Changeset e0e9a0b for src/AST

Jun 27, 2019, 5:16:54 PM (5 years ago)
Aaron Moss <a3moss@…>
ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum

Somewhat deeper clone for types with forall qualifiers.

3 added
10 edited


  • src/AST/Decl.cpp

    r6be3b7d6 re0e9a0b  
    5353const Type * FunctionDecl::get_type() const { return type.get(); }
    54 void FunctionDecl::set_type(Type * t) { type = strict_dynamic_cast< FunctionType* >( t ); }
     54void FunctionDecl::set_type( const Type * t ) {
     55        type = strict_dynamic_cast< const FunctionType * >( t );
    5658// --- TypeDecl
  • src/AST/Decl.hpp

    r6be3b7d6 re0e9a0b  
    8787        virtual const Type * get_type() const = 0;
    8888        /// Set type of this declaration. May be verified by subclass
    89         virtual void set_type(Type *) = 0;
     89        virtual void set_type( const Type * ) = 0;
    9191        const DeclWithType * accept( Visitor & v ) const override = 0;
    111111        const Type* get_type() const override { return type; }
    112         void set_type( Type * ty ) override { type = ty; }
     112        void set_type( const Type * ty ) override { type = ty; }
    114114        const DeclWithType * accept( Visitor& v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); }
    133133        const Type * get_type() const override;
    134         void set_type(Type * t) override;
     134        void set_type( const Type * t ) override;
    136136        bool has_body() const { return stmts; }
    149149        std::vector<ptr<DeclWithType>> assertions;
    151         NamedTypeDecl( const CodeLocation& loc, const std::string& name, Storage::Classes storage,
    152                 Type* b, Linkage::Spec spec = Linkage::Cforall )
     151        NamedTypeDecl(
     152                const CodeLocation & loc, const std::string & name, Storage::Classes storage,
     153                const Type * b, Linkage::Spec spec = Linkage::Cforall )
    153154        : Decl( loc, name, storage, spec ), base( b ), params(), assertions() {}
    185186        };
    187         TypeDecl( const CodeLocation& loc, const std::string& name, Storage::Classes storage, Type* b,
    188                 TypeVar::Kind k, bool s, Type* i = nullptr )
     188        TypeDecl(
     189                const CodeLocation & loc, const std::string & name, Storage::Classes storage,
     190                const Type * b, TypeVar::Kind k, bool s, const Type * i = nullptr )
    189191        : NamedTypeDecl( loc, name, storage, b ), kind( k ), sized( k == TypeVar::Ttype || s ),
    190192          init( i ) {}
    201203        TypeDecl * clone() const override { return new TypeDecl{ *this }; }
    202204        MUTATE_FRIEND
    203         friend class ParameterizedType;  // to allow deep clones
  • src/AST/Node.cpp

    r6be3b7d6 re0e9a0b  
    5757template< typename node_t, enum ast::Node::ref_type ref_t >
    58 void ast::ptr_base<node_t, ref_t>::_check() const { if(node) assert(node->was_ever_strong == false || node->strong_count > 0); }
     58void ast::ptr_base<node_t, ref_t>::_check() const {
     59        // if(node) assert(node->was_ever_strong == false || node->strong_count > 0);
    6062template< typename node_t, enum ast::Node::ref_type ref_t >
  • src/AST/Node.hpp

    r6be3b7d6 re0e9a0b  
     127/// Mutate an entire indexed collection by cloning to accepted value
     128template<typename node_t, typename parent_t, typename coll_t>
     129const node_t * mutate_each( const node_t * node, coll_t parent_t::* field, Visitor & v ) {
     130        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < (node->*field).size(); ++i ) {
     131                node = mutate_field_index( node, field, i, (node->*field)[i]->accept( v ) );
     132        }
     133        return node;
    127136std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& out, const Node * node );
  • src/AST/Pass.hpp

    r6be3b7d6 re0e9a0b  
    3535#include "AST/SymbolTable.hpp"
     37#include "AST/ForallSubstitutionTable.hpp"
    3739// Private prelude header, needed for some of the magic tricks this class pulls off
    3840#include "AST/Pass.proto.hpp"
    4749// Several additional features are available through inheritance
    48 // | WithTypeSubstitution - provides polymorphic const TypeSubstitution * env for the
    49 //                          current expression
    50 // | WithStmtsToAdd       - provides the ability to insert statements before or after the current
    51 //                          statement by adding new statements into stmtsToAddBefore or
    52 //                          stmtsToAddAfter respectively.
    53 // | WithDeclsToAdd       - provides the ability to insert declarations before or after the current
    54 //                          declarations by adding new DeclStmt into declsToAddBefore or
    55 //                          declsToAddAfter respectively.
    56 // | WithShortCircuiting  - provides the ability to skip visiting child nodes; set visit_children
    57 //                          to false in pre{visit,visit} to skip visiting children
    58 // | WithGuards           - provides the ability to save/restore data like a LIFO stack; to save,
    59 //                          call GuardValue with the variable to save, the variable will
    60 //                          automatically be restored to its previous value after the corresponding
    61 //                          postvisit/postmutate teminates.
    62 // | WithVisitorRef       - provides an pointer to the templated visitor wrapper
    63 // | WithSymbolTable      - provides symbol table functionality
     50// | WithTypeSubstitution  - provides polymorphic const TypeSubstitution * env for the
     51//                           current expression
     52// | WithStmtsToAdd        - provides the ability to insert statements before or after the current
     53//                           statement by adding new statements into stmtsToAddBefore or
     54//                           stmtsToAddAfter respectively.
     55// | WithDeclsToAdd        - provides the ability to insert declarations before or after the
     56//                           current declarations by adding new DeclStmt into declsToAddBefore or
     57//                           declsToAddAfter respectively.
     58// | WithShortCircuiting   - provides the ability to skip visiting child nodes; set visit_children
     59//                           to false in pre{visit,visit} to skip visiting children
     60// | WithGuards            - provides the ability to save/restore data like a LIFO stack; to save,
     61//                           call GuardValue with the variable to save, the variable will
     62//                           automatically be restored to its previous value after the
     63//                           corresponding postvisit/postmutate teminates.
     64// | WithVisitorRef        - provides an pointer to the templated visitor wrapper
     65// | WithSymbolTable       - provides symbol table functionality
     66// | WithForallSubstitutor - maintains links between TypeInstType and TypeDecl under mutation
    6568template< typename pass_t >
    201204        container_t< ptr<node_t> > call_accept( const container_t< ptr<node_t> > & container );
     206        /// Mutate forall-list, accounting for presence of type substitution map
     207        template<typename node_t>
     208        void mutate_forall( const node_t *& );
    204211        /// Logic to call the accept and mutate the parent if needed, delegates call to accept
    221228        };
     230        /// Internal RAII guard for forall substitutions
     231        struct guard_forall_subs {
     232                guard_forall_subs( Pass<pass_t> & pass, const ParameterizedType * type )
     233                : pass( pass ), type( type ) { __pass::forall::enter(pass.pass, 0, type ); }
     234                ~guard_forall_subs()         { __pass::forall::leave(pass.pass, 0, type ); }
     235                Pass<pass_t> & pass;
     236                const ParameterizedType * type;
     237        };
    224240        bool inFunction = false;
    313329        SymbolTable symtab;
     332/// Use when the templated visitor needs to keep TypeInstType instances properly linked to TypeDecl
     333struct WithForallSubstitutor {
     334        ForallSubstitutionTable subs;
  • src/AST/Pass.impl.hpp

    r6be3b7d6 re0e9a0b  
    127127                        , decltype( node->accept(*this) )
    128128                >::type
    130129        {
    131130                __pedantic_pass_assert( __visit_children() );
    132                 __pedantic_pass_assert( expr );
     131                __pedantic_pass_assert( node );
    134133                static_assert( !std::is_base_of<ast::Expr, node_t>::value, "ERROR");
    323322        }
     325        template< typename pass_t >
     326        template< typename node_t >
     327        void ast::Pass< pass_t >::mutate_forall( const node_t *& node ) {
     328                if ( auto subs = __pass::forall::subs( pass, 0 ) ) {
     329                        // tracking TypeDecl substitution, full clone
     330                        if ( node->forall.empty() ) return;
     332                        node_t * mut = mutate( node );
     333                        mut->forall = subs->clone( node->forall, *this );
     334                        node = mut;
     335                } else {
     336                        // not tracking TypeDecl substitution, just mutate
     337                        maybe_accept( node, &node_t::forall );
     338                }
     339        }
    16671682        VISIT_START( node );
    1669         VISIT(
    1670                 maybe_accept( node, &FunctionType::forall  );
     1684        VISIT({
     1685                guard_forall_subs forall_guard { *this, node };
     1686                mutate_forall( node );
    16711687                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionType::returns );
    16721688                maybe_accept( node, &FunctionType::params  );
    1673         )
     1689        })
    16751691        VISIT_END( Type, node );
    16861702        VISIT({
    16871703                guard_symtab guard { *this };
    1688                 maybe_accept( node, &StructInstType::forall );
     1704                guard_forall_subs forall_guard { *this, node };
     1705                mutate_forall( node );
    16891706                maybe_accept( node, &StructInstType::params );
    16901707        })
    16991716        VISIT_START( node );
    1701         __pass::symtab::addStruct( pass, 0, node->name );
    1703         {
     1718        __pass::symtab::addUnion( pass, 0, node->name );
     1720        VISIT({
    17041721                guard_symtab guard { *this };
    1705                 maybe_accept( node, &UnionInstType::forall );
     1722                guard_forall_subs forall_guard { *this, node };
     1723                mutate_forall( node );
    17061724                maybe_accept( node, &UnionInstType::params );
    1707         }
     1725        })
    17091727        VISIT_END( Type, node );
    17161734        VISIT_START( node );
    1718         VISIT(
    1719                 maybe_accept( node, &EnumInstType::forall );
     1736        VISIT({
     1737                guard_forall_subs forall_guard { *this, node };
     1738                mutate_forall( node );
    17201739                maybe_accept( node, &EnumInstType::params );
    1721         )
     1740        })
    17231742        VISIT_END( Type, node );
    17301749        VISIT_START( node );
    1732         VISIT(
    1733                 maybe_accept( node, &TraitInstType::forall );
     1751        VISIT({
     1752                guard_forall_subs forall_guard { *this, node };
     1753                mutate_forall( node );
    17341754                maybe_accept( node, &TraitInstType::params );
    1735         )
     1755        })
    17371757        VISIT_END( Type, node );
    17461766        VISIT(
    1747                 maybe_accept( node, &TypeInstType::forall );
    1748                 maybe_accept( node, &TypeInstType::params );
     1767                {
     1768                        guard_forall_subs forall_guard { *this, node };
     1769                        mutate_forall( node );
     1770                        maybe_accept( node, &TypeInstType::params );
     1771                }
     1772                // ensure that base re-bound if doing substitution
     1773                __pass::forall::replace( pass, 0, node );
    17491774        )
  • src/AST/Pass.proto.hpp

    r6be3b7d6 re0e9a0b  
    263263                template<typename pass_t>
    264264                static inline void leave( pass_t &, long ) {}
    265         };
    267         // Finally certain pass desire an up to date symbol table automatically
     265        } // namespace scope
     267        // Certain passes desire an up to date symbol table automatically
    268268        // detect the presence of a member name `symtab` and call all the members appropriately
    269269        namespace symtab {
    356356                #undef SYMTAB_FUNC1
    357357                #undef SYMTAB_FUNC2
    358         };
    359 };
    360 };
     358        } // namespace symtab
     360        // Some passes need to mutate TypeDecl and properly update their pointing TypeInstType.
     361        // Detect the presence of a member name `subs` and call all members appropriately
     362        namespace forall {
     363                // Some simple scoping rules
     364                template<typename pass_t>
     365                static inline auto enter( pass_t & pass, int, const ast::ParameterizedType * type )
     366                -> decltype( pass.subs, void() ) {
     367                        if ( ! type->forall.empty() ) pass.subs.beginScope();
     368                }
     370                template<typename pass_t>
     371                static inline auto enter( pass_t &, long, const ast::ParameterizedType * ) {}
     373                template<typename pass_t>
     374                static inline auto leave( pass_t & pass, int, const ast::ParameterizedType * type )
     375                -> decltype( pass.subs, void() ) {
     376                        if ( ! type->forall.empty() ) { pass.subs.endScope(); }
     377                }
     379                template<typename pass_t>
     380                static inline auto leave( pass_t &, long, const ast::ParameterizedType * ) {}
     382                // Get the substitution table, if present
     383                template<typename pass_t>
     384                static inline auto subs( pass_t & pass, int ) -> decltype( &pass.subs ) {
     385                        return &pass.subs;
     386                }
     388                template<typename pass_t>
     389                static inline ast::ForallSubstitutionTable * subs( pass_t &, long ) { return nullptr; }
     391                // Replaces a TypeInstType's base TypeDecl according to the table
     392                template<typename pass_t>
     393                static inline auto replace( pass_t & pass, int, const ast::TypeInstType *& inst )
     394                -> decltype( pass.subs, void() ) {
     395                        inst = ast::mutate_field(
     396                                inst, &ast::TypeInstType::base, pass.subs.replace( inst->base ) );
     397                }
     399                template<typename pass_t>
     400                static inline auto replace( pass_t &, long, const ast::TypeInstType *& ) {}
     402        } // namespace forall
     403} // namespace __pass
     404} // namespace ast
  • src/AST/Type.cpp

    r6be3b7d6 re0e9a0b  
    2222#include "Decl.hpp"
     23#include "ForallSubstitutor.hpp" // for substituteForall
    2324#include "Init.hpp"
     25#include "Common/utility.h"      // for copy, move
    2426#include "InitTweak/InitTweak.h" // for getPointerBase
    2527#include "Tuples/Tuples.h"       // for isTtype
     95// --- ParameterizedType
     97void ParameterizedType::initWithSub(
     98        const ParameterizedType & o, Pass< ForallSubstitutor > & sub
     99) {
     100        forall = sub.pass( o.forall );
    93103// --- FunctionType
     105FunctionType::FunctionType( const FunctionType & o )
     106: ParameterizedType( o.qualifiers, copy( o.attributes ) ), returns(), params(),
     107  isVarArgs( o.isVarArgs ) {
     108        Pass< ForallSubstitutor > sub;
     109        initWithSub( o, sub );           // initialize substitution map
     110        returns = sub.pass( o.returns ); // apply to return and parameter types
     111        params = sub.pass( o.params );
    95114namespace {
    108127// --- ReferenceToType
     129void ReferenceToType::initWithSub( const ReferenceToType & o, Pass< ForallSubstitutor > & sub ) {
     130        ParameterizedType::initWithSub( o, sub ); // initialize substitution
     131        params = sub.pass( o.params );            // apply to parameters
     134ReferenceToType::ReferenceToType( const ReferenceToType & o )
     135: ParameterizedType( o.qualifiers, copy( o.attributes ) ), params(), name( ),
     136  hoistType( o.hoistType ) {
     137        Pass< ForallSubstitutor > sub;
     138        initWithSub( o, sub );
    109141std::vector<readonly<Decl>> ReferenceToType::lookup( const std::string& name ) const {
    110142        assertf( aggr(), "Must have aggregate to perform lookup" );
    119151// --- StructInstType
    121 StructInstType::StructInstType( const StructDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q,
    122         std::vector<ptr<Attribute>>&& as )
    123 : ReferenceToType( b->name, q, std::move(as) ), base( b ) {}
     154        const StructDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>>&& as )
     155: ReferenceToType( b->name, q, move(as) ), base( b ) {}
    125157bool StructInstType::isComplete() const { return base ? base->body : false; }
    127159// --- UnionInstType
    129 UnionInstType::UnionInstType( const UnionDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q,
    130         std::vector<ptr<Attribute>>&& as )
    131 : ReferenceToType( b->name, q, std::move(as) ), base( b ) {}
     162        const UnionDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>>&& as )
     163: ReferenceToType( b->name, q, move(as) ), base( b ) {}
    133165bool UnionInstType::isComplete() const { return base ? base->body : false; }
    135167// --- EnumInstType
    137 EnumInstType::EnumInstType( const EnumDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q,
    138         std::vector<ptr<Attribute>>&& as )
    139 : ReferenceToType( b->name, q, std::move(as) ), base( b ) {}
     170        const EnumDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>>&& as )
     171: ReferenceToType( b->name, q, move(as) ), base( b ) {}
    141173bool EnumInstType::isComplete() const { return base ? base->body : false; }
    143175// --- TraitInstType
    145 TraitInstType::TraitInstType( const TraitDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q,
    146         std::vector<ptr<Attribute>>&& as )
    147 : ReferenceToType( b->name, q, std::move(as) ), base( b ) {}
     178        const TraitDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>>&& as )
     179: ReferenceToType( b->name, q, move(as) ), base( b ) {}
    149181// --- TypeInstType
     183TypeInstType::TypeInstType( const TypeInstType & o )
     184: ReferenceToType(, o.qualifiers, copy( o.attributes ) ), base(), kind( o.kind ) {
     185        Pass< ForallSubstitutor > sub;
     186        initWithSub( o, sub );      // initialize substitution
     187        base = sub.pass( o.base );  // apply to base type
    151190void TypeInstType::set_base( const TypeDecl * b ) {
    160199TupleType::TupleType( std::vector<ptr<Type>> && ts, CV::Qualifiers q )
    161 : Type( q ), types( std::move(ts) ), members() {
     200: Type( q ), types( move(ts) ), members() {
    162201        // This constructor is awkward. `TupleType` needs to contain objects so that members can be
    163202        // named, but members without initializer nodes end up getting constructors, which breaks
  • src/AST/Type.hpp

    r6be3b7d6 re0e9a0b  
    3434namespace ast {
     36template< typename T > class Pass;
     37class ForallSubstitutor;
    3639class Type : public Node {
    266269/// Base type for potentially forall-qualified types
    267270class ParameterizedType : public Type {
     272        /// initializes forall with substitutor
     273        void initWithSub( const ParameterizedType & o, Pass< ForallSubstitutor > & sub );
    269275        using ForallList = std::vector<ptr<TypeDecl>>;
    278284        : Type(q, std::move(as)), forall() {}
    280         ParameterizedType( const ParameterizedType & o ) : Type( o ), forall() {
    281                 // one-level deep clone to avoid weak-reference errors
    282                 forall.reserve( o.forall.size() );
    283                 for ( const TypeDecl * d : o.forall ) { forall.emplace_back( d->clone() ); }
    284         }
     286        // enforce use of ForallSubstitutor to copy parameterized type
     287        ParameterizedType( const ParameterizedType & ) = delete;
    286289        ParameterizedType( ParameterizedType && ) = default;
    312315        : ParameterizedType(q), returns(), params(), isVarArgs(va) {}
     317        FunctionType( const FunctionType & o );
    314319        /// true if either the parameters or return values contain a tttype
    315320        bool isTtype() const;
    325330/// base class for types that refer to types declared elsewhere (aggregates and typedefs)
    326331class ReferenceToType : public ParameterizedType {
     333        /// Initializes forall and parameters based on substitutor
     334        void initWithSub( const ReferenceToType & o, Pass< ForallSubstitutor > & sub );
    328336        std::vector<ptr<Expr>> params;
    330338        bool hoistType = false;
    332         ReferenceToType( const std::string& n, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
    333                 std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
     340        ReferenceToType(
     341                const std::string& n, CV::Qualifiers q = {}, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
    334342        : ParameterizedType(q, std::move(as)), params(), name(n) {}
     344        ReferenceToType( const ReferenceToType & o );
    336346        /// Gets aggregate declaration this type refers to
    349359        readonly<StructDecl> base;
    351         StructInstType( const std::string& n, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
    352                 std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
     361        StructInstType(
     362                const std::string& n, CV::Qualifiers q = {}, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
    353363        : ReferenceToType( n, q, std::move(as) ), base() {}
    354         StructInstType( const StructDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
    355                 std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} );
     365        StructInstType(
     366                const StructDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q = {}, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} );
    357368        bool isComplete() const override;
    370381        readonly<UnionDecl> base;
    372         UnionInstType( const std::string& n, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
    373                 std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
     383        UnionInstType(
     384                const std::string& n, CV::Qualifiers q = {}, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
    374385        : ReferenceToType( n, q, std::move(as) ), base() {}
    375         UnionInstType( const UnionDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
    376                 std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} );
     387        UnionInstType(
     388                const UnionDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q = {}, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} );
    378390        bool isComplete() const override;
    391403        readonly<EnumDecl> base;
    393         EnumInstType( const std::string& n, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
    394                 std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
     405        EnumInstType(
     406                const std::string& n, CV::Qualifiers q = {}, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
    395407        : ReferenceToType( n, q, std::move(as) ), base() {}
    396         EnumInstType( const EnumDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
    397                 std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} );
     409        EnumInstType(
     410                const EnumDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q = {}, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} );
    399412        bool isComplete() const override;
    412425        readonly<TraitDecl> base;
    414         TraitInstType( const std::string& n, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
    415                 std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
     427        TraitInstType(
     428                const std::string& n, CV::Qualifiers q = {}, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
    416429        : ReferenceToType( n, q, std::move(as) ), base() {}
    417         TraitInstType( const TraitDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
    418                 std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} );
     431        TraitInstType(
     432                const TraitDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q = {}, std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} );
    420434        // not meaningful for TraitInstType
    435449        TypeVar::Kind kind;
    437         TypeInstType( const std::string& n, const TypeDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
     451        TypeInstType(
     452                const std::string& n, const TypeDecl * b, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
    438453                std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
    439454        : ReferenceToType( n, q, std::move(as) ), base( b ), kind( b->kind ) {}
    440         TypeInstType( const std::string& n, TypeVar::Kind k, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
     456        TypeInstType(
     457                const std::string& n, TypeVar::Kind k, CV::Qualifiers q = {},
    441458                std::vector<ptr<Attribute>> && as = {} )
    442459        : ReferenceToType( n, q, std::move(as) ), base(), kind( k ) {}
     461        TypeInstType( const TypeInstType & o );
    444463        /// sets `base`, updating `kind` correctly
  • src/AST/

    r6be3b7d6 re0e9a0b  
    2222        AST/DeclReplacer.cpp \
    2323        AST/Expr.cpp \
     24        AST/ForallSubstitutionTable.cpp \
    2425        AST/GenericSubstitution.cpp \
    2526        AST/Init.cpp \
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.