Changeset b065dbb for src/Concurrency

Jun 20, 2023, 2:14:11 PM (21 months ago)
caparsons <caparson@…>

refactored actors to not need base pointers in envelopes

1 edited


  • src/Concurrency/Actors.cpp

    r1e538fb rb065dbb  
    223223        if ( actorIter != actorStructDecls.end() && messageIter != messageStructDecls.end() ) {
    224224            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     225            // The following generates this wrapper for all receive(derived_actor &, derived_msg &) functions
     226            /* base_actor and base_msg are output params
     227            static inline allocation __CFA_receive_wrap( derived_actor & receiver, derived_msg & msg, actor ** base_actor, message ** base_msg ) {
     228                base_actor = &receiver;
     229                base_msg = &msg;
     230                return receive( receiver, msg );
     231            }
     232            */
     233            CompoundStmt * wrapBody = new CompoundStmt( decl->location );
     235            // generates: base_actor = &receiver;
     236            wrapBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( decl->location,
     237                UntypedExpr::createAssign( decl->location,
     238                    UntypedExpr::createDeref( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "base_actor" ) ),
     239                    new AddressExpr( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "receiver" ) )
     240                )
     241            ));
     243            // generates: base_msg = &msg;
     244            wrapBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( decl->location,
     245                UntypedExpr::createAssign( decl->location,
     246                    UntypedExpr::createDeref( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "base_msg" ) ),
     247                    new AddressExpr( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "msg" ) )
     248                )
     249            ));
     251            // generates: return receive( receiver, msg );
     252            wrapBody->push_back( new ReturnStmt( decl->location,
     253                new UntypedExpr ( decl->location,
     254                    new NameExpr( decl->location, "receive" ),
     255                    {
     256                        new NameExpr( decl->location, "receiver" ),
     257                        new NameExpr( decl->location, "msg" )
     258                    }
     259                )
     260            ));
     262            // create receive wrapper to extract base message and actor pointer
     263            // put it all together into the complete function decl from above
     264            FunctionDecl * receiveWrapper = new FunctionDecl(
     265                decl->location,
     266                "__CFA_receive_wrap",
     267                {},                     // forall
     268                {
     269                    new ObjectDecl(
     270                        decl->location,
     271                        "receiver",
     272                        ast::deepCopy( derivedActorRef )
     273                    ),
     274                    new ObjectDecl(
     275                        decl->location,
     276                        "msg",
     277                        ast::deepCopy( derivedMsgRef )
     278                    ),
     279                    new ObjectDecl(
     280                        decl->location,
     281                        "base_actor",
     282                        new PointerType( new PointerType( new StructInstType( *actorDecl ) ) )
     283                    ),
     284                    new ObjectDecl(
     285                        decl->location,
     286                        "base_msg",
     287                        new PointerType( new PointerType( new StructInstType( *msgDecl ) ) )
     288                    )
     289                },                      // params
     290                {
     291                    new ObjectDecl(
     292                        decl->location,
     293                        "__CFA_receive_wrap_ret",
     294                        new EnumInstType( *allocationDecl )
     295                    )
     296                },
     297                wrapBody,               // body
     298                { Storage::Static },    // storage
     299                Linkage::Cforall,       // linkage
     300                {},                     // attributes
     301                { Function::Inline }
     302            );
     304            declsToAddAfter.push_back( receiveWrapper );
     306            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    225307            // The following generates this send message operator routine for all receive(derived_actor &, derived_msg &) functions
    226308            /*
    246328            ));
    248             // Function type is: allocation (*)( derived_actor &, derived_msg & )
     330            // Function type is: allocation (*)( derived_actor &, derived_msg &, actor **, message ** )
    249331            FunctionType * derivedReceive = new FunctionType();
    250332            derivedReceive->params.push_back( ast::deepCopy( derivedActorRef ) );
    251333            derivedReceive->params.push_back( ast::deepCopy( derivedMsgRef ) );
     334            derivedReceive->params.push_back( new PointerType( new PointerType( new StructInstType( *actorDecl ) ) ) );
     335            derivedReceive->params.push_back( new PointerType( new PointerType( new StructInstType( *msgDecl ) ) ) );
    252336            derivedReceive->returns.push_back( new EnumInstType( *allocationDecl ) );
    254             // Generates: allocation (*my_work_fn)( derived_actor &, derived_msg & ) = receive;
     338            // Generates: allocation (*my_work_fn)( derived_actor &, derived_msg &, actor **, message ** ) = receive;
    255339            sendBody->push_back( new DeclStmt(
    256340                decl->location,
    259343                    "my_work_fn",
    260344                    new PointerType( derivedReceive ),
    261                     new SingleInit( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "receive" ) )
     345                    new SingleInit( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "__CFA_receive_wrap" ) )
    262346                )
    263347            ));
    267351            genericReceive->params.push_back( new ReferenceType( new StructInstType( *actorDecl ) ) );
    268352            genericReceive->params.push_back( new ReferenceType( new StructInstType( *msgDecl ) ) );
     353            genericReceive->params.push_back( new PointerType( new PointerType( new StructInstType( *actorDecl ) ) ) );
     354            genericReceive->params.push_back( new PointerType( new PointerType( new StructInstType( *msgDecl ) ) ) );
    269355            genericReceive->returns.push_back( new EnumInstType( *allocationDecl ) );
    285371            ));
    287             // Generates: new_req{ &receiver, (actor *)&receiver, &msg, (message *)&msg, fn };
     373            // Generates: new_req{ (actor *)&receiver, (message *)&msg, fn };
    288374            sendBody->push_back( new ExprStmt(
    289375                decl->location,
    293379                                        {
    294380                                                new NameExpr( decl->location, "new_req" ),
    295                         new AddressExpr( new NameExpr( decl->location, "receiver" ) ),
    296381                        new CastExpr( decl->location, new AddressExpr( new NameExpr( decl->location, "receiver" ) ), new PointerType( new StructInstType( *actorDecl ) ), ExplicitCast ),
    297                         new AddressExpr( new NameExpr( decl->location, "msg" ) ),
    298382                        new CastExpr( decl->location, new AddressExpr( new NameExpr( decl->location, "msg" ) ), new PointerType( new StructInstType( *msgDecl ) ), ExplicitCast ),
    299383                        new NameExpr( decl->location, "fn" )
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