbitrary depth.
     1277Fundamentally, pointer and reference objects are functionally interchangeable because both contain addresses.
     1279int x, *p1 = &x, **p2 = &p1, ***p3 = &p2,
     1280                 &r1 = x,    &&r2 = r1,   &&&r3 = r2;
     1281***p3 = 3;                                              §\C{// change x}§
     1282r3 = 3;                                                 §\C{// change x, ***r3}§
     1283**p3 = ...;                                             §\C{// change p1}§
     1284&r3 = ...;                                              §\C{// change r1, (\&*)**r3, 1 cancellation}§
     1285*p3 = ...;                                              §\C{// change p2}§
     1286&&r3 = ...;                                             §\C{// change r2, (\&(\&*)*)*r3, 2 cancellations}§
     1287&&&r3 = p3;                                             §\C{// change r3 to p3, (\&(\&(\&*)*)*)r3, 3 cancellations}§
     1289Furthermore, both types are equally performant, as the same amount of dereferencing occurs for both types.
     1290Therefore, the choice between them is based solely on whether the address is dereferenced frequently or infrequently, which dictates the amount of implicit dereferencing aid from the compiler.
     1292As for a pointer type, a reference type may have qualifiers:
     1294const int cx = 5;                                       §\C{// cannot change cx;}§
     1295const int & cr = cx;                            §\C{// cannot change what cr points to}§
     1296®&®cr = &cx;                                            §\C{// can change cr}§
     1297cr = 7;                                                         §\C{// error, cannot change cx}§
     1298int & const rc = x;                                     §\C{// must be initialized}§
     1299®&®rc = &x;                                                     §\C{// error, cannot change rc}§
     1300const int & const crc = cx;                     §\C{// must be initialized}§
     1301crc = 7;                                                        §\C{// error, cannot change cx}§
     1302®&®crc = &cx;                                           §\C{// error, cannot change crc}§
     1304Hence, for type ©& const©, there is no pointer assignment, so ©&rc = &x© is disallowed, and \emph{the address value cannot be the null pointer unless an arbitrary pointer is coerced\index{coercion} into the reference}:
     1306int & const cr = *0;                            §\C{// where 0 is the int * zero}§
     1308Note, constant reference-types do not prevent \Index{addressing errors} because of explicit storage-management:
     1310int & const cr = *malloc();
     1311cr = 5;
     1312free( &cr );
     1313cr = 7;                                                         §\C{// unsound pointer dereference}§
     1316The position of the ©const© qualifier \emph{after} the pointer/reference qualifier causes confuse for C programmers.
     1317The ©const© qualifier cannot be moved before the pointer/reference qualifier for C style-declarations;
     1318\CFA-style declarations (see \VRef{s:Declarations}) attempt to address this issue:
     1321\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
     1323®const® * ®const® * const int ccp;
     1324®const® & ®const® & const int ccr;
     1328const int * ®const® * ®const® ccp;
     1333where the \CFA declaration is read left-to-right.
     1335Finally, like pointers, references are usable and composable with other type operators and generators.
     1337int w, x, y, z, & ar[3] = { x, y, z }; §\C{// initialize array of references}§
     1338&ar[1] = &w;                                            §\C{// change reference array element}§
     1339typeof( ar[1] ) p;                                      §\C{// (gcc) is int, i.e., the type of referenced object}§
     1340typeof( &ar[1] ) q;                                     §\C{// (gcc) is int \&, i.e., the type of reference}§
     1341sizeof( ar[1] ) == sizeof( int );       §\C{// is true, i.e., the size of referenced object}§
     1342sizeof( &ar[1] ) == sizeof( int *)      §\C{// is true, i.e., the size of a reference}§
     1345In contrast to \CFA reference types, \Index*[C++]{\CC{}}'s reference types are all ©const© references, preventing changes to the reference address, so only value assignment is possible, which eliminates half of the \Index{address duality}.
     1346Also, \CC does not allow \Index{array}s\index{array!reference} of reference\footnote{
     1347The reason for disallowing arrays of reference is unknown, but possibly comes from references being ethereal (like a textual macro), and hence, replaceable by the referant object.}
     1348\Index*{Java}'s reference types to objects (all Java objects are on the heap) are like C pointers, which always manipulate the address, and there is no (bit-wise) object assignment, so objects are explicitly cloned by shallow or deep copying, which eliminates half of the address duality.
     1353\Index{Initialization} is different than \Index{assignment} because initialization occurs on the empty (uninitialized) storage on an object, while assignment occurs on possibly initialized storage of an object.
     1354There are three initialization contexts in \CFA: declaration initialization, argument/parameter binding, return/temporary binding.
     1355Because the object being initialized has no value, there is only one meaningful semantics with respect to address duality: it must mean address as there is no pointed-to value.
     1356In contrast, the left-hand side of assignment has an address that has a duality.
     1357Therefore, for pointer/reference initialization, the initializing value must be an address not a value.
     1359int * p = &x;                                           §\C{// assign address of x}§
     1360®int * p = x;®                                          §\C{// assign value of x}§
     1361int & r = x;                                            §\C{// must have address of x}§
     1363Like the previous example with C pointer-arithmetic, it is unlikely assigning the value of ©x© into a pointer is meaningful (again, a warning is usually given).
     1364Therefore, for safety, this context requires an address, so it is superfluous to require explicitly taking the address of the initialization object, even though the type is incorrect.
     1365Note, this is strictly a convenience and safety feature for a programmer.
     1366Hence, \CFA allows ©r© to be assigned ©x© because it infers a reference for ©x©, by implicitly inserting a address-of operator, ©&©, and it is an error to put an ©&© because the types no longer match due to the implicit dereference.
     1367Unfortunately, C allows ©p© to be assigned with ©&x© (address) or ©x© (value), but most compilers warn about the latter assignment as being potentially incorrect.
     1368Similarly, when a reference type is used for a parameter/return type, the call-site argument does not require a reference operator for the same reason.
     1370int & f( int & r );                                     §\C{// reference parameter and return}§
     1371z = f( x ) + f( y );                            §\C{// reference operator added, temporaries needed for call results}§
     1373Within routine ©f©, it is possible to change the argument by changing the corresponding parameter, and parameter ©r© can be locally reassigned within ©f©.
     1374Since operator routine ©?+?© takes its arguments by value, the references returned from ©f© are used to initialize compiler generated temporaries with value semantics that copy from the references.
     1376int temp1 = f( x ), temp2 = f( y );
     1377z = temp1 + temp2;
     1379This \Index{implicit referencing} is crucial for reducing the syntactic burden for programmers when using references;
     1380otherwise references have the same syntactic  burden as pointers in these contexts.
     1382When a pointer/reference parameter has a ©const© value (immutable), it is possible to pass literals and expressions.
     1384void f( ®const® int & cr );
     1385void g( ®const® int * cp );
     1386f( 3 );                   g( ®&®3 );
     1387f( x + y );             g( ®&®(x + y) );
     1389Here, the compiler passes the address to the literal 3 or the temporary for the expression ©x + y©, knowing the argument cannot be changed through the parameter.
     1390The ©&© before the constant/expression for the pointer-type parameter (©g©) is a \CFA extension necessary to type match and is a common requirement before a variable in C (\eg ©scanf©).
     1391Importantly, ©&3© may not be equal to ©&3©, where the references occur across calls because the temporaries maybe different on each call.
     1393\CFA \emph{extends} this semantics to a mutable pointer/reference parameter, and the compiler implicitly creates the necessary temporary (copying the argument), which is subsequently pointed-to by the reference parameter and can be changed.\footnote{
     1394If whole program analysis is possible, and shows the parameter is not assigned, \ie it is ©const©, the temporary is unnecessary.}
     1396void f( int & r );
     1397void g( int * p );
     1398f( 3 );                   g( ®&®3 );            §\C{// compiler implicit generates temporaries}§
     1399f( x + y );             g( ®&®(x + y) );        §\C{// compiler implicit generates temporaries}§
     1401Essentially, there is an implicit \Index{rvalue} to \Index{lvalue} conversion in this case.\footnote{
     1402This conversion attempts to address the \newterm{const hell} problem, when the innocent addition of a ©const© qualifier causes a cascade of type failures, requiring an unknown number of additional ©const© qualifiers, until it is discovered a ©const© qualifier cannot be added and all the ©const© qualifiers must be removed.}
     1403The implicit conversion allows seamless calls to any routine without having to explicitly name/copy the literal/expression to allow the call.
     1405%\CFA attempts to handle pointers and references in a uniform, symmetric manner.
     1406Finally, C handles \Index{routine object}s in an inconsistent way.
     1407A routine object is both a pointer and a reference (\Index{particle and wave}).
     1409void f( int i );
     1410void (*fp)( int );                                      §\C{// routine pointer}§
     1411fp = f;                                                         §\C{// reference initialization}§
     1412fp = &f;                                                        §\C{// pointer initialization}§
     1413fp = *f;                                                        §\C{// reference initialization}§
     1414fp(3);                                                          §\C{// reference invocation}§
     1415(*fp)(3);                                                       §\C{// pointer invocation}§
     1417While C's treatment of routine objects has similarity to inferring a reference type in initialization contexts, the examples are assignment not initialization, and all possible forms of assignment are possible (©f©, ©&f©, ©*f©) without regard for type.
     1418Instead, a routine object should be referenced by a ©const© reference:
     1420®const® void (®&® fr)( int ) = f;       §\C{// routine reference}§
     1421fr = ...                                                        §\C{// error, cannot change code}§
     1422&fr = ...;                                                      §\C{// changing routine reference}§
     1423fr( 3 );                                                        §\C{// reference call to f}§
     1424(*fr)(3);                                                       §\C{// error, incorrect type}§
     1426because the value of the routine object is a routine literal, \ie the routine code is normally immutable during execution.\footnote{
     1427Dynamic code rewriting is possible but only in special circumstances.}
     1428\CFA allows this additional use of references for routine objects in an attempt to give a more consistent meaning for them.
     1431\subsection{Address-of Semantics}
     1433In C, ©&E© is an rvalue for any expression ©E©.
     1434\CFA extends the ©&© (address-of) operator as follows:
     1437if ©R© is an \Index{rvalue} of type ©T &$_1$...&$_r$© where $r \ge 1$ references (©&© symbols) than ©&R© has type ©T ®*®&$_{\color{red}2}$...&$_{\color{red}r}$©, \ie ©T© pointer with $r-1$ references (©&© symbols).
     1440if ©L© is an \Index{lvalue} of type ©T &$_1$...&$_l$© where $l \ge 0$ references (©&© symbols) then ©&L© has type ©T ®*®&$_{\color{red}1}$...&$_{\color{red}l}$©, \ie ©T© pointer with $l$ references (©&© symbols).
     1442The following example shows the first rule applied to different \Index{rvalue} contexts:
     1444int x, * px, ** ppx, *** pppx, **** ppppx;
     1445int & rx = x, && rrx = rx, &&& rrrx = rrx ;
     1446x = rrrx;               // rrrx is an lvalue with type int &&& (equivalent to x)
     1447px = &rrrx;             // starting from rrrx, &rrrx is an rvalue with type int *&&& (&x)
     1448ppx = &&rrrx;   // starting from &rrrx, &&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **&& (&rx)
     1449pppx = &&&rrrx; // starting from &&rrrx, &&&rrrx is an rvalue with type int ***& (&rrx)
     1450ppppx = &&&&rrrx; // starting from &&&rrrx, &&&&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **** (&rrrx)
     1452The following example shows the second rule applied to different \Index{lvalue} contexts:
     1454int x, * px, ** ppx, *** pppx;
     1455int & rx = x, && rrx = rx, &&& rrrx = rrx ;
     1456rrrx = 2;               // rrrx is an lvalue with type int &&& (equivalent to x)
     1457&rrrx = px;             // starting from rrrx, &rrrx is an rvalue with type int *&&& (rx)
     1458&&rrrx = ppx;   // starting from &rrrx, &&rrrx is an rvalue with type int **&& (rrx)
     1459&&&rrrx = pppx; // starting from &&rrrx, &&&rrrx is an rvalue with type int ***& (rrrx)
     1465C provides a basic implicit conversion to simplify variable usage:
     1469lvalue to rvalue conversion: ©cv T© converts to ©T©, which allows implicit variable dereferencing.
     1471int x;
     1472x + 1;                  // lvalue variable (int) converts to rvalue for expression
     1474An rvalue has no type qualifiers (©cv©), so the lvalue qualifiers are dropped.
     1476\CFA provides three new implicit conversion for reference types to simplify reference usage.
     1479reference to rvalue conversion: ©cv T &© converts to ©T©, which allows implicit reference dereferencing.
     1481int x, &r = x, f( int p );
     1482x = ®r® + f( ®r® );  // lvalue reference converts to rvalue
     1484An rvalue has no type qualifiers (©cv©), so the reference qualifiers are dropped.
     1487lvalue to reference conversion: \lstinline[deletekeywords={lvalue}]@lvalue-type cv1 T@ converts to ©cv2 T &©, which allows implicitly converting variables to references.
     1489int x, &r = ®x®, f( int & p ); // lvalue variable (int) convert to reference (int &)
     1490f( ®x® );               // lvalue variable (int) convert to reference (int &)
     1492Conversion can restrict a type, where ©cv1© $\le$ ©cv2©, \eg passing an ©int© to a ©const volatile int &©, which has low cost.
     1493Conversion can expand a type, where ©cv1© $>$ ©cv2©, \eg passing a ©const volatile int© to an ©int &©, which has high cost (\Index{warning});
     1494furthermore, if ©cv1© has ©const© but not ©cv2©, a temporary variable is created to preserve the immutable lvalue.
     1497rvalue to reference conversion: ©T© converts to ©cv T &©, which allows binding references to temporaries.
     1499int x, & f( int & p );
     1500f( ®x + 3® );   // rvalue parameter (int) implicitly converts to lvalue temporary reference (int &)
     1501®&f®(...) = &x; // rvalue result (int &) implicitly converts to lvalue temporary reference (int &)
     1503In both case, modifications to the temporary are inaccessible (\Index{warning}).
     1504Conversion expands the temporary-type with ©cv©, which is low cost since the temporary is inaccessible.
     1509From: Richard Bilson <>
     1510Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 01:58:58 +0000
     1511Subject: Re: pointers / references
     1512To: "Peter A. Buhr" <>
     1514As a general comment I would say that I found the section confusing, as you move back and forth
     1515between various real and imagined programming languages. If it were me I would rewrite into two
     1516subsections, one that specifies precisely the syntax and semantics of reference variables and
     1517another that provides the rationale.
     1519I don't see any obvious problems with the syntax or semantics so far as I understand them. It's not
     1520obvious that the description you're giving is complete, but I'm sure you'll find the special cases
     1521as you do the implementation.
     1523My big gripes are mostly that you're not being as precise as you need to be in your terminology, and
     1524that you say a few things that aren't actually true even though I generally know what you mean.
     152620 C provides a pointer type; CFA adds a reference type. Both types contain an address, which is normally a
     152721 location in memory.
     1529An address is not a location in memory; an address refers to a location in memory. Furthermore it
     1530seems weird to me to say that a type "contains" an address; rather, objects of that type do.
     153221 Special addresses are used to denote certain states or access co-processor memory. By
     153322 convention, no variable is placed at address 0, so addresses like 0, 1, 2, 3 are often used to denote no-value
     153423 or other special states.
     1536This isn't standard C at all. There has to be one null pointer representation, but it doesn't have
     1537to be a literal zero representation and there doesn't have to be more than one such representation.
     153923 Often dereferencing a special state causes a memory fault, so checking is necessary
     154024 during execution.
     1542I don't see the connection between the two clauses here. I feel like if a bad pointer will not cause
     1543a memory fault then I need to do more checking, not less.
     154524 If the programming language assigns addresses, a program's execution is sound, \ie all
     154625 addresses are to valid memory locations.
     1548You haven't said what it means to "assign" an address, but if I use my intuitive understanding of
     1549the term I don't see how this can be true unless you're assuming automatic storage management.
     15511 Program variables are implicit pointers to memory locations generated by the compiler and automatically
     15522 dereferenced, as in:
     1554There is no reason why a variable needs to have a location in memory, and indeed in a typical
     1555program many variables will not. In standard terminology an object identifier refers to data in the
     1556execution environment, but not necessarily in memory.
     155813 A pointer/reference is a generalization of a variable name, \ie a mutable address that can point to more
     155914 than one memory location during its lifetime.
     1561I feel like you're off the reservation here. In my world there are objects of pointer type, which
     1562seem to be what you're describing here, but also pointer values, which can be stored in an object of
     1563pointer type but don't necessarily have to be. For example, how would you describe the value denoted
     1564by "&main" in a C program? I would call it a (function) pointer, but that doesn't satisfy your
     156716 not occupy storage as the literal is embedded directly into instructions.) Hence, a pointer occupies memory
     156817 to store its current address, and the pointer's value is loaded by dereferencing, \eg:
     1570As with my general objection regarding your definition of variables, there is no reason why a
     1571pointer variable (object of pointer type) needs to occupy memory.
     157321 p2 = p1 + x; // compiler infers *p2 = *p1 + x;
     1575What language are we in now?
     157724 pointer usage. However, in C, the following cases are ambiguous, especially with pointer arithmetic:
     157825 p1 = p2; // p1 = p2 or *p1 = *p2
     1580This isn't ambiguous. it's defined to be the first option.
     158226 p1 = p1 + 1; // p1 = p1 + 1 or *p1 = *p1 + 1
     1584Again, this statement is not ambiguous.
     158613 example. Hence, a reference behaves like the variable name for the current variable it is pointing-to. The
     158714 simplest way to understand a reference is to imagine the compiler inserting a dereference operator before
     158815 the reference variable for each reference qualifier in a declaration, \eg:
     1590It's hard for me to understand who the audience for this part is. I think a practical programmer is
     1591likely to be satisfied with "a reference behaves like the variable name for the current variable it
     1592is pointing-to," maybe with some examples. Your "simplest way" doesn't strike me as simpler than
     1593that. It feels like you're trying to provide a more precise definition for the semantics of
     1594references, but it isn't actually precise enough to be a formal specification. If you want to
     1595express the semantics of references using rewrite rules that's a great way to do it, but lay the
     1596rules out clearly, and when you're showing an example of rewriting keep your
     1597references/pointers/values separate (right now, you use \eg "r3" to mean a reference, a pointer,
     1598and a value).
     160024 Cancellation works to arbitrary depth, and pointer and reference values are interchangeable because both
     160125 contain addresses.
     1603Except they're not interchangeable, because they have different and incompatible types.
     160540 Interestingly, C++ deals with the address duality by making the pointed-to value the default, and prevent-
     160641 ing changes to the reference address, which eliminates half of the duality. Java deals with the address duality
     160742 by making address assignment the default and requiring field assignment (direct or indirect via methods),
     160843 \ie there is no builtin bit-wise or method-wise assignment, which eliminates half of the duality.
     1610I can follow this but I think that's mostly because I already understand what you're trying to
     1611say. I don't think I've ever heard the term "method-wise assignment" and I don't see you defining
     1612it. Furthermore Java does have value assignment of basic (non-class) types, so your summary here
     1613feels incomplete. (If it were me I'd drop this paragraph rather than try to save it.)
     161511 Hence, for type & const, there is no pointer assignment, so &rc = &x is disallowed, and the address value
     161612 cannot be 0 unless an arbitrary pointer is assigned to the reference.
     1618Given the pains you've taken to motivate every little bit of the semantics up until now, this last
     1619clause ("the address value cannot be 0") comes out of the blue. It seems like you could have
     1620perfectly reasonable semantics that allowed the initialization of null references.
     162212 In effect, the compiler is managing the
     162313 addresses for type & const not the programmer, and by a programming discipline of only using references
     162414 with references, address errors can be prevented.
     1626Again, is this assuming automatic storage management?
     162818 rary binding. For reference initialization (like pointer), the initializing value must be an address (lvalue) not
     162919 a value (rvalue).
     1631This sentence appears to suggest that an address and an lvalue are the same thing.
     163320 int * p = &x; // both &x and x are possible interpretations
     1635Are you saying that we should be considering "x" as a possible interpretation of the initializer
     1636"&x"? It seems to me that this expression has only one legitimate interpretation in context.
     163821 int & r = x; // x unlikely interpretation, because of auto-dereferencing
     1640You mean, we can initialize a reference using an integer value? Surely we would need some sort of
     1641cast to induce that interpretation, no?
     164322 Hence, the compiler implicitly inserts a reference operator, &, before the initialization expression.
     1645But then the expression would have pointer type, which wouldn't be compatible with the type of r.
     164722 Similarly,
     164823 when a reference is used for a parameter/return type, the call-site argument does not require a reference
     164924 operator.
     1651Furthermore, it would not be correct to use a reference operator.
     165345 The implicit conversion allows
     16541 seamless calls to any routine without having to explicitly name/copy the literal/expression to allow the call.
     16552 While C' attempts to handle pointers and references in a uniform, symmetric manner, C handles routine
     16563 variables in an inconsistent way: a routine variable is both a pointer and a reference (particle and wave).
     1658After all this talk of how expressions can have both pointer and value interpretations, you're
     1659disparaging C because it has expressions that have both pointer and value interpretations?
     1661On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 4:18 PM Peter A. Buhr <> wrote:
     1662> Aaron discovered a few places where "&"s are missing and where there are too many "&", which are
     1663> corrected in the attached updated. None of the text has changed, if you have started reading
     1664> already.
     1668\section{Routine Definition}
     1670\CFA also supports a new syntax for routine definition, as well as \Celeven and K\&R routine syntax.
     1671The point of the new syntax is to allow returning multiple values from a routine~\cite{Galletly96,CLU}, \eg:
     1673®[ int o1, int o2, char o3 ]® f( int i1, char i2, char i3 ) {
     1674        §\emph{routine body}§
     1677where routine ©f© has three output (return values) and three input parameters.
     1678Existing C syntax cannot be extended with multiple return types because it is impossible to embed a single routine name within multiple return type specifications.
     1680In detail, the brackets, ©[]©, enclose the result type, where each return value is named and that name is a local variable of the particular return type.\footnote{
     1681\Index*{Michael Tiemann}, with help from \Index*{Doug Lea}, provided named return values in g++, circa 1989.}
     1682The value of each local return variable is automatically returned at routine termination.
     1683Declaration qualifiers can only appear at the start of a routine definition, \eg:
     1685®extern® [ int x ] g( int y ) {§\,§}
     1687Lastly, if there are no output parameters or input parameters, the brackets and/or parentheses must still be specified;
     1688in both cases the type is assumed to be void as opposed to old style C defaults of int return type and unknown parameter types, respectively, as in:
     1690[§\,§] g();                                                     §\C{// no input or output parameters}§
     1691[ void ] g( void );                                     §\C{// no input or output parameters}§
     1694Routine f is called as follows:
     1696[ i, j, ch ] = f( 3, 'a', ch );
     1698The list of return values from f and the grouping on the left-hand side of the assignment is called a \newterm{return list} and discussed in Section 12.
     1700\CFA style declarations cannot be used to declare parameters for K\&R style routine definitions because of the following ambiguity:
     1702int (*f(x))[ 5 ] int x; {}
     1704The string ``©int (*f(x))[ 5 ]©'' declares a K\&R style routine of type returning a pointer to an array of 5 integers, while the string ``©[ 5 ] int x©'' declares a \CFA style parameter x of type array of 5 integers.
     1705Since the strings overlap starting with the open bracket, ©[©, there is an ambiguous interpretation for the string.
     1706As well, \CFA-style declarations cannot be used to declare parameters for C-style routine-definitions because of the following ambiguity:
     1708typedef int foo;
     1709int f( int (* foo) );                           §\C{// foo is redefined as a parameter name}§
     1711The string ``©int (* foo)©'' declares a C-style named-parameter of type pointer to an integer (the parenthesis are superfluous), while the same string declares a \CFA style unnamed parameter of type routine returning integer with unnamed parameter of type pointer to foo.
     1712The redefinition of a type name in a parameter list is the only context in C where the character ©*© can appear to the left of a type name, and \CFA relies on all type qualifier characters appearing to the right of the type name.
     1713The inability to use \CFA declarations in these two contexts is probably a blessing because it precludes programmers from arbitrarily switching between declarations forms within a declaration contexts.
     1715C-style declarations can be used to declare parameters for \CFA style routine definitions, \eg:
     1717[ int ] f( * int, int * );                      §\C{// returns an integer, accepts 2 pointers to integers}§
     1718[ * int, int * ] f( int );                      §\C{// returns 2 pointers to integers, accepts an integer}§
     1720The reason for allowing both declaration styles in the new context is for backwards compatibility with existing preprocessor macros that generate C-style declaration-syntax, as in:
     1722#define ptoa( n, d ) int (*n)[ d ]
     1723int f( ptoa( p, 5 ) ) ...                       §\C{// expands to int f( int (*p)[ 5 ] )}§
     1724[ int ] f( ptoa( p, 5 ) ) ...           §\C{// expands to [ int ] f( int (*p)[ 5 ] )}§
     1726Again, programmers are highly encouraged to use one declaration form or the other, rather than mixing the forms.
     1729\subsection{Named Return Values}
     1731\Index{Named return values} handle the case where it is necessary to define a local variable whose value is then returned in a ©return© statement, as in:
     1733int f() {
     1734        int x;
     1735        ... x = 0; ... x = y; ...
     1736        return x;
     1739Because the value in the return variable is automatically returned when a \CFA routine terminates, the ©return© statement \emph{does not} contain an expression, as in:
     1743®[ int x, int y ]® f() {
     1744        int z;
     1745        ... x = 0; ... y = z; ...
     1746        ®return;®                                                       §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
     1751When the return is encountered, the current values of ©x© and ©y© are returned to the calling routine.
     1752As well, ``falling off the end'' of a routine without a ©return© statement is permitted, as in:
     1754[ int x, int y ] f() {
     1755        ...
     1756}                                                                               §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
     1758In this case, the current values of ©x© and ©y© are returned to the calling routine just as if a ©return© had been encountered.
     1760Named return values may be used in conjunction with named parameter values;
     1761specifically, a return and parameter can have the same name.
     1763[ int x, int y ] f( int, x, int y ) {
     1764        ...
     1765}                                                                               §\C{// implicitly return x, y}§
     1767This notation allows the compiler to eliminate temporary variables in nested routine calls.
     1769[ int x, int y ] f( int, x, int y );    §\C{// prototype declaration}§
     1770int a, b;
     1771[a, b] = f( f( f( a, b ) ) );
     1773While the compiler normally ignores parameters names in prototype declarations, here they are used to eliminate temporary return-values by inferring that the results of each call are the inputs of the next call, and ultimately, the left-hand side of the assignment.
     1774Hence, even without the body of routine ©f© (separate compilation), it is possible to perform a global optimization across routine calls.
     1775The compiler warns about naming inconsistencies between routine prototype and definition in this case, and behaviour is \Index{undefined} if the programmer is inconsistent.
     1778\subsection{Routine Prototype}
     1780The syntax of the new routine prototype declaration follows directly from the new routine definition syntax;
     1781as well, parameter names are optional, \eg:
     1783[ int x ] f ();                                                 §\C{// returning int with no parameters}§
     1784[ * int ] g (int y);                                    §\C{// returning pointer to int with int parameter}§
     1785[ ] h ( int, char );                                    §\C{// returning no result with int and char parameters}§
     1786[ * int, int ] j ( int );                               §\C{// returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}§
     1788This syntax allows a prototype declaration to be created by cutting and pasting source text from the routine definition header (or vice versa).
     1789It is possible to declare multiple routine-prototypes in a single declaration, but the entire type specification is distributed across \emph{all} routine names in the declaration list (see~\VRef{s:Declarations}), \eg:
     1792\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}        & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}}        \\
     1794[ int ] f( int ), g;
     1798int f( int ), g( int );
     1802Declaration qualifiers can only appear at the start of a \CFA routine declaration,\footref{StorageClassSpecifier} \eg:
     1804extern [ int ] f ( int );
     1805static [ int ] g ( int );
     1809\section{Routine Pointers}
     1811The syntax for pointers to \CFA routines specifies the pointer name on the right, \eg:
     1813* [ int x ] () fp;                                              §\C{// pointer to routine returning int with no parameters}§
     1814* [ * int ] (int y) gp;                                 §\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int with int parameter}§
     1815* [ ] (int,char) hp;                                    §\C{// pointer to routine returning no result with int and char parameters}§
     1816* [ * int,int ] ( int ) jp;                             §\C{// pointer to routine returning pointer to int and int, with int parameter}§
     1818While parameter names are optional, \emph{a routine name cannot be specified};
     1819for example, the following is incorrect:
     1821* [ int x ] f () fp;                                    §\C{// routine name "f" is not allowed}§
     1825\section{Named and Default Arguments}
     1827Named\index{named arguments}\index{arguments!named} and default\index{default arguments}\index{arguments!default} arguments~\cite{Hardgrave76}\footnote{
     1828Francez~\cite{Francez77} proposed a further extension to the named-parameter passing style, which specifies what type of communication (by value, by reference, by name) the argument is passed to the routine.}
     1829are two mechanisms to simplify routine call.
     1830Both mechanisms are discussed with respect to \CFA.
     1832\item[Named (or Keyword) Arguments:]
     1833provide the ability to specify an argument to a routine call using the parameter name rather than the position of the parameter.
     1834For example, given the routine:
     1836void p( int x, int y, int z ) {...}
     1838a positional call is:
     1840p( 4, 7, 3 );
     1842whereas a named (keyword) call may be:
     1844p( z : 3, x : 4, y : 7 );       §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 7, 3 )}§
     1846Here the order of the arguments is unimportant, and the names of the parameters are used to associate argument values with the corresponding parameters.
     1847The compiler rewrites a named call into a positional call.
     1848The advantages of named parameters are:
     1851Remembering the names of the parameters may be easier than the order in the routine definition.
     1853Parameter names provide documentation at the call site (assuming the names are descriptive).
     1855Changes can be made to the order or number of parameters without affecting the call (although the call must still be recompiled).
     1858Unfortunately, named arguments do not work in C-style programming-languages because a routine prototype is not required to specify parameter names, nor do the names in the prototype have to match with the actual definition.
     1859For example, the following routine prototypes and definition are all valid.
     1861void p( int, int, int );                        §\C{// equivalent prototypes}§
     1862void p( int x, int y, int z );
     1863void p( int y, int x, int z );
     1864void p( int z, int y, int x );
     1865void p( int q, int r, int s ) {}        §\C{// match with this definition}§
     1867Forcing matching parameter names in routine prototypes with corresponding routine definitions is possible, but goes against a strong tradition in C programming.
     1868Alternatively, prototype definitions can be eliminated by using a two-pass compilation, and implicitly creating header files for exports.
     1869The former is easy to do, while the latter is more complex.
     1871Furthermore, named arguments do not work well in a \CFA-style programming-languages because they potentially introduces a new criteria for type matching.
     1872For example, it is technically possible to disambiguate between these two overloaded definitions of ©f© based on named arguments at the call site:
     1874int f( int i, int j );
     1875int f( int x, double y );
     1877f( j : 3, i : 4 );                              §\C{// 1st f}§
     1878f( x : 7, y : 8.1 );                    §\C{// 2nd f}§
     1879f( 4, 5 );                                              §\C{// ambiguous call}§
     1881However, named arguments compound routine resolution in conjunction with conversions:
     1883f( i : 3, 5.7 );                                §\C{// ambiguous call ?}§
     1885Depending on the cost associated with named arguments, this call could be resolvable or ambiguous.
     1886Adding named argument into the routine resolution algorithm does not seem worth the complexity.
     1887Therefore, \CFA does \emph{not} attempt to support named arguments.
     1889\item[Default Arguments]
     1890provide the ability to associate a default value with a parameter so it can be optionally specified in the argument list.
     1891For example, given the routine:
     1893void p( int x = 1, int y = 2, int z = 3 ) {...}
     1895the allowable positional calls are:
     1897p();                                                    §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 3 )}§
     1898p( 4 );                                                 §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 3 )}§
     1899p( 4, 4 );                                              §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 3 )}§
     1900p( 4, 4, 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 4 )}§
     1901// empty arguments
     1902p(  , 4, 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 4, 4 )}§
     1903p( 4,  , 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 4 )}§
     1904p( 4, 4,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 4, 3 )}§
     1905p( 4,  ,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 4, 2, 3 )}§
     1906p(  , 4,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 4, 3 )}§
     1907p(  ,  , 4 );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 4 )}§
     1908p(  ,  ,   );                                   §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 3 )}§
     1910Here the missing arguments are inserted from the default values in the parameter list.
     1911The compiler rewrites missing default values into explicit positional arguments.
     1912The advantages of default values are:
     1915Routines with a large number of parameters are often very generalized, giving a programmer a number of different options on how a computation is performed.
     1916For many of these kinds of routines, there are standard or default settings that work for the majority of computations.
     1917Without default values for parameters, a programmer is forced to specify these common values all the time, resulting in long argument lists that are error prone.
     1919When a routine's interface is augmented with new parameters, it extends the interface providing generalizability\footnote{
     1920``It should be possible for the implementor of an abstraction to increase its generality.
     1921So long as the modified abstraction is a generalization of the original, existing uses of the abstraction will not require change.
     1922It might be possible to modify an abstraction in a manner which is not a generalization without affecting existing uses, but, without inspecting the modules in which the uses occur, this possibility cannot be determined.
     1923This criterion precludes the addition of parameters, unless these parameters have default or inferred values that are valid for all possible existing applications.''~\cite[p.~128]{Cormack90}}
     1924(somewhat like the generalization provided by inheritance for classes).
     1925That is, all existing calls are still valid, although the call must still be recompiled.
     1927The only disadvantage of default arguments is that unintentional omission of an argument may not result in a compiler-time error.
     1928Instead, a default value is used, which may not be the programmer's intent.
     1930Default values may only appear in a prototype versus definition context:
     1932void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3 );          §\C{// prototype: allowed}§
     1933void p( int, int = 2, int = 3 );                        §\C{// prototype: allowed}§
     1934void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3 ) {}        §\C{// definition: not allowed}§
     1936The reason for this restriction is to allow separate compilation.
     1937Multiple prototypes with different default values is an error.
     1940Ellipse (``...'') arguments present problems when used with default arguments.
     1941The conflict occurs because both named and ellipse arguments must appear after positional arguments, giving two possibilities:
     1943p( /* positional */, ... , /* named */ );
     1944p( /* positional */, /* named */, ... );
     1946While it is possible to implement both approaches, the first possibly is more complex than the second, \eg:
     1948p( int x, int y, int z, ... );
     1949p( 1, 4, 5, 6, z : 3, y : 2 ); §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, ... , /* named */ );}§
     1950p( 1, z : 3, y : 2, 4, 5, 6 ); §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, /* named */, ... );}§
     1952In the first call, it is necessary for the programmer to conceptually rewrite the call, changing named arguments into positional, before knowing where the ellipse arguments begin.
     1953Hence, this approach seems significantly more difficult, and hence, confusing and error prone.
     1954In the second call, the named arguments separate the positional and ellipse arguments, making it trivial to read the call.
     1956The problem is exacerbated with default arguments, \eg:
     1958void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3... );
     1959p( 1, 4, 5, 6, z : 3 );         §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, ... , /* named */ );}§
     1960p( 1, z : 3, 4, 5, 6 );         §\C{// assume p( /* positional */, /* named */, ... );}§
     1962The first call is an error because arguments 4 and 5 are actually positional not ellipse arguments;
     1963therefore, argument 5 subsequently conflicts with the named argument z : 3.
     1964In the second call, the default value for y is implicitly inserted after argument 1 and the named arguments separate the positional and ellipse arguments, making it trivial to read the call.
     1965For these reasons, \CFA requires named arguments before ellipse arguments.
     1966Finally, while ellipse arguments are needed for a small set of existing C routines, like printf, the extended \CFA type system largely eliminates the need for ellipse arguments (see Section 24), making much of this discussion moot.
     1968Default arguments and overloading (see Section 24) are complementary.
     1969While in theory default arguments can be simulated with overloading, as in:
     1972\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{default arguments}}   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{overloading}}      \\
     1974void p( int x, int y = 2, int z = 3 ) {...}
     1980void p( int x, int y, int z ) {...}
     1981void p( int x ) { p( x, 2, 3 ); }
     1982void p( int x, int y ) { p( x, y, 3 ); }
     1986the number of required overloaded routines is linear in the number of default values, which is unacceptable growth.
     1987In general, overloading should only be used over default arguments if the body of the routine is significantly different.
     1988Furthermore, overloading cannot handle accessing default arguments in the middle of a positional list, via a missing argument, such as:
     1990p( 1, /* default */, 5 );               §\C{// rewrite $\Rightarrow$ p( 1, 2, 5 )}§
     1993Given the \CFA restrictions above, both named and default arguments are backwards compatible.
     1994\Index*[C++]{\CC{}} only supports default arguments;
     1995\Index*{Ada} supports both named and default arguments.
     1998\section{Unnamed Structure Fields}
     2000C requires each field of a structure to have a name, except for a bit field associated with a basic type, \eg:
     2002struct {
     2003        int f1;                                 §\C{// named field}§
     2004        int f2 : 4;                             §\C{// named field with bit field size}§
     2005        int : 3;                                §\C{// unnamed field for basic type with bit field size}§
     2006        int ;                                   §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
     2007        int *;                                  §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
     2008        int (*)( int );                 §\C{// disallowed, unnamed field}§
     2011This requirement is relaxed by making the field name optional for all field declarations; therefore, all the field declarations in the example are allowed.
     2012As for unnamed bit fields, an unnamed field is used for padding a structure to a particular size.
     2013A list of unnamed fields is also supported, \eg:
     2015struct {
     2016        int , , ;                               §\C{// 3 unnamed fields}§
     2023Nesting of types and routines is useful for controlling name visibility (\newterm{name hiding}).
     2026\subsection{Type Nesting}
     2028\CFA allows \Index{type nesting}, and type qualification of the nested types (see \VRef[Figure]{f:TypeNestingQualification}), where as C hoists\index{type hoisting} (refactors) nested types into the enclosing scope and has no type qualification.
     2032\multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace{3em}}}{\textbf{C Type Nesting}}      & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C Implicit Hoisting}}      & \multicolumn{1}{|c}{\textbf{\CFA}}    \\
     2035struct S {
     2036        enum C { R, G, B };
     2037        struct T {
     2038                union U { int i, j; };
     2039                enum C c;
     2040                short int i, j;
     2041        };
     2042        struct T t;
     2043} s;
     2045int fred() {
     2046        s.t.c = R;
     2047        struct T t = { R, 1, 2 };
     2048        enum C c;
     2049        union U u;
     2054enum C { R, G, B };
     2055union U { int i, j; };
     2056struct T {
     2057        enum C c;
     2058        short int i, j;
     2060struct S {
     2061        struct T t;
     2062} s;
     2073struct S {
     2074        enum C { R, G, B };
     2075        struct T {
     2076                union U { int i, j; };
     2077                enum C c;
     2078                short int i, j;
     2079        };
     2080        struct T t;
     2081} s;
     2083int fred() {
     2084        s.t.c = ®S.®R;  // type qualification
     2085        struct ®S.®T t = { ®S.®R, 1, 2 };
     2086        enum ®S.®C c;
     2087        union ®S.T.®U u;
     2091\caption{Type Nesting / Qualification}
     2094In the left example in C, types ©C©, ©U© and ©T© are implicitly hoisted outside of type ©S© into the containing block scope.
     2095In the right example in \CFA, the types are not hoisted and accessed using the field-selection operator ``©.©'' for type qualification, as does \Index*{Java}, rather than the \CC type-selection operator ``©::©''.
     2098\subsection{Routine Nesting}
     2100While \CFA does not provide object programming by putting routines into structures, it does rely heavily on locally nested routines to redefine operations at or close to a call site.
     2101For example, the C quick-sort is wrapped into the following polymorphic \CFA routine:
     2103forall( otype T | { int ?<?( T, T ); } )
     2104void qsort( const T * arr, size_t dimension );
     2106which can be used to sort in ascending and descending order by locally redefining the less-than operator into greater-than.
     2108const unsigned int size = 5;
     2109int ia[size];
     2110...                                             §\C{// assign values to array ia}§
     2111qsort( ia, size );              §\C{// sort ascending order using builtin ?<?}§
     2113        ®int ?<?( int x, int y ) { return x > y; }® §\C{// nested routine}§
     2114        qsort( ia, size );      §\C{// sort descending order by local redefinition}§
     2118Nested routines are not first-class, meaning a nested routine cannot be returned if it has references to variables in its enclosing blocks;
     2119the only exception is references to the external block of the translation unit, as these variables persist for the duration of the program.
     2120The following program in undefined in \CFA (and Indexc{gcc})
     2122[* [int]( int )] foo() {                §\C{// int (*foo())( int )}§
     2123        int ®i® = 7;
     2124        int bar( int p ) {
     2125                ®i® += 1;                               §\C{// dependent on local variable}§
     2126                sout | ®i® | endl;
     2127        }
     2128        return bar;                                     §\C{// undefined because of local dependence}§
     2130int main() {
     2131        * [int]( int ) fp = foo();      §\C{// int (*fp)( int )}§
     2132        sout | fp( 3 ) | endl;
     2137Currently, there are no \Index{lambda} expressions, \ie unnamed routines because routine names are very important to properly select the correct routine.
     2142In C and \CFA, lists of elements appear in several contexts, such as the parameter list for a routine call.
     2143(More contexts are added shortly.)
     2144A list of such elements is called a \newterm{lexical list}.
     2145The general syntax of a lexical list is:
     2147[ §\emph{exprlist}§ ]
     2149where ©$\emph{exprlist}$© is a list of one or more expressions separated by commas.
     2150The brackets, ©[]©, allow differentiating between lexical lists and expressions containing the C comma operator.
     2151The following are examples of lexical lists:
     2153[ x, y, z ]
     2154[ 2 ]
     2155[ v+w, x*y, 3.14159, f() ]
     2157Tuples are permitted to contain sub-tuples (\ie nesting), such as ©[ [ 14, 21 ], 9 ]©, which is a 2-element tuple whose first element is itself a tuple.
     2158Note, a tuple is not a record (structure);
     2159a record denotes a single value with substructure, whereas a tuple is multiple values with no substructure (see flattening coercion in Section 12.1).
     2160In essence, tuples are largely a compile time phenomenon, having little or no runtime presence.
     2162Tuples can be organized into compile-time tuple variables;
     2163these variables are of \newterm{tuple type}.
     2164Tuple variables and types can be used anywhere lists of conventional variables and types can be used.
     2165The general syntax of a tuple type is:
     2167[ §\emph{typelist}§ ]
     2169where ©$\emph{typelist}$© is a list of one or more legal \CFA or C type specifications separated by commas, which may include other tuple type specifications.
     2170Examples of tuple types include:
     2172[ unsigned int, char ]
     2173[ double, double, double ]
     2174[ * int, int * ]                §\C{// mix of CFA and ANSI}§
     2175[ * [ 5 ] int, * * char, * [ [ int, int ] ] (int, int) ]
     2177Like tuples, tuple types may be nested, such as ©[ [ int, int ], int ]©, which is a 2-element tuple type whose first element is itself a tuple type.
     2179Examples of declarations using tuple types are:
     2181[ int, int ] x;                 §\C{// 2 element tuple, each element of type int}§
     2182* [ char, char ] y;             §\C{// pointer to a 2 element tuple}§
     2183[ [ int, int ] ] z ([ int, int ]);
     2185The last example declares an external routine that expects a 2 element tuple as an input parameter and returns a 2 element tuple as its result.
     2187As mentioned, tuples can appear in contexts requiring a list of value, such as an argument list of a routine call.
     2188In unambiguous situations, the tuple brackets may be omitted, \eg a tuple that appears as an argument may have its
     2189square brackets omitted for convenience; therefore, the following routine invocations are equivalent:
     2191f( [ 1, x+2, fred() ] );
     2192f( 1, x+2, fred() );
     2194Also, a tuple or a tuple variable may be used to supply all or part of an argument list for a routine expecting multiple input parameters or for a routine expecting a tuple as an input parameter.
     2195For example, the following are all legal:
     2197[ int, int ] w1;
     2198[ int, int, int ] w2;
     2199[ void ] f (int, int, int); /* three input parameters of type int */
     2200[ void ] g ([ int, int, int ]); /* 3 element tuple as input */
     2201f( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
     2202f( w1, 3 );
     2203f( 1, w1 );
     2204f( w2 );
     2205g( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
     2206g( w1, 3 );
     2207g( 1, w1 );
     2208g( w2 );
     2210Note, in all cases 3 arguments are supplied even though the syntax may appear to supply less than 3. As mentioned, a
     2211tuple does not have structure like a record; a tuple is simply converted into a list of components.
     2213The present implementation of \CFA does not support nested routine calls when the inner routine returns multiple values; \ie a statement such as ©g( f() )© is not supported.
     2214Using a temporary variable to store the  results of the inner routine and then passing this variable to the outer routine works, however.
     2217A tuple can contain a C comma expression, provided the expression containing the comma operator is enclosed in parentheses.
     2218For instance, the following tuples are equivalent:
     2220[ 1, 3, 5 ]
     2221[ 1, (2, 3), 5 ]
     2223The second element of the second tuple is the expression (2, 3), which yields the result 3.
     2224This requirement is the same as for comma expressions in argument lists.
     2226Type qualifiers, \ie const and volatile, may modify a tuple type.
     2227The meaning is the same as for a type qualifier modifying an aggregate type [Int99, x,x 6.7.3(11)], \ie the qualifier is distributed across all of the types in the tuple, \eg:
     2229const volatile [ int, float, const int ] x;
     2231is equivalent to:
     2233[ const volatile int, const volatile float, const volatile int ] x;
     2235Declaration qualifiers can only appear at the start of a \CFA tuple declaration4, \eg:
     2237extern [ int, int ] w1;
     2238static [ int, int, int ] w2;
     2241Unfortunately, C's syntax for subscripts precluded treating them as tuples.
     2242The C subscript list has the form ©[i][j]...© and not ©[i, j, ...]©.
     2243Therefore, there is no syntactic way for a routine returning multiple values to specify the different subscript values, \eg ©f[g()]© always means a single subscript value because there is only one set of brackets.
     2244Fixing this requires a major change to C because the syntactic form ©M[i, j, k]© already has a particular meaning: ©i, j, k© is a comma expression.
     2248\subsection{Tuple Coercions}
     2250There are four coercions that can be performed on tuples and tuple variables: closing, opening, flattening and structuring.
     2251In addition, the coercion of dereferencing can be performed on a tuple variable to yield its value(s), as for other variables.
     2252A \newterm{closing coercion} takes a set of values and converts it into a tuple value, which is a contiguous set of values, as in:
     2254[ int, int, int, int ] w;
     2255w = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
     2257First the right-hand tuple is closed into a tuple value and then the tuple value is assigned.
     2259An \newterm{opening coercion} is the opposite of closing; a tuple value is converted into a tuple of values, as in:
     2261[ a, b, c, d ] = w
     2263©w© is implicitly opened to yield a tuple of four values, which are then assigned individually.
     2265A \newterm{flattening coercion} coerces a nested tuple, \ie a tuple with one or more components, which are themselves tuples, into a flattened tuple, which is a tuple whose components are not tuples, as in:
     2267[ a, b, c, d ] = [ 1, [ 2, 3 ], 4 ];
     2269First the right-hand tuple is flattened and then the values are assigned individually.
     2270Flattening is also performed on tuple types.
     2271For example, the type ©[ int, [ int, int ], int ]© can be coerced, using flattening, into the type ©[ int, int, int, int ]©.
     2273A \newterm{structuring coercion} is the opposite of flattening;
     2274a tuple is structured into a more complex nested tuple.
     2275For example, structuring the tuple ©[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]© into the tuple ©[ 1, [ 2, 3 ], 4 ]© or the tuple type ©[ int, int, int, int ]© into the tuple type ©[ int, [ int, int ], int ]©.
     2276In the following example, the last assignment illustrates all the tuple coercions:
     2278[ int, int, int, int ] w = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
     2279int x = 5;
     2280[ x, w ] = [ w, x ];            §\C{// all four tuple coercions}§
     2282Starting on the right-hand tuple in the last assignment statement, w is opened, producing a tuple of four values;
     2283therefore, the right-hand tuple is now the tuple ©[ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], 5 ]©.
     2284This tuple is then flattened, yielding ©[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]©, which is structured into ©[ 1, [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ]© to match the tuple type of the left-hand side.
     2285The tuple ©[ 2, 3, 4, 5 ]© is then closed to create a tuple value.
     2286Finally, ©x© is assigned ©1© and ©w© is assigned the tuple value using multiple assignment (see Section 14).
     2288A possible additional language extension is to use the structuring coercion for tuples to initialize a complex record with a tuple.
     2292\section{Mass Assignment}
     2294\CFA permits assignment to several variables at once using mass assignment~\cite{CLU}.
     2295Mass assignment has the following form:
     2297[ §\emph{lvalue}§, ... , §\emph{lvalue}§ ] = §\emph{expr}§;
     2300The left-hand side is a tuple of \emph{lvalues}, which is a list of expressions each yielding an address, \ie any data object that can appear on the left-hand side of a conventional assignment statement.
     2301©$\emph{expr}$© is any standard arithmetic expression.
     2302Clearly, the types of the entities being assigned must be type compatible with the value of the expression.
     2304Mass assignment has parallel semantics, \eg the statement:
     2306[ x, y, z ] = 1.5;
     2308is equivalent to:
     2310x = 1.5; y = 1.5; z = 1.5;
     2312This semantics is not the same as the following in C:
     2314x = y = z = 1.5;
     2316as conversions between intermediate assignments may lose information.
     2317A more complex example is:
     2319[ i, y[i], z ] = a + b;
     2321which is equivalent to:
     2323t = a + b;
     2324a1 = &i; a2 = &y[i]; a3 = &z;
     2325*a1 = t; *a2 = t; *a3 = t;
     2327The temporary ©t© is necessary to store the value of the expression to eliminate conversion issues.
     2328The temporaries for the addresses are needed so that locations on the left-hand side do not change as the values are assigned.
     2329In this case, ©y[i]© uses the previous value of ©i© and not the new value set at the beginning of the mass assignment.
     2332\section{Multiple Assignment}
     2334\CFA also supports the assignment of several values at once, known as multiple assignment~\cite{CLU,Galletly96}.
     2335Multiple assignment has the following form:
     2337[ §\emph{lvalue}§, ... , §\emph{lvalue}§ ] = [ §\emph{expr}§, ... , §\emph{expr}§ ];
     2340The left-hand side is a tuple of \emph{lvalues}, and the right-hand side is a tuple of \emph{expr}s.
     2341Each \emph{expr} appearing on the right-hand side of a multiple assignment statement is assigned to the corresponding \emph{lvalues} on the left-hand side of the statement using parallel semantics for each assignment.
     2342An example of multiple assignment is:
     2344[ x, y, z ] = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
     2346Here, the values ©1©, ©2© and ©3© are assigned, respectively, to the variables ©x©, ©y© and ©z©.
     2347 A more complex example is:
     2349[ i, y[ i ], z ] = [ 1, i, a + b ];
     2351Here, the values ©1©, ©i© and ©a + b© are assigned to the variables ©i©, ©y[i]© and ©z©, respectively.
     2352 Note, the parallel semantics of
     2353multiple assignment ensures:
     2355[ x, y ] = [ y, x ];
     2357correctly interchanges (swaps) the values stored in ©x© and ©y©.
     2358The following cases are errors:
     2360[ a, b, c ] = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
     2361[ a, b, c ] = [ 1, 2 ];
     2363because the number of entities in the left-hand tuple is unequal with the right-hand tuple.
     2365As for all tuple contexts in C, side effects should not be used because C does not define an ordering for the evaluation of the elements of a tuple;
     2366both these examples produce indeterminate results:
     2368f( x++, x++ );                          §\C{// C routine call with side effects in arguments}§
     2369[ v1, v2 ] = [ x++, x++ ];      §\C{// side effects in righthand side of multiple assignment}§
     2373\section{Cascade Assignment}
     2375As in C, \CFA mass and multiple assignments can be cascaded, producing cascade assignment.
     2376Cascade assignment has the following form:
     2378§\emph{tuple}§ = §\emph{tuple}§ = ... = §\emph{tuple}§;
     2380and it has the same parallel semantics as for mass and multiple assignment.
     2381Some examples of cascade assignment are:
     2383x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0;
     2384[ x1, y1 ] = [ x2, y2 ] = [ x3, y3 ];
     2385[ x1, y1 ] = [ x2, y2 ] = 0;
     2386[ x1, y1 ] = z = 0;
     2388As in C, the rightmost assignment is performed first, \ie assignment parses right to left.
     2391\section{Field Tuples}
     2393Tuples may be used to select multiple fields of a record by field name.
     2394Its general form is:
     2396§\emph{expr}§ . [ §\emph{fieldlist}§ ]
     2397§\emph{expr}§ -> [ §\emph{fieldlist}§ ]
     2399\emph{expr} is any expression yielding a value of type record, \eg ©struct©, ©union©.
     2400Each element of \emph{ fieldlist} is an element of the record specified by \emph{expr}.
     2401A record-field tuple may be used anywhere a tuple can be used. An example of the use of a record-field tuple is
     2402the following:
     2404struct s {
     2405        int f1, f2;
     2406        char f3;
     2407        double f4;
     2408} v;
     2409v.[ f3, f1, f2 ] = ['x', 11, 17 ];      §\C{// equivalent to v.f3 = 'x', v.f1 = 11, v.f2 = 17}§
     2410f( v.[ f3, f1, f2 ] );                          §\C{// equivalent to f( v.f3, v.f1, v.f2 )}§
     2412Note, the fields appearing in a record-field tuple may be specified in any order;
     2413also, it is unnecessary to specify all the fields of a struct in a multiple record-field tuple.
     2415If a field of a ©struct© is itself another ©struct©, multiple fields of this subrecord can be specified using a nested record-field tuple, as in the following example:
     2417struct inner {
     2418        int f2, f3;
     2420struct outer {
     2421        int f1;
     2422        struct inner i;
     2423        double f4;
     2424} o;
     2426o.[ f1, i.[ f2, f3 ], f4 ] = [ 11, 12, 13, 3.14159 ];
    23992430\section{I/O Library}
    2421 1 2 3
     24521® ®2® ®3
    24292460The \CFA form has half as many characters as the \CC form, and is similar to \Index*{Python} I/O with respect to implicit separators.
    2430 A tuple prints all the tuple's values, each separated by ©", "©.
     2461Similar simplification occurs for \Index{tuple} I/O, which prints all a tuple's values, each separated by ``\lstinline[showspaces=true]@, @''.
    24322463[int, int] t1 = [1, 2], t2 = [3, 4];
    2436 1, 2, 3, 4
    2437 \end{cfa}
    2438 \CFA uses the logical-or operator for I/O because it is the lowest-priority overloadable operator, other than assignment.
     24671®, ®2®, ®3®, ®4
     2469Finally, \CFA uses the logical-or operator for I/O because it is the lowest-priority overloadable operator, other than assignment.
    24392470Therefore, fewer output expressions require parenthesis.
    2460 Finally, the logical-or operator has a link with the Shell pipe-operator for moving data, where data flows in the correct direction for input but the opposite direction for output.
    2463 The implicit separator\index{I/O!separator} character (space/blank) is a separator not a terminator.
     2491There is a weak similarity between the \CFA logical-or operator and the Shell pipe-operator for moving data, where data flows in the correct direction for input but the opposite direction for output.
     2494\subsection{Implicit Separator}
     2496The \Index{implicit separator}\index{I/O!separator} character (space/blank) is a separator not a terminator.
    24642497The rules for implicitly adding the separator are:
    25352571The following routines and \CC-style \Index{manipulator}s control implicit seperation.
    2546 1, $2, $3 ®", $"®
     25821®, $®2®, $®3 ®", $"®
    2554 1 2 3 ®" "®
    2555 \end{cfa}
    2557 \item
    2558 Manipulators \Indexc{sepOn}\index{manipulator!sepOn@©sepOn©} and \Indexc{sepOff}\index{manipulator!sepOff@©sepOff©} \emph{locally} toggle printing the separator, \ie the seperator is adjusted only with respect to the next printed item.
    2559 \begin{cfa}[mathescape=off,belowskip=0pt]
    2560 sout | sepOn | 1 | 2 | 3 | sepOn | endl;        §\C{// separator at start of line}§
    2561 \end{cfa}
    2562 \begin{cfa}[mathescape=off,showspaces=true,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    2563  1 2 3
    2564 \end{cfa}
    2565 \begin{cfa}[mathescape=off,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    2566 sout | 1 | sepOff | 2 | 3 | endl;                       §\C{// locally turn off implicit separator}§
    2567 \end{cfa}
    2568 \begin{cfa}[mathescape=off,showspaces=true,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    2569 12 3
    2570 \end{cfa}
    2572 \item
    2573 Manipulators \Indexc{sepDisable}\index{manipulator!sepDisable@©sepDisable©} and \Indexc{sepEnable}\index{manipulator!sepEnable@©sepEnable©} \emph{globally} toggle printing the separator, \ie the seperator is adjusted with respect to all subsequent printed items, unless locally adjusted.
    2574 \begin{cfa}[mathescape=off,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    2575 sout | sepDisable | 1 | 2 | 3 | endl;           §\C{// globally turn off implicit separation}§
    2576 \end{cfa}
    2577 \begin{cfa}[mathescape=off,showspaces=true,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    2578 123
    2579 \end{cfa}
    2580 \begin{cfa}[mathescape=off,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    2581 sout | 1 | sepOn | 2 | 3 | endl;                        §\C{// locally turn on implicit separator}§
    2582 \end{cfa}
    2583 \begin{cfa}[mathescape=off,showspaces=true,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    2584 1 23
    2585 \end{cfa}
    2586 \begin{cfa}[mathescape=off,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    2587 sout | sepEnable | 1 | 2 | 3 | endl;            §\C{// globally turn on implicit separation}§
    2588 \end{cfa}
    2589 \begin{cfa}[mathescape=off,showspaces=true,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt]
    2590 1 2 3
     25901® ®2® ®3 ®" "®
    2612 The tuple separator can also be turned on and off.
     2612Manipulators \Indexc{sepOn}\index{manipulator!sepOn@©sepOn©} and \Indexc{sepOff}\index{manipulator!sepOff@©sepOff©} \emph{locally} toggle printing the separator, \ie the seperator is adjusted only with respect to the next printed item.
     2614sout | sepOn | 1 | 2 | 3 | sepOn | endl;        §\C{// separator at start of line}§
     2617 1 2 3
     2620sout | 1 | sepOff | 2 | 3 | endl;                       §\C{// locally turn off implicit separator}§
     262312 3
     2625The tuple separator also responses to being turned on and off.
    26142627sout | sepOn | t1 | sepOff | t2 | endl;         §\C{// locally turn on/off implicit separation}§
    26192632Notice a tuple seperator starts the line because the next item is a tuple.
     2635Manipulators \Indexc{sepDisable}\index{manipulator!sepDisable@©sepDisable©} and \Indexc{sepEnable}\index{manipulator!sepEnable@©sepEnable©} \emph{globally} toggle printing the separator, \ie the seperator is adjusted with respect to all subsequent printed items, unless locally adjusted.
     2637sout | sepDisable | 1 | 2 | 3 | endl;           §\C{// globally turn off implicit separation}§
     2643sout | 1 | ®sepOn® | 2 | 3 | endl;                      §\C{// locally turn on implicit separator}§
     26461® ®23
     2649sout | sepEnable | 1 | 2 | 3 | endl;            §\C{// globally turn on implicit separation}§
     26521 2 3
    5191 \section{\protect\CFA Keywords}
     5225\section{\CFA Keywords}
    54875521For an increase in storage size, new storage after the copied data may be filled.
    5489 an allocation starts on a specified memory boundary, e.g., an address multiple of 64 or 128 for cache-line purposes.
     5523an allocation starts on a specified memory boundary, \eg, an address multiple of 64 or 128 for cache-line purposes.
    54915525the allocation size is scaled to the specified number of array elements.
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