Changeset 999faf1 for doc/theses

Jul 29, 2022, 2:18:52 PM (3 years ago)
Thierry Delisle <tdelisle@…>
ADT, ast-experimental, master, pthread-emulation

Some writing for the eval section.
Results for cycle and yield should be ready to read.

2 edited


  • TabularUnified doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/eval_macro.tex

    r8f09242 r999faf1  
     2The previous chapter has demonstrated that the scheduler achieves its performance goal in small and controlled scenario.
     3The next step is then to demonstrate that this stays true in more realistic and complete scenarios.
     4This chapter presents two flavours of webservers that demonstrate that \CFA performs competitively with production environments.
    3 \section{Static Web-Server}
    5 In Memory Plain Text
    7 Networked ZIPF
    9 Nginx : 5Gb still good, 4Gb starts to suffer
    11 Cforall : 10Gb too high, 4 Gb too low
     6Webservers where chosen because they offer fairly simple applications that are still useful as standalone products.
     7Furthermore, webservers are generally amenable to parallelisation since their workloads are mostly homogenous.
     8They therefore offer a stringent performance benchmark for \CFA.
     9Indeed existing solutions are likely to have close to optimal performance while the homogeneity of the workloads mean the additional fairness is not needed.
     12Memcached~\cit{memcached} is an in memory key-value store that is used in many production environments, \eg \cit{Berk Atikoglu et al., Workload Analysis of a Large-Scale Key-Value Store,
     13SIGMETRICS 2012}.
     14This also server also has the notable added benefit that there exists a full-featured front-end for performance testing called @mutilate@~\cit{mutilate}.
     15Experimenting on memcached allows for a simple test of the \CFA runtime as a whole, it will exercise the scheduler, the idle-sleep mechanism, as well the \io subsystem for sockets.
     16This experiment does not exercise the \io subsytem with regards to disk operations.
     17The experiments compare 3 different varitions of memcached:
     19 \item \emph{vanilla}: the official release of memcached, version~1.6.9.
     20 \item \emph{fibre}: a modification of vanilla which uses the thread per connection model on top of the libfibre runtime~\cite{DBLP:journals/pomacs/KarstenB20}.
     21 \item \emph{cfa}: a modification of the fibre webserver that replaces the libfibre runtime with \CFA.
    1524\subsection{Benchmark Environment}
    2231The network route uses 1 Mellanox SX1012 10/40 Gigabit Ethernet cluster switch.
     35        \centering
     36        \input{result.memcd.rate.qps.pstex_t}
     37        \caption[Memcached Benchmark: Throughput]{Memcached Benchmark: Throughput\smallskip\newline Desired vs Actual request rate for 15360 connections. Target QPS is the request rate that the clients are attempting to maintain and Actual QPS is the rate at which the server is able to respond.}
     38        \label{fig:memcd:rate:qps}
     40Figure~\ref{fig:memcd:rate:qps} shows the result for the throughput of all three webservers.
     41This experiment is done by having the clients establish 15360 total connections, which persist for the duration of the experiments.
     42The clients then send requests, attempting to follow a desired request rate.
     43The servers respond to the desired rate as best they can and the difference between desired rate, ``Target \underline{Q}ueries \underline{P}er \underline{S}econd'', and the actual rate, ``Actual QPS''.
     44The results show that \CFA achieves equivalent throughput even when the server starts to reach saturation.
     45Only then does it start to fall behind slightly.
     46This is a demonstration of the \CFA runtime achieving its performance goal.
     48\subsection{Tail Latency}
     50        \centering
     51        \input{result.memcd.rate.99th.pstex_t}
     52        \caption[Memcached Benchmark : 99th Percentile Lantency]{Memcached Benchmark : 99th Percentile Lantency\smallskip\newline 99th Percentile of the response latency as a function of \emph{desired} request rate for 15360 connections. }
     53        \label{fig:memcd:rate:tail}
     55Another important performance metric to look at is \newterm{tail} latency.
     56Since many web applications rely on a combination of different requests made in parallel, the latency of the slowest response, \ie tail latency, can dictate overall performance.
     57Figure~\ref{fig:memcd:rate:tail} shows the 99th percentile latency results for the same experiment memcached experiment.
     58As is expected, the latency starts low and increases as the server gets close to saturation, point at which the latency increses dramatically.
     59Note that the figure shows \emph{target} request rate, the actual response rate is given in Figure~\ref{fig:memcd:rate:qps} as this is the same underlying experiment.
     61\subsection{Update rate}
    2763        \centering
     78\section{Static Web-Server}
     79The memcached experiment has two aspects of the \io subsystem it does not exercise, accepting new connections and interacting with disks.
     80On the other hand, static webservers, servers that offer static webpages, do stress disk \io since they serve files from disk\footnote{Dynamic webservers, which construct pages as they are sent, are not as interesting since the construction of the pages do not exercise the runtime in a meaningfully different way.}.
     81The static webserver experiments will compare NGINX with a custom webserver developped for this experiment.
     83\subsection{Benchmark Environment}
     84Unlike the memcached experiment, the webserver run on a more heterogenous environment.
     85The server runs Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS on top of Linux Kernel 5.13.0-52.
     86It has an AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380 running at 2.50GHz.
     87These CPUs has only 8 \glspl{hthrd} enabled by grub, which is sufficient to achieve line rate.
     88This cpus each have 64 KB, 256 KiB and 8 MB of L1, L2 and L3 caches respectively.
     90The client machines each have two 2.8 GHz Xeon CPUs, and four one-gigabit Ethernet cards.
     91Each client machine runs two copies of the workload generator.
     92They run a 2.6.11-1 SMP Linux kernel, which permits each client load-generator to run on a separate CPU.
     93Since the clients outnumber the server 8-to-1, this is plenty sufficient to generate enough load for the clients not to become the bottleneck.
    41101        \centering
    42         \input{result.memcd.rate.qps.pstex_t}
    43         \caption[Churn Benchmark : Throughput on Intel]{Churn Benchmark : Throughput on Intel\smallskip\newline Description}
    44         \label{fig:memcd:rate:qps}
     102        \input{result.swbsrv.25gb.pstex_t}
     103        \caption[Static Webserver Benchmark : Throughput]{Static Webserver Benchmark : Throughput\smallskip\newline }
     104        \label{fig:swbsrv}
    47 \begin{figure}
    48         \centering
    49         \input{result.memcd.rate.99th.pstex_t}
    50         \caption[Churn Benchmark : Throughput on Intel]{Churn Benchmark : Throughput on Intel\smallskip\newline Description}
    51         \label{fig:memcd:rate:tail}
    52 \end{figure}
     107Networked ZIPF
     109Nginx : 5Gb still good, 4Gb starts to suffer
     111Cforall : 10Gb too high, 4 Gb too low
  • TabularUnified doc/theses/thierry_delisle_PhD/thesis/text/eval_micro.tex

    r8f09242 r999faf1  
    3737The most basic evaluation of any ready queue is to evaluate the latency needed to push and pop one element from the ready queue.
    3838Since these two operation also describe a @yield@ operation, many systems use this operation as the most basic benchmark.
    39 However, yielding can be treated as a special case by optimizing it away (dead code) since the number of ready \glspl{at} does not change.
     39However, yielding can be treated as a special case by optimizing it away since the number of ready \glspl{at} does not change.
    4040Not all systems perform this optimization, but those that do have an artificial performance benefit because the yield becomes a \emph{nop}.
    4141For this reason, I chose a different first benchmark, called \newterm{Cycle Benchmark}.
    79 Figure~\ref{fig:cycle:jax} shows the throughput as a function of \proc count, where each run uses 100 cycles per \proc and 5 \ats per cycle.
    81 \begin{figure}
    82         \subfloat[][Throughput, 100 \ats per \proc]{
     80        \subfloat[][Throughput, 100 cycles per \proc]{
    8381                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
    8482                        \input{result.cycle.jax.ops.pstex_t}
    8684                \label{fig:cycle:jax:ops}
    8785        }
    88         \subfloat[][Throughput, 1 \ats per \proc]{
     86        \subfloat[][Throughput, 1 cycle per \proc]{
    8987                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
    9088                        \input{result.cycle.low.jax.ops.pstex_t}
    9391        }
    95         \subfloat[][Latency, 100 \ats per \proc]{
     93        \subfloat[][Scalability, 100 cycles per \proc]{
    9694                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
    9795                        \input{result.cycle.jax.ns.pstex_t}
    9896                }
    100         }
    101         \subfloat[][Latency, 1 \ats per \proc]{
     97                \label{fig:cycle:jax:ns}
     98        }
     99        \subfloat[][Scalability, 1 cycle per \proc]{
    102100                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
    103101                        \input{result.cycle.low.jax.ns.pstex_t}
    105103                \label{fig:cycle:jax:low:ns}
    106104        }
    107         \caption[Cycle Benchmark on Intel]{Cycle Benchmark on Intel\smallskip\newline Throughput as a function of \proc count with 100 cycles per \proc and 5 \ats per cycle.}
     105        \caption[Cycle Benchmark on Intel]{Cycle Benchmark on Intel\smallskip\newline Throughput and Scalability as a function of \proc count 5 \ats per cycle and different cycle count. For Throughput higher is better, for Scalability lower is better.}
    108106        \label{fig:cycle:jax}
    111 \todo{results discussion}
     110        \subfloat[][Throughput, 100 cycles per \proc]{
     111                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     112                        \input{result.cycle.nasus.ops.pstex_t}
     113                }
     114                \label{fig:cycle:nasus:ops}
     115        }
     116        \subfloat[][Throughput, 1 cycle per \proc]{
     117                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     118                        \input{result.cycle.low.nasus.ops.pstex_t}
     119                }
     120                \label{fig:cycle:nasus:low:ops}
     121        }
     123        \subfloat[][Scalability, 100 cycles per \proc]{
     124                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     125                        \input{result.cycle.nasus.ns.pstex_t}
     126                }
     128        }
     129        \subfloat[][Scalability, 1 cycle per \proc]{
     130                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     131                        \input{result.cycle.low.nasus.ns.pstex_t}
     132                }
     133                \label{fig:cycle:nasus:low:ns}
     134        }
     135        \caption[Cycle Benchmark on AMD]{Cycle Benchmark on AMD\smallskip\newline Throughput and Scalability as a function of \proc count 5 \ats per cycle and different cycle count. For Throughput higher is better, for Scalability lower is better.}
     136        \label{fig:cycle:nasus}
     138Figure~\ref{fig:cycle:jax} and Figure~\ref{fig:cycle:nasus} shows the throughput as a function of \proc count on Intel and AMD respectively, where each cycle has 5 \ats.
     139The graphs show traditional throughput on the top row and \newterm{scalability} on the bottom row.
     140Where scalability uses the same data but the Y axis is calculated as throughput over the number of \procs.
     141In this representation, perfect scalability should appear as a horizontal line, \eg, if doubling the number of \procs doubles the throughput, then the relation stays the same.
     142The left column shows results for 100 cycles per \proc, enough cycles to always keep every \proc busy.
     143The right column shows results for only 1 cycle per \proc, where the ready queues are expected to be near empty at all times.
     144The distinction is meaningful because the idle sleep subsystem is expected to matter only in the right column, where spurious effects can cause a \proc to run out of work temporarily.
     146The performance goal of \CFA is to obtain equivalent performance to other, less fair schedulers and that is what results show.
     147Figure~\ref{fig:cycle:jax:ops} and \ref{fig:cycle:jax:ns} show very good throughput and scalability for all runtimes.
     148The experimental setup prioritizes running on 2 \glspl{hthrd} per core before running on multiple sockets.
     149The effect of that setup is seen from 25 to 48 \procs, running on 24 core with 2 \glspl{hthrd} per core.
     150This effect is again repeated from 73 and 96 \procs, where it happens on the second CPU.
     151When running only a single cycle, most runtime achieve lower throughput because of the idle-sleep mechanism.
     152In Figure~\ref{fig:cycle:jax:ops} and \ref{fig:cycle:jax:ns}
     154Figure~\ref{fig:cycle:nasus} show effectively the same story happening on AMD as it does on Intel.
     155The different performance bumps due to cache topology happen at different locations and there is a little more variability.
     156However, in all cases \CFA is still competitive with other runtimes.
     185        \subfloat[][Throughput, 100 \ats per \proc]{
     186                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     187                        \input{result.yield.jax.ops.pstex_t}
     188                }
     189                \label{fig:yield:jax:ops}
     190        }
     191        \subfloat[][Throughput, 1 \ats per \proc]{
     192                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     193                \input{result.yield.low.jax.ops.pstex_t}
     194                }
     195                \label{fig:yield:jax:low:ops}
     196        }
     198        \subfloat[][Scalability, 100 \ats per \proc]{
     199                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     200                \input{result.yield.jax.ns.pstex_t}
     201                }
     202                \label{fig:yield:jax:ns}
     203        }
     204        \subfloat[][Scalability, 1 \ats per \proc]{
     205                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     206                \input{result.yield.low.jax.ns.pstex_t}
     207                }
     208                \label{fig:yield:jax:low:ns}
     209        }
     210        \caption[Yield Benchmark on Intel]{Yield Benchmark on Intel\smallskip\newline Throughput and Scalability as a function of \proc count, using 1 \ats per \proc. For Throughput higher is better, for Scalability lower is better.}
     211        \label{fig:yield:jax}
     215        \subfloat[][Throughput, 100 \ats per \proc]{
     216                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     217                        \input{result.yield.nasus.ops.pstex_t}
     218                }
     219                \label{fig:yield:nasus:ops}
     220        }
     221        \subfloat[][Throughput, 1 \at per \proc]{
     222                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     223                        \input{result.yield.low.nasus.ops.pstex_t}
     224                }
     225                \label{fig:yield:nasus:low:ops}
     226        }
     228        \subfloat[][Scalability, 100 \ats per \proc]{
     229                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     230                        \input{result.yield.nasus.ns.pstex_t}
     231                }
     233        }
     234        \subfloat[][Scalability, 1 \at per \proc]{
     235                \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
     236                        \input{result.yield.low.nasus.ns.pstex_t}
     237                }
     238                \label{fig:yield:nasus:low:ns}
     239        }
     240        \caption[Yield Benchmark on AMD]{Yield Benchmark on AMD\smallskip\newline Throughput and Scalability as a function of \proc count, using 1 \ats per \proc. For Throughput higher is better, for Scalability lower is better.}
     241        \label{fig:yield:nasus}
    139244Figure~\ref{fig:yield:jax} shows the throughput as a function of \proc count, where each run uses 100 \ats per \proc.
    141 \begin{figure}
    142         \subfloat[][Throughput, 100 \ats per \proc]{
    143                 \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
    144                         \input{result.yield.jax.ops.pstex_t}
    145                 }
    146                 \label{fig:yield:jax:ops}
    147         }
    148         \subfloat[][Throughput, 1 \ats per \proc]{
    149                 \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
    150                 \input{result.yield.low.jax.ops.pstex_t}
    151                 }
    152                 \label{fig:yield:jax:low:ops}
    153         }
    155         \subfloat[][Latency, 100 \ats per \proc]{
    156                 \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
    157                 \input{result.yield.jax.ns.pstex_t}
    158                 }
    159                 \label{fig:yield:jax:ns}
    160         }
    161         \subfloat[][Latency, 1 \ats per \proc]{
    162                 \resizebox{0.5\linewidth}{!}{
    163                 \input{result.yield.low.jax.ns.pstex_t}
    164                 }
    165                 \label{fig:yield:jax:low:ns}
    166         }
    167         \caption[Yield Benchmark on Intel]{Yield Benchmark on Intel\smallskip\newline Throughput as a function of \proc count, using 1 \ats per \proc.}
    168         \label{fig:yield:jax}
    169 \end{figure}
    171 \todo{results discussion}
     245It is fairly obvious why I claim this benchmark is more artificial.
     246The throughput is dominated by the mechanism used to handle the @yield@.
     247\CFA does not have special handling for @yield@ and achieves very similar performance to the cycle benchmark.
     248Libfibre uses the fact that @yield@ doesn't change the number of ready fibres and by-passes the idle-sleep mechanism entirely, producing significantly better throughput.
     249Go puts yielding goroutines on a secondary global ready-queue, giving them lower priority.
     250The result is that multiple \glspl{hthrd} contend for the global queue and performance suffers drastically.
     251Based on the scalability, Tokio obtains the same poor performance and therefore it is likely it handles @yield@ in a similar fashion.
     253When the number of \ats is reduce to 1 per \proc, the cost of idle sleep also comes into play in a very significant way.
     254If anything causes a \at migration, where two \ats end-up on the same ready-queue, work-stealing will start occuring and cause every \at to shuffle around.
     255In the process, several \procs can go to sleep transiently if they fail to find where the \ats were shuffled to.
     256In \CFA, spurious bursts of latency can trick a \proc into helping, triggering this effect.
     257However, since user-level threading with equal number of \ats and \procs is a somewhat degenerate case, especially when ctxswitching very often, this result is not particularly meaningful and is only included for completness.
     259Again, Figure~\ref{fig:yield:nasus} show effectively the same story happening on AMD as it does on Intel.
     260\CFA fairs slightly better with many \ats per \proc, but the performance is satisfactory on both architectures.
     262Since \CFA obtains the same satisfactory performance as the previous benchmark this is still a success, albeit a less meaningful one.
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