Changeset f7ff3fb

Jan 9, 2017, 4:35:40 PM (8 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, demangler, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, new-env, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum, resolv-new, with_gc

Some more work on concurrency proposal paper

1 added
2 edited


  • TabularUnified doc/proposals/concurrency/concurrency.tex

    r66f8528 rf7ff3fb  
    151         mutex struct counter_t { /*...see section §\ref{data}§...*/ };
     151        mutex struct counter_t { /*...see section §\ref{data}§...*/ };
    153153        void ?{}(counter_t & nomutex this); //constructor
    767767TO BE CONTINUED...
    770779% ######     #    ######     #    #       #       ####### #       ###  #####  #     #
    807816As a system-level language, \CFA should offer both performance and flexibilty as its primary goals, simplicity and user-friendliness being a secondary concern. Therefore, the core of parallelism in \CFA should prioritize power and efficiency. With this said, deconstructing popular paradigms in order to get simple building blocks yields \glspl{uthread} as the core parallelism block. \Glspl{pool} and other parallelism paradigms can then be built on top of the underlying threading model.
     818\subsection{Coroutines : A stepping stone}\label{coroutine}
     819While the main focus of this proposal is concurrency and paralellism, it is important to adress coroutines which are actually a significant underlying aspect of the concurrency system. Indeed, while having nothing todo with parallelism and arguably very little to do with concurrency, coroutines need to deal with context-switchs and and other context management operations. Therefore, this proposal includes coroutines both as an intermediate step for the implementation of threads and a first class feature of \CFA.
     821The core API of coroutines revolve around two features : independent stacks and \code{suspend}/\code{resume}.
     822Here is an example of a solution to the fibonnaci problem using \CFA coroutines :
     824        struct Fibonacci {
     825              int fn; // used for communication
     826              coroutine_descriptor c;
     827        };
     829        void ?{}(Fibonacci* this) {
     830              this->fn = 0;
     831        }
     833        coroutine_descriptor* get_¶coroutine¶(Fibonacci* this) {
     834              return &this->c;
     835        }
     837        void co_main(Fibonacci* this) {
     838                int fn1, fn2;           // retained between resumes
     839                this->fn = 0;
     840                fn1 = this->fn;
     841                suspend(this);          // return to last resume
     843                this->fn = 1;
     844                fn2 = fn1;
     845                fn1 = this->fn;
     846                suspend(this);          // return to last resume
     848                for ( ;; ) {
     849                        this->fn = fn1 + fn2;
     850                        fn2 = fn1;
     851                        fn1 = this->fn;
     852                        suspend(this);  // return to last resume
     853                }
     854        }
     856        int next(Fibonacci* this) {
     857                resume(this); // transfer to last suspend
     858                return this.fn;
     859        }
     861        void main() {
     862                Fibonacci f1, f2;
     863                for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; i += 1 ) {
     864                        sout | next(&f1) | '§\verb+ +§' | next(&f2) | endl;
     865                }
     866        }
     870One important design challenge for coroutines and threads (shown in section \ref{threads}) is that the runtime system needs to run some code after the user-constructor runs. In the case of the coroutines this challenge is simpler since there is no loss of determinism brough by preemption or scheduling, however, the underlying challenge remains the same for coroutines and threads.
     872The runtime system needs to create the coroutine's stack and more importantly prepare it for the first resumption. The timing of the creation is non trivial since users both expect to have fully constructed objects once the main is called and to be able to resume the coroutine from the main (Obviously we only solve cases where these two statements don't conflict). There are several solutions to this problem but the chosen options effectively forces the design of the coroutine.
     874Furthermore, \CFA faces an extra challenge which is that polymorphique routines rely on invisible thunks when casted to non-polymorphic routines and these thunks have function scope, for example :
     876TODO : Simple case where a thunk would be created.
     880\subsubsection{Alternative: Inheritance}
     881One solution to this challenge would be to use inheritence,
     884        struct Fibonacci {
     885              int fn; // used for communication
     886              coroutine c;
     887        };
     889        void ?{}(Fibonacci* this) {
     890              this->fn = 0;
     891                (&this->c){};
     892        }
     895There are two downsides to the approach. The first, which is relatively minor, is that the base class needs to be made aware of the main routine pointer, regardless of whether we use a parameter or a virtual pointer, this means the coroutine data must be made larger to store a value that is actually a compile time constant (The address of the main routine). The second problem which is both subtle but significant, is that now can get the initialisation order of there coroutines wrong. Indeed, every field of a \CFA struct will be constructed but in the order of declaration, unless users explicitly write otherwise. This means that users who forget to initialize a the coroutine at the right time may resume the coroutine at with an uninitilized object. For coroutines, this is unlikely to be a problem, for threads however, this is a significant problem.
     897\subsubsection{Alternative: Reserved keyword}
     898The next alternative is to use language support to annotate coroutines as follows :
     901        coroutine struct Fibonacci {
     902              int fn; // used for communication
     903        };
     906This mean the compiler can solve problems by injecting code where needed. The downside of this approach is that it makes coroutine a special case in the language. Users who would want to extend coroutines or build their own for various reasons can only do so in ways offered by the language. Furthermore, implementing coroutines without language supports also displays the power of \CFA.
     908\subsubsection{Alternative: Lamda Objects}
     910Boost does not use objects...
     911TO BE CONTINUED...
     913\subsubsection{Trait based coroutines}
     915Finally the approach chosen, which is the one closest to \CFA idioms, is to use trait-based lazy coroutines, the approach shown in section \ref{coroutine}. This approach defines a coroutine as anything that satisfies the \code{is_coroutine} and is used as a coroutine is a coroutine. This entails the an object is not a coroutine until \code{resume} (and \code{prime}) is called on the object. Correspondingly, any object that is passed to \code{resume} is a coroutine since it must satisfy the \code{is_coroutine} trait to compile.
    809917% ####### #     # ######  #######    #    ######   #####
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    817 \subsection{Thread Interface}
     925\subsection{Thread Interface}\label{threads}
    818926The basic building blocks of \CFA are \glspl{cfathread}. By default these are implemented as \glspl{uthread}, and as such, offer a flexible and lightweight threading interface (lightweight compared to \glspl{kthread}). A thread can be declared using a struct declaration with prefix \code{thread} as follows :
     929        trait is_¶thread¶(dtype T) {
     930                void co_main(T* this);
     931                coroutine* get_coroutine(T* this);
     932        };
    821934        thread struct foo {};
    846959        //main
    847         void ?main(FuncRunner* this) {
     960        void t_main(FuncRunner* this) {
    848961                this->func();
    849962        }
    9281041                //Wait for the 10 threads to finish
    929         }
    930 \end{lstlisting}
    932 \subsection{Coroutines : A stepping stone}\label{coroutine}
    933 While the main focus of this proposal is concurrency and paralellism, it is important to adress coroutines which are actually a significant underlying aspect of the concurrency system. Indeed, while having nothing todo with parallelism and arguably very little to do with concurrency, coroutines need to deal with context-switchs and and other context management operations. Therefore, this proposal includes coroutines both as an intermediate step for the implementation of threads and a first class feature of \CFA.
    935 The core API of coroutines revolve around two features : independent stacks and suspedn/resume. Much like threads the syntax for declaring a coroutine is declaring a type and a main routine for it to start :
    936 \begin{lstlisting}
    937         coroutine struct MyCoroutine {
    938                 //...
    939         };
    941         //ctor
    942         void ?{}(MyCoroutine* this) {
    944         }
    946         //main
    947         void ?main(MyCoroutine* this) {
    948                 sout | "Hello World!" | endl;
    949         }
    950 \end{lstlisting}
    952 One a coroutine is created, users can context switch to it using \code{suspend} and come back using \code{resume}. Here is an example of a solution to the fibonnaci problem using coroutines :
    953 \begin{lstlisting}
    954         coroutine struct Fibonacci {
    955                 int fn; // used for communication
    956         };
    958         void ?main(Fibonacci* this) {
    959                 int fn1, fn2;           // retained between resumes
    960                 this->fn = 0;
    961                 fn1 = this->fn;
    962                 suspend(this);          // return to last resume
    964                 this->fn = 1;
    965                 fn2 = fn1;
    966                 fn1 = this->fn;
    967                 suspend(this);          // return to last resume
    969                 for ( ;; ) {
    970                         this->fn = fn1 + fn2;
    971                         fn2 = fn1;
    972                         fn1 = this->fn;
    973                         suspend(this);  // return to last resume
    974                 }
    975         }
    977         int next(Fibonacci& this) {
    978                 resume(&this); // transfer to last suspend
    979                 return this.fn;
    980         }
    982         void main() {
    983                 Fibonacci f1, f2;
    984                 for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; i += 1 ) {
    985                         sout | next(f1) | '§\verb+ +§' | next(f2) | endl;
    986                 }
    9871042        }
  • TabularUnified doc/proposals/concurrency/version

    r66f8528 rf7ff3fb  
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