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r83e680d r7f617cf0 11 11 %% Created On : Wed Apr 6 14:53:29 2016 12 12 %% Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr 13 %% Last Modified On : S at Jul 22 11:01:19201714 %% Update Count : 287813 %% Last Modified On : Sun Aug 6 08:52:34 2017 14 %% Update Count : 3034 15 15 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 16 16 … … 37 37 \usepackage{mathptmx} % better math font with "times" 38 38 \usepackage[usenames]{color} 39 \usepackage[pagewise]{lineno}40 \renewcommand{\linenumberfont}{\scriptsize\sffamily}41 39 \input{common} % common CFA document macros 42 40 \usepackage[dvips,plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels,pdfpagemode=UseNone,colorlinks=true,pagebackref=true,linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue,pagebackref=true,breaklinks=true]{hyperref} … … 44 42 \renewcommand{\UrlFont}{\small\sf} 45 43 44 \usepackage[pagewise]{lineno} 45 \renewcommand{\linenumberfont}{\scriptsize\sffamily} 46 \usepackage[firstpage]{draftwatermark} 47 \SetWatermarkLightness{0.9} 48 46 49 % Default underscore is too low and wide. Cannot use lstlisting "literate" as replacing underscore 47 50 % removes it as a variable-name character so keywords in variables are highlighted. MUST APPEAR 48 51 % AFTER HYPERREF. 49 \renewcommand{\_}{\leavevmode\makebox[1.2ex][c]{\rule{1ex}{0.075ex}}}50 52 \renewcommand{\textunderscore}{\leavevmode\makebox[1.2ex][c]{\rule{1ex}{0.075ex}}} 51 53 … … 56 58 57 59 \CFAStyle % use default CFA format-style 58 59 \lstnewenvironment{C++}[1][] 60 \lstnewenvironment{C++}[1][] % use C++ style 60 61 {\lstset{language=C++,moredelim=**[is][\protect\color{red}]{®}{®}#1}} 61 62 {} … … 78 79 \newcommand{\B}[1]{{\Textbf[blue]{#1}}} 79 80 \newcommand{\G}[1]{{\Textbf[OliveGreen]{#1}}} 81 \newcommand{\KWC}{K-W C\xspace} 80 82 81 83 \newsavebox{\LstBox} … … 105 107 106 108 \date{ 107 DRAFT \\\today109 \today 108 110 }% date 109 111 … … 197 199 This document is a programmer reference-manual for the \CFA programming language. 198 200 The manual covers the core features of the language and runtime-system, with simple examples illustrating syntax and semantics of each feature. 199 The manual does not teach programming, i.e.,how to combine the new constructs to build complex programs.201 The manual does not teach programming, \ie how to combine the new constructs to build complex programs. 200 202 A reader should already have an intermediate knowledge of control flow, data structures, and concurrency issues to understand the ideas presented, as well as some experience programming in C/\CC. 201 203 Implementers should refer to the \CFA Programming Language Specification for details about the language syntax and semantics. … … 247 249 \section{History} 248 250 249 The \CFA project started with \Index*{ K-W C}~\cite{Buhr94a,Till89}, which extended C with new declaration syntax, multiple return values from routines, and advanced assignment capabilities using the notion of tuples.251 The \CFA project started with \Index*{Dave Till}\index{Till, Dave}'s \Index*{K-W C}~\cite{Buhr94a,Till89}, which extended C with new declaration syntax, multiple return values from routines, and advanced assignment capabilities using the notion of tuples. 250 252 (See~\cite{Werther96} for similar work in \Index*[C++]{\CC{}}.) 251 The first \CFA implementation of these extensions was by Esteves~\cite{Esteves04}.253 The first \CFA implementation of these extensions was by \Index*{Rodolfo Esteves}\index{Esteves, Rodolfo}~\cite{Esteves04}. 252 254 253 255 The signature feature of \CFA is \emph{\Index{overload}able} \Index{parametric-polymorphic} functions~\cite{forceone:impl,Cormack90,Duggan96} with functions generalized using a ©forall© clause (giving the language its name): … … 257 259 \end{lstlisting} 258 260 % extending the C type system with parametric polymorphism and overloading, as opposed to the \Index*[C++]{\CC{}} approach of object-oriented extensions. 259 \CFA{}\hspace{1pt}'s polymorphism was originally formalized by Ditchfield~\cite{Ditchfield92}, and first implemented by Bilson~\cite{Bilson03}.261 \CFA{}\hspace{1pt}'s polymorphism was originally formalized by \Index*{Glen Ditchfield}\index{Ditchfield, Glen}~\cite{Ditchfield92}, and first implemented by \Index*{Richard Bilson}\index{Bilson, Richard}~\cite{Bilson03}. 260 262 However, at that time, there was little interesting in extending C, so work did not continue. 261 263 As the saying goes, ``\Index*{What goes around, comes around.}'', and there is now renewed interest in the C programming language because of legacy code-bases, so the \CFA project has been restarted. … … 344 346 The command ©cfa© is used to compile a \CFA program and is based on the \Index{GNU} \Indexc{gcc} command, \eg: 345 347 \begin{cfa} 346 cfa§\indexc{cfa}\index{compilation!cfa@©cfa©}§ [ gcc-options ] C/§\CFA{}§-files [ assembler/loader-files ]348 cfa§\indexc{cfa}\index{compilation!cfa@©cfa©}§ [ gcc-options ] [ C/§\CFA{}§ source-files ] [ assembler/loader files ] 347 349 \end{cfa} 348 350 \CFA programs having the following ©gcc© flags turned on: … … 509 511 For both ©continue© and ©break©, the target label must be directly associated with a ©for©, ©while© or ©do© statement; 510 512 for ©break©, the target label can also be associated with a ©switch©, ©if© or compound (©{}©) statement. 511 \VRef[Figure]{f:MultiLevel ResumeTermination} shows the labelled ©continue© and ©break©, specifying which control structure is the target for exit, and the corresponding C program using only ©goto©.512 The innermost loop has 7 exit points, which cause resumption or termination of one or more of the 7 \Index{nested control-structure}s.513 \VRef[Figure]{f:MultiLevelExit} shows ©continue© and ©break© indicating the specific control structure, and the corresponding C program using only ©goto© and labels. 514 The innermost loop has 7 exit points, which cause continuation or termination of one or more of the 7 \Index{nested control-structure}s. 513 515 514 516 \begin{figure} 515 \begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{\hspace{ 1.5em}}l@{}}516 \multicolumn{1}{ c@{\hspace{1.5em}}}{\textbf{\CFA}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}} \\517 \begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}l@{}} 518 \multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}c@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}}{\textbf{\CFA}} & \multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace{\parindentlnth}}c}{\textbf{C}} \\ 517 519 \begin{cfa} 518 520 ®LC:® { … … 523 525 ®LF:® for ( ... ) { 524 526 ®LW:® while ( ... ) { 525 ... break ®LC®; ... // terminate compound526 ... break ®LS®; ... // terminate switch527 ... break ®LIF®; ... // terminate if528 ... continue ®LF;® ... // resume loop529 ... break ®LF®; ... // terminate loop530 ... continue ®LW®; ... // resume loop531 ... break ®LW®; ... // terminate loop527 ... break ®LC®; ... 528 ... break ®LS®; ... 529 ... break ®LIF®; ... 530 ... continue ®LF;® ... 531 ... break ®LF®; ... 532 ... continue ®LW®; ... 533 ... break ®LW®; ... 532 534 } // while 533 535 } // for 534 536 } else { 535 ... break ®LIF®; ... // terminate if537 ... break ®LIF®; ... 536 538 } // if 537 539 } // switch … … 562 564 } ®LC:® ; 563 565 \end{cfa} 566 & 567 \begin{cfa} 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 // terminate compound 576 // terminate switch 577 // terminate if 578 // continue loop 579 // terminate loop 580 // continue loop 581 // terminate loop 582 583 584 585 // terminate if 586 587 588 589 \end{cfa} 564 590 \end{tabular} 565 \caption{Multi-level Resume/Termination}566 \label{f:MultiLevel ResumeTermination}591 \caption{Multi-level Exit} 592 \label{f:MultiLevelExit} 567 593 \end{figure} 568 569 \begin{comment}570 int main() {571 LC: {572 LS: switch ( 1 ) {573 case 3:574 LIF: if ( 1 ) {575 LF: for ( ;; ) {576 LW: while ( 1 ) {577 break LC; // terminate compound578 break LS; // terminate switch579 break LIF; // terminate if580 continue LF; // resume loop581 break LF; // terminate loop582 continue LW; // resume loop583 break LW; // terminate loop584 } // while585 } // for586 } else {587 break LIF; // terminate if588 } // if589 } // switch590 } // compound591 {592 switch ( 1 ) {593 case 3:594 if ( 1 ) {595 for ( ;; ) {596 while ( 1 ) {597 goto LCx;598 goto LSx;599 goto LIF;600 goto LFC;601 goto LFB;602 goto LWC;603 goto LWB;604 LWC: ; } LWB: ;605 LFC: ; } LFB: ;606 } else {607 goto LIF;608 } L3: ;609 } LSx: ;610 } LCx: ;611 }612 613 // Local Variables: //614 // tab-width: 4 //615 // End: //616 \end{comment}617 618 594 619 595 Both labelled ©continue© and ©break© are a ©goto©\index{goto@\lstinline $goto$!restricted} restricted in the following ways: … … 920 896 class C { 921 897 int i, j; 922 int mem() { ®// implicit "this" parameter923 ® i = 1; ®// this->i 924 ® j = 3; ®// this->j 925 ®}898 int mem() { §\C{\color{red}// implicit "this" parameter}§ 899 i = 1; §\C{\color{red}// this->i}§ 900 j = 2; §\C{\color{red}// this->j}§ 901 } 926 902 } 927 903 \end{C++} … … 929 905 \begin{cfa} 930 906 struct S { int i, j; }; 931 int mem( S & this ) { // explicit "this" parameter932 ®this.®i = 1; // "this" is not elided907 int mem( S &®this® ) { §\C{// explicit "this" parameter}§ 908 ®this.®i = 1; §\C{// "this" is not elided}§ 933 909 ®this.®j = 2; 934 910 } … … 938 914 \CFA provides a ©with© clause/statement (see Pascal~\cite[\S~4.F]{Pascal}) to elided the "©this.©" by opening a scope containing field identifiers, changing the qualified fields into variables and giving an opportunity for optimizing qualified references. 939 915 \begin{cfa} 940 int mem( S &this ) ®with this® { // with clause941 i = 1; ®// this.i942 ® j = 2; ®// this.j 943 ®}916 int mem( S &this ) ®with this® { §\C{// with clause}§ 917 i = 1; §\C{\color{red}// this->i}§ 918 j = 2; §\C{\color{red}// this->j}§ 919 } 944 920 \end{cfa} 945 921 which extends to multiple routine parameters: … … 992 968 Exception handling provides two mechanism: change of control flow from a raise to a handler, and communication from the raise to the handler. 993 969 Transfer of control can be local, within a routine, or non-local, among routines. 994 Non-local transfer can cause stack unwinding, i.e.,non-local routine termination, depending on the kind of raise.970 Non-local transfer can cause stack unwinding, \ie non-local routine termination, depending on the kind of raise. 995 971 \begin{cfa} 996 972 exception_t E {}; §\C{// exception type}§ … … 1001 977 try { 1002 978 f(...); 1003 } catch( E e : §boolean-predicate§ ) { §\C {// termination handler}§979 } catch( E e : §boolean-predicate§ ) { §\C[8cm]{// termination handler}§ 1004 980 // recover and continue 1005 } catchResume( E e : §boolean-predicate§ ) { §\C{// resumption handler} §981 } catchResume( E e : §boolean-predicate§ ) { §\C{// resumption handler}\CRT§ 1006 982 // repair and return 1007 983 } finally { … … 1230 1206 1231 1207 As for \Index{division}, there are exponentiation operators for integral and floating-point types, including the builtin \Index{complex} types. 1232 Unsigned integral exponentiation\index{exponentiation!unsigned integral} is performed with repeated multiplication (or shifting if the base is 2).1233 Signed integral exponentiation\index{exponentiation!signed integral} is performed with repeated multiplication (or shifting if the base is 2), but yields a floating-point result because $ b^{-e}=1/b^e$.1208 Unsigned integral exponentiation\index{exponentiation!unsigned integral} is performed with repeated multiplication\footnote{The multiplication computation is optimized to $O(\log y)$.} (or shifting if the base is 2). 1209 Signed integral exponentiation\index{exponentiation!signed integral} is performed with repeated multiplication (or shifting if the base is 2), but yields a floating-point result because $x^{-y}=1/x^y$. 1234 1210 Hence, it is important to designate exponent integral-constants as unsigned or signed: ©3 \ 3u© return an integral result, while ©3 \ 3© returns a floating-point result. 1235 1211 Floating-point exponentiation\index{exponentiation!floating point} is performed using \Index{logarithm}s\index{exponentiation!logarithm}, so the base cannot be negative. … … 1446 1422 int w, x, y, z, & ar[3] = { x, y, z }; §\C{// initialize array of references}§ 1447 1423 &ar[1] = &w; §\C{// change reference array element}§ 1448 typeof( ar[1] ) p; §\C{// (gcc) is int, i.e.,the type of referenced object}§1449 typeof( &ar[1] ) q; §\C{// (gcc) is int \&, i.e.,the type of reference}§1450 sizeof( ar[1] ) == sizeof( int ); §\C{// is true, i.e.,the size of referenced object}§1451 sizeof( &ar[1] ) == sizeof( int *) §\C{// is true, i.e.,the size of a reference}§1424 typeof( ar[1] ) p; §\C{// (gcc) is int, \ie the type of referenced object}§ 1425 typeof( &ar[1] ) q; §\C{// (gcc) is int \&, \ie the type of reference}§ 1426 sizeof( ar[1] ) == sizeof( int ); §\C{// is true, \ie the size of referenced object}§ 1427 sizeof( &ar[1] ) == sizeof( int *) §\C{// is true, \ie the size of a reference}§ 1452 1428 \end{cfa} 1453 1429 … … 1788 1764 1789 1765 In detail, the brackets, ©[]©, enclose the result type, where each return value is named and that name is a local variable of the particular return type.\footnote{ 1790 \Index*{Michael Tiemann} , with help from \Index*{Doug Lea}, provided named return values in g++, circa 1989.}1766 \Index*{Michael Tiemann}\index{Tiemann, Michael}, with help from \Index*{Doug Lea}\index{Lea, Doug}, provided named return values in g++, circa 1989.} 1791 1767 The value of each local return variable is automatically returned at routine termination. 1792 1768 Declaration qualifiers can only appear at the start of a routine definition, \eg: … … 2245 2221 2246 2222 Currently, there are no \Index{lambda} expressions, \ie unnamed routines because routine names are very important to properly select the correct routine. 2223 2224 2225 \section{Tuple} 2226 2227 In C and \CFA, lists of elements appear in several contexts, such as the parameter list of a routine call. 2228 \begin{cfa} 2229 f( ®2, x, 3 + i® ); §\C{// element list}§ 2230 \end{cfa} 2231 A list of elements is called a \newterm{tuple}, and is different from a \Index{comma expression}. 2232 2233 2234 \subsection{Multiple-Return-Value Functions} 2235 \label{s:MRV_Functions} 2236 2237 In standard C, functions can return at most one value. 2238 To emulate functions with multiple return values, \emph{\Index{aggregation}} and/or \emph{\Index{aliasing}} is used. 2239 In the former situation, the function designer creates a record type that combines all of the return values into a single type. 2240 For example, consider a function returning the most frequently occurring letter in a string, and its frequency. 2241 This example is complex enough to illustrate that an array is insufficient, since arrays are homogeneous, and demonstrates a potential pitfall that exists with aliasing. 2242 \begin{cfa} 2243 struct mf_ret { 2244 int freq; 2245 char ch; 2246 }; 2247 2248 struct mf_ret most_frequent(const char * str) { 2249 char freqs [26] = { 0 }; 2250 struct mf_ret ret = { 0, 'a' }; 2251 for (int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; ++i) { 2252 if (isalpha(str[i])) { // only count letters 2253 int ch = tolower(str[i]); // convert to lower case 2254 int idx = ch-'a'; 2255 if (++freqs[idx] > ret.freq) { // update on new max 2256 ret.freq = freqs[idx]; 2257 ret.ch = ch; 2258 } 2259 } 2260 } 2261 return ret; 2262 } 2263 2264 const char * str = "hello world"; 2265 struct mf_ret ret = most_frequent(str); 2266 printf("%s -- %d %c\n", str, ret.freq, ret.ch); 2267 \end{cfa} 2268 Of note, the designer must come up with a name for the return type and for each of its fields. 2269 Unnecessary naming is a common programming language issue, introducing verbosity and a complication of the user's mental model. 2270 That is, adding another named type creates another association in the programmer's mind that needs to be kept track of when reading and writing code. 2271 As such, this technique is effective when used sparingly, but can quickly get out of hand if many functions need to return different combinations of types. 2272 2273 In the latter approach, the designer simulates multiple return values by passing the additional return values as pointer parameters. 2274 The pointer parameters are assigned inside of the routine body to emulate a return. 2275 Using the same example, 2276 \begin{cfa} 2277 int most_frequent(const char * str, char * ret_ch) { 2278 char freqs [26] = { 0 }; 2279 int ret_freq = 0; 2280 for (int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; ++i) { 2281 if (isalpha(str[i])) { // only count letters 2282 int ch = tolower(str[i]); // convert to lower case 2283 int idx = ch-'a'; 2284 if (++freqs[idx] > ret_freq) { // update on new max 2285 ret_freq = freqs[idx]; 2286 *ret_ch = ch; // assign to out parameter 2287 } 2288 } 2289 } 2290 return ret_freq; // only one value returned directly 2291 } 2292 2293 const char * str = "hello world"; 2294 char ch; // pre-allocate return value 2295 int freq = most_frequent(str, &ch); // pass return value as out parameter 2296 printf("%s -- %d %c\n", str, freq, ch); 2297 \end{cfa} 2298 Notably, using this approach, the caller is directly responsible for allocating storage for the additional temporary return values, which complicates the call site with a sequence of variable declarations leading up to the call. 2299 Also, while a disciplined use of ©const© can give clues about whether a pointer parameter is going to be used as an out parameter, it is not immediately obvious from only the routine signature whether the callee expects such a parameter to be initialized before the call. 2300 Furthermore, while many C routines that accept pointers are designed so that it is safe to pass ©NULL© as a parameter, there are many C routines that are not null-safe. 2301 On a related note, C does not provide a standard mechanism to state that a parameter is going to be used as an additional return value, which makes the job of ensuring that a value is returned more difficult for the compiler. 2302 Interestingly, there is a subtle bug in the previous example, in that ©ret_ch© is never assigned for a string that does not contain any letters, which can lead to undefined behaviour. 2303 In this particular case, it turns out that the frequency return value also doubles as an error code, where a frequency of 0 means the character return value should be ignored. 2304 Still, not every routine with multiple return values should be required to return an error code, and error codes are easily ignored, so this is not a satisfying solution. 2305 As with the previous approach, this technique can simulate multiple return values, but in practice it is verbose and error prone. 2306 2307 In \CFA, functions can be declared to return multiple values with an extension to the function declaration syntax. 2308 Multiple return values are declared as a comma-separated list of types in square brackets in the same location that the return type appears in standard C function declarations. 2309 The ability to return multiple values from a function requires a new syntax for the return statement. 2310 For consistency, the return statement in \CFA accepts a comma-separated list of expressions in square brackets. 2311 The expression resolution phase of the \CFA translator ensures that the correct form is used depending on the values being returned and the return type of the current function. 2312 A multiple-returning function with return type ©T© can return any expression that is implicitly convertible to ©T©. 2313 Using the running example, the ©most_frequent© function can be written using multiple return values as such, 2314 \begin{cfa} 2315 [int, char] most_frequent(const char * str) { 2316 char freqs [26] = { 0 }; 2317 int ret_freq = 0; 2318 char ret_ch = 'a'; // arbitrary default value for consistent results 2319 for (int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; ++i) { 2320 if (isalpha(str[i])) { // only count letters 2321 int ch = tolower(str[i]); // convert to lower case 2322 int idx = ch-'a'; 2323 if (++freqs[idx] > ret_freq) { // update on new max 2324 ret_freq = freqs[idx]; 2325 ret_ch = ch; 2326 } 2327 } 2328 } 2329 return [ret_freq, ret_ch]; 2330 } 2331 \end{cfa} 2332 This approach provides the benefits of compile-time checking for appropriate return statements as in aggregation, but without the required verbosity of declaring a new named type, which precludes the bug seen with out-parameters. 2333 2334 The addition of multiple-return-value functions necessitates a syntax for accepting multiple values at the call-site. 2335 The simplest mechanism for retaining a return value in C is variable assignment. 2336 By assigning the return value into a variable, its value can be retrieved later at any point in the program. 2337 As such, \CFA allows assigning multiple values from a function into multiple variables, using a square-bracketed list of lvalue expressions on the left side. 2338 \begin{cfa} 2339 const char * str = "hello world"; 2340 int freq; 2341 char ch; 2342 [freq, ch] = most_frequent(str); // assign into multiple variables 2343 printf("%s -- %d %c\n", str, freq, ch); 2344 \end{cfa} 2345 It is also common to use a function's output as the input to another function. 2346 \CFA also allows this case, without any new syntax. 2347 When a function call is passed as an argument to another call, the expression resolver attempts to find the best match of actual arguments to formal parameters given all of the possible expression interpretations in the current scope \cite{Bilson03}. 2348 For example, 2349 \begin{cfa} 2350 void process(int); // (1) 2351 void process(char); // (2) 2352 void process(int, char); // (3) 2353 void process(char, int); // (4) 2354 2355 process(most_frequent("hello world")); // selects (3) 2356 \end{cfa} 2357 In this case, there is only one option for a function named ©most_frequent© that takes a string as input. 2358 This function returns two values, one ©int© and one ©char©. 2359 There are four options for a function named ©process©, but only two that accept two arguments, and of those the best match is (3), which is also an exact match. 2360 This expression first calls ©most_frequent("hello world")©, which produces the values ©3© and ©'l'©, which are fed directly to the first and second parameters of (3), respectively. 2361 2362 \section{Tuple Expressions} 2363 Multiple-return-value functions provide \CFA with a new syntax for expressing a combination of expressions in the return statement and a combination of types in a function signature. 2364 These notions can be generalized to provide \CFA with \emph{tuple expressions} and \emph{tuple types}. 2365 A tuple expression is an expression producing a fixed-size, ordered list of values of heterogeneous types. 2366 The type of a tuple expression is the tuple of the subexpression types, or a \emph{tuple type}. 2367 In \CFA, a tuple expression is denoted by a comma-separated list of expressions enclosed in square brackets. 2368 For example, the expression ©[5, 'x', 10.5]© has type ©[int, char, double]©. 2369 The previous expression has 3 \emph{components}. 2370 Each component in a tuple expression can be any \CFA expression, including another tuple expression. 2371 The order of evaluation of the components in a tuple expression is unspecified, to allow a compiler the greatest flexibility for program optimization. 2372 It is, however, guaranteed that each component of a tuple expression is evaluated for side-effects, even if the result is not used. 2373 Multiple-return-value functions can equivalently be called \emph{tuple-returning functions}. 2374 2375 \subsection{Tuple Variables} 2376 The call-site of the ©most_frequent© routine has a notable blemish, in that it required the preallocation of return variables in a manner similar to the aliasing example, since it is impossible to declare multiple variables of different types in the same declaration in standard C. 2377 In \CFA, it is possible to overcome this restriction by declaring a \emph{tuple variable}. 2378 \begin{cfa}[emph=ret, emphstyle=\color{red}] 2379 const char * str = "hello world"; 2380 [int, char] ret = most_frequent(str); // initialize tuple variable 2381 printf("%s -- %d %c\n", str, ret); 2382 \end{cfa} 2383 It is now possible to accept multiple values into a single piece of storage, in much the same way that it was previously possible to pass multiple values from one function call to another. 2384 These variables can be used in any of the contexts where a tuple expression is allowed, such as in the ©printf© function call. 2385 As in the ©process© example, the components of the tuple value are passed as separate parameters to ©printf©, allowing very simple printing of tuple expressions. 2386 One way to access the individual components is with a simple assignment, as in previous examples. 2387 \begin{cfa} 2388 int freq; 2389 char ch; 2390 [freq, ch] = ret; 2391 \end{cfa} 2392 2393 \begin{sloppypar} 2394 In addition to variables of tuple type, it is also possible to have pointers to tuples, and arrays of tuples. 2395 Tuple types can be composed of any types, except for array types, since array assignment is disallowed, which makes tuple assignment difficult when a tuple contains an array. 2396 \begin{cfa} 2397 [double, int] di; 2398 [double, int] * pdi 2399 [double, int] adi[10]; 2400 \end{cfa} 2401 This examples declares a variable of type ©[double, int]©, a variable of type pointer to ©[double, int]©, and an array of ten ©[double, int]©. 2402 \end{sloppypar} 2403 2404 \subsection{Tuple Indexing} 2405 2406 At times, it is desirable to access a single component of a tuple-valued expression without creating unnecessary temporary variables to assign to. 2407 Given a tuple-valued expression ©e© and a compile-time constant integer $i$ where $0 \leq i < n$, where $n$ is the number of components in ©e©, ©e.i© accesses the $i$\textsuperscript{th} component of ©e©. 2408 For example, 2409 \begin{cfa} 2410 [int, double] x; 2411 [char *, int] f(); 2412 void g(double, int); 2413 [int, double] * p; 2414 2415 int y = x.0; §\C{// access int component of x}§ 2416 y = f().1; §\C{// access int component of f}§ 2417 p->0 = 5; §\C{// access int component of tuple pointed-to by p}§ 2418 g( x.1, x.0 ); §\C{// rearrange x to pass to g}§ 2419 double z = [x, f()].0.1; §\C{// access second component of first component of tuple expression}§ 2420 \end{cfa} 2421 As seen above, tuple-index expressions can occur on any tuple-typed expression, including tuple-returning functions, square-bracketed tuple expressions, and other tuple-index expressions, provided the retrieved component is also a tuple. 2422 This feature was proposed for \KWC but never implemented \cite[p.~45]{Till89}. 2423 2424 \subsection{Flattening and Structuring} 2425 As evident in previous examples, tuples in \CFA do not have a rigid structure. 2426 In function call contexts, tuples support implicit flattening and restructuring conversions. 2427 Tuple flattening recursively expands a tuple into the list of its basic components. 2428 Tuple structuring packages a list of expressions into a value of tuple type. 2429 \begin{cfa} 2430 int f(int, int); 2431 int g([int, int]); 2432 int h(int, [int, int]); 2433 [int, int] x; 2434 int y; 2435 2436 f(x); // flatten 2437 g(y, 10); // structure 2438 h(x, y); // flatten & structure 2439 \end{cfa} 2440 In \CFA, each of these calls is valid. 2441 In the call to ©f©, ©x© is implicitly flattened so that the components of ©x© are passed as the two arguments to ©f©. 2442 For the call to ©g©, the values ©y© and ©10© are structured into a single argument of type ©[int, int]© to match the type of the parameter of ©g©. 2443 Finally, in the call to ©h©, ©x© is flattened to yield an argument list of length 3, of which the first component of ©x© is passed as the first parameter of ©h©, and the second component of ©x© and ©y© are structured into the second argument of type ©[int, int]©. 2444 The flexible structure of tuples permits a simple and expressive function-call syntax to work seamlessly with both single- and multiple-return-value functions, and with any number of arguments of arbitrarily complex structure. 2445 2446 In \KWC \cite{Buhr94a,Till89}, there were 4 tuple coercions: opening, closing, flattening, and structuring. 2447 Opening coerces a tuple value into a tuple of values, while closing converts a tuple of values into a single tuple value. 2448 Flattening coerces a nested tuple into a flat tuple, \ie it takes a tuple with tuple components and expands it into a tuple with only non-tuple components. 2449 Structuring moves in the opposite direction, \ie it takes a flat tuple value and provides structure by introducing nested tuple components. 2450 2451 In \CFA, the design has been simplified to require only the two conversions previously described, which trigger only in function call and return situations. 2452 This simplification is a primary contribution of this thesis to the design of tuples in \CFA. 2453 Specifically, the expression resolution algorithm examines all of the possible alternatives for an expression to determine the best match. 2454 In resolving a function call expression, each combination of function value and list of argument alternatives is examined. 2455 Given a particular argument list and function value, the list of argument alternatives is flattened to produce a list of non-tuple valued expressions. 2456 Then the flattened list of expressions is compared with each value in the function's parameter list. 2457 If the parameter's type is not a tuple type, then the current argument value is unified with the parameter type, and on success the next argument and parameter are examined. 2458 If the parameter's type is a tuple type, then the structuring conversion takes effect, recursively applying the parameter matching algorithm using the tuple's component types as the parameter list types. 2459 Assuming a successful unification, eventually the algorithm gets to the end of the tuple type, which causes all of the matching expressions to be consumed and structured into a tuple expression. 2460 For example, in 2461 \begin{cfa} 2462 int f(int, [double, int]); 2463 f([5, 10.2], 4); 2464 \end{cfa} 2465 There is only a single definition of ©f©, and 3 arguments with only single interpretations. 2466 First, the argument alternative list ©[5, 10.2], 4© is flattened to produce the argument list ©5, 10.2, 4©. 2467 Next, the parameter matching algorithm begins, with $P = $©int© and $A = $©int©, which unifies exactly. 2468 Moving to the next parameter and argument, $P = $©[double, int]© and $A = $©double©. 2469 This time, the parameter is a tuple type, so the algorithm applies recursively with $P' = $©double© and $A = $©double©, which unifies exactly. 2470 Then $P' = $©int© and $A = $©double©, which again unifies exactly. 2471 At this point, the end of $P'$ has been reached, so the arguments ©10.2, 4© are structured into the tuple expression ©[10.2, 4]©. 2472 Finally, the end of the parameter list $P$ has also been reached, so the final expression is ©f(5, [10.2, 4])©. 2473 2474 \section{Tuple Assignment} 2475 \label{s:TupleAssignment} 2476 An assignment where the left side of the assignment operator has a tuple type is called tuple assignment. 2477 There are two kinds of tuple assignment depending on whether the right side of the assignment operator has a tuple type or a non-tuple type, called \emph{Multiple} and \emph{Mass} Assignment, respectively. 2478 \begin{cfa} 2479 int x; 2480 double y; 2481 [int, double] z; 2482 [y, x] = 3.14; // mass assignment 2483 [x, y] = z; // multiple assignment 2484 z = 10; // mass assignment 2485 z = [x, y]; // multiple assignment 2486 \end{cfa} 2487 Let $L_i$ for $i$ in $[0, n)$ represent each component of the flattened left side, $R_i$ represent each component of the flattened right side of a multiple assignment, and $R$ represent the right side of a mass assignment. 2488 2489 For a multiple assignment to be valid, both tuples must have the same number of elements when flattened. 2490 For example, the following is invalid because the number of components on the left does not match the number of components on the right. 2491 \begin{cfa} 2492 [int, int] x, y, z; 2493 [x, y] = z; // multiple assignment, invalid 4 != 2 2494 \end{cfa} 2495 Multiple assignment assigns $R_i$ to $L_i$ for each $i$. 2496 That is, ©?=?(&$L_i$, $R_i$)© must be a well-typed expression. 2497 In the previous example, ©[x, y] = z©, ©z© is flattened into ©z.0, z.1©, and the assignments ©x = z.0© and ©y = z.1© happen. 2498 2499 A mass assignment assigns the value $R$ to each $L_i$. 2500 For a mass assignment to be valid, ©?=?(&$L_i$, $R$)© must be a well-typed expression. 2501 These semantics differ from C cascading assignment (\eg ©a=b=c©) in that conversions are applied to $R$ in each individual assignment, which prevents data loss from the chain of conversions that can happen during a cascading assignment. 2502 For example, ©[y, x] = 3.14© performs the assignments ©y = 3.14© and ©x = 3.14©, which results in the value ©3.14© in ©y© and the value ©3© in ©x©. 2503 On the other hand, the C cascading assignment ©y = x = 3.14© performs the assignments ©x = 3.14© and ©y = x©, which results in the value ©3© in ©x©, and as a result the value ©3© in ©y© as well. 2504 2505 Both kinds of tuple assignment have parallel semantics, such that each value on the left side and right side is evaluated \emph{before} any assignments occur. 2506 As a result, it is possible to swap the values in two variables without explicitly creating any temporary variables or calling a function. 2507 \begin{cfa} 2508 int x = 10, y = 20; 2509 [x, y] = [y, x]; 2510 \end{cfa} 2511 After executing this code, ©x© has the value ©20© and ©y© has the value ©10©. 2512 2513 In \CFA, tuple assignment is an expression where the result type is the type of the left side of the assignment, as in normal assignment. 2514 That is, a tuple assignment produces the value of the left-hand side after assignment. 2515 These semantics allow cascading tuple assignment to work out naturally in any context where a tuple is permitted. 2516 These semantics are a change from the original tuple design in \KWC \cite{Till89}, wherein tuple assignment was a statement that allows cascading assignments as a special case. 2517 Restricting tuple assignment to statements was an attempt to to fix what was seen as a problem with side-effects, wherein assignment can be used in many different locations, such as in function-call argument position. 2518 While permitting assignment as an expression does introduce the potential for subtle complexities, it is impossible to remove assignment expressions from \CFA without affecting backwards compatibility. 2519 Furthermore, there are situations where permitting assignment as an expression improves readability by keeping code succinct and reducing repetition, and complicating the definition of tuple assignment puts a greater cognitive burden on the user. 2520 In another language, tuple assignment as a statement could be reasonable, but it would be inconsistent for tuple assignment to be the only kind of assignment that is not an expression. 2521 In addition, \KWC permits the compiler to optimize tuple assignment as a block copy, since it does not support user-defined assignment operators. 2522 This optimization could be implemented in \CFA, but it requires the compiler to verify that the selected assignment operator is trivial. 2523 2524 The following example shows multiple, mass, and cascading assignment used in one expression 2525 \begin{cfa} 2526 int a, b; 2527 double c, d; 2528 [void] f([int, int]); 2529 f([c, a] = [b, d] = 1.5); // assignments in parameter list 2530 \end{cfa} 2531 The tuple expression begins with a mass assignment of ©1.5© into ©[b, d]©, which assigns ©1.5© into ©b©, which is truncated to ©1©, and ©1.5© into ©d©, producing the tuple ©[1, 1.5]© as a result. 2532 That tuple is used as the right side of the multiple assignment (\ie, ©[c, a] = [1, 1.5]©) that assigns ©1© into ©c© and ©1.5© into ©a©, which is truncated to ©1©, producing the result ©[1, 1]©. 2533 Finally, the tuple ©[1, 1]© is used as an expression in the call to ©f©. 2534 2535 \subsection{Tuple Construction} 2536 Tuple construction and destruction follow the same rules and semantics as tuple assignment, except that in the case where there is no right side, the default constructor or destructor is called on each component of the tuple. 2537 As constructors and destructors did not exist in previous versions of \CFA or in \KWC, this is a primary contribution of this thesis to the design of tuples. 2538 \begin{cfa} 2539 struct S; 2540 void ?{}(S *); // (1) 2541 void ?{}(S *, int); // (2) 2542 void ?{}(S * double); // (3) 2543 void ?{}(S *, S); // (4) 2544 2545 [S, S] x = [3, 6.28]; // uses (2), (3), specialized constructors 2546 [S, S] y; // uses (1), (1), default constructor 2547 [S, S] z = x.0; // uses (4), (4), copy constructor 2548 \end{cfa} 2549 In this example, ©x© is initialized by the multiple constructor calls ©?{}(&x.0, 3)© and ©?{}(&x.1, 6.28)©, while ©y© is initialized by two default constructor calls ©?{}(&y.0)© and ©?{}(&y.1)©. 2550 ©z© is initialized by mass copy constructor calls ©?{}(&z.0, x.0)© and ©?{}(&z.1, x.0)©. 2551 Finally, ©x©, ©y©, and ©z© are destructed, \ie the calls ©^?{}(&x.0)©, ©^?{}(&x.1)©, ©^?{}(&y.0)©, ©^?{}(&y.1)©, ©^?{}(&z.0)©, and ©^?{}(&z.1)©. 2552 2553 It is possible to define constructors and assignment functions for tuple types that provide new semantics, if the existing semantics do not fit the needs of an application. 2554 For example, the function ©void ?{}([T, U] *, S);© can be defined to allow a tuple variable to be constructed from a value of type ©S©. 2555 \begin{cfa} 2556 struct S { int x; double y; }; 2557 void ?{}([int, double] * this, S s) { 2558 this->0 = s.x; 2559 this->1 = s.y; 2560 } 2561 \end{cfa} 2562 Due to the structure of generated constructors, it is possible to pass a tuple to a generated constructor for a type with a member prefix that matches the type of the tuple. 2563 For example, 2564 \begin{cfa} 2565 struct S { int x; double y; int z }; 2566 [int, double] t; 2567 S s = t; 2568 \end{cfa} 2569 The initialization of ©s© with ©t© works by default because ©t© is flattened into its components, which satisfies the generated field constructor ©?{}(S *, int, double)© to initialize the first two values. 2570 2571 \section{Member-Access Tuple Expression} 2572 \label{s:MemberAccessTuple} 2573 It is possible to access multiple fields from a single expression using a \emph{Member-Access Tuple Expression}. 2574 The result is a single tuple-valued expression whose type is the tuple of the types of the members. 2575 For example, 2576 \begin{cfa} 2577 struct S { int x; double y; char * z; } s; 2578 s.[x, y, z]; 2579 \end{cfa} 2580 Here, the type of ©s.[x, y, z]© is ©[int, double, char *]©. 2581 A member tuple expression has the form ©a.[x, y, z];© where ©a© is an expression with type ©T©, where ©T© supports member access expressions, and ©x, y, z© are all members of ©T© with types ©T$_x$©, ©T$_y$©, and ©T$_z$© respectively. 2582 Then the type of ©a.[x, y, z]© is ©[T_x, T_y, T_z]©. 2583 2584 Since tuple index expressions are a form of member-access expression, it is possible to use tuple-index expressions in conjunction with member tuple expressions to manually restructure a tuple (\eg, rearrange components, drop components, duplicate components, etc.). 2585 \begin{cfa} 2586 [int, int, long, double] x; 2587 void f(double, long); 2588 2589 f(x.[0, 3]); // f(x.0, x.3) 2590 x.[0, 1] = x.[1, 0]; // [x.0, x.1] = [x.1, x.0] 2591 [long, int, long] y = x.[2, 0, 2]; 2592 \end{cfa} 2593 2594 It is possible for a member tuple expression to contain other member access expressions. 2595 For example, 2596 \begin{cfa} 2597 struct A { double i; int j; }; 2598 struct B { int * k; short l; }; 2599 struct C { int x; A y; B z; } v; 2600 v.[x, y.[i, j], z.k]; 2601 \end{cfa} 2602 This expression is equivalent to ©[v.x, [v.y.i, v.y.j], v.z.k]©. 2603 That is, the aggregate expression is effectively distributed across the tuple, which allows simple and easy access to multiple components in an aggregate, without repetition. 2604 It is guaranteed that the aggregate expression to the left of the ©.© in a member tuple expression is evaluated exactly once. 2605 As such, it is safe to use member tuple expressions on the result of a side-effecting function. 2606 \begin{cfa} 2607 [int, float, double] f(); 2608 [double, float] x = f().[2, 1]; 2609 \end{cfa} 2610 2611 In \KWC, member tuple expressions are known as \emph{record field tuples} \cite{Till89}. 2612 Since \CFA permits these tuple-access expressions using structures, unions, and tuples, \emph{member tuple expression} or \emph{field tuple expression} is more appropriate. 2613 2614 It is possible to extend member-access expressions further. 2615 Currently, a member-access expression whose member is a name requires that the aggregate is a structure or union, while a constant integer member requires the aggregate to be a tuple. 2616 In the interest of orthogonal design, \CFA could apply some meaning to the remaining combinations as well. 2617 For example, 2618 \begin{cfa} 2619 struct S { int x, y; } s; 2620 [S, S] z; 2621 2622 s.x; // access member 2623 z.0; // access component 2624 2625 s.1; // ??? 2626 z.y; // ??? 2627 \end{cfa} 2628 One possibility is for ©s.1© to select the second member of ©s©. 2629 Under this interpretation, it becomes possible to not only access members of a struct by name, but also by position. 2630 Likewise, it seems natural to open this mechanism to enumerations as well, wherein the left side would be a type, rather than an expression. 2631 One benefit of this interpretation is familiarity, since it is extremely reminiscent of tuple-index expressions. 2632 On the other hand, it could be argued that this interpretation is brittle in that changing the order of members or adding new members to a structure becomes a brittle operation. 2633 This problem is less of a concern with tuples, since modifying a tuple affects only the code that directly uses the tuple, whereas modifying a structure has far reaching consequences for every instance of the structure. 2634 2635 As for ©z.y©, one interpretation is to extend the meaning of member tuple expressions. 2636 That is, currently the tuple must occur as the member, \ie to the right of the dot. 2637 Allowing tuples to the left of the dot could distribute the member across the elements of the tuple, in much the same way that member tuple expressions distribute the aggregate across the member tuple. 2638 In this example, ©z.y© expands to ©[z.0.y, z.1.y]©, allowing what is effectively a very limited compile-time field-sections map operation, where the argument must be a tuple containing only aggregates having a member named ©y©. 2639 It is questionable how useful this would actually be in practice, since structures often do not have names in common with other structures, and further this could cause maintainability issues in that it encourages programmers to adopt very simple naming conventions to maximize the amount of overlap between different types. 2640 Perhaps more useful would be to allow arrays on the left side of the dot, which would likewise allow mapping a field access across the entire array, producing an array of the contained fields. 2641 The immediate problem with this idea is that C arrays do not carry around their size, which would make it impossible to use this extension for anything other than a simple stack allocated array. 2642 2643 Supposing this feature works as described, it would be necessary to specify an ordering for the expansion of member-access expressions versus member-tuple expressions. 2644 \begin{cfa} 2645 struct { int x, y; }; 2646 [S, S] z; 2647 z.[x, y]; // ??? 2648 // => [z.0, z.1].[x, y] 2649 // => [z.0.x, z.0.y, z.1.x, z.1.y] 2650 // or 2651 // => [z.x, z.y] 2652 // => [[z.0, z.1].x, [z.0, z.1].y] 2653 // => [z.0.x, z.1.x, z.0.y, z.1.y] 2654 \end{cfa} 2655 Depending on exactly how the two tuples are combined, different results can be achieved. 2656 As such, a specific ordering would need to be imposed to make this feature useful. 2657 Furthermore, this addition moves a member-tuple expression's meaning from being clear statically to needing resolver support, since the member name needs to be distributed appropriately over each member of the tuple, which could itself be a tuple. 2658 2659 A second possibility is for \CFA to have named tuples, as they exist in Swift and D. 2660 \begin{cfa} 2661 typedef [int x, int y] Point2D; 2662 Point2D p1, p2; 2663 p1.x + p1.y + p2.x + p2.y; 2664 p1.0 + p1.1 + p2.0 + p2.1; // equivalent 2665 \end{cfa} 2666 In this simpler interpretation, a tuple type carries with it a list of possibly empty identifiers. 2667 This approach fits naturally with the named return-value feature, and would likely go a long way towards implementing it. 2668 2669 Ultimately, the first two extensions introduce complexity into the model, with relatively little perceived benefit, and so were dropped from consideration. 2670 Named tuples are a potentially useful addition to the language, provided they can be parsed with a reasonable syntax. 2671 2672 2673 \section{Casting} 2674 In C, the cast operator is used to explicitly convert between types. 2675 In \CFA, the cast operator has a secondary use, which is type ascription, since it forces the expression resolution algorithm to choose the lowest cost conversion to the target type. 2676 That is, a cast can be used to select the type of an expression when it is ambiguous, as in the call to an overloaded function. 2677 \begin{cfa} 2678 int f(); // (1) 2679 double f(); // (2) 2680 2681 f(); // ambiguous - (1),(2) both equally viable 2682 (int)f(); // choose (2) 2683 \end{cfa} 2684 Since casting is a fundamental operation in \CFA, casts need to be given a meaningful interpretation in the context of tuples. 2685 Taking a look at standard C provides some guidance with respect to the way casts should work with tuples. 2686 \begin{cfa}[numbers=left] 2687 int f(); 2688 void g(); 2689 2690 (void)f(); // valid, ignore results 2691 (int)g(); // invalid, void cannot be converted to int 2692 2693 struct A { int x; }; 2694 (struct A)f(); // invalid, int cannot be converted to A 2695 \end{cfa} 2696 In C, line 4 is a valid cast, which calls ©f© and discards its result. 2697 On the other hand, line 5 is invalid, because ©g© does not produce a result, so requesting an ©int© to materialize from nothing is nonsensical. 2698 Finally, line 8 is also invalid, because in C casts only provide conversion between scalar types \cite[p.~91]{C11}. 2699 For consistency, this implies that any case wherein the number of components increases as a result of the cast is invalid, while casts that have the same or fewer number of components may be valid. 2700 2701 Formally, a cast to tuple type is valid when $T_n \leq S_m$, where $T_n$ is the number of components in the target type and $S_m$ is the number of components in the source type, and for each $i$ in $[0, n)$, $S_i$ can be cast to $T_i$. 2702 Excess elements ($S_j$ for all $j$ in $[n, m)$) are evaluated, but their values are discarded so that they are not included in the result expression. 2703 This discarding naturally follows the way that a cast to void works in C. 2704 2705 For example, 2706 \begin{cfa} 2707 [int, int, int] f(); 2708 [int, [int, int], int] g(); 2709 2710 ([int, double])f(); // (1) valid 2711 ([int, int, int])g(); // (2) valid 2712 ([void, [int, int]])g(); // (3) valid 2713 ([int, int, int, int])g(); // (4) invalid 2714 ([int, [int, int, int]])g(); // (5) invalid 2715 \end{cfa} 2716 2717 (1) discards the last element of the return value and converts the second element to type double. 2718 Since ©int© is effectively a 1-element tuple, (2) discards the second component of the second element of the return value of ©g©. 2719 If ©g© is free of side effects, this is equivalent to ©[(int)(g().0), (int)(g().1.0), (int)(g().2)]©. 2720 Since ©void© is effectively a 0-element tuple, (3) discards the first and third return values, which is effectively equivalent to ©[(int)(g().1.0), (int)(g().1.1)]©). 2721 % will this always hold true? probably, as constructors should give all of the conversion power we need. if casts become function calls, what would they look like? would need a way to specify the target type, which seems awkward. Also, C++ basically only has this because classes are closed to extension, while we don't have that problem (can have floating constructors for any type). 2722 Note that a cast is not a function call in \CFA, so flattening and structuring conversions do not occur for cast expressions. 2723 As such, (4) is invalid because the cast target type contains 4 components, while the source type contains only 3. 2724 Similarly, (5) is invalid because the cast ©([int, int, int])(g().1)© is invalid. 2725 That is, it is invalid to cast ©[int, int]© to ©[int, int, int]©. 2726 2727 \section{Polymorphism} 2728 Due to the implicit flattening and structuring conversions involved in argument passing, ©otype© and ©dtype© parameters are restricted to matching only with non-tuple types. 2729 The integration of polymorphism, type assertions, and monomorphic specialization of tuple-assertions are a primary contribution of this thesis to the design of tuples. 2730 \begin{cfa} 2731 forall(otype T, dtype U) 2732 void f(T x, U * y); 2733 2734 f([5, "hello"]); 2735 \end{cfa} 2736 In this example, ©[5, "hello"]© is flattened, so that the argument list appears as ©5, "hello"©. 2737 The argument matching algorithm binds ©T© to ©int© and ©U© to ©const char©, and calls the function as normal. 2738 2739 Tuples can contain otype and dtype components. 2740 For example, a plus operator can be written to add two triples of a type together. 2741 \begin{cfa} 2742 forall(otype T | { T ?+?(T, T); }) 2743 [T, T, T] ?+?([T, T, T] x, [T, T, T] y) { 2744 return [x.0+y.0, x.1+y.1, x.2+y.2]; 2745 } 2746 [int, int, int] x; 2747 int i1, i2, i3; 2748 [i1, i2, i3] = x + ([10, 20, 30]); 2749 \end{cfa} 2750 Note that due to the implicit tuple conversions, this function is not restricted to the addition of two triples. 2751 A call to this plus operator type checks as long as a total of 6 non-tuple arguments are passed after flattening, and all of the arguments have a common type that can bind to ©T©, with a pairwise ©?+?© over ©T©. 2752 For example, these expressions also succeed and produce the same value. 2753 \begin{cfa} 2754 ([x.0, x.1]) + ([x.2, 10, 20, 30]); // x + ([10, 20, 30]) 2755 x.0 + ([x.1, x.2, 10, 20, 30]); // x + ([10, 20, 30]) 2756 \end{cfa} 2757 This presents a potential problem if structure is important, as these three expressions look like they should have different meanings. 2758 Furthermore, these calls can be made ambiguous by introducing seemingly different functions. 2759 \begin{cfa} 2760 forall(otype T | { T ?+?(T, T); }) 2761 [T, T, T] ?+?([T, T] x, [T, T, T, T]); 2762 forall(otype T | { T ?+?(T, T); }) 2763 [T, T, T] ?+?(T x, [T, T, T, T, T]); 2764 \end{cfa} 2765 It is also important to note that these calls could be disambiguated if the function return types were different, as they likely would be for a reasonable implementation of ©?+?©, since the return type is used in overload resolution. 2766 Still, these semantics are a deficiency of the current argument matching algorithm, and depending on the function, differing return values may not always be appropriate. 2767 These issues could be rectified by applying an appropriate conversion cost to the structuring and flattening conversions, which are currently 0-cost conversions in the expression resolver. 2768 Care would be needed in this case to ensure that exact matches do not incur such a cost. 2769 \begin{cfa} 2770 void f([int, int], int, int); 2771 2772 f([0, 0], 0, 0); // no cost 2773 f(0, 0, 0, 0); // cost for structuring 2774 f([0, 0,], [0, 0]); // cost for flattening 2775 f([0, 0, 0], 0); // cost for flattening and structuring 2776 \end{cfa} 2777 2778 Until this point, it has been assumed that assertion arguments must match the parameter type exactly, modulo polymorphic specialization (\ie, no implicit conversions are applied to assertion arguments). 2779 This decision presents a conflict with the flexibility of tuples. 2780 \subsection{Assertion Inference} 2781 \begin{cfa} 2782 int f([int, double], double); 2783 forall(otype T, otype U | { T f(T, U, U); }) 2784 void g(T, U); 2785 g(5, 10.21); 2786 \end{cfa} 2787 If assertion arguments must match exactly, then the call to ©g© cannot be resolved, since the expected type of ©f© is flat, while the only ©f© in scope requires a tuple type. 2788 Since tuples are fluid, this requirement reduces the usability of tuples in polymorphic code. 2789 To ease this pain point, function parameter and return lists are flattened for the purposes of type unification, which allows the previous example to pass expression resolution. 2790 2791 This relaxation is made possible by extending the existing thunk generation scheme, as described by Bilson \cite{Bilson03}. 2792 Now, whenever a candidate's parameter structure does not exactly match the formal parameter's structure, a thunk is generated to specialize calls to the actual function. 2793 \begin{cfa} 2794 int _thunk(int _p0, double _p1, double _p2) { 2795 return f([_p0, _p1], _p2); 2796 } 2797 \end{cfa} 2798 Essentially, this provides flattening and structuring conversions to inferred functions, improving the compatibility of tuples and polymorphism. 2247 2799 2248 2800 … … 3231 3783 \section{Auto Type-Inferencing} 3232 3784 3233 Auto type-inferencing occurs in a declaration where a variable's type is inferred from its initialization ex pression type.3785 Auto type-inferencing occurs in a declaration where a variable's type is inferred from its initialization ex\-pression type. 3234 3786 \begin{quote2} 3235 3787 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{3em}}ll@{}} … … 3260 3812 \begin{itemize} 3261 3813 \item 3262 preventing having to determine or write outlong generic types,3814 preventing having to determine or write long generic types, 3263 3815 \item 3264 3816 ensure secondary variables, related to a primary variable, always have the same type. … … 3284 3836 There is also the conundrum in type inferencing of when to \emph{\Index{brand}} a type. 3285 3837 That is, when is the type of the variable more important than the type of its initialization expression. 3286 For example, if a change is made in an initialization expression, it can cause hundreds or thousands ofcascading type changes and/or errors.3287 At some point, a programmer wants the type of the variableto remain constant and the expression to be in error when it changes.3838 For example, if a change is made in an initialization expression, it can cause significant cascading type changes and/or errors. 3839 At some point, a variable type needs to remain constant and the expression to be in error when it changes. 3288 3840 3289 3841 Given ©typedef© and ©typeof© in \CFA, and the strong need to use the type of left-hand side in inferencing, auto type-inferencing is not supported at this time. … … 3498 4050 } 3499 4051 \end{cfa} 3500 \end{comment}3501 3502 3503 \subsection{Memory Management}3504 3505 3506 \subsubsection{Manual Memory Management}3507 3508 Using malloc and free to dynamically allocate memory exposes several potential, and common, errors.3509 First, malloc breaks type safety because it returns a pointer to void.3510 There is no relationship between the type that the returned pointer is cast to, and the amount of memory allocated.3511 This problem is solved with a type-safe malloc.3512 Do.s type-safe malloc does not take any arguments for size.3513 Instead, it infers the type based on the return value, and then allocates space for the inferred type.3514 3515 \begin{cfa}3516 float *f = malloc(); // allocates the size of a float3517 3518 struct S {3519 int i, j, k;3520 };3521 3522 struct S *s = malloc(); // allocates the size of a struct S3523 \end{cfa}3524 3525 In addition to the improved malloc, \CFA also provides a technique for combining allocation and initialization into one step, using the new function.3526 For all constructors defined for a given type (see Operator Overloading), a corresponding call to new can be used to allocate and construct that type.3527 3528 \begin{cfa}3529 type Complex = struct {3530 float real;3531 float imag;3532 };3533 3534 // default constructor3535 3536 void ?{}(Complex &c) {3537 c.real = 0.0;3538 c.imag = 0.0;3539 }3540 3541 3542 3543 // 2 parameter constructor3544 3545 void ?{}(Complex &c, float real, float imag) {3546 c.real = real;3547 c.imag = imag;3548 }3549 3550 3551 int main() {3552 Complex c1; // No constructor is called3553 Complex c2{}; // Default constructor called3554 Complex c3{1.0, -1.0}; // 2 parameter constructor is called3555 3556 Complex *p1 = malloc(); // allocate3557 Complex *p2 = new(); // allocate + default constructor3558 Complex *p3 = new(0.5, 1.0); // allocate + 2 param constructor3559 }3560 \end{cfa}3561 3562 3563 \subsubsection{Automatic Memory Management}3564 3565 \CFA may also support automatic memory management to further improve safety.3566 If the compiler can insert all of the code needed to manage dynamically allocated memory (automatic reference counting), then developers can avoid problems with dangling pointers, double frees, memory leaks, etc.3567 This feature requires further investigation.3568 \CFA will not have a garbage collector, but might use some kind of region-based memory management.3569 3570 3571 \begin{comment}3572 \subsection{Unsafe C Constructs}3573 3574 C programmers are able to access all of the low-level tricks that are sometimes needed for close-to-the-hardware programming.3575 Some of these practices however are often error-prone and difficult to read and maintain.3576 Since \CFA is designed to be safer than C, such constructs are disallowed in \CFA code.3577 If a programmer wants to use one of these unsafe C constructs, the unsafe code must be contained in a C linkage block (see Interoperability), which will be compiled like C code.3578 This block means that the user is telling the tools, .I know this is unsafe, but I.m going to do it anyway..3579 3580 The exact set of unsafe C constructs that will be disallowed in \CFA has not yet been decided, but is sure to include pointer arithmetic, pointer casting, etc.3581 Once the full set is decided, the rules will be listed here.3582 4052 \end{comment} 3583 4053 … … 3803 4273 \label{f:SimpleTasks} 3804 4274 \end{figure} 3805 3806 3807 \begin{comment}3808 \begin{cfa}3809 type Adder = task {3810 int *row;3811 int size;3812 int &subtotal;3813 }3814 \end{cfa}3815 3816 A task may define a constructor, which will be called upon allocation and run on the caller.s thread.3817 A destructor may also be defined, which is called at deallocation (when a dynamic object is deleted or when a local object goes out of scope).3818 After a task is allocated and initialized, its thread is spawned implicitly and begins executing in its function call method.3819 All tasks must define this function call method, with a void return value and no additional parameters, or the compiler will report an error.3820 Below are example functions for the above Adder task, and its usage to sum up a matrix on multiple threads.3821 (Note that this example is designed to display the syntax and functionality, not the best method to solve this problem)3822 \begin{cfa}3823 void ?{}(Adder &a, int r[], int s, int &st) { // constructor3824 a.row = r;3825 a.size = s;3826 a.subtotal = st;3827 }3828 3829 // implicitly spawn thread and begin execution here3830 3831 void ?()(Adder &a) {3832 int c;3833 subtotal = 0;3834 for (c=0; c<a.size; ++c) {3835 subtotal += row[c];3836 }3837 }3838 3839 int main() {3840 const int rows = 100, cols = 1000000;3841 int matrix[rows][cols];3842 int subtotals[rows];3843 int total = 0;3844 int r;3845 3846 { // create a new scope here for our adders3847 Adder adders[rows];3848 // read in the matrix3849 ...3850 for (r=0; r<rows; ++r) {3851 // tasks are initialized on this thread3852 Adders[r] = {matrix[r], cols, subtotals[r]};3853 Adders[r](); // spawn thread and begin execution3854 }3855 } // adders go out of scope; block here until they all finish3856 total += subtotals[r];3857 printf(.total is %d\n., total);3858 }3859 \end{cfa}3860 3861 \subsection{Cooperative Scheduling}3862 3863 Tasks in \CFA are cooperatively scheduled, meaning that a task will not be interrupted by another task, except at specific yield points.3864 In Listing 31, there are no yield points, so each task runs to completion with no interruptions.3865 Places where a task could yield include waiting for a lock (explicitly or implicitly), waiting for I/O, or waiting for a specific function (or one of a set of functions) to be called.3866 This last option is introduced with the yield function. yield is used to indicate that this task should yield its thread until the specified function is called.3867 For example, the code below defines a monitor that maintains a generic list.3868 When a task tries to pop from the list, but it is empty, the task should yield until another task puts something into the list, with the push function.3869 Similarly, when a task tries to push something onto the list, but it is full, it will yield until another task frees some space with the pop function.3870 3871 \begin{cfa}3872 // type T is used as a generic type for all definitions inside3873 // the curly brackets3874 3875 generic(type T) {3876 type Channel = monitor {3877 List(T) list; // list is a simple generic list type3878 };3879 3880 T pop(mutex &Channel(T) ch) {3881 if (ch.list.empty()) {3882 // yield until push is called for this channel3883 yield(push);3884 }3885 return ch.list.pop();3886 }3887 3888 void push(mutex &Channel(T)ch, T val) {3889 if (ch.list.full()) {3890 // yield until pop is called for this channel3891 yield(pop);3892 }3893 ch.list.push(val);3894 }3895 }3896 \end{cfa}3897 3898 A task can also yield indefinitely by calling yield with no arguments.3899 This will tell the scheduler to yield this task until it is resumed by some other task.3900 A task can resume another task by using its functional call operator.3901 The code below shows a simple ping-pong example, where two tasks yield back and forth to each other using these methods.3902 3903 \begin{cfa}3904 type Ping = task {3905 Pong *partner;3906 };3907 3908 void ?{}(Ping &p, Pong *partner = 0) {3909 p.partner = partner;3910 }3911 3912 void ?()(Ping &p) {3913 for(;;) { // loop forever3914 printf(.ping\n.);3915 partner(); // resumes the partner task3916 yield(); // yields this task3917 }3918 }3919 3920 type Pong = task {3921 Ping *partner;3922 };3923 3924 void ?{}(Pong &p, Ping *partner = 0) {3925 p.partner = partner;3926 }3927 3928 void ?()(Pong &p) {3929 for(;;) { // loop forever3930 yield(); // yields this task3931 printf(.pong/n.);3932 partner(); // resumes the partner task3933 }3934 }3935 3936 void main() {3937 Ping ping; // allocate ping3938 Pong pong{ping}; // allocate, initialize, and start pong3939 Ping{pong}; // initialize and start ping3940 }3941 \end{cfa}3942 3943 The same functionality can be accomplished by providing functions to be called by the partner task.3944 \begin{cfa}3945 type Pingpong = task {3946 String msg;3947 Pingpong *partner;3948 };3949 3950 void ?{}(Pingpong &p, String msg, Pingpong *partner = 0) {3951 p.msg = msg;3952 p.partner = partner;3953 }3954 3955 void ?()(Pingpong &p) {3956 for(;;) {3957 yield(go);3958 }3959 }3960 3961 void go(Pingpong &p) {3962 print(.%(p.msg)\n.);3963 go(p.partner);3964 }3965 3966 void main() {3967 Pingpong ping = {.ping.};3968 Pingpong pong = {.pong., ping};3969 ping.partner = pong;3970 go(ping);3971 }3972 \end{cfa}3973 \end{comment}3974 4275 3975 4276 … … 4632 4933 4633 4934 4634 \section{ Comparison with Other Languages}4935 \section{Language Comparisons} 4635 4936 4636 4937 \CFA is one of many languages that attempts to improve upon C. … … 5367 5668 5368 5669 5369 \section{\texorpdfstring{\CFA Keywords}{Cforall Keywords}} 5370 \label{s:CFAKeywords} 5371 5372 \CFA introduces the following new keywords. 5373 5374 \begin{quote2} 5375 \begin{tabular}{lllll} 5376 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} 5377 ©_At© \\ 5378 ©catch© \\ 5379 ©catchResume© \\ 5380 ©choose© \\ 5381 ©coroutine© \\ 5382 \end{tabular} 5383 & 5384 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} 5385 ©disable© \\ 5386 ©dtype© \\ 5387 ©enable© \\ 5388 ©fallthrough© \\ 5389 ©fallthru© \\ 5390 \end{tabular} 5391 & 5392 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} 5393 ©finally© \\ 5394 ©forall© \\ 5395 ©ftype© \\ 5396 ©lvalue© \\ 5397 ©monitor© \\ 5398 \end{tabular} 5399 & 5400 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} 5401 ©mutex© \\ 5402 ©one_t© \\ 5403 ©otype© \\ 5404 ©throw© \\ 5405 ©throwResume© \\ 5406 \end{tabular} 5407 & 5408 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} 5409 ©trait© \\ 5410 ©try© \\ 5411 ©ttype© \\ 5412 ©with© \\ 5413 ©zero_t© \\ 5414 \end{tabular} 5415 \end{tabular} 5416 \end{quote2} 5417 5418 5419 \section{Incompatible} 5670 \section{C Incompatibles} 5420 5671 5421 5672 The following incompatibles exist between \CFA and C, and are similar to Annex C for \CC~\cite{C++14}. … … 5518 5769 struct X { int i; struct X *next; }; 5519 5770 static struct X a; §\C{// forward definition}§ 5520 static struct X b = { 0, ®&a® }; 5771 static struct X b = { 0, ®&a® };§\C{// forward reference, valid in C, invalid in \CFA}§ 5521 5772 static struct X a = { 1, &b }; §\C{// definition}§ 5522 5773 \end{cfa} … … 5533 5784 enum ®Colour® { R, G, B, Y, C, M }; 5534 5785 struct Person { 5535 enum ®Colour® { R, G, B }; §\C {// nested type}§5786 enum ®Colour® { R, G, B }; §\C[7cm]{// nested type}§ 5536 5787 struct Face { §\C{// nested type}§ 5537 5788 ®Colour® Eyes, Hair; §\C{// type defined outside (1 level)}§ … … 5542 5793 }; 5543 5794 ®Colour® c = R; §\C{// type/enum defined same level}§ 5544 Person®.Colour® pc = Person®.®R; 5545 Person®.®Face pretty; §\C{// type defined inside} §5795 Person®.Colour® pc = Person®.®R;§\C{// type/enum defined inside}§ 5796 Person®.®Face pretty; §\C{// type defined inside}\CRT§ 5546 5797 \end{cfa} 5547 5798 In C, the name of the nested types belongs to the same scope as the name of the outermost enclosing structure, \ie the nested types are hoisted to the scope of the outer-most type, which is not useful and confusing. … … 5572 5823 \item 5573 5824 \begin{description} 5825 \item[Change:] remove implicit conversion of ©void *© to or from any ©T *© pointer: 5826 \begin{cfa} 5827 void foo() { 5828 int * b = malloc( sizeof(int) ); §\C{// implicitly convert void * to int *}§ 5829 char * c = b; §\C{// implicitly convert int * to void *, and then void * to char *}§ 5830 } 5831 \end{cfa} 5832 \item[Rationale:] increase type safety 5833 \item[Effect on original feature:] deletion of semantically well-defined feature. 5834 \item[Difficulty of converting:] requires adding a cast (see \VRef{s:StorageManagement} for better alternatives): 5835 \begin{cfa} 5836 int * b = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int) ); 5837 char * c = (char *)b; 5838 \end{cfa} 5839 \item[How widely used:] Significant. 5840 Some C translators already give a warning if the cast is not used. 5841 \end{description} 5842 5843 \item 5844 \begin{description} 5845 \item[Change:] Types must be declared in declarations, not in expressions 5846 In C, a sizeof expression or cast expression may create a new type. For example, 5847 \begin{cfa} 5848 p = (void*)(struct x {int i;} *)0; 5849 \end{cfa} 5850 declares a new type, struct x . 5851 \item[Rationale:] This prohibition helps to clarify the location of declarations in the source code. 5852 \item[Effect on original feature:] Deletion of a semantically welldefined feature. 5853 \item[Difficulty of converting:] Syntactic transformation. 5854 \item[How widely used:] Seldom. 5855 \end{description} 5856 5857 \item 5858 \begin{description} 5574 5859 \item[Change:] comma expression is disallowed as subscript 5575 5860 \item[Rationale:] safety issue to prevent subscripting error for multidimensional arrays: ©x[i,j]© instead of ©x[i][j]©, and this syntactic form then taken by \CFA for new style arrays. 5576 5861 \item[Effect on original feature:] change to semantics of well-defined feature. 5577 5862 \item[Difficulty of converting:] semantic transformation of ©x[i,j]© to ©x[(i,j)]© 5578 \item[How widely used:] seldom.5863 \item[How widely used:] Seldom. 5579 5864 \end{description} 5580 5865 \end{enumerate} 5581 5866 5582 5867 5868 \section{\texorpdfstring{\CFA Keywords}{Cforall Keywords}} 5869 \label{s:CFAKeywords} 5870 5871 \CFA introduces the following new keywords. 5872 5873 \begin{quote2} 5874 \input{../refrat/keywords} 5875 \end{quote2} 5876 5877 5583 5878 \section{Standard Headers} 5584 5879 \label{s:StandardHeaders} … … 5586 5881 \Celeven prescribes the following standard header-files~\cite[\S~7.1.2]{C11} and \CFA adds to this list: 5587 5882 \begin{quote2} 5588 \begin{tabular}{@{}lllll |l@{}}5589 \multicolumn{ 5}{c|}{C11} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\CFA} \\5883 \begin{tabular}{@{}llllll|l@{}} 5884 \multicolumn{6}{c|}{C11} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\CFA} \\ 5590 5885 \hline 5591 5886 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} … … 5595 5890 \Indexc{errno.h} \\ 5596 5891 \Indexc{fenv.h} \\ 5597 \Indexc[deletekeywords=float]{float.h} \\5598 5892 \end{tabular} 5599 5893 & 5600 5894 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} 5895 \Indexc[deletekeywords=float]{float.h} \\ 5601 5896 \Indexc{inttypes.h} \\ 5602 5897 \Indexc{iso646.h} \\ 5603 5898 \Indexc{limits.h} \\ 5604 5899 \Indexc{locale.h} \\ 5605 \Indexc{math.h} \\5606 \Indexc{setjmp.h} \\5607 5900 \end{tabular} 5608 5901 & 5609 5902 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} 5903 \Indexc{math.h} \\ 5904 \Indexc{setjmp.h} \\ 5610 5905 \Indexc{signal.h} \\ 5611 5906 \Indexc{stdalign.h} \\ 5612 5907 \Indexc{stdarg.h} \\ 5908 \end{tabular} 5909 & 5910 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} 5613 5911 \Indexc{stdatomic.h} \\ 5614 5912 \Indexc{stdbool.h} \\ 5615 5913 \Indexc{stddef.h} \\ 5914 \Indexc{stdint.h} \\ 5915 \Indexc{stdio.h} \\ 5616 5916 \end{tabular} 5617 5917 & 5618 5918 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} 5619 \Indexc{stdint.h} \\5620 \Indexc{stdio.h} \\5621 5919 \Indexc{stdlib.h} \\ 5622 5920 \Indexc{stdnoreturn.h} \\ 5623 5921 \Indexc{string.h} \\ 5624 5922 \Indexc{tgmath.h} \\ 5923 \Indexc{threads.h} \\ 5625 5924 \end{tabular} 5626 5925 & 5627 5926 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} 5628 \Indexc{threads.h} \\5629 5927 \Indexc{time.h} \\ 5630 5928 \Indexc{uchar.h} \\ … … 5635 5933 & 5636 5934 \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} 5935 \Indexc{gmp.h} \\ 5936 \Indexc{malloc.h} \\ 5637 5937 \Indexc{unistd.h} \\ 5638 \Indexc{gmp.h} \\5639 \\5640 \\5641 5938 \\ 5642 5939 \\ … … 5647 5944 hence, names in these include files are not mangled\index{mangling!name} (see~\VRef{s:Interoperability}). 5648 5945 All other C header files must be explicitly wrapped in ©extern "C"© to prevent name mangling. 5649 For \Index*[C++]{\CC{}}, the name-mangling issue is handled implicitly because most C header-files are augmented with checks for preprocessor variable ©__cplusplus©, which adds appropriate ©extern "C"© qualifiers.5946 For \Index*[C++]{\CC{}}, the name-mangling issue is often handled internally in many C header-files through checks for preprocessor variable ©__cplusplus©, which adds appropriate ©extern "C"© qualifiers. 5650 5947 5651 5948 … … 5657 5954 5658 5955 \subsection{Storage Management} 5956 \label{s:StorageManagement} 5659 5957 5660 5958 The storage-management routines extend their C equivalents by overloading, alternate names, providing shallow type-safety, and removing the need to specify the allocation size for non-array types. … … 5870 6168 long double remainder( long double, long double ); 5871 6169 5872 [ int, float ] remquo( float, float );§\indexc{remquo}§ 5873 float remquo( float, float, int * ); 6170 float remquo( float, float, int * );§\indexc{remquo}§ 6171 double remquo( double, double, int * ); 6172 long double remquo( long double, long double, int * ); 6173 [ int, float ] remquo( float, float ); 5874 6174 [ int, double ] remquo( double, double ); 5875 double remquo( double, double, int * );5876 6175 [ int, long double ] remquo( long double, long double ); 5877 long double remquo( long double, long double, int * ); 5878 5879 [ int, float ] div( float, float ); // alternative name for remquo 5880 float div( float, float, int * );§\indexc{div}§ 6176 6177 float div( float, float, int * );§\indexc{div}§ §\C{// alternative name for remquo}§ 6178 double div( double, double, int * ); 6179 long double div( long double, long double, int * ); 6180 [ int, float ] div( float, float ); 5881 6181 [ int, double ] div( double, double ); 5882 double div( double, double, int * );5883 6182 [ int, long double ] div( long double, long double ); 5884 long double div( long double, long double, int * );5885 6183 5886 6184 float fma( float, float, float );§\indexc{fma}§ … … 5912 6210 double exp2( double ); 5913 6211 long double exp2( long double ); 5914 float _Complex exp2( float _Complex );5915 double _Complex exp2( double _Complex );5916 long double _Complex exp2( long double _Complex );6212 // float _Complex exp2( float _Complex ); 6213 // double _Complex exp2( double _Complex ); 6214 // long double _Complex exp2( long double _Complex ); 5917 6215 5918 6216 float expm1( float );§\indexc{expm1}§ … … 5920 6218 long double expm1( long double ); 5921 6219 6220 float pow( float, float );§\indexc{pow}§ 6221 double pow( double, double ); 6222 long double pow( long double, long double ); 6223 float _Complex pow( float _Complex, float _Complex ); 6224 double _Complex pow( double _Complex, double _Complex ); 6225 long double _Complex pow( long double _Complex, long double _Complex ); 6226 \end{cfa} 6227 6228 6229 \subsection{Logarithm} 6230 6231 \leavevmode 6232 \begin{cfa}[aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt] 5922 6233 float log( float );§\indexc{log}§ 5923 6234 double log( double ); … … 5930 6241 double log2( double ); 5931 6242 long double log2( long double ); 5932 float _Complex log2( float _Complex );5933 double _Complex log2( double _Complex );5934 long double _Complex log2( long double _Complex );6243 // float _Complex log2( float _Complex ); 6244 // double _Complex log2( double _Complex ); 6245 // long double _Complex log2( long double _Complex ); 5935 6246 5936 6247 float log10( float );§\indexc{log10}§ 5937 6248 double log10( double ); 5938 6249 long double log10( long double ); 5939 float _Complex log10( float _Complex );5940 double _Complex log10( double _Complex );5941 long double _Complex log10( long double _Complex );6250 // float _Complex log10( float _Complex ); 6251 // double _Complex log10( double _Complex ); 6252 // long double _Complex log10( long double _Complex ); 5942 6253 5943 6254 float log1p( float );§\indexc{log1p}§ … … 5952 6263 double logb( double ); 5953 6264 long double logb( long double ); 5954 \end{cfa} 5955 5956 5957 \subsection{Power} 5958 5959 \leavevmode 5960 \begin{cfa}[aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt] 6265 5961 6266 float sqrt( float );§\indexc{sqrt}§ 5962 6267 double sqrt( double ); … … 5973 6278 double hypot( double, double ); 5974 6279 long double hypot( long double, long double ); 5975 5976 float pow( float, float );§\indexc{pow}§5977 double pow( double, double );5978 long double pow( long double, long double );5979 float _Complex pow( float _Complex, float _Complex );5980 double _Complex pow( double _Complex, double _Complex );5981 long double _Complex pow( long double _Complex, long double _Complex );5982 6280 \end{cfa} 5983 6281 … … 6033 6331 long double atan2( long double, long double ); 6034 6332 6035 float atan( float, float ); // alternative name for atan26333 float atan( float, float ); §\C{// alternative name for atan2}§ 6036 6334 double atan( double, double );§\indexc{atan}§ 6037 6335 long double atan( long double, long double ); … … 6221 6519 6222 6520 \begin{cfa} 6223 void ?{}( Int * this ); §\C{// constructor }§6521 void ?{}( Int * this ); §\C{// constructor/destructor}§ 6224 6522 void ?{}( Int * this, Int init ); 6225 6523 void ?{}( Int * this, zero_t ); … … 6476 6774 // implementation 6477 6775 struct Rational {§\indexc{Rational}§ 6478 long int numerator, denominator; // invariant: denominator > 06776 long int numerator, denominator; §\C{// invariant: denominator > 0}§ 6479 6777 }; // Rational 6480 6778
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