Changeset 912cc7d7
- Timestamp:
- Oct 25, 2020, 6:55:11 PM (4 years ago)
- Branches:
- ADT, arm-eh, ast-experimental, enum, forall-pointer-decay, jacob/cs343-translation, master, new-ast-unique-expr, pthread-emulation, qualifiedEnum
- Children:
- ab8c6a6
- Parents:
- a3f36dc
- Location:
- doc/theses/andrew_beach_MMath
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified doc/theses/andrew_beach_MMath/thesis-frontpgs.tex ¶
ra3f36dc r912cc7d7 5 5 % TITLE PAGE 6 6 %---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 8 % Slowly generalizing. 9 \ethesissetup{ 10 author=Pat Neugraad,% 11 title={University of Waterloo E-Thesis Template for \LaTeX}, 12 degree=phd,% 13 program=Zoology,% 14 } 7 15 8 16 \pagestyle{empty} … … 15 23 \vspace*{1.0cm} 16 24 17 \Huge 18 {\bf University of Waterloo E-Thesis Template for \LaTeX } 19 20 \vspace*{1.0cm} 21 22 \normalsize 25 {\Huge\bf \eprint{title}} 26 27 \vspace*{1.0cm} 28 23 29 by \\ 24 30 25 31 \vspace*{1.0cm} 26 32 27 \Large 28 Pat Neugraad \\ 33 {\Large \eprint{author}} \\ 29 34 30 35 \vspace*{3.0cm} 31 36 32 \normalsize33 37 A thesis \\ 34 38 presented to the University of Waterloo \\ 35 39 in fulfillment of the \\ 36 40 thesis requirement for the degree of \\ 37 Doctor of Philosophy\\41 \eprint{degree} \\ 38 42 in \\ 39 Zoology\\43 \eprint{program} \\ 40 44 41 45 \vspace*{2.0cm} … … 45 49 \vspace*{1.0cm} 46 50 47 \copyright \ Pat Neugraad2017 \\51 \copyright{} \eprint{author} 2017 \\ 48 52 \end{center} 49 53 \end{titlepage} -
TabularUnified doc/theses/andrew_beach_MMath/uw-ethesis.cls ¶
ra3f36dc r912cc7d7 19 19 % 20 20 % Exported Names: 21 % \ethesissetup{<key-value-pairs>} 22 % Preforms set-up (or a reconfiguration) of the document class. See the 23 % Set-Up Keys section for the keys that may be passed in. Use commas to 24 % seperate key-value-pairs. 25 % 21 26 % \ifformat{<format>}{<true>}{<false>} 22 27 % If the document's format is <format> than expands to <true> otherwise … … 27 32 % initial setup depends on the document format but they can be overriden 28 33 % with options in <setup> (set hyperref's \hypersetup for details). 34 % 35 % \eprint{<key>} 36 % Expands to a human readable value tracked by the ethesis class. This 37 % can be used to retreave and format values set during set up. 38 % 39 % Set-Up Keys: 40 % author=<text> 41 % title=<text> 42 % program=<text> 43 % subject=<text> 44 % keywords=<text> 45 % degree=masters|phd 46 % faculty=ahs|arts|eng|env|math|sci 29 47 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} 30 \ProvidesClass{uw-ethesis}[2020/ 03/24 v0.1UW-eThesis Template Document Class]48 \ProvidesClass{uw-ethesis}[2020/10/25 v0.2 UW-eThesis Template Document Class] 31 49 32 50 \RequirePackage{etoolbox} 51 \RequirePackage{xkeyval} 33 52 34 53 % Requested Format: … … 89 108 \renewcommand*{\bibname}{References} 90 109 91 % Configurations 92 \def\setThesisTitle#1{\newrobustcmd*{\ethesis@@title}{#1}} 93 \def\setThesisAuthor#1{\newrobustcmd*{\ethesis@@author}{#1}} 94 \def\setThesisSubject#1{\newrobustcmd*{\ethesis@@subject}{#1}} 95 \def\setThesisKeywords#1{\newrobustcmd*{\ethesis@@keywords}{#1}} 110 \newrobustcmd*\ethesissetup[1]{\setkeys{ethesis}{#1}} 111 112 \define@cmdkeys{ethesis}[ethesis@@]{% 113 author,title,program,subject,keywords} 114 115 \define@choicekey{ethesis}{degree}{masters,phd}{\def\ethesis@@degree{#1}} 116 \define@choicekey{ethesis}{faculty}{ahs,arts,eng,env,math,sci}% 117 {\def\ethesis@@faculty{#1}} 118 119 \newrobustcmd*\eprint[1]{ 120 \ifcsdef{ethesis@long#1}{\csuse{ethesis@long#1}}{% 121 \ifcsdef{ethesis@@#1}{\csuse{ethesis@@#1}}{% 122 % ERROR: (Check for a way to emit an actual error.) 123 [UW-eThesis doesn't know how to print: #1 ] 124 } 125 } 126 } 127 128 \newrobustcmd*\ethesis@longdegree{% 129 \ifdefstring{\ethesis@@degree}{phd}{Doctor of Philosophy}{Masters}} 96 130 97 131 % Includes the hyperref package loading a number of defaults.
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