Changeset f9da761 for doc

Feb 16, 2024, 1:26:46 PM (4 months ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>

change text to use macros \eg amd \ie

5 edited


  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/CFAenum.tex

    r38f4953 rf9da761  
    201201\section{Enumeration Pseudo-functions}
    203 Pseudo-functions are function-like operators that do not result in any run-time computations, i.e., like @sizeof@, @offsetof@, @typeof@.
     203Pseudo-functions are function-like operators that do not result in any run-time computations, \ie like @sizeof@, @offsetof@, @typeof@.
    204204Often a call to a pseudo-function is substituted with information extracted from the symbol table at compilation time, like storage size or alignment associated with the underlying architecture..
    251251Here, the intuitive code on the left is implicitly transformed into the statndard implementation on the right, using the value of the enumeration variable and enumerators.
    252 However, this implementation is fragile, e.g., if the enumeration is changed to:
     252However, this implementation is fragile, \eg if the enumeration is changed to:
    254254enum Count { First, Second, Third @= First@, Fourth };
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/background.tex

    r38f4953 rf9da761  
    2323This feature allow enumerator lines to be interchanged without moving a comma.\footnote{
    24 A terminating comma appears in other C syntax, e.g., the initializer list.}
    25 Finally, C enumerators are \Newterm{unscoped}, i.e., enumerators declared inside of an @enum@ are visible (projected) into the enclosing scope of the @enum@ type.
     24A terminating comma appears in other C syntax, \eg the initializer list.}
     25Finally, C enumerators are \Newterm{unscoped}, \ie enumerators declared inside of an @enum@ are visible (projected) into the enclosing scope of the @enum@ type.
    2727In theory, a C enumeration \emph{variable} is an implementation-defined integral type large enough to hold all enumerated values.
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/implementation.tex

    r38f4953 rf9da761  
    307307\section{Iteration and Range}
    309 It is convenient to iterate over a \CFA enumeration value, e.g.:
     309It is convenient to iterate over a \CFA enumeration value, \eg:
    311311for ( Alphabet alph; Alphabet ) { sout | alph; }
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/intro.tex

    r38f4953 rf9da761  
    3 Naming values is a common practice in mathematics and engineering, e.g., $\pi$, $\tau$ (2$\pi$), $\phi$ (golden ratio), MHz (1E6), etc.
     3Naming values is a common practice in mathematics and engineering, \eg $\pi$, $\tau$ (2$\pi$), $\phi$ (golden ratio), MHz (1E6), etc.
    44Naming is also commonly used to represent many other numerical phenomenon, such as days of the week, months of a year, floors of a building (basement), specific times (noon, New Years).
    55Many programming languages capture this important software-engineering capability through a mechanism called an \Newterm{enumeration}.
    99Specifically, an enumerated type restricts its values to a fixed set of named constants.
    10 While all types are restricted to a fixed set of values because of the underlying von Neumann architecture, and hence, to a corresponding set of constants, e.g., @3@, @3.5@, @3.5+2.1i@, @'c'@, @"abc"@, etc., these values are not named, other than the programming-language supplied constant names.
     10While all types are restricted to a fixed set of values because of the underlying von Neumann architecture, and hence, to a corresponding set of constants, \eg @3@, @3.5@, @3.5+2.1i@, @'c'@, @"abc"@, etc., these values are not named, other than the programming-language supplied constant names.
    1212Fundamentally, all enumeration systems have an \Newterm{enumeration} type with an associated set of \Newterm{enumerator} names.
    2525Here, the \Newterm{enumeration} @Weekday@ defines the ordered \Newterm{enumerator}s @Monday@, @Tuesday@, @Wednesday@, @Thursday@, @Friday@, @Saturday@ and @Sunday@.
    2626By convention, the successor of @Tuesday@ is @Monday@ and the predecessor of @Tuesday@ is @Wednesday@, independent of the associated enumerator constant values.
    27 Because an enumerator is a constant, it cannot appear in a mutable context, e.g. @Mon = Sun@ is meaningless, and an enumerator has no address, it is an \Newterm{rvalue}\footnote{
     27Because an enumerator is a constant, it cannot appear in a mutable context, \eg @Mon = Sun@ is meaningless, and an enumerator has no address, it is an \Newterm{rvalue}\footnote{
    2828The term rvalue defines an expression that can only appear on the right-hand side of an assignment.}.
  • doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/uw-ethesis-frontpgs.tex

    r38f4953 rf9da761  
    133 An enumeration is a type defining an ordered set of named constant values, where a name abstracts a value, e.g., @PI@ versus @3.145159@.
     133An enumeration is a type defining an ordered set of named constant values, where a name abstracts a value, \eg @PI@ versus @3.145159@.
    134134C restrict an enumeration type to the integral type @signed int@, which \CC support , meaning enumeration names bind to integer constants.
    135135\CFA extends C enumerations to allow all basic and custom types for the enumeration type, like other modern programming languages.
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