Jul 15, 2024, 1:33:18 PM (8 months ago)
JiadaL <j82liang@…>

update CFAenum.tex

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  • TabularUnified doc/theses/jiada_liang_MMath/CFAenum.tex

    rbfa7bf0 rdc1c430  
    77The following sections detail all of my new contributions to enumerations in \CFA.
    10 \section{Aliasing}
    12 C already provides @const@-style aliasing using the unnamed enumerator \see{\VRef{s:TypeName}}, even if the name @enum@ is misleading (@const@ would be better).
    13 Given the existence of this form, it is straightforward to extend it with types other than @int@.
    14 \begin{cfa}
    15 enum E { Size = 20u, PI = 3.14159L, Jack = L"John" };
    16 \end{cfa}
    17 which matches with @const@ aliasing in other programming languages.
    18 Here, the type of the enumerator is the type of the initialization constant, \eg @typeof(20u)@ for @Size@ implies @unsigned int@.
    19 Auto-initialization is restricted to the case where all constants are @int@, matching with C.
    20 As seen in \VRef{s:EnumeratorTyping}, this feature is just a shorthand for multiple typed-enumeration declarations.
     10        Not support.
     12% \section{Aliasing}
     14% C already provides @const@-style aliasing using the unnamed enumerator \see{\VRef{s:TypeName}}, even if the name @enum@ is misleading (@const@ would be better).
     15% Given the existence of this form, it is straightforward to extend it with types other than @int@.
     16% \begin{cfa}
     17% enum E { Size = 20u, PI = 3.14159L, Jack = L"John" };
     18% \end{cfa}
     19% which matches with @const@ aliasing in other programming languages.
     20% Here, the type of the enumerator is the type of the initialization constant, \eg @typeof(20u)@ for @Size@ implies @unsigned int@.
     21% Auto-initialization is restricted to the case where all constants are @int@, matching with C.
     22% As seen in \VRef{s:EnumeratorTyping}, this feature is just a shorthand for multiple typed-enumeration declarations.
    2931The \CFA type-system allows extensive overloading, including enumerators.
    30 Furthermore, \CFA uses the left-hand of assignment in type resolution to pinpoint the best overloaded name.
     32Furthermore, \CFA uses the environment, such as the left-had of assignment and function parameter, to pinpoint the best overloaded name.
     33% Furthermore, \CFA uses the left-hand of assignment in type resolution to pinpoint the best overloaded name.
    3134Finally, qualification and casting are provided to disambiguate any ambiguous situations.
    3538E1 f() { return Third; }                                $\C{// overloaded functions, different return types}$
    3639E2 f() { return Fourth; }
     40void g(E1 e);
     41void h(E2 e);
    3742void foo() {
    3843        E1 e1 = First;   E2 e2 = First;         $\C{// initialization}$
    3944        e1 = Second;   e2 = Second;                     $\C{// assignment}$
    40         e1 = f();   e2 = f();                           $\C{// function call}$
     45        e1 = f();   e2 = f();                           $\C{// function return}$
     46        g(First); h(First);                                     $\C{// function parameter}$
    4147        int i = @E1.@First + @E2.@First;        $\C{// disambiguate with qualification}$
    4248        int j = @(E1)@First + @(E2)@First;      $\C{// disambiguate with cast}$
    74 \section{Enumeration Trait}
    76 The header file \lstinline[deletekeywords=enum]{<enum.hfa>} defines the set of traits containing operators and helper functions for @enum@.
     80\section{Enumeration Traits}
     82\CFA defines the set of traits containing operators and helper functions for @enum@.
    7783A \CFA enumeration satisfies all of these traits allowing it to interact with runtime features in \CFA.
    7884Each trait is discussed in detail.
    80 The trait @Bounded@:
     86The trait @CfaEnum@:
     88forall( E ) trait CfaEnum {
     89        char * label( E e );
     90        unsigned int posn( E e );
     94describes an enumeration as a named constant with position. And @TypeEnum@
     96forall( E, V ) trait TypeEnum {
     97        V value( E e );
     100asserts two types @E@ and @T@, with @T@ being the base type for the enumeration @E@.
     102The declarative syntax
     104enum(T) E { A = ..., B = ..., C = ... };
     106creates an enumerated type E with @label@, @posn@ and @value@ implemented automatically.
     109void foo( T t ) { ... }
     110void bar(E e) {
     111        choose (e) {
     112                case A: printf("\%d", posn(e));
     113                case B: printf("\%s", label(e));
     114                case C: foo(value(e));
     115        }
     119Implementing general functions across all enumeration types is possible by asserting @CfaEnum( E, T )@, \eg:
     121#include <string.hfa>
     122forall( E, T | CfaEnum( E, T ) | {unsigned int toUnsigned(T)} )
     123string formatEnum( E e ) {
     124        unsigned int v = toUnsigned(value(e));
     125        string out = label(e) + '(' + v +')';
     126        return out;
     128printEunm( Week.Mon );
     129printEnum( RGB.Green );
     132\CFA does not define attributes functions for C style enumeration. But it is possilbe for users to explicitly implement
     133enumeration traits for C enum and any other types.
     136enum Fruit { Apple, Bear, Cherry };                     $\C{// C enum}$
     137char * label(Fruit f) {
     138        switch(f) {
     139                case Apple: "A"; break;
     140                case Bear: "B"; break;
     141                case Cherry: "C"; break;
     142        }
     144unsigned posn(Fruit f) { return f; }
     145char* value(Fruit f) { return ""; }             $\C{// value can return any non void type}$
     146formatEnum( Apple );                                                    $\C{// Fruit is now a Cfa enum}$
     149A type that implement trait @CfaEnum@, \ie, a type has no @value@, is called an opaque enum.
     151% \section{Enumerator Opaque Type}
     153% \CFA provides a special opaque enumeration type, where the internal representation is chosen by the compiler and only equality operations are available.
     159In addition, \CFA implements @Bound@ and @Serial@ for \CFA Enums.
    82161forall( E ) trait Bounded {
    87 defines the bounds of the enumeration, where @first()@ returns the first enumerator and @last()@ returns the last, \eg:
     166The function @first()@ and @last()@ of enumertated type E return the first and the last enumerator declared in E, respectively. \eg:
    89168Workday day = first();                                  $\C{// Mon}$
    93172Calling either functions without a context results in a type ambiguity, except in the rare case where the type environment has only one enumeration.
    95 @first();@                                                              $\C{// ambiguous Workday and Planet implement Bounded}$
     174@first();@                                                              $\C{// ambiguous because both Workday and Planet implement Bounded}$
    96175sout | @last()@;
    97176Workday day = first();                                  $\C{// day provides type Workday}$
    116195Specifically, for enumerator @E@ declaring $N$ enumerators, @fromInt( i )@ returns the $i-1_{th}$ enumerator, if $0 \leq i < N$, or raises the exception @enumBound@.
    118 The @Serial@ trait also requires interface functions @succ( E e )@ and @pred( E e )@ be implemented for a serial type, which imply the enumeration positions are consecutive and ordinal.
     197The @succ( E e )@ and @pred( E e )@ imply the enumeration positions are consecutive and ordinal.
    119198Specifically, if @e@ is the $i_{th}$ enumerator, @succ( e )@ returns the $i+1_{th}$ enumerator when $e \ne last()$, and @pred( e )@ returns the $i-1_{th}$ enumerator when $e \ne first()$.
    120199The exception @enumRange@ is raised if the result of either operation is outside the range of type @E@.
    122 The trait @TypedEnum@:
    123 \begin{cfa}
    124 forall( E, T ) trait TypedEnum {
    125         T valueE( E e );
    126         char * labelE( E e );
    127         unsigned int posE( E e );
    128 };
    129 \end{cfa}
    130 captures three basic attributes of an enumeration type: value, label, and position.
    131 @TypedEnum@ asserts two types @E@ and @T@, with @T@ being the base type of the enumeration @E@, \eg @enum( T ) E { ... };@.
    132 Implementing general functions across all enumeration types is possible by asserting @TypeEnum( E, T )@, \eg:
    133 \begin{cfa}
    134 forall( E, T | TypeEnum( E, T ) )
    135 void printEnum( E e ) {
    136         sout | "Enum "| labelE( e );
    137 }
    138 printEunm( MARS );
    139 \end{cfa}
    141201Finally, there is an associated trait defining comparison operators among enumerators.
    143 forall( E, T | TypedEnum( E, T ) ) {
     203forall( E, T | CfaEnum( E, T ) ) {
    144204        // comparison
    145205        int ?==?( E l, E r );           $\C{// true if l and r are same enumerators}$
    154 Note, the overloaded operators are defined only when the header @<enum.hfa>@ is included.
    155 If not, the compiler converts an enumerator to its value, and applies the operators defined for the value type @E@, \eg:
    156 \begin{cfa}
    157 // if not include <enum.hfa>
    158 enum( int ) Fruits { APPLE = 2, BANANA = 10, CHERRY = 2 };
    159 APPLE == CHERRY; // true because valueE( APPLE ) == valueE( CHERRY )
    161 #include <enum.hfa>
    162 APPLE == CHERRY; // false because posE( APPLE ) != posE( CHERRY )
    163 \end{cfa}
    164 An enumerator returns its @position@ by default.
    165 In particular, @printf( ... )@ from @<stdio.h>@ functions provides no context to its parameter type, so it prints @position@.
    166 On the other hand, the pipeline operator @?|?( ostream os, E enumType )@ provides type context for type @E@, and \CFA has overwritten this operator to print the enumeration @value@ over @position@.
    167 \begin{cfa}
    168 printf( "Position of BANANA is \%d", BANANA ); // Position of BANANA is 1
    169 sout | "Value of BANANA is " | BANANA; // Value of BANANA is 10
    170 \end{cfa}
    171 Programmers can overwrite this behaviour by overloading the pipeline operator themselves.
    172 \PAB{This needs discussing because including \lstinline{<enum.hfa>} can change the entire meaning of a program.}
    175 % \section{Enumeration Pseudo-functions}
    177 % Pseudo-functions are function-like operators that do not result in any run-time computations, \ie like @sizeof@, @alignof@, @typeof@.
    178 % A pseudo-function call is often substituted with information extracted from the compilation symbol-table, like storage size or alignment associated with the underlying architecture.
    180 % The attributes of an enumerator are accessed by pseudo-functions @posE@, @valueE@, and @labelE@.
    181 % \begin{cfa}
    182 % int jane_pos = @posE@( Names.Jane );   $\C{// 2}$
    183 % char * jane_value = @valueE@( Names.Jane ); $\C{// "JANE"}$
    184 % char * jane_label = @labelE@( Names.Jane ); $\C{// "Jane"}$
    185 % sout | posE( Names.Jane) | labelE( Names.Jane ) | valueE( Names.Jane );
    186 % \end{cfa}
    187 % Note the ability to print all of an enumerator's properties.
    190 \section{Enumerator Typing}
     215\section{Typed Enum}
    256281calling constructors happens at runtime (dynamic).
    259 \section{Enumerator Opaque Type}
    261 \CFA provides a special opaque enumeration type, where the internal representation is chosen by the compiler and only equality operations are available.
    262 \begin{cfa}
    264 \end{cfa}
    267283\section{Enumeration Inheritance}
    269285\CFA Plan-9 inheritance may be used with enumerations, where Plan-9 inheritance is containment inheritance with implicit unscoping (like a nested unnamed @struct@/@union@ in C).
    271288enum( char * ) Names { /* as above */ };
    272289enum( char * ) Names2 { @inline Names@, Jack = "JACK", Jill = "JILL" };
    273 @***@enum /* inferred */ Names3 { @inline Names2@, Sue = "SUE", Tom = "TOM" };
    274 \end{cfa}
     290enum( char * ) Names3 { @inline Names2@, Sue = "SUE", Tom = "TOM" };
    275293Enumeration @Name2@ inherits all the enumerators and their values from enumeration @Names@ by containment, and a @Names@ enumeration is a subtype of enumeration @Name2@.
    276294Note, enumerators must be unique in inheritance but enumerator values may be repeated.
    278 The enumeration type for the inheriting type must be the same as the inherited type;
    279 hence the enumeration type may be omitted for the inheriting enumeration and it is inferred from the inherited enumeration, as for @Name3@.
     296% The enumeration type for the inheriting type must be the same as the inherited type;
     297% hence the enumeration type may be omitted for the inheriting enumeration and it is inferred from the inherited enumeration, as for @Name3@.
    280298% When inheriting from integral types, automatic numbering may be used, so the inheritance placement left to right is important.
    281299Specifically, the inheritance relationship for @Names@ is:
    283 Names $\(\subset\)$ Names2 $\(\subset\)$ Names3 $\(\subset\)$ const char * $\C{// enum type of Names}$
     301Names $\(\subset\)$ Names2 $\(\subset\)$ Names3 $\C{// enum type of Names}$
     303A subtype can be casted to its super type, assigned to a super type variable, or be used as a function argument that expects the super type.
     305Names fred = Name.Fred;
     306(Names2) fred; (Names3) fred; (Name3) Names.Jack;  $\C{// cast to super type}$
     307Names2 fred2 = fred; Names3 fred3 = fred2; $\C{// assign to super type}$
    285309For the given function prototypes, the following calls are valid.
    297321g( Fred );   g( Jill );
    298322h( Fred );   h( Jill );   h( Sue );
    299  j( Fred );    j( Jill );    j( Sue );    j( "WILL" );
     323j( Fred );    j( Jill );    j( Sue );    j( "WILL" );
    303327Note, the validity of calls is the same for call-by-reference as for call-by-value, and @const@ restrictions are the same as for other types.
    306329\section{Enumerator Control Structures}
    367 @if@ statement
    369 @switch@ statement
    371 looping statements
     390for (d; Workday) { sout | d; }
     391for (p; +~=Planet) { sout | p; }
     392for (c: -~=Alphabet ) { sout | c; }
     394The @range loop@ for enumeration is a syntax sugar that looping over all enumeerators and assign each enumeration to a variable in every iteration.
     395The loop control of range loop consists of two parts: a variable declaration and a @range expression@, with type of the variable
     396can be inferred from the range expression.
     398The range expression is an enumeration type, optionally prefixed by @+~=@ or @-~=@. Without a prefix, or prefixed with @+~=@, the control
     399loop over all enumerator from the first to the last. With a @-~=@ prefix, the control loops backwards.
     401On a side note, the loop syntax
     403for ( typeof(Workday) d; d <= last(); d = succ(d) );
     405does not work. When d == last(), the loop control will still attempt to assign succ(d) to d, which causes an @enumBound@ exception.
     407\CFA reduces conditionals to its "if case" if the predicate not equal to ( @!=@ ) zero, and the "else case" otherwises.
     408Overloading the @!=@ operator with an enumeration type against the zero defines a conceptual conversion from
     409enum to boolean, which can be used as predicates.
     412enum(int) ErrorCode { Normal = 0, Slow = 1, Overheat = 1000, OutOfResource = 1001 };
     413bool ?!=?(ErrorCode lhs, zero_t) { return value(lhs) >= 1000; }
     414ErrorCode code = /.../
     415if (code) { scream(); }
     418Indicentally, \CFA does not define boolean conversion for enumeration. If no
     419@?!=?(ErrorCode, zero_t)@
     420overloading defined,
     421\CFA looks for the boolean conversion in terms of its value, and gives an compiler error if no such conversion is available.
     424enum(int) Weekday { Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun, };
     425enum() Colour { Red, Green, Blue };
     426enum(S) Fruit { Apple, Banana, Cherry }
     427Weekday w = ...; Colour c = ...; Fruit f = ...;
     428if (w) { ... } // w is true if and only if w != Mon, because value(Mon) == 0 (auto initialized)
     429if (c) { ... } // error
     430if (s) { ... } // depends on ?!=?(S lhs, zero_t ), and error if no such overloading available
     433As an alternatively, users can define the boolean conversion for CfaEnum:
     436forall(E | CfaEnum(E))
     437bool ?!=?(E lhs, zero_t) {
     438        return posn(lhs) != 0;
     441which effectively turns the first enumeration as a logical zero and non-zero for others.
    374443\section{Enumerated Arrays}
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