Changeset cef5bfc for doc

Aug 16, 2024, 12:06:13 PM (6 months ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>

added a few sentences and corrected spelling mistakes

1 edited


  • doc/theses/mike_brooks_MMath/string.tex

    r4558df2 rcef5bfc  
    7 \subsection{Logical overlap}
     3This chapter presents my work on designing and building a modern string type in \CFA.
     4The discussion starts with examples of interesting string problems, followed by examples of how these issues are solved in my design.
     7\section{Logical overlap}
    2020\subsection{RAII limitations}
    22 Earlier work on \CFA [to cite Schluntz] implemented the feature of constructors and destructors.  A constructor is a user-defined function that runs implicitly, when control passes an object's declaration, while a destructor runs at the exit of the declaration's lexical scope.  The feature allows programmers to assume that, whenever a runtime object of a certain type is accessible, the system called one of the programmer's constuctor functions on that object, and a matching destructor call will happen in the future.  The feature helps programmers know that their programs' invariants obtain.
    24 The purposes of such invariants go beyond ensuring authentic values for the bits inside the object.   These invariants can track occurrences of the managed objects in other data structures.  Reference counting is a typical application of the latter invariant type.  With a reference-counting smart pointer, the consturctor and destructor \emph{of the pointer type} track the lifecycles of occurrences of these pointers, by incrementing and decrementing a counter (ususally) on the referent object, that is, they maintain a that is state separate from the objects to whose lifecycles they are attached.  Both the \CC and \CFA RAII systems ares powerful enough to achive such reference counting.
    26 The \CC RAII system supports a more advanced application.  A lifecycle function has access to the object under managamanet, by location; constructors and destuctors receive a @this@ parameter providing its memory address.  A lifecycle-function implementation can then add its objects to a collection upon creation, and remove them at destruction.  A modulue that provides such objects, by using and encapsulating such a collection, can traverse the collection at relevant times, to keep the objects ``good.''  Then, if you are the user of such an module, declaring an object of its type means not only receiving an authentically ``good'' value at initialization, but receiving a subscription to a service that will keep the value ``good'' until you are done with it.
     22Earlier work on \CFA [to cite Schluntz] implemented the feature of constructors and destructors.  A constructor is a user-defined function that runs implicitly, when control passes an object's declaration, while a destructor runs at the exit of the declaration's lexical scope.  The feature allows programmers to assume that, whenever a runtime object of a certain type is accessible, the system called one of the programmer's constructor functions on that object, and a matching destructor call will happen in the future.  The feature helps programmers know that their programs' invariants obtain.
     24The purposes of such invariants go beyond ensuring authentic values for the bits inside the object.   These invariants can track occurrences of the managed objects in other data structures.  Reference counting is a typical application of the latter invariant type.  With a reference-counting smart pointer, the constructor and destructor \emph{of the pointer type} track the life cycles of occurrences of these pointers, by incrementing and decrementing a counter (usually) on the referent object, that is, they maintain a that is state separate from the objects to whose life cycles they are attached.  Both the \CC and \CFA RAII systems ares powerful enough to achieve such reference counting.
     26The \CC RAII system supports a more advanced application.  A life cycle function has access to the object under management, by location; constructors and destuctors receive a @this@ parameter providing its memory address.  A lifecycle-function implementation can then add its objects to a collection upon creation, and remove them at destruction.  A modulue that provides such objects, by using and encapsulating such a collection, can traverse the collection at relevant times, to keep the objects ``good.''  Then, if you are the user of such an module, declaring an object of its type means not only receiving an authentically ``good'' value at initialization, but receiving a subscription to a service that will keep the value ``good'' until you are done with it.
    2828In many cases, the relationship between memory location and lifecycle is simple.  But with stack-allocated objects being used as parameters and returns, there is a sender version in one stack frame and a receiver version in another.  \CC is able to treat those versions as distinct objects and guarantee a copy-constructor call for communicating the value from one to the other.  This ability has implications on the language's calling convention.  Consider an ordinary function @void f( Vehicle x )@, which receives an aggregate by value.  If the type @Vehicle@ has custom lifecycle functions, then a call to a user-provided copy constructor occurs, after the caller evaluates its argument expression, after the callee's stack frame exists, with room for its variable @x@ (which is the location that the copy-constructor must target), but before the user-provided body of @f@ begins executing.  \CC achieves this ordering by changing the function signature, in the compiled form, to pass-by-reference and having the callee invoke the copy constructor in its preamble.  On the other hand, if @Vehicle@ is a simple structure then the C calling convention is applied as the code originally appeared, that is, the callsite implementation code performs a bitwise copy from the caller's expression result, into the callee's x.
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