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r3982384 rf11010e 7 7 Most modern concurrent programming languages do not subscribe to just one style of communication among threads and provide features that support multiple approaches. 8 8 Channels are a concurrent-language feature used to perform \Newterm{message-passing concurrency}: a model of concurrency where threads communicate by sending data as messages (mostly non\-blocking) and synchronizing by receiving sent messages (blocking). 9 This model is an alternative to shared-memory concurrency, where threads c an communicate directly by changing shared state.9 This model is an alternative to shared-memory concurrency, where threads communicate directly by changing shared state. 10 10 11 11 Channels were first introduced by Kahn~\cite{Kahn74} and extended by Hoare~\cite{Hoare78} (CSP). … … 13 13 Both languages are highly restrictive. 14 14 Kahn's language restricts a reading process to only wait for data on a single channel at a time and different writing processes cannot send data on the same channel. 15 Hoare's language restricts channels such that both the sender and receiver need to explicitly name the process that is destination of a channel send or the source of a channel receive. 16 These channel semantics remove the ability to have an anonymous sender or receiver and additionally all channel operations in CSP are synchronous (no buffering). 17 Channels as a programming language feature has been popularized in recent years by the language Go, which encourages the use of channels as its fundamental concurrent feature. 18 Go's restrictions are ... \CAP{The only restrictions in Go but not CFA that I can think of are the closing semantics and the functionality of select vs. waituntil. Is that worth mentioning here or should it be discussed later?} 19 \CFA channels do not have these restrictions. 15 Hoare's language restricts both the sender and receiver to explicitly name the process that is the destination of a channel send or the source of a channel receive. 16 These channel semantics remove the ability to have an anonymous sender or receiver. 17 Additionally all channel operations in CSP are synchronous (no buffering). 18 Advanced channels as a programming language feature has been popularized in recent years by the language Go~\cite{Go}, which encourages the use of channels as its fundamental concurrent feature. 19 It was the popularity of Go channels that lead me to implement them in \CFA. 20 Neither Go nor \CFA channels have the restrictions in early channel-based concurrent systems. 20 21 21 22 \section{Producer-Consumer Problem} … … 24 25 In the problem, threads interact with a buffer in two ways: producing threads insert values into the buffer and consuming threads remove values from the buffer. 25 26 In general, a buffer needs protection to ensure a producer only inserts into a non-full buffer and a consumer only removes from a non-empty buffer (synchronization). 26 As well, a buffer needs protection from concurrent access by multiple producers or consumers attempt to insert or remove simultaneously (MX). 27 27 As well, a buffer needs protection from concurrent access by multiple producers or consumers attempting to insert or remove simultaneously (MX). 28 29 \section{Channel Size}\label{s:ChannelSize} 28 30 Channels come in three flavours of buffers: 29 31 \begin{enumerate} … … 52 54 53 55 \gls{fcfs} is a fairness property that prevents unequal access to the shared resource and prevents starvation, however it comes at a cost. 54 Implementing an algorithm with \gls{fcfs} can lead to double blocking, where arriving threads block outside the doorway waiting for a thread in the lock entry-protocol and inside the doorway waiting for a thread in the CS.56 Implementing an algorithm with \gls{fcfs} can lead to \Newterm{double blocking}, where arriving threads block outside the doorway waiting for a thread in the lock entry-protocol and inside the doorway waiting for a thread in the CS. 55 57 An analogue is boarding an airplane: first you wait to get through security to the departure gates (short term), and then wait again at the departure gate for the airplane (long term). 56 58 As such, algorithms that are not \gls{fcfs} (barging) can be more performant by skipping the wait for the CS and entering directly; … … 58 60 59 61 \section{Channel Implementation} 60 Currently, only the Go programming language ~\cite{Go}provides user-level threading where the primary communication mechanism is channels.62 Currently, only the Go programming language provides user-level threading where the primary communication mechanism is channels. 61 63 Experiments were conducted that varied the producer-consumer problem algorithm and lock type used inside the channel. 62 64 With the exception of non-\gls{fcfs} algorithms, no algorithm or lock usage in the channel implementation was found to be consistently more performant that Go's choice of algorithm and lock implementation. … … 66 68 \PAB{Discuss the Go channel implementation. Need to tie in FIFO buffer and FCFS locking.} 67 69 68 In this work, all channel s are implemented with bounded buffers, so there is no zero-sized buffering.69 \CAP{I do have zero size channels implemented, however I don't focus on them since I think they are uninteresting as they are just a thin layer over binary semaphores. Should I mention that I support it but omit discussion or just leave it out?} 70 In this work, all channel sizes \see{Sections~\ref{s:ChannelSize}} are implemented with bounded buffers. 71 However, only non-zero-sized buffers are analysed because of their complexity and higher usage. 70 72 71 73 \section{Safety and Productivity} … … 75 77 \begin{itemize} 76 78 \item Toggle-able statistic collection on channel behaviour that count channel and blocking operations. 77 Tracking blocking operations helps illustrate usage and then tune the channel size, where the aim is to reduce blocking. 78 \item Deadlock detection on deallocation of the channel. 79 If threads are blocked inside the channel when it terminates, this case is detected and the user is informed, as this can cause a deadlock. 79 Tracking blocking operations helps illustrate usage for tuning the channel size, where the aim is to reduce blocking. 80 81 \item Deadlock detection on channel deallocation. 82 If threads are blocked inside a channel when it terminates, this case is detected and the user is informed, as this can cause a deadlock. 83 80 84 \item A @flush@ routine that delivers copies of an element to all waiting consumers, flushing the buffer. 81 Programmers can use this to easily to broadcast datato multiple consumers.85 Programmers use this mechanism to broadcast a sentinel value to multiple consumers. 82 86 Additionally, the @flush@ routine is more performant then looping around the @insert@ operation since it can deliver the elements without having to reacquire mutual exclusion for each element sent. 83 87 \end{itemize} 84 88 85 The other safety and productivity feature of \CFA channels deals with concurrent termination. 89 \subsection{Toggle-able Statistics} 90 \PAB{Discuss toggle-able statistics.} 91 92 93 \subsection{Deadlock Detection} 94 \PAB{Discuss deadlock detection.} 95 96 \subsection{Program Shutdown} 97 % The other safety and productivity feature of \CFA channels deals with concurrent termination. 86 98 Terminating concurrent programs is often one of the most difficult parts of writing concurrent code, particularly if graceful termination is needed. 87 The difficulty of graceful termination often arises from the usage of synchronization primitives whichneed to be handled carefully during shutdown.99 The difficulty of graceful termination often arises from the usage of synchronization primitives that need to be handled carefully during shutdown. 88 100 It is easy to deadlock during termination if threads are left behind on synchronization primitives. 89 101 Additionally, most synchronization primitives are prone to \gls{toctou} issues where there is race between one thread checking the state of a concurrent object and another thread changing the state. 90 102 \gls{toctou} issues with synchronization primitives often involve a race between one thread checking the primitive for blocked threads and another thread blocking on it. 91 Channels are a particularly hard synchronization primitive to terminate since both sending and receiving offa channel can block.103 Channels are a particularly hard synchronization primitive to terminate since both sending and receiving to/from a channel can block. 92 104 Thus, improperly handled \gls{toctou} issues with channels often result in deadlocks as threads trying to perform the termination may end up unexpectedly blocking in their attempt to help other threads exit the system. 93 105 94 106 % C_TODO: add reference to select chapter, add citation to go channels info 95 Go channelsprovide a set of tools to help with concurrent shutdown.107 \paragraph{Go channels} provide a set of tools to help with concurrent shutdown. 96 108 Channels in Go have a @close@ operation and a \Go{select} statement that both can be used to help threads terminate. 97 The \Go{select} statement will be discussed in \ref{}, where \CFA's @waituntil@ statement will be compared with the Go \Go{select} statement. 109 The \Go{select} statement is discussed in \ref{waituntil}, where \CFA's @waituntil@ statement is compared with the Go \Go{select} statement. 110 98 111 The @close@ operation on a channel in Go changes the state of the channel. 99 When a channel is closed, sends to the channel will panic and additional calls to @close@ will panic.100 Receives are handled differently where receivers will never block on a closed channel and willcontinue to remove elements from the channel.101 Once a channel is empty, receivers can continue to remove elements, but willreceive the zero-value version of the element type.102 To a id in avoidingunwanted zero-value elements, Go provides the ability to iterate over a closed channel to remove the remaining elements.103 These design choices for Go channels enforce a specific interaction style with channels during termination, where careful thought is needed to ensure that additional @close@ calls don't occur and that no sends occur after channels areclosed.112 When a channel is closed, sends to the channel panic along with additional calls to @close@. 113 Receives are handled differently where receivers never block on a closed channel and continue to remove elements from the channel. 114 Once a channel is empty, receivers can continue to remove elements, but receive the zero-value version of the element type. 115 To avoid unwanted zero-value elements, Go provides the ability to iterate over a closed channel to remove the remaining elements. 116 These Go design choices enforce a specific interaction style with channels during termination: careful thought is needed to ensure additional @close@ calls do not occur and no sends occur after a channel is closed. 104 117 These design choices fit Go's paradigm of error management, where users are expected to explicitly check for errors, rather than letting errors occur and catching them. 105 If errors need to occur in Go, return codes are used to pass error information where they are needed.106 Note that panics in Go can be caught, but it is not considered anidiomatic way to write Go programs.118 If errors need to occur in Go, return codes are used to pass error information up call levels. 119 Note, panics in Go can be caught, but it is not the idiomatic way to write Go programs. 107 120 108 121 While Go's channel closing semantics are powerful enough to perform any concurrent termination needed by a program, their lack of ease of use leaves much to be desired. 109 Since both closing and sending panic ,once a channel is closed, a user often has to synchronize the senders to a channel before the channel can be closed to avoid panics.110 However, in doing so it renders the @close@ operation nearly useless, as the only utilities it provides are the ability to ensure that receivers no longer block on the channel, and willreceive zero-valued elements.111 This can be useful if the zero-typed element is recognized as a sentinel value, but if another sentinel value is preferred, then @close@ only provides itsnon-blocking feature.122 Since both closing and sending panic once a channel is closed, a user often has to synchronize the senders to a channel before the channel can be closed to avoid panics. 123 However, in doing so it renders the @close@ operation nearly useless, as the only utilities it provides are the ability to ensure receivers no longer block on the channel and receive zero-valued elements. 124 This functionality is only useful if the zero-typed element is recognized as a sentinel value, but if another sentinel value is necessary, then @close@ only provides the non-blocking feature. 112 125 To avoid \gls{toctou} issues during shutdown, a busy wait with a \Go{select} statement is often used to add or remove elements from a channel. 113 126 Due to Go's asymmetric approach to channel shutdown, separate synchronization between producers and consumers of a channel has to occur during shutdown. 114 127 115 In \CFA, exception handling is an encouraged paradigm and has full language support \cite{Beach21}. 116 As such \CFA uses an exception based approach to channel shutdown that is symmetric for both producers and consumers, and supports graceful shutdown.Exceptions in \CFA support both termination and resumption.Termination exceptions operate in the same way as exceptions seen in many popular programming languages such as \CC, Python and Java. 117 Resumption exceptions are a style of exception that when caught run the corresponding catch block in the same way that termination exceptions do. 118 The difference between the exception handling mechanisms arises after the exception is handled. 119 In termination handling, the control flow continues into the code following the catch after the exception is handled. 120 In resumption handling, the control flow returns to the site of the @throw@, allowing the control to continue where it left off. 121 Note that in resumption, since control can return to the point of error propagation, the stack is not unwound during resumption propagation. 122 In \CFA if a resumption is not handled, it is reraised as a termination. 123 This mechanism can be used to create a flexible and robust termination system for channels. 124 125 When a channel in \CFA is closed, all subsequent calls to the channel will throw a resumption exception at the caller. 126 If the resumption is handled, then the caller will proceed to attempt to complete their operation. 127 If the resumption is not handled it is then rethrown as a termination exception. 128 Or, if the resumption is handled, but the subsequent attempt at an operation would block, a termination exception is thrown. 129 These termination exceptions allow for non-local transfer that can be used to great effect to eagerly and gracefully shut down a thread. 128 \paragraph{\CFA channels} have access to an extensive exception handling mechanism~\cite{Beach21}. 129 As such \CFA uses an exception-based approach to channel shutdown that is symmetric for both producers and consumers, and supports graceful shutdown. 130 131 Exceptions in \CFA support both termination and resumption. 132 \Newterm{Termination exception}s perform a dynamic call that unwinds the stack preventing the exception handler from returning to the raise point, such as in \CC, Python and Java. 133 \Newterm{Resumption exception}s perform a dynamic call that does not unwind the stack allowing the exception handler to return to the raise point. 134 In \CFA, if a resumption exception is not handled, it is reraised as a termination exception. 135 This mechanism is used to create a flexible and robust termination system for channels. 136 137 When a channel in \CFA is closed, all subsequent calls to the channel raise a resumption exception at the caller. 138 If the resumption is handled, the caller attempts to complete the channel operation. 139 However, if channel operation would block, a termination exception is thrown. 140 If the resumption is not handled, the exception is rethrown as a termination. 141 These termination exceptions allow for non-local transfer that is used to great effect to eagerly and gracefully shut down a thread. 130 142 When a channel is closed, if there are any blocked producers or consumers inside the channel, they are woken up and also have a resumption thrown at them. 131 143 The resumption exception, @channel_closed@, has a couple fields to aid in handling the exception. … … 139 151 This should not be an issue, since termination is rarely an fast-path of an application and ensuring that termination can be implemented correctly with ease is the aim of the exception approach. 140 152 153 \section{\CFA / Go channel Examples} 141 154 To highlight the differences between \CFA's and Go's close semantics, an example program is presented. 142 The program is a barrier implemented using two channels shown in Listings~\ref{l:cfa_chan_bar} and \ref{l:go_chan_bar}.155 The program is a barrier implemented using two channels shown in Figure~\ref{f:ChannelBarrierTermination}. 143 156 Both of these examples are implemented using \CFA syntax so that they can be easily compared. 144 Listing~\ref{l:go_chan_bar} uses go-style channel close semantics and Listing~\ref{l:cfa_chan_bar} uses \CFAclose semantics.145 In this problem it is infeasible to use the Go @close@ call since all t asks are both potentially producers and consumers, causing panics on close to be unavoidable.146 As such in Listing~\ref{l:go_chan_bar} to implement a flush routine for the buffer, a sentinel value of $-1$has to be used to indicate to threads that they need to leave the barrier.157 Figure~\ref{l:cfa_chan_bar} uses \CFA-style channel close semantics and Figure~\ref{l:go_chan_bar} uses Go-style close semantics. 158 In this problem it is infeasible to use the Go @close@ call since all threads are both potentially producers and consumers, causing panics on close to be unavoidable. 159 As such in Figure~\ref{l:go_chan_bar} to implement a flush routine for the buffer, a sentinel value of @-1@ has to be used to indicate to threads that they need to leave the barrier. 147 160 This sentinel value has to be checked at two points. 148 161 Furthermore, an additional flag @done@ is needed to communicate to threads once they have left the barrier that they are done. … … 152 165 Also note that in the Go version~\ref{l:go_chan_bar}, the size of the barrier channels has to be larger than in the \CFA version to ensure that the main thread does not block when attempting to clear the barrier. 153 166 154 \begin{cfa}[caption={\CFA channel barrier termination},label={l:cfa_chan_bar}] 167 \begin{figure} 168 \centering 169 170 \begin{lrbox}{\myboxA} 171 \begin{cfa}[aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt] 155 172 struct barrier { 156 channel( int ) barWait; 157 channel( int ) entryWait; 173 channel( int ) barWait, entryWait; 158 174 int size; 159 } 160 void ?{}(barrier & this, int size) with(this) { 161 barWait{size}; 162 entryWait{size}; 175 }; 176 void ?{}( barrier & this, int size ) with(this) { 177 barWait{size}; entryWait{size}; 163 178 this.size = size; 164 for ( j; size ) 165 insert( *entryWait, j ); 166 } 167 179 for ( i; size ) 180 insert( entryWait, i ); 181 } 182 void wait( barrier & this ) with(this) { 183 int ticket = remove( entryWait ); 184 185 if ( ticket == size - 1 ) { 186 for ( i; size - 1 ) 187 insert( barWait, i ); 188 return; 189 } 190 ticket = remove( barWait ); 191 192 if ( size == 1 || ticket == size - 2 ) { // last ? 193 for ( i; size ) 194 insert( entryWait, i ); 195 } 196 } 168 197 void flush(barrier & this) with(this) { 169 close(barWait); 170 close(entryWait); 171 } 172 void wait(barrier & this) with(this) { 173 int ticket = remove( *entryWait ); 198 @close( barWait ); close( entryWait );@ 199 } 200 enum { Threads = 4 }; 201 barrier b{Threads}; 202 203 thread Thread {}; 204 void main( Thread & this ) { 205 @try {@ 206 for () 207 wait( b ); 208 @} catch ( channel_closed * ) {}@ 209 } 210 int main() { 211 Thread t[Threads]; 212 sleep(10`s); 213 214 flush( b ); 215 } // wait for threads to terminate 216 \end{cfa} 217 \end{lrbox} 218 219 \begin{lrbox}{\myboxB} 220 \begin{cfa}[aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt] 221 struct barrier { 222 channel( int ) barWait, entryWait; 223 int size; 224 }; 225 void ?{}( barrier & this, int size ) with(this) { 226 barWait{size + 1}; entryWait{size + 1}; 227 this.size = size; 228 for ( i; size ) 229 insert( entryWait, i ); 230 } 231 void wait( barrier & this ) with(this) { 232 int ticket = remove( entryWait ); 233 @if ( ticket == -1 ) { insert( entryWait, -1 ); return; }@ 174 234 if ( ticket == size - 1 ) { 175 for ( j; size - 1 )176 insert( *barWait, j);235 for ( i; size - 1 ) 236 insert( barWait, i ); 177 237 return; 178 238 } 179 ticket = remove( *barWait ); 180 181 // last one out 182 if ( size == 1 || ticket == size - 2 ) { 183 for ( j; size ) 184 insert( *entryWait, j ); 185 } 186 } 187 barrier b{Tasks}; 188 189 // thread main 190 void main(Task & this) { 191 try { 192 for ( ;; ) { 193 wait( b ); 194 } 195 } catch ( channel_closed * e ) {} 196 } 197 239 ticket = remove( barWait ); 240 @if ( ticket == -1 ) { insert( barWait, -1 ); return; }@ 241 if ( size == 1 || ticket == size - 2 ) { // last ? 242 for ( i; size ) 243 insert( entryWait, i ); 244 } 245 } 246 void flush(barrier & this) with(this) { 247 @insert( entryWait, -1 ); insert( barWait, -1 );@ 248 } 249 enum { Threads = 4 }; 250 barrier b{Threads}; 251 @bool done = false;@ 252 thread Thread {}; 253 void main( Thread & this ) { 254 for () { 255 @if ( done ) break;@ 256 wait( b ); 257 } 258 } 198 259 int main() { 199 { 200 Task t[Tasks]; 201 202 sleep(10`s); 203 flush( b ); 204 } // wait for tasks to terminate 205 return 0; 206 } 260 Thread t[Threads]; 261 sleep(10`s); 262 done = true; 263 flush( b ); 264 } // wait for threads to terminate 207 265 \end{cfa} 208 209 \begin{cfa}[caption={Go channel barrier termination},label={l:go_chan_bar}] 210 211 struct barrier { 212 channel( int ) barWait; 213 channel( int ) entryWait; 214 int size; 215 } 216 void ?{}(barrier & this, int size) with(this) { 217 barWait{size + 1}; 218 entryWait{size + 1}; 219 this.size = size; 220 for ( j; size ) 221 insert( *entryWait, j ); 222 } 223 224 void flush(barrier & this) with(this) { 225 insert( *entryWait, -1 ); 226 insert( *barWait, -1 ); 227 } 228 void wait(barrier & this) with(this) { 229 int ticket = remove( *entryWait ); 230 if ( ticket == -1 ) { 231 insert( *entryWait, -1 ); 232 return; 233 } 234 if ( ticket == size - 1 ) { 235 for ( j; size - 1 ) 236 insert( *barWait, j ); 237 return; 238 } 239 ticket = remove( *barWait ); 240 if ( ticket == -1 ) { 241 insert( *barWait, -1 ); 242 return; 243 } 244 245 // last one out 246 if ( size == 1 || ticket == size - 2 ) { 247 for ( j; size ) 248 insert( *entryWait, j ); 249 } 250 } 251 barrier b; 252 253 bool done = false; 254 // thread main 255 void main(Task & this) { 256 for ( ;; ) { 257 if ( done ) break; 258 wait( b ); 259 } 260 } 261 262 int main() { 263 { 264 Task t[Tasks]; 265 266 sleep(10`s); 267 done = true; 268 269 flush( b ); 270 } // wait for tasks to terminate 271 return 0; 272 } 273 \end{cfa} 274 275 In Listing~\ref{l:cfa_resume} an example of channel closing with resumption is used. 276 This program uses resumption in the @Consumer@ thread main to ensure that all elements in the channel are removed before the consumer thread terminates. 277 The producer only has a @catch@ so the moment it receives an exception it terminates, whereas the consumer will continue to remove from the closed channel via handling resumptions until the buffer is empty, which then throws a termination exception. 278 If the same program was implemented in Go it would require explicit synchronization with both producers and consumers by some mechanism outside the channel to ensure that all elements were removed before task termination. 266 \end{lrbox} 267 268 \subfloat[\CFA style]{\label{l:cfa_chan_bar}\usebox\myboxA} 269 \hspace*{3pt} 270 \vrule 271 \hspace*{3pt} 272 \subfloat[Go style]{\label{l:go_chan_bar}\usebox\myboxB} 273 \caption{Channel Barrier Termination} 274 \label{f:ChannelBarrierTermination} 275 \end{figure} 276 277 Listing~\ref{l:cfa_resume} is an example of a channel closing with resumption. 278 The @Producer@ thread-main knows to stop producing when the @insert@ call on a closed channel raises exception @channel_closed@. 279 The @Consumer@ thread-main knows to stop consuming after all elements of a closed channel are removed and the call to @remove@ would block. 280 Hence, the consumer knows the moment the channel closes because a resumption exception is raised, caught, and ignored, and then control returns to @remove@ to return another item from the buffer. 281 Only when the buffer is drained and the call to @removed@ would block is a termination exception raised to stop consuming. 282 The same program in Go would require explicit synchronization among producers and consumers by a mechanism outside the channel to ensure all elements are removed before threads terminate. 279 283 280 284 \begin{cfa}[caption={\CFA channel resumption usage},label={l:cfa_resume}] 281 285 channel( int ) chan{ 128 }; 282 283 // Consumer thread main 284 void main(Consumer & this) { 286 thread Producer {}; 287 void main( Producer & this ) { 288 @try {@ 289 for ( i; 0~$@$ ) 290 insert( chan, i ); 291 @} catch( channel_closed * ) {}@ $\C[3in]{// channel closed}$ 292 } 293 thread Consumer {}; 294 void main( Consumer & this ) { 285 295 size_t runs = 0; 286 try {287 for ( ;;) {288 remove( chan );296 @try {@ 297 for () { 298 int i = remove( chan ); 289 299 } 290 } catchResume ( channel_closed * e ) {} 291 catch ( channel_closed * e ) {} 292 } 293 294 // Producer thread main 295 void main(Producer & this) { 296 int j = 0; 297 try { 298 for ( ;;j++ ) { 299 insert( chan, j ); 300 } 301 } catch ( channel_closed * e ) {} 302 } 303 304 int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { 305 { 306 Consumers c[4]; 307 Producer p[4]; 308 309 sleep(10`s); 310 311 for ( i; Channels ) 312 close( channels[i] ); 313 } 314 return 0; 300 @} catchResume( channel_closed * ) {}@ $\C{// remaining item in buffer \(\Rightarrow\) remove it}$ 301 @catch( channel_closed * ) {}@ $\C{// blocking call to remove \(\Rightarrow\) buffer empty}$ 302 } 303 int main() { 304 enum { Processors = 8 }; 305 processor p[Processors - 1]; $\C{// one processor per thread, have one processor}$ 306 Consumer c[Processors / 2]; $\C{// share processors}$ 307 Producer p[Processors / 2]; 308 sleep( 10`s ); 309 @close( chan );@ $\C{// stop producer and consumer}\CRT$ 315 310 } 316 311 \end{cfa} … … 318 313 \section{Performance} 319 314 320 Given that the base implementation of the \CFA channels is very similar to the Go implementation, this section aims to show th at the performance of the two implementations are comparable.321 One microbenchmark is conducted to compare Go and \CFA.322 The benchmark is a ten second experiment where producers and consumers operate on a channel in parallel and throughput is measured.315 Given that the base implementation of the \CFA channels is very similar to the Go implementation, this section aims to show the performance of the two implementations are comparable. 316 The microbenchmark for the channel comparison is similar to listing~\ref{l:cfa_resume}, where the number of threads and processors is set from the command line. 317 The processors are divided equally between producers and consumers, with one producer or consumer owning each core. 323 318 The number of cores is varied to measure how throughput scales. 324 The cores are divided equally between producers and consumers, with one producer or consumer owning each core. 319 325 320 The results of the benchmark are shown in Figure~\ref{f:chanPerf}. 326 321 The performance of Go and \CFA channels on this microbenchmark is comparable. 327 Note, it is expected for the performance to decline as the number of cores increases as the channel operations all occur in a critical section so an increase in cores results in higher contention with no increase in parallelism. 328 322 Note, the performance should decline as the number of cores increases as the channel operations occur in a critical section, so increasing cores results in higher contention with no increase in parallelism. 329 323 330 324 \begin{figure}
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