Changeset a5e2682 for libcfa/src

Oct 21, 2022, 12:13:25 PM (21 months ago)
Michael Brooks <mlbrooks@…>
ADT, ast-experimental, master

Improve new-array subscripting to cover missing cases.

Missing cases include acknowledging a[0] and a[1] as required uses; therefore, give them
special overloads. Add comments to explain why.

Missing cases include test coverage of these overloads (where tests actually fail when an overload
is missing). Perhaps surprisingly, you need to use a lot of features at the same time for the need
for several overloads to obtain; make test coverage go there.

Also, switch thesis's demo of mutidimensional transposing/slicing to use (improved) libcfa ar
(pseudo-)trait, in place of former ix trait. Therefore, also port this demo to new array
syntax. (No changes to thesis discussion around this demo yet; these are still pending.) All
in, cause this thesis demo to be runnable again.

1 edited


  • libcfa/src/containers/array.hfa

    r8bd886e ra5e2682  
     1#pragma once
    13#include <assert.h>
    1820    // About the choice of integral types offered as subscript overloads:
    1921    // Intent is to cover these use cases:
     22    //    a[0]                                                // i : zero_t
     23    //    a[1]                                                // i : one_t
     24    //    a[2]                                                // i : int
    2025    //    float foo( ptrdiff_t i ) { return a[i]; }           // i : ptrdiff_t
     26    //    float foo( size_t i ) { return a[i]; }              // i : size_t
    2127    //    forall( [N] ) ... for( i; N ) { total += a[i]; }    // i : typeof( sizeof(42) )
    2228    //    for( i; 5 ) { total += a[i]; }                      // i : int
     29    //
    2330    // It gets complicated by:
    2431    // -  CFA does overloading on concrete types, like int and unsigned int, not on typedefed
    2835    //    should give them type size_t.
    2936    //
    30     //                          gcc -m32         cfa -m32 given bug         gcc -m64
     37    //                          gcc -m32         cfa -m32 given bug         gcc -m64 (and cfa)
    3138    // ptrdiff_t                int              int                        long int
    3239    // size_t                   unsigned int     unsigned int               unsigned long int
    3340    // typeof( sizeof(42) )     unsigned int     unsigned long int          unsigned long int
    3441    // int                      int              int                        int
     42    //
     43    // So the solution must support types {zero_t, one_t, int, unsigned int, long int, unsigned long int}
     44    //
     45    // The solution cannot rely on implicit conversions (e.g. just have one overload for ptrdiff_t)
     46    // because assertion satisfaction requires types to match exacly.  Both higher-dimensional
     47    // subscripting and operations on slices use asserted subscript operators.  The test case
     48    // array-container/array-sbscr-cases covers the combinations.  Mike beleives that commenting out
     49    // any of the current overloads leads to one of those cases failing, either on 64- or 32-bit.
     50    // Mike is open to being shown a smaller set of overloads that still passes the test.
     52    static inline Timmed & ?[?]( arpk(N, S, Timmed, Tbase) & a, zero_t ) {
     53        assert( 0 < N );
     54        return (Timmed &) a.strides[0];
     55    }
     57    static inline Timmed & ?[?]( arpk(N, S, Timmed, Tbase) & a, one_t ) {
     58        assert( 1 < N );
     59        return (Timmed &) a.strides[1];
     60    }
    3662    static inline Timmed & ?[?]( arpk(N, S, Timmed, Tbase) & a, int i ) {
    77103        return N;
    78104    }
     106    static inline void __taglen( tag(arpk(N, S, Timmed, Tbase)), tag(N) ) {}
    80108    // workaround #226 (and array relevance thereof demonstrated in mike102/
     186// Available for users to work around Trac #265
     187// If `a[...0...]` isn't working, try `a[...ix0...]` instead.
     189#define ix0 ((ptrdiff_t)0)
    159194// Rotation
    187 trait ar(A &, Tv &) {
    188     Tv& ?[?]( A&, ptrdiff_t );
    189     size_t ?`len( A& );
    190 };
     222// desired:
     223// trait ar(A &, Tv &, [N]) {
     224//     Tv& ?[?]( A&, zero_t );
     225//     Tv& ?[?]( A&, one_t  );
     226//     Tv& ?[?]( A&, int    );
     227//                   ...
     228//     size_t ?`len( A& );
     229//     void __taglen( tag(C), tag(N) );
     230// };
     232// working around N's not being accepted as arguments to traits
     234#define ar(A, Tv, N) {                 \
     235    Tv& ?[?]( A&, zero_t );            \
     236    Tv& ?[?]( A&, one_t );             \
     237    Tv& ?[?]( A&, int );               \
     238    Tv& ?[?]( A&, unsigned int );      \
     239    Tv& ?[?]( A&, long int );          \
     240    Tv& ?[?]( A&, unsigned long int ); \
     241    size_t ?`len( A& );                \
     242    void __taglen( tag(A), tag(N) );   \
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