Changeset d03fa6d for doc

Feb 4, 2018, 10:30:07 AM (6 years ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, demangler, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, new-env, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum, resolv-new, with_gc

fix macros and start adding material

1 edited


  • doc/papers/general/Paper.tex

    r3ce0c915 rd03fa6d  
    3939\newcommand{\TODO}[1]{\textbf{TODO}: {\itshape #1}} % TODO included
    4040%\newcommand{\TODO}[1]{} % TODO elided
    4142% Default underscore is too low and wide. Cannot use lstlisting "literate" as replacing underscore
    42 % removes it as a variable-name character so keyworks in variables are highlighted
    43 \DeclareTextCommandDefault{\textunderscore}{\leavevmode\makebox[1.2ex][c]{\rule{1ex}{0.1ex}}}
     43% removes it as a variable-name character so keywords in variables are highlighted. MUST APPEAR
    5157\newlength{\gcolumnposn}                                % temporary hack because lstlisting does not handle tabs correctly
    55 \newcommand{\C}[2][\@empty]{\ifx#1\@empty\else\global\setlength{\columnposn}{#1}\global\columnposn=\columnposn\fi\hfill\makebox[\textwidth-\columnposn][l]{\lst@commentstyle{#2}}}
    5864% Latin abbreviation
    5965\newcommand{\abbrevFont}{\textit}       % set empty for no italics
    61         \@ifnextchar{,}{\abbrevFont{e}.\abbrevFont{g}.}%
    62                 {\@ifnextchar{:}{\abbrevFont{e}.\abbrevFont{g}.}%
    63                         {\abbrevFont{e}.\abbrevFont{g}.,\xspace}}%
     68        \@ifnextchar{,}{\EG}%
     69                {\@ifnextchar{:}{\EG}%
     70                        {\EG,\xspace}}%
    66         \@ifnextchar{,}{\abbrevFont{i}.\abbrevFont{e}.}%
    67                 {\@ifnextchar{:}{\abbrevFont{i}.\abbrevFont{e}.}%
    68                         {\abbrevFont{i}.\abbrevFont{e}.,\xspace}}%
     74        \@ifnextchar{,}{\IE}%
     75                {\@ifnextchar{:}{\IE}%
     76                        {\IE,\xspace}}%
    71         \@ifnextchar{.}{\abbrevFont{etc}}%
    72         {\abbrevFont{etc}.\xspace}%
     80        \@ifnextchar{.}{\ETC}%
     81        {\ETC\xspace}%
    74 \newcommand{\etal}{%
    75         \@ifnextchar{.}{\abbrevFont{et~al}}%
    76                 {\abbrevFont{et al}.\xspace}%
     85        \@ifnextchar{.}{\protect\ETAL}%
     86                {\abbrevFont{\protect\ETAL}.\xspace}%
     90        \@ifnextchar{.}{\VIZ}%
     91                {\abbrevFont{\VIZ}.\xspace}%
    8095% CFA programming language, based on ANSI C (with some gcc additions)
    82         morekeywords={_Alignas,_Alignof,__alignof,__alignof__,asm,__asm,__asm__,_At,_Atomic,__attribute,__attribute__,auto,
    83                 _Bool,catch,catchResume,choose,_Complex,__complex,__complex__,__const,__const__,disable,dtype,enable,__extension__,
    84                 fallthrough,fallthru,finally,forall,ftype,_Generic,_Imaginary,inline,__label__,lvalue,_Noreturn,one_t,otype,restrict,_Static_assert,
    85                 _Thread_local,throw,throwResume,trait,try,ttype,typeof,__typeof,__typeof__,zero_t},
     97        morekeywords={
     98                _Alignas, _Alignof, __alignof, __alignof__, asm, __asm, __asm__, _At, __attribute,
     99                __attribute__, auto, _Bool, catch, catchResume, choose, _Complex, __complex, __complex__,
     100                __const, __const__, disable, dtype, enable, __extension__, fallthrough, fallthru,
     101                finally, forall, ftype, _Generic, _Imaginary, inline, __label__, lvalue, _Noreturn, one_t,
     102                otype, restrict, _Static_assert, throw, throwResume, trait, try, ttype, typeof, __typeof,
     103                __typeof__, virtual, with, zero_t},
     104        moredirectives={defined,include_next}%
    91110basicstyle=\linespread{0.9}\sf,                                                 % reduce line spacing and use sanserif font
    92111stringstyle=\tt,                                                                                % use typewriter font
    93 tabsize=4,                                                                                              % 4 space tabbing
     112tabsize=5,                                                                                              % N space tabbing
    94113xleftmargin=\parindentlnth,                                                             % indent code to paragraph indentation
    95114%mathescape=true,                                                                               % LaTeX math escape in CFA code $...$
    102121% replace/adjust listing characters that look bad in sanserif
    103 literate={-}{\makebox[1.4ex][c]{\raisebox{0.5ex}{\rule{1.2ex}{0.06ex}}}}1 {^}{\raisebox{0.6ex}{$\scriptscriptstyle\land\,$}}1
     122literate={-}{\makebox[1ex][c]{\raisebox{0.4ex}{\rule{0.8ex}{0.1ex}}}}1 {^}{\raisebox{0.6ex}{$\scriptscriptstyle\land\,$}}1
    104123        {~}{\raisebox{0.3ex}{$\scriptstyle\sim\,$}}1 % {`}{\ttfamily\upshape\hspace*{-0.1ex}`}1
    105         {<-}{$\leftarrow$}2 {=>}{$\Rightarrow$}2 {->}{\makebox[1.4ex][c]{\raisebox{0.5ex}{\rule{1.2ex}{0.06ex}}}\kern-0.3ex\textgreater}2,
     124        {<-}{$\leftarrow$}2 {=>}{$\Rightarrow$}2 {->}{\makebox[1ex][c]{\raisebox{0.4ex}{\rule{0.8ex}{0.075ex}}}\kern-0.2ex\textgreater}2,
    107126}% lstset
    109128% inline code @...@
     134\lstnewenvironment{C++}[1][]                            % use C++ style
    112139\title{Generic and Tuple Types with Efficient Dynamic Layout in \protect\CFA}
    148175The C programming language is a foundational technology for modern computing with millions of lines of code implementing everything from commercial operating-systems to hobby projects.
    149176This installation base and the programmers producing it represent a massive software-engineering investment spanning decades and likely to continue for decades more.
    150 The TIOBE\cite{TIOBE} ranks the top 5 most popular programming languages as: Java 16\%, \Textbf{C 7\%}, \Textbf{\CC 5\%}, \Csharp 4\%, Python 4\% = 36\%, where the next 50 languages are less than 3\% each with a long tail.
     177The TIOBE~\cite{TIOBE} ranks the top 5 most popular programming languages as: Java 16\%, \Textbf{C 7\%}, \Textbf{\CC 5\%}, \Csharp 4\%, Python 4\% = 36\%, where the next 50 languages are less than 3\% each with a long tail.
    151178The top 3 rankings over the past 30 years are:
    187 \CFA{}\hspace{1pt}'s polymorphism was originally formalized by Ditchfield\cite{Ditchfield92}, and first implemented by Bilson\cite{Bilson03}.
     214\CFA{}\hspace{1pt}'s polymorphism was originally formalized by Ditchfield~\cite{Ditchfield92}, and first implemented by Bilson~\cite{Bilson03}.
    188215The signature feature of \CFA is parametric-polymorphic functions~\cite{forceone:impl,Cormack90,Duggan96} with functions generalized using a @forall@ clause (giving the language its name):
    337364% While a nominal-inheritance system with associated types could model one of those two relationships by making @El@ an associated type of @Ptr@ in the @pointer_like@ implementation, few such systems could model both relationships simultaneously.
    339367\section{Generic Types}
    465493However, the \CFA type-checker ensures matching types are used by all calls to @?+?@, preventing nonsensical computations like adding a length to a volume.
    729758Hence, function parameter and return lists are flattened for the purposes of type unification allowing the example to pass expression resolution.
    730 This relaxation is possible by extending the thunk scheme described by Bilson\cite{Bilson03}.
     759This relaxation is possible by extending the thunk scheme described by Bilson~\cite{Bilson03}.
    731760Whenever a candidate's parameter structure does not exactly match the formal parameter's structure, a thunk is generated to specialize calls to the actual function:
    901 \section{Improved Procedural Paradigm}
     931\section{Control Structures}
     934\subsection{\texorpdfstring{Labelled \LstKeywordStyle{continue} / \LstKeywordStyle{break}}{Labelled continue / break}}
     936While C provides @continue@ and @break@ statements for altering control flow, both are restricted to one level of nesting for a particular control structure.
     937Unfortunately, this restriction forces programmers to use @goto@ to achieve the equivalent control-flow for more than one level of nesting.
     938To prevent having to switch to the @goto@, \CFA extends the @continue@ and @break@ with a target label to support static multi-level exit~\cite{Buhr85}, as in Java.
     939For both @continue@ and @break@, the target label must be directly associated with a @for@, @while@ or @do@ statement;
     940for @break@, the target label can also be associated with a @switch@, @if@ or compound (@{}@) statement.
     941Figure~\ref{f:MultiLevelExit} shows @continue@ and @break@ indicating the specific control structure, and the corresponding C program using only @goto@ and labels.
     942The innermost loop has 7 exit points, which cause continuation or termination of one or more of the 7 nested control-structures.
     947\multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}c@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}}{\textbf{\CFA}}   & \multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}c}{\textbf{C}}      \\
     949`LC:` {
     950        ... $declarations$ ...
     951        `LS:` switch ( ... ) {
     952          case 3:
     953                `LIF:` if ( ... ) {
     954                        `LF:` for ( ... ) {
     955                                `LW:` while ( ... ) {
     956                                        ... break `LC`; ...
     957                                        ... break `LS`; ...
     958                                        ... break `LIF`; ...
     959                                        ... continue `LF;` ...
     960                                        ... break `LF`; ...
     961                                        ... continue `LW`; ...
     962                                        ... break `LW`; ...
     963                                } // while
     964                        } // for
     965                } else {
     966                        ... break `LIF`; ...
     967                } // if
     968        } // switch
     969} // compound
     974        ... $declarations$ ...
     975        switch ( ... ) {
     976          case 3:
     977                if ( ... ) {
     978                        for ( ... ) {
     979                                while ( ... ) {
     980                                        ... goto `LC`; ...
     981                                        ... goto `LS`; ...
     982                                        ... goto `LIF`; ...
     983                                        ... goto `LFC`; ...
     984                                        ... goto `LFB`; ...
     985                                        ... goto `LWC`; ...
     986                                        ... goto `LWB`; ...
     987                                  `LWC`: ; } `LWB:` ;
     988                          `LFC:` ; } `LFB:` ;
     989                } else {
     990                        ... goto `LIF`; ...
     991                } `L3:` ;
     992        } `LS:` ;
     993} `LC:` ;
     1004// terminate compound
     1005// terminate switch
     1006// terminate if
     1007// continue loop
     1008// terminate loop
     1009// continue loop
     1010// terminate loop
     1014// terminate if
     1021\caption{Multi-level Exit}
     1025Both labelled @continue@ and @break@ are a @goto@ restricted in the following ways:
     1028They cannot create a loop, which means only the looping constructs cause looping.
     1029This restriction means all situations resulting in repeated execution are clearly delineated.
     1031They cannot branch into a control structure.
     1032This restriction prevents missing declarations and/or initializations at the start of a control structure resulting in undefined behaviour.
     1034The advantage of the labelled @continue@/@break@ is allowing static multi-level exits without having to use the @goto@ statement, and tying control flow to the target control structure rather than an arbitrary point in a program.
     1035Furthermore, the location of the label at the \emph{beginning} of the target control structure informs the reader (eye candy) that complex control-flow is occurring in the body of the control structure.
     1036With @goto@, the label is at the end of the control structure, which fails to convey this important clue early enough to the reader.
     1037Finally, using an explicit target for the transfer instead of an implicit target allows new constructs to be added or removed without affecting existing constructs.
     1038The implicit targets of the current @continue@ and @break@, \ie the closest enclosing loop or @switch@, change as certain constructs are added or removed.
     1041\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\LstKeywordStyle{with} Clause / Statement}{with Clause / Statement}}
     1044In any programming language, some functions have a naturally close relationship with a particular data type.
     1045Object-oriented programming allows this close relationship to be codified in the language by making such functions \emph{class methods} of their related data type.
     1046Class methods have certain privileges with respect to their associated data type, notably un-prefixed access to the fields of that data type.
     1047When writing C functions in an object-oriented style, this un-prefixed access is swiftly missed, as access to fields of a @Foo* f@ requires an extra three characters @f->@ every time, which disrupts coding flow and clutters the produced code.
     1049\TODO{Fill out section. Be sure to mention arbitrary expressions in with-blocks, recent change driven by Thierry to prioritize field name over parameters.}
     1052In object-oriented programming, there is an implicit first parameter, often names @self@ or @this@, which is elided.
     1054class C {
     1055        int i, j;
     1056        int mem() {                                     $\C{\color{red}// implicit "this" parameter}$
     1057                i = 1;                                  $\C{\color{red}// this->i}$
     1058                j = 2;                                  $\C{\color{red}// this->j}$
     1059        }
     1062Since CFA is non-object-oriented, the equivalent object-oriented program looks like:
     1064struct S { int i, j; };
     1065int mem( S & `this` ) {                 $\C{// explicit "this" parameter}$
     1066        `this.`i = 1;                           $\C{// "this" is not elided}$
     1067        `this.`j = 2;
     1070but it is cumbersome having to write "this." many times in a member.
     1072\CFA provides a @with@ clause/statement (see Pascal~\cite[\S~4.F]{Pascal}) to elided the "@this.@" by opening a scope containing field identifiers, changing the qualified fields into variables and giving an opportunity for optimizing qualified references.
     1074int mem( S &this ) `with this` { $\C{// with clause}$
     1075        i = 1;                                          $\C{\color{red}// this.i}$
     1076        j = 2;                                          $\C{\color{red}// this.j}$
     1079which extends to multiple routine parameters:
     1081struct T { double m, n; };
     1082int mem2( S & this1, T & this2 ) `with this1, this2` {
     1083        i = 1; j = 2;
     1084        m = 1.0; n = 2.0;
     1088The statement form is used within a block:
     1090int foo() {
     1091        struct S1 { ... } s1;
     1092        struct S2 { ... } s2;
     1093        `with s1` {                                     $\C{// with statement}$
     1094                // access fields of s1 without qualification
     1095                `with s2` {                             $\C{// nesting}$
     1096                        // access fields of s1 and s2 without qualification
     1097                }
     1098        }
     1099        `with s1, s2` {
     1100                // access unambiguous fields of s1 and s2 without qualification
     1101        }
     1105When opening multiple structures, fields with the same name and type are ambiguous and must be fully qualified.
     1106For fields with the same name but different type, context/cast can be used to disambiguate.
     1108struct S { int i; int j; double m; } a, c;
     1109struct T { int i; int k; int m } b, c;
     1110`with a, b` {
     1111        j + k;                                          $\C{// unambiguous, unique names define unique types}$
     1112        i;                                                      $\C{// ambiguous, same name and type}$
     1113        a.i + b.i;                                      $\C{// unambiguous, qualification defines unique names}$
     1114        m;                                                      $\C{// ambiguous, same name and no context to define unique type}$
     1115        m = 5.0;                                        $\C{// unambiguous, same name and context defines unique type}$
     1116        m = 1;                                          $\C{// unambiguous, same name and context defines unique type}$
     1118`with c` { ... }                                $\C{// ambiguous, same name and no context}$
     1119`with (S)c` { ... }                             $\C{// unambiguous, same name and cast defines unique type}$
     1122The components in the "with" clause
     1124  with a, b, c { ... }
     1126serve 2 purposes: each component provides a type and object. The type must be a
     1127structure type. Enumerations are already opened, and I think a union is opened
     1128to some extent, too. (Or is that just unnamed unions?) The object is the target
     1129that the naked structure-fields apply to. The components are open in "parallel"
     1130at the scope of the "with" clause/statement, so opening "a" does not affect
     1131opening "b", etc. This semantic is different from Pascal, which nests the
     1134Having said the above, it seems reasonable to allow a "with" component to be an
     1135expression. The type is the static expression-type and the object is the result
     1136of the expression. Again, the type must be an aggregate. Expressions require
     1137parenthesis around the components.
     1139  with( a, b, c ) { ... }
     1141Does this now make sense?
     1143Having written more CFA code, it is becoming clear to me that I *really* want
     1144the "with" to be implemented because I hate having to type all those object
     1145names for fields. It's a great way to drive people away from the language.
     1148\subsection{Exception Handling ???}
    9031153It is important to the design team that \CFA subjectively ``feel like'' C to user programmers.
    9061156Nonetheless, some features of object-oriented languages are undeniably convienient, and the \CFA design team has attempted to adapt them to a procedural paradigm so as to incorporate their benefits into \CFA; two of these features are resource management and name scoping.
     1159\subsection{Alternative Declaration Syntax}
     1164\TODO{Pull draft text from user manual; make sure to discuss nested references and rebind operator drawn from lvalue-addressof operator}
    9081167\subsection{Constructors and Destructors}
    9141173\TODO{Fill out section. Mention field-constructors and at-equal escape hatch to C-style initialization. Probably pull some text from Rob's thesis for first draft.}
    916 \subsection{with Statement}
    918 In any programming language, some functions have a naturally close relationship with a particular data type.
    919 Object-oriented programming allows this close relationship to be codified in the language by making such functions \emph{class methods} of their related data type.
    920 Class methods have certain privileges with respect to their associated data type, notably un-prefixed access to the fields of that data type.
    921 When writing C functions in an object-oriented style, this un-prefixed access is swiftly missed, as access to fields of a @Foo* f@ requires an extra three characters @f->@ every time, which disrupts coding flow and clutters the produced code.
    923 \TODO{Fill out section. Be sure to mention arbitrary expressions in with-blocks, recent change driven by Thierry to prioritize field name over parameters.}
    925 \section{References}
    927 \TODO{Pull draft text from user manual; make sure to discuss nested references and rebind operator drawn from lvalue-addressof operator}
     1176\subsection{Default Parameters}
     1187Alternative call syntax (literal argument before routine name) to convert basic literals into user literals.
     1191struct Weight { double stones; };
     1193void ?{}( Weight & w ) { w.stones = 0; } $\C{// operations}$
     1194void ?{}( Weight & w, double w ) { w.stones = w; }
     1195Weight ?+?( Weight l, Weight r ) { return (Weight){ l.stones + r.stones }; }
     1197Weight @?`st@( double w ) { return (Weight){ w }; } $\C{// backquote for units}$
     1198Weight @?`lb@( double w ) { return (Weight){ w / 14.0 }; }
     1199Weight @?`kg@( double w ) { return (Weight) { w * 0.1575}; }
     1201int main() {
     1202        Weight w, hw = { 14 };                  $\C{// 14 stone}$
     1203        w = 11@`st@ + 1@`lb@;
     1204        w = 70.3@`kg@;
     1205        w = 155@`lb@;
     1206        w = 0x_9b_u@`lb@;                               $\C{// hexadecimal unsigned weight (155)}$
     1207        w = 0_233@`lb@;                                 $\C{// octal weight (155)}$
     1208        w = 5@`st@ + 8@`kg@ + 25@`lb@ + hw;
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