Changeset ba80f99 for doc/user

Sep 3, 2018, 8:35:55 AM (6 years ago)
Peter A. Buhr <pabuhr@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum

add material on extened for-control, fix index entries

1 edited


  • doc/user/user.tex

    re255e69 rba80f99  
    1111%% Created On       : Wed Apr  6 14:53:29 2016
    1212%% Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr
    13 %% Last Modified On : Thu Jul 26 17:29:05 2018
    14 %% Update Count     : 3366
     13%% Last Modified On : Fri Aug 31 07:54:50 2018
     14%% Update Count     : 3396
    210210Even with all its problems, C continues to be popular because it allows writing software at virtually any level in a computer system without restriction.
    211211For system programming, where direct access to hardware, storage management, and real-time issues are a requirement, C is usually the only language of choice.
    212 The TIOBE index~\cite{TIOBE} for July 2018 ranks the top 5 most \emph{popular} programming languages as: \Index*{Java} 16\%, C 14\%, \Index*[C++]{\CC{}} 7.5\%, Python 6\%, Visual Basic 4\% = 47.5\%, where the next 50 languages are less than 4\% each, with a long tail.
     212The TIOBE index~\cite{TIOBE} for July 2018 ranks the top five most \emph{popular} programming languages as \Index*{Java} 16\%, C 14\%, \Index*[C++]{\CC{}} 7.5\%, Python 6\%, Visual Basic 4\% = 47.5\%, where the next 50 languages are less than 4\% each, with a long tail.
    213213The top 3 rankings over the past 30 years are:
    351351The 2011 C standard plus GNU extensions.
    353 \Indexc[deletekeywords=inline]{-fgnu89-inline}\index{compilation option!-fgnu89-inline@{\lstinline[deletekeywords=inline]@-fgnu89-inline@}}
     353\Indexc[deletekeywords=inline]{-fgnu89-inline}\index{compilation option!-fgnu89-inline@{\lstinline[deletekeywords=inline]$-fgnu89-inline$}}
    354354Use the traditional GNU semantics for inline routines in C11 mode, which allows inline routines in header files.
    457 ®#include_next <bfdlink.h>                                      §\C{// must have internal check for multiple expansion}§
     457®#include_next <bfdlink.h>                      §\C{// must have internal check for multiple expansion}§
    459459#if defined( with ) && defined( __CFA_BFD_H__ ) §\C{// reset only if set}§
    505505C, \CC, and Java (and many other programming languages) have no exponentiation operator\index{exponentiation!operator}\index{operator!exponentiation}, \ie $x^y$, and instead use a routine, like \Indexc{pow}, to perform the exponentiation operation.
    506 \CFA extends the basic operators with the exponentiation operator ©?\?©\index{?\\?@\lstinline@?\?@} and ©?\=?©\index{?\\=?@\lstinline@?\=?@}, as in, ©x \ y© and ©x \= y©, which means $x^y$ and $x \leftarrow x^y$.
     506\CFA extends the basic operators with the exponentiation operator ©?\?©\index{?\\?@©?\?©} and ©?\=?©\index{?\\=?@©\=?©}, as in, ©x \ y© and ©x \= y©, which means $x^y$ and $x \leftarrow x^y$.
    507507The priority of the exponentiation operator is between the cast and multiplicative operators, so that ©w * (int)x \ (int)y * z© is parenthesized as ©((w * (((int)x) \ ((int)y))) * z)©.
    516516256 64 -64 0.015625 -0.015625 18.3791736799526 0.264715-1.1922i
    518 Parenthesis are necessary for the complex constants or the expression is parsed as ©1.0f+(2.0fi \ 3.0f)+2.0fi©.
     518Parenthesis are necessary for complex constants or the expression is parsed as ©1.0f+®(®2.0fi \ 3.0f®)®+2.0fi©.
    519519The exponentiation operator is available for all the basic types, but for user-defined types, only the integral-computation versions are available.
    520520For returning an integral value, the user type ©T© must define multiplication, ©*©, and one, ©1©;
    529 %\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\protect\lstinline@if@ Statement}{if Statement}}
    530 \subsection{\texorpdfstring{\LstKeywordStyle{if} Statement}{if Statement}}
    532 The ©if© expression allows declarations, similar to ©for© declaration expression:
    533 \begin{cfa}
    534 if ( int x = f() ) ...                                          §\C{// x != 0}§
    535 if ( int x = f(), y = g() ) ...                         §\C{// x != 0 \&\& y != 0}§
    536 if ( int x = f(), y = g(); ®x < y® ) ...        §\C{// relational expression}§
    537 \end{cfa}
    538 Unless a relational expression is specified, each variable is compared not equal to 0, which is the standard semantics for the ©if© expression, and the results are combined using the logical ©&&© operator.\footnote{\CC only provides a single declaration always compared not equal to 0.}
     529%\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\protect\lstinline@if@/\protect\lstinline@while@ Statement}{if Statement}}
     530\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\LstKeywordStyle{if}/\LstKeywordStyle{while} Statement}{if/while Statement}}
     532The ©if©/©while© expression allows declarations, similar to ©for© declaration expression.
     533(Does not make sense for ©do©-©while©.)
     535if ( ®int x = f()® ) ...                                        §\C{// x != 0}§
     536if ( ®int x = f(), y = g()® ) ...                       §\C{// x != 0 \&\& y != 0}§
     537if ( ®int x = f(), y = g(); x < y® ) ...        §\C{// relational expression}§
     538if ( ®struct S { int i; } x = { f() }; x.i < 4® ) §\C{// relational expression}§
     540while ( ®int x = f()® ) ...                                     §\C{// x != 0}§
     541while ( ®int x = f(), y = g()® ) ...            §\C{// x != 0 \&\& y != 0}§
     542while ( ®int x = f(), y = g(); x < y® ) ... §\C{// relational expression}§
     543while ( ®struct S { int i; } x = { f() }; x.i < 4® ) ... §\C{// relational expression}§
     545Unless a relational expression is specified, each variable is compared not equal to 0, which is the standard semantics for the ©if©/©while© expression, and the results are combined using the logical ©&&© operator.\footnote{\CC only provides a single declaration always compared not equal to 0.}
    539546The scope of the declaration(s) is local to the @if@ statement but exist within both the ``then'' and ``else'' clauses.
     549%\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\protect\lstinline@for@ Statement}{for Statement}}
     550\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\LstKeywordStyle{for} Statement}{for Statement}}
     552The ©for©/©while©/©do-while© loop-control allows empty or simplified ranges.
     553An empty conditional implies ©1©.
     554The up-to range ©~©\index{~@©~©} means exclusive range [M,N);
     555the up-to range ©~=©\index{~=@©~=©} means inclusive range [M,N].
     556The down-to range ©-~©\index{-~@©-~©} means exclusive range [N,M);
     557the down-to range ©-~=©\index{-~=@©-~=©} means inclusive range [N,M].
     558©0© is the implicit start value;
     559©1© is the implicit increment value for an up-to range and ©-1© for an implicit down-to range.
     560The loop index is polymorphic in the type of the start value or comparison value when start is implicitly ©0©.
     563\multicolumn{2}{c|}{for control} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{output} \\
     566while ®()® { sout | "empty"; break; }
     567do { sout | "empty"; break; } while ®()®;
     568for ®()® { sout | "empty"; break; }
     569for ( ®0® ) { sout | "A"; }
     570for ( ®1® ) { sout | "A"; }
     571for ( ®10® ) { sout | "A"; }
     572for ( ®1 ~= 10 ~ 2® ) { sout | "B"; }
     573for ( ®10 -~= 1 ~ -2® ) { sout | "C"; }
     574for ( ®0.5 ~ 5.5® ) { sout | "D"; }
     575for ( ®5.5 -~ 0.5® ) { sout | "E"; }
     576for ( ®i; 10® ) { sout | i; }
     577for ( ®i; 1 ~= 10 ~ 2® ) { sout | i; }
     578for ( ®i; 10 -~= 1 ~ -2® ) { sout | i; }
     579for ( ®i; 0.5 ~ 5.5® ) { sout | i; }
     580for ( ®i; 5.5 -~ 0.5® ) { sout | i; }
     581for ( ®ui; 2u ~= 10u ~ 2u® ) { sout | ui; }
     582for ( ®ui; 10u -~= 2u ~ -2u® ) { sout | ui; }
     583int start = 3, comp = 10, inc = 2;
     584for ( ®i; start ~ comp ~ inc + 1® ) { sout | i; }
     588sout | endl;
     589sout | endl;
     590sout | endl;
     591sout | endl;
     592sout | endl;
     593sout | endl;
     594sout | endl;
     595sout | endl;
     596sout | endl;
     597sout | endl;
     598sout | endl;
     599sout | endl;
     600sout | endl;
     601sout | endl;
     602sout | endl;
     603sout | endl;
     604sout | endl;
     606sout | endl;
     615A A A A A A A A A A
     616B B B B B
     617C C C C C
     618D D D D D
     619E E E E E
     6200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
     6211 3 5 7 9
     62210 8 6 4 2
     6230.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5
     6245.5 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.5
     6252 4 6 8 10
     62610 8 6 4 2
     6283 6 9
     894% for ()  => for ( ;; )
     895% for ( 10 - t ) => for ( typeof(10 - t) ? = 0 ; ? < 10 - t; ? += 1 ) // using 0 and 1
     896% for ( i ; 10 - t ) => for ( typeof(10 - t) i = 0 ; i < 10 - t; i += 1 ) // using 0 and 1
     897% for ( T i ; 10 - t ) => for ( T i = 0 ; i < 10 - t; i += 1 ) // using 0 and 1
     898% for ( 3~9 ) => for ( int ? = 3 ; ? < 9; ? += 1 ) // using 1
     899% for ( i ; 3~9 ) => for ( int i = 3 ; i < 9; i += 1 ) // using 1
     900% for ( T i ; 3~9 ) => for ( T i = 3 ; i < 9; i += 1 ) // using 1
    802903%\subsection{\texorpdfstring{Labelled \protect\lstinline@continue@ / \protect\lstinline@break@}{Labelled continue / break}}
    803904\subsection{\texorpdfstring{Labelled \LstKeywordStyle{continue} / \LstKeywordStyle{break} Statement}{Labelled continue / break Statement}}
    805906While C provides ©continue© and ©break© statements for altering control flow, both are restricted to one level of nesting for a particular control structure.
    806907Unfortunately, this restriction forces programmers to use \Indexc{goto} to achieve the equivalent control-flow for more than one level of nesting.
    807 To prevent having to switch to the ©goto©, \CFA extends the \Indexc{continue}\index{continue@\lstinline@continue@!labelled}\index{labelled!continue@©continue©} and \Indexc{break}\index{break@\lstinline@break@!labelled}\index{labelled!break@©break©} with a target label to support static multi-level exit\index{multi-level exit}\index{static multi-level exit}~\cite{Buhr85}, as in Java.
     908To prevent having to switch to the ©goto©, \CFA extends the \Indexc{continue}\index{continue@©continue©!labelled}\index{labelled!continue@©continue©} and \Indexc{break}\index{break@©break©!labelled}\index{labelled!break@©break©} with a target label to support static multi-level exit\index{multi-level exit}\index{static multi-level exit}~\cite{Buhr85}, as in Java.
    808909For both ©continue© and ©break©, the target label must be directly associated with a ©for©, ©while© or ©do© statement;
    809910for ©break©, the target label can also be associated with a ©switch©, ©if© or compound (©{}©) statement.
    892 Both labelled ©continue© and ©break© are a ©goto©\index{goto@\lstinline@goto@!restricted} restricted in the following ways:
     993Both labelled ©continue© and ©break© are a ©goto©\index{goto@©goto©!restricted} restricted in the following ways:
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