Changeset a9aab60 for doc

Oct 7, 2016, 4:41:17 PM (8 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, aaron-thesis, arm-eh, ast-experimental, cleanup-dtors, deferred_resn, demangler, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, jenkins-sandbox, master, new-ast, new-ast-unique-expr, new-env, no_list, persistent-indexer, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum, resolv-new, with_gc

some progress on parallelism

2 edited


  • doc/proposals/concurrency/concurrency.tex

    rd95f565 ra9aab60  
    26 \usepackage{glossaries}
    2727\usepackage{varioref}                                                           % extended references
     41\def\checkmark{\tikz\fill[scale=0.4](0,.35) -- (.25,0) -- (1,.7) -- (.25,.15) -- cycle;}
    598601\subsection{Paradigm performance}
    599 While the choice between the three paradigms listed above can have significant performance implication, it is difficult to pin the performance implications of chosing a model at the language level. Indeed, in many situations own of these paradigms will show better performance but it all depends on the usage.
    600 Having mostly indepent units of work to execute almost guarantess that the \gls{job} based system will have the best performance. However, add interactions between jobs and the processor utilisation might suffer. User-level threads may allow maximum ressource utilisation but context switches will be more expansive and it is also harder for users to get perfect tunning. As with every example, fibers sit somewhat in the middle of the spectrum.
    602 \section{Parallelism in \CFA}
    603 As a system level language, \CFA should offer both performance and flexibilty as its primary goals, simplicity and user-friendliness being a secondary concern. Therefore, the core of parallelism in \CFA should prioritize power and efficiency.
    605 \subsection{Kernel core}\label{kernel}
    606 At the ro
    607 \subsubsection{Threads}
    608 \CFA threads have all the caracteristiques of
    610 \subsection{High-level options}\label{tasks}
    612 \subsubsection{Thread interface}
    613 constructors destructors
    614         initializer lists
    615 monitors
    617 \subsubsection{Futures}
    619 \subsubsection{Implicit threading}
    620 Finally, simpler applications can benefit greatly from having implicit parallelism. That is, parallelism that does not rely on the user to write concurrency. This type of parallelism can be achieved both at the language level and at the system level.
     602While the choice between the three paradigms listed above may have significant performance implication, it is difficult to pin the performance implications of chosing a model at the language level. Indeed, in many situations own of these paradigms will show better performance but it all strongly depends on the usage. Having mostly indepent units of work to execute almost guarantess that the \gls{job} based system will have the best performance. However, add interactions between jobs and the processor utilisation might suffer. User-level threads may allow maximum ressource utilisation but context switches will be more expansive and it is also harder for users to get perfect tunning. As with every example, fibers sit somewhat in the middle of the spectrum. Furthermore, if the units of uninterrupted work are large enough the paradigm choice will be fully armoticised by the actual work done.
     604\section{\CFA 's Thread Building Blocks}
     605As a system level language, \CFA should offer both performance and flexibilty as its primary goals, simplicity and user-friendliness being a secondary concern. Therefore, the core of parallelism in \CFA should prioritize power and efficiency. With this said, it is possible to deconstruct the three paradigms details aboved in order to get simple building blocks. Here is a table showing the core caracteristics of the mentionned paradigms :
    623 \begin{tabular}[t]{|c|c|c|}
    624 Sequential & System Parallel & Language Parallel \\
    625 \begin{lstlisting}
    626 void big_sum(int* a, int* b,
    627                  int* out,
    628                  size_t length)
    629 {
    630         for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i ) {
    631                 out[i] = a[i] + b[i];
    632         }
    633 }
    639 int* a[10000];
    640 int* b[10000];
    641 int* c[10000];
    642 //... fill in a and b ...
    643 big_sum(a, b, c, 10000);
    644 \end{lstlisting} &\begin{lstlisting}
    645 void big_sum(int* a, int* b,
    646                  int* out,
    647                  size_t length)
    648 {
    649         range ar(a, a + length);
    650         range br(b, b + length);
    651         range or(out, out + length);
    652         parfor( ai, bi, oi,
    653         [](int* ai, int* bi, int* oi) {
    654                 oi = ai + bi;
    655         });
    656 }
    658 int* a[10000];
    659 int* b[10000];
    660 int* c[10000];
    661 //... fill in a and b ...
    662 big_sum(a, b, c, 10000);
    663 \end{lstlisting}&\begin{lstlisting}
    664 void big_sum(int* a, int* b,
    665                  int* out,
    666                  size_t length)
    667 {
    668         for (ai, bi, oi) in (a, b, out) {
    669                 oi = ai + bi;
    670         }
    671 }
    677 int* a[10000];
    678 int* b[10000];
    679 int* c[10000];
    680 //... fill in a and b ...
    681 big_sum(a, b, c, 10000);
    682 \end{lstlisting}
     607\begin{tabular}[t]{| r | c | c |}
     609\multicolumn{1}{ c| }{} & Has a stack & Preemptive \\
     611\Glspl{job} & X & X \\
     613\Glspl{fiber} & \checkmark & X \\
     615\Glspl{uthread} & \checkmark & \checkmark \\
    686 \subsection{Machine setup}\label{machine}
    687 Threads are all good and well but wee still some OS support to fully utilize available hardware.
    689 \textbf{\large{Work in progress...}} Do wee need something beyond specifying the number of kernel threads?
     620As shown in section \ref{cfaparadigms} these different blocks being available in \CFA it is trivial to reproduce any of these paradigm.
     622\subsection{Thread Interface}
     623The basic building blocks of \CFA are \glspl{cfathread}. By default these are implemented as \glspl{uthread} and as such offer a flexible and lightweight threading interface (lightweight comparatievely to \glspl{kthread}). A thread can be declared using a struct declaration prefix with the \code{thread} as follows :
     626        thread struct foo {};
     629Obviously, for this thread implementation to be usefull it must run some user code. Several other threading interfaces use some function pointer representation as the interface of threads (for example : \Csharp \cite{Csharp} and Scala \cite{Scala}). However, we consider that statically tying a \code{main} routine to a thread superseeds this approach. Since the \code{main} routine is definetely a special function in \CFA, we can reuse the existing syntax for declaring routines with unordinary name, i.e. operator overloading. As such the \code{main} routine of a thread can be defined as such :
     631        thread struct foo {};
     633        void ?main(thread foo* this) {
     634                /*... Some useful code ...*/
     635        }
     638With these semantics it is trivial to write a thread type that takes a function pointer as parameter and executes it on its stack asynchronously :
     640        typedef void (*voidFunc)(void);
     642        thread struct FuncRunner {
     643                voidFunc func;
     644        };
     646        //ctor
     647        void ?{}(thread FuncRunner* this, voidFunc inFunc) {
     648                func = inFunc;
     649        }
     651        //main
     652        void ?main(thread FuncRunner* this) {
     653                this->func();
     654        }
     657In this example \code{func} is a function pointer stored in \acrfull{tls}, which is \CFA is both easy to use and completly typesafe.
     659Of course for threads to be useful, it must be possible to start and stop threads and wait for them to complete execution. While using \acrshort{api} such as \code{fork} and \code{join} is relatively common in the literature, such an interface is not needed. Indeed, the simplest approach is to use \acrshort{raii} principles and have threads \code{fork} once the constructor has completed and \code{join} before the destructor runs.
     661thread struct FuncRunner; //FuncRunner declared above
     663void world() {
     664        sout | "World!" | endl;
     667void main() {
     668        FuncRunner run = {world};
     669        //Thread run forks here
     671        //Print to "Hello " and "World!" will be run concurrently
     672        sout | "Hello " | endl;
     674        //Implicit join at end of scope
     677This semantic has several advantages over explicit semantics : typesafety is guaranteed, any thread will always be started and stopped exaclty once and users can't make any progamming errors. Furthermore it naturally follows the memory allocation semantics which means users don't need to learn multiple semantics.
     679These semantics also naturally scale to multiple threads meaning basic synchronisation is very simple :
     681        thread struct MyThread {
     682                //...
     683        };
     685        //ctor
     686        void ?{}(thread MyThread* this) {}
     688        //main
     689        void ?main(thread MyThread* this) {
     690                //...
     691        }
     693        void foo() {
     694                MyThread thrds[10];
     695                //Start 10 threads at the beginning of the scope
     697                DoStuff();
     699                //Wait for the 10 threads to finish
     700        }
     703\subsection{The \CFA Kernel : Processors, Clusters and Threads}\label{kernel}
     707Given these building blocks we can then reproduce the all three of the popular paradigms. Indeed, we get \glspl{uthread} as the default paradigm in \CFA. However, disabling \glspl{preemption} on the \gls{cfacluster} means \glspl{cfathread} effectively become \glspl{fiber}. Since several \glspl{cfacluster} with different scheduling policy can coexist in the same application, this allows \glspl{fiber} and \glspl{uthread} to coexist in the runtime of an application.
     709% \subsection{High-level options}\label{tasks}
     711% \subsubsection{Thread interface}
     712% constructors destructors
     713%       initializer lists
     714% monitors
     716% \subsubsection{Futures}
     718% \subsubsection{Implicit threading}
     719% Finally, simpler applications can benefit greatly from having implicit parallelism. That is, parallelism that does not rely on the user to write concurrency. This type of parallelism can be achieved both at the language level and at the system level.
     721% \begin{center}
     722% \begin{tabular}[t]{|c|c|c|}
     723% Sequential & System Parallel & Language Parallel \\
     724% \begin{lstlisting}
     725% void big_sum(int* a, int* b,
     726%                int* out,
     727%                size_t length)
     728% {
     729%       for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i ) {
     730%               out[i] = a[i] + b[i];
     731%       }
     732% }
     738% int* a[10000];
     739% int* b[10000];
     740% int* c[10000];
     741% //... fill in a and b ...
     742% big_sum(a, b, c, 10000);
     743% \end{lstlisting} &\begin{lstlisting}
     744% void big_sum(int* a, int* b,
     745%                int* out,
     746%                size_t length)
     747% {
     748%       range ar(a, a + length);
     749%       range br(b, b + length);
     750%       range or(out, out + length);
     751%       parfor( ai, bi, oi,
     752%       [](int* ai, int* bi, int* oi) {
     753%               oi = ai + bi;
     754%       });
     755% }
     757% int* a[10000];
     758% int* b[10000];
     759% int* c[10000];
     760% //... fill in a and b ...
     761% big_sum(a, b, c, 10000);
     762% \end{lstlisting}&\begin{lstlisting}
     763% void big_sum(int* a, int* b,
     764%                int* out,
     765%                size_t length)
     766% {
     767%       for (ai, bi, oi) in (a, b, out) {
     768%               oi = ai + bi;
     769%       }
     770% }
     776% int* a[10000];
     777% int* b[10000];
     778% int* c[10000];
     779% //... fill in a and b ...
     780% big_sum(a, b, c, 10000);
     781% \end{lstlisting}
     782% \end{tabular}
     783% \end{center}
     785% \subsection{Machine setup}\label{machine}
     786% Threads are all good and well but wee still some OS support to fully utilize available hardware.
     788% \textbf{\large{Work in progress...}} Do wee need something beyond specifying the number of kernel threads?
     790\section{Putting it all together}
    691792\section{Future work}
  • doc/proposals/concurrency/glossary.tex

    rd95f565 ra9aab60  
    3131\textit{Synonyms : Tasks.}
     39\textit{Synonyms : None.}
     47\textit{Synonyms : None.}
     55\textit{Synonyms : None.}
     63\textit{Synonyms : None.}
     66\newacronym{tls}{TLS}{Thread Local Storage}
     67\newacronym{api}{API}{Application Program Interface}
     68\newacronym{raii}{RAII}{Ressource Acquisition Is Initialization}
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