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    r61e5d99 rc298079  
    76 %%
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    10976%% end of the preamble, start of the body of the document source.
    12895%% article.
    130     An enumeration, or enum in short, is a type that defines a list of named constant values in C. Cforall extends the enumeration with additional features.
     97    An enumeration, or enum in short, is a type that defines a list of named constant values in C. C uses integral type as the underlying representation of enum. Cforall extends C enum to allow more types, including custom types, to be used as enumeration inner representation.
    144111\section{C-Style Enum}
     112\begin{lstlisting}[style=CStyle, label{lst:weekday}]
     113enum Weekday { Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday=10, Friday, Saturday, Sunday };
     115Cforall supports the C-Style enumeration (C-enum for short). It has the same syntax as C and resembles the same language semantics. In code~\ref{lst:weekday} example, the syntax defines an enum class $Weekday$ with enumerators $Monday$, $Tuesday$, $Wednesday$, $Thursday$, $Friday$, $Saturday$ and $Sunday$ in order. The successor of $Tuesday$ is $Monday$ and the predecessor of $Tuesday$ is $Wednesday$. Enumerators have an integral type, either being explicitly initialized by an initializer or being assigned a value by the compiler. For example, $Thursday$ has been assigned with value $10$. If not explicitly initialized, the first value of an enum, $Monday$ in the $Weekday$ example, has the integer value 0. Other uninitialized enum value has a value that is equal to their successor $+ 1$. The enum value $Tuesday$, $Wednesday$, $Friday$, $Saturday$, and $Sunday$ have value 1, 2, 11, 12, and 13 respectively.
     117\begin{lstlisting}[label{lst:enum_scope}, style=CStyle]
     119    {
     120        enum RGB {R, G, B};
     121        int i = R  // i == 0
     122    }
     123    int j = G; // ERROR! G is not declared in this scope
     126C-enums are unscoped: enumerators declared inside of an enum are visible in the enclosing scope of the enum class.
     128\section{Cforall-Style Enum}
     129\begin{lstlisting}[style=CStyle, label{lst:color}]
     130enum Color(char *) { Red="R", Green="G", Blue="B"  };
     132A Cforall enumeration is parameterized by a type declared. Cforall allows any oType in the enum declaration, and values assigned to enumerators must be in the declared type.
     134\section{Enumerable Type Traits}
     135A trait is a collection of constraints in Cforall, which can be used to describe types. Cforall standard library defines traits to categorize types that are related enumeration features.
     137A type is enumerable if it can map an integer to a value.
    146 enum Weekday { Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday };
    147 \end{lstlisting}
    148 Cforall supports the classic C-Style enumeration (C-enum for short) and its syntax is consistent with C. No internal data structure is generated for C-enum, and C-enum does not provide the Cforall-enum interface methods.
    150 \section{Cforall Enum}
     140trait Enumerable {
     141    T value( *class_name* , int );
     144The parameter class name stands for the name of an enumeration class, Weekday, for example.
     149trait AutoInitializable {
     150  void ?()( T & t, zero_t );
     151  void ?()( T & t, one_t );
     152  S& ?+=?( T & t, one_t );
     153  void ?{}( T &, T );
     154  T ?{}( T &, T );
     161trait AutoInitializable {
     162  void ?()( T & t, zero_t );
     163  void ?()( T & t, one_t );
     164  S& ?+=?( T & t, one_t );
     165  void ?{}( T &, T );
     166  T ?{}( T &, T );
     169A type is AutoInitializable if it has defined a zero\_t constructor, a one\_t constructor, an addition assignment operator, a copy constructor, and a copy assignment operator.
    151171\subsection{Enumerable Type}
    162 A type is enumerable in Cforall if it has defined 0, 1, increment operator, copy constructor, and copy assignment operator.
    164187(Should change the definition of enumerable to something else. Maybe auto-constructible. If a type is not auto-constructible, all enumeration must be explicitly initialized)
    224247Names of labels are distinct in an enum declaration. Cforall therefore allows indexing an enum value with its string representation of a label.
    226 \subsection{Range Functions and Iteration (Placeholder)}
     249\subsection{Iteration and Range}
     250A Cforall enum is iterable and supports range function.
    227251\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Range Functions}, label{lst:range_functions}, style=CStyle]
    228 enum Weekday(
    229     Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
    230 };
     252struct string;
     253enum(string) Weekday(
     254    Monday = "M", Tuesday = "Tu", ...
     256for ( i; Weekday ) { sout | i; }
     257>> M Tu W Th F Sat Sun
     258for ( Monday ~= Tuesday )
     259>> M Tu
     280enum Color.Label;
    251281Companion( string ) Color = {
    252282    .values = [ "Red", "Green", "Blue" ],
    256286forall( T | enumerable(T) )
    257 T* value( Companion, int );
    258 char* label( Companion, int );
    259 \end{lstlisting}
    261 \subsection{TODO - Type trait for Cforall - Enum}
     287T value( Companion companion, int index ) { return companion.values[ index ]; }
     288T value( Companion, enum Color.Label );
     289char* label( Companion companion, int index ) { return companion.values[ index ]; }
     290char* label( Companion, enum Color.Label );
     295\subsection{Companion Trait}
     296Users can define the companion object themselves. A companion object should define an array of any type called values and an array of strings representing a label. Defining a companion object effectively creates a new enumerable type.
     298\subsection{Companion Mapping}
     302\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Enum Type Functions}, label{lst:cforall_enum_functions}, style=CStyle]
    263306%% If your work has an appendix, this is the place to put it.
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