Changeset b5629d8 for tests/.expect

Dec 3, 2020, 1:49:01 PM (4 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, master, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum
62e456f, ab0257b9
f0d67e5 (diff), fa11053 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' of

4 added
5 edited
3 moved


  • tests/.expect/alloc-ERROR.nast.txt

    rf0d67e5 rb5629d8  
    1616          Name: stp
     18      ... with resolved type:
     19        unsigned long int
    2830    Name: stp
    2931    Constant Expression (10: signed int)
     32    ... with resolved type:
     33      signed int
  • tests/.expect/alloc-ERROR.oast.txt

    rf0d67e5 rb5629d8  
    1616          Name: stp
     18      with resolved type:
     19        unsigned long int
    2830    Name: stp
    2931    constant expression (10 10: signed int)
     32    with resolved type:
     33      signed int
  • tests/.expect/castError.oast.txt

    rf0d67e5 rb5629d8  
    33  Name: f
    44... to:
     5  char
     6with resolved type:
    57  char Alternatives are:
    68Cost ( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ): Explicit Cast of:
    911      ... returning nothing
     13      with resolved type:
     14        pointer to function
     15          accepting unspecified arguments
     16        ... returning nothing
    1118    ... to:
     19      char
     20    with resolved type:
    1221      char
    1322  (types:
    1827Cost ( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ): Explicit Cast of:
    1928      Variable Expression: f: double
     29      with resolved type:
     30        double
    2031    ... to:
     32      char
     33    with resolved type:
    2134      char
    2235  (types:
    2740Cost ( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ): Explicit Cast of:
    2841      Variable Expression: f: signed int
     42      with resolved type:
     43        signed int
    2944    ... to:
     45      char
     46    with resolved type:
    3047      char
    3148  (types:
    3956  Comma Expression:
    4057    constant expression (3 3: signed int)
     58    with resolved type:
     59      signed int
    4160    Name: v
    42 ... to: nothing Alternatives are:
     61... to: nothing
     62with resolved type:
     63  void  Alternatives are:
    4364Cost ( 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ): Generated Cast of:
    4465      Comma Expression:
    4566        constant expression (3 3: signed int)
     67        with resolved type:
     68          signed int
    4669        Variable Expression: v: unsigned char
     70        with resolved type:
     71          unsigned char
     72      with resolved type:
     73        unsigned char
    4774    ... to: nothing
     75    with resolved type:
     76      void
    4877  (types:
    4978    void
    5483      Comma Expression:
    5584        constant expression (3 3: signed int)
     85        with resolved type:
     86          signed int
    5687        Variable Expression: v: signed short int
     88        with resolved type:
     89          signed short int
     90      with resolved type:
     91        signed short int
    5792    ... to: nothing
     93    with resolved type:
     94      void
    5895  (types:
    5996    void
    69106    char
     108with resolved type:
     109  instance of struct S with body 1
     110  ... with parameters
     111    char
  • tests/.expect/init1-ERROR.nast.txt

    rf0d67e5 rb5629d8  
    1111... to:
    1212  reference to signed int
     13... with resolved type:
     14  reference to signed int error: Invalid application of existing declaration(s) in expression Applying untyped:
    1416  Name: ?{}
    1618  Generated Cast of:
    1719    Variable Expression: _retval_f_py: pointer to signed int
     20    ... with resolved type:
     21      pointer to signed int
    1822  ... to:
     23    reference to pointer to signed int
     24  ... with resolved type:
    1925    reference to pointer to signed int
    2026  Name: px
    2430... to:
    2531  reference to float
     32... with resolved type:
     33  reference to float error: Invalid application of existing declaration(s) in expression Applying untyped:
    2735  Name: ?{}
    2937  Generated Cast of:
    3038    Variable Expression: _retval_f_py2: pointer to float
     39    ... with resolved type:
     40      pointer to float
    3141  ... to:
     42    reference to pointer to float
     43  ... with resolved type:
    3244    reference to pointer to float
    3345  Name: cpx
    3749... to:
    3850  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     51... with resolved type:
     52  reference to instance of type T (not function type) error: Invalid application of existing declaration(s) in expression Applying untyped:
    4054  Name: ?{}
    4256  Generated Cast of:
    4357    Variable Expression: _retval_anycvt: pointer to instance of type T (not function type)
     58    ... with resolved type:
     59      pointer to instance of type T (not function type)
    4460  ... to:
     61    reference to pointer to instance of type T (not function type)
     62  ... with resolved type:
    4563    reference to pointer to instance of type T (not function type)
    4664  Name: s
  • tests/.expect/init1-ERROR.oast.txt

    rf0d67e5 rb5629d8  
    11error: No reasonable alternatives for expression Untyped Init Expression
    2   Name: rx  InitAlternative: reference to signed int
     2  Name: cpx  InitAlternative: pointer to float
     3error: No reasonable alternatives for expression Untyped Init Expression
     4  Name: crx  InitAlternative: reference to float
    35error: No reasonable alternatives for expression Untyped Init Expression
    46  Name: px  InitAlternative: pointer to signed int
    57error: No reasonable alternatives for expression Untyped Init Expression
    6   Name: crx  InitAlternative: reference to float
    7 error: No reasonable alternatives for expression Untyped Init Expression
    8   Name: cpx  InitAlternative: pointer to float
     8  Name: rx  InitAlternative: reference to signed int error: No reasonable alternatives for expression Generated Cast of:
    1010  Name: rx
    1111... to:
     12  reference to signed int
     13with resolved type:
    1214  reference to signed int error: No reasonable alternatives for expression Applying untyped:
    1618  Generated Cast of:
    1719    Variable Expression: _retval_f_py: pointer to signed int
     20    with resolved type:
     21      pointer to signed int
    1822  ... to:
     23    reference to pointer to signed int
     24  with resolved type:
    1925    reference to pointer to signed int
    2026  Name: px
    2430... to:
    2531  reference to float
     32with resolved type:
     33  reference to float error: No reasonable alternatives for expression Applying untyped:
    2735  Name: ?{}
    2937  Generated Cast of:
    3038    Variable Expression: _retval_f_py2: pointer to float
     39    with resolved type:
     40      pointer to float
    3141  ... to:
     42    reference to pointer to float
     43  with resolved type:
    3244    reference to pointer to float
    3345  Name: cpx
    3749... to:
    3850  reference to instance of type T (not function type)
     51with resolved type:
     52  reference to instance of type T (not function type) error: No reasonable alternatives for expression Applying untyped:
    4054  Name: ?{}
    4256  Generated Cast of:
    4357    Variable Expression: _retval_anycvt: pointer to instance of type T (not function type)
     58    with resolved type:
     59      pointer to instance of type T (not function type)
    4460  ... to:
     61    reference to pointer to instance of type T (not function type)
     62  with resolved type:
    4563    reference to pointer to instance of type T (not function type)
    4664  Name: s
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